#L is for Lilith and Lux and LESBIAAAAANS
L! :)
i have two L name ocs!
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Full Name: Lilith Belasco-Sinclair
Nicknames, If Any: Lils, but only by her friend Elijah and her moms
Hogwarts House: hardcore Slytherin
Gender: female
Sexuality: lesbian
A Song I Associate With Them: Panic Room by Au/Ra, but more of the spooky side instead of the fearful side
3 Important Relationships: Elijah (Lou’s oc), her best friend, Malachai, her leader, and both of her Mom, Daisy and Babs.
2 Fears: she’s basically fearless, except for when it comes to losing her moms or Elijah being in too much danger
1 Element of their backstory: Lilith grew up watching horror films behind her moms’ backs and it really shaped who she is as a person because she’s terrifying.
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Full Name: Lux Elizabeth Dashwood
Nicknames, If Any: i don’t think she has any!
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Gender: female
Sexuality: lesbian
A Song I Associate With Them: Holy by King Princess
3 Important Relationships: Noir (Lou’s OC), her girlfriend, FP, her leader, and her half-siblings Mabel and Maddox
2 Fears: heights, losing Noir bc she’s so in love
1 Element of their backstory: Lux lived most of her life in Greendale so she had no clue she had two half-siblings.
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