#Kyrdra Sparkdawn
feral-worgen · 10 years
More special-snowflake Charr development thoughts under the cut.
Kyrdra's pretty much the same as she's been, backstory-wise, at least for now. I may change it later, but I don't think it will come up often enough to be worth worrying about. With regards to her personality, she's gotten a little bit more development there. Despite coming from Blood Legion, she's shaping up to be quite the team player. She's overly generous and self-sacrificing when it comes to her warband (or nowadays, other gladium), often starving or exposing herself in order to feed and shelter the "less-fortunate." She's quite bitter and defensive about her warband, and refuses to talk about them unless absolutely and unavoidably pressed, in which case she speaks as sparingly as possible. Her shame in being a gladium is mostly tied to the crimes of her warband - she feels shame in that she was too foolish to see what they were doing, or the crimes that they were committing, and didn't do anything against it. She strives to hunt down her warband and destroy every single one of them for what they've done, for what they made her do, but this has, in recent times, kind of been buried. It still is a burning desire within her, but she's not really focused on it anymore. She's busy enough dealing with daily life, and it's such an (effectively) lofty goal for her that she's putting it off. She's not the type of gladium to go on a suicide mission, but as she nears the end of her life, she'd go for it anyways (if any of them still live.) For the most part, she's just doing what work she can to scrape by - anything of value she had was lost during her "trial", so she's quite literally starting from the bottom. Most of the food and income she generates goes to the other gladium, so she ends up living rather meagerly, but she doesn't complain. It's hard enough for her to get any sort of work, even as a scrapper (nobody wants her around), so most of the time, she's relegated to scrapping or hauling. Still learning a lot about Charr culture and society, not sure how I'm going to tweak her in days/weeks to come.
As for Rakk... He's kind of done a 180 in some ways. He's still a defensive, bitter little lump, but his station in life has vastly improved. Rather than being a kind of beaten-up tattered little miser, he's kind of become a greedy hoarder. He's not used to having good things, so he's blowing all his money while he can in a hedonistic, greedy explosion of material wealth. Nice clothes, lots of food, lots of drink, very little gets "saved". Still working out the fine details, but I can see him as being a greedy little monster, trying to take (and hold on to) everything that he can, because he's so used to fighting for the smallest scraps.
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ash-trash · 7 years
5, 15, 24, 28 for Sootwalker, 2, 14, 38(gold, of course), 44 for Kydra, 21, 36, 40, 50 for Sela.
Crusader Sootwalker:
5. What is your OC’s first memory?-The first time her Primus beat a Fahrar-mate for showing magical aptitude, warning the rest of them that magic was evil and dangerous and would only doom them all.
15. If your OC could have any pet, what would they choose? Why?-She’d want a big ol’ sow, or maybe a bear - something bulky and sturdy that can handle whatever’s thrown at it and would be a loyal companion.
24. What is their outlook on life? What is their philosophy / what do they think in general about living?-She’s got a pretty positive outlook, though it does tend towards hedonism. She joined the Vigil to protect others and help those that can’t help themselves… but also for the glory and rewards that come with it - while she will still fight for someone with nothing to give, she’ll be pretty grumpy about it! In general, she thinks living is a good deal and intends to make the most of it while she can.
28. What kind of nervous habits do they have? Do they stim? Do they have any kinds of addictions?-Does addicted to food count? ‘cause… she’s about as close as I could imagine. Sneaks food. Swipes food. A bit greedy. Thinks about food a lot. As far as nervous habits, she tends to adjust her armor, shifting plates and panels here and there.
Kyrdra Sparkdawn:
2. Does your OC collect anything? What do they collect?-She used to have a collection of shiny rocks. Having lost that when she was arrested, now she collects nothing except booze and grudges.
14. What foods does your OC like to eat? What are their least favorite foods?-Meeeeaaaaat. She wants as much meat as she can get, preferably the good cuts. Scrappers don’t tend to get much meat and when they do, it’s whatever they can catch, or scraps and gristle from a real warband’s leftovers. She doesn’t like vegetables, especially leafy greens.
38. What would your character do with a million dollars gold?-A lot of it would be spent on booze, for sure, but she’d probably pay some Ash or Core staff to alter her files and erase all of her past misdeeds. If possible, she’d bribe her way into a command position. Maybe fund an expedition to hunt down and kill the remaining members of her traitorous ‘band…
44. How does your character react/ accept criticism?-HAHAHAH she doesn’t accept criticism. Saying anything remotely negative about her, in front of her, will probably result in her attempting to sledge your knees backwards.
Sela Lunarstep:
21. What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves?-Sela tends to have some anger issues, a few grudges, a little impulsiveness, a loooot of snark and impishness, and perhaps some egotism (though she’d never admit it). As far as pet peeves, I guess her biggest would be people abusing their power/command, or trying to use it as an excuse (”because I’m the legionnaire and I say so!”), but if she doesn’t like someone, she’ll find a lot of annoying things about them.
36. What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain?-I’d say that most of all, she wants her ‘band to be successful, happy, and safe (including herself as fearless leader, of course). She needs them to be safe, to protect them from death if nothing else, though she does often fret about their health, their wellness, nutrition, etc. She can be almost paranoid about that sometimes. I don’t think she’d be willing to sacrifice much of herself or her ‘band, but I doubt she’d have much restriction against losing other ‘bands (especially Blood) if it furthered her own goals. She’s willing to fudge the rules a bit, just not willing to get caught doing it.
40. Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where are they going? What do they wear? Who will they be with?-Probably for a rousing tour of the Citadel, with drinking (at several locales), watching whatever’s going on at the Bane, maybe a few races. She’d either wear her standard gear, leathers and knives, just to be prepared in case of…. whatever, or relax a little bit and wear something more casual, a dressier outfit with less blades and more fabric - snug to show off her sleek form, though still allowing her flexibility.
50. If your character was presented with imminent and unavoidable death/fatality, how would they react? Would they try to avoid death anyways? Would they try to make their last days count?-She’d be devastated, and although she would certainly be making plans for her succession, so that Lunar Warband would continue after her, she’d also be making plans to defeat it. I think her ego would lend itself to some sort of denial - that she would be able to defeat this death, that she would prevail and survive anyways, and that would motivate her to come up with strategies to address it. Overall, once she felt prepared, for either outcome, she’d probably continue life as normal, though a bit more tense.
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ash-trash · 9 years
Heheh. Ashk Box. Rakk - 2, 14, 15 | Kyrdra - 7, 11, 18 | Domitus - 3, 6, 10 | Alcmene - 4, 16, 20
Rakk Smokewraith:
2. Do they have any annoying quirks? If so, what are they?
Alright, so, basically Rakk’s entire cover personality is annoying. He’s bouncy, obnoxious, asks way too many questions, is very easily excitable, and tends to ignore boundaries as well as societal conventions.His true personality on the other hand has much fewer, though there’s certainly a few. One of the first ones that comes to my mind is his penchant for cleanliness - he’s mildly germaphobic, and can tend to be a bit rude about the perceived filthiness of others. He’s a bit domineering at times (especially in bed), which can frustrate others.As far as unique quirks that others might find annoying, perhaps his tendency for his cover personality to fidget a lot, playing with his fur. He’ll run his claws through it, twirl fingers through it, brush it, etc. He just likes how silky soft he feels.
14. Is there anything they are too optimistic about?
His cover personality is pretty optimistic about a lot of things, but to an excessive amount, I’d have to say his assumption that people are going to like him and be his friend. He’s very bouncy and likes to assume that everyone he meets is going to talk to him and want to be his friend and share all their juicy secrets right off the bat.As for his true personality… Honestly, he’s a bit too optimistic about his chances for getting laid. He’s pretty damn egocentric and so usually figures that everyone would fall over themselves to get him in bed, when that’s… almost never the case. I think he’s also a bit too optimistic about how far he can push his body (considering some of the things he does to it), but it’s held out so far.
15. How might they be ignorant or prejudiced?
Well, given his standard Charr upbringing, he’s been taught that humans are bad juju. He really doesn’t like them, although he supports the ceasefire, if only because he’d rather let humans fight dragon minions than good Charr soldiers. After the dragons are taken care of, he’d likely be more than happy to see a revival of the war. He’s also prone to a lot of the standard Charr attitude towards Sylvari - creepy unnatural abominations that probably shouldn’t exist. In the wake of the Pact Fleet Incident, he’s definitely caught up in the outcry of ‘monsters’, and would probably not hesitate about torching some plant-people. He’s also got a bit of inherent Ash elitism (or “rivalry”, if you will), and doesn’t necessarily respect the other Legions as much as he probably should.
Kyrdra Sparkdawn
7. What is the biggest mistake they’ve ever made?
Ohohohoh, well. The biggest mistake she’s ever made, and she would agree, would be trusting her old Legionnaire (back when she was in Flare Warband), or at least trusting him as blindly as she did. That whole mess led to a lot of bad stuff for her (official inquiries, torture, slander, etc.), and effectively ruined her life. She’s recovering, but that was easily the biggest mistake she’s made. Her trust isn’t recovering so well, however.
11. What are their intellectual shortcomings?
She used to be Blood Legion - isn’t that enough for you?Kyrdra is admittedly not very bright. If you give her a task and put her to it, she’ll do just fine, but she struggles with thinking outside of the box or finding innovative ways to do things. She would have difficulty understanding a lot of abstract theories, but she honestly doesn’t really care about much of that, so it doesn’t come up that often. Other intellectual shortcomings are basically just her personality, which limits her more than most other things - how stubborn and arrogant she tends to be.Aside from the aforementioned, she also has difficulty understanding complex vocabulary. Don’t use big words.
18. Are they ever a pushover about something? If so, how?
She used to be. She used to (back in the Flare days) be fairly malleable and easy to control; your perfect Blood Legion grunt.
Nowadays, not so much. She’s learned stubbornness and made it part of herself, and isn’t easily manipulated. I wouldn’t say that she’s a pushover about anything anymore - even if you have her cornered and she has no choice, she’ll still be full of spit and vinegar the whole while. You can’t really get her to do something she doesn’t want to do without a lot of force, and even then, it will be under duress.
Domitus Shardspirit:3. Name one or more of their bad habits.
Hmm. I don’t know that Dom has much in the way of bad habits (he’s more towards the cinnamon roll side of the spectrum), but if I had to pick a few… He’s a bit too flirtatious for his own good, and can be prone to pushing too much for sex. He tends to avoid wanton killing, which I’m pretty sure qualifies as a bad habit for a Charr. He doesn’t wear shoes. Oh, he doesn’t tell people about his injuries unless they’re like seriously life–threatening emergency situations; that’s a bad habit. He zones out a lot and doesn’t really pay good attention.Also he talks with a horrific accent. Does that count?
6. Their romantic relationships?
Eheheheh. So, he’s never actually had a romantic relationship, so I couldn’t say for certain what sort of flaws would crop up in that - however, he’s (very recently become) pretty sexually active, not putting a lot of emotional stock into it. I could imagine that when it came to a relationship, he’d have a lot of difficulty being physically faithful (and perhaps emotionally faithful as well). He’s also pretty inexperienced, if that counts as a flaw? He’s also got a kind of strange sense of priorities and would probably not provide his partner/mate/significant other with enough attention, unless they’re aloof.
10. Some of their emotional shortcomings?
Dom is young and naive, which while not emotional shortcomings in their own right, tend to lead to a lot of his faults. He’s not very good at perceiving the feelings of others and so he can tend to seem somewhat callous and cold at times. He also doesn’t put a lot of stock into sentiment, which contributes to him acting cold. He’s very often detached from the feelings of others, struggling to empathize with them, which can make his interactions seem clumsy or immature. There’s a few more, but those are the big issues that tend to crop up with him.
Alcmene Chillhorn:4. Any addictions? (Food, sex, drugs/alcohol, shopping, power/control, etc.)
I wouldn’t say that she has any addictions per se. She’s fairly weak for a good meal or for affection with her partner, but they’re not necessarily addicting in that she can resist them and live without them. I don’t know if it counts as an addiction, but I suppose the closest thing to one would simply be the need to be needed. She needs to feel needed, and would probably seek that out elsewhere if her current environment wasn’t providing it, though it’s not likely that would ever happen.She’s fairly well-controlled, honestly, though Meatoberfest comes perilously close…
16. Do they have any behaviors and/or beliefs that cannot be adequately justified?
Most of hers are fairly well-justified. The first one that comes to mind that people would question is her undying loyalty and love for her Legionnaire, Vyneera Chillcleave. Vyneera tends to be a bit abrasive, aggressive, destructive, etc. and yet Alcmene consistently trusts her and obeys her almost without question. Although she feels it’s justified, most wouldn’t agree.The other behavior that comes to mind is her arcane desire to protect even the lowliest ‘bandmate, despite the cost to herself. She gets a very maternally protective urge to shield her ‘bandmates and will often put herself in harm’s way to protect or aid them, even if that makes things worse.
20. What is a self-inflicted misery of theirs? (i.e. something they perpetuate themselves)
Hmm. The first thing that comes to mind is that she worries a lot about Vyneera and tends to stress over Vyneera’s health and safety and then keeps loving her to bits anyways. Really, she doesn’t have a lot of self-destructive behaviors at this point, though she does tend to run herself ragged and then pick up even more work, furthering her exhaustion.
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feral-worgen · 10 years
Just trying to compile my thoughts on my GW2 characters' stories. No point in reading unless you're interested in my gross Mary Sue charr, I guess?
Alright, so, Kyr. At the moment, I'm leaning towards "Grew up Blood Legion, became part of the Spark warband right out of the fahrar. They were dispatched to... Iron Marches, perhaps. They aided the efforts there, but after a time, they received new orders and, despite being Blood, took on a more supporting role. Supplies, setting up encampments, etc. Kyr thought this strange, but trusted her warband and just followed orders. Eventually, she was sent back to the Black Citadel alone to meet with a contact and pick up some supplies. She was injured along the way, and her journey took longer than expected. Upon arriving, instead of her contact, there were Ash Legion spies. She was branded a Flame Legion sympathizer and taken to jail. Her warband had apparently been assisting the Flame Legion for the past while (ever since they'd received those new orders), and she'd been too short-sighted to see it or question her legionnaire. The contact she was supposed to meet was a sympathizer agent in the Citadel, and the supplies were weapons to outfit the Flame Legion. After a period of torture and interrogation, and with the word of her Primus, it was decided that she was just blindly following orders and was not directly a sympathizer, although she was certainly on thin ice. Her warband had, while she'd been incarcerated, fully turned to Flame Legion, so she was a Gladium now. She tried for quite some time to find a new warband, but she still had the taint of "Flame sympathizer" on her, despite being found 'innocent'. As such, no one would take her, not even scrappers, and she found herself with nothing. After a period of time, she gave up on searching for a warband, and now simply helps as she can. She avoids giving her name so that people don't recognize her or the Spark warband, and does her part helping where she can as a Gladium. As for Rakk... I dunno, I'm still really sort of confused on a lot of aspects of his lore. After reading, it seems like magic is inherent, but "control" is taught. If that's the case, I still have lots to figure out. What part of his magic first expressed itself (curses, probably?), where does one go to learn this sort of thing (I'd imagine a charr necromancer is probably sort of a pariah?), why did he want to learn it, etc etc. He's going to need some more development.
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