#Kyle and Jason have some major UST
scandalsavagefanfic · 5 years
Is there any chance of you continuing the jason shagged the JL fic but with the titans or batfamily finding out? Like maybe Jason heads to the manor straight after and can't stop laughing (B is still talking cough *yelling* cough at his coworkers) and all the other bats are there for breakfast and Dick just innocently asks what ls so funny. Jason answer ls cause he assumes a. They know and b. It isn't a big deal. Que drama!
Oh sure. Why not 😉
The zeta alert sounds throughout the building. Everyone looks at each other. Everyone who is supposed to be in Titans Tower is, and then some. 
Almost as one they rise and rush to the tubes.
Dick doesn't know what he's expecting really but he's prepared for pretty much anything.
Except, apparently, for Jason, bent at the waist, supporting himself with one hand on the control console and the other clutching his belly. Tears stream out of his eyes and Dick has already taken a step towards him to check for injuries when he realizes the younger man is just laughing.
Well not just laughing. Jason is wheezing, trying to catch his breath. The Titans and... Tim's team, whatever they're going by now, all exchange confused and cautious glances. 
"Jason?" Dick asks, taking another step forward. "Is everything alright?"
The younger vigilante looks up like he's only just realized he has a rather large audience. He straightens, wiping tears from his eyes and trying to catch his breath.
"Yeah," Jason practically gasps. "I'm fine. Bruce just made up for all his past bullshit in one fell swoop is all."
Christ, Dick doesn't like the sound of that at all. He trades a worried look with Tim who asks, "What happened?"
"He came from the Watchtower," Kon interjects and Dick really doesn't like the way sheer amusement plays across Jason's face when he focuses on the clone. "And it's been locked out now."
Jason starts laughing again and collapses back into a chair that Dick is certain he didn't know was there. 
"Jason, what's going on?" 
The urgency in Tim's voice mirrors the anxiety building in Dick's chest. What was Jason doing on the Watchtower? Why's it locked down? 
What on earth is so fucking funny?
"Sorry," Jason says through another bought of giggles. "Ok. It's just, Bruce must not want any of you interrupting their fight."
Everyone perks up at that and glances around the room. Usually fights between the members of the Justice League are a big deal. Like someone is brainwashed or mind controlled or something kind of big deal.
"He's definitely trying to kill them," Jason tacks on to the end of his comments with another uncontrollable chuckle.
"Jesus, Jay, are you serious?" Dick hisses as Tim slips into the seat between Jason and Kon and starts trying to find a way past the lockout. "What are you laughing about then?"
Finally catching his breath, Jason waves Tim off. "It's not like that. It's just..."
Jason pauses and looks around, noticing for the first time just how many people are looking at him. His teal eyes catch on Wally and Bart, Donna and Cassie, Garth, Conner again, and finally land on Kyle.
Then Jason flushes pink and seems to lose a little of his nerve.
Dick isn't--can't--let him off the hook that easily.  "It's just what, Jay?"
Jason chews on his tongue for a moment. "M-maybe we can talk a little more privately?" He mutters it so softly he must know the reaction he's going to get but thought it worth a partial try anyway.
"Not a chance," Kyle snaps down at him. "We all have mentors (or friends anyway) up there and we need to make sure you didn't do anything to them."
Something about the way Kyle phrased that amused Jason for a split second. A blink-and-you'll-miss it flicker of something in his eye before he gulps and straightens a little in his seat.
He keeps his attention on Dick, pretending no one else is in the room. Which certainly does not bode well.
"You remember a couple weeks ago I told you B found out about, uh..." Jason suddenly seems intensely focused on his boots but he continues, speaking even quieter, "about me and Slade. And Talia?"
Dick freezes. And so does the rest of the room. Tim's head snaps their direction. Slade's name draws the Titans' attentions. Talia's catches Tim's. 
It's not very likely Jason told Tim exactly what he's talking about. They're all probably thinking this is mask related business. Dick doesn't image Jason can hide the truth from everyone and still adequately explain.
"Yeah..." he hedges, unsure and uncomfortable with where this looks like it's going. 
"Well... he may have also found out about this, um, understanding I have with Luthor--"
"Jesus christ, Jason--" Dick hisses.
"And he may have tried to get the Justice League to stage an intervention," Jason continues, looking back up at Dick's face. He's red as a tomato but there's something... amused lingering in his expression despite the embarrassment. "He may have, uh, misjudged how interested they'd be in intervening."
It takes a whole long minute for Dick to realize what he's saying; for the implication to sink in. It's just too outrageous of thing to think of. Jason hooking up with villains for perks was a shock but... villains both seem like exactly Jason's style of rebellion and the types to take advantage of the offer. But the Justice League?
Dick just sits there blinking at him, jaw slightly agape, for several moments. 
Finally everything kicks into gear. 
"You're sleeping with the Justice League too?!" Dick all but shouts at him. 
It was reactionary and he regrets it immediately. Jason flinches at the sudden outburst but Tim falls out of the chair completely while the others crowd closer with shocked gasps and proclamations. 
"Who?" Donna asks, sounding more curious than anything.
"Which Leaguers?" Kyle demands simultaneously sounding a lot more jealous than he probably intends to.
Dick tosses Rayner a scowl as Jason's eyes flicker up to the young Green Lantern briefly before darting back down to his lap looking mortified. 
"Well, I promised Flash a date before B kicked me out, so... all of them, I guess," Jason mumbles. 
The room lapses into stunned silence as Dick sinks into a chair and flops back against it. He can't hardly believe it. His little brother is... 
"So..." Conner hums in a way that sounds amused, "you've fucked both my dads?"
Jason can't keep the little smirk off his face as he nods. 
His little brother is fucking Superman. Dick's mind reels from overexertion. 
"Who... who's the best?" Kyle asks, all previous venom in his tone evaporated. 
Jason turns a truly brilliant, irresistible smile up at the Green Lantern and it's suddenly easy to see how heroes and villains alike get sucked into Jason's sphere.
"Diana," he answers without hesitation. 
There's a brief pause as everyone digests that information.
Then Donna smirks. "I knew it."
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