Ok but can we talk about how Grell and Ronald is probably one of Grell's healthiest dynamics that she has in the whole Kurusitsuji series?
(We can talk about Othello and Grell on another time I love them too and they are very cute but I wanna focus on these two first)
Also this isnt a ship post! I just enjoy their dynamic!!!
Ronald is the one of the only ones who doesn't resort to violence when it comes to dealing with Grell.
I feel like this pannel sums up Roanlds opinion on her pretty well. Ronald is impresed by Grell's skills and finds her cool but he can tell when she is going over the top and has to stop, and he verbally reminds her, without resorting into violence or threatening her.
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He has restrainded Grell before, but it wasn't in a violent way. Infact, he doesn't even say hurtful words to her and just tells her to wait, which in response Grell eventually does. If it were William in that situation he would've probably cut her with his death sychte or something of the sort.
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We can also tell Ronald has a lot of respect for Grell, regarding her as "Senpai". He respects her as a superior.
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He does tease Grell for her age though. I cannot deny that. But its just cute playful banter.
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Ronald also finds Grell's crush on Sebastian very annoying since he gets in the way of not only Grell's work but his as well. But what I find intresting here is he doesn't stop her from interacting with Sebastian, he just reminds her to not forget about what she was sent there for in the first place: soul collecting.
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I just love the way Grell tells Ronald "You want to be punished too?" giving him a reminder to not make the same mistake as her, not that she really minds being punished but she knows Ronald is just a youngster trying to get a job done and he wouldn't enjoy it.
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This pannel is so badass on Grells side yet so cute and funny on Ronalds side. They both compliment each other very well because every time one is carefree, the other one is a bit more serious but not verbally or physically abusive. Also, can we talk about how respectful Ronald is here? The way he thanks her for giving him his glasses is so cute.
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Tell me another grim reaper that we know of who will 100% comply with Grell's requests like Ronald does. Literally name me ONE grim reaper who will do this just because Grell asked for it. Ronald doesn't want to do this and most importantly he doesn't have too, yet he still does it.
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And I mean a big reason to stan this dynamic duo is because they are hot as fuck I mean look at them.
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Also I did this in honor of Ronald Knox making his comeback after 3 years! I missed him so much. Hope we can see a Grell and Ronald team up soon!<3
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Happy birthday to: Ciel Phantomhive
You might cringe a bit while reading this but hes a major comfort character to me so yeah, expect me to go off here.
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First I would like to start off with listing some of his best traits:
An exceptional leader.
Inspires unsweving loyalty in his servants.
Genuienly concerned for the well-being of his loved ones.
Attentive to the needs of everyone, especially his servants.
Intelligent yet childish.
He can be caring, even though he tries to hide it.
He is patient. (people can argue about this but if he wasn't patient he would've gotten rid of Soma and many others given the opportunity.)
He is kind. Even to Sebastian sometimes.
He is mentally strong (people can also debate about this but if I was in his shoes I would've been far worse than him.)
Makes his servants feel at home.
Inspires people to be better. (For example: His servants, Prince Soma and Sieglinde Sullivan)
Has great capacity for love, even though hes hesitant to show affection.
He is understanding.
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Fun facts about O!Ciel
He enjoys reading, especially mystery novels.
Hates spicy food. (However he did enjoy the curry bread given to him by Agni and Soma)
Can speak fluently in French and understands Latin.
Struggles with German but does understand a few words.
Enjoys horseback riding.
He is extremly fond of sweets.
O!Ciel's favorite flower is the Sterling Silver Rose.
His favorite animals are horses and dogs.
He despises bad food, but is willing to only eat it for diplomatic reasons.
O!Ciel is the second most popular Kurusitsuji character.
He used to bealive in Santa and when his brother told him Santa isn't real he stayed up all night trying to confirm Santa's existence.
He calls Tanaka "Grandpa".
Enjoys milk with honey.
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Favorite quotes by O!Ciel:
"What of it? You're another person, so of course you look different. What is there to be ashamed of?"
"I am indeed arrogant. However, im not so arrogant as to boast irresponsiably that I could save anyone."
"We have no need for the past. All we need are the present and future."
"I won't stop you if you want to become a doctor and live quietly in a remote village with Wolfram, because you're my friend. But, because you're my friend, I'm also certain of one thing. You'll never be able to stop learning. New knowledge. New expiriences. The more of them you gain, the more you'll want to apply them to the creation of something brand new."
"If we are to die one day, wouldn't it be better to have no regrets?"
"After all, justice in this world is just a bunch of principles, made by those with power to suit themselves."
"Is there truly any human who is not arrogant?"
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Once Again, Happy birthday!
I know there is no way in hell he could ever see this, But honestly I couldn't care less. I am grateful to Yana Toboso for creating such a fantastic, Well-written character. He is a type of character in which I can greatly sympathize with and understand.
Despite his extremly morally ambigious traits, I admire him greatly. Because he is someone who despite everything he's been through, he keeps moving forward and is determined to win, no matter the circumstances.
I won't get very personal in this area but the way he deals with trauma and the way his ptsd is depicted as is something I can relate to big time. Im glad Yana took the time to show it accurately.
I just wish I could go up to him and give him a big hug because he really needs one. I am so proud of him and everything he has accomplished.
With everything going on in the manga, I know his mental health is probably in the worst spot right now, but I hope he continues to be strong.
I love him so much and I know many people of the Kurusitsuji fandom think the same! The fact he is very loved outside the story and also very loved inside Kurusitsuji as well is something that makes me very happy.
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Its actually sad that in the same day of his birthday he lost everything dear to him. But I am so proud of him for having the courage to keep fighting.
Happy birthday Ciel, I love you<3
(oh and happy birthday to this little bitch too I guess.)
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