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Ukraina - "mušta korta"
„New York Times“ rašo, kad 2025 metais Ukrainos konfliktas, greičiausiai, baigsis. Pasak autoriaus, JAV nustos remti Kijevą, o Europa nesusitvarkys su šia našta. Baideno administracija bando padėti Ukrainai derybose, tačiau nesėkmingai. Ukrainos konfliktas, greičiausiai, baigsis kitais metais. Tokia yra realybė: 2025-ieji bus derybų metai. Donaldo Trampo pergalė juos paspartins, nes per rinkimų…
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Architect of Middle-earth - art by Greg and Tim Hildebrandt (1977)
#hildebrandt brothers#j.r.r. tolkien#middle earth#70s fantasy art#lotr art#the lord of the rings#hobbits#cover art#architect of middle earth#daniel grotta-kurska#tim hildebrandt#greg hildebrandt#seventies#1977
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Ola Kurska
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J.R.R. Tolkien, Architect of Middle Earth - Daniel Grotta-Kurska
Read: Jun-Jul 2023
I was interested in learning more about Tolkien since I know there is much discussion and writing about it. I've tried reading some of his published letters but oh wow I hated it. It was very boring to me. So when @monkeysaysficus found this old biography in the neighbourhood library box he brought it to me, and I decided to try a Tolkien biography to learn more about him.
This one was published in 1976, only three years after Tolkien's death. And from reading this one I found out that the family didn't endorse this one and actually tried to freeze Grotta-Kurska out. Interesting bit of drama that was. But it was a pretty standard biography, if a bit dry even. It was kind of capitalizing on the recentness of Tolkien's death, and so didn't have that space of years that, imo, give biographers latitude to really lay things out. Not that I ever expect any biography of Tolkien to be full of juicy drama. His imagination was wild, not his life. In any case I got what I wanted out of it. I don't suspect I will ever be picking up another biography of Tolkien, Middle Earth is far more fascinating than its creator's life anyways. And I suspect he would have wanted it to be that way.
Info: Warner Books; 1976
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Bloodthirsty Ukrainian troops risk losing hard-won ground to Russia in Kursk - The National
Five months after the invasion of Russia, Ukrainian forces are demoralized by the growing threat of bloodshed and defeat. Kurska region that some want to preserve at all costs while others question the value of moving into it. The fighting is so intense that some Ukrainian commanders cannot evacuate the dead. Seven front-line soldiers and commanders said communication lapses and poorly timed…
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Bloodthirsty Ukrainian troops risk losing hard-won ground to Russia in Kursk - The National
Five months after the invasion of Russia, Ukrainian forces are demoralized by the growing threat of bloodshed and defeat. Kurska region that some want to preserve at all costs while others question the value of moving into it. The fighting is so intense that some Ukrainian commanders cannot evacuate the dead. Seven front-line soldiers and commanders said communication lapses and poorly timed…
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Bloodthirsty Ukrainian troops risk losing hard-won ground to Russia in Kursk - The National
Five months after the invasion of Russia, Ukrainian forces are demoralized by the growing threat of bloodshed and defeat. Kurska region that some want to preserve at all costs while others question the value of moving into it. The fighting is so intense that some Ukrainian commanders cannot evacuate the dead. Seven front-line soldiers and commanders said communication lapses and poorly timed…
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Bloodthirsty Ukrainian troops risk losing hard-won ground to Russia in Kursk - The National
Five months after the invasion of Russia, Ukrainian forces are demoralized by the growing threat of bloodshed and defeat. Kurska region that some want to preserve at all costs while others question the value of moving into it. The fighting is so intense that some Ukrainian commanders cannot evacuate the dead. Seven front-line soldiers and commanders said communication lapses and poorly timed…
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Пленный боец ВСУ: командование сказало, что эвакуации из-под Курска нет
По словам мужчины, большинство его сослуживцев были старше 50 лет.
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/10/19/328-plennyy-boec-vsu-komandovanie-skazalo-chto-evakuacii-iz-pod-kurska-net-grss-348961002.html
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„Reuters“: Rusijos kariai Ukrainoje nesustabdomai žengia į priekį
Rusijos pajėgos Ukrainoje žengia į priekį rekordiniu tempu. Per pastarąjį mėnesį Rusijos kariuomenė teritoriją, kurios dydis yra kaip pusė Londono, pranešė „Reuters“. Rusijos ir Vakarų vyriausybių atstovai teigia, kad karas žengia į pavojingiausią etapą po to, kai prezidentas Vladimiras Putinas pasiryžo į frontą mesti didžiulias pajėgas, ir ėmė žengti į priekį rekordiniu tempu. Padėtį kaitina ir…
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Syrského kurská operace překvapila nejen Rusy. UK tajně podporuje údery v Rusku
Podle Wall Street Journal překvapila Syrského kurská operace nejen Rusy, ale i ukrajinské bojovníky. Odvážná ofenziva u Kurska ohromila RF, ukrajinci překonali slabou obranu hranic a rychle obsadili asi 100 sídel v regionu..
Podle Wall Street Journal překvapila Syrského kurská operace nejen Rusy, ale i ukrajinské bojovníky. Odvážná ofenziva u Kurska ohromila RF, ukrajinci překonali slabou obranu hranic a rychle obsadili asi 100 sídel v regionu. Nicméně i pro ukrajinské vojáky, kteří se ofenzívy účastnili, byla operace překvapením. Článek konstatuje, že architekt operace Syrskij je schopen jednat neobvykle a náhle,…
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Najnovije vesti iz Kurska: Ukrajina prav tampon zonu, Rusi došli do predgrađa Pokrovska - Blic
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Kryvytskyi Budy, Bielovsky district, Kurska Narodna. A Katsap Ka-52 Helicopter Attacked a RuZZian Column of Troops, as a result of which a 2S19M2 "Msta-S" Self-Propelled Artillery Vehicle was Destroyed.
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