#Kuroki gensai
melikedraw · 1 day
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Is my all time goat kuroki gensai wearing a thong? (I'm not complaining)
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rottencarr0t · 2 days
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Bear. That's all.
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smutbutoutofnowhere · 29 days
started watching Kengan Ashura in the worst possible time
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itshirohi · 2 months
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Kuroki drawing for a friend :>
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sawpaingsheadband · 2 months
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I like doing these, have some more.
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zincbart · 5 months
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karolinevassalor · 5 months
When someone say Ohma/Ryuki/Koga are the strongest.
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Am I the only one who noticed kuroki gensai sounds like doppo orochi a bit 😭
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dogvio · 2 months
Kuroki Gensai is terrifying but
Okay so lemme throw you Kengan lovers an olive branch. You all need to understand that while Kuroki is super strong, don't forget that he's still fighting the Connector (if that chance ever comes around again). We've seen his victories - we've seen his skill but even then, we don't even know what else the Connector would be capable of. Shen literally lowered himself to Gaoh Mukaku's level just to have a little bit of fun.
Of course, that's to say that anything can happen. Anything can go down in a manga like this. I think it's just such a huge disservice to these characters when people immediately turn against them just cause they can't beat a certain obstacle/rival. It's that kind of thinking that makes these characters as just action figures you can crush against each other but not love genuinely. You gotta love 'em - badass moments and getting their asses handed to them moments.
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amechyofsorts · 4 months
The Yujiro vs Kuroki equivalency is still a big bunch of shit though. Like, not even gassing up Yujiro really, but they don't really hold them same kind of position even in story, so it's just kinda awkward when the crossovers pretend that they do.
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smutbutoutofnowhere · 1 month
mostly some headcanons but kind of nsfw mentioned(?) and freader
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ok so i think everyone knows most of the Kengan fighters are womanizers or perverted or both and it even confirms it in fandom app so i had this idea
most of these fighters would probably want sons such as Lihito, Sen and Raian
all of them were very excited about their s/o’s pregnancy and were already bragging about how they will play or raise their sons and how their sons will be as successful as them etc
but when the gender was finally revealed, they were all flabbergasted as they found out they were going to be a girl dad
of course, disappointed and frustrated they don’t think about it much at first because its their baby and they would still love their daughter but they all wished to have son so its kinda a bothersome thing for them
although they weren’t that happy to have a babygirl at first, the moment the unborn child would kick right where their hand was on their s/o’s belly their minds would probably start to change as they feel warm inside. if they would have to admit, it was adorable and heartwarming how their unborn daughter was already keen on to them
of course, they will immediately fall in love when they hold their daughter for the first time. so small so fragile so adorable..especially when the new born babygirl would hold their big fingers with her small hand they automatically bond with her
eventually they turn from a womanizer to an overprotective girl dad who supports women rights hardcore
they would probably be very overprotective of their little girl and they would be very fond of her, buying all the toys she wanted, making tea parties with her, watching girly cartoons with her..and if any other kid or adult ever tried to harm her or even make her upset its over for them
i can guess that they would be very curious and suspicious if their daughter even had a male friend they would dislike her guy friends probably but because of how much they love their daughter they would act like they like her male friends
yea a small hedcanon idea i guess lol
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atfearsend · 6 days
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sawpaingsheadband · 1 month
Ohma, my darling, I am not saying that the Life Advance makes you stupid, but maybe you should apply some tactics against a master like Kuroki.
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gabi-theladylover · 1 year
made my first "comic".
Translation under the cut because I'm too tired to redo the text in English.
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Kaneda: Hey, hey Himuro come and see!
Himuro: oh, wut happen-WHAT THE FUCK.
Lihito: We were gonna go to the cinema but, god fucking damn it, we got stuck in these poses.
Himuro: I'm not even gonna question it...
Kaneda: We think (basically just me) that it's because we're missing Leonardo
Okubo: So, we wanted to ask you if you wanna be Leonardo, 'cause you're alread-
Himuro: NO
Okubo: Y tho?
Himuro: Because it's for idiots.
The other three: No shit. Also, your motif is wrong, sucker.
Big sigh
Himuro: Wouldn't it be easier to call, I dunno, Koga or Falcon? They both like Turtles and Ninjas.
Lihito: First of all, talk less, God dammit; Second of all, we invited Kuroki and he's currently waitinf for us outside the cinema.
Change of places: TO KUROKI!
Kuroki: Where the balls are those youngsters...
Kuroki:... and what the fuck is Albert doing, God dammit, how embarrassing... I regret taking him as my student.
Himuro: So... you're telling me you invited Kuroki "The Devil Lance" Gensai to see TMNT: Mutant Chaos with you? And he accepted? And he's currently waiting for you, but you are all currently frozen in these poses because you're missing Leonardo?
The other three: YES
Himuro: I'M IN
The 4 idiots get to the cinema
Lihito: Hai Kuroki!!!!! We made it!!!! :3
Kuroki: about time.
Lihito: sory :(
Kuroki: Ya know you can take those costumes off? You're adults now.
Himuro: I hate everyone of you. EVERYONE. Die fucking southerners.
Lihito: it happens.
Big ass explosion
The five of them: whatafak.
Kuroki: thank god Albert died.
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karolinevassalor · 1 month
Imeko(mc):* use mantra tantrum*
Kaneda: *faint*
Cosmo:*feel dizzy*
Ohma: *uncomfortable*
Akoya:you wanna fight?
Gensai:interesting. *unbothered otherwise*
Raian: *turned on*Wanna fuck?!
Imeko run, jump to top of Julius: :P
Little scenario for the upcoming Kengan Ashura fic
Ps: mc's martial art is kalari and mostly based on master Cyril style from Kenichi
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Chapter 18 - Le Petit Empereur
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"Miss Kisara, are you safe?" Kiryu asked, gently placing his hand on her shoulders. "We should be safe here, but you should go and hide just in case." "What is going on, Setsuna?" the change in his personality was a complete 180 from the psychopathic pervert that was so desperate to have Ohma acknowledge him as his eternal rival and lover... Or something close enough that would have them both kill each other at the end. "There's danger in the stadium. I have to go back and evacuate the others." he actually seemed... Caring. Still, there was something weird, almost delusional about him. "Please, be careful. The enemy is incredibly powerful and it's Ohma he wants." "...The Tiger's Vessel again?" she muttered, confused as she thought that weirdo was dead already - Or at least, close to that. "Setsuna. You're injured." Kisara pointed out, noticing the blood soaking his white shirt sleeve, and leaking down from his hand, and drenching the grass. "Don't worry about me. I have to go... Get Miss Shion and Tomoko... And Mr. Yamashita too. If only I had some way to stop him..." Setsuna kept mumbling to himself, and his body was twitching, losing balance even. He seemed even more unstable than before. "Hey, Setsuna - Calm down a bit. You look troubled. Come on, talk to me, what's going on?" but in the very moment that Kisara extended her hand towards the man, hoping to give back the very same pleasantry that he had graced her with, under the guise of benevolent saving and caring for - He turned abruptly and attempted to attack her with his special move. Kisara wasn't expecting this, and she immediately stepped back, trying to turn and activate the indestructible, though she had no idea if it would even work - But she was saved. "I found you, Kiryu Setsuna. I won't let you have your way anymore." it was Ohma - Her saviour, as always, though the red head had no idea how he was able to find her... Or, rather, how had he any idea that she had gone missing. "Are you going to defend your own defiler?!" the opponent's voice was dark and low, ominous even. "I thought he was unstable before, but he's beyond comprehension now. He said he was going to save me and his employer... Because you're in danger. I think he believes the guy who was the master of the guardian with the whole Tiger's Vessel gimmick is on this island." the man grunted in understanding. "He's been broken for a long, long time now." Ohma said, easily parrying Setsuna's move, not even exerting any bit of effort. "You rotate your arm from the elbow down when you use that technique. Did you forget already? I figured it out ten years ago." Kiryu was shrieking, livid, to the point that Kisara was sure his throat must be raw and bleeding. "WHY?!!! WHY ARE YOU PROTECTING TOKITA NIKO??!!!" "It's been ten years and you're still not making any goddamn sense. Listen. Niko's not around anymore." Ohma enlightened him. "Wh-What...? What are you saying, Ohma?! Tokita Niko's right there behind you! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU, OHMA?!" he looked like such a pitiful man, broken beyond repair. Ohma glanced back at his lover, and let out an amused scoff - Though her hair was still a bit messy, the brush in her hand, she almost sported the same hairstyle as Niko, though it wasn't tied down. She also had, very often, that leisure confidence emanating through her, just like her master - It had once annoyed Ohma, yet now, he looked fondly at these similarities. "Stand back, Hasashi Kisara. I'm probably the one that made him this way." he nodded at her before taking a step forward. "It's time to end our destiny."
But Kiryu was still beyond any capacity of rational thinking, recalling the old times, even going as far as to beg Ohma to kill him. So desperately. Though he pleaded to have his life ended, Kiryu fought to kill Ohma, using his Koei style to perfection, even using some of Tokita's own moves... Or was Ohma the one who copied them? Using the Niko style and switching between Katas at a rapid pace, he combined the Flame and Adamantine moves, going for a Redirection tactic next, only to follow up with a Flame hit again. Setsuna was still up, pitying Ohma for being under Tokita Niko's spell. It was now that Ohma recalled that Niko actually died to save him, not because he was weak. Ohma was under the strong influence of the Possessing Spirit, and he had Setsuna up by the neck, ready to snap it. Niko tried to stop him from going berserk, and though he succeeded, he was left severely injured, succumbing to his injuries after fighting Kiryu's master, as his wounds hadn't healed yet.
But Setsuna kept saying that Niko survived, only to contradict himself by claiming he was the one to kill Niko - And then, he admitted to seeing Ohma as his God and make him angry enough to incur his wrath. Setsuna added another man to the equation - This 'He' that taught Ohma the Advance. The real evil. This monster beat Ohma and forced the 'God' into him. The Possessing Spirit. That's how he became the Tiger's Vessel. Though Ohma had no idea of this 'Real Niko' 's identity, he suspected he had to be connected to Tokita Niko in some way, esecially as they shared similar techniques.
It turns out Setsuna trained under this guy and he knows some truth. Tokita and this monster had trained together, but the 'fake' killed his companions and vanished. Setsuna was trained at first by this 'Real Niko', then got sent to his future master, Taira Genzan, though this man had no idea who the 'Real Niko' was. Dubious. Kiryu had mastered two styles by the time he turned 16. Three years later, Ohma desperately tried to search and kill the bastard who cursed him with the Advance, only to be found by Setsuna - They fought, only for Ohma to receive a Rakshasa's Palm to the heart, instantly activating the Advance and making him go on a rampage. It was then that Niko came and put an end to the Advance, saving Ohma from dying from the strain.
According to Setsuna, Niko and the Real Niko both fought to the death - But then, what about the guardian who spoke of the Tiger's Vessel? Something wasn't adding up. Setsuna's words were incomprehensible, completely nonsensical, and he was even punching the air and arguing, belittling with some invisible entity... Was he hallucinating Niko?
"I feel no hatred for him. I feel nothing but pity. Meeting that son of a bitch who calls himself 'The Real Niko' fucked up his entire life. Kiryu Setsuna was just being used by him. Hasashi Kisara, stand back. I was saved by Niko. Now it's my turn to do the saving." Ohma got in a stance, finally serious abought the fight. "Alright. Be careful." she encouraged him briefly, watching the fight between the two eternal rivals.
Though Ohma took blow after blow, he ended up retaliating with ease, and even went as far as to use the Water Kata, technique which he used to hate before. He had achieved such fantastic speed that even Setsuna was surprised. But the fact that the Real Niko forced the Possessing Spirit on Ohma... Meant that... "Ohma, Setsuna must know the Advanced too!" he cried out in realisation. Setsuna tried to block the blows using his own iteration of the Indestructible, yet it was to no avail, thus, he was forced to put some distance. Tokita didn't let him. Instead, he tripped him with the Weeping Willow then tackled him with the Raging Fire move before throwing more blows to him. Kiryu dislocated his own shoulder to escape Ohma's hold and jumping away, he activated his Advance, just as Kisara predicted... But it wasn't quite the Advance. It was the form he used when fighting Nikaido Ren. Some kind of demon form, he says.
"I'll gladly fall to Demonhood, if it means restoring your Godhood." he fancied himself such a martyr, though he was able to hurt Ohma now. However, even with this secret technique of his, he couldn't turn the tables - That's how much damage Setsuna had accumulated. More, the longer he used the Fallen Demon form, the more brain damage he got. He had transcended beyond even his own irrationality - His only goal was to activate Ohma's Advance and die - Hence why Ohma was easily able to predict his move and repelled it. "I knew you'd do that." with that sentence alone, Ohma destroyed Setsuna's whole psyche. "Wh-Why... Why... Why are you still in that form...? You were supposed to become a God again... WHY?!" he shrieked from the ground on which he was laying so pitifully.
Ohma defeated Setsuna using the very same techniques that the man he hated the most created, and with one last hit, he suppressed the autonomic nervous system. The hallucinations were after-effects from overusing the Fallen Demon, so at least now, though they won't heal, they at least won't degenerate further. Ohma looked for one last time at Kiryu Setsuna, before turning around and walking back towards the dome - Only to fall to his knees and cough some blood. In a flurry, Kisara threw herself by his side and wrapped her arms around him. "Shit. He landed a good one at the very end. I couldn't redirect all of it." the man grumbled from the pain. "Ohma... You're really going to die if you continue. Setsuna is defeated, you regained your memories... What else do you want to accomplish?" the man smiled cockily, gazing at the beautiful girl supporting him and holding up steady. "Sorry, but you gotta let me have my way for two more matches. I want to prove the Niko Style's power... OUR power..." his confidence would have been contagious, were it not for Kisara's heart shattering. His hand found its way cupping her face, and with his thumb, he wiped away the single tear that had escaped, though he smeared a bit of blood. "Let's go, Hasashi Kisara, it's about time for our match. I have to show off too. My girlfriend had such a good fight, I can't fall behind, right?" though his lip was busted and blood was dripping down his chin, he pulled her into a deep kiss, neither minding the taste of iron. "Well... I did say I was going to support you. I didn't expect it would be so literal. But... Ohma... You've already made me... Yamashita... Niko proud. Don't forget that, okay?" her voice was uncharacteristically soft and weak - He hated seeing her like this, especially knowing it was him, the cause of it. Still, he had some consolation knowing that she was going to be fine, no matter what happens to him. She was now the CEO of her family's corporation, so she was filthy rich and could afford to follow her dream of travelling the world... Even if it is without him. She also made a ton of friends with just about most of the fighters, Raian included.
Hatsumi was a good man, and he was obviously protective of the girl - He taught her so well in those years. He made Kisara the fighter she is now. Wakatsuki, the man he is going to fight just now, was her best friend, who helped Kisara become financially stable and helped her in taking her path as a fighter. She relied so often on him, his advice, his kindness, that Ohma was almost annoyed, hearing about Takeshi every damn day. Imai Cosmo, the Grappler King, reminded Kisara of her mischievous side, he even became a sort of little brother for her. He would be a good help for her, for ground fights and grappling, especially considering his small posture. Gaolang was also a good teacher, Ohma though, recalling the special technique that Kisara used in her fight, and even the few Muay Thai elbow hits she landed on that colossal man - He was a good addition to her friend group. The peanut gallery was also a cheerful group that could make her forget about her pains and sorrows - It would do her well to hang around such an easy going and jovial bunch. Hopefully, Raian is actually serious about Kisara and isn't just obsessed with her, the way Karla is. No doubt, Kisara would be able to put him at respect. Ohma wants her to find someone strong, to protect her, but also cherish and lover her as if she's more important than the Sun itself. She deserved that, and ever more. And then, there's Kano Agito, the man whom Ohma did not expect Kisara to befriend, let alone train with. In a brief evening conversation, she had mentioned promising him to take him to see the world and experience the real life - He had no clue what video games and movies were. At least she won't be alone when following her dreams.
If only he could be there with her.
Tokita Ohma lived for fighting, and would eventually succumb to fighting, he was well aware of that - Yet leaving Hasashi Kisara will forever remain his only regret.
By the time they returned to the dome, they were informed the semifinals were delayed by two hours, so Ohma could get treated by Hanafusa. He realised that it was Katahara Retuso, the man they encountered just as they left the spot where Setsuna was lying down - Kiryu had killed three of his men - And they told him the details of what happened while fighting against him. It was his way of thanking them. The Chairman's son was really nice, just like his sister. Hanafusa adviced Ohma to get some rest - But did Ohma ever rest? Of course not. With his arm around Kisara's shoulder, he pulled her for a walk around the corridors, only to find Wakatsuki taking a soda from a vending machine. All three were surprised to encounter each other like that - Yet Takeshi got a soda for the other two also, and they sat down on the couch.
"You know, now that I think about it, we've never talked before, have we? How ironic." Takeshi was the first to speak up, as Tokita and Kisara thanked him for the soda. "You're pretty badly injured." "So are you." Ohma agreed, chugging down the soda. "Well done, Kisara." "I really did nothing." she chuckled at the remark. "That was not - Nothing. I did not expect such a good fight. You did very well." Kisara could only chuckle in embarrassment, raking her fingers through her hair. "Now, now, you two, stop flattering me like that. I've got a lot to learn." she admitted, and the other two hummed in agreement. "One of us might die in the next match." the Tiger was solemn about his notice. "Well, it's a match. these things happen." Ohma seemed completely unbothered. "This match is fixed. Our bosses both support Mr. Nogi. The smartest thing to do would be for one of us to step aside... This was my boss's decision, so I don't plan on opposing him. I only put forward one condition - That I would be the one to advance to the finals." Ohma looked with a certain annoyance at Wakatsuki - But Kisara shot up to her feet, turning to face her best friend. "Takeshi. I'm disappointed in you." his jaw dropped and eyes widened - He was bewildered by what he was hearing. "First of all, you are underestimating how much Yamashita Kazuo cares of Ohma. He knows Ohma wants to fight. He won't be swayed by absolutely anything. The Yamashita Trading Corp won't forfeit under any circumstance." she explained simply, making Tokita smirk at her. She knew what was up. "Secondly... A true fighter doesn't care for political problems. A true fighter does just that - Fight. The one who bests the other advances to the finals. The one who deserves to become a finalist will become just that. So... Takeshi. You are my best friend. I'm going to cheer for you, yes... But at the end of the day... Whether you win or lose, is entirely up to your skills. I have fought you once, I know you are strong - But can you defeat Ohma? I can't tell. Do you even deserve to be in the finals?" Wakatsuki was never on the receiving end of her harshness or scolding - He felt weird. Tokita, next to him, got up and put his arm around his girlfriend, smirking in pride at her. "Just as she said, Wakatsuki Takeshi. I'm not stepping aside for anyone. Let's settle this our own way." he chuckled, walking away. Takeshi looked at the two - Seeing them together, made him realise why Kisara liked Tokita Ohma so much. He was a man worth her time. "Yeah. I guess that's our only choice." he smiled, almost nervously, though there was nobody to see it.
Two hours passed so quickly, and now, the semifinals were to finally begin. Ohma looked down at his girlfriend and stole the lucky charm kiss before entering the arena. She needed more reassurance than him. Standing in from of Wakatsuki, in the arena, made Ohma realise why he was so overhyped, to the point that the crowd was cheering only for him - And even dissing the Fang, who had once defeated him. He recalls his fight against Kisara - She must have had such a tough job, going against this scary guy, realising, after four years, that her best friend is actually super creepy and intimidating. His pressure was different than Kure Raian's, and even completely different than Kiryu Setsuna's. The closest thing to it... Is Niko's. It's the pure pressure of a man who's incredibly strong. These types are the toughest to handle.
Guys who are simply strong are uncontrollable once they let loose, and he's so powerful, I should assume I'll lose if he lands a direct hit on me. He must have gone easy at some point when fighting against Kisara - Surely, he wouldn't actually want to murder her - Though those Blast Cores seemed the real deal. Ohma can't let him take the initiative. His style's full contact karate, so he's gonna want to get close. His range is even smaller compared to other styles.
The ref called for them to take their stances, and immediately, Wakatsuki took the basic Karate stance, letting out a war roar that startled the whole auditorium. Ohma realised that, by the way he shifted his stance, there was something off with his right eye. He'll eventually have to put out his left eye in his first rush. Hit and run tactics should  do him well for most of the match. He had to keep his distance.
Wakatsuki delivered the first blow - But he can recover from this, using a Redirection Kata move. He didn't fall down as expected - He kept himself strong, and landed an even stronger hit to his side - Tokita managed to parry it with his forearm, but the fluffy of lower punches was overwhelming him. He can't block all the damage with his indestructible - How the hell did Kisara mess with him for so long? His blows were heavier than Raian's - No wonder she wanted to train with him in combat. If his indestructible was at a 10, Wakatsuki Takeshi's power would be 5 times more. Ohma was finally able to create some distance, yet Takeshi followed up, throwing a jab at him while he was running away. Ohma was send flying away, sliding across the ground for about half the arena. But the Tiger didn't follow up, probably not wanting to take chances against the grappling that took down the Grappler King.
Ohma could use every second of rest he can get, he thought, realising that he miscalculated the range and movement of a guy weighting almost 200 kg. His forearms were destroyed though - He had no way of counting on the indestructible anymore. So that's why Kisara could only take one Blast Core before completely crumbling down. It looked as though he'd go down before he can put his other eye out. Ohma took a ground stance, one knee to the ground while the other was flexed - He was preparing himself, looking as if he was about to draw a sword from a stone, like King Arthur. Seeing as Ohma wasn't moving, Wakatsuki rushed in - Kisara has only seen this technique used once. Demon's Bane. Though nobody could properly see what had happened, Ohma was almost completely lying down, coughing blood, whilst Wakatsuki had flown away, and he was sitting on the ground, shocked that his shoulder was screwed.
The two fighters eventually shot back to their feet and took their stances. Wakatsuki moved in, delivering a kick to his liver - Lucky Ohma, he used the indestructible that saved his liver from rupturing on the spot... But the damage was evidently massive. Takeshi followed up, not giving any time to rest - Ohma was able to evade all of his monstrous punches, and though he tried to hit back even from his blind spot, it seemed that Wakatsuki adapted to seeing out of one eye. He got hit again, this time, in the stomach, and arm, and more - Wakatsuki acknowledged Tokita from the bottom of his heart. He truly is a strong opponent - He should be proud of being defeated by Wakatsuki Takeshi himself! Takeshi unleashed a storm of continuous low kicks to the point that his leg was all screwed - How long can he last in this condition? If he takes his left leg, he couldn't even attempt another counter demon's bane. Can he do it? Can he somehow pull a miracle run an win this?
"FUCK HIM UP, OHMA!" the man heard his girlfriend scream at him. "HANG IN THERE!!! OHMA!!!" Yamashita Kazuo followed up. It was just like in his fight against Raian, the two were cheering on him, supporting him all the way through. "ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP, OHMA!" he heard Kisara follow up. "DIDN'T YOU SAY YOU WERE GONNA WIN?! PLEASE, WIN FOR ME, OHMA!!!" Yamashita Kazuo, too, continued. Those two were really something else. He didn't deserve them.
Watch me, Hasashi Kisara, Yamashita Kazuo - He thought to himself, landing a kick to his organs - But it didn't phase the colossus who retaliated with a shower of rushes - Until he was able to grab ahold of the back of his head, and pulling him forwards, he kicked him painfully hard, continuing with a ton of hits above Ohma's guard. This wasn't Karate, or anything of the sort. It was a desperation that could only be achieved against a strong enemy whom you fear.
Wakatsuki had no clue how the demon's bane worked, so he was more careful with his attack - He threw a left punch as a bluff, and after knocking his upper body off balance, he threw a right straight.
The whole stadium was silent, waiting for the dust to dissipate. On the ground, laying down, unconscious, there was Wakatsuki Takeshi. Ohma was barely able to get up on his feet. He was wobbly, exhausted, huffing and huffing. Like a beast, Wakatsuki's upper body jolted up like the body of Frankenstein's monster - Contorting all the way to stand up once more. With a weak stance, Wakatsuki dragged his heavy body, step by step, towards Tokita... And then fell down once more.
Kisara wanted to run out there, as she's always done - But the tears wouldn't stop escaping. She was destroyed, watching Ohma wobbling, barely able to keep standing up. It was painful. Still, she wiped those tears and stepped towards him. She smiled at him and put his arm around her shoulders, supporting him all the way to the infirmary, where Hanafusa was to care for him. After all, she promised to support him all the way to the top. The finale was the top. And she will be there for him no matter what. Now, more than ever, she knew that Tokita Ohma had no chance to survive. He was a dead man walking.
Ohma was leaning back on the wall and resting, with Kisara in his arms. Yamashita had brought him a soda. The TV was on, so they could watch the second semifinal. "Isn't it around time your friend enters the arena?" Kisara slowly lifted her head from his shoulder and nodded. "Go cheer on him. I know you want to." "But I don't want to leave you." Ohma saw her bottom lip quivering lightly. She had become as emotional as the day they met. "You won't." he smirked at her, his hand caressing her face - She was so afraid of losing him that she feared leaving his side for even one second. After a long consideration time, the red head sighed and with great difficulty, pried herself away from Ohma, looking for Agito. "I thought you'd want to spend more time with Miss Kisara." Yamashita looked at the man with confusion. "I do. But once I'm no longer by her side, she should stick to her other friends. Find someone else." the old man's heart shattered hearing those resolute words, and he, too, found himself fighting back tears. "Yamashita Kazuo. Promise me you won't let her fall." It was a promise from one man to another. A heart to heart promise that could transcend even the borders of life and death. "I promise, Ohma. I promise."
Leaning back on the wall, Kisara looked out towards the arena. The ground was matted back to its original form. The more she looked at it, the more she grew to resent the very passion she loved so whole-heartedly. "It was a good match." Agito's voice startled the girl. "Both yours, and Tokita's." "Agito." she breathed out his name. His face was stern, cold, unreadable. He was in his best fighting form. She didn't know what possessed her - Was it the overflowing emotions of sheer fright? The heartbreak? The anticipation of the inevitable? Kisara threw her arms around the man's large build and squeezed him into the very first embrace that Kano Agito received in his entire life. He could feel her small fingers digging into his back. "No matter what happens out there, please don't die too. I don't want to lose another important person in my life."  Kano looked down at her with wide, shocked eyes. He was bewildered. He had only interacted with her whole a day and a half, and now she's crying in his chest, pleading for him not to die in battle. Agito could understand absolutely nothing about her irrational behaviour... Or, perhaps, that's how normal people acted? Though, he couldn't pin-point the other dead person she was talking about. Except for that psychopath that forked for the Chairman's arch enemy, nobody died in the tournament. Surely, she didn't mean her parents either - She had killed them herself. "We won't die. We won't lose either." Agito place his hands on her shoulders, pulling her away - But as soon as she looked up at him and he noticed that pitiful expression on her face, he gulped. He remembers one time, when Sayaka's puppy died. She was distraught the whole day, and many other days after. Her brother was unable to calm her down, nor the Chairman. Agito could only stand by Katahara's side, watching him desperately try to comfort his little girl, to no avail. Some unseen wounds just cannot heal, not when they are so fresh, Kano realised. But Sayaka  was gifted a new puppy after a small amount of time, and she grew to love that one just as much as the previous one, and her tears of distraught turned into tears of joy and bliss. Life was a vicious cycle, and it spared no woman. It had a single beginning, and a single end, for every being on Earth. "We await our match against Tokita. It's going to be the best fight we've had in a while." thus, Agito squeezed her shoulders, perhaps as a reassurance, before stepping past her, and into the arena.
Kisara waited no more, returning to her lover and cuddling into his side once again, watching the fight unfold on the TV. The two fighters took their stances, and thus, the fight began. Kisara held tightly onto Ohma's wrist, watching Agito get close enough to Kuroki - And then, they had a stare off. The tension surrounding the arena could be felt even from the screen. At first, it was a battle of Pre-Initiative, the very thing that Kano defeated Hatsumi at, but that contest was soon over, as Gensai was the first to strike, throwing a Devil's Lance at Agito's face, only for him to side step and throw a jab at the Master's head - Their attacks were phasing through each other. Kisara chuckled. "I wish I was this good." she said. "They are reading each other's inception of intent so well that they're dodging before the attack even comes." it was exactly that, Ohma noticed. Little by little, the balance began to lose its equilibrium, and Kano's blows began hitting Kuroki. "You're getting there." Ohma patted her back. Still, despite looking as though he had the advantage, Agito received the full hit of a devil's lance to the shoulder. By dodging the left devil lance, Agito's posture broke down. Kuroki followed up with an eye poke, and then another follow up - But Kano led Kuroki's attacks, so he countered it with a right elbow to the master's hand. He didn't pass up the gap, so he continued to attack - Once people could see what was going on, they saw Kuroki with his forearms raised, his guard up in what seemed to be Sanchin. Hatsumi once told her of it - it's supposed to be the simplest, but also, the ultimate Kata in the Ryukyuan karate style. Someone like Master Kuroki Gensai could make this stance become the most perfect, unbreakable shield.
In a battle between masters of Pre-Initiative, once you go on the defensive, it is nigh impossible to recover. Agito was able to land a move that garnered a cough inhale from Kuroki. The man then moved, only to appear as if he lost his posture thanks to Kano's continuous blows. He was using Kuroki like a sandbag. Gensai attempted a chop towards Agito - But the Fang grinned that wicked, monster-like smile of his, taunting the master by easily countering his move, hitting that hand of his, before punching him the hell away. Kano Agito had exceeded Kuroki Gensai's expectations.
"I cannot face a master like you with my martial arts alone." Kano got in the same low stance that he used against Naoya - The stance that he taught Kisara to use, to freak Wakatsuki out. "Allow me to use this Me. All of me." that cheshire grin must have put even Raian's wickedness to shame. "Agito's gone back to his Formless style!" Kisara gasped - Ohma didn't often see her so excited, but this style must be something she wanted to learn. No wonder she wanted to befriend this monster - Just like Hatsumi, he expressed styles that could ply well with her own. First it was Systema, now the Formless style once again. If Kisara was to master these styles the way Kano Agito did, she would be unbeatable, he thinks. Or, at least close to that. The Fang once defeated Wakatsuki Takeshi using his Formless style alone. Now, Ohma defeated the Wild Tiger with his Niko style only. She just needed to polish her techniques with the right people. Kano Agito was the right man for that task now. "Smart move. Kuroki Gensai is a Martial Arts Master, to the point of perfection. I think Agito realised he can't beat him with Martial Arts alone, so he chose an unpredictable style to catch him off guard, to counter him with tactics outside of the limits given by Kuroki's martial arts knowledge." her fighting theory was getting better and better with every fight she watched. With so many tacticians and strategists around her, she needn't him any longer. She will be fine, Ohma reassured himself.
Agito landed strike after strike after strike in a flawless flurry of hits - Yet even with this fantastic strength, Kuroki Gensai was unshaken. He was a genius above all else - And though Kano was tricky, he found an opening. Kuroki attacked with another devil lance - But he got stopped. Ohma was startled by Kisara's jolt and cheerful laugh. The look on Kano Agito's face was a caricature no longer, but his former, collected self. She must have realised the implications behind that man's words. "He's even more unpredictable than me! To think he could change so easily between his Formless and Martial Arts styles - He's fantastic!" Ohma smiled at her. What a child, getting so excited over over some guy catching another's wrist and immobilising him like that, as if she wasn't used to her own Aikido style that generally did the same thing. To think she'd ever get so excited over some guy that wasn't him. What a vixen. "What a monster." Ohma chuckled at her, watching Kuroki getting his left shoulder dislocated and all four fingers of his right hand broken. He had lost both of his devil lances now. He must be in a predicament. Having his wings clipped allowed Agito to reach an even further evolution, a complete mastery of the two sides of him. Only to receive a wound not from Kuroki's left hand, but from his thumb, the only remaining finger left intact.
Master Gensai used centrifugal force to re-set his elbow back in place - To think he would have the skill to perform the impossible with ease... Agito's caution was heightened. He was now on the offensive, making Agito ponder where he would strike from - Left or right? But Kano got it wrong, and whilst his own right hook punch missed, Kuroki's hit caused the Fang such intense pain from the impact that it assailed him. Agito's functions felt declined, all because of the organs, peritoneum, body - His everything was fighting the pain, and this was the only way to keep him stable - He switched to a formless style, only to receive a heavy headbutt that left his right eyes closed. "What the hell..." Kisara gasped, watching Agito completely miss Kuroki once again, and receiving another ruthless hit to his torso... Though he had been hit only three times, Agito felt complete agony. Why did his strikes have such impact? It was nothing compared to either Gaolang Wongsawat, the Thai God of War, who stood at the pinnacle of striking martial arts and possessed the fastest blows, nor the Herculean Wakatsuki Takeshi, who had the most powerful hits in the world. Agito received another right chop to his shoulder, causing him to retreat immediately.
"I think Master Kuroki realised there is a time delay between Agito switching styles." Kisara muttered - Ohma had agreed. "His caution of the devil lance also put him at a disadvantage." he noted. "Just like with Wakatsuki Takeshi, who was cautious against my Devil's Bane, so Kano Agito did the same." the very man got hit with a palm heel then grabbed by the neck of his costume. Agito couldn't expect any of these lands, thus, they all landed. All heavy blows were perfected by decades of training, thus they struck him without warning... And thus, they had impact. Agito got hit with another right straight punch.
"He's throwing punches with his broken fingers?!" Ohma couldn't believe his eyes. "Kano Agito's already using his indestructible. Does that mean they're too powerful for indestructible?" Kuroki did not miss the moment he backed away. He knocked Agito off balance with another palm heel, then a middle knuckle fist. If Kuroki was once used as a sandbag, now, he was the striker. Though Agito was knocked back with a right palm him once more, he was ready to get hit with a devil lance, but Kano finally used his kicks. Why hadn't he used them before, like in his fight with Hatsumi? Kisara had no clue, but at least she realised, he evolved for the thousandth of time.
Once the kick landed, he immediately switched back to the Formless and landed a heavy blow to his head, which was blocked by the master's broken hand. Agito decreased the time interval of the switch by a few milimeters, throwing off the master's calculations, hence allowing the Fang to kick and possibly break the Master's shin.
Formed, yet Formless. Formless, yet Formed. Upon being wounded more than ever before, he obtained a new power. Kano used a left knee hit which got blocked by the Master's forearm, and he closed the distance. Agito smirked confidently, his plan working well in luring his opponent. The very hit that he used to defeat Hatsumi, the hit that was virtually impossible to evade - The Dragon Shot, as he called it - In all of Agito's arsenal, it was his strike with the greatest fire-power.
But the Dragon Shot misfired.
Kano Agito's wrist was completely destroyed. Kisara cringed, one hand immediately slapping over her own wrist - She couldn't imagine the pain he was feeling. Kuroki had used a supinating wristlock. His right hand took the full brunt of the dragon shot, fracturing his thumb, yet he was able to incapacitate Kano's hand completely. Even with all his fingers broken, Kuroki forcibly contracted his muscles to make a fist - There is more to the Kaiwan Style than just the devil lance, after all. "That's just like Niko Style's bone-bonding! How does he know that technique?!" Ohma gasped in shock. Master Kuroki Gensai was the greatest enigma in the world.
Fury. Unease. Despair. These could not even come close to describing the flurry of emotions that gripped Kano Agito. He had fought over the course of 160 matched to repay his debts. He had crossed fists with the strong many, many times over, and each time, he evolved, attaining victory. Now, Agito was facing the biggest wall in his entire life. He instinctively understood that all of his fights had been for this very moment. "Pugno, ergo sum." the girl muttered under her breath. Agito, just like every fighter in the Kengan world, lived to fight. They fight, therefore, they exist.
Agito thought with his very existence in the line. He predicted his opponent's next move, but he was sorely lacking his usual strength, and shook him off. Agito went for a right knee hit, only to get hit himself with a right bent-wrist fist, followed by a right knee to the gut, and much more. No matter what the Fang threw at Kuroki, the Master moved as though he wasn't injured in the least, and deflected him with ease.
Kano's last spring towards the Master proved fatal, as he got struck with a strike to the jaw - An elbow hit used as a counter, used with the full body weight behind it. Agito stopped moving. In the brief moments that Agito was immobilised, Kuroki delivered a new move - Straight punch, Six Strikes. Everyone gasped, realising the legend of The Fang of Metsudo was ending. Though Agito was a monster in all its right. Even with his brain concussed, even with his right arm destroyed, the Emperor would not die. The Fang of Metsudo would not stop. Kano Agito would not falter.
But that moment came at last.
Two great stars collided, and one star fell. The star that shone brighter, shone fiercer, shone stronger - Remained. The name of that Star was... Kuroki Gensai. "Emperor of the Kengan Matches - You, too, were truly strong." the Master acknowledged the fallen champion.
"Fuck. Me." Kisara's jaw was dropped to the floor. The end of an era has ended, and she was there to witness it. "You'll catch flies." Ohma chuckled, pushing her jaw up. "Let's go." Kisara immediately took off all of his bandages and helped him stand. "Can you do this?" she asked, quickly snapping out of that awestruck self, and coming down back to earth. It was the last time she would see Tokita Ohma fighting. It was going to be a legendary fight.
Accompanied by Yamashita Kazuo, the trio were ready to go towards the arena - But were stopped by the Master himself. Kisara felt her breathing halt in place, until the man himself asked for Ohma to have a chat with him. Though the manager was fine returning to the infirmary and make sure the finale can be slightly delayed so they can have this chat, Hasashi Kisara did not move away from her boyfriend, not did Ohma attempt to push her away. His arm remained placed around her body. "You're pretty tough, aren't you, pops? You fought so brutally just a second ago, but you're already fit as a fiddle." the brunet chuckled dryly. "Do not overestimate me. Even I suffered injuries and fatigue. This is an inescapable reality, no matter how strong you may become." Kuroki was modest, for how great of a master he was. "So? What'd you want to talk to me about?" Ohma asked, though he wasn't ready for the conversation that followed. "It's been ten years since Tokita Niko left this world." Ohma's eyes widened in shock. As Kuroki so painfully put it, judging by their awful injuries, there was no guarantee they will both get out alive from this match, thus, he wanted to tell Ohma of the Niko style, as he is its heir.
Kuroki spoke about the lawless zone known as the Inside, and of this man who came, seeking the unification of that land through martial force. He created the basis of the Niko style. His name was Gaoh Mukaku, the final successor of the Gaoh Style of classical Jiu-Jitsu. Though he was a complete army in the body of a single man, even 30 years spent there accomplished nothing - Thus, he decided to pass on his style for the next generation. He raised the orphans from the inside, training them - But Tokita Niko was not a stand alone person. All of his students were named the same - Not only to keep the impression of people from the inside, as Tokita was one of the districts, but to spread the legend. Tokita Niko became a fictional yet charismatic entity, created to rule the Inside. Though the plan worked, their enemies grew in number, thus, Gaoh tried to train them all with a secret technique... However, something happened in that forest. Most of the Nikos were murdered, whilst the survivors scattered, and Gaoh Mukaku was never seen again.
Ohma was skeptical, though he believed his words - Yet how did he know all this, was a different matter. He says his own master was a man who assisted in the compilation of techniques to create the new Niko style. Gaoh Mukaku was a friend of his master, Kazufumi, and they would often swap techniques. It was during that time that he met Niko, who sought him, asking for his help....
The conversation went on for a while, but Ohma was grateful to have this new information about his old master and the fighting style that he uses. Master Kuroki went to get ready for his fight in the finale, whilst Ohma took Kisara with him to see the old man. Yamashita Kazuo pulled some strings to delay the match just long enough to spend some quality time with his fighter. Kazuo placed a towel on the ground and had Ohma lay down for him to give him a Shiatsu massage. Kisara couldn't help but hum in amusement and she sat down next to him, caressing his sea-weed hair. The old man said Cosmo's master taught him how to do massages.
"I have to say, looking at you up close, I didn't realise you had so many scars." the old man's voice wavered softly. "When we first met, I was so surprised by your build, I didn't even notice your scars. I really... Didn't know anything back then." "Of course I'd be covered in scars. I've been fighting for as long as I can remember." he chuckled, showing off his forearm. "Remember this scar, Yamashita Kazuo?" "Ahh! That one! That's from Lihito's Razor's edge, isn't it?" the old man gasped, watching the symbol of Tokita Ohma's first Kengan victory. "It still aches when it rains. Oh - Don't tell Lihito that though, it'll just get to his head." the brunet chuckled lightly. "Ahaha, yeah, I bet Lihito would be happy to hear that." the CEO laughed jovially. "...It's not just Lihito though. The scars from the Medicine man and Sekibayashi still hurt sometimes. So do the scars I got before that. I guess Niko would say - That's the price you pay for your recklessness - Isn't that right, Hasashi Kisara?" the solemn tone of his wasn't enough to snap her out of her trance. "I thought you'd start telling Yamashita Kazuo the history behind every scar on my body. You've seen them all, many times." he even tried to fluster her with subtle implications. Nothing. The fact that he accumulated damage beyond even his capacity was painful enough to accept. The manager looked at the girl's face - She was barely holding herself together. He understood the sentiment all to well. Though he loved Ohma as much as he loved Kenzo and Yasuo... Kisara loved him the same way she loves life itself, or perhaps even more. It was a sentiment beyond his own comprehension. "Hasashi Kisara, help me up, will you?" the man playfully tugged on her arm to get her attention. She moved robotically, but did just as before - Holding tightly onto his body as they walked towards the entrance to the arena. She felt as though she was guiding him to the guillotine and chopping his head off herself. "It's about time now, isn't it? Let's go, Yamashita Kazuo." he smirked cockily at the old man, who nodded, barely fighting back the tears. "Alright." he ushered lowly, following them close behind. "Whoaaa, you hear that? Feels like the stadium's shaking!" everyone was cheering for the finale to start already. It was fascinating. "Ohma. You're strong." the old man admitted. "Now, I haven't seen everyone in the world - And there might be someone even stronger than you out there, for all I know. But to me, YOU are the strongest! You never give up in the face of adversity. You've taught me that true strength is more than just physical strength. I could change myself because of you! YOU SAVED ME! And I'm so ashamed that I haven't done anything to repay you." the old man bowed deeply at his beloved fighter. "Hey." Ohma huffed in amusement. "Thanks. I'm glad I had you as my manager." Ohma said, stepping towards the entrance. "Bye. I'm off now." it sounded like the harshest farewell in history. "MY NAME IS YAMASHITA KAZUO!!!"  the old man screamed, as loud as his lungs held him. That day, when they first met... Yeah, that's right. What a good memory the old man has. "Do you remember the first thing I said to you that day? It wasn't just flattery. I always mean what I say. So I'll ask you one more time - You wanna fight too?" the old man was left behind, only softly able to mutter a response that may or may not have been heard. "Yes... Let's fight... So please come back safe and sound."
Once they reached the very entrance, Ohma pushed himself out of Kisara's arms, putting his hands on her shoulders and squeezing lightly. "You dumbass bookworm, you always did worry too much." Ohma realised she had stopped fighting. Her whole body was shaking and tears were rapidly falling down her face. "That was your cue to call me a Stupid gym rat." she only started crying more. "Ah, come on, stop crying, you know I hate it when you do that." she was just like a little child. Just like four years ago when they first met. "You're supposed to cheer on me all the way to the top. This is the top. Are you gonna bail on me now?" she shook her head, but still couldn't utter any coherent word. Poor girl. Loving so  much was a curse, and being unable to keep your emotions at bay was even worse. He used his fists to eliminate them, while she used tears. Even now, after proper fighter training, after participating in a Kengan match against the veteran himself... Even now, she remained his overly emotional little princess. How cute. "Hasashi Kisara. Won't you give me my good luck kiss?" "Take it yourself." she stammered so much over those three words, that he was almost surprised he understood her. Cupping her face, she gave her the single most tender kiss that they have ever shared. "I love you." Kisara almost jumped at the man, desperately trying to claw back at his hands and put them against her skin - But she remained like a statue where she stood, unable to even shift her gaze and watch him strut to the arena like the proud champion he was. Kisara fell to the ground like a broken doll and started sobbing. The old manager was witness to it all, and never once had he heard such a heart breaking scream as the one Kisara let out. But he was the only one to hear it, being shrouded by the loud cheer of the spectators. She was tugging on her hair, succumbing to the sheer distress and hysteria overtaking her mind -
Until finally, miraculously, she stopped. Yamashita Kazuo heard steps coming forth - He realised there were fighters he was acquainted with, who were not in the seats behind the commentators. Perhaps Kisara sensed them, for although lethargically, she pulled herself back to her feet, deathly quiet. They seemed friends of hers and supporters of Ohma. They walked right past him and stood by her side, one of them patting her shoulder - But she felt nothing. Like an android with no power left, she looked at the fight. All of her senses were cut off.
She watched Ohma take a Marionette-like stance, and once the fight was declared to have begun, he encircled the Master with a flickering footwork. Kuroki easily stopped him, as well as all the strikes Ohma attempted to land. Ohma's body was weak, until it wasn't anymore, and he activated his Advance and caught Kuroki's fist. Kisara whimpered. How she hated that damned secret technique. Ohma abused Kuroki's fist, broken by Agito, and brought the Master to his knees. When he tried to hit him with the devil lance, Tokita retaliated with a right knee, followed with numerous blows that made Gensai back down. All his attacks were blocked. Kuroki was advancing forwards, looking like a heavily armoured soldier.
Kuroki realised that, although Ohma was faster, he was lacking precision while in this state, and he took advantage of that knowledge, striking his face. Ohma evaded another devil lance using the phantom pace, landing a heavy blow to Kuroki's cheek. Ohma evolved. He could use the Advance and the Niko Style together.
Kisara recalled his Advance theory after the conversation he had with Kuroki. Being a master of the Niko style, the Advance was his only choice, despite it being a death wish. Stupid Gym Rat. He knows very well that he's gonna die. Fucking prick. Confessing his love for her whilst telling her he was going to kill himself in the arena. What a fucking inconsiderate shit head. "YO!!! STUPID GYM RAT!!! THE FUCK YOU DOIN'?! FUCK HIM UP ALREADY!!!" she shrieked at him from the top of her lungs. He was right - She promised to cheer on him to the bitter end. She couldn't stop now, even if her whole body was trembling and her voice was breaking.
The Master was impressed by Niko's pupil - He made the Tokita master proud. His blood was boiling as he landed a right downward elbow, but the follow up palm heel didn't come in contact with his opponent. Another person found his way there. Kisara didn't know who it was, but the other fighters there were shocked to see the one man that seemed out of this world completely, joining a bunch of fighters. Why was Kano Agito there? Though he was watching with half of his face bandaged, he could still see very well the fight. Tokita Ohma's Niko style was different than the style that he knew. Why was it different, he wondered? He also wondered why was Kisara trembling, just like before, during his fight? Was she crying again? Was she afraid for Tokita Ohma's life?
"OHMA!!" Agito heard her scream her partner's name, watching as his strike was repelled, and he was sent sliding to the ground painfully. He was back again, and ready to strike - Yet he barely parried another devil lance. Now he tried to confound the opponent, changing directions whilst keeping at top speed. How he could do it, they had no idea... But it was in vain. Kuroki started predicting his movements, and his blows started landing. "S-Stop.... Ohma... Stop... Stop already..." her shoulders were shaking harder, and Agito even heard a sniffle. He couldn't understand what she was feeling, watching her partner getting hit like that, spitting blood and what not. Though Kuroki threw all those hits with the intent of them being finishing blows, he seemed to have dispersed the impact. He was a fiercer foe than even Tokita Niko in his prime.
Kuroki knocked Ohma upwards with a left knee, then brought him down with a left elbow, following with a straight punch: six strikes that shattered his shoulder. He diverted all blows with his redirection move, missing all his vitals, but the amount of damage he has taken is considerable.
Yamashita Kazuo did tell me... That there might be guys out there who are stronger than me. This man is definitely one of them, Ohma thought. Hasashi Kisara is cheering for me, even if she knows it will be the last time she sees me fighting... Or, at all. I can't just give up now. I can't let them down, images of both Kisara and Kazuo flashed before his eyes as he used that cursed technique that he was never able to do properly - The Water Kata, Bind of Pisces technique...
But he got hit with a devil lance as he was holding the man into a tight hold - He was forced to undo the arm bar. His leg was damaged, that's going to affect his footwork and speed considerably. He lost his gambit, unable to break his arm, and now he's suffering from it. He was forced to undo the Advance.
"Will you choose death for your convictions? Then, at least allow me the honour of burying you." Kisara froze, hearing that omen. "DON'T YOU DARE DIE ON ME, YOU STUPID GYM RAT!!!" Kisara shrieked at him, hoping he would hear - And he did. Ohma chuckled, getting in a stance. "Sorry, but I'm not smart like Niko was. Let's save that talk for after the match." he said - It made Agito wonder - Was death such an awful fate, after all? Or was the idea of irreversibly parting from a dear one such a painful concept?
Whatever Ohma did, Kuroki's strikes looked as though they were bending - But not for long. It took less than a second of lost focus to get painfully hit, as his vision was blurring from the loss of blood. He took the brunt of that hit. Idiot. "OHMAAAA!!!!!" he could hear the voice of both Hasashi Kisara and Yamashita Kazuo, waking him up to the real life. is childhood didn't matter anymore, nor did his time with Niko. He had to live in the moment, for as long as he could.
Like a monster, drenched in his own blood, Tokita Ohma didn't fall, no matter how many lethal blows, kicks or devil lances he received. The sheer fighting will-power kept driving him forward. Even when his feet weren't holding him up any longer, he still punched back... Until he couldn't anymore.
Hatsumi couldn't feel the girl's shoulder anymore - Startled, he looked at the spot where she stood, and his heart sank. Kisara had fallen to the ground silent tears falling down her face, as she took deep breaths. Yamashita Kazuo, too, seemed defeated - Why, no one could understand.
Agito had never seen a person as fast as Kisara once she leapt from her spot on the ground, sprinting half-way through the arena and throwing herself at the fallen man. "Baby? Ohma? Love? Are you alive? Please, please, please be alive. I beg of you, be alive. Be alive. Live. Gods, please -- You're the great Asura... You have to live. You're Ohma... You are my Ohma... Please, baby, please be alive. Sweety? Honey? Baby-cakes? Sweetie-pie?" desperately and knowing that the fallen one's main problem was his heart, she tried CPR on him, waiting for the people to get a stretcher and get Ohma to the hospital wing. "... Ohma?" his heart beat was faint, the girl could barely feel it, or his pulse. He seemed broken beyond repair. "Wake up, Ohma, please. Please. Wake up already. I'm afraid. I'm so afraid. I need you, Ohma. Please, open your eyes and look at me. I want to see your eyes again. I want to hear your voice again. Please, Ohma, protect me like you promised. Guide me like you promised. I'm shit at directions - I-Imma get lost. Please, hold my hand." but unlike before during his fight with Raian, Tokita Ohma wasn't conscious at all. He couldn't hear her voice, nor hear her desperate please to him - Thus, he couldn't reassure her in any way. "He fought well." Master Kuroki tried to touch the girl's shoulder, only to get his hand slapped away. He needn't any word for her. He had lost many friends, he could understand her pain.
Finally the stretcher was brought, and they rushed Ohma to the infirmary, where, once again, Hanafusa was to take care of him. Kisara was able to stand up, and just like Ohma's starting stance, she stepped towards where he was going, like a marionette. Hatsumi though he knew the extent of Kisara's love for that guy - But he was wrong. He didn't understand even a small fragment of it. Watching her grief and fear now... He pitied the girl. All the fighters stepped aside, allowing her to walk, followed by the manager. If they called out her name, she had no idea. She was deaf to any voice but Tokita Ohma's.
She held his hand all the time while he was resting in bed, crying uncontrollably for hours and hours, while everyone was enjoying a large party. Even Yamashita was out, unable to see Ohma in such a state, but also, because the medical team was busy treating him. They couldn't run a full test on the island so they were preparing to send him to the mainland as soon as possible. Bullshit. Kisara knew better than this. A little after every doctor left the room, Ohma awoke. The Sun was already setting outside. He cast his glance at the girl sobbing and holding tightly onto his hand - No wonder he felt his whole arm wet. Poor thing. He reached out his other hand to pat her head. Pitifully, she rose her head, smiling back at the man.
"Hasashi Kisara. Let's go for a walk." she merely nodded her head, unplugging him from all devices and supported his body as they sneaked out, towards the forest. He let himself fall down at the base of a tree, pulling the girl down with him, cuddled into his chest. It took a lot of effort to get out here. "Hah. What'd you know. I see Niko." he chuckled weakly. "What is he saying?" the girl asked, her her head resting against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. "He says I did well. One step short from beating that guy. Didn't think I'd see him again after regaining my memories. Guess it's a sign." he could feel her whimper. His grip tightened on her. "Then tell him to fuck off. He's intruding in our private moment alone. Jerk." Ohma chuckled, planting a kiss on top of her head. "He laughed. Says he's proud of me for becoming strong and finding someone like you to rely on." his smile vanished. "And he vanished. Guess he's giving us our time alone." he muttered, his weak hear swelling at being able to see his master's cocky yet proud smile once again. "So - I didn't think it will really end up like this. My weakling girlfriend became such a cool fighter and became the CEO of the biggest private medical hospital franchise. How does it feel, being so successful at less than 30?" "I would give it all up, just to spend one more day with you." if he wasn't so tired, Ohma might have been moved to tears. But he hasn't cried in his whole life, and won't start now either. "Well, I probably can't give you a whole day, but this evening, for as long as I last, is only yours." he told her. "Do you hate me? For throwing away my life like that? For not being able to stay by your side and keep my promises to you, as you did to me?" Kisara shook her head. "I love you more than I love anything in this life. I don't care about any promise. I just want to spend these last moments with you... And I want to hear your heart beat for as long as it has strength." "Ever the romantic one." he smiled weakly. "Forgive me. I just remembered that I saw you crying once, some years ago, after the characters of a tv series didn't end up with their happy ever after. I guess I forced that on you." he felt her nodding her head. "Please, speak more. I want to hear your voice for as long as you can talk. I don't want to ever forget it, for as long as I live." Ohma pulled her away, just to see her, and he undid the buttons of her shirt. "Can you promise me one last thing?" she nodded. With a small smile, Ohma placed his hand over her own heart. "You once told me that your heart is mine. Then, I want you to promise that, after I'm gone, that no matter how much you're going to grief, you will seek your happiness, even without me. Find another man to love. Spend time with your friends. Follow your dreams. Continue to train and fight. Live your life for the both of us. Can you promise me that?" she nodded her head, sniffling. "Say it. I want to hear you say it." "I-I..." she hesitated. The thought of loving another man seemed so outlandish to her. "I don't know if I can promise now that I will fall in love with a man that isn't you... But... I can at least promise to do everything else." "Good girl." he nodded, satisfied with the promise. "Kisara." her eyes widened - Never once had he called her by her given name alone. "I wanted to get back home when I did this, but I won't make it. I can already feel my life slipping." he said, one of his hands rummaging through his pockets. "Before we got here, I asked Yamashita Kazuo to come help me out with something. Said it's for a friend. Well, now I guess he knows it was me who needed it." he continued. "Sorry for putting you in this position. I never wanted to make you upset, let alone cry. I guess I did this quite a lot during this tournament. I kinda screwed up. But you forgave me. All these years, you stood by my side. You supported me, you cared for me, you showed me kindness. You saved my life. You were even fine with not calling you anything else except for your name. How could you stand the jerk that I was, no clue. I'd have beaten up that guy big time. And he was so boring, only caring about fighting and eating." he grinned weakly, looking up into those beautiful eyes of hers. "I'm gonna be selfish, but I'm not tying you down to a dead man. I just want you to know that... Hasashi Kisara, I have always seen you as my guardian angel. And I want you to marry me. Only for as long as I live - You're free to have fun after." he pulled a small wooden box that he carved himself - It had K + O on top of it. Once he opened it, a white gold ring was revealed, sporting an elegant zircon. Kisara slapped her hands over her mouth, hanging her head. "I would marry you and only you, no matter how many times I am reborn. You're the only man that I ever loved, Ohma. I love you so much." such a bittersweet feeling... Ohma truly felt cruel, putting her through all this. Still, he gently pried her hand away from her face and slipped it on her finger. "Sorry, I'm shit at jewellery. I know you love your gold, it suits you. But I never saw you in white. That's what girls wear when they marry, right? Thought it would fit." Ohma could see the way she forced herself to smile properly at him. She was always trying to hard to care for him, no matter what. "It's beautiful." she whimpered, reaching her hands to intertwined her fingers with his own. "You didn't even look at it." he teased her, pulling her down into a kiss. It was weak, but filled with so much love, that for a moment there, he actually had hopes of surviving. "Kisara. Can you sing to me?" "Forgive me... My voice isn't great at the moment... But I will do my best... But, Ohma?" he hummed in questioning. "You will forever be my husband and I will forever love you more than any other person in the world. So... Just once... Call me by my marriage name." He chuckled lightly, his arms holding her even closer to his chest. "I love you, my wife, Tokita Kisara."
For one last time, Ohma felt Kisara's fingers digging into his shirt - And for one last time, he heard her voice, singing to him, the saddest song there ever was.
Just sleep in my tender arms, Don't worry about any harms, All because I'm right here, with you.
One day, your world will grow stronger, Maybe you'll try to leave my side. And someday, I might not see you, I wouldn't say just go ahead, I just want for you to answer, Will you remember me? Will you come by and say hello?
When your world rises with the sun, And my world is setting with it, Will you and I stay together now? With all of our old pastimes, I'll start to set up my old clock, To come by and visit you forever.
Kisara couldn't feel Ohma's heart beat any longer. She stopped singing, and she snuggled even closer into his limp body, crying harder. At some point, she heard a rustle - The jovial voice of Yamashita Kazuo, as he found them. "Oh, there you were! I've been looking all over for you! Ow, ow, ow, my back." he grumbled, making his way to where the two lovers were embracing, yet didn't dare look down at them - Instead, he looked up at the starry sky. "Guess the Sun's set already. Boy, would you look at those stars. We didn't have any time to look up at the night sky during the Tournament." the old man admired the twinkling stars, somehow staying strong despite the sobs coming from the girl. "We'll be leaving the island tomorrow... I don't think we'll ever come back here. The extraordinary time will end, and we'll return to our ordinary lives. The people from public society and the people from the underground will go back to their everyday lives... But, there are some who can't go back to their everyday lives." the man sighed. "Time will move on, and our experiences will become memories. We'll never see some of these people again... But we can say for certain, that we were here. I'll go back to my everyday life too, but I'll never forget the time spent on this island." just like the woman, he, too, ended up sobbing furiously, whilst forcing himself to smile, in memory of Tokita Ohma. "Goodbye... Ohma."
Yamashita Kazuo allowed the girl more time to weep, before he left to inform Hanafusa that Ohma had passed away, and to retrieve his body. Kisara had no strength to cry or grip onto him anymore, only watching him being taken away from her, with Kokomi being the only person trying to comfort her. Much like a zombie in the dead of night, Kisara found herself walking back to their shared room, wishing to feel the side of the bed where he once slept on - Yet she bumped into Kano Agito - The same way as when she first talked to him. The man looked down at her, the single, unbandaged eye wide with shock, sing the girl so upset. He heard Tokita was awake and fine. Was the rumour wrong? Unexpectedly, she threw her arms around him for the second time that day, burying her face into his shirt. "Why are you crying?" he found himself asking. She couldn't speak at first, and instead, she raised her hand, show casing that ring. Though he didn't understood at first - It clicked. Did Tokita propose? "Ohma died." so the rumours were a hoax. "Ohma is dead." how was he supposed to comfort her? He had no idea. Agito remained quiet, yet this time, his arms engulfed her small body, mimicking her.
He allowed her time to weep - And he tried to think how would a normal person react to such a complicated situation. "I have resigned as the Fang." her body stiffened. "I want to learn about the world. I don't know how to comfort you for your loss. But if the offer is still available, I want to join you in your journey around the world." Kisara looked up at him, surprise on her face. "Really? You want that?" the man grunted in affirmation, taking out a handkerchief and wiped her tears away. "Yeah. I would love to. Let's do that as soon as we return home, okay?" Agito had a small smile, seeing a little bit of life in her eyes.
The following morning, before everyone was to leave the island, Kisara looked for the Chairman. She asked for help, for someone to be a proper stand-in and rule her company in her place, as she goes to travel with Agito. Of course, the old man easily solved that issue, glad to see Kano, who had sort of become his own child of sorts, was finally looking for his own life. Perhaps resigning was the best thing he could do for himself. Kisara then met with Agito, ready to leave the island on a private jet, but was surrounded by some of her friends - The others, she at least had the phone numbers of, so if anything, they could text. They all expressed their condolences, especially after noticing the engagement ring, hanging from a chain around her neck. They promised to see each other again - Especially those with whom she was friends with, prior to the tournament itself.
"I'm leaving the country. With Agito." she explained, and although her voice and expression were pretty monotonous, she at least tried to offer a small smile. "We can text and call each other. I don't know how long I'll be away... Or where we'll go. But I don't want us to ever break contact." it was shocking enough to know that Kano resigned, let alone that the two became good enough friends to go travel together. Perhaps they both had wounds that needed healing, and the other was the perfect method of mending. "Well, that was always your dream. Have fun, angel." Hatsumi smiled encouragingly at her. "Things are going to get better, eventually. Hang in there. If you need us, you know how to get ahold of us." Takeshi, too, patted her shoulder. "Yeah, exactly! We've been friends for so long!" Cosmo grinned so brightly, that made even Kisara chuckled weakly. Kisara felt a strong hug - Turning to see who it was, she realised it was Raian, so she pulled him away. "Don't even bother, psycho." she shook her head - She wasn't in the mood for his obnoxiousness. "Nah, babe, the gag's all done for. Just wanted to say that I wanna fight with ya again some day, so come back stronger, gotcha?" the girl shook her head. "Fuck fighting. I'm done." this earned a collective amount of gasps - But before anyone could interject, a new person spoke up. "Well then, now that the competition died, you're all single, ain't ya, hot stuff?" she couldn't believe that, ever after all this time, Tanji had to go this far and piss her off. Raian was ready to punch him off the island, but Kisara stopped him quickly. At first, she wanted to curse him into oblivion - But then, she looked down at her ring, sparkling so brightly from the Sun. She smiled, as if she understood a lesson. Carefully, she took off the chain and put on her engagement ring, latching the chain around her hand firmly - In a single instant, she punched Tanji's face so hard that blood flew everywhere. Raian was laughing so hard, while the others were shocked. "I changed my mind. It's not - Fuck fighting, I'm done. No. I'm not. Instead - Fuck you, shithead, I'm done with you." with a smirk, she used the cleaver-like technique she learnt from Agito to make him fall, before trying to mimic the spear move he pulled on Hatsumi - Who cringed, watching it. "Can you not do that while I'm around? It still hurts!" Sen grumbled in annoyance. "Yo, Raian - Wanna play volleyball?" the girl chuckled, grabbing Tanji's hair and kicking him with all the strength she had. Once, Ohma told her, the best way to let out your frustration was to beat something up. He was right. Far better than crying, at least. "FUCK YEAH!" with another wicked laugh, the Kure prodigy punched away at the victim, and the two pushed and pulled the kick-boxer between one another, until he couldn't move anymore. "How many kick-boxers must I beat to death before they get that they stand no chance against me?" she scoffed, raising her hand to look at her hand. "Ah, shit, his filthy blood dirtied my ring. Disgusting." she sighed, walking towards Agito, using his handkerchief to clean the ring, putting it back around her neck. "Ready, Agito?" the man nodded, and with one last wave at her friends, Kisara was helped up on the jet, and they went back home.
It didn't take long for Kisara to pack a backpack and go to Agito's - Together, they went to have a chat with Takayama Minoru, the man who was widely known as 'the second best'. Seeing him without his mask was weird, but Kisara had to admit, even with that wound from Agito, he still looked conventionally attractive. He had no reason to hide his face, other than giving the menacing look. "Going on a journey, huh? Look who's got too much time on his hands, now that he's stepped down as Fang." the man jabbed at Agito, though it was clear he wasn't really as hateful as before. "I've been living in a bubble for too long, so I'm going to broaden my views of the world the only way I know how. Kisara offered her help, so we're going together." Agito affirmed. "Omori told me that you're not declaring your candidacy as the next Fang." he cleary saw Takayama as worthy of the title. "I didn't want your hand me downs." the joke only landed on Kisara, who chuckled. "Okay, that was a joke." he admitted, though his face was unchanging. "It looks like there are still some threats sneaking around, so I've decided to keep protecting the master as a bodyguard." he explained. "We've got things under control, so get going already." Tayakama gave them his blessings. "Still, I never thought you'd ask for this." he threw a key at him, and Kano easily caught it. "You can have it. Not like I have time to ride it anyway. It's more than what a beginner rider like you deserves... Go out there and find yourselves. Both of you." "It's a Harley Davidson -- Damn! Thanks, Takayama, you're the best!" the man scoffed, not even bothering to look back and see the way the woman was admiring his motorbike. "How nice. I've always wanted to ride one." the two high-fived, getting for their first ever motorbike ride. "Are you ready, Agito?" the girl hopped on the motorbike, her arms around his waist. The necklace ring was tucked well under her shirt. Every time she missed her husband, she would clutch away at it, and she would feel better. It was not time for her to abide to her promise and seek her happiness. Live for the two of them. "Yes. Where to first?" Kisara shrugged, grinning. "Wherever the road takes us."
Though it was the end of a chapter, it was time for another to begin. Kisara was going to battle her emotions, but it the end, she will prevail - The same way she will prevail, learning Agito's fighting style and perfecting it to her own stature. She was finally able to get out of the house and see the world - Be free, like an uncaged bird - And she wasn't alone. Wherever she went, she knew she had her friends to rely on, and with Kano Agito by her side, she knew, no matter what happened, she will be fine.
Though the Ashura was no more, the Kitsune is going to march forward, walking down a new path, supporting the Emperor, and guiding him on his own journey towards finding himself. Ohma had once been Kisara's guide in life - Now, it was time for her to hold someone's hand and help them navigate further ahead.
And though she never speaks out her last name, wanting to detach herself completely from her authority back home, in her heart, she wasn't the CEO of the Hasashi Medical whatever. She was the wife of the most beautiful man that ever existed - Tokita Ohma.
Her name was Tokita Kisara.
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