#Kurama Mariko
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nightclawduke · 9 days ago
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Mariko on Drawpile.
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rainstormcolors · 1 year ago
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Something a little different.
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palepeacepeace · 20 days ago
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affablyevilshowdown · 2 years ago
Small Bracket Round 1-10
Yikes pt.2 but for entirely different reasons
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Cruel Angel Clionel (The Battle Cats): A mysterious being intent on destroying humanity. Unfortunately, its stuck with several kids who it constantly worries about, and is busy being a good mother.
Mariko Kurama (Elfen Lied): "Myu"
Clay Puppington (Moral Orel): Fans say: With him as the mayor, it's no wonder Moralton is so screwed up
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maxriderg · 18 days ago
Fellers, allow Me to share a little something to go for the upcoming 52nd Birthday of Luci Christian/Louisa Michelle "Luci" Christian (1973-present) as I'll be ready to do so, right over here (complete with a Song from iCarly to attach for the big Party).
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fictionkinfessions · 8 months ago
Canon disability? I was forced into a highly restrictive place shortly after my birth so I had weak ankles and couldn't walk, so I had to use a wheelchair. I also lost one of my arms because apparently the people were shocked I reacted badly to them letting me out for the first time in years to hunt someone down. So they just kinda blew off my arm and gave me a prosthetic arm.
~Mariko Kurama (A Elfen Lied fictive #🎀😈🎀)
Side note I feel like people can probably tell our confessions because of our sign off style, oh well.
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ansatsu-sha · 2 years ago
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Mariko / Elfen Lied S1E13
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typellblog · 1 year ago
just read elfen lied (2002-2005). the only reason why i wouldn't consider it the most insane thing i've read all year is because the year changed partway through reading
roughly speaking, there are two distinguishing features of elfen lied's writing
one is an unbelievable inability to read the room. dramatic scenes are so deeply sincere in their schlockiness they become silly. emotional beats are concluded with ridiculously tonally dissonant jokes. shocking moments are so over the top that they just made me laugh instead. peppered throughout is random, absurd sexual content
another is an inability to commit to any plot twist. if a named character dies, they're actually alive. no wait, they're dead. oops, alive again.
the scene of mariko and kurama getting exploded, from the anime, is extended in the manga to a whole sequence that made me laugh the hardest i've laughed in the past six months
they are both struck by missiles, survive the missiles, then mariko's bomb implants detonate anyway when she's fighting lucy, causing kurama to blow his brains out with a gun after the scene has concluded, only for it to be revealed he's actually fine many, many chapters later.
these factors combine to make for some of the most slamming-my-fists-against-my-desk-screaming-how-do-they-keep-getting-away-with-this plot points of all time
good news though the creep shots of mayu confirm she was actually wearing panties during her homeless period and was not just butt ass naked the whole time
the manga does a shocking amount of work for several characters such as nana, already the best written one in the show, kurama and mariko by association, and, for some godforsaken reason, bandou
it does a lot for yuka by minimising her role as much as possible
kouta is actually given some minor amount of agency near the end, which at least makes him an actual character, if not a real protagonist figure at all
i struggle to articulate my feelings on this manga because there are some genuinely moving moments near the end including references to stuff near the start of the manga and character interactions that i wasn't expecting to see in a million years but it also does things like introduce a new character who wasn't in the anime whose main character trait is that she wears diapers as an adult because she pisses herself all the time
they give her a sympathetic backstory. she wants to become an opera singer like her late mother but her father viciously refused and beat her until she became super afraid of everything? and started pissing herself at the slightest opportunity
they give her father a sympathetic backstory. her mother actually died because she had a rare disease that destroyed her throat if she sung too much which made her kill herself and it passed down genetically to piss girl which is why her father doesn't want her to become an opera singer
she has zero connection to the main plot. she successfully goes to music school. it doesn't seem like her father ever tells her about the deadly disease she has
what do i even do with this, man. i truly cannot explain to you the experience of reading this manga without just listing off plot points like an idiot.
at the start i was complaining about how lame it was that the naked besides her helmet look never comes back for lucy after the first episode because the whole sequence where she escapes the facility and murders several guards was actually super atmospheric and by the final arc there were dozens of psychic murderers wearing only head coverings wandering around the facility murdering everything in sight and i felt nothing. they squish them in droves with a big machine thats biotech made out of said psychic murderers
a plague is released that will wipe out humanity
nobody stops it
in the last chapter its mentioned offhandedly how it significantly reduced the population of earth but its okay because they made a vaccine
if you have watched the anime and have any lingering fondness for it at all you're doing yourself a disservice by not reading the manga
that said im not sure if i really feel comfortable recommending it to anyone else
it's just barely within so bad its good range, i think
just watched elfen lied (2004). this is not a good show. i did not watch this expecting it to be a good show. sometimes, however, it's interesting to see how bad a show can get
it is a fusion of a gratuitously edgy scifi show and a harem show. this contradiction is embodied in the character of lucy, who has split personalities, one of which is a psychotic killer. stop me if you've heard this before
she swaps between personas based on head trauma, being confronted with her crimes, sleeping drugs, and whenever it is convenient for the plot. her other personality is a moe anime girl who does not understand language or how to interact with objects in the world on a basic level.
it's honestly kind of creepy how the show views nyuu as a legitimate target for romantic affection from the protagonist, especially when compared to lucy, who is both intelligent and actually possesses a complex internal life.
we do not get to see this very much, as she is largely a vessel for gory and pointless scifi battles rather than any character drama. so if you were wondering how the harem elements works with the scifi stuff, the answer is really that they do not
the normal human protagonists only avoid death by extreme contrivance whenever they interact with the deadlier elements of the setting, and remain unaware of much of what's going on until the end, thanks to extremely convenient personality switches on lucy's part
of course, if you were wondering how the harem elements work on their own, the answer would also be that they do not
kouta, the protagonist, is such a wet blanket that its impossible to interpret his feelings towards any of the girls until he is shown kissing them on screen. yuka, his cousin, has the emotional maturity of a deeply traumatised child, which is not a flippant comparison given that multiple such characters are depicted in the show. if she had psychic powers like the Diclonius she would probably end up being a mass murderer
which raises the interesting question of what the show's actual view on the creatures is. do they kill people out of irresistible instinct, as the evil scientist types claim? or are they simply lashing out at the people who hurt them, and would be able to adjust to normal life if properly supported by their family, like we might assume from the case of Nana?
the show doesn't really care, sweeping the awkward problem of how to deal with characters like Mariko under the rug by exploding her, but only after the sympathetic figure of her father forgives and accepts her, dying in the explosion with her to atone for his crime of trying to kill her in the first place. writing this out makes it seem more thematically coherent than how it actually comes off.
but back to the harem stuff. i know i'm swapping around a lot. don't worry, it is accurate to the experience of watching the show.
i suppose calling it a harem feels somewhat inaccurate since only two of the girls harbour romantic feelings for kouta, the other two being younger characters given a more 'daughterly' position in the household. these girls make no particular effort to grow closer to kouta, neither does he deliberately or accidentally woo them into liking him. they are simply drawn into his orbit by the sheer force of the show needing a bunch of girls to fill up kouta's stupidly large and empty house.
mayu is the most notable example, considering she has no connection to the scifi plot whatsoever, simply happening to stumble upon the house while in the middle of being homeless.
i feel like it's important to point out that she also walks around with no pants on for a decent portion of the show. if you pay attention it's implied she isn't wearing any underwear either. the reason for this is, and i am not joking or exaggerating, that her father was molesting her and forcing her to strip and she ran out of the house right after taking her bottoms off.
mayu wears a big jumper, so she has plausible deniability to both the audience and random onlookers. however, kouta and yuka invite her into their house for an extended period of time and then let her leave again without ever commenting on the fact that she isn't wearing any fucking pants
the show is filled with baffling decisions like this that erode any trust in the consistency or good taste of the character writing, much less any expectation that the characters' actions make sense on any level
they test the psychic girls powers by strapping them to a wall and firing cannonballs at them. this doesn't even turn out to be effective in-universe.
im very sleepy. what more can i even say about this show.
i think it's cool when girls get their arms chopped off. unfortunately it pretty obviously limits itself to only limbs on account of the characters being able to replace them using prosthetics combined with their psychic powers. i would have liked to see more guts
the opening theme is good and very creative. i skipped it every time
the way the show ends is functionally a non-ending. i'll have to look at the manga soon
multiple people have told me this was their first anime. it explains a lot about them in every case.
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nightclawduke · 2 years ago
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Gender swap diclonii The diclonius king likes his clothes emo.
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rainstormcolors · 5 months ago
Favorite Female Characters Poll
I was tagged by @the-cryptographer for this some days back and I'm finally at a proper computer again. Thank you for tagging me.
Rules: make a poll of your favorite female characters (no limits - as many or as little as you want) and see which your followers like the most!
Please feel free to ignore me, but I'd like to tag @steinbecks, @desolationlesbian, @millenni-em-tauk, and @uneorange if they're interested in this sort of thing.
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cyberpsychos · 3 years ago
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mentalmeles · 6 months ago
I have read the manga and, respectfully, I have to disagree. In my opinion, the manga handles the story very poorly and the anime was able to salvage it a bit. Not by much, mind you, but a bit.
The main reason for that is because the mangaka, frankly, does not know how to write mysteries, plot twists, or character development. Or write in general. And the longer the manga went on, the clearer that became. The anime has the advantage of being only 13 episodes (and one ova) long. The mangaka’s flaws are still there, but they aren’t as glaring during the shorter runtime.
Another reason is because I like the anime’s ending better and for a multitude of reasons:
The ending to Chief Kurama and Mariko’s arc was…. *chef’s kiss*
Lucy protects Nana and urges her to go live with Kouta and the others in her stead while she uses herself as bait for the soldiers, an act of solidarity we hadn’t yet seen between two Dicloni and I don’t think a moment like that was ever in the manga (correct me if I’m wrong, though).
No cousin incest when Kouta ultimately chooses Lucy and Nyu. That whole scene with them on the steps was beautiful and has been burned into the back of my mind since middle school.
It’s implied Lucy survived. (Killing her off was the WORST decision.)
Lastly, any adaptation without piss girl and bootleg Van Helsing (who is a PEDOPHILE…….) is the better option for me agdhdhs
Rewatching Elfen Lied with friends for our weekly watch party and the amount of potential this story has is near maddening
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affablyevilshowdown · 2 years ago
Small Bracket Round 1
Small Bracket has passed the planning stage!
Should I have just put them through a random number generator and called it a day? Probably. But I didn't, so there
Blanket disclaimer that I don't know every nominee so a lot of this is based on research and I'm sorry if I got the vibes wrong
Full bracket under read-more
Rules over Hades/Robot Hell
Hades                   (Kid Icarus: Uprising)
Robot Devil         (Futurama)
Fans hate him
Aechmea             (Houseki no Kuni)
Ladd Russo         (Baccano!)
Daniel    (Camp Camp)
Extra knife-murder
Johnny C             (Johnny the homicidal Maniac)
Alpha                    (Dollhouse)
Music Videos
The Evil Bald Guy from the Genghis Khan music video     
(The Genghis Khan music video)
Dr. Carmilla        (Dr. Carmilla and/or The Mechanisms)
Fight your shadow self!
Professor Venomous       (OK K.O. Let’s Be Heroes)
Shadowy Figure                (OK K.O. Let’s Be Heroes)
Friendly old women
Kanchenjunga Sarrektjaka            (Alcatraz vs the Evil Librarians)
Lesley    (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)
Pathetic soggy washcloth of a man
King Richard       (Galavant)
Namakelder        (Happiness Charge Precure)
Ghetsis                 (Pokémon (gen 5))
You vs the guy she told you not to worry about but the guy she told you not to worry about is you wearing lipstick
Lugnut                  (Transformers Animated)
Clobber                (Transformers: Cyberverse)
The ones that I can only appreciate from a distance cause if I take 1 step closer I just say yikes and walk 5 more steps backwards
Dr. Boris Habit   (Smile For Me)
Shaun Gomez     (Smile tapes)
Am                        (I have no mouth and I must scream)
Yikes pt.2 but for entirely different reasons
Clay Puppington                (Moral Orel)
Cruel Angel Clionel          (The Battle Cats)
Mariko Kurama                 (Elfen Lied)
Traumatized girlbossses can commit a little murder as a treat
Ada Graceheart                (Medieval Cop)
Helena G. Wells                (Warehouse 13)
I am so sorry about this, I shouldn't make them fight but I thought it'd be really funny to have a person vs that same person inverted and with gold spooky eyes
"Then teach me how to knit" vs "knitting isn't as fun as murder"
Morgan Sterling                (S and D tier)
Alex Stewart                      (S and D tier)
Lil psycho/Lil in love   (... I lied, these losers are both head over freakin heels)
Beatrice (Bibi)    (I Love Amy)
Claire Stanfield  (Baccano!)
If you take away all context, and I mean ALL context, I genuinely think this is the same character.  
Tigerstar              (Warrior Cats)
Darkstalker         (Wings of Fire)
Wet Dishrag Men pt.2
Simon Keyes                      (Ace Attorney)
Ogata Hyakunosuke         (Golden Kamuy)
Ben Linus                            (Lost)
Girlbosses who deserve an entire kingdom to lie, broken, at their feet
Cassandra           (Tangled the Series)
Charlie                 (Don’t Starve Together)
They're just pleasant- If it weren't for the atrocities
Izaya Orihara                                    (Durarara!! and Durarara!! x2)
Thomas Jerome Newton               (Fringe)
Yugi Tsukasa                                     (Toilet Bound Hanako-San)
Dottore                               (Genshin Impact)
Midori/Sou Hiyori            (Your turn to die)
Alfred Bester                     (Babylon 5)
Just a little guy!
Invader Skoodge              (Invader Zim)
Fawful                                 (Mario and Luigi)
The Nome King                 (Oz)
The Butler did it ™
Shelly De Killer   (Ace Attorney)
Argalia                 (Library of Ruina)
Just a little guy (clown edition)
Jevil                      (Deltarune)
Dimentio             (Super Paper Mario!)
The freakin theater mask aesthetic (Yes one of them is a sentient theater mask)
SCP 035                (SCP)
Janus Sanders     (Sanders sides)
The smitten™
Garcia Flynn        (Timeless)
Joshua Kiryu       (The World ends with you)
The Camp Capitalists
GoodtimeswithScar         (Third Life SMP + Hermitcraft)
O’Malley                             (Red vs Blue)
Did someone say lizardmen?
Toffee                  (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Elim Garak          (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
The Ace Attorney games said prosecuting lawyer should be evil dramatic and 100% committed to the aesthetic
Manfred von Karma        (Ace Attorney)
Barok van Zieks                 (The Great Ace Attorney)
He's Horrible (❤️ ω ❤️)
Isaac “Felix” Gates           (Red vs Blue)
Marcus Cutter                   (Wolf359)
Warren Kepler                  (Wolf359)
Bill Cipher Wannabes + bird doctor (aka: I was bound to have one miscellaneous category, actually I have 7 >:3)
Bob                       (Voltron)
Samuel White    (Kill Count (Webcomic))
SCP 049              (SCP)
Father went to Evil class but got distracted and became a theater kid. (Also, the trouble with twins)
General Tarquin                (Order of the Stick)
L. D. Curtain                       (The Mysterious Benedict Society- specifically the TV Show)
Discovers things that shouldn't be real
Rafaam                (Hearthstone/ World of Warcraft)
Artemis Fowl      (Artemis Fowl)
The Camp Capitalists Tyrants
Lord Dominator                                              (Wander Over Yonder)
The Monarch (Malcolm Fitzcarraldo)        (The Venture Bros.)
Would be going against HAL but they'd be so crushed
XANA                    (Code Lyoko)
Rie Kishibe          (Digimon Cyber Sleuth)
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rain-waifu · 3 years ago
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metaldragoon · 4 years ago
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Elfen Lied (2004)
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ultimateanna · 5 years ago
It’s our song - Elfen Lied
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