#Kunstmman Schokolade
beerficionado · 9 years
Kunstmann Schokolade: Winter is Here.
Get your coasters ready, 'cause the BeerFicionado is on duty! Time for another beer and another BrewRevie
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Name: “Cerveza Especial de Temporada” Kunstmann Schokolade
Place of Origin: Valdivia, River District, Chile
Bottler: Compañia Cervecera Kunstmann S.A.
Date of Bottling: May, 2015. (Specific date N/A)
Available on: Supermarkets, Selected Pubs and Restaurants in Valdivia.
Type of Beer: Porter / English Porter
What do I think of it? Not being truly a fan of specialty-flavored beers, I approached this one with caution. After all, for most people, the idea of a “chocolate beer” seems like destroying the ideals behind a more traditional brew.
With that said, I think they hit the jackpot on this one. Seriously, if you are looking for a special beer to try with friends and family during the winter months, this one is a perfect selection. Let me tell you why:
Taste? Like a full-bodied chocolate that melts in your mouth and not your hands. A warm sensation that makes you feel better and happy.  Smell? Right on the spot. Think of all the sweet things in life and make a beer out of them. Colour? Dark as a stormy winter night. Porter beers in general, have a dark brown to black color and it shows straight away.
One small thing though: Carbonation is high but the foam goes away quickly. Serve, and enjoy. A bit of a shame though, since a “crown” on top would make it more easy and approachable on the eyes. Is only up to you.
Would I recommend it? Certainly. Not as a “let's-drink-a-bunch-and-get-drunk” kinda beer. It's more of a “let's-sit-down-and-talk” beer that can be the perfect accompanying element to special items of food like cakes or white meats with sauce, as a way of increasing a pleasant sensation when you are having a really good time. As for me, not quite the kind of beer I'm used to but non-the-less, a welcomed addition to the family of products that this brewery has. Again, it's all about an acquired taste.
Well, that's all for today! Do you have a comment, suggestion or critique to make? Go ahead! I'm open to all of your comments and ideas! Want me to review a particular beer? Send me your suggestions on my ask box and if I can, I will review what you wanted! Nice and easy! Read'ya all next time around!
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