#Kunipimook Bhuwakul
angelsvoice1love · 2 years
You own my heart
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You couldn't help but smile at your boyfriend who, checked himself in the mirror yet again.
Y/n: That's the 5th time you looked at yourself in the mirror.
Jaebeom: Tonight I'm meeting your parents for the first time...i want to look my best. He said, fixing his clothes yet again. Ugh...this damn tie.
Y/n: Here. You said, as you took of his tie, and ruffled his hair a bit. There, now that looks ten times better...and you look way hotter.
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Jaebeom: You think that I'll look okay like this? I don't want to offend your parents.
Y/n: If they can't accept you for who you are, or how you dress then what's the point. You asked, as you wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him in close and kissing him.
Jaebeom: Mmm...not that I don't like this, but we need to go now dear.
Y/n: Fine, but if anything happens that shouldn't we are leaving faster than Flash can run.
Jaebeom: Deal. But before we leave I need to get a good luck kiss.
Smiling you wanted to kiss his soft lips again, but he dodged your lips and ducked down pulling your shirt down a little and kissed your collarbone.
Jaebeom: There. A good luck kiss for us both.
Blinking, you fixed your shirt looking in the mirror and making sure you look presentable.
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Arriving at the resturant, you took Jaebeom's hand and walked into the restaurant to see your parents both waiting at the table.
Y/m/n: Honey, awe...you look so beautiful. Your mother said, as she hugged you.
Y/n: Hello mother. I missed you too. Hey dad.
Y/d/n: Sweetheart, it's been ages.
Y/n: I know, sorry works been keeping me busy.
You noticed the way your father was eyeing Jaebeom, which caused you to take Jeabeom hand again.
Y/n: This is Jaebeom, babe these are my parents.
Jaebeom: It's an honour to meet you. He said, bowing as he introduced himself.
Y/m/n: It's an honour to meet the man who makes my daughter so happy. Your mother said, as she hugged Jaebeom.
Y/d/n: Shall we sit?
Time skip
Well in dinner, Jaebeom felt uncomfortable at how your father looked at him. Biting your lip, you took hold of his hand under the table and squeezed his hand.
Y/d/n: So...your a pop star?
Jaebeom: Yes sir.
Voice: Mr Y/l/n, I hope you haven't been waiting long. A man said, as you all looked towards the voice.
Y/d/n: No, not at all. Y/n, this is Yung-tang, Yung-tang this is my daughter y/n.
Yung-tang: It's nice to meet you.
Y/n: Likewise. Dad, what's going on?
Y/d/n: Yung-tang here is the man, that you'll be marrying.
Y/n: WHAT? You asked, as you jumped up from the chair. No...there is no way I'm marrying him.
Y/d/n: You don't have a choice.
Y/n: I do. I'm dating Jaebeom, I love him more than anything.
Y/d/n: And you can learn to love Yung-tang.
Y/n: No.
Y/d/n: There is no reason for you to stay with this, low life, idiotic, popstar wannabe.
Y/n: Excuse me?
Jaebeom: Y/n-
Y/n: Popstart wannabe? Now you've gone too far.
Y/d/n: Don't take that tone with me young lady. I am your father, and I know that he isn't good enough for you and that there is absolutely no reason for you to stay with him.
Y/n: I have every right to stand up for myself and my relationship with Jaebeom. I don't care what you think or say...Jaebeom is enough for me and there is two perfectly good reasons for me to stay with him.
Y/d/n: Like what? Your father asked, as he crossed his arms over his chest.
Y/n: For one, I love him more than anything in this world, and secondly he's going to...he's going to be a father. You said, as you looked down at Jaebeom.
Jaebeom: I'm what? He asked, as he stood up.
Y/n: I was going to tell you when we got home tonight...i wanted to surprise you.
Jaebeom: This is a surprise. He said, happily taking your hands.
Picking up you bag, you pulled on his hand you walked towards the exit not minding your father's protest until he yelled.
Y/d/n: If you do this, if you stay with this man I will cut you off...you will no longer be my daughter and I will never speak of you again.
Y/n: Then do as you please. But I won't raise my child without their father present, nor will I be without him. You replied as you left.
Time skip to your house
Jaebeom: Honey...do you need anything?
Y/n: Um...no. Im just going to get the bath ready.
Leaving the livingroom, you walked in silence. Once you reached the bedroom, you sat on the floor as tears ran down your face. Jaebeom heard your cries, coming up to the bedroom taking a seat next to you. He took you in his arms, as you cried louder.
Jaebeom: It's okay babe.
Y/n: No...it...isn't. What my father did was wrong...he attacked you and...you did nothing.
Jaebeom: I figured, I needed to get used to it since I was going to see him regularly.
Y/n: W...what? What are you talking about.
Jaebeom: I was going to ask you this later, on more romantic settings but since you have my baby in you I can ask you this now. He said, as he took out a ring. Will you marry me?
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Y/n: Yes. I'll marry you. You smiled, as you moved to sit on his lap. You are my world Jaebeom, you and our little miracle. You said, as you placed his hand on your stomach.
Jaebeom: You both are my world too. He replied, as he kissed you. Jaebeom straightened his legs, picking you up as he lifted your leg to straddle him. He placed his arms around your waist pulling you closer towards his chest.
Smiling in the kiss, you wrapped your left arm was wrapped around his neck pulling him closer while your right hand was unbuttoning his shirt. After a few seconds, and when his shirt was completely unbuttoned, you started kissing his neck.
Jeabeom: Mmm...babe...this feels so good. He said, as you kissed his neck.
You could feel the heat radiating from his body, as you pulled away for a moment to look into his beautiful hipnotizing eyes.
Y/n: I love you so much Jaebeom.
Jaebeom: I love you too babe. Now, if you don't mind. He said, as he kissed your lips. Jaebeom pulled away pulling you in for a hug, the hug was soft yet tender and the same time. You held onto him, as his face was buried in your neck while his hand ran up your shirt giving you feather light toughest which caused you to moved even closer.
Jaebeom started kissing your neck, which caused you to moan. Liking the sound Jaebeom flipped you over so that you were under him as he hovered over you. Taking off his shirt he threw it to the side, as his fingers worked their way to the buttons on your shirt working quick to undo them. After taking off your shirt, he pulled down your skirt and threw it to the side to reveal your undergarments.
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Jaebeom: You look beautiful. He smiled as he stood to his feet and took off his pants. Crawling back to you he kissed your stomach, all the way up to your lips. I promise I'll make you feel good.
You felt relaxed at his touch, as he started to pull down your panties the door flung open revealing the rest of the GOT7 members.
Y/n: AHH! You screamed as Jeabeom covered you with his own body, while pulling down the blanket.
Jaebeom: Can you guys give us a moment.
Jinyoung: S...sure. Sorry. He spoke fast as the door closed.
Y/n: Oh, no...that was really bad. You spoke, as you got dressed in some of Jaebeom's sweats and one of his t-shirts.
Jaebeom: It could've been much worse.
Y/n: How?
Jaebeom: Well...they could've walked in on us while we were having sex.
Y/n: True. We really should change our locks.
Jeabeom: I agree. Now, can we go downstairs and talk to the guys? I really want to tell them the good news.
Y/n: Which one? From what I remember, we have 2 good news stories.
Jaebeom: True. Now let's go.
Once you got downstairs you greeted everyone, as you walked to the couch when Jaebeom yelled out that you were pregnant and engaged.
Shaking your head, you were ingulfed in a hug with Jinyoung nearly squishing you.
Jackson: So, we are going to be uncles?
Jaebeom: Yes.
Mark: Awe, this is so awesome.
Bambam: I can't wait to babysit, change diapers, feeding sessions, playing with them and so much more.
Y/n: Okay, just slow down a bit. I'm barely pregnant or engaged.
Jinyoung: I'm looking forward to the day when your officially part of the family...well not that your not now I mean...when you become my sister. Jinyoung smiled, as he explained himself.
Jackson: To Mr and Mrs Lim to be.
All: To Mr and Mrs Lim to be.
You both smiled, at your friends who supported you and loved you so much.
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sugarcookiesandsins · 6 years
Sukaldri {Bhuwakul Kunipimook}
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Feel Free to Use with Credit Given to Me
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