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dimensionesogno · 5 months ago
  La luce della ragione dice e induce, il sole è in trigono con Saturno e una buona autocoscienza si sposa con l’equilibrio armonioso del corpo e della mente. Buon compleanno Kriskros!   La Luna è in congiunzione con Venere, la femminilità si esalta con la sessualità in un doppio istinto di piacere e autoconservazione, figli facendo e a madre natura piacendo. Quali combinazioni tenterai con le…
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cowchickenbeefpork · 3 months ago
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I can imagine any woman as a Butch.
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gazellefamily · 1 year ago
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BLADE (1998) "Yo, I didn't remember this being a comedy. Back in the day, I watched it spellbound on the bauer-stained sofa at Sugtown. A Marvel comic... but a movie! With house music, fellatio, and four letter words. But what I didn't remember was that Blade strikes dramatic poses with the naturalism of a DRAG RACE contestant. SDorff, the Dollar General Ethan Hawke wants to attract a hip and young new demographic to vampirism. KrisKris adds a hammered-shit gravitas as Abraham Whistler, whose name' was's been lodged in my mind since '98. Should we watch BLADE 2 now? Matt Gazelle says def." -Sonny Gazelle
"Man I considered BLADE a comedy pretty quickly. An EXCELLENT comedy. From the minute my goddess TraLo lures a dork to the blood-rave to the weird doofy 'Nice Shot!' Quip from Dorf, it inspires real laughs. My favorite, however, is when Blade kicks this one vampire over and over again and then stops, screams, and kicks him in his vampire nuts so hard he lifts off the ground. Wesley Snipes, man...I had season tickets to him for like solid decade. No one had more fun. Blade? Simon Phoenix? He's basically #1 in the queue for a Tarantino revival. I feel like Marvel movies actually peaked here and steadily declined aside from maybe the first Iron Man." -Tommy Gazelle
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krisispiss · 2 years ago
Kriskris. Double the Kris. Except it's just Kris.
One Kris with the Krisness of two Krisses
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nagavoice · 2 years ago
in love and in loss
+faith starter for @unsungblade
         THERE ARE MANY MEMORIES SHE HAS lost to the relentless tide of time, eroded by the waves as they crash through her mind. But of all the remnants of the past that have remained in tact, it is perhaps the vision of Marth and Caeda's wedding that remains most vivid to her.
         "...and I recall how gorgeous CaeCae was… her gown, pure as pegasus wings…" Tiki says dreamily, the petticoat she holds kept close to her chest, "I remember wanting a dress like hers for my own. Of course, I hadn't quite known the implications of wearing such a dress, but…" she laughs, "I seethed with girlish envy, regardless."
           She breathes in the skirt's lace, basking in its scent. For a moment, there she is again, a basket of flowers in one hand and BanBan's wrist on the other. She hadn't wept like so many of the others did, but she joined in on their cheers once the royal pair sealed their marriage with a kiss. And like so many, began to yearn for a moment so magical for herself…
         Chimes twinkle as a stray breeze passes over the shop. Tiki flinches. The vision is gone; suddenly, there is no grand hall or flowers in her hand. It's simply her with a skirt folded over her arms, surrounded by dusty gowns and veils. So lost was she in her memory that she forgets where she is— and who she's with. She meets Kris’ gaze for a moment, then quickly looks down. She rubs the back of her neck.
         "Oh…" she says smally, "My apologies, Kris. I hadn't meant to get so lost in my thoughts…"
         She stares at the garment she holds. Then, returns her attention to Kris. She hadn’t expected him to accept when she had extended the invitation— quite frankly, she’d always believed matters of romantic love were ones that he was keen to avoid. It seems, even after all this time, there’s still much to learn about those she loved.
          "I must thank you again for being with me. I never knew you to be someone interested in this sort of—" she lifts the skirt up, "—frippery. I am grateful you accompanied me despite it." she hums, a smirk forming across her face, "Not unless… you aren't hiding something from me, are you?"
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tiryn · 7 years ago
When I’m starting to have multiple breakdowns in the bathroom at work, it might be a final sign to get a new job. or at least a second one I enjoy doing.
I just don’t know what. Or how. I’d like to be involved in the art and music industry but like. I don’t know. Everything is overwhelming I need some direction.
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abandonedsdjfhcvndfbv · 2 years ago
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Hiiiiii who wanta promo kriskris ~! Let's have so much funnnnn ~ :D
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emomori · 3 years ago
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kriskrisinc · 4 years ago
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My first artfight attack for this year! ((if you're doing artfight this year, come find me! I'm kriskris over there, on team Steampunk))
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writeformesinpie · 6 years ago
Mafia!EXO Reaction:
You don’t listen to orders on a mission
Request -
Anonymous: Hi! Can you do an exo reaction to you not listening to their orders(let's say their your superior or partner) but the mission still turns out to be successful? Thank you a lot😊 
KPOP Masterlist
Xiumin wasn’t having it. He was sick of you doing your own thing tonight. He didn’t put up with it for long. Staring you down, his eyes burned into your own and caused shivers to run down your spine. You held your head high, refusing to lose, yet also unsure just how much you should push him. You decided to act out again later that night. He wanted you to stick close so he could teach you but you ended up wandering off down a corridor. It wasn’t long before you realized you had gotten yourself lost. “This is why I told you to stick close,” he whispered from behind you. “Should I get you a collar?” 
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Luhan wanted to go unseen but you kept making things difficult. He didn’t want a lot of attention brought to you while on this mission. You, on the other hand, had other plans. He was furious when he saw your flashy outfit and had demanded you change. When you had refused, he had thrown his jacket over your bare shoulders before telling you to keep up. It was dark; no one could see your skin-tight leather outfit anyway. You rolled your eyes as you followed behind him. It wasn’t long before he was chewing you out once more, this time because you were humming too loud. “Should I silence you myself?”
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Kris was strategically placing the explosive material around the building. When you had questioned if this was necessary, ‘the message was important’ was all he gave you in return. You had told him you wouldn’t move from the spot if he didn’t give you a real explanation. When he scoffed and kept going you started to defuse the bomb he had just planted. Kris sighed and walked over to you, grabbing your hair. The flame from his lucky, marble lighter was warming the side of your face as he demanded you fix your act of rebellion. Once you agreed, he turned off the flame. When he saw your crestfallen face, he smiled and slid up against you, grabbing your arse. “Good girl. Don’t fight fire with fire.”
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Suho was laying down the charm with the bank manager. He didn’t need you going off the rails with your weird stories to the teller you had singled out while he had been working his charms. He excused himself for a moment before walking over to you. He nodded to the teller as he slithered up behind you. Once he had wrapped a hand around your waist, he leaned in close to your ear. “I’ll buy you something pretty if you’re good.”
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Lay smiled and motioned for you to come closer. He told you it was cute that you were trying to go your own way or create your own style but he warned you of Kris’s temper. He didn’t really care one way or the other if the mission failed - he knew who would get the blame. You were a new recruit. On a trial basis. The type of trial you didn’t want to lose. He reminded you of the consequences of making another mistake. “You have such a pretty little neck, it would be sad if you lost it.”
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You were at your wits end. You had spent days at the craps table. You weren’t even allowed to play. You were an ornament. To be seen but not heard. Baekhyun had told the other betters that you were his good luck charm and forced you to blow on his dice every time he rolled. You had tried to leave the table and check out some of the other rooms but Baekhyun’s security had brought you back before you got too far. When you sighed, shuffling in his lap, he smirked and wrapped an arm around your waist. “I can find other things for you to blow on if you’re antsy.”
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Chen had his ear to the cold metal of the safe when he finally snapped. It had started with a few sighs and a glare but he had finally had enough. He put his magnetic dial magnifier down and turned to face you. You smiled before turning back to the other drawers. There was a lot of materials that could be used for later. It wasn’t part of the mission, sure, but it was foolish to leave them here, no matter what Chen had decided. He was behind you before you realized he had even left his previous spot. His fist clenched within your hair, snapping your neck back. “You will be quiet, or I will *make* you be quiet.”
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Chanyeol had tripped over some of the sound equipment being set up as you made your way to the corner of the room. You had thought it was hilarious, especially with the self-important clothes he had decided to wear. He was wearing a pinstriped suit with a Gucci briefcase and a Rolex. When he scrambled across the floor, you were unable to keep in your laughter as you watched him. That was until he turned to face you. He had banged his brow and blood was pouring down his face. Before you could ask if he was okay, he started to laugh. No. This maniacal laughter was something else. Unnatural. You noticed a few people looking your way and you reminded him about the mission. “I have a new mission now. I want to play with you. You had your fun, now let me have mine.”
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You were pretty sure you were  teamed up with Kyungsoo because no one else wanted to work with him. You could see why. He was intense. He had told you not to talk but the car ride was long and no one was in earshot so you couldn’t see the harm. You had tried to crack a joke. His deadpan look was enough for you to stop. You told him you were trying to ‘lighten the mood’. He had pulled the car over to the side of the road and turned on the automatic locks. “Do you really want to know what I do to lighten the mood?”
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You tapped your foot in frustration, twisting uncomfortably in the chair. The more you struggled, the tighter the ropes got. You were on the roof. Tao was couching with his sniper rifle in hand. He had tied you up earlier when you had teased him and tried to ignore his demands. When he had finally had enough (which hadn’t taken long), he tied you to the chair and called you bait. You sighed, wriggling once more in an attempt to set yourself free, tugging on the string of rope that Tao held to keep an eye on you. Without a beat, he turned to face you, lifting the hand gun from within his hostler towards you. “Move again. I dare you.”
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You had realized that with every new ‘mistake’ or act of rebellion you took, the more seductive Kai looked. It wasn’t long, however, before you were behaving out of pure discomfort. He had seemed to be getting off on your disobedience. Once the mission was over and you were on your way back to the car, he had pulled you into an alleyway. His hands travelled over your body. When you demanded an explanation, he just smirked and pinned you to the wall behind you. “Don’t play hard to get now - you’ve been begging for this all night.”
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Sehun had you wrapped around his little finger. You knew better than to disobey his orders. You had discovered from day one he was not a man to be messed with. Your first interaction had been a unique one. He had told you many details about yourself, some that you hadn’t told anyone before. He told you in no subtle terms that he wasn’t afraid the use the information he had gained to keep you in check. You were furious. Even now he was controlling your every move from the earpiece hidden under your hair. “Smile. Wider. Come on, you can do better than that. That’s it. Good girl.”
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Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this content! If you did, please consider liking, commenting, reblogging and/or following, and check out my masterlist for similar content. Have a great day!
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dimensionesogno · 7 months ago
Michelangiolesca è la sagoma supposta, intravista, immaginata tante volte, più volte colta tra pose e contropose di umana fattura, una ricerca dell’apeiron che si definisce man mano, nella mano e nel polpaccio, nelle vene della mano e nei tendini del polpaccio, una ricerca del peiron che si indefinisce man mano, nel ventre e nelle gambe, nei muscoli del ventre e nelle striature delle…
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cowchickenbeefpork · 3 months ago
I’m so insane about weird girls I’ve made girls intended to be normal weird…the writers don’t know the implications but I DO!
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Me when the art got a weird girl in it
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gazellefamily · 5 months ago
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"It takes a special man to combine the name "Kris" with grizzled badassery. From his 70s golden country rock all the way to serving as Blade's sidekick in the war against vampires, Kris found a way to never whoosh.
"Total stud. Even acting like he felt like hammered shit, he was imposing. Flew helicopters, was a Rhodes Scholar, sang and acted his ass off. We snuck into a Setevn Segal film once where he played the villain and only stayed for like one scene, and it was him in a limo growling, 'Who's responsible for this five-alarm fuckup.' And it was perfect acting." -Tommy Gazelle
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nagavoice · 2 years ago
[ ROAST ] He's long since come to accept that some things are simply beyond what his unremarkable self is capable of understanding. That time does not seem to flow quite as rigidly in Fódlan, for one— instead torn apart and stitched together again by hands unseen, crossing threads that should otherwise never intersect... Allowing for the impossible to become possible, to put it plainly. Such is the nature of their reunion, in which he must reconcile her adult visage with that of the little girl who once requested a story only to fall asleep as it was being told.
The gulf separating humans' lifespans from that of dragons is immense, he knows. For her to have grown so much...
"Here, this one's for you. It's still hot though— let it cool a bit first." Skewered through the center with a stick, Kris hands to her an all-too familiar treat: an apple roasted with butter and sugar. After all, even when older and wiser in ways her human friends will never live to properly witness, she is still Tiki.
midsommar 2022       
          HER REFLECTION STARES BACK AT HER WHEN she receives it, her visage caramel and crisp on the surface of the apple. There hides a furtive innocence within the shape of her eyes; the way it slowly grows wide and excited at the idea of accepting such a simple treat as this. Fingers take hold of the skewer the sweet rests upon, and her jaw is quick to unhinge and take a bite before—
          "Oh!" Tiki exclaims, heeding Kris' words and lowering the apple. She laughs, slightly sheepish. "Sorry, sorry. I fear I've grown impatient."
          She lets a few moments pass, allowing the apple to cool in the night air as Kris instructed. In those short spaces of time, she finds herself studying his face. His expression remains unchanged and unwavering, a shining tribute to his boundless loyalty. Yet not uncaring, as his offered concession would suggest. He had always been the sort to put himself down in order to help others up. In that regard, he's not so different from someone she knows.
          She peers over the apple, as though she could parse its temperature with sight alone. Then, she hums. "You know, Kris, you remind me of someone I care deeply for. She is much like you in many aspects; perhaps her dedication to her loved ones most of all." Tiki takes a bite, chewing thoughtfully. The sweet warmth is enough to tempt a yawn from her, but she holds back.
          "We share quite a thing with apples, as well." she smiles, "Could this be the fruit of choice of people like you?"
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corrupted-creatures · 3 years ago
Reblog this to give the person you reblogged it from a bottle of ariadonney nail polish that is definitely safe :)
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abandonedsdjfhcvndfbv · 2 years ago
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