#Kris. i need you to know that's not how... nvm
sparkles-oflight · 7 months
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And we are proud of them 🏳️‍🌈
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poppubaburu · 3 years
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Here are a SPAMTON of content, [tumblr/twitter/instagram/tiktok sexy man!!! I’m kidding. He’s more of our Tumblr’s silly man! But whichever is your preference...] I made and did (Aha! see what I did there? ahahaha...(nervously laughs))
Spamton artwork description and lore from top to bottom
1. This is my very, very first Spamton NEO post. Please discuss and comment me what you think, please, Spamton enjoyers. I’m looking for more DELTARUNE community people and artists to talk to and share a common liking. 
It’s your preferred depiction of Kris encountering Spamton NEO in either Pacifist/Snowgrave Route. Either way, he’s gonna FINAL ATTACK eat Kris’s soul, spit it out, and repeat. 
2. There was a moment where I battled him, pacifist route, and FluffyGuard was on me, or the soul, while getting through Spamton Neo’s final attack. I headcanon thought he was sneezing at me with those attacks when I was spat out. It hasn’t left my mind. I guess Ralsei’s fluff was super effective. 
3. A bunch of Spamton lore all in one canvas page. Oh boy! Spamton enjoyers! Sit down, relax, and Wow! I have my head cannon stories and AUs to tell ya! 
An Addison AU moments where I wished the Lightner characters can bring him along on their journey and maybe...just maybe...rekindle with his friendship with the Addisons. Sure, Spamton would be incredibly resentful and embarrassed about it, but he slowly opens up and of course, there’s food. 
(1st battle sequence moment what if. Spamton being such a tease) Spamton has something in his mouth. You’ll never know...or maybe you already did know...
Canon that when Addisons abandoned him, he drinks. One of them happens to be Lemon Drop. Nvm. He’s already been drinking and hungover many times while with the Addisons.
Canon what his Addison appearance looks like before his current appearance.
The day he was over intoxicated of booze, he gets infected by Virovirokuns making his speech patterns, mental, and physical state worse. It’s uncommon, but this would happen multiple times. Poor fella.
I had a headcanon where Spamton has to pull off a disguise with Noelle to avoid Queen’s detection. Kris is just bored as fu--- throughout it but tolerates and actually enjoys Spamton’s snazzy/spazzy company. 
Spamton likes Ralsei. If left with Ralsei, he’d interchange between Dealmaker glasses and his usual normal form; There are times he gets paranoid that FluffyGuard attack/defense is on him; he shouldn’t need to sneeze. That or his smell/senses are that sensitive. 
If during Snowgrave route, I’d like to see and imagine offscreen moments of Spamton lurking (kinda like Sans did in Undertale) and observing Kris’s odd behavior towards Noelle; as well as witnessing Cyber World Darkner characters freezing, or dying. At the end of the ordeal of Noelle encountering Berdly, she meets Spamton or rather Spamton hesitantly approaches Noelle, not fully aware of her power and strength to kill him. She embraces him, whispers “I’m sorry”, and spares the salesman. She runs off to HOME, Queen’s mansion. Also, I’d like to mention how she is fascinated by dolls; and horror movies canonically. So, seeing this guy wouldn’t exactly faze her.
If there was a Pacifist AU moment where Noelle and the Lightner gang lets Spamton see fireworks. 
Kris is not exactly much taller than Spamton, but Spamton is slightly lightweight and can sit on the Lightner's shoulder and head just fine like a Pokémon buddy; a comforting beanbag. 
4. Headcanon that Spamton meets Noelle (Pacifist AU) and I kinda want hilarity to ensue between these two. Something between Netflix “Inside Job” bestie and platonic relationship or “The Ghost and Molly McGee” kinda thing. 
***Some other stuff Spamton and DELTARUNE series related are on my Twitter and Deviant-art page. *** Thanks for viewing. Please reblog; heart it, comment, or view it. Please and always give me credit as the artist if wanting to share. 
P.S. I don’t interact very much on Tumblr. I’ll do my best to. But I interact most on Twitter and sometimes Deviantart. It’s a little hard to manage tending to all different eggs in different baskets of social media. 
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honeygoms · 7 years
so, when you start seeing kd as a real couple? It was something specific or...?
I’ve actually thought quite a lot about this. anon, and Ive narrowed it done to 3 series of events. And I should start off by saying that my fetus exol self did not ship kaisoo in the beginning - I was more into se-kai. I remember, when I looked up a graph of all the exo ships (for knowledge), being so shocked and confused as to why there was line connecting jongin to kyungsoo. Because as far I’d known, those two didn’t seem like they’d go together at all. They were complete opposites! So, I left my se-kai life and went to investigate this interesting and strange pairing.
I was a very casual about shipping the two, and didn’t think that much of their interactions. I was very much aware of the cultural differences and the hyped up fanservice groups put on for audiences, so I told myself that it wasn’t that deep. However, I did find it interesting how their “fanservices” were never quite put out there for the audiences to actually see. (And realized that the “behind the scenes pairing” title name was actually, quite… accurate lol)
ok ok I’ll stop rambling now and get on with it. In chronological order these were the things that really stood out to me and had me convinced.
(Long post.)
1. “The Inner Workings Of SM” insider post from 2012
This entire post goes over a lot of topics, but the general overview is SM manipulating media and setting up exo/girl pairings for planned scandals and hype in the future.
Such as:
baekhyun + SNSD’s taeyeon
kris + SNSD’s yuri
luhan + SNSD’S seohyun
sehun + f(x)’s krystal (which obviously fell through)
jongin + f(x)’s krystal (which came into play)
If I remember correctly, this post was shared in 2014, after Dispatch “leaked” baek-yeon’s “date,” and SM confirmed their “relationship.”But the original post was written all the way back in 2012, so I was fucking wOKE. And, ofc, I was more concerned and with baekhyun and taeyeon’s thing because that was one of main points of the post being shared at the time - so I completely looked over the kxk. But one line really stuck out to me.
“Kai is possibly paired with Krystal, this is being discussed. But due to unknown reasons, Kai doesn’t like couple pairings. Doesn’t like dating.”
I remember reading this and just taking a moment, like “huh.” I had a sense of relief(?). I don’t know how to explain it, but it hit me as kind of… reassuring? Like he’s not just going along with everything sm wants; he must be showing some level of resistance to media play - since him not liking the setups must’ve been causing some sort of an issue. It just made me feel a little better ok idk what I’m getting at nvm
I will admit, Kyungsoo came to mind. I read this line and I thought of Kyungsoo being one of those unknown reasons, and I entertained the idea for an hour or two before coming back to Earth and convincing myself that the possibility was just silly talk.
I remember finding this post very confusing, and I was very, very shocked and put-off. lmao not to be dramatic, but it literally felt like everything I’d ever known of exo and all that I had come to like and admire about them had all been fake and a lie. I was upset for a long time, too. (I’ve since gotten over it, but it really taught me not to trust everything sm puts out there. And that Dispatch is easily manipulated, and not a reliable source.)
2. 150531 + k-fan’s analysis + xiuchen’s “jagi” cover-up
The almighty “jagi” moment. It was one thing when I-fans where speculating about this moment back when occurred. We all like to think of the possibilities, but it was the language and culture barrier that had me mostly dismissing this moment at first. But it is an entirely different thing to see a k-fan basically confirm what we i-fans had been trying to figure out. I could really go on and on about this moment, but I’d just be saying all that’s been said in the post I’ve linked above; I’ve talked about several times in the past. So go read the linked post or go through my #jagi moment tag on @kaisoowls and you’ll have all you need to know. You’ll understand why I was and still am shook as fuck about it.
The entire day of 150531, still really sticks out to me - jagi moment, aside. Because their interactions were different that day; more… vivid, for a lack of a better term lol Kyungsoo’s eyes and his smiles looked very soft and warm when he looked at Jongin. His expressions held a lot of affection.
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As a nice cherry on top, the OP of the “jagi analysis” even said that jagi is a confirmed thing amoung kfans, so literally… There’s not much else to say about that.
That being said, it’s very understandable why sm would’ve wanted to extinguish this, because rumors of homosexuality within a company can be quite devastating to their business (due to prejudice), so I’m not really surprised that sm would want to try and cover it up and pretend like it’s not anything meaningful or worthwhile. Which leads us onto the Monster showcase, and the birth of xiuchen’s “jagi” moment. (To be clear, I don’t hold anything against xiuchen at all, I’m very aware it was most probably all sm’s doings.)
My friend @dorkdo did an analysis on this a while back, so for a more in depth look into that moment, go read her post here. (would u look at that harman tysm for helping me in my woke journey i owe u)
A post shared by @alvabear94 on Jul 17, 2016 at 1:23am PDT
3. Rumors of a gay couple + KxK confirmation
I’m sure you all remember the madness that ensued after that news company (I’m sorry that name is escaping me atm) threatened to publicly announce and out the gay couple that they had discovered. They literally stated that they were ready for the repercussions and lawsuits - they weren’t fucking around with this shit. All of speculation flooded around everywhere, everyone guessing and trying to figure out how the couple was - and of course, one of the main candidates was kadi.
I wasn’t happy at all about this. I wasn’t excited or looking forward to it as I saw many other kaisoo shippers posting about. I was fucking terrified of that slim possibility of it being kadi, because - realistically - I doubt it would’ve ended well for anyone involved. With the heavy prejudice and discrimination against homosexuality still going on, it would’ve possibly been very damaging for exo, and most importantly, jongin and kyungsoo. I’m sure they would get support, of course the would, but the number of people going against them would be far greater, possibly.
And then, behold. kxk is suddenly “outed” by Dispatch, and sm confirmed their relationship within hours of the scandal’s release. To say I was a little skeptical is kind of an understatement. I really did not believe this news at all when it was released. Especially not after the INNER WORKINGS OF SM post reemerged. Which quite literally stated that sm has had kxk setup for release since 2012. I called bullshit within the first 48hrs. And the circumstances at the time really set it in stone for me; I decided that I would support kadi. I would be logical and realistic about everything further that would ensue - but I would support kadi.
So there you go anon, I’m sorry this post is a million miles long lol
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