#Krešimir Dolenčić Director
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vegasrogueagent · 7 months ago
[INTERVIEW] GORAN VIŠNJIĆ People say: Šime is back! And I never left!
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Goran Višnjić or Šime, as the professor at the academy called him when he heard that he was from Šibenik and commented: 'You can't be from Šibenik and be called Goran, you are Šime!' And that's how Šime remained for his colleagues, friends, audience... He returned to the City, for the Summer Games. With the role of Niko Marinović, interestingly, a returnee from America, the villain in Vojnović's Equinox, the premiere of which is approaching and eagerly awaited. Although Šime doesn't see it that way, he says that he didn't come back, because he never left. We 'caught' him between the rehearsals taking place at Posat, where this drama will be staged, and chatted over coffee in Gradska...
The director of Ekvinocija, Krešimir Dolenčić, answered my question last week with a counter-question: 'Is there a better and stronger role for the return of Goran Višnjić to Dubrovnik than Niko Marinović, who is returning from America?' Is there or not, as Dolenčić hinted? How did you build his character and, what I always wonder about the 'immersion' of an actor in a role: it seems easier with similarities, but how to relate to character traits that are distant, foreign, even repulsive to you?
There's a fantastic scene in the movie Nothing Hill when Hugh Grant, playing a journalist, approaches the actor and asks him: 'Okay, how did you get into that character?', and the actor replies: 'No way, I'm playing a serial killer!' So that immersion in the character is the last instance, the very end, when everything is technically done, when everything is done properly, when all these things are finished, if God allows, that you have that much time to get to it, then you start thinking about it some immersion in the role. But the answer to the first question – is this a genius role for some kind of comeback?! I do not consider this to be my return. I look at it totally differently. I was there, played for eight summers, came to Dubrovnik often and worked as an actor the whole time. In my head, all this is one big continuity. It always made sense that this would happen, it was just a matter of time. Lina Njirić and I have been talking about my coming to the Summer Games for at least the last 7 years. We are constantly looking at when, how, what, whether we will succeed... And now that everything happened with this Covid, one strike, another strike, Hollywood slowed down productions, I moved to England so I started coming to Croatia very often both in winter and in summer. I bump into Dolenčić quite by chance at a performance at ITD, who tells me that tomorrow he has a conversation with Senka Bulić regarding the Summer Games. The marbles are already starting to work for me for next summer. We'll hear from you the next day, he says: 'Senka wants us to do the Equinox, Niko?!' I say - yes, but give me a couple of months just to see that something doesn't accidentally happen in the schedule. I call my agent and ask for a break all summer?! Solved! I know that people from the outside look at it in a way - Here, Šime is back in Dubrovnik! As for me - I never left!
There is certainly a special atmosphere at Posat now. Vojnović's melancholy interwoven with longings, charged with emotions, heavy... on the one hand. Probably you too, at least at times, indulge in nostalgic reminiscences of the beginnings together, the first roles at the Games... On the other hand, the inevitable joy that such a great team is together again?
Of course, when you come, you will see the scenography, the finished product. But when we got there, the first day, we called it a concrete mixer. It is one concrete floor and the walls are terribly far from each other. You say something and your voice is lost. It's like a black hole. I, who spent eight years at Lovrjenac, which is actually a theater, when I came to Posat, I was in shock. Up on the fortress you have these walls that protect you, that help your voice reach the audience. I was wondering how it would look on Posat, if it was even feasible. Krešo has already agreed that we will have bugs. I have never played with bugs in my life. Oh, no, the first show in a long time, and I have to have a bug! So that first visit to Posat was more of a technical nature. But now, finally, after we danced, after parts of the costumes, props, scenography, arrivals with some kind of ships started arriving, the sea began to play in that play... The sea is a big part of the play. We started building that story and now you can already feel that Vojnović Equinox, you can feel the City and you can feel that longing, foreboding, arrivals of returnees, departures of people abroad. In fact, I'm glad we're doing the interview now, and not 15 days ago, because it was all still in technical rehearsals, so now we're actually on the threshold of something. We have ten more days, just enough to get to that something where I think we should be.
I will mention Dolenčić again. From what he told me, it was more than clear that, like the spirit of Hamlet's father, whom you embodied right under his director's baton in Lovrijenac, the spirit of the great Jupa - Joško Juvančić - is omnipresent with you on Posat. He mentions the director who, he says, 'consults' with him, and thus indirectly you actors as well?
And listen, Jupa left, I don't want to sound pathetic, an indelible mark on my life. And from the second year of the Academy, when he trusted me to play Laertes, which was a huge trust for a kid, to when Rene Medvešćak got sick and had to step in and play Hamlet in 30 days, that was the second time he showed me great trust. Afterwards we did Fishermen's Quarrels, we became friends. He was one of the great mentors in my life and every time later, when I was already in America, we would meet in the summer at Stradun. So that one homage to Jupi will inevitably be on that Posat. Both from me and from Kreš, who was also a great friend with Jupa, and Jupa was a mentor to him as well as to me. And that Equinocijo Jupin has remained famous in the City and we hope that we will feel that certain Jupin's spirit and that some of his signs will come to us from heaven. That he will be happy with what we do.
There is no Jupa and many other greats, colleagues, friends... There is no Talir where we used to hang out after the shows... Many say - there is no Dubrovnik either. It was chewed up by the race for profit, mass tourism, profane entertainment... How do you perceive it today, compared to a decade or two ago?
It is a complex question. I have always been an optimist and I think that things have their amplitudes, that they go for the better, for the worse... The sun always rises after disbelief. When we came to the city in '94. during the war, the city was empty. And there we listened to stories from our older colleagues about how it used to be wonderful in Dubrovnik, how the city was full, how Stradun was crowded, how there were policemen at the entrance and exit of the city because they had to control the influx of tourists. It was unreal for us. Well, I came to Dubrovnik for the first time in '94. It was a ghost town then. We were the only show that was performed up in Lovrjenac. But the City was somehow ours. We used to be in Talir until dawn, literally until dawn. No one would force us, no one would shout at us from above: 'Stop singing!' And of course, things changed from year to year. For the better, because the city came alive. People are back, tourism is back. And now it may have gone to another extreme. I hope that the city will somehow manage to get its soul back, that it will manage to find some balance between tourism and culture. On the other hand, tourism feeds that culture financially. I think there is room for the Dubrovnik Summer Games to become an even better, even more powerful festival on the world stage. I am not saying that they are not now, don't get me wrong, on the contrary, few festivals can boast of a 75-year tradition, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. You can always find more money, you can always bring in a bigger name, someone better, more interesting. If you have such tourism and if the whole country becomes richer and more powerful in some segments, this can and should also be reflected in the culture. I would like to see that. So I look at it from the positive side. Of course, there is something you said, but a balance needs to be found. I know people complain about the prices and all that, but still some exclusivity needs to be maintained. The problem is that local people have to pay the same prices. So... that would be an interview in itself: what is my opinion about it, but I am neither a professional nor an economist, this is just my impression. I hope that the two can be somehow 'married', that tourism and the influx of money, and that it can be transferred to culture and positively reflect on the entire city.
I have to ask you a question about the mistake you missed at the opening of the Games. Namely, you skipped a verse of the anthem of freedom, which the audience, especially from Dubrovnik, strongly resented, as something unforgivable. Mistakes happen in all industries, but you actors are exposed all the time. And one mistake often overshadows so many achievements. Does it bite you that you made a mistake, or have you learned that when something can't be fixed, you move on and don't look back?
I will tell you just one sentence: 'The show must go on!' And that's all I have to say on the subject.
You have achieved a successful career in Hollywood, but you have decided to live in the English countryside. Why not America or Croatia? Why England?
There are many reasons. Lately in America, whatever job I got, the recording was in Europe and in English. It was either in Prague, Glasgow, Dublin or London. Our parents are also old now, so we wanted to move to be somewhere closer. England was in the European Union when we made the decision to move, there was no corona. So those two factors influenced the decision - we will be in Europe, it will be very easy to travel within Europe or to America. You have direct flights. However, from Croatia you have to go via Frankfurt to America, so we are centrally located and still in the English speaking zone, which is very important to me because of many things. It was a kind of logical sequence, but then of course life decides to shuffle the cards differently. Corona happens, then a year later after the move, Brexit happens and England suddenly has nothing to do with Europe, but my God, that's life!
How did a Dalmatian adapt to the English climate?
I'm at sea. I like to go into the sea and dive for hours, but I'm not a classic swimmer. The most important thing for me is to see the sea in front of me. Then everything is somehow arranged properly for me.
Fame is both a blessing and a burden. And you have to learn to deal with it, to live with it. How did that process go for you, and it is inevitably a process? And are you now at peace with its less beautiful aspects, with yourself and the environment?
I think you answered half the question yourself. That's exactly it! So, a double-edged sword. There are some beautiful, wonderful things, but also some that are sometimes a burden. And deal with it. When good things happen, you enjoy them; when bad things happen, you have to learn how to deal with them. When you're younger, you make some mistakes, realize a day later that maybe you shouldn't have reacted that way. When you are a little older, then you think you are more experienced in these things. Then something bad happens, and you react five times worse precisely because you are older, then you ask yourself: "How come this happened to me?!" I enjoy my job. I've been really blessed since I started working both in my daily enjoyment of doing this job and financially, so I really wouldn't say I would change anything.
Dubrovnik is specific in many ways. Here, the cheljad holds an anda, he will look at a famous person from the corner of his eye, but if he will approach, scream, ask for autographs... as a rule, he won't. Everyone is the same on Stradun. We all remember the anecdote when the original Ivo Labaš asked Liz Taylor for a pen and paper and to her surprise he gave her an autograph. So - it can be assumed that you are comfortable here?
I come there almost every summer. I have three homes in Croatia: Šibenik, Zagreb and Dubrovnik. It's more of a problem for me when I have to enter the City, I'm in a hurry, I walk fast, I have to go to a rehearsal, and Ploče is packed with tourists, I have to wait. I'd rather jump rope. But as far as the local people are concerned, I feel at home. I don't think they see me as Liz Taylor either. I think they think of me more as: "Our Sime". Šime is sitting there, drinking coffee, just like in Šibenik, they don't pay attention there either.
Photo: Ivan Pozniak
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patientlibrarian · 8 months ago
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Goran Thursday.
Hello everyone, everywhere, it's "Goran Thursday" and still very hot here in the UK. Lots of Goran about at the moment.
Talking of hot:
Goran Višnjić and Zrinka Cvitešić together on stage for the first time: "We became like a small family "
The most successful Croatian actors abroad, who play the main roles in the play 'Equinocija' at the Dubrovnik Summer Games, discover what the atmosphere is like at rehearsals led by director Krešimir Dolenčić and recall their summers in Dubrovnik where their professional paths have never crossed before.
Location: Croatian National Theater in Zagreb. Weather: three in the afternoon, end of the week, heat, steam. Wardrobe no. 106, make-up artist, hairdresser, Gloria's team and two of the most outstanding actors of contemporary Croatia - Zrinka Cvitešić (44), laureate of the highest British theater award Olivier, and Goran Višnjić (52), our most successful representative in Hollywood.
The reason for the meeting: the Dubrovnik Summer Games and their collaboration on the play "Equinocija" by Ivo Vojnović, directed by Krešimir Dolenčić. Goran plays a rich returnee from America, Nika Marinović, and Zrinka plays his love from his youth, Jela. This time, Višnjić did not return from America, but from Great Britain, where he lives with his family in the southwest of the island - in Cornwall, while Cvitešić is still at two addresses, one in Zagreb and one in London with his partner, former soccer player Niko Kranjčar .
In preparation for our recording, Zrinka and Goran excitedly exchange impressions from the rehearsal they just came from. Both she and he have the text with their notes in their hands and are commenting on younger colleagues from the play's team - whose performance they are delighted with. Lovers of acting recognize each other, one might say. Director Krešimir Dolenčić , however, did not choose this "duo fantastikus" by chance.
"Nothing is a coincidence, and then again, it is. We met by chance after a performance at the &TD Theater and then he told me that he had a meeting the next day regarding the Games and that we would talk to each other when he knew exactly what it was about. I am in that moment I said that I would like to work at the Games, I just don't know when and which show. And then he called me the next day and offered to do "Equinocia", to which I immediately said - come on! Krešo and I have known each other for almost thirty years. ever since he was an assistant to our professor Neva Rošić at the Acting course. When I was a student, he gave me a scholarship at Gavella," recalls Goran Višnjić with a laugh.
Zrinka agrees with the statement and complements the answer with his memory. "An actor should be very lucky to work with directors like Krešo in his career. I've had very few of them so far - they're directors you don't ask what, how, why... When you're invited to a project, you just ask them when and where you should come. They are unreservedly guided, inspired, and loved by you. It's nice to come back to Kreša after more than ten years, but we both asked ourselves - is it really so?! Because we both feel like we've worked together before. In short, we had a great time at the rehearsals. The ensemble is not big and after a week we have become like a small family. The young actors Lara Nekić and Karlo Mrkša are wonderful and curious actors. It's best when it's created together, when there's no "this is not my scene and I'm not interested in it". The most beautiful ideas are born from togetherness, this has been confirmed to me again and again throughout my life, and so it is this time," says the actress who, together with Goran Višnjić, recalled her first associations with the Games, and they also revealed to us something about their summer plans.
PLUS: Wonderful 'presentation' for a new concept Verne car by Goran on his instagram page. Must have taken ages to do. Has priceless references to a couple of old tv series!!
Hope your day goes as you would wish it to.
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vegasrogueagent · 9 months ago
Sneak peek at the rehearsals of the show Equinox!
One of this year's premieres that we are impatiently waiting for is Ivan Vojnovic's 'Equinox', scheduled from 27. until the 31st. july. Director Krešimir Dolenčić will set up a show at a new festival location, the Posat Sports Station, while leading Croatian acting names such as Goran Visnjic, Goran Grgić, Zrinka Cvitešić and others will lead the Festival Drama Ensemble. ✨🎭
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patientlibrarian · 8 months ago
Višnjić forgot the lyrics of "Hymn to Freedom" at the opening of the Dubrovnik Summer Festival, everything was recorded on tape
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Goran Višnjić forgot the lyrics of "Hymn to Freedom" at the opening ceremony of the 75th Dubrovnik Summer Games.
With the raising of the Libertas flag and the lyrics of Gundulić's "Hymn to Freedom" in front of the church of St. The 75th Dubrovnik Summer Games were officially opened in Vlaha on Wednesday evening , where almost seventy different programs will be performed until August 25 in 47 days at various scenic and ambient locations.
The honor of reciting the "Hymn to Freedom" went to our actor with a Hollywood career, Goran Višnjić , who, it seems, forgot the lyrics a little, and his mistake did not go unnoticed.
"Oh beautiful, oh dear, oh sweet freedom", he started well, then instead of the verse "a gift in which all the treasures the highest God has given us", he shortened Gundulić by reciting "a gift which the highest God has given us", writes Dubrovnik Press , which published a video, noting that situations like this happen to even the best.
At the Dubrovnik Summer Games, Višnjić returns to the Croatian stage and stage in the play "Equinocius" directed by Krešimir Dolenčić, in which Zrinka Cvitešić also stars.
"It's not a matter of being away from the stage for a long time, it's a matter of it being so exciting. One big reason why we do this work. Before you go on stage, you always ask yourself if you're ready enough, if you've done enough, if you could this scene is a little different... You always have those questions that actually make it all exciting because the work is never done. Krešo and I have known each other for a long, long time, and when he told me about 'Equinocij' last year, we started dating and here we are now at HNK," the actor previously told Dnevnik Nova TV.
Let's remind you, Goran became world-famous for his role in showbuzz.dnevnik.hr/nekad-i-sad/dilaje-kako-je-goran-visnjic-mjenjao-tijekom-karijere---738595.html , then in 1998 he appeared in Madonna's music video for the song "The Power of Goodbye" , and in the same year he had one of the main roles in the Hollywood film "Magic" with Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman. He also starred in the hit series "Timeless", and he played a role in the third season of the mega-popular Netflix series "Vikings: Valhalla", in which he played Erik the Red.
As for his private life, since 1999 he has been happily married to the daughter of Croatian director Antun Vrdoljak, Eva , with whom he has three children, sons Vig and Tino and daughter Vivien . He also has a daughter, Lana Lourdes, with Mirela Rupić from Sibenik .
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patientlibrarian · 8 months ago
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Goran Višnjić returned home with a new image and attracted many curious eyes while walking in his native Šibenik.
Goran Višnjić was filmed in his native Šibenik, where he showed a new image.
Our actor with a Hollywood career, 51-year-old Goran Višnjić , is currently resting in his native Šibenik, where he could not go unnoticed, and showed a new image.
Photographers caught Goran walking around the city with his longtime friend Željko Koloper-Kek, also a producer of Šibenik HNK, where Višnjić took his first acting steps.
The Hollywood actor has attracted many curious looks, especially because of the mustache he is now cultivating, and you can see how it looks in our gallery.
How is Goran Višnjić's mustache?
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Last month, Goran revealed to Dnevnik Nova TV the details of his return to the Croatian stage and stage in the play "Equinocius" directed by Krešimir Dolenčić at the Dubrovnik Summer Games.
"It's not a matter of being away from the stage for a long time, it's a matter of it being so exciting. One big reason why we do this work. Before you go on stage, you always ask yourself if you're ready enough, if you've done enough, if you could this scene is a little different... You always have those questions that actually make it all exciting because the work is never finished. Krešo and I have known each other for a long, long time, and when he told me about 'Equinocij' last year, we started dating and here we are now at HNK," Višnjić revealed.
Goran became world famous for his role as doctor Luka Kovač in the series "Emergency Service" , then in 1998 he appeared in Madonna's music video for the song "The Power of Goodbye" , and in the same year he had one of the main roles in the Hollywood film "Magic". with Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman. He also starred in the hit series "Timeless", and he played a role in the third season of the mega-popular Netflix series "Vikings: Valhalla", in which he played Erik the Red.
As for his private life, since 1999 he has been happily married to the daughter of Croatian director Antun Vrdoljak, Eva , with whom he has three children, sons Vig and Tino and daughter Vivien . He also has a daughter, Lana Lourdes, with Mirela Rupić from Sibenik .
SOURCE: https://showbuzz.dnevnik.hr/celebrity/goran-visnjic-u-sibeniku-pokazao-novi-imidz---857034.html
Pleased to be able to give you a translated copy of the article.
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vegasrogueagent · 8 months ago
Goran Višnjić and Zrinka Cvitešić together on stage for the first time: "We became like a small family "
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HD Screencaps 👉 HERE
The most successful Croatian actors abroad, who play the main roles in the play 'Equinocija' at the Dubrovnik Summer Games, discover what the atmosphere is like at the rehearsals led by director Krešimir Dolenčić and recall their summers in Dubrovnik where their professional paths have never crossed before...
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@gloria.hr on Instagram also posted a video of Goran and actress Zrinka rehearsing, Lovely 🤩😍
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