#Kratom Pills
urbanicebotanicals · 1 year
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lessvlese · 7 months
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floridakilo · 8 months
Sorry if this is overly personal but how did you get into heroin?
during my senior year of high school i tried snorting/smoking it because i had a friend who knew a bunch of much older dealers and i was just down to try anything... i had a baaaddd first experience and almost OD'd but once i started college the following year i dabbled in a bunch of other drugs before eventually meeting my fent dealer who had a consistently safe product and would deliver... i started trying to taper off in fall of 2020 and was completely sober off street opioids by may 2021
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m00li55a · 2 years
i took like 10g of kratom tonight and it’s starting to kick in - it’ll help a lot with my anxiety right now plus 10g gets me high af feeling so i can just lay back and eat snacks and enjoy it
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samwiselastname · 2 months
this week on tumblr ads:
judge robes
an app that claims to cure alcoholism
"nonalcoholic relaxation drinks" aka gentrified gas station kratom
penis enlargement pills (actual picture of a penis in the ad)
sustainable beluga caviar
careers in forestry
a VR haunted house
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msexcelfractal · 29 days
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often the ritual of taking drugs is as calming as the drug itself. kratom, 4 am, homemade pill press.
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cognitohazardous · 7 months
the other day my brother bought these sketchy pills from the shitty miserable smoke shop by our house cause the dude said they were kratom but when he got home he researched them and learned theyre a nootropic blend (no kratom in them) and theyve caused ODs and deaths so he threw them away (but only after taking one) and in typical My Brother Fashion yesterday he went out and bought another bottle and he gave me 2 pills
so i said fuck it and took them today. the high was decent, it felt similar to kratom, but i realized that throughout the entire day even after the high wore off, like up till now, ive been in a great mood. ive been happier and more content than ive been in like. idk over a year. didnt get annoyed or mad at anything like i have been for so long. it was really nice
now, im not gonna buy those pills by any means, but i might look into a quality source of one of the nootropics that could have caused it after researching potential interactions with meds. (maybe it was the GABA? or the tianeptine? maybe even the kava but thats doubtful. the other ingredient was some plant that seems to only have anti-inflammatory properties so not that i imagine)
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smilesession · 6 months
I have no idea how people are functioning normally and without substances as a crutch tbh. I have to work a live music event tonight and it took a monster energy drink, two white kratom pills, and the little coke I had left to be able to get out of bed and feel like a halfway functioning person capable of doing this. Maybe that’s normal given the circumstances of the work but I feel more far gone than most people I know in terms of functionality
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sarahowritesostucky · 8 months
2023 In Review : Authors' Edition
What’s something new that you tried in a fic this year? How did it turn out and would you do it again? I wrote my first drabble. Plan to do more as part of my compliments to fanart that I like and reblog.
How many fics did you work on this year? (They don’t have to be finished or published!) 28
What’s something you learned about yourself as a writer? I overuse semicolons and dashes and the first step is admitting you have a problem.
What piece of media inspired you the most? Handmaid's Tale, Snowpiercer (And of course MCU just b/c of Stucky)
What fandom(s) did you write for this year? Marvel/MCU, Actor RPF, Supernatural, Fresh, Snowpiercer, Knives Out
What ship(s) captured your heart? Stucky already had my heart. I really got into other C.Evans and S.Stan characters paired with OFC's, this year though.
What character(s) captured your heart? I liked exploring Curtis Everett and Lloyd Hansen. But I still ride or die for Steve&Bucky.
Did you write for a new fandom or ship this year? Yes!! Lots of new M/F pairings, and 5 new C.Evans characters.
What fic meant the most to you to write? "The Carter Academy for Omega Excellence"--because this was my first commissioned fic and I'm super proud of that. Plus, I've formed a friendship with the person who asked for it!
What fic made you feel the happiest to work on? No clear winner for this one, just a ton of ties. Fluffiest fic was "Angels Are Avian Adjacent"
What fic was the most satisfying to finish writing? "The Merging: A Union" - just b/c I've left the SN fandom and was glad to have given the story an end.
What fic was the most difficult to write? Did you finish it? "Medically Necessitated" - because there is SO much I want to include in the plot of this one and it just is hard to keep it all straight in my head sometimes. Plus I'm rarely in the mood to write it because I hold the tone and quality of the writing so dear to my heart, that I don't want to just phone it in or half ass it. It is not finished (yet!).
What fic was the easiest to write? "Wet Dream" was written as a Bingo fill, and it felt like it came pretty easily.
What were your shortest and longest fics this year? "It Started with Helga the Lunch Lady" - 863 words "Medically Necessitated" - 91,000 words
Rec a fic you wrote or posted in 2023 "Medically Necessitated"
What were you go-to writing songs? "Wicked Game," "Enjoy the Silence," "I want to," "Like U," "Say It," "Falling," "Insomnia," "Should Be Higher," "Daddy Issues."
What were your go-to writing snacks? Kratom, caffeine pills
What was the hardest fic to title? Hydra Sanatorium - the title was actually something else that I decided I didn't like, so it got changed.
Share your favorite opening line A 3-way tie between: 1. "As a gigantic fucking Duh, hiking that last mile home with an ass full of cum is no fun." (BB & his 1001 Fetishes, ch 34), 2. "The Morning When Steve Finds Out What Bucky Wants to do to His Dick:" (Modifications & Improvement of Functions), and 3. "Sebastian’s in the middle of taking a dump when he hears his phone out in the kitchen. “Ah, crap.”" (I Prefer Girls Who're Not Afraid to Cry)
Share your favorite ending line A 3-way tie between 1. "What the hell kind of simp-ass Dom even calls themself something stupid like "Bucky," anyway?" (It Started with Helga the Lunch Lady) 2. "And then, nodding at the box of Midnight Black #106 that the other man is considering, furtively advises, “... don’t do it.”" (Merry & Bright, part 2) and 3. "Well, Bucky utilized his super soldier stealth skills. Steve tripped into the floor lamp." (Good Ol' Fashioned Values)
Share your favorite piece of dialogue I couldn't sort through ALL of the dialogue, lol, but it would definitely be the dirty talk in one of them. A recent one that comes to mind is the sexually tense and taunting back and forth Bucky has with his half-sister in "Make it Stick", or the banter between Ransom and his ex-GF in "Who'd You Have to Blow to Get That Part?"
Share an excerpt from your favorite scene AGAIN, too too many to sort through them all, but I love the scene in Good Ol' Fashioned Values where Steve and Bucky are making love, and Steve is emotional over wanting to be the omega mate he used to be for Bucky, and Bucky tenderly reassures him that he's still the perfect mate: [[“Buck, oh, p-please …”
“Uh huh. That’s right Honey. So soft. You work so hard to go soft for me, don’t you Sweetheart?”
Steve whimpered in a way he rarely did anymore, hands flying up to cover Bucky’s on his neck. “Yes, yes,” he gasped. His fingers curled into Bucky’s metal ones and held on almost desperately. “Please. I can be good. Buck,”
It broke Bucky’s heart a little bit, and he cooed sadly and shook his head. “Aw, Stevie, no.” He changed his pace, slowing down and fucking in deep and staying there to grind them together. “You’re always good, Honey. Always. Even when you can’t.” Steve’s eyes got misty at that, and plaintive, sad sounds started working their way out of his throat alongside the moans. Bucky hushed him. “Shh sh sh, Sweetheart.”]]
Share the final version of a sentence or paragraph you struggled with. What about it was challenging? Are you happy with how it turned out? The last paragraph of Modifications & Improvement of Functions, because the tone of the fic was so lighthearted and so twisted at different points, I wasn't quite sure which tone I wanted it to end on. [[Steve’s old junker of a heart gets another ding in it. He pulls Bucky in close to be the little spoon, and lies there kissing at the back of his neck for a long, long time. “You always work right, Buck. You’re always perfect. I love you.” He traces the edges of the star that’s carved into the nape of his neck, and eventually he whispers, “We’ll go to the piercing shop tomorrow.”]]
What's something that surprised you while you were working on a fic? Did it change the story? That a 16 year old character may NOT be written engaging in even non-explicit sexual relationships in a Tumblr fic. I had to reformat a few details to be safe (but I increased the age gap super much instead, so nah nah! 😝(Got my abusive Tumblr Staff Troll 🧌to thank for that one.)
What did you use to write? (e.g. writing programs, paper & pen, etc.) Google Docs. Sometimes I'll jot something small down straight onto a Tumblr post.
If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year? I'm just really satisfied with the themes and unique way the narrative handles the subject matter in Modifications and Improvement of Functions, I think. As well as how I navigated the half-sibling incest depicted in "Make it Stick"
Did you do anything special to celebrate finishing a fic? When I achieved 5 in a rows on Bingos, I posted the masterlists. First time doing that!
How did you recharge between fics? Sleep, binge eating, elliptical machine/gym, Youtube videos.
If this were an awards show, who would you thank? My supporters who have commissioned fics, my most frequent commentors/rebloggers, and the people who supported me when the Tumblr Staff Troll 🧌 started abusing her position. (@smlmsworld, @autumnrose40, @pia-bartolini, @pandafishao3, @albymangroves, @rogersbarneses, @cobaltmoonysart, @justsupersarahthings (@and the others who I probably forgot!)
What’s something that you want to write in 2024? I have a fic I was writing for the @stuckyhistoricalfiction challenge that I never finished because of an injury/recuperation, but I truly love the fic concept and what I have written so far, so I'd like to finish that this year, even if it's just a shorter version than I'd planned. I also had two fics I was supposed to write and another fic I was supposed to draw for, for the @stuckybangs, which I didn't complete due to the injury. I'd love to collab with those partners and fulfill their visions! BUT MOST OF ALL: I want to finish up many, if not most (or all 😅) of my WIPs that I have going. I love them all so much and have no intention of letting any of them remain unfinished forever!
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I would like to say that I'm doing well, but honestly... i was living without any drug or alcohol for over a year, and i was fine, until i decided to quit smoking as well. It went surprisingly good at first.
But one day i didn't feel well so i decided to borrow a friend's cigarette and my mind went... boom?
In 1 week, hookah. In 9 days, L-dopa. In 10 days, random mix of pills. In 12 days, kratom, in 3 weeks, smoking again and sniffing my brothers home made caffeine, however stupid it may seem. Today I had to control myself hard so i wouldn't have a drink.
Now I'm not saying that this is a game over for me, but it certainly doesn't feel like winning either. It's risky. And besides the obvious, relapsing drug addiction kind of risky - I am a bipolar patient with lithium treatment. And since lithium is a poison, it's also very dangerous. But my medication is my safety net. If i'd have to make the choice, i REALLY fucking hope that i would rather decide NOT to use hard drugs with it, than gamble and possibly die.
I know it's not that bad, well, i don't even do anything i would actually like you know... junkie-worthy.
But I went from "i don't want to take this allergy pill because it makes me feel a little dizzy" to "let's do some kratom and sniff this pile of caffeine" surprisingly too fast for me to not be concerned.
I don't really know how to want to stop it.
I guess i just forgot what it feels like... I guess i forgot the rush of losing control.
Ugh shut up and stop romanticizing the very same thing that almost killed you, sicko. (Save it for another post.)
413 days sober
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ishootcops · 1 month
mutuals i’m going to the store y'all want anything? kratom? smokes? gas station dick pills? calypso?
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mindfulkratom · 11 months
Explore Kratom Trainwreck Pills | Premium Kratom Online Store's remarkable data portfolio. Immerse yourself in the captivating data stories that unfold through this meticulously crafted data portfolio.
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iminthetunnels · 2 years
pill mom. weed mom. coffee mom. energy drink mom. delta 8 mom. kratom mom. seltzer mom. wine mom. cigarette mom. beer mom. disney mom.
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floridakilo · 1 year
How much Kratom should I do if I want it to feel like opiates ?Like 10 or 15 capsules ? Also if they don’t come in capsules do you know how to measure? Appreciate your junkie scholarness
you measure it by grams and its much cheaper just to get the bulk powder those capsules are kinda a scam...for opioid effect it depends on your tolerance...with my opioid tolerance i was doing 20 grams of kratom to prevent withdrawal but if youve never done opioids than probably like 5 grams would be fine to try...also unrelated but theres these highly concentrated capsules you can get that are supposed to be like a mock "perc" they look like this so you dont have to swallow a bunch of pills (expensive tho)
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sulkykitty · 6 months
Got to work and my bag spilled a pack of pads and my kratom pills all over the floor in front of some guy then I lost my phone wtf
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cognitohazardous · 1 month
doing more reading on GABA it seems to be pretty fucked up and generally something to avoid. It can cause severe withdrawals, as taking it regularly causes your brain to stop producing it naturally, so when you stop dosing you have no GABA and end up with miserable symptoms. alcohol is GABAergic, same with benzos and ashwaghanda, and one reason they're so addictive is because of the GABAergic properties. it seems ashwaghanda has given people major withdrawals, which is strange for something you can buy on the shelf in walmart next to melatonin and shit (its very pleasant though, but best to take it irregularly if at all). also, it seems GABA has a standard effect of making you really sleepy, which explains my fatigue all day today. last time i took the pills it was in the evening, so i hadn't noticed.
i'll set the rest of these pills aside for now for sure. they have a positive impact the day after i take them, but they are not something to take in the morning, despite the labeling on the package purporting them to be a morning type of thing. also not gonna buy more. I was hesitant of them anyway cause I am of anything sold in a smoke shop that isn't straight weed nicotine or kratom (and im even wary of those depending on the shop)
never trust a drug with a corporate art style character on the front
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