knightyoomyoui · 1 year
[SMUT] TWICE Momo x Male Reader -  “A Steamy Post-Action”
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Longest smut one-shot I had so far! I enjoyed writing this one a lot because I added this with a genre I’ve never wrote before, even in my non-smut one-shot book. So yeah, this one is unique and I’m delighted that I get to finally challenge myself to work on it! Enjoy everyone!
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It is year 2050, where people are on a brink of extinction since monstrous creatures spawned in Earth from a fallen asteroid recorded by specialized people on the field of science. 
As they grew and developed in various speed of time, they began to attack and slay every innocent individuals around the planet; marking the beginning of their unresolvable domination that still occurs up to this day.
Fortunately, some of the people who avoided the dangers brought by these horrible nightmarish lifeforms were intelligent and applicable enough to stand as a leader and participate in other various positions as they build their own force; with the agenda solely dedicated for the destruction of their villanous monsters.
They proposed plans in preparation to strike back as a revenge for their deceased fellow humans while the researcers and scientist proceeded to search for a key that will enable them to unlock the weakness in result to take down these monsters all at once.
That is, until one day; luck came into their side when they successfully gathered a research about this particular plant that holds juices which can act as acidic liquid to evaporate and poison the disfigured bodies easily.
They scanned through every areas where this plant could appear, and they included it on their mission to assign for their outlaws in command whenever they get dispatched from outside to face these diabolical monsters roaming around.
Just like today, two of the agents from one of the headquarters in Japan named YN and his sidekick Momo were tasked to collect some herbal plant for a new experimentation to be performed.
Scanning around the surroundings of Kyoto, they managed to detect one; which leads them to an abandoned mall. They entered together with the hopes of discovering one for them to finally believe their findings.
"The dot is blinking at the center." YN who is holding the tracker in his hand while walking, said to Momo flashing a light around just like him. "If we will based it from the interior map of this mall..."
"... that means the plant we're looking for is..." Momo and YN stopped on their tracks as they reached the border of the open grounds of the mall. Lowering her head, YN looks at her while waiting for the next words for him to listen. "... down here."
"Basement. We're going to the parking lot." YN specified after getting what Momo is pertaining to. "Cmon, we gotta hurry up and look for emergency stairs that will take us there."
Momo and YN quickened the speed of their steps. "Here!" he exclaimed but not that loud, as they're still trying not to create too much noise to attract monsters that might be strolling around nearby.
They went downstairs and reached the basement. It was dark, empty and almost suffocating with the almost less than average amount of air consisting the place. "Let's stick together. Stay by my side, I don't want one of us to get lost in the dark." YN grabbed Momo's wrist and pulled it closer to him. The black curly haired Japanese woman felt slightly astounded at her partner's sudden touch.
As they continued to cautiously look around while illuminating some spots with the use of their flashlights, they finally directed theirselves into a bush filled with the special herbal plant they've been looking for.
"Gotcha." YN pulls out his scissors and plastic bag. He cuts the stem of the leaves one by one and placed it inside the container while Momo is keeping his vision clear with her light.
After they finished, they both faced each other as YN returns the things back to his backpack. "We're now done. Let's go head back to the base."
Momo nodded. As they're about to walk back to the entrance of the emergency stairs, Momo accidentally kicked a single empty can scattered in the ground; creating loud sounds of metal clanging echoed throughout the parking lot.
"Shit!" Momo cursed under her breath. She gritted her teeth and shuts her eyes in irritation at the accident she has done.
"Oh no." YN looked at her frightenedly. Creepy roars became audible to them from a distance, signalling that the sounds has indeed attracted some of the monsters at the end far away from them in the parking lot to become attracted at the noise.
Hearing some increasing sounds of footsteps, YN and Momo's instincts became aware of what's about to happen. "T-they're coming. We have to run. NOW!"
YN didn't cared anyone if he raised his voice. The monsters already knew of their presence now anyway. It was no use to play safe.
Momo and YN dashed through the steps upstairs and went back to the first floor of the mall. Screeches and intimidating growls greeted them too as it seems like they got alerted too that an invader has arrived in their territory.
Preparing theirselves for a fight to ensue with these bastards, they pull out their handy weapon; a gun out of their waist pocket. While they're on a run for survival, YN and Momo begun to encounter one tethered creature along their way. It looked at them fiercely and opened his mouth to show its hunger, with the black substance slowly coming out from it; effectively disguted the both outlaws.
Without any further ado, YN shot the monster straight to its head double times. "Go! Go! Keep moving forward! We might get trapped!" He encouraged Momo to proceed running by tapping her shoulder.
More monsters emerges from the shadows, YN and Momo back and forth fires bullets to each of them as they defend theirselves side by side. It doesn't mean an easy escape for them now as they also had to face some monsters who had a slightly tougher skin and more resistance to damage.
They why it left both YN and Momo to reveal their secondary weapon they carry with them to finish this in no matter of time. Sliding out their katanas from their backs, they start slashing and cutting all the parts of monsters; causing it to get ripped out or left open with the insides and blood to flow out.
Too occupied with their respective enemies, Momo didn't noticed that a hand from a nearly slained monster just grabbed her foot. She kicked it repeatedly to let go, only for a monster to have an opportunity to charge at her and send her to the ground, dropping her gun away from her.
The monster tried to push its face closer to Momo so that it could get an infectious bite. Momo groaned through her all strength to push the monster away until she uses a knife to aggressively stab the neck. It left her in shock when it is still moving and doing all its best to include Momo as its next victim.
Not until when she had to witness a brutal kill close to her as YN yelled at the frightening sight of Momo about to be devoured by the hideous creature. "MOMO!" He ran and swung his katana to the left, straightfully aiming it on the head and decapitating the monster as its blood splattered around his overpowered sidekick.
Momo was just laying down on the ground, still eyes wide open in shock and confusion about what just happened. The body slowly collapsed in front of her and YN's figure appeared on her vision as it kneeled down and checked on her. "A-are you okay, Momoring? Did you get bitten?"
"Y-yeah. I'm good. Not a single scratch." Momo nodded. YN thankfully didn't found any bite marks around Momo's exposed skin. Due to relief and being afraid of nearly losing Momo, he immediately pulled her closer to him; where he cuddled the stunned Momo around her arms for comfort.
"Thank God I was alarmed right on time to save you." YN muttered as he took more time to feel the still alive and well partner of his who is now blushing and fluttered much at the contact of their bodies together.
Around half an hour later, they both safely returned back to their base. Informing good news to them about successfully collecting plants for a wider research and purposive experiments, their comrades along with their very own command leader thanked and congratulated them for accomplishing their task.
Back in their own rooms, YN was placing back his belongings to his locker when a knock on the door grabbed his attention. It was Momo standing there with a white towel on her hand.
"Oh, hey. I didn't noticed you there." YN said as he closed the locker and fold a towel to his arm too. "What do you want us to talk about?"
"I just wanna say thank you for earlier." Momo smiled appreciatingly. "You saved my life out there. If it wasn't for you, I would probably be one of those infected now, insanely limping around the mall without no memories of how I lived as a human before."
"I had to it. You're my sidekick, Momo. It's my responsibility to put you in no harm. We got each other's back and I would never let you slip out of my sight unless I'm contended enough that I'm looking at you safe and alive." YN replied to her grateful message.
"Yeah I can see that. You just proved that a while ago, and I couldn't be more contented than to pour all of my trust for you to take care of me as much as I want to do the same for you." Momo giggled and tightened her hold on her towel as she shyfully swayed her body.
YN stepped closer to her and stood in front of her near the door. "But could you do the same thing for me about something that I've been hiding from you ever since I get to meet you when you were assigned to be my new partner?" He asked, looking around her features that never failed to make your butterflies in your stomach to go wild.
"Uhm... w-what is it?"
YN sighed and looked around the hallway, wanting this to become a moment only you two could understand and hear each other out. "I like you, Momo. I really do. That's what it keeps me always motivated and devoted from treating you good and keeping you safe and comfortable beside me. You know I lost a partner before, I sweared to myself that I'll never lose one again. Then you came, and you made me feel this something in my heart almost undescribable for me to begin with. Now I know to myself that if something happens to you, I never forgive myself for that... and a part of myself will never recover if you do."
Momo was just standing there in surprise as she watches her friend and mentor confessing his love courageously in front of her. Her heart blossomed, blood rushing fast in her body up towards her cheeks to form intense blushes when she finally got to know that her crush adores her back.
"I know you'll be shocked. I can see it already. You didn't expect me to be this emotional and heartfelt for you but just to let you know, I've been waiting for this moment to come. To finally tell you how much I love you." YN chuckled as he placed his hands on his back and lowered his back in embarassment. "And now, I'll only get to wish that you're fe-"
His words were cut off when YN weren't allowed to speak anymore by Momo who interrupted him by cupping her slim hands to each sides of his faces. She squeezed his cheeks and Momo enjoyed how adorable you looked when she tame you like this.
"Uhh... ehh... M-momo?" You asked confusedly with your muffled voice.
"You don't have to do that too any longer, YN. I'm here to grant it all right now, because I love you too YN."
Momo kissed YN, sending shockwaves through his body as he feel and taste the sincere love gesture across his lips. Melting at the intimacy, YN surrendered from his desires as he touched Momo back by placing his hand behind her head and pull her closer to deepen the passionate kiss.
As they released, both of them laughed sheepishly from one another before they smiled softly. It didn't last long for Momo however, when an idea popped up in her mind that led to the curve of her lips transform into a playful smirk.
"Follow me, YN." Momo holds your hand and pulls you with her.
"Uhh hey, sure but... where are we going?"
Taking a turn to the right hallway, both of you entered a room. It had to recognize immediately from the toilet and showerhead connected to the walls that Momo had just led you to the headquarters' public bathroom.
"W-wait, why did you take us here? This is for anyone?!" You hissed at Momo after you glanced at the sign on the door.
"Don't worry about it. No one will catch us if we won't get too obvious~" Momo said as she caressed your chest and looked at you with her changing aura.
"Look at me." She turned your head to face her.
"Isn't it good to save water, especially when are in a midst of an apocalyse?" Momo asked.
"Y-yeah." You nodded. "Momo, are you saying that..."
"Yeah. I just thought what if... we just clean ourselves up by showering TOGETHER?~" Momo seductively smirked as she gripped your toned arms. You gulped at her growing lost visible in her eyes. She stole your towel and joined it with hers as she hooked it on of the available cubicle doors.
"Let's get started, shall we? We still have to rest afterwards." Momo pulled you with her again, inserting yourself in a free space only occupied by you and her; where she could get to enjoy her time with you tonight for a steamy shower.
She had you in for another kiss before she stood straight in front of you. "What are you waiting for? I'm dirty, take these off from me first." Momo said as she spreaded her arms, causing to inflate her visible cleavage from the tightness of her smelly and filthy suit from the innards of those monsters both of you killed in the mission.
For the first time ever, it won't be your leader that you'll get to comply with her commands to you  You are into Momo tonight, and you're willing to serve and satisfy what she wants and needs for you to make her feel pleasured tonight.
You ran your hand behind Momo, searching for the tip of the zipper and trailing it down to her lower back. There were supporting straps included in her outfit to add stability of its grip to her body and you unbuckled those too; exposing her back to the cold air filling the entire room.
Holding the two folds of her suit, you seperated it further to allow her to slip off the straps in her shoulders. The cups of her pure black laced bra barely managed to contain her large mounds  that were irresistible for you not to salivate with.
Her well-built abs displayed on her midsection were also unveiled as you go deeper from sliding off her garment. Her top is now hanging below, noticing that it was caused by her shorts not removed yet from her waists.
You inserted your fingers inside the waistband and pulled it downwards, as she is now in her matching black panties as well.
Finally making her half naked, you hanged her dirty clothes at the door and admired the view of her incredible body for a while.
"Enjoying the view? Can you believe it that these are all... for you to use if you want to feel good?"
"Fuck, I couldn't even depict if I'm dreaming right now or not." You muttered as you shuddered at her sultry tone. "This is so unreal."
"Come and find it out then." She smickered as you stepped forward on her. Momo took the turn to strip all your clothes until you were left with nothing but your boxers outlining your fully erected cock. She couldn't help but to bit her lips at how fascinating it looks.
"You're so big. I can't wait to feel it stuffed in my mouth." Momo muttered as she lowered her sight. She looked back up to you and embraced each other up again with her pulling your face close to hers as you wrap your arms around her waist.
As both of you make out, her supple breasts were now squished to your chest as you leaned more to her. You grabbed those meaty ass of hers and slowly squeezed it as you feel her skin filling the gap of your hands.
"God, you look so freaking sexy Momo." You said as you looked at her magnificent figure in a black lingerie, effectively turning you on.
"I would really love for you to say that to me often." Momo giggled.
"Oh be assured with that."
Your hands roamed to her sides before it landed on her large boobs as you begun to massage and caressed it with your hands, feeling its softness and perfectly weight for it to bounce on your hold.
Grasping the lock between the two cups, you untangled it and opened her bra, revealing your gift as two bare delicious breasts greeted your eyes.
You licked your tongue and looked at Momo who is anticipating for you to do what's on your mind. "Go ahead, like I said. It's all yours."
Delighted at that permission, you fondled her obs before you finally get to discover its insatiable taste by suckling her hardened nipples and brown areola to her right breasts.
Not wanting to leave the other unattended, you palmed it with all gentle as you get to enjoy sucking her tits. Momo purred and ruffled your hair in a slow pace while taming you once again.
Circling and kisisng every spots of her right breast, you moved forward after to her left breast and did exactly the same; however you did something different this time as you flickered your tongue in her nipples and licked her underboob while your other hand travels down to her panties.
Momo felt your hand invading her wet cavern as you slipped in to her panties and inserted your slender fingers there. Now that you give attention to her crotch, she did the same as she holds your hardened shaft still imprisoned by the confines of your boxers.
She slowly stroked it as she moans with the movements of your fingers pumping in and out on her pussy while on the hand, you whimpered at the feeling of her strokes to your dick as your face is buried between her cleavage.
Kissing her neck and lips once more after you freed her breasts, you seperated your face away from Momo to allow her to kneel and lower down your boxers, finally revealing your huge cock that almost hit her face when it sprung.
"Mmm~ it even looks bigger at this angle." Momo said, licking her lips as she reached out and performed some strokes while your pre-cum streams down in her fingers.
You sighed and groaned as she played with your throbbing shaft more and more until she decided to have a taste of it by circling the tip and your head.
She moaned as she pumped her head more inch by inch to your length, making every skin not left stained with the mix if your pre-cum and her saliva. Licking and slurping as she traced your bulging veins of your impressive length, she curled her fists tighter to add more pressure on her strokes.
You glanced Momo doing a blowjob to you from above and moaned at the pleasure she has been giving you masterfully. Your satisfied sounds is what makes Momo to smile that she's doing the right thing.
She raised your cock and blew your testicles as she toyed it on her hands, your eyes largened at the new found refreshing feeling that Momo spotted. It wasn't a matter of time before your balls gets to join your cock on getting wet with Momo's slobbering mouth.
She sucked each of your balls while pumping your length as she stares above at you with her hungry pair of orbs before she returns to it and gave you an instant deepthroat, you grunted at the heat and the gags that envelopes and vibrated your manhood.
Lasting for almost 10 seconds later, she removed her face away from being almost buried in your shaved groin before she introduced to you next her another way of pleasuring your manhood.
Putting your shaft between her ample mounds, she used it to ejaculate you as your moaned grow louder at how the pillowy and comfortable feeling it sends to your body.
She stopped moving, silently instructing you to do it on your own this time. It motivated you to buckle your hips as you thrusted forward and out repeatedly with your cock still trapped between her jiggling breasts as she holds it steadily.
Momo felt your cock twitching and sensed it as a signal that you're now close to reach your orgasm. She joined your movements and now the both of you are cooperating to make you finally let loose until your cum has successfully spurted out to Momo's face, breasts and some in her hair.
It was too much that Momo had to scooped every stream of it and take it to her mouth to prevent it from being wasted. As she finished, Momo glanced at you and raised herself back up to equal your height.
"So delicious." She commented on the load you delivered for her. Letting you breath out to rest a bit from your orgasm, Momo decided to tell you something first to alarm you what she prefers to do next. "You get to taste me now, don't want you to be the one who gets left behind."
She sat in the toilet seat and spreaded her legs for you. You took the initiative to crouch down and plant you lips to her glistening folds as Momo whimpered at how you carefully spreaded her entrance.
Your tongue invaded her pussy and wiggled it against her insides. Momo moaned in ecstasy as she is now the one feeling how is it to be pleasured orally by her mate and lover.
Her arousal keeps on increasing as she gets to feel every bit of your lips and tongue moving in sync all around her walls while it traces the line of her slit. You even focused on her puffy clit and blew it before you kissed it repeatedly.
"O-ohhh my~ YN... Y-yes yes right there!" Momo cries out as she gripped your hair and pushed your face more to her cavern when she found out that you successfully hit her g-spot. Meanwhile, you observed that your lips and chin are getting wetter from her fluids leaking out.
Momo groped her own breasts to add the euphoria as you continued to tongue fuck her pussy and eat it in an increasing intensity. This reached the required method for her to began quivering her legs as she is now about to reach her orgasmic bliss.
Few more pumps from your fingers who just joined in a late timing while you licked her folds still, she gave her final howl as she squirted out her juices in your face while you attempted to catch some of it in your mouth for you to drink and have a taste of her too.
As she panted to rid out her newly arrived orgasm, you stood up and opened the shower head where the water is now flowing out to the floor. You lend a helpful hand to Momo and she accepted it with a smile.
Both of you shared a reassuring and caring eyes that you two always give for one another in your missions together before Momo nodded and gave you a proof that she is ready for this moment.
Knowing that she's all fine with this, you quickly went to work right away as you stood behind Momo who bended for you.
You slowly entered her body with your hardened cock and gently pumped it in to her welcoming hole before you get to hold each of her wrists and position yourselves in stand and deliver.
You groaned at the sensation as you pounded Momo from behind, her juicy ass rippling from the impact of your body bumping at her while she moans in pleasure at the feeling of your cock rubbing her insides.
She was amazed at how you immediately discovered her g-spot too early and now she has this lustful smile plastered on face as you kept on fucking her.
You amped your thrusts harder, sending Momo to purse forward. Her moans turns to screams as she truly enjoys the combined strength of your pounding and your largening cock drilling up her pussy.
"Fuck... fuck... FUCK! Oh my god you're so great in this, YN. I'm so-mhmmm-turned on right now!"
Sounds of claps from the collision of your wet bodies together goes louder, her hanging hair and breasts were both swaying and bouncing matching the pace of your cock lunging into her.
Few more rams to give into her and you shot out your second load out of her gaping hole, your cum landed all over back which didn't lasted long as it were all washed away by the water from the shower.
Momo noticed her body being carried back up with your hands grabbing underneath her shoulders as you stood her with her back facing your chest. She leaned onto it as she felt your hands knead her tits once again but with a slimy feeling as you added some liquid soap in your palm before rubbing it all over her skin.
As you covered her entire body with soap, Momo does the same for you. However, she left your lower part ignored for a while when you pulled her with you as you sat in the toilet seat and Momo understood the initiation real quick.
Your member pointed straight ahead at Momo's used pussy, assisting her to easily insert it back on her as she slowly sat in your lap with her cock filling her up again.
She rode you in a reverse sitting cowgirl, bouncing herself in a moderate pace while you returned on playing with her hypnotizing huge breast while grazing her puckered clit through your fingertips; sending her into the familiar sensation she just had earlier.
Adding it with some grinding of her hips, you moaned with her at how it feels so good having your cock going in different angles as it kept on thrusting inside her walls. Holding it as your substitute handle to maintain her balance, you nibbled around her nape as Momo whimpered at your soft lips gliding around her smooth skin as you continuously slammed her rear in your crotch.
You gripped harder into Momo, tightened fingers leaving some prints in her skin. She tilted her head and pressed her lips against yours, dueling for another sloppy kiss as she sucked and licked your teeth and sides of your tongue while you explored her mouth that will contrast to her lustful actions. You moaned with her on the kiss before you halted on fucking her moist pussy to remove her on your lap. That's for her to make her straddle your erection and face you now where she can easily kiss you back and for you to gnaw and suck on her hardened nipples after. "Ugh ugh nghh mmhphh I-I'm cumming! haah haah oh!" assorted noises escaped Momo's as the only thing she could react at your huge meaty girth pummeling her walls roughly, making her bounce extremely and voice go shaky until you let out your third wave of sticky cream spurting high enough to mess Momo's face, breasts and torso again.
In retribution, Momo also timed her squirt along with your cum release as her warm juices flooded your thighs and legs after you lift her up; a fair situation to occur.
There were footsteps that joined the sound of the running water from the shower as you and Momo noticed that there's two fellow members of their organization just entered the bathroom and mind their own business.
You paused to guard any obvious movements of theirs in case they might accidentally get caught red-handed so you and Momo had to be careful with this.
As you're about to be contented that none of them suspects anything as they continue to talk about a random topic not minding someone very near to them is taking a shower while secretly engaging to have a sex with a fellow comrade who is a sexy woman inside the cubicle, Momo surprises you when she steps behind you and grabbed your sensitive cock; awakening its hardness back as she strokes it.
"W-what the- Momo!"
"Ssh~ Be quiet if you don't want them to see us like this." Momo whispered in your ear. You failed to contain a moan in your mouth as she involves her another hand to roll your balls in her fingers while she proceeds to pump your length until it's erected again. "Just imagine, they take a peek and led theirselves to watch you getting jacked off by a fine lady like me. They'll be so jealous to be in your position. Do you even realize how lucky you are on winning the heart of a woman like me?"
She rotated you and stared at you with her cunning smirk, you shook your head at this new side of the seductress that you will be getting to meet frequently from now on whenever her horny state got activated.
As the loud voices of those two men decreases, signifying that they just walked out of the room and leaving both of you to be alone again, you took the opportunity to speak again to address what she just did.
"You're crazy for that, Momoring. I barely had to endure that." You said as you sighed deeply and looked at your manhood standing and poking her abs.
"That's what you do to me, YN." Momo winked and pinched your cheeks. "Let it all out on me, we'll go for last round then we can wash ourselves fully after."
"Alright. What do you want us to do next?"
"Hmm~ I want to try... this."
Momo raised her one leg and you hold for support as she stand with her other leg only planted in the tiles of the floor. She moved your cock closer to her entrance and you took that as a signal to slid into her, setting yourselves up in another new sex position in similarity of a ballet dancer through its required form of stance.
You kissed Momo on the lips as she wrapped her arms around your head while you rammed into her wet core mercilessly and aggressively to test how it will took Momo to give in.
Feeling her insides compressing your cock as you rocked her body back and forth, you let a muffled moan in tune with her own as both were feeling the pleasure invading their nearly drained bodies.
Momo was challenged to strengthen her grip into you as she is now raising both of her legs in the air when you lifted the other one before sending her in the wall to lean on while you cornered her on fucking her precious little tight pussy.
"Ooh ahh ungh Y-YN... I love this so much~ I knew it would be awesome when it's been done by you."
"Damn, Momo you're so freaking hot. Why I couldn't get enough of you."
"So as I! Give it all you got, YN. Don't be easy on me. Oh god I can't wait to do this with you everytime we want."
"As you say so, Momo. Fuck it feels so incredible!"
You drilled your cock into her pussy upwards as Momo insanely bounced in the intensity of the impact of your crotch clapping with her thick ass. Her moans and screams alternate until you interrupted her by shutting her damn noisy mouth with your rough kiss.
Another slow grinds and palming of her supple breasts to give yourself a short timeout before you returned the speed by thundering her loving hole with your maximized manhood.
Momo felt that twitching again in her velvety tunnel, knowing that you're close on your end. "D-do it inside! I want you to fill me up!"
"Are you sure? Is that safe?"
"Yeah positive. I took birth control earlier. Just trust me, please I want you to make me feel good for the final time."
The desperate pleads of your lover on making her satisfied and enjoy is too harsh to be denied. Strong few thrusts and your cock called it a wrap as it spasmed at the splash of wave flowed into her insides, giving her the first ever creampie from you.
Her face lit up and eyes shined white while she gaping her mouth in awe as you suckled on her tits one more to ride her orgasm away with your shaft still remained in her slimy pussy.
She loved how it absolutely makes her full as you couldn't even count how many times your cock gave ropes of pearly fluid that resulted in Momo to feel how it overflowed and broke out of her folds, your liquid streaming down in the sides of her fluffy thighs.
You slipped your cock out of her dominated core and helped her to sit on the toilet. You cursed in admiration at when the sight has became visible to you of Momo's lustful smile watching the continuous leaking of your seed out of her.
Both were slightly sweaty and spent at your first ever sex with her new girlfriend, you did a couple of inhale and exhale, planting both of your palms and lower your head as you breathe heavily.
"We did it so well..." Momo said as she scooped some of your cum and sucked her fingers with it to have a taste of its saltiness. "Our bodies were indeed compatible with each other."
"I'll take it as part of our destiny to be matched together." You chuckled and smiled unbelievably at Momo's never-fading dirty talks. "Stop doing that now, you're sounding like you want another one."
"What if I do?" Momo dared you as she crossed her legs and stares at you menacingly.
"I would like to give it to you, but no thanks. That's enough for tonight, Momoring. We have to take a proper bath now. Don't you want to rest?" You declined her dare as you stepped below the shower to wash yourself.
Momo saw your serious expression and pouted. "But I'm just kidding though. Don't be too serious." She replied as she went away from the toilet to join you.
You looked at her and assumingly sensed her worriedness and tensed emotion. She was focused on scrubbing her skin with soap when you turned her to face you and cooperate with you on another passionate kiss.
"I should be telling the same as you. Chill, okay? I'm not mad. It's just a joke, I know. I don't even see that for my blood to boil at you with just tiny thing such as that. I just love you so much Momo and I'll always think of what you feel for me." You patted her head and kissed her again in her peachy colored cheek.
"How sweet of you, YN." Momo blushed at your heartfelt words. She coiled her arms around you and glanced. "I'll do the same, ofcourse. Remember that now in our relationship, we'll be as one and it will stay like that for the rest of our lives. Whatever it takes for us to keep on surviving and defending ourself against the odds around us. I love you."
"I love you too, Momo. I will be your protector and romancer until time will tell us how we end."
"Till death do us part." Momo added and you nodded agreeingly at her truthful oath. You kissed again before continuing to freshen yourselves up on a cold bath to ensure your entire cleanliness.
You and Momo sneakily returned to your respective rooms and dressed up before rejoining again, as you proudly and joyfully cuddled with her to make your relationship official for anyone in the camp to see and determine the good news.
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killuachii · 1 year
The day I became blind.
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The day I became blind was just like any other day. I became blind because I deserved it. I felt so afraid.
I was afraid because I was blind.
I lost you because I was blind.
I didn't stop loving you, not even when I was blind.
I am sorry for loving you.
Ever since the day I met you I felt guilty about falling in love with you. You were so perfect. You were a nice summer morning, as two lovers were sitting on the beach watching the sun kiss their eyes. But I on the other hand was rotten. I was the trash left behind, being melted by that same summer sun that I loved so much on you. I feel so guilty loving you, but you make that guilt disappear. The way you look at me, the way you embrace my hands with yours and tell me that I am so much and more. That I am worth something. I was happy.
But on the day I became blind, the guilt ate me up. My days started with a "why" but ended with "you". You are the reason I could be anything I wanted. You are the reason I forgot about everything around me. You are the reason I was enough. And I loved you so much. I got lost in your eyes. I got lost in your smile. I lost myself, but I could never lose you, or so I thought. So why now am I only dancing with the "what if"s when I could have been dancing with you. Getting absorbed by your love. I love you so much. But I feel guilty for loving you. Don't you feel guilty too? You lost your spark, you lost your love and I lost mine. For my love that doesn't exist anymore, with tears in my eyes I bid farewell to you. If I could wish upon the night sky, I would always wish to be with you.
The day I became blind was just like any other day. I became blind because I couldn't control it. I felt so distant.
I felt distant because I was blind.
I started hating myself because I was blind.
I didn't stop loving you even when the hate ate away at me.
On the day I became blind, I became angry. My days started with "you" but ended with "why". You didn't understand me anymore. I didn't understand myself. I was Vesuvius and you were Pompeii. I drowned you. I drained you, until there was no way out but to suffocate. I was so angry. I am sorry for what I have done to you. I just couldn't control myself. Where did your smile go? Where did your eyes go? Where did I go? I was in the wrong. That's why you lost your love. I hate myself now, but even so you still told me that you loved me. I felt conflicted. You were conflicted. Our hearts couldn't reach each other, even though we were so close. If the walls were ever to speak, I hope they would never talk about that night. I wish I could love you once again. After everything was said and done, I won't expect you to come back. I was so angry at myself, which made me forget about what it caused you. You are not smiling with your eyes ever again, not with me. If I could turn back time I would stop my anger and love you more and more. But I couldn't because I was blind.
The day I became blind was just like any other day. I became blind because I was empty. I was broken.
I was broken because I was blind.
I couldn't stop crying because I was blind.
But I could never stop loving you even when the tears were drowning me.
The day I became blind, my sadness started growing. My days started with "why" but ended with "me". I was hopeless. I wasn't myself. I became the person you would end up hating and if I'm honest I started hating me too. You were everything for me. I was nothing compared to. I think about you a lot. You are always on my mind. If it wasn't for the memories of you I would have sailed away to a place unknown to human kind. Those memories are special to me. I keep thinking about your eyes. About your smile, the way you made me laugh. About your everything. I feel like screaming but no sound is coming out. I had lost it. I had lost you. But I miss you so much. If there was ever a place where we could meet again, would we fall in love the same way we did on the first day? Or is this love lost. Lost forever. One day you will love me again, until that day I will be your love again.
The day I wasn't blind anymore made me realize who I have been. To you Keita, my love, I am very sorry.
The day I wasn't blind anymore was never like any other day. My days started with the sun and ended with the moon. We have finally found each other again. I stripped away the guilt, calmed down my anger and broke free of my sadness. The only thing that was left was acceptance and you. You, who I loved so much. You, who I still love. And it seems that you still love me. We couldn't be apart. It wasn't our destiny. You are my fate and I am yours. I worked on myself, not to make you jealous, but so that you can fall in love all over again. My love for you is much stronger than the negative emotions that held me back. The blindness that kept me away from you. You made me realize that I wasn't trash that melted away. You are the sun and I am the moon. As you kissed me awake, I kissed you goodnight. It took some time to realize but I am happy that I realized this through you.
Thank you for everything.
Thank you guys for reading!
I put some metaphors into this story, I will explain them so you would understand them better!
The blindness isn't really blindness, it's a metaphor I used for the MC's trust issues. MC was putting their issues in the way of loving someone, in this case Keita!
In this story we follow the MC as they try to deal with the emotions, guilt, anger and sadness. They felt guilty because they never felt truly like they were trusting Keita. Even though Keita was the best thing happening to them. This guilt slowly turned into anger. They were mostly angry at themselves for not being the way they wanted to be. They slowly shifted their anger to Keita, which resulted in various fights. One fight in particular broke their whole relationship. Due to the break up MC experiences sadness. They start reminiscing about old times during their relationship. They felt like something was missing.
At the end MC starts accepting their faults and works on themselves. They came to realize that Keita was the only thing in their life they loved dearly. Keita never stopped loving MC. As he saw MC getting better and better, he saw another spark light up in his heart. MC finally became the person he fell in love with.
have a nice day!!!!
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seventeenplug · 2 years
Yoon Jeonghan X Reader (Get out)
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Pairing - Non idol Yoon Jeonghan X Not gendered reader
Genre - angst + sad
Warning - mentions of being drunk - hitting - throwing items
Summary - As you waited and waited for your boyfriend to celebrate your two years together he appears drunk once more, and in mids of a fight confesses to his unfaithfulness.
Word count 1.6k
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It was one of those nights again, he was out with his friends, one drink turning into five and then into ten, he could barely remember what he had first before he started mixing them.
Was it whiskey? Was it beer? Why was it hitting so strongly... that, he couldn't say for sure.
Maybe because he had a light dinner, leaving the office at late hours and deciding to head into a bar with his friends instead of home to his girlfriend who awaited him with dinner ready.
He didn't know, he had no clue of the day it was.
He forgot completely that you two had planned for a night in for your 2 year mark.
Work was hard, deadlines were closing in rather quickly and he couldn't just finish the work by himself for his team mates to get the credit that they never gave.
You sat alone at the dinner table, the lights were down, candles shined a warm light within the place, lightning up the path up to the table, where a vanilla candle burned. You had cooked for the entirety of the evening, having taken a break from work specifically to plan and care for the day.
What was it worth to him when he was out doing something unknown to you whilst you sat at the table, mascara sliding down your face as hot tears fell faster, sipping your glass of red wine.
It was well past midnight, your glass was empty, so was the bottle, which you had drowned your sorrow in.
You had tried multiple times to contact him, but it was of no effort, it went straight into voice mail, letting you know that it had either been turned off or had no battery.
Dragging your hand through your hair, you sighed, a shaken breath leaving your dry lips as you stood up from your chair, tears now dried onto your face simply leaving a trail of mascara behind.
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But that's when he walked in, door unlocking, immediately alerting you who stood frozen in place just in front of the dinner table.
He closed the door, his back to you, as he locked it, you tried not to, but you couldn't help but laugh as he finally turned around, clearly drunk.
Laughing as if it was the funniest thing ever, when really, all you wanted to do was cry more at the mere thought of Jeonghan forgetting your 2 year celebration and going out for drinks instead, getting bat shit drunk and going home to you in said state.
So, you laughed, and laughed, tears falling once more, you didn't know if they fell from the laughter or due to the situation you were in.
Was this all he cared for you?
"Why... why are you laughing?" he asked, a single eyebrow raised as he eyed you weirdly.
"Do you know, how fucking embarassing this looks right now?" you asked him, although you chuckled, he could, despite his drunked state fully understand the venom dripping in your tone.
He looked around, his eyes locking onto every feature that you had changed within the place, the candles, uneaten dinner, the lights...
"What did I miss?" he asked clearly confused.
"Not much, you know, just an everyday mark" you shrugged, taking both plates into your hands and heading to the kitchen, the man following closely behind you as best he could.
"Y/N, come on. Just say it" he sighed, running his hand down his face, mind completely blank of what this could possibly mean.
"Nothing. Go to bed"
"Just fucking spit it out. For fucks sake, Y/N. Do I look like I fucking know what you want?!" He yelled in anger.
"Fucking hell, always pissing me off. This is why I'm barely home. At least she-"
"She?" you questioned, eyes finally meeting his which widened in sudden realization, mouth open agape as he stared back at you in something you could only describe as guilt and shock at the same time.
"Y/N, I didn't mean -"
"You have another woman" you say once more, he averts his eyes from yours, too ashamed to look at you. You can only scoff, eyes falling to the ground before you raise them once more in anger.
"I have done, everything! Everything to make this work and what, you have the decency to mention, SHE?! On our 2 year anniversary?" You laugh dryly.
You watch his eyes, once more widen, finally realizing the date, checking his phone's calendar to confirm that it was in fact the date. Even more guilt filling him inside.
With quick steps he tries to reach you, but you push him away, one hand behind you holding the counter for dear life whilst the other was on his chest keeping the distance between you two.
"Who is she" you ask once more.
"She's just a coworker, she means nothing! Nothing to me" he says, all drunkness put aside as he speaks.
"She's clearly important for you to want to spend time with her. I bet she doesn't piss you off" You speak confidently, you had to put this front, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of watching you broken, so you  watched him, as his act fell to the floor, still trying to convince you otherwise.
"Y/N... please, she-"
"I don't care. I said leave" you repeat, eyes glaring at his which now gathered tears. But he made no effort in moving. And this is when everything went wrong. Your anger simply grew, this man wasn't the man you had fallen in love with, he wasn't the Jeonghan you knew. You didn't even know if that had ever been the man you loved.
Was it all a facade?
The hand that was on his chest curled up into a fist, hitting at his chest, the tears that fell down his cheeks, now matched yours which fell once more.
Your hand hitting at his chest with strenght as you sobbed. He took it all. He deserved it, he knew he did.
You had every right to despise him. hate him. But he didn't want to let you go.
"Leave!" You screamed at him through your tears, your sight blurry as you stared blankly at his shirt.
He grabbed at your hand, pulling you into his embrace, but you couldn't accept it, not after knowing of the affair.
You broke out of his hold, slapping him across the face, lip quivering as you groaned. His face turning to the side, his own eyes glossy, sniffing and wiping his face with the sleeve of his work shirt.
"Get out" You glared sternly.
"We can work this out-"
"Can I cheat too then?" You asked him... quiet. You smiled looking down at the floor once more, pushing your tears back.
"Get out. It's over, Jeonghan" you sighed, turning around and focusing on the dirty dishes already a safe distance from him who stood frozen to his spot watching your now calm state.
"Y/N" he called out.
You turned around, the plate breaking as it hit the wooden floors just besides him, jolting him, the glass barely missing him.
"I don't want you here! I want you gone! Just leave!" You yelled, strudding down the corridor you walked into your shared bedroom, opening the closet doors and pulling out every piece of clothing he owned throwing it inside his traveling suit case.
He was still stuck in his place, he just couldn't believe this is how it would end, how he had broken you.
He forgot, and not only that but he ended up confessing to his affair, something he had planned on breaking off just the day before, but he couldn't, already in-too deep with said woman, but looking at you right now, he also couldn't just leave you...
Now, he didn't have to make that choice, it was made for him.
He was given no other choice but to leave you.
The possible love of his life...
His heart ached as he watched you walking out of your bedroom, 2 suitcases trailing behind you, with what he knew would be his wardrobe.
He gulped dryly, eyes casting down on the floor, too ashamed to look at you. He deserved it.
"Take them, and leave"
"I love you -"
"If you love me, then you won't want me to be in pain" you said in between breaths, trying hard to contain your tears that had just stopped.
"I never meant to hurt you, we can still fix it, please. Just give me one more chance" he tried once more.
"Do you love me?" you questioned him, eyes fixated on his every emotion, he nodded, eyes filling with hope as he stared at you.
"Then, you'll leave" you whispered.
He gave up after that.
There was no going back after everything was said.
So he grabbed his two bags and with one final look, he exited the house, the most sober he had ever felt in his entire life.
Leaving you behind who sobbed watching his every step, too broken inside to beg him to not go, to stay and hold you.
Too disgusted to even want to touch him, afraid to see even the tiniest trace of the woman he had betrayed you with.
Somewhat wishing this was all a lie, a badly played joke on you... You laid on the sofá, the tears fell on their own, you couldn't even feel the tears that still fell on their own falling asleep to your own sadness.
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Posted the 10th of January 2023
Sorry for disappearing, I had a few issues after new years eve and then I just came back a few hours ago from a trip where I lost wifi connection and have an exam on the 12th ;-;
But I have already 2 drafts almost finished so hopefully I'll post them this week!!
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ericshoney · 1 year
“Sorry! Are you alright?”~ Kang Yeosang
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You was happily walking down the street. That’s how it all started. You had a free day off work and it was a sunny day, so you thought you’d spend part of it just having a lovely stroll down by the river. All sounds sweet right?
As you was enjoying your gentle stroll, you saw a large dog running towards you. You could hear the owner shouting “Dodger” loudly. You thought the dog would stop or even dash around you... you thought wrong.
“Ow.” You mumble as the giant dog bumps into you hard.
“Dodger! Bad boy!” The owner shouts.
You hear the dog whimper before feeling it lick your cheek.
“I’m sorry! Are you alright?”
You look up to see a handsome man around your age in front of you, his hand out to offer you help up. You take it, making him smile.
You stare at him for a minute before he chuckles slightly, making you blush.
“Sorry! Yes I’m okay thank you.” You said quickly.
“Dodger doesn’t know his own strength sometimes, he knows he did wrong, that’s why he licked your cheek.” The handsome stranger said.
“He’s too cute to be mad with.” You reply, fussing the gentle giant.
“I’m Yeosang.” The man said.
“Y/n” You reply.
“I was just going to the café down the road to get a drink, would you like to join? I’ll pay as a sorry my dog ran you over.” He said, making you laugh.
“That would be nice.” You respond.
Yeosang smiles and picks up Dodger’s lead he had previously dropped.
“Let’s go then.”
With that the both of you walk off, Dodger the dog now calm, and you thinking you’ve met a new friend, a hot one at that~
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k-verse-sachi · 4 months
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Welcome to CharmedChaos! 🌟
Hey there, K-pop lover! I'm JJSTAY, one of the souls behind this little slice of fan fiction heaven. If you're obsessed with BTS, Stray Kids (SKZ), and Enhypen like I am, then you've just found your new happy place!
Why This Blog?
I've been a K-pop fan for as long as I can remember, and writing fan fiction is my way of sharing the joy, excitement, and sometimes, the utter chaos that comes with being part of this incredible fandom. Whether you're here to swoon over a romantic date with your bias, dive into an epic adventure, or just escape reality for a bit, I’ve got you covered.
Current Obsessions:
BTS: From RM’s inspiring leadership to Jungkook’s golden maknae moments, there's never a dull moment!
Stray Kids (SKZ): Whether it’s Han’s witty remarks or Felix’s deep voice, these guys are pure magic.
Enhypen: Their fresh energy and amazing teamwork are the perfect recipe for captivating stories.
Open to Requests! While my main fics currently feature BTS, SKZ, and Enhypen, I’m always up for a new challenge. Got a favorite group or a specific scenario you’re dying to read? Just send me a request, and I’ll do my best to bring your ideas to life! I’m here to make your fan fiction dreams come true.
A Little About Me:
Biases: Suga (BTS), Han (SKZ), and Niki (Enhypen) – but honestly, I love them all!
Hobbies: Besides writing, you can find me binge-watching K-dramas, learning K-pop choreographies (badly), and trying out Korean recipes (with varying success).
Ultimate Goal: To create a fun, welcoming space where we can all fangirl/fanboy over our favorite idols together.
Join the Fun! This blog is more than just fan fiction; it's a community. Participate in our polls, Q&As, and special events. Your feedback and interaction make this journey so much more enjoyable!
So grab your lightstick, settle in, and let’s get lost in the world of K-pop fan fiction together!
Follow me and stay tuned for more stories and fun! 💜
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Stray Kids X Reader Oneshots (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/319359374-stray-kids-x-reader-oneshots?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=YongShin_ehe STRAY KIDS x reader! oneshots, scenarios, stories has FLUFF ANDJUST A BIT of suggestive content in some chapters!
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hwabyul4wheesun · 7 months
✅ - Completed ⏯️ - Working on ❌ - Just an idea
Jihyo X Reader oneshot - How you met ✅
You go to Twice's concert with your 8 year old daughter, who is crazy about them, as a birthday present you got meet and greet tickets
Nayeon x Reader oneshot - How you met ✅
You were just a regular grocery store cashier when a pretty girl walks in with a group of other pretty girls.
Jeongyeon x Reader oneshot - How you met ✅
You were just a simple preschool teacher who just so happened to fall in love with two of your students' mother. Jeongyeon was just a single mother to a pair of twins who fell for her children's teacher.
Chaeyoung x Reader oneshot ❌
Mina x Reader oneshot ❌
Dahyun x Reader oneshot ❌
Momo x Reader oneshot ⏯️
Hwasa x Reader oneshot ❌
Wheein x Reader oneshot ❌
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plumdepan · 2 months
Nouvel OS sur Wattpad
J'ai enfin trouvé un moment pour poster une nouvelle histoire sur Wattpad 🥳
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shinestarhwaa · 3 years
Let Me Be Your Last First Kiss
Rowoon/Kim Seokwoo Fluff
You and Seokwoo are dating and you're finally gonna get your first kiss together <3
You and Seokwoo had been dating for about a month now. You've had three wonderful dates with him and now you were on your fourth.
Tonight you went to see a romantic movie in the cinema nearby and now you were taking a walk in the park.
His eyes were glistening, shining as the light of the moon landed on his perfectly sculpted face. His features looked ethereal on this beautiful night, you thought.
Seokwoo wore a long black coat, a turtleneck and a pair of neat black slacks. You remember blushing when you saw him waiting for you at the cinema. He looked handsome, a smile lingering on his lips.
His hair slightly curly.
Almost without realizing, you take his hand. It feels soft, gentle but manly, big in your own smaller hand.
He smiled and rubbed his thumb over your hand.
"It's a lovely evening isn't it?" he gently spoke. "I'm glad I can share it with you."
As he said those words, you felt blood rush to your cheeks, and hated it. You hated that it was so easy for him to make you fall for him. So easy to make you feel like there were millions of butteflies flying around like crazy in your stomach.
Happily, you smiled and nodded. "Me too, the movie was great, this park is beautiful... You are beautiful," you smiled at him.
He grinned at your attempt to make him blush as he just did to you.
Abruptly, Seokwoo stopped walking and let go of your hand. Instead he grabbed your arm and pulled you close.
You gazed into his eyes, they almost disappeared because of the big smile playing on his face.
"Sweetheart, may I... Kiss you?" he nervously asked.
You were surprised to hear him ask for a kiss, not expecting he'd kiss you before getting together, since he was being careful because of him being an idol, actor and model. It was rather risky to rush into things, let alone have your first kiss together outside in the open.
Seokwoo did not seem to care, he wanted to crash his lips on yours and he felt that ever since you two had met.
Everytime he saw you walking around the company, he was intrigued. He wanted to know who you were, what you did, what you liked, disliked. Every single piece of you, he wanted to know.
You smiled widely, nodding. Ofcourse he was allowed to kiss you. You wanted nothing more.
Gently, he pressed his lips against yours, stroking your cheek with his left hand, his right lingering around your waist.
You moved your lips against his slowly, letting yourself fall into the beautiful moonlit kiss slowly.
Loosely wrapping your arms around his neck, he deepened the kiss, making you feel something you've never felt before.
You pulled him closer, feeling his warm body against yours. You swore you could stay like this forever.
After another minute of his lovely kiss, he pulled away, a big smile on his lips.
"Wow.." you softly gasped, stroking his soft hair gently.
All you could think, hope that was your last first kiss.
Hi hehe, it's my first fluff writing and I hope you enjoyed :)
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knightyoomyoui · 1 year
NewJeans Hanni x Reader - "What's Your ETA?"
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It's really not that obvious who's my bias in NewJeans and what's my recent favorite song of them, right? Righttt? ;)
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Your attention was diverted by a ringtone from your phone while you were busy drafting the lyrics for a song you were ready to play for your subscribers as a thank-you present for their support in helping you reach the 500K subscriber milestone on YouTube.
When you took it up off the table, the screen on the ID displayed your friend Haerin's name.
As you read over the lines you've already typed, you swiped the phone to the green button to answer and activated speaker mode.
"Hey Hyerin, what's up?"
"YN! Are you busy?" Hyerin asked with a frantic tone.
Furrowing your eyebrows, you sensed some trouble within Haerin's way of talking at you. "Uhh just writing a song here in my house, not that busy though. Why?"
"Good. C-can you talk to Hanni right now?" Hyerin stuttered because of her uneasiness.
"Why? Is there something happened between the two of you?" You asked curiously. "Sounds like you're nervous, did you two fought?"
"No, I-I mean... we didn't but... I think I pissed her off."
"What did you do then... and wait, what's with the loud noise in the background?" You spotted the only noise barrier that's been keeping you two quite hard to understand each other's words at each other's side of the line.
"Well... I'm at the party with Danielle, Minji, and Hyein. We were invited to perform here." Hyerin explained.
"And why's Hanni not with you four?"
"She said she's not feeling well so we did let her rest." She answered. "And now I'm getting worried for her because that girl's probably breaking down right now of what I've told her."
"And that is?"
Haerin sighed and clicked her tongue, massaging her head. "I reported to her that we saw her b-boyfriend here in the party... and he's flirting with another girl here."
Your blood starts to boil after hearing that information. The emotions intensify as it left distaste on you to learn that the bastard who won Hanni's heart against you still had the audacity to cheat on the most precious girl you've ever met in your whole life.
"How long he's been doing that?"
"More than an hour, I suppose."
"Keep your eyes at them. I'm going to Hanni's house and... say my hi also to the girls."
You heard Haerin passed the message to the other three who were just sitting at the same table together. They exclaimed their greeting at you, making you nod and smile at their adorable voices.
"Got it, oppa."
Haerin took the initiation to end the phone call. You closed your eyes and seethed off the anger rising inside of you as the memories brought you back on remembering those times when he always gets to snatch the opportunity and advantage away from you on winning Hanni's attention to recognize your genuine feelings for your bestfriend. You were a man of sportsmanship. Although it is painful that Hanni didn't end up with you, you tried so hard to accept the fact. You swore to self that you will maintain your attention focused at Hanni every day because who knows there will be a time that despite Hanni has already a man with her, there could be an instance that he's gone and that would put Hanni into a sense of loneliness in the midst of darkness... and you want to be the first person who would come and provide her companionship anytime it may be.
And you were right. It did happen, and it was a perfect time for 'I told you so'. You aren't happy that Hanni had to experience this moment, but at the samd you are relieved and glad that because of what that guy did to her already... you have no other choice but to do your role as her bestfriend and a secret admirer to her: pull her apart from him and do your best to prove her better instead.
Hanni deserves everything that is wonderful in this world, and you are willing to give it all for her as much as you can. This is why you have to do it.
Replacing your house attire with a much presentable casual outfit, you went out of your house and drove your car all the way to the destination which is Hanni's residence.
You parked and hurriedly went to the front door as you knocked slightly aggressive. "Hanni! It's me, YN!"
There was no response. You knocked again, a bit louder in fact, and continued to call her name.
"Hanni! Open the door, please!"
You were having growing suspicions and feeling strange that nobody's responding to your calls so you tried to peek on the windows but it was all covered in curtains, preventing you from the interior.
Picking up your phone, you dialed Hanni's number and waited for it as it rang.
"Cmon... pick it up, pick it up." You said as you tapped your shoes on the ground.
A few seconds after, the profile switches to a timer, informing that the respondent reaches the call. You pressed your phone on your ear and began speaking.
"Hanni! Why are you not in the house?"
"I'm here in front of your house. Hyerin said that you're sick. Where did you go?"
"S-so she told you about it too?..." Hanni weakly said. You recognized it immediately what she's referring at.
"Yes, and I came here to check up on you but you weren't here. Where are you now?"
"I just left 3 minutes ago from there." Hanni replied. "I'm on my way to the party."
"Party? Wait, what?" You blurted. "Hanni, you don't need to go there. You have to rest!"
"And what! Just let my boyfriend there flirting along with a girl behind my back?!" Hanni frustratedly complained. "No, YN. I have t-to catch him. I'm going to make him regret what he did to me."
"Hanni, wait. Please, are you serious right now? You're going there all by yourself, and you're even sick right now while you're driving!"
"I'm recovering now! But nothing's gonna stop me from getting back at him." Hanni started to sniff, signalling that she's definitely beginning to cry and it pangs your heart listening to her pain. "I-It hurts... why did he do this to me, YN? I tried to be a great g-girlfriend to him but wasn't... wasn't I enough?"
"Hanni, I understand what you're going through right now okay? Even me dislikes what he did but... again, you're still not in a good condition so far and you're going there alone." You emphatized. "I know you have the girls there monitoring him but I just... let me be on your side like I always do for you, Hanni. I want to join and assist you on this because you mean a lot for me."
Hanni's heart swelled at your sweet and kind words. She smiled a little aside from the cruel situation she's in as of now. "T-thank you, YN."
"No problem, Hanni. Now tell me, do you know the location of the party?"
"i know, it was my former classmate's residence which is a close friend of Hyerin." Hanni said. "I-I'll give you the address."
"Alright, I'll try to catch up on you. Just... when you are already there, don't go there all by yourself. W-wait for me, please. Okay?"
She ended the call and sent the message directly to you. You sighed heavily and lowered your head as the echoes of her pitiful somber repeats inside your head. It motivated you to help her in this current tough time she's dealing at.
You were about to enter the car when a kid suddenly appeared beside you, tugging your pants.
"M-mister, wait!"
"Oh uhm..." You were taken aback at this kid's presence. "Hey, little one. What is it?"
"C-can you get my kite f-from there, mister/miss?" The kid pointed at the kite stuck in the tree placed in front of a house. "Please... I don't want my mom to be mad at me. She made it for me."
You sighed and tightlipped. You are in a hurry, yes... but still your good-hearted soul couldn't resist a poor kid who is afraid of his parents just because he unintentionally lost a kite that is already meant a lot to his entertainment.
"Don't cry now kid, I'll get it for you." You nodded and patted his head. The kid led you to the tree where his kite is twirled and just swaying there along to the breeze of the thin air.
You noticed that the string were just wrapped around the branch and it's that high for you to reach. You thanked that it was not that hard and too much of a time consuming task for you to do.
Climbing the three, you stretched you body to untangle the string carefully on the branch until you finally got a grasp on it with it's straight form, now back at its fixed condition.
You jumped from the tree and stood in front of the kid. "Here's your kite. You can still play with it." you said as you handed it to him.
"Yehey!!! Thank you so much mister/miss!!!" He cheered loudly and you smiled at his bright mood. You patted again his head and return back to your car. 
As you opened the door, you observed that there's a black cat sitting in the roof of your car. You had a staredown with it when it turned its head at you.
You were about to help it go down but it neverminded your kind deed, jumping out of your car by itself.
You just shrugged and entered the car to start driving away.
In the middle of the drive, you removed your focus on the road for a while to switch your music on the radio. It was then you had a glimpse of your gas meter that the fuel of your car is now at a low percentage.
"Oh you got to be kidding me." You groaned.
Fortunately, there was a gas station beside the highway. You went there and refilled you fuel first because obviously you wouldn't like not only yourself taking too much time to reach the party and meet Hanni but also to leave your car there, cause a problem to the other drivers, and have it towed away.
As it got refilled, you thanked the worker and entered your car as you proceeded driving. Remembering Hanni, you contacted her again to get updated. "Where are you now?"
"I'm close. Just a turn at the end and I'll be there now." She answered with a cough after she spoke, confirming to you that she is indeed still not fully recovered yet from her sickness. You felt sorry again for her that she had to go through this and leave her be at peace where she would be rather stay at home and continue resting.
"Okay. I'm on my way now." You stated. Right as you turned off the call, you stopped your car when the other one in front of you did the same, and that's until you realized that you are now in the middle of a traffic.
"BAD TIMING!" You pounded your fist on the steering wheel, causing a honking sound when you hit the horn. Looking back at the time, there's only 9 minutes left before it turns to five in the afternoon. Then, you already knew that you may be a few minutes late since Hanni might have already arrived. You just hope for the best that she won't make a create much of a scene out of catching her cheating boyfriend and that Haerin and the girls would be there to back up her.
You patiently awaited the cars to keep going since you knew that such an annoying circumstance had to develop at the worst possible time when you are in a rush.
There's only 5 minutes remaining in your watch, your desperation urges you to just hop out of the car and run it all the way or just grab a cab through the location instead.
Thankfully, the traffic loosened and the car started to move again, much to your relief but still disappointed that it wasted much of your time remaining.
You successfully made it. The party is still ongoing inside, and you entered the house because luckily there was no guards for you to be questioned if you got any invitation or not.
You went to the backyard and spotted Haerin, Danielle, Hyein, and Minji doing a Super Shy challenge with some strangers, might be their friends you just don't recognize.
As they finished, you called for their names and you drew their attention at you. "YN!"
"Girls!" You exclaimed. "Did you guys saw Hanni?"
"What?" Haerin was puzzled. "Why are you looking for her here? I told you she didn't come with us today, right?"
You facepalmed as you just recalled that she did said that but you never updated her back that Hanni was planning to come in the party.
"Ah shit, I forgot!" You sweared. "So none of you have seen her?"
"YN what is going on?!" Hyein asked, all of them are getting confused now.
"Hanni said she's going here to confront her boyfriend!" Your voice increased, the mix of unknown and nervousness is making you uncomfortable in your stance.
"Huh?!" Minji reacted the loudest. "But we never saw any signs of her around here."
"Then where did she went if that so..." You roamed your eyes around the crowded area as the thoughts only occupied of Hanni attacking your mind in a sense of fear and danger.
"Wait... his boyfriend..." You returned your glances at them. "Where is he?"
"Oh wait!" Danielle exclaimed. "I-I saw him went out of the house with the girl he's flirting with while I was grabbing a food at the kitchen!"
"Then they must be out already, and we lost them..." You slapped your thigh irritatedly as you hissed at your words.
"Wait, unless..." Your eyes sprung up when a possibility just occurred in your head. "Oh no."
"What is it, YN?"
They began calling your name as you quickly ran out of the house while you dialed Hanni's number.
She answered the call. "Hanni. HANNI, WHERE ARE YOU? I'M HERE AT THE PARTY ALREADY. I ASKED THE GIRLS IF-" You paused at your speaking when you heard Hanni crying on the phone.
"They were right..." Hanni said between her sobs. "I should've been more aware, now I know why they weren't so okay in their first impression of him..."
She keeps on muttering all her regrets while watching her boyfriend and the girls she's being cheated at kissing beside the house. Hanni is inside the car, sitting on the driver's seat, hands gripping tightly at the steering wheel matched with the intensity of the despair, anger, and dismay she's containing for the sinful act of his boyfriend that she's witnessing.
"Where are you, Hanni? Please, just tell me."
"How could he do this to me... I gave it all, my love... my choice... my trust. I don't know if I could still forgive him, YN."
Her hand starts to hold the stick shift and her feet positioned on the pedal as her lips crunched and eyes dimmed in rage.
You heard an engine revved near at your spot and looked at it.
"YN! THAT'S HANNI'S CAR!" Haerin shouted from the gate, your friends followed you after you began searching for Hanni.
"Yet what I just received in return from him is to break my heart and throw it all in the waste... I'M GOING TO MAKE SURE HE'LL SUFFER WORSE THAN ME!"
She was about to step on the pedal as she screamed in anger when just in time you grabbed her arm, surprising her. You saw that her window is down as you sprinted towards her car.
"Let me go! LET ME GO!"
You opened the car and hugged her instantly. She still tried to force you away from her but the longer you embraced her, the more she starts to calm down and let herself pour all her devastation at you.
"Please, don't. Don't do it, Hanni. You may not deserve what you get, but you don't have to do this. Don't be worse than what he did to you. Let him face the consequences on his own fate."
You helped Hanni get out from the car to allow her breathe some fresh air as you two were joined by Haerin, Minji, Danielle, and Hyein. They gave their friend a group hug to console the heartbroken lover.
Your stare sharpened when you caught the boyfriend and the girl watching the scenario. The girls looked at the direction you are looking at, with Hanni stepping away from the group to finally confront her cheating boyfriend.
"L-look, Hanni... I can exp-"
The guy touched his aching cheek where Hanni slapped him. "You're done. I'm breaking up with you, and I don't want to see you ever again, do you understand me?", she intimidatingly said with angst.
"H-Hanni... p-please, listen to-"
"She said what she said. Starting today, you stay the hell away from her, you bastard." You grunted as you pulled Hanni back at you again.
Hanni rolled her eyes disgustingly at the girl she's being cheated at before her ex and the girl left. As their figures vanished, she returned on hugging you again as she starts crying out on your body. You stayed there, patting her back to provide comfort at her while your group softly and admiringly watches you two.
"Thank you, YN. I'm sorry if I was stupid to end up with him."
You chuckled and shook your head. "Don't blame yourself. Didn't we all become stupid when we fell in love with somebody. We don't think of the consequences, but rather we look forward at our feelings at first."
"I get it, we just want to try make ourselves oblivious to disregard and escape all the pain we could receive, even though in the end there will always be someone that will enable you to finally wake up in reality to spare you from it... because simply that person just doesn't want to see you suffering any longer." You smiled at Hanni. "You can take it being each of us as your friends including me who also... never gave up loving you." you muttered solemnly at the near end.
Hanni lifted her head and looked at you astoundingly. Her mouth agape, learning that the special boy she's embracing is not only the one who's been very extremely meaningful to her life as her closest friend... but also as the man/woman who was treating her more valuable for so long than what she does, remained loyal and faithful for his/her love to her, even though she didn't picked him/her in the first place and instead chose a bad decision by being with a traitor and didn't cherished all her efforts in return. And that's what she always desired. It's just that she never thought that all of what she's been looking for is already an amalgamation of a perfect lover type... which is you being on her side through most of the times where she needs you.
The girls put up a broadly smile, knowing that you finally got to confess your love for Hanni. Hyerin would never call you right away when they needed a help for Hanni if it wasn't also for that reason.
"Y-you're serious, YN? You meant it?"
You nodded. "I've been loving you for 5 years, 6 months and counting, Pham Hanni. And I never had and will have an intention in my mind that there will be a deadline for me to stop loving you. I just leave it on to my heart that still prefers you as long as I'm living."
Hanni blushed and was touched at your statement. You hugged her again, and she is now feeling your affection in a whole different direction now after your confession to her.
"I know it's sudden and not actually the perfect time for me to do it, but ofcourse I'll give you some time to think about it while you heal your heart." You whispered to her as you caressed her back. "My heart always hurts when you can't let him go because I had this doubt in me that you always deserve better than what he give. I always wanted it to be me, Hanni... but I don't have the control in your life. I'll just be as happy as what you are."
And again, you were the only one who could make Hanni smile in this dreadful day of hers. Her emotions doesn't feel like it weighs her down anymore, because with your presence; everything just helps for her.
It makes her feel amused, complete, and lastly... to be loved uncomparably.
In order to take Hanni home early so she could recover from her increasing health and wait for her sickness to totally subside, you excused yourself from the girls. The girls appreciated their compassion, said you farewell, and advised you to drive safely.
You were playing the tone of your newly written song in your guitar at the music room of your campus until you officially stopped doing it as you submitted yourself to your bored mood.
Placing down your guitar beside you on the couch, you slumped down and lazily looked around the house thinking of other ways to spend your free time.
An option popped into your mind and you were just hoping that she's also available for today.
You picked up your phone. Your fingertip was about to press down the power button but then your screen lit up, showing the call profile of Hanni, much to your surprise.
Coincidence? You think not.
Smirking at how amazing it was, you answer the call with a large grin in your face.
"Hmmm hey, Hanni how are you?"
"Doing fine but I'm bored right now." She said weakly. It was evident to her voice, but you chuckled again as how the mindset of you both were unknowingly similar. "Really? Because I am too, honestly." You replied. "I was just playing my guitar here and it doesn't please me still."
"Well I'm here building a puzzle and it doesn't help. So I just picked up my phone-"
"Yeah, I did too after-
"I think about you."
Both of you were stunned that you two said the same thing together. You blushed at smiled, with Hanni also reacting as you.
"You know, I find it pretty impressive that both of us were like sharing the same mindset these days."
Hanni laughed at your comment. "Yeah you're right. Well everything has a reason, right? We just have to give it some sense, so maybe... I guess we're just really that specially related."
You nodded, beaming a smile as you agreed at her opinion. "I guess we are."
Both became silent as you let the moment sink in to yourselves, having to hear the voices that belongs to the one that is being held dearly by each other's hearts again which was easily effective to uplift your spirits and lighten up together's moods.
"You're free today?"
"I am. Why?"
"Perfect. What do you say? We can go wherever you like." You smirked at your suggestion. "Just say the words and I'm down, Hanni. "
Hanni didn't think twice about it, it was already a great idea to be with you and she wouldn't hesitate to just let it across. "Well, all I need is you on my side so we can go whenever you like too, YN."
You were glad at her answer. "Just tell me now where are you and what's your ETA so that I could prepare while I wait for you, YN."
It was like every time when you were about to spend your time with her, she tests you how fast you are on preparing yourself to meet up with her...
... and this day might be your fastest so far.
You and Hanni were waiting for your orders to be served inside a fine restaurant you two have decided to try around the mall.
While you are watching the movie that is being showed in the TV screen, Hanni distracted you not only by her question but also with her actions.
She rolled up the sleeve in your arm to see your bandaged wrist. "This took me since earlier when we rode your car, what happened to this?"
"N-nothing." You shook your head and gently pulled it away, hiding it back on your sleeve. "Just got into a little accident, wounded in result."
Hanni nodded and patted your hand. "Try to be careful next time, okay? It's good that you applied it first aid already."
You flinched with a teasing smirk. "Ofcourse, I am. I'm a grown up now, mom."
Hanni bonked your head and pouted sulkily. "OUCH! Okay, I'm sorry!"
"No, that won't do." She swayed her head, rejecting your apology.
"Then what should I need to do, huh?"
"Buy me an ice cream." she requested with puppy eyes as she said it with anticipation.
"Pft. Basic." You scoffed, taking out your wallet from the pocket. "Deal accepted."
"No, I'm not done yet."
You slumped your shoulders as you stared at her ridiculously. "What do you want too, missy?"
She tapped her cheek repeatedly as she presented it to you. You were flustered, trying to deny if she's actually requesting the same thing you're thinking.
"I'm waiting, YN... or we're gonna go home very quickly after we eat~"
You can describe any synonym of "terrified" after she said that, prompting you to land your first kiss in her cheek, as there's going to be no way you two would ruin this day just because you chose stubborn and dense at her hint.
"That was as good as I expected." Hanni winked at you before she returned her focus back at her phone, leaving you sheepishly grinning and blushing intensely on your seat.
As your ordered dishes finally arrived in your table, she lead the prayer before both of you started to feat on each other's foods.
You were gonna pick up the fork until you had a glance on your wounded wrist again, and you recalled the question Hanni gave to you according with that... in which you didn't gave her a proper answer.
She must not know. It's for the better, you thought. You had to lure her away from the darkest secret you just made for the rest of your life.
From what you actually did behind the wound that was left within you as a cost of your unforgivable action.
You'll try to keep it with you as long as it requires to be, but if there's a time she learned about it; you already are willing to take all the responsibility to face her with it.
You ate with Hanni and gave her the same delighted yet forced reaction to the delicious taste of each other's food...
...while the guilt of killing her ex-boyfriend three days after Hanni broke up with her by running the car straight towards at him when he was alone walking in the street. You were stalking him for days, searching for a perfect opportunity to do the favor instead for Hanni on what she almost attempted.
You brought his body in your car's trunk and threw secretly on the cliff to dispose him off. That's where you also noticed the wound in your wrist left by him possibly from the struggle he tried to do to fight you back as you were about to leave from the place. All of it lingers in your head while Hanni is just enjoying her meal in front of you, no clue that her current love interest has just sacrificed him/herself to seek for blood in revenge for the guy who broke her heart and made her miserable.
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killuachii · 4 months
The fleeting feeling of unreached happiness.
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Keita's pov
I was happy once. I was the happiest person that has ever existed. I was so happy that I couldn't feel any other emotion. But that feeling went away. Now I am nothing more than a shadow of the past. A faint memory. And if I'm being honest, it will stay like that for a while.
I don't understand who friend or foe is. I don't understand who my loved ones are. I don't understand anything anymore. The moment I trust, I will get hurt. But at the same time, the moment I don't trust, I hurt others. I can never win in a life like this. Are the feelings of others justified? Or are they just going with what the masses say? I can't help but put my words to pen and dedicate letters to each and one of my feelings.
To the happiness I have loved
I have always seen myself as someone that doesn't look good with sadness on them, so I tried my best to show people my happy sides. Maybe they will get happy too once they see me? I love to make others happy but would there be someone out there who would want to make me happy? That's what I have been wondering. Everyone deserves happiness and it shouldn't be something that you should earn first. I want to wake up with a smile and go to sleep with it. I want to live with that smile and die with it.
I got lost on the tracks and finally lost something that was very dear to me - the happiness I have loved so dearly. Now every moment I live is not livable anymore. Now everything has turned grey for me and I don't know if I'll be able to see the colours of life again. Right now I am just a waste of space. A waste of potential and a wasted life.
My loved ones are turning to shapes. I can't recognize them anymore. This is why I lost my trust.
To the trust that got away
Living a life for your own sounded great at first but soon I realised I needed people around me. People who I could trust, that I could love and support and do anything for them. But once my beloved happiness slipped through my hands, I let go of my trust.
I didn't know who I was and I didn't know who they were. Did they want to hurt me? Or did they really care about me? Everything in me is a riddle. There is no key for the lock in my heart. There is no sunshines and clear skies in my head. All that consumes me now are dark skies and chains. I feel captured. Captured by my inability to trust. Captured by all these thoughts that are mocking me. Mocking my being and anything related to it. I don't feel human anymore. When I look in the mirror I see nothing. There is no person looking at me anymore. I am met with words of disgust, words I never wished to hear.
This is when the fear in me started. A fear that is too heavy to put into words.
To the fear that consumes me
When I stopped being human, that's when the fear took over me. I can't recognize anything anymore. Who loves me and who hates me? Who will be there for me and who will just point and laugh? When times get rough who is the person I can count on? When I don't want to exist, who will tell me they need my light? These are the thoughts that hinder me from realising who is my friend and who wants me dead.
Would you miss me if I disappear? Or were you waiting for it to happen? Do you see me as a loved one or do you think of me as disposable? The fear won't let me think straight. I started to become afraid of everything. I am afraid of people, afraid of objects, afraid of myself. I am just a wasted human, I have no use in this life anymore and that's what I fear the most. As a wasted life it's easier to end it all - nobody would care regardless.
But could I ever do something like this to myself? Could I just end it all and release this damned existence?
To myself
I have loved you. I have always loved you and still do. Please never forget that. You are my light and my darkness. If you die, I won't exist anymore. I love you more than anything else and I am so sorry to you. When people don't see the wars you have fought, I do. When you start crying, I will wipe your tears away. Nobody knows your pain, but I do. And I love you for your pain, your fear and your happiness. Please don't kill the light that lights me up. I know it's hard but you are not alone. If no one is there, I will and I'll do anything for you.
I have loved you through so many years and many years to come. I will love you in your life and your death. Don't worry about things that lay out of your control. If they refuse to understand your feelings, I always will. I will wait for you happily. I will care for you. Just please never forget that if the world decides to hate you, I will always love you. The journeys we had, the fights we had, the pain we shared and the happiness we shared will always be embedded in our history together.
I believe that with you I can make a change. With you I will find happiness.
To the future
The future seems so distant but yet I can grasp it. I am sure that there will be good things ahead, I have someone I can trust again, someone I can love again, someone that makes me human. The world doesn't stop for me, it goes on and so will my life. If I keep spiraling in thoughts of unhappiness I will never be happy. I want to make a change. I deserve the life that has been taken away from me. I deserve to be happy.
There are still some steps I have to take to truly be happy. But the most important thing is myself. There is no one that shares the same pains as me just like myself. So I have to take care of us. Both my physical self and my spiritual self deserve to see a life behind all the darkness. Behind the fog that has been suffocating me. Nobody can give me the life I yearn for but myself.
I am thankful for myself and the ones that didn't get away. The ones that after all the battles lost could still love me and care for me. If no one else is willing to love me, they will and I am thankful for all of them. Thank you for seeing my light and believing in it.
Hello guys! In this story we follow Keita through his own battles with his mind. At first he seems to struggle with the image of himself and labeling him as "a waste", who is unable to feel loved but after a while Keita realizes that the only person that can make him feel the love that he deserves is himself! He starts realising that there always will be a person waiting for him at home, even if it's just himself!
Thank you for reading! o7
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ericshoney · 2 years
Best Friends Forever ~ Kim Sunwoo
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You and Kim Sunwoo. Best friend since the age of two. Your mothers being friends and then choosing to live across the street from each other so their kids could grow up together. 
From the moment you was born, Sunwoo told his mother he would protect you from everyone bad in the world. The Kim Sunwoo who was only a year older than you.
His and your mother both thought that was cute and held him to that everyday. Fast forward twenty-three years, the said boy is still doing that job.
“Yah! Eric Sohn get your hands off my best friend!”
“Hey, Kevin Hyung don’t do that it makes her sad!”
“No her favourite flavour is _!”
The other members sometimes laugh at how protective and caring Sunwoo is over you. They knew nothing could break your friendship and they wouldn’t want too.
Right now you and the boyz were sat in their dorm, a random tv show playing quietly on the big screen as you all sat around. Your head was on Sunwoo’s lap as he plays with your hair softly and looks at his phone.
“What should we order for dinner?” Jacob asks the group.
A few of the guys answer quickly, when Sunwoo pokes your cheek gently.
“Y/n loves pizza remember.” He reminded the group.
“Oh pizza sounds good!” Changmin exclaims happily.
“I’ll order a few, what types?” Sangyeon asks.
“Sunwoo’s loved that chicken one we ordered last time.” You told them.
“Oh yeah, man that was good.” Sunwoo agrees, making the others laugh.
After finally getting a few choices, Sangyeon heads off to order the pizzas. Sunwoo puts his phone down, but continues playing with your hair, he then smiles wide, lifting your left wrist.
“You still wear it.” He said, playing with the purple and blue bracelet.
“Of course, why wouldn’t I?” You reply.
Sunwoo smiles holding his right wrist up, showing the matching bracelet. Something he made for you both when he was ten. You smile back at your best friend.
The term Best Friends Forever was really made for you and Sunwoo.
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moasonedream · 4 years
yeonjun| I miss you| one shot
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You and yeonjun have been together for a good 2 years now. But since he has a big career you don’t even see him most of the time.
 This year he had one of his longest tours all the way in France. It has already been about 4 weeks since he left which left another 3 weeks to go. I was missing his cuddles his kisses his aura his everything. He was the only one in this world who loved you...no one else.
 You got A LOT  of hate on social media saying that you were fat and bratty for dating yeonjun, this had been going on for around a year now and it made you sick at yourself in a way that made you wanted to kill yourself. 
You decided that not eating was the only thing you could do now as it would be depressing to se junnie go. 
You wouldn’t eat for day after day after day until your boyfriend finally came home...
 ‘Baby, i’m home!’. no response. ‘Baby where are you, I want cuddles!’ . Again no response.*maybe she’s in our room?*
‘Y/N?!’ Your face was pale, legs bone thin and and eyes closed shut. ‘Y/N ARE YOU OK?’ He felt you heart beat fortunately your heat was beating but slower than it should. 
He dialled in 112 and in 5 minuets there was a medical van outside the house. ‘Doctor help she’s not breathing normally’
‘Don’t worry sir she’ll be ok’. Before you knew it, you were inside the medical van with doctors trying to give you food and water to drink but you were too weak.
Once you reached the hospital you were transferred into a room where the doctors injected you with some sort of syrup which woke you up a bit then you were able to move better. ‘Mr. choi?’. ‘ Yes doctor?’. ‘ There are some signs of starvation
 Yeonjun insisted on eating something you said no, which got him angry. ‘Why y/n? Why did you do that?!’. ‘yeonjun...am I ugly?’. ‘ No baby you are the most important and beautiful thing in the world to be, you’re prettier  that all the girls in this universe combined. 
Now that formed a smile on your face, something you missed doing ‘I’m sorry Junnie I won’t do that ever again’. ‘I forgive you baby I love you’. ‘ I love you too
0 notes
kokobutterqueen · 4 years
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Kpop Imagines - Videogame Madness (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1038427613-kpop-imagines-videogame-madness?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=princessdimplez&wp_originator=E70U1HQR3b4XfFnEBjhI%2F1%2BqzJbw6dkMyjN5LnKXXiCewpFLEYWYJg4wiDpA50pOW%2Bal8yB6WIxMFK8LSifE5y4xVRAhd0CQDu%2FsqUDjJhPFEVoRXTQYNxabw%2Bf75gcg 
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hwabyul4wheesun · 8 months
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“Welcome traveler to my humble navigation post, here you’ll find many things that I offer, one of them being an introduction to who I am and what I like and do, another being my works and practices. Please stick around for as long as you like”
A bit of an overdue intro to who I am, but better late than never.
Get to know me
DNI: under 16s, homophobes, transphobes, incels, misogynists, “nice guys”
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
Ocs’ universe/multiverse
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“Thank you for stopping by and have a great journey further, fair well traveler”
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ahgasescenarios · 6 years
Missing Out- Taeyong
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Word count: 2k
Genre: smut/ fluff at the end
Plot summary: When you attend a college frat party, you run into someone you didn’t think you’d see ever again.
A/N: Helloooo, first of all I want to apologize for my lack of content I have been utterly uninspired, and I truly hope this scenario makes up for it. Also, I hit 540 followers that’s !! bloody !! amazing !! thank you all so so so much for supporting me and never giving up on my lazy ass, I love and appreciate every single one of you. I’ll work hard to become better at this and hopefully I’ll be back soon xx
  If there was one thing frat parties were good for, it was without a doubt blowing off steam. That, and sleeping with hot college guys wasn’t so bad either. And for those same reasons were you now standing in front of the mansion who hosted weekly celebrations of the college life. Accompanying you was none other than your roommate (aka the most popular girl on campus) which explained why she disappeared from your sight in mere seconds.
I need a drink, you thought to yourself. And with that, you skipped over to where the makeshift bar was located. Pouring yourself a generous amount of liquid courage, you made your way to the couch, seeing as you barely knew a single soul at this party.
“There you are! Why are you sitting there all alone?” Your roommate pulled you up and dragged you to meet some of the frat boys. Not bad looking, you had to admit.
“This is Johnny, Jaehyun, Mark and where’s-”
She trailed off and all eyes turned to face a common silhouette coming down the stairs. You couldn’t clearly distinguish his features from afar, but it was obvious from his aura alone that he was the leader of this place. He waved to his guests and stationed himself in front of you. Only now did you realize who you were faced with. He had dyed his hair a dark red which made him even more alluring than he already was.
“Taeyong…?” You asked, your voice shaky. His eyes opened wide at the familiar call of his name.
“(Y/N), what are you doing here?”
“Wait, you two know each other?” Your roommate intervened.
“We used to go to school together.” Taeyong curtly replied.
Actually, you had been quite close friends for years, until someone decided you weren’t cool enough to hang out with- at least that’s the version you deemed most plausible. Regardless, you were not expecting to see him here and his presence multiplied your desire to get drunk.
“If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to get another drink.” You hurriedly excused yourself and to be fair, you did need a refill. What you didn’t notice was the way Taeyong bit his lip watching you walk away from him, yet again. 
Well into the night, when everyone’s vision started to blur ever-so-slightly, one of the frat boys had the brilliant idea to start doing body shots. In your intoxicated state, the idea seemed like a lot of fun. Taeyong frowned from across the room, seeing you so psyched to try something of the sort.
You laid down on the table and waited until they were done prepping you. You didn’t notice a hovering presence beside you.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Taeyong’s face translated into obvious discontentment, but you were too drunk to care.
“Dude, chill. It’s all in good fun.”
“Fine then. You asked for it. ”
He took your initial partner’s spot while you laid there confused. The “ref” gave him the go and before you knew it, your high school crush was licking salt off your body. Your breath hitched in your throat and for a second you forgot how to breathe. It was over before you knew it, but your heart was still beating a mile a minute.
 “You shouldn’t let just anybody do that, (Y/N).”
“And you’re telling me you’re not just anybody?” You challenged him.
“I’m not.” The seriousness in his eyes made you back down.
“I need some air.” You turned away from him to make a beeline for the exit and never come back, but he grabbed your wrist before you could do so.
“Wait, (Y/N). I owe you an explanation.”
“For what?”
He sighed and looked down, losing face for the first time since you laid eyes upon him.
“For the way I ditched you in high school, you didn’t deserve that.”
“It’s okay, don’t worry about it.” You were desperate to wrap up the conversation before old feelings resurfaced.
He took a step towards you.
“How about a do-over?”
“Sure, we’re friends again yay! Okay bye bye-”
You made a second attempt to leave, but he grabbed your wrist. Again.
“Why are you acting so weird?”
“I’m drunk, duh.”
And another step.
“You see, I don’t think that’s it. And I won’t give up until I find out what it is.”
He threw you over his shoulder before you could finish your sentence and only stopped once you were in his room which was much neater than you would’ve imagined it to be. But that wasn’t the issue at hand.
“Now spill, (Y/N) (Y/L/N).”
“No.” You crossed your arms like a child and he moved to sit on the bed. He gestured for you to come to him, which you didn’t. Then, an idea popped into your head. What if you had your fun?
You smirked and walked towards him, only to straddle his lap. Your hands went to play with his hair while you struggled not to laugh at his reactions.
“See, Taeyong, the thing is that you’re just too damn hot.” You leaned over to whisper in his ear. He gulped. “You don’t know how much I’d love to rip those clothes off.” You bit his earlobe teasingly before giggling to yourself.
“What’s so funny?” His brows were knitted together and you were almost scared of the Taeyong you saw before you.
“I mean your reactions were quite funny, plus you must hear that shit every day.” He tensed up underneath you. “Relax, I was only joking.”
“Well, I’m not.”
That said, his lips found yours and he grabbed your ass to show you he was serious. You moaned into the kiss, the 16-year-old in you not believing this was actually happening. Taeyong’s kisses got rougher, more desperate and you were oddly satisfied by that. You ground your hips against Taeyong- earning a low groan from him and you could feel just how much he hadn’t been joking about this.
He flipped positions so you were laying on the bed and you could already tell he liked being in control. You didn’t mind in the slightest bit though.
“I want those clothes off, now.” His voice literally dropped an octave, making you even hornier than you already were.
You obeyed his order and laid back down on the bed. He disposed of his own clothes, climbing on top of you. His clothes did not do him justice, he was much more sculpted than what you had initially thought and you were even more turned on just by the sight of him.
He dived in for another kiss, making sure to bite your bottom lip before pulling away. He licked his lips and walked back to his drawer for something.
“Are you going to be a good girl for me, baby?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good.” He smirked and came towards you with a blindfold, taking your eyesight away for a calculated amount of time.
“Do you trust me?”
You nodded frenetically. He smiled. He had always thought you were the prettiest girl in any room you walked into but tied up for him like this, you were beautiful beyond words to him.
“Tell me if it’s too much, okay?”
And like flicking a switch, caring Taeyong was gone. He kissed your neck, making sure to leave plenty of love bites in his passage.
“Do you think Daddy liked you behaving like a little slut out there tonight?”
“No, sir.”
You were already pooling in your panties.
“And what do sluts get?” He took your nipple in his mouth, your hands cuffed to the bedframe preventing you from doing anything about it. You simply let out a yelp. “They get punished.”
He slipped a finger inside you, earning a moan from your end.
“Shhh, baby, we wouldn’t want to alarm the others.” He hushed you with his own mouth on yours as he added another finger. He curled his fingers inside you, hitting the right spots over and over again.
“Taeyong, I’m close.” You whispered.
“Well, that’s just too bad.” He ceased his movements altogether, leaving you unsatisfied and upset beneath him.
“How does that feel, kitten?”
You didn’t answer, which was a bad decision.
“I asked you a question.” His serious voice was back, recreating the same effect as the first time.
“It doesn’t feel good, sir.”
“Good.” “Do you think you’re ready for me, slut?”
“Yes, sir.”
He grabbed a condom from his bedside table and rolled it down his shaft which had been hard for a while now. Seeing you as a writhing mess beneath him wasn’t something he’d be able to get out of his head.
His lips found your neck again and you moaned in return. He took the occasion to enter you slowly and your breath hitched in your throat for the second time that night. He felt much bigger than what you would have imagined.
“Please move, sir.” You let out in between breaths.
He complied, setting a slow pace so you could adjust to his size. Once you were comfortable, he threw your legs on his shoulders and accelerated his pace.
“Oh fuck, just like that.” You moaned out, your remaining senses overwhelmed with the amount of pleasure.
He smirked and his hand found your clitoris, massaging it at the same pace he was going. Within a few minutes of this sweet torture, your bundle of nerves took over and your orgasm overwhelmed all your senses. Your walls tightened around his member, to which he cursed under his breath. He came a few minutes after, releasing his load in the condom before throwing it away. He laid back down beside you as you both struggled to catch your breath.
He gently removed the blindfold covering your eyes, brushing your hair out of the way with his fingers.
“How was that?” He asked, still playing with your hair.
“Fucking amazing.” You giggled. “If I knew you were this good in bed, I would’ve reconnected with you lightyears ago.”
“I’m glad you can admit you’ve been missing out.” He laughed and god was it the most attractive sound you had ever heard.
“Fun fact, I actually had the fattest crush on you throughout high school.” He confessed.
“No way.”
“Why do you think I stopped talking to you all of a sudden? I knew you didn’t like me back, so I thought it would be better for both of us that way.”
“Oh my god, are you serious? Dude, I had a crush on you too.”
“Yes, really.”
You looked at each other and simultaneously erupted in a fit of laughter, amused by how naïve you both were. You moved to stand up, but Taeyong grabbed your wrist.
“Okay, you have got to stop doing that.”
“Where are you going?” He mumbled.
“Just to wash up, I’ll be back if you want me to.”
“Of course, I want to cuddle now.”
You shook your head, who would’ve known that Lee Taeyong was such a big baby? You laughed to yourself as you washed off evidence of your sins then hurried back to Taeyong’s side.
“Missed me?” You wriggled your eyebrows at him.
He simply nodded, proceeding to sniff your hair (not so discreetly, might you add) and nuzzle his nose in the crook of your neck. His arm was wrapped around you and you swore 16-year-old you was having a heart attack by now. You closed your eyes, content for the first time in what might as well have been months. You hadn’t looked this forward to waking up next to someone before and the thought scared you a little, but it mostly excited you.
Needless to say, you had not seen this one coming, but you were far from complaining. Maybe this was life’s way of giving you a second chance with your first love, or it wasn’t. Perhaps, you had been missing out all those years of keeping your feelings at bay. But those days were over, and you were ready to take full advantage of whatever was next.
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