#Kota x gin
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kankuroplease · 7 months ago
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Updated Uchiha family tree(s) in the happier founders au 💀
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samuraiwithachicken · 7 years ago
Top 10 Anime Endings of 2017
10. Step Up LOVE by DAOKO x Yasuyuki Okamura (Kekkei Sensen & Beyond)
9. Eien no Kotae by HARUCA (Seikaisuru Kado)
8. Ouchi ni Kaeritai by Sora Amamiya, Rie Takahashi & Ai Kayano (Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2)
7.  Rong Yao Zai Lin by Da Dan Yin Zu (Quanzhi Gaoshou)
6.  Opera by Phero☆Men (Dies Irae)
5.  Chant (kotringo edition) by toi toy toi (Alice to Zoroku)
4.  Wa -cycle- by Hana Itoki (Mahoutsukai no Yome)
3.  SunSunSunrise by 9nine (The Reflection)
2. The Game by Riyo (Gin no Guardian)
1. Yawarakai Kamen by Ai Higuchi (Yami Shibai 5th Season)
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uberstip · 5 years ago
Traveling gak selalu menyenangkan. Banyak hal ngeselin seperti:
1. Antrian Panjang dan Over Crowded 
Mulai dari security check, masuk ke pesawat dan counter imigrasi sampai tempat wisata dan resto ternama. Antri lama memang gak asik. Apalagi saat lapar. 1 jam serasa sewindu. Kita seakan masuk ke lorong waktu. Menahan sabar dengan ngelus-ngelus perut.
2. Pesawat Delay, Ketinggalan pesawat, dan Ketiduran di Kereta
Ga ada yang lebih nyeremin dari pesawat delay saat masih ada connecting flight. Deg deg serrrr… takut ketinggalan penerbangan selanjutnya membuat kita tegang. Lari-lari di bandara tidak selalu romantis, apalagi bila pesawat tersebut berusaha meninggalkanmu.
Sama halnya dengan ketiduran di kereta sampai kelewatan tempat tujuan. Bangun-bangun bukannya seger, malah histeris.
3. Packing, Unpacking, Repacking
Memilih baju, celana dan sepatu buat travel light memang susah-susah gampang. Bongkar lemari nyari yang cocok untuk dikemas, butuh kejelian. Kegalauan diantara traveling seminimal mungkin dan ga pingin outfit-nya keliatan itu-itu doang.
Sama halnya dengan unpack dan repacking, saat hendak berpindah kota, kita harus merapikan kembali pakaian dan toiletries yang berserakan. Males-males juleha.
4. Cuaca dan situasi yang tak mendukung
Bayar mahal-mahal ke negara impian hanya untuk terjebak di hotel memang menyebalkan. Badai salju, hujan deras, demo besar kadang tak terprediksi.
Langit mendung aja bikin foto gak maksimal. Apalagi melihat si dia selfie dengan pacar barunya, mendadak curah air mata meningkat drastis. Bumi gonjang-ganjing.
5. Kehilangan barang berharga
Baik karena kecerobohan kita sendiri maupun jebakan Batman. Gadget, dompet, dan paspor yang ketinggalan ataupun kecopetan. Koper Bagasi yang gak terbawa karena salah tujuan maupun hati yang terkoyak. Seketika mood kita hancur berantakan. Kecuali kamu Lucinta Luna yang dengan senang hati menghilangkan ‘barang’ berharganya sendiri.
6. Insomnia
Entah karena jetlag atau orokan kenceng teman sekamar. Kurang tidur bikin kita bad mood dan pipi kendur. Yang paling buruk, bikin kita lunglai. Ga ada yang lebih menyebalkan selain sakit saat traveling.
Selain flu, biasanya kita rentan diare akibat keracunan makanan. Buncit Mules Lemes. Parahnya lagi bila kesepian membunuhmu. Insomnia berubah menjadi Amnesia.
7. Toilet Jorok dan Bau 
Ditengah situasi genting, kita melihat tissue berserakan, sisa pipis yang berantakan, bau pesing yang menusuk, dan air pembuangan mampet. Satu-satunya hal yang menenangkanmu hanyalah cermin toilet. Cermin burem yang membuatmu sedikit lebih cakep, lalu selfie bersamanya.
8. Annoying Human
Manusia bau ketek yang membuatmu berhalusinasi. Turis yang ngomong keras-keras sampe satu gerbong denger. Pelayan judes yang ga sopan. Emak yang membiarkan anaknya teriak-teriak di pesawat. Penumpang yang asik telfonan padahal udah mau take off. Manusia yang suka kentut di lift. Cowok yang memakai bikini.
You can always find some negative in every trip. But there’s always beautiful sights and heavenly food that makes you forget those little shit.
They’re all part of experience. That things exist to make us appreciate pleasure.
Perfect travel isn’t real and real travel isn’t perfect.
This is what adventure feels like
Tidak ada pelangi tanpa sang hujan. Jalan-jalan membawamu dalam roda emosi. Jangan sampai karena nila setitik, rusak susu sebelahnya. Dalam ketidaknyamanan, kita belajar berkompromi dengan ketidaksempurnaan.
Sampai kekesalan itu memudar karena kita sibuk bersenang-senang. Tanpa disadari, kita menjadi tahan banting. Dari yang tadinya jomblo tertinggal, kini menjadi jomblo terdepan. Dari yang tadinya parnoan, menjadi super setroonggg!
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The slice of Eiffel Tower from Metro Passy
Long Flights from Jogja → Singapore → Paris
There’s no better feeling than looking out the plane window and realising you’re almost there
Orange Juice and Cognac. Crafting my own beverages
Fun fact: Food and drinks taste odd while the plane is flying 30,000 feet. From the humidity and low air pressure, the taste in food is quite different. From the high altitude, our ability to taste sweet flavours drops to 20% and saltiness drops 30%
Di akhir Oktober 2018, saya terbang bersama Singapore Airlines menuju benua biru. 13 jam waktu yang ditempuh dengan direct flight dari Singapore menuju Paris. Saya berangkat dari Singapore pukul 12 malam, dan sampai pukul 7 pagi waktu setempat.
Hobi saya selama pernerbangan adalah melamun melihat awan, makan, stretching, dan nonton sampe ketiduran. Yang saya suka dari SQ selain handuk hangatnya adalah variasi makanan, terutama minuman beralkoholnya. Ada Red & White Wine, Cognac, Gin, Vodka, Beer, Singapore Sling and Cocktails. Bikin enak bobo!
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Charles de Gaulle Airport to Paris City Centre
Cara terbaik menuju pusat kota Paris dari adalah naik kereta RER B line biru. Stasiunnya ada di terminal 2 dan 3 Roissypole. Jika mendarat di Terminal 1, kamu bisa ke terminal 3 dulu naik CDGVAL Airport Shuttle, gratis!
Keep in mind that these vending machines do not sell Pass Navigo card and only take coins or smart-chip enabled credit cards. Using a gate with a green arrow lit on its front (red X’s signify exit gates) insert your paper ticket into the yellow ticket reader (should be on your right, that gate’s green arrow should be pointing at you and you should be using your right hand to submit the ticket) then retrieve it from the top arm panel on your right
Remember to keep your ticket or passes handy as ‘ticket checkers’ frequent these trains.
Tiket menuju pusat kota Paris bisa dibeli di mesin otomatis ataupun loket Billetterie Ile-de-France di stasiun bandara. Harganya 10.30 Euro | Rp. 160,000. Mesinnya support bahasa Inggris dan menerima pembayaran dengan kartu kredit.
Cara pakai tiketnya tinggal masukin ke slot kecil di gate, lalu pintu akan terbuka dan melengganglah dengan jumawa. Kereta paling awal beroperasi jam 4.56 AM dan paling akhir jam 11.56 PM. Kurang lebih 50 menit, saya sampai di pusat kota Paris. Untuk info lebih lengkap, klik parisbytrain.com
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RER B Blue Line stops at Gare du Nord, Chatelet-Les Halles, and Saint Michel Notre Dame Station
Opsi lainnya adalah naik Roissybus. Namun tiketnya lebih mahal, 13.20 Euro. Busnya berangkat setiap hari dari jam 6 pagi sampai 8.45 malam. Berangkat tiap 20 menit sekali dan hanya memiliki satu tujuan, berhenti di Opera (Palais Garnier).
Bus stopnya ada di area kedatangan Terminal 1, 2 dan 3, ikutin aja plang bertuliskan ‘Grand transportation’ dan ‘Roissybus’. Kamu bisa membeli tiketnya langsung di bus, tapi inget siapin cash! No kartu kredit. Info lebih lengkap, klik tripsavvy.com
Kalo sendirian jangan naik taxi, bisa abis 50 Euro! Tapi jika hobimu adalah menghabiskan uang, Oppa bisa mengerti. Kalo rame-rame OK-lah, bisa patungan.
How to get around Paris
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Cara tercepat untuk mengitari Paris adalah naik kereta Metro dan RER (Réseau Express Régional). Selama disini, saya lebih sering jalan kaki dan sesekali menggunakan T+ single ticket seharga 1.90 Euro | Rp. 30,000.
Dengan tiket ini, saya bebas berganti transportasi umum seperti metro, RER, dan Bus, dalam jangka waktu 90 menit. Jika berencana kebanyak tempat berama-ramai bareng keluarga, kamu bisa membeli paket bundle 10 tiket seharga 14.90 Euro. Lumayan hemat.
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Download the train map from here: parisbytrain.com
Jika pingin ke banyak tempat dalam satu hari, kamu bisa membeli Ticket Mobilis. Bentuknya sama persis dengan T+ single ticket. Bedanya kamu bisa menggunakannya seharian penuh. Bebas naik metro, RER, dan bus berdasarkan zona yang kamu beli.
Misal, kamu punya jadwal padat ketempat yang jauh kayak Versailles dalam sehari, tiket Mobilis ini layak kamu beli. (Note! Tiket Mobilis tidak berlaku untuk Orlybus, Roissybus, dan kereta ke bandara).
Kamu bisa membeli single tiket T+ atau Mobilis di mesin penjual otomatis ataupun loket yang tersebar di tiap stasiun. Berikut harga tiket Mobilis berdasarkan zonanya:
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Ada juga kartu Passe Navigo dan Paris Visite. Namun, menurut saya tidak worth it  kalo kamu hanya beberapa hari di Paris. Ribet dan mehong! Info lebih lengkap tentang transportasi umum di Paris, klik introducingparis.com
Masukkan tiket ke slot kecil di sebelah kanan gate dengan sign panah hijau (Gate Exit dengan tanda X berwarna merah hanya untuk keluar). Kemudian tiket akan keluar di slot atas dan gate akan terbuka.
Begitu kereta tiba, pintu kereta tidak selalu terbuka secara otomatis. Tarik gagang besi atau pejet tombol merah kecil di pintu untuk membuka pintu.
Kalo belum expired, selalu simpan tiket, jangan langsung dibuang apalagi Mobilis. Sesekali akan ada petugas yang secara random mengecek tiket
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Right outside the entrance Gare du Nord Station. a sculpture by Leandro Erlich. The idea is that the ground floor of this lopsided building has almost melted. It reminds us of the potential dangers of global warming for both life and infrastructure
Where do i stay in Paris
A 2-minute walk from Eurostar service at Gare du Nord station
Letaknya yang strategis dan dekat dengan Gare Du Nord Station, membuat saya memilih St. Christopher’s Inn. Ada bar dimana kamu bisa hepi-hepi. Di tiap ranjangnya ada horden penutup. Privasimu terjaga dan kamu bisa cem-ceman dengan aman.
St Christopher’s Inn | Hostel in Paris Gare du Nord
Modern POD beds (fitted with curtains, reading lights, power cables and USB chargers), Digital key cards for secure access, Coins Locker storage
5 Rue de Dunkerque, 75010 Paris
Direction: Located right across the road from Gare Du Nord station. Just minutes walk from 3 Metro lines nearby. 25 minute walk from the Sacre Coeur and just 16 minutes on the metro from the Notre Dame Google Maps Location
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The city of light! Paris is a fun place to get lost
Autumn in Paris
Di akhir Oktober, Paris bener-bener dingin. Cuaca berkisar diantara 4°-12°C. Gerimis sering menghampiri, sebentar turun, sebentar berhenti. Mendung-mendung galau. Tanpa pasangan untuk saling menghangatkan, angin dingin membuat saya menggigil berat.
Kota yang membuatmu benci tapi rindu. Paris memang serba mahal dan selalu disesaki turis. Namun tak ada alasan untuk tidak mengunjungi kota ini. Paris ibarat gadis populer yang diperebutkan banyak pria. Meskipun banyak saingan, tak membuatmu berhenti untuk mendapatkannya.
Berikut 22 aktivitas seru yang saya lakukan di Paris:
1. Spot the beauty inside Sacré-Cœur Basilica
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The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris. It’s a roman Catholic church in the heart of Montmartre, the highest point of the city
Gereja yang berada di puncak tertinggi kota Paris, bukit Montmartre. Dalam perjalanan kesini, saya menaiki tangga yang lumayan bikin pegel. Umur memang tak bisa berbohong.
The painting on the ceiling over the main altar is gorgeous and instantly grabs your eye as you walk inside
It represents the risen Christ, clothed in white and with arms extended, revealing a golden heart. Surrounding him, a world of adorers is represented, including the Saints who protect France: the Virgin Mary and Saint Michael, Saint Joan of Arc, as well as a personification of France offering her crown and Pope Leo XIII offering the world
Butuh waktu 44 tahun untuk membangun arsitektur bergaya Romano-Byzantine ini. Gerejanya cantik luar dalam. Begitu masuk, mata saya tertuju pada kubah besarnya. Cahaya yang masuk dari kubah mempercantik mosaik yang menggambarkan kebangkitan Kristus.
One of the most remarkable in all Europe. Built in 1898, it is the last great instrument built by the illustrious Aristide Cavaillé-Coll
Masterpiece lain yang ada di dalam gereja adalah The Grand Organ and The White statue of Saint Michael. Organ pipa klasik dan patung malaikat pelindung gereja. Mempelajari sejarah sambil jalan-jalan memang menyenangkan.
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Saint Michael is an archangel – The protector – The guardian of the Church. A spiritual warrior that helps the faithful combat against Evil
Iconic, domed white church, completed in 1914, with interior mosaics, stained-glass windows & crypt
35 Rue du Chevalier de la Barre, 75018 Paris
Hours: Senin – Minggu 6AM–10:30PM
Admission is FREE. You can light a candle for a donation as well. If you wanna go to the top of the dome, it costs 7 Euro
Direction: Jules Joffrin (M° 12) + Montmartrobus (Place du Tertre stop) Google Maps Location
The place is very crowded because it is a wonderful place in the top of the hill. You can see the entire city from here
It is also the place to “lock” your love
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This beautiful church is located at the top of the hill and overlooks panoramic view across the beautiful city
Setelah keluar gereja, dari ketinggian saya menikmati panorama 360° kota Paris. Saya menuruni tangga diantara taman yang luas. Di sekitarnya banyak pedagang kaki lima yang menjajakan souvenir. Sesekali saya mengambil gambar dan memperhatikan seniman jalanan. Alunan harpa mengalun diantara keramaian.
Watch out for the scam artists who try to put a bracelet on your hand. They try to tie a string on your finger and then ask for a ridiculous amount of money. Just ignore them.
Be careful of people asking you to sign petitions because they are a fraud. They stop you and their other friend try to pick pocket you
On the streets in front of the church has a lots of little crepes cafe’s, souvenir shops, boutiques & artists to paint your portrait
2. Enjoy Hot Chocolate at Angelina
The warm buttery of fresh croissants and Pain au chocolat
It’s made with three different chocolate from Africa. It was served with whipped cream. Thick, rich and creamy
Cafe legendaris yang membawa saya ke tahun 1900-an. Zaman dimana para pelukis dan penulis menyalurkan bakat mereka sambil minum teh. Konon fashion designer Coco Chanel suka nongkrong disini.
I try their famous hot chocolate ‘L’Africain’. Saat menyeruputnya pertama kali, seketika saya tersenyum, ‘Hmmm…’ Pas kentalnya, ga terlalu manis, ga terlalu pahit. Sedang-sedang menghanyutkan.
Kemudian saya menggigit croissant, memasukkan sesendok whipped cream ke mulut, dan menyeruputnya sekali lagi. ‘It was amazingly melt in my mouth. Airy, flaky, and buttery’. 
Angelina Paris
Legendary 1903 tea room offering refined pastries & hot chocolate in a belle epoque–style setting
Best Seller Menu: Mont-Blanc 9.20 Euro | Rp. 143,000, L’Africain Hot Chocolate 8.20 Euro | Rp.128,000. Full menu
226 Rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris
Hours: Senin – Minggu 7:30AM–7PM
Direction: Google Maps Location
3. Go to the top of Galeries Lafayette
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A huge Christmas tree
Tax Free Mall dengan kubah kaca yang menawan. Brand global, fast food, dan cafe lokal, semua ada! Tujuan saya kesini bukan untuk hunting barang branded diskonan melainkan melihat pemandangan dari atas rooftop-nya. Sekalian pipis dan menghangatkan diri. Kalo di Indo kita nge-mol buat ngadem, disini buat nganget!
Galeries Lafayette Paris Haussmann
The most prestigious shopping store in Paris. All the major brands under one roof
VAT refund can be done combined at one go
40 Boulevard Haussmann, 75009 Paris
Hours: Senin – Sabtu 9:30AM–8:30PM | Minggu 11AM–8PM
Direction: Google Maps Location
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Lovely roof terrace with terrific view of the beautiful Parisian buildings
4. Savouring Macarons at Laduree
Selain Pierre Herme, Laduree merupakan tempat terbaik buat nyobain Macaron. Kedai  yang berdiri sejak tahun 1862 dan konon merupakan pencipta kue unyu ini pertama kali.
Dekorasi kedainya terlihat royal. Saya masuk dan membeli satu kotak Macaron isi 6. Packaging-nya cantik. Sebelum dikemas, saya bebas memilih isian rasa dan desain kotak yang diinginkan.
Ladurée Paris Royale
Upscale bakery with Parisian origins, specialising in French Macarons in a number of flavours
16-18 Rue Royale, 75008 Paris
Price: 1 Box isi 6 – 17 Euro | Rp. 264,000
Hours: Senin – Minggu 8AM–8PM
Direction: Google Maps Location
Saya paling suka rasa Pistachio, Coffee, dan Hazelnut Praline. Konon, Macaron harus dimakan dengan dua kali gigit. Jangan langsung hap, nanti keselek. Sensasi sweet dan crispy-nya bikin melayang.
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Security under control
Setelah itu saya berjalan menuju Musée d’Orsay. Saya sempat melewati taman indah tempat favorit bule-bule bermesraan, Jardin des Tuileries. Detail tentangnya, klik blog saya yang terdahulu Christmas in Paris
Is it worth to buy Paris Museum Pass?
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Semua tergantung itinerary. Jika berniat masuk ke banyak museum, kartu ini bener-bener worth it! It saves your money and time. Saya membeli 4-days pass yang seharga 62 Euro. Ada juga yang 2-day pass seharga 48 Euro dan 7-day pass seharga 74 Euro.  Pilihlah sesuai dengan masa tinggalmu di Paris.
Tanpa harus antri beli tiket, kamu bebas masuk kapan saja ke monumen dan museum-museum penting di Paris, seperti:
Louvre Museum
Arc de Triomphe
Musée Rodin
Musée d’Orsay
Notre Dame towers
Musée de Cluny
Quai Branly Museum
Musée de l’Orangerie
Musée de l’Armée
Centre Pompidou
Museum of Air and Space
Château de Versailles
Villa Savoye
Château de Fontainebleau
Full list attractions yang ter-cover, klik parismuseumpass.com
Dibanding beli tiket satu-satu, Versailles 20 Euro, Louvre 17 Euro, Saint Chapelle 10 Euro, Musée d’Orsay 14 Euro, Centre Pompidou 14 Euro, Pantheon 9 Euro, dan Notre Dame Tower 10 Euro, total semua ini aja udah 94 Euro.
Saya membelinya secara online di website resmi Parismuseumpass.com lalu mengambil kartunya saat mendarat di Tourist information desk Charles de Gaulle Airport. Untuk info dan lokasi persisnya, klik Pick up location
5. Explore Musée d’Orsay
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An old train station that exhibits the world’s greatest art. The paintings and sculptures that focused on the period of 1848-1940, while the Louvre focuses on art before that period
Stasiun kereta tua yang menyimpan seni Impresionisme abad ke-19. Lukisan dan patung terhebat karya Degas, Monet, dan Van Gogh terpajang dengan indah. Surga bagi pecinta Renaissance.
Greek lyric poet. Notable for his drinking songs and hymns. Later Greeks included him in the canonical list of nine lyric poets. Anacreon wrote all of his poetry in the ancient Ionic dialect – Wikipedia
In 1860, Prince Napoleon, son of Jerome Bonaparte, inaugurated on the Avenue Montaigne a vast mansion that sought to imitate ancient villas and that became known as the “Pompeian house”. In the atrium, the centerpiece was a life-size representation of the Emperor dressed in a Roman gown, holding the Civil Code, a crown of laurels on his head and an eagle at his feet
Just the building it is already a monument!
Musée d’Orsay
Major 19th & 20th century European art collections housed in a monumental, former railway station
1 Rue de la Légion d’Honneur, 75007 Paris
Hours: Selasa – Minggu Sunday 9:30AM–6PM, Senin libur
Direction: Google Maps Location
Susannah and the Elders by Paul Cabet
A sensuous nude shouldering a playful angel. Cupid who is balancing playfully on her shoulders appears trying to get her attention as his body is twisted slightly and he is holding onto her head and left arm so as to enable himself to stare at her
Young Greeks Attending a Cock Fight – Jean-Léon Gérôme
Terdapat 80,000 karya seni disini. Banyak karya seni yang belum pernah saya dengar sebelumnya, tapi begitu mengena saat melihatnya. Beberapa Karya yang paling terkenal di museum ini adalah Polar Bear – F. Pompon, Starry Night dan Self Portrait – Van Gogh, Bal du Moulin de la Galette – Renoir, Small dancer aged 14 – Degas, dan L’Origine du Monde – G. Courbet.
The only son of the emperor Napoleon III and the Empress Eugenie de Montijo, here about eight, is shown with the Emperor’s dog. Even after the fall of the Empire and the tragic death of the crown prince, killed by the Zulus in South Africa in 1879, the Sevres porcelain factory continued to sell his portrait under the title Boy with a Dog
The sense of movement is where Carpeaux’s talent shines
Cerita hidup seniman yang menurut saya paling tragis adalah Van Gogh. Pelukis asal Belanda yang semasa hidupnya tidak pernah berhasil menjual satu karya pun. Dia dianggap gagal pada masanya. Seandainya dia bisa melihat betapa berharga karyanya sekarang.
Di umurnya yang ke-37, Van Gogh bunuh diri dengan cara menembakkan pistol ke perutnya sendiri. Depresi berkepanjangan membuatnya rapuh. Kata-kata terakhir yang keluar dari mulutnya adalah ‘la tristesse durera toujours – the sadness will last forever’
Is he narcissistic? Why he drew himself? No, the answer is because he could not afford to pay models
In this painting, he represents darkness is illuminated by violent flashes and by cosmic energy which seems that it can’t find peace
Kecintaanya akan alam seperti langit dan bintang, terlihat dari 2,100 hasil karyanya. Dia sering melukis pemandangan yang sama berulang-ulang. Kamu harus melihat sendiri lukisannya untuk bisa merasakan kepedihan hatinya. Quotes yang saya suka dari dirinya adalah:
I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people.
For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.
I dream of painting and then i paint my dream
– Van Gogh
A gift from France to the USA for the 100th anniversary of American Independence. The iconic memorial celebrates Franco-American friendship
A French sculptor and painter during the Second Empire under Napoleon III
The year was 1870 and France’s defeat in the Prussian war left the country feeling humiliated and longing for revenge. The Biblical story of David was taken as an sign that, one day, France might slay the Prussian Goliath
6. Tasting L’Entrecôte The Steak & Fries
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After waiting in the middle of cold war. Finally, I could get in and enjoy the vibe
Setelah antri 30 menit ditengah cuaca dingin, akhirnya tiba giliran saya masuk ke dalam. Setelah saya duduk, pelayan datang mencatat pesanan dan bertanya tentang tingkat kematangan steak yang saya iinginkan. ‘Medium rare, please…’
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Salad, Bread and Hot Tea
Tak lama kemudian, pelayan datang menyajikan hot tea dan side dish berupa salad dan roti. Kurang lebih 20 menit, hidangan utama steak and frites pun tiba.
Le Relais de L’Entrecôte
20 Rue Saint-Benoît, 75006 Paris
Hours: Senin – Minggu 12–2:30PM 7–11:30PM
Price: Steak and Frites 26.50 Euro
Direction: Google Maps Location
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Only one meal served here, the simple pairing of a grilled steak with mystery green sauce and chips. The medium grilled steak that i order tastes good but nothing special. Yet the sauce made it all worth it
Dagingnya diletakkan diatas piring bersama french fries dan saus steak ‘go green’. Saat diiris, steak terpotong tanpa perlu menekan pisau dengan keras. Tender and juicy, seakan lumat saat dikunyah. It definitely tasted good but nothing special.
Satu hal yang saya gak suka dari tempat ini adalah pelayanannya. Entah karena ramai, mereka seakan menyuruh saya untuk cepat-cepat pergi. Semua terkesan terburu-buru. Saat steak saya udah abis, tapi kentangnya masi tersisa, rencana mau saya abisin pelan-pelan. Eh, dia main ambil aja tuh piring. Ga nanya dulu lagi. Padahal saya termasuk cepet makannya.
Yang paling parah, pelayannya pura-pura lupa kasih kembalian. Saya tau kamu perlu tips, tapi masak bayar 50 Euro, total pesanan abis 30 Euro, kamu mau ambil 20 Euro? Dalam hati saya bergumam, cukup sekali saya kesini.
Seenak-enaknya makanan, kalo pelayanannya kacrut. Pasti pengunjung kecewa
7. Exploring Palace of Versailles
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These lavish grounds, elaborately planned, pruned, and ornamented beautifully. Only the Sun King could grow a thousand orange trees in chilly Northern France
Langit mendung dan dinginnya angin hari itu membuat Versailles terasa kurang nendang. Mengitari taman istana yang luas sambil menggigil sungguh tidak menyenangkan. Taman dan istana yang seharusnya memancarkan keindahan, jadi terlihat kelam.
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Standing in front of the colossal gate made of gold
Tadinya rute yang saya rencanakan adalah masuk ke dalam istana, mengitari taman dan mengagumi Marie-Antoinette’s estate. Rencana gagal karena saya ga browsing dulu. Akses ke dalam ruangan istana tutup kalo hari SENIN! Damn, bukannya senin harga naik malah tutup. Jadilah saya hanya mengitari taman dengan menggerutu.
Château de Versailles
Immense, 18th-century palace with gilded apartments, chandeliered Hall of Mirrors and fountain show. The royal residence of France from 1682 until the start of the French Revolution in 1789.
Place d’Armes, 78000 Versailles
Hours: Selasa – Minggu 9AM–5:30PM Senin tutup
Direction: RER line C arrives at Versailles Château – Rive Gauche train station, just 10 minutes’ walk to the Palace Google Maps Location
A total of 100,000 gold leaves have been crafted into the shapes of fleur de lys, crowns, masks of Apollo, cornucopias and the crossed capital Ls representing the Sun King
Magnificent ingenuity and taste in an era lacking modern industrial machines.
The details of wood and stone carving makes one wonder what could those craftsmen have done if they were given modern day tools
Versailles awal mulanya hanya pondok kecil tempat raja menyalurkan hobinya untuk berburu. Semua berubah ketika Louis XIV berambisi memiliki istana termewah di Eropa. Niat pamer memang ga selalu buruk.
United, under a strong king, with a continent’s biggest population, a booming economy, and a powerful military. France under Louis was Europe’s superpower
Berkat kehebatannya, Louis XIV disebut sebagai Raja Matahari. Raja yang memerintah Perancis selama lebih dari 72 tahun! Terlama dari semua raja yang pernah berdaulat di Eropa. Soeharto aja ‘cuma’ 31 tahun.
Bersatu di bawah pemerintahan raja yang ditakuti, dengan populasi besar, ekonomi yang berkembang pesat dan militer yang kuat, Perancis di bawah Louis menjadi negara adikuasa Eropa. Long live the king!
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I stroll through the beautiful and massive garden.  The Palace of Versailles may well be the most famous château in the world.
8. Having Brunch at Carette
I brought the cup to my nose and inhaled the rich aroma. I enjoy the coffee and soaking in the atmosphere
The scrambled eggs are amongst the best I’ve ever had. I don’t know how they make these eggs so amazing. It was pure heaven. Cheesy, creamy and buttery
Blending with the crowd
Siang itu saya mengisi tenaga dengan Cheesy Scrambled Eggs alias telur dadar elit. The fluffiest omelette i’ve ever tasted! Cheesy, creamy and buttery, it was pure heaven. Berpadu sempurna dengan pekatnya flat white yang saya pesan.
Stylish French café that’s been around since the 1927. A little café with incredible pastry selection
4 Place du Trocadéro et du 11 Novembre, 75016 Paris
Hours: Senin – Minggu Monday 7AM–11:30PM
Direction: Google Maps Location
9. Discover the biggest art in the Louvre Museum
The Louvre’s top three most important pieces. one of the oldest and most influent marble statues in the world, The Winged Victory was discovered in 1863 in the island of Samothrace. The meaning behind the statue is still a mystery, some believe it was erected by a Macedonian general after a naval victory and represents the Goddess Nike. The sense of motion in this statue is what impresses anyone, you don’t need any imagination to see, the wind blowing her thin cloth while she stood in a strong forward motion
It’s arguably the most famous painting in the world, due in large part to the hullabaloo that went on in 1911 when she was stolen. Missing for two years, both French poet Apollinaire and Picasso were suspects, before Peruggia (the Italian thief and former Louvre guard) was caught. Seeing La Joconde is a thoroughly unpleasant experience because of the crowds.
14 kilometers of galleries full of the finest world art
Museum terbesar di dunia dengan jutaan seni terbaik dari abad pertengahan. Lukisan, artefak dan reruntuhan peninggalan Romawi, Yunani dan Mesir, terpajang dengan epic di dalam bangunan seluas 14 Km! Saking besarnya, koleksinya kayak ga abis-abis.
A key to enjoying your visit. Don’t even try to cover it all!
Menemukan karya seni unik dan mencoba menafsirkannya sendiri ternyata menyenangkan. Saya sangat menikmati berbagai lukisan Renaissance, Neoclassical dan Romanticism.
Made for Napoleon’s sister, Queen Caroline Murat. During the Romantic Era, when the Orientalism was a trend, young ladies, often naked, dancing or laying in Sultans’s beds were often painted as a symbol of exotism and erotism. Painting women looking over their shoulders also seemed to be a trend back then and this same pose can be seen in different paintings and statues of that time.
David completed the massive work (13.0 ft by 17.4 ft) 15 years after he began. SPARTA! This act of bravery and sacrifice by King Leonidas and his 300 soldiers inspired David as France waged its own campaigns against rival European powers that wanted to restore France’s pre-revolutionary ancient régime. In 1813-14, when he finished the painting, European powers allied against the First French Empire were invading France to topple the emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte, and David again found inspiration in the story of Leonidas at the Battle of Thermopylae.
The painting represents a legendary episode of Roman mythology with the Sabine women interposing themselves to separate the Romans and Sabines soldiers. The question is: why are the guards naked in the middle of a battle?
Mengagumi lukisan Monalisa secara langsung ternyata tidak mudah. Diperlukan kemampuan nyempil diantara lautan manusia. Lukisannya tidak sebesar yang saya bayangkan. Saya lebih tertarik dengan lukisan dan patung telanjang, baik yang sedang tiduran maupun perang. Oppa bukan cabul, hanya dewasa seutuhnya.
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The Coronation of Napoleon – Jacques-Louis David. it has 10 metres wide and 6 height. One of the biggest paintings in Louvre!
Karya seni paling ternama yang tidak boleh kamu lewatkan disini adalah:
Sculptures and Artefacts: The Winged Victory of Samothrace, The Venus de Milo, The Dying Slave and Rebellious Slave, The Crown of Louis XV, Psyche Revived by the Kiss of Love, Sleeping Hermaphrodite, Lamassus, Great Sphinx of Tanis.
Paintings: Liberty Leading the People, Louis XIV, The Raft of the Medusa, The Coronation of Napoleon, Grande Odalisque, and of course The Mona Lisa.
Musée du Louvre
Former historic palace housing huge art collection, from Roman sculptures to Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa
Rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris
Hours: Selasa Tutup. Rabu – Senin 9AM–6PM
Direction: Exit from Metro Palais-Royal Musée du Louvre (lines 1 and 7) and Pyramides (line 14) Google Maps Location
All the Greek and Roman statues are my favorite, along with the classical paintings
This museum takes your through about 6 thousand years of art and human history
Among them paintings and sculptures with a great historical value. The naked paintings and sculptures are always gorgeous!
Well, i couldn’t see Maria Magdalene tomb just like what Robert Langdon said. Ya, iyalah itu fiksi! Yang udah nonton atau baca buku Da Vinci Code pasti ngerti.
10. Admiring Palais Garnier
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The whole building is art in itself. Landmark named after its architect Charles Garnier. The Napoleon Ill style of architecture that was later an inspiration for many Opera houses around the world.
Opera house paling eksentrik di dunia. Gedung bergaya Baroque karya arsitek Charles Garnier. Meski tidak sempat menonton Operanya, saya sangat terkesan dengan arsitekturnya. Kemewahan begitu terasa di tiap sudutnya. Lukisan diantara pilar dan ukiran berlapis emas bersimfoni dengan deretan Gold Chandeliers. Klasik nan elegan.
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Inside one of the most splendid buildings in Paris. Napoleon III ordered it’s construction to the architect Charles Garnier, who designed it in SWAG. Chandeliers everything!
Yang paling istimewa adalah Chandeliers raksasa di auditoriumnya. Kita diperbolehkan melihat dari jendela, namun gak boleh foto. Lampu gantung yang terbuat dari perunggu dan kristal seberat 8 ton! Chandeliers yang membawa kisah tragis pada tahun 1890. Penopangnya roboh, dan seluruh chandeliers jatuh menimpa dan menewaskan orang dibawahnya.
Kisah ini bahkan menjadi inspirasi dari novel terkenal Phantom of Opera karya Gaston Leroux. Sekarang gedung ini lebih banyak digunakan sebagai pertunjukan balet. Tempat dimana balerina terbaik memancarkan kilaunya di panggung termegah.
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Model busana anak-anak. Adidas Old Kids. Fashion untuk bocah tua yang berjiwa muda dan belum berkeluarga. Strike a pose in Rotunde du Glacier
Two female allegories greet spectators
It’s like entering a magical world from a beautiful book. Gold everything!
The Opera Garnier is a true masterpiece of classicism and eccentricity
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Palais Garnier
Italian-style opera house with ceiling painted by Chagall & library museum in 19th-century building
Place de l’Opéra, 75009 Paris
Hours: Senin – Minggu 10AM – 4.30PM
Tickets: Self Guided Tour 14 Euro | Rp. 218,000 Buy your tickets here Operadeparis
Direction: Google Maps Location
The majestic grandeur of the opera house is breath taking. The paintings, opera hall, chandeliers, and the gold paint is impressive
Featuring dancing bacchantes and fauna, along with tapestries illustrating different refreshments as well as fishing and hunting
Built of marble of various colours, it is home to the double staircase leading to the foyers and the various floors of the theatre
11. Take a peek to the Pantheon
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Neoclassical Pantheon seems big, bold, and cool from the outside. It’s the final resting place of great French patriots such as Marie Curie and Voltaire.
Bangunan yang awal mulanya merupakan gereja yang menyimpan benda bersejarah peninggalan St. Genevieve. Kini menjadi situs pemakaman bagi para pahlawan Prancis seperti Victor Hugo, Voltaire, dan Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Sayangnya hari itu Pantheon tutup, karena sedang ada renovasi
18th-century mausoleum with colonnaded facade, housing remains of notable French citizens
Place du Panthéon, 75005 Paris
Hours: Senin – Minggu 10AM–6:30PM
Direction: Line 10 / RER B Google Maps Location 
12. Enjoy The Guilty Pleasure at Five Guys Burger
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Tadinya si pingin nyobain crepes khas Perancis, entah kenapa saat mencium aromanya dari luar resto, saya seakan tersihir. Kebetulan juga belum pernah nyoba franchise Amerika ini.
Saat itu banyak yang antri, untungnya pelayanannya cepet. Porsinya guediiiii. Ada mayonnaise dan tomato sauce yang boleh kamu refill dan cocol sesukamu. Patty-nya, tebel dan juicy. Tapi rasanya biasa aja. Mungkin karena kejunya kurang nendang. Saya cuma mengabiskan setengah, lalu bungkus bawa pulang.
Five Guys
Fast-food chain with made-to-order burgers, fries & hot dogs
49-51 Av. des Champs-Élysées, 75008 Paris
Hours: Senin – Minggu 11AM–1AM
Price: Cheeseburger 10 Euro | Rp. 156,000
Direction: Google Maps Location
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Five Guys Burger Paris Menu
13. Feel the vibe at Arc de Triomphe
The names of all French victories and generals inscribed on its outer surfaces
Tadinya saya berniat ke atas observation deck untuk mengambil foto Champs-Élysées. Sayangnya hari itu akses ditutup. Akhirnya saya menikmati Monumen kemenangan Nasionalisme Perancis ini dari bawah.
Mengamati nama-nama Jendral yang berjasa pada masa French Revolution dan Napoleonic Wars. Liberté, égalité, fraternité! Kebebasan, persamaan, dan persaudaraan!
Arc de Triomphe
Iconic triumphal arch built to commemorate Napoleon’s victories, with an observation deck. Beneath its vault lies the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier from World War I
Place Charles de Gaulle, 75008 Paris
Hours: Senin – Minggu 10AM–10PM
Direction: Lines 1, 2 et 6, stop Charles-de-Gaulle-Etoile Google Maps Location
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Street Musician perform under Arc de Triomphe
14. Strolling Glamorously along Champs-Élysées
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Europe’s grandest boulevard
Shopping street yang belakangan sering dijadikan tempat demo. Semacam Orchard Road kelebihan hormon. Louis Vuitton, Cartier, Chanel, Dior, Versace berderet cantik bersama pepohonan. Shopping, eating, and entertainment are all here.
15. Kiss The Eiffel Tower
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No matter how many times you visit Paris, this iconic monument is always beautiful. The Eiffel Tower is best seen in the early morning and late at night
Menikmati pemandangan Eiffel dari taman Trocadero memang ga boleh dilewatkan. Masak udah ke Paris, gak foto sama Eiffel Tower? Tempat terbaik untuk mengabadikan pose terindahmu. Tinggalkanlah kenangan dengan cara mencium menara sutet ini. Nikmati rasa besi yang menempel di bibirmu.
Setelah berfoto, saya berjalan santai mendekati Eiffel Tower. Menikmati cantiknya air mancur yang dikelilingi patung, memperhatikan turis dari berbagai negara, dan sesekali duduk terdiam sejenak. Melamun dengan tragis.
Jardins du Trocadéro
The best view of the Eiffel. The main spots to get your perfect shot. Public park, created in 1937, with sculptures & a central fountain featuring 20 water jets
Place du Trocadéro et du 11 Novembre, 75016 Paris
Open 24 Hours
Direction: Exit from Metro Trocadero Google Maps Location
Safety Caution!
Jangan menaruh dompet dan ponsel di saku celana maupun jaket selama di tempat umum. Pencuri di Paris benar-benar profesional. Mereka pintar mengalihkan perhatian lalu mengambil barangmu dengan cepat
Make sure to carry your bag in front of you or have it in sight. Be safe with your belongings
16. Strike a pose at Metro Passy
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Beautiful outdoors subway station
One of the hidden gems in Paris. Stasiun metro instagramable yang pernah menjadi lokasi syuting film Inception dan Mission Impossible 6. Pemandangan Eiffel Tower diantara Seine River terlihat begitu cantik dari sini. Saya melihat pasangan yang sedang foto pre-wedding. Mereka terlihat pura-pura mencintai. *sirik
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Potret pria hidung belang yang suka menebar senyum di jalan raya
The most charming small Parisian metro stations!
75016 Paris
Direction: Google Maps Location
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17. Bewitched inside Saint Chapelle
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The most awe-inspiring stained glass masterpieces of all time
Kapel istana abad pertengahan yang terkenal dengan kaca patri terindah di dunia. Saat melangkah masuk dan menaiki tangga batu, saya tersihir dalam interior Gothic yang magis.
Stained glass yang selama delapan abad mengilustrasikan ayat-ayat dari kitab kejadian tentang awal mula lahirnya alam semesta hingga sang juru selamat. Altarnya yang tinggi pernah dijadikan tempat penyimpanan mahkota duri yang diletakkan diatas kepala Yesus.
The church’s muscular gothic buttresses support the stone roof. the walls are essentially window holders for the church’s stained glass
Stone stairs leading to unexpected beauty
Mahkota duri yang membuat Raja Louis IX bergegas membangun Saint Chapelle. Hanya dalam waktu 6 tahun, kapel selesai dibangun dan menjadi rumah yang sempurna untuk menyimpan relik berharga ini.
Ornate, 13th-century, Gothic chapel with relics & notable stained-glass windows of biblical scenes
8 Boulevard du Palais, 75001 Paris
Hours: Senin – Minggu 9:30AM–6PM
Direction: Line 1, station Châtelet, line 4, stations Saint-Michel or Cité, lines 7, 11 and 14, station Châtelet Google Maps Location
Because it was built so quickly with one architect and one set of plans, almost unheard of in gothic times, the architecture is unusually harmonious
As soon as i step inside, i overwhelmed by the most dazzling gothic interior anywhere
The best 13th century glass in its original setting
18. Palais de Justice de Paris & Conciergerie
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I glided through the streets, stand in awe at the beautiful prison
Istana kerajaan abad pertengahan yang berubah fungsi menjadi ruang pengadilan dan penjara. Tempat mendekamnya ratu terakhir Perancis Marie Antoinette, sebelum akhirnya dihukum penggal.
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Medieval royal palace that became a revolutionary tribunal and Marie-Antoinette’s prison
The interior helped me to get a feel for what life was like for the king and his servants during Medieval times in France
A place where the Parliament of Paris began to meet and prison during the French revolution
On 21 September 1792, the monarchy was abolished. Marie Antoinette trial began on 14 October 1793, and two days later she was convicted by the Revolutionary Tribunal of high treason and executed by guillotine
Palais de Justice de Paris & Conciergerie
Medieval Royal Palace. Gothic, riverside fortress & French Revolution prison, housing Marie Antoinette’s former cell. Now it becomes an elegant complex of buildings housing judicial offices
2 Boulevard du Palais, 75001 Paris
Hours: Senin – Minggu 8:30AM–6.30PM
Direction: Line 1, station Châtelet, line 4, stations Saint-Michel or Cité, lines 7, 11 and 14, station Châtelet Google Maps Location
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Beautiful medieval palace with grand hall and lots of arches
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From a Royal residence to a Palace of Justice. The Kings of France abandoned the palace at the end of the 14th century to settle in the Louvre. It then took on a judicial role, and part of the palace was converted into court of law
19. Unveil the best of the Notre Dame Cathedral
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Notre Dame’s iconic facade shows a distinct harmony of design, and represents a level of detailed craftsmanship. It all leads to Mary
Katedral yang berdiri sejak abad ke-12 di jantung kota Paris, Île de la Cité. Untungnya saya sempat memasuki Katedral sebelum terjadi kebakaran pada April 2019 lalu. Kini Notre Dame sedang dibangun ulang dan ditutup sementara.
Walaupun tidak sepenuhnya hancur, namun bisa dibayangkan sulitnya mengembalikan Katedral yang pembangunannya dulu membutuhkan waktu 200 tahun.
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The cathedral’s long halls, vaulted ceilings, and soft light filtered through intricate stained glass help me understand the medieval perspective of humanity and divinity
Saya hanya bisa menganga saat memasuki Katedral berumur lebih dari 850 tahun ini. Gothic interiornya begitu megah. Chandeliers, lukisan, dan patung tertata cantik di sepanjang aula dengan langit-langit melengkung. Cahaya samar yang masuk melalui jendela kaca terasa magis.
Yang paling indah adalah stained-glass circular rose windows yang dibangun pada tahun 1260. Kaca patri yang menggambarkan nabi, malaikat, dan raja, dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Bersinergi dengan patung dan lukisan di tiap sudut ruangan, layaknya buku yang menceritakan kisah Kekristenan melalui seni.
It’s like a book of the entire christian story told through its art
Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris
Towering, 13th-century cathedral with flying buttresses & gargoyles, setting for Hugo’s novel
6 Parvis Notre-Dame – Pl. Jean-Paul II, 75004 Paris
Temporarily Close for the restoration
Direction: St-Michel Notre Dame – RER B Train Line, Cité – Metro Line 4 (fuschia) Google Maps Location
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The church of Notre-Dame is still no doubt, a majestic and glorious. One of the most important examples of the Gothic style in the world
As I behold Your beauty with unworthy eyes The only song my soul can find to sing Is hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah my King
– Hillsong
Gothic architects create a skeleton of support with columns, pointed arches and butresses so that the walls no longer need to support the heavy stone ceiling but are freed up to hold windows
The light pouring through these stained glass was mystical and encouraged prayer
20. Treat yourself in L’Éclair de génie
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Beautiful little Cafe with large variety of Éclairs
L’Éclair de génie
Choux Pastry Cream puffs and Macarons Cafe
14 Rue Pavée, 75004 Paris
Hours: Senin – Minggu 11AM–7:30PM
Price: 1 pcs Eclair – 7 Euro | Rp. 109,000
DIrection: Google Maps Location
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L’éclair Chouchou Caramel and The bonbons. They weren’t too sweet but had a rich filling and creamy topping. I enjoyed the caramel filled one with gold on top
Cepekceng untuk sebuah kue sus lonjong memang terasa mahal. Namun nyicipin eclair di negara asalnya gak pernah salah. Isian krim dan topping-nya maksimal, rich and creamy. Gold Caramel-nya nendang abis. Mindblowing sih engga, yang pasti jauh lebih enak dibandingkan versi Beard Papa’s.
21. Enjoy the modern art at The Centre Pompidou
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Colourful pipes building. Architects Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers won the competition for their “evolving spatial diagram” design allowing the whole of each 7,500 m2 floor to be used to display art
Museum seluas 5 hektar dengan 100,000 karya seni modern dan kontemporer dari seabad terakhir (1905-2019). Gampang dikenali karena bentuk gedungnya yang kayak luwing.
The depicted a side of German society that many preferred to overlook: a female intellectual representing new discourses about sexuality, equality and urban mass society. Obviously, the Nazi government prevented Otto Dix from exhibiting his works in any museum and art gallery, because it was believed that they offended the German people
Salah satu lukisan yang paling terkenal disini adalah Bildnis Der Journalistin Sylvia Von Harden, 1926 karya Otto Dix. Menggambarkan tentang jurnalis Jerman yang sedang duduk merokok di Cafe.
Menyinggung pesan tentang emansipasi wanita atau kesetaraan gender yang masih dianggap aneh pada masa itu. Wanita berkacamata monocle, seolah-olah mandiri namun sebenarnya hanya menutupi kerapuhan mereka.
The Centre Pompidou
Architecturally avant-garde complex housing National Museum of Modern Art, library and music center
Place Georges-Pompidou, 75004 Paris
Hours: Rabu – Senin 11AM–9PM. Selasa Tutup
Direction: Metro: Rambuteau (line 11), Hôtel de Ville (lines 1 and 11), Châtelet (lines 1, 4, 7, 11 and 14) Google Maps Location
22. Discover The Tomb of Napoleon at Les Invalides
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Beautifully constructed with Baroque style, Les Invalides is now served as a Military Museum and the final resting place of Napoleon Bonaparte
Di depan pintu masuk, saya disambut oleh tentara bersenjata laras panjang. Totalitas dari museum yang menyimpan peralatan militer peninggalan abad pertengahan dan perang dunia ke-2.
Armour, meriam, senapan dan lukisan seakan bercerita tentang peristiwa heroik di masa lalu. Dibangun pada masa pemerintahan Louis XIV (1670), awalnya gedung ini merupakan rumah sakit bagi tentara perang.
Hôtel des Invalides
Series of army museums including a church & the tombs of many famed officers, including Napoleon
129 Rue de Grenelle, 75007 Paris
Hours: Senin – Minggu 10AM–6PM
Direction: Invalides station, Rue de l’Université Line 8 Balard – Créteil. Varennes station, Boulevard des Invalides Line 13. RER C : “Invalides” station, Rue de l’Université Google Maps Location
There is so much to see here, and it is all fascinating and awe-inspiring
I lift my head towards the magnificent ceiling! A circular painting by Charles de la Fosse (1692). The scene depicts the Glory of Paradise, with Saint-Louis presenting his sword to Christ. It’s center under a grand dome which glitters 26 pounds of thinly pounded gold leaf
The marvelous main altar. Visconti designed them between 1842 and 1853. This masterpiece of marble and bronze is 7 metres high. 4 spiral columns support a magnificent canopy.
Dibawah kubah emas yang berkilau, saya menatap makam Napoleon. Kaisar diktaktor yang mengambil alih kuasa di tengah kekacauan Revolusi Perancis. Hanya dalam waktu 5 tahun, dia berhasil menguasai sebagian besar Eropa. Konon kharismanya di medan perang, senilai dengan 10,000 pasukan bersenjata.
The Musée de l’Armée houses one of the richest military history collections in the world. Discover the uniforms, weapons, drawings, paintings and everyday objects that tell the story of France, from Prehistory to the present day
The tomb of Turenne, famous military leaders
An enormous maroon sarcophagus, this place makes me feel like they’re visiting the resting place of a holy prophet
Salah satu warisan Napoleon yang kita nikmati sampai sekarang adalah infrastruktur. Sayangnya kisahnya berakhir tragis. Tidak puas dengan Eropa, Napoleon menyerbu Russia dengan Avengers terbaiknya. Misi gagal total, Napoleon pulang dengan kekalahan.
2 tahun kemudian Rusia balik menyerang Perancis, dan berhasil menggulingkan Napoleon. Dia diasingkan ke pulau terpencil di selatan Atlantik, sampai akhirnya meninggal pada tahun 1821. So, Is Napoleon a hero or villain? Both. Bagi masyarakat Perancis, dia merupakan super hero yang membawa reformasi progresif.
The Napoleonic Code berhasil meningkatkan sistem hukum, tak hanya di Perancis tapi juga negara yang saat itu dijajahnya. Walaupun bagi musuhnya, Napoleon hanyalah Megalomaniac yang membangkitkan masa perbudakan.
Imagination rules the world. Impossible is only word to be found in the dictionary of fools. Victory belongs to most persevering
– Napoleon
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Selama di Paris, saya seperti honeymoon dengan diri sendiri. Lho kapan kawinnya? kapan malam pertamanya? Langsung bulan madu aja. Sebelum honeymoon, saya telah kawin dengan pekerjaan. Malam pertama bersama penghasilan.
Karena hubby-nya belum ketemu, hanya bisa honeymoon dengan hobi. Menikmati kesendirian dengan melakukan kesenangan yang melahirkan kebahagiaan. Menyeimbangkan antara kerja dan menikmati hidup.
Karena sesungguhnya, Traveler jomblo lahir dari jomblo nakal yang tersakiti
– Joker 
Honeymoon with Myself in Paris. 22 Things to Do Traveling gak selalu menyenangkan. Banyak hal ngeselin seperti: 1. Antrian Panjang dan Over Crowded  Mulai dari…
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kankuroplease · 9 months ago
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Some of the founders Uchiha children 🔥
216 notes · View notes
kankuroplease · 9 months ago
how is Izuna and Mate's relationship going? and Kota with Gin have you decided if they will have twins 🥺
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They’re coming along. No twins though
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kankuroplease · 2 months ago
how did the uchiha siblings become growing up, I mean after becoming old and after Sumi's death 🤧 and their children becoming parents, are Kota and Izuna still immature kids, lol🤣?
Madara is actually pretty chill about the flow of time in this au. The kids are well, intelligent, and smug. He doesn’t have to worry about them really, but he did stress about the twins. Too many girlfriends and they’re too much like himself somedays.
It was nice to see them mellow out as they got older and to see Riki become a mother. It was then that he would think about how much his mother would have loved to see these things herself. He’d carry on the tradition she started and introduce Mikoto and Minori to their grandparents shrine.
Inari would be devastated by the lose of their mother and would lean on Yaya for support. Hugging his kids a little tighter. Their birthdays would be a bittersweet reminder that time is forever moving forward, but over all he’ll heal.
Once the kids are grown and moved out, he’d feel accomplished. He’s done his part and the kids are happy and healthy, he couldn’t ask for more. He’s more than excited when he meets his first grandchild 🥹
Kota would feel comfort in the thought that his parents are reunited. Sage knows that their mother had been lonely for years. He’s still a jerk, but he’s a mature one. His boys have proven to be traders with the choice of partners (all these Uchiha women and they choose girls from different clans), but they’re strong and their partners are too.
He would not handle becoming a grandfather well at all. What are they doing going around planting their seed? He’s too young for this bs 💀
Tenko is very sad about Sumi’s passing, but he knows she would want him to smile and be the one to make the others feel better too. So that’s exactly what he’d do.
All his work has lead to financial success, so he’s so ready for all his kids weddings and makes sure they’re some of the biggest events. And Tobirama will not hear the end of it when Ari gets knocked up by Sumire. They’re going to be co-grandpas!!
Izuna does show that he’s hurting, but he’ll spend a lot of time at his mother’s grave. He sees glimpses of his mother in his kids and some of their cousins, so it’s like she’s not missing some days.
As for his kids, he’s not really ready for any of their major milestones. However he’s present and willing to hear them out. He’d probably still be the father in law from hell and will absolutely treat his daughters spouse the worst if he dares make her cry
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kankuroplease · 3 months ago
I am curious about the heights of Madara's sons and nephews.
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All the boys ✨
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kankuroplease · 3 months ago
Does Kota treat his sons differently?
No, Gin would impel him if he even thought about it, but becoming a father fundamentally changed him as a person (for the better).
They get equal treatment as he understands both of their personalities and perspectives on things. Not saying he’s the perfect father, because absolutely argued with toddlers and gave them the silent treatment, but he tries lol
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kankuroplease · 3 months ago
I really like the designs of Inari's sons,Kota and Izuna there is information about them,and their relationships between cousins.
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He’s pretty arrogant, but he can kind of back it with his fighting skills
Not the most responsible out of the bunch either, but he is willing to be helpful (occasionally)
Gets called a narcissist by his cousins because he does like the way he looks and spends maybe a little too much time checking his reflection/fixing himself
He is very quick to defend his mother against those that are prejudice. Like, “whose grandfather is a literal war hero? Not yours. Whose mother is highly regarded as a kunoichi and can make extra bone? Not yours. Piss off with that”
Spends a lot of time at the brothel his “aunt” owns despite protest from the majority of his family. Unlike his father, he’s not shy about going there and thinks the women are nice. He also has a crush on said “aunts” elegant “daughter”, so it’s really a nice pricey vacation spot his aunt is really just Kota’s oldest friend and her daughter is a girl she took in a few years ago that plays the biwa for guest
He does look out for Kotaro, but his version of that is letting him handle his own problems and tough love because there’s no grantee he’ll always be around to protect him from the world
He’s usually with the twins and Akuma, cracking jokes and clowning around
Rather shy and bashful. He uses his hair to hide his face when he gets embarrassed 🙈
He tried to hide behind Shion when he was little, but his brother always made him stand next to him
He inherited his mother’s kekkei genkei and is ashamed that his fire release is on the lower end
Has a port wine stain birthmark that takes up most of the left side of his torso and the connecting arm. He’s very self conscious about it and tried getting a tattoo over it to try and like it more it didn’t work
Despite everyone assuming he’s quiet, the boy can yap (especially about astronomy) if given a chance
Has a secret/non-secret girlfriend that somehow everyone has missed. She’s a bubbly Yamanaka he met while assisting his female cousins on their outing (carrying their purchases)
Even thinking about her smile makes him blush hard, so he tries to think of anything else but her
Riki knows, she just doesn’t think it’s her business to rush him into telling everyone
He looks up to his father, brother, and uncles. He’s just not there yet when it comes to his confidence
Out of everyone’s place to go, he prefers going to hang out with Inari and Yaya’s kids as they don’t tease him about being so “glum” all the time
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kankuroplease · 6 months ago
What is the kind of girl that Kota's sons like?
Preferably dark features, elegant, mature, and fearsome. Think Retsu Unohana
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He doesn’t have a visual type, but he’s super weak for the sunshine-cutesy and spontaneous type of girls. Think Carol Olston
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kankuroplease · 8 months ago
hi! was wondering how close are the children of the kpz uchiha founders (madara n co) with their mothers?
Ohhh okay let me try to do some quick summaries
Sumi’s kids
They were a tight family unit
They did get grossed out when Tajima kissed their mother tho
And fuss when they got “replaced”
But Sumi made sure to spend one on one time with each of her kids so they wouldn’t resent their siblings or her too much
They entertained her love of embroidery and would wear what she made them without being asked to (she was so happy when they did)
Madara would help her with his younger siblings without being asked to either
Katsura’s kids
They love their mom… but they also love giving her a hard time
I.e. the twins started picking her up when they got bigger than her to carry her off to a surpise or when she’s ready to fight someone else’s mother
Or Riki will just ask their father if she tells her no
They do love the sweets she makes and will behave for those or bring her fancy perfumes in exchange for their favorites
They will fight anyone who says anything negative about their mother
Yaya’s kids
They are very sweet kids just like their mother
They love their mother and would cuddle in bed together with when their father was gone
Her daughter is very similar to her (just more confident) and they’re more like best friends than simply mother and daughter
Her sons will help with chores as they know she has a bad shoulder and that’s the one thing they can definitely help with
Gin kid’s
They think their mother is pretty cool and respect her highly for her battle skills
They have some jewelry made of her bones
And often relay any information they get to her as she’s their confidant/trusted adviser
The boys gang up on their father when it comes to their mother and how lucky he should consider himself to have her
Her son with her eyes thinks they look awesome and doesn’t mind that they make him stand out from other Uchiha
Her and her son don’t always see eye to eye as she’s more emotional than he his and he doesn’t always feel like a hug will fix everything
Her and her daughter get along besides her fussing over getting her mother’s “problems” (I.e. she’s busty and clumbsy)
Other than that, they get along well and often mirror their mother’s expressions when surprised, happy, or disgusted
Her and her son have a bit more of a close bond as he’s capable of using her weather jutsu and entertains her tea parties more than her daughter (she still tries with her baby girl though)
Wakaba and Runa
They genuinely didn’t know who gave birth to them until their cousins pointed it out
Which didn’t matter to them, they love their moms and they never differentiated themselves (mom vs. nanny), so why should they? 
The love their mothers equally (although maybe Wakaba more as a fun aunt because she doesn’t discipline them and actively spoils them)
The group of them do all their household shopping and cooking together (Wakaba finally learned to cook thanks to Runa)
They’re the kids that will collect wild flowers to make both of them bouquets
Ringo’s kids
They love her, but they all think she’s a bit old fashioned (stay at home wife and embroidery, although Kuri likes embroidery too). They don’t know much about her time on the battlefields as she doesn’t talk about it
She knows them so well, that they know they can’t lie to her so they better be quiet
Her tightest bounded kids are Frederick, Mika, Elke, Arashi, and Leonie
Those are the kids that will take her advice over their father’s each and every time
Asahi trained with her the most out all her children
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kankuroplease · 8 months ago
Kota’s Uchiha-Nara bestie, it’s been awhile since we got anything about her. I don’t think she even has a name yet. Does she have a name now, and what’s her relationship with Gin?
Ngl I can’t remember if I gave her a name 💀
She would pity Gin though, she knows that woman wants to be an Uchiha so bad that she’d marry just about any Uchiha to make it official. Which, hello? She was available too and she’s definitely better at pleasing women than Kota 😏 overall, from what she remembers if Gin as a child, she’s come a long way and is considered a more valuable asset than dear Kota when it comes to battle. So good for her (couldn’t be her though js)
Gin is a little nervous around Kota’s childhood friend as she’s never sure what that woman will say/do or what her harem of whores (girlfriends. excuse you, Gin) are whispering about. She also doesn’t like how she will blow her smoke in her face, give sex tips, or utilizes her shadow jutsus to stop her from leaving when she wants to, but she really hates how she’d rather live in some pleasure house than fight for her clan (the Uchiha). She’s just happy she doesn’t have to see or entertain her often.
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kankuroplease · 3 months ago
Give me a little something to work on between comms for warm ups/cool down ✨
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kankuroplease · 9 months ago
That means Kota has a daughter and otherwise the rest of the Uchiha brothers' children are girls or boys? I would like a girl for Tenko a mini Tenko girl 😭✨️
Kota does not have a daughter, luckily. That would be a disastrous outcome 💀 two boys for him and Gin
Inari has two sons + Nene.
Tenko does have one daughter. She takes after her mother and is rather princely in appearance ✨
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kankuroplease · 9 months ago
I think Gin has beautiful eyes😍, does Kota and Gin's baby have black or yellow eyes like Gin?
Baby has Gin’s eyes ✨
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kankuroplease · 9 months ago
Gin made a mini Kota 😂😍
Yep, just what the stork ordered ✨
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