#Kosmic Tribe
Phase 2
Phase 2 was launched at the start of 2015 but before that FiT programme was suspended for 10 days in the last trimester of Dec 2014. This was time given to all FiTs to take time off and reflect on the following: “Ask yourself whether you are someone that is genuinely ready for Transcendence? If yes, write a letter to Source-Void and Sree Maa Shri Ji saying you are ready for the Phase 2. Once you…
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The Forest Children Present: The Breakers Brawl
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The Forest Children is a traditional Keeper of the Moon community located on Mateus but is open to anyone on the Crystal datacentre. More information about the community including how to join the discord can be found here. Our events are open to anyone over the age of 18 ic and ooc who wish to learn more about Keeper of the Moon culture or simply wish to enjoy the festivities, no matter their race.
This moon, we will be honoring Rhalgr, Breaker of Worlds, and God of Destruction. To celebrate we will be hosting The Breakers Brawl, an unarmed brawling competition. No magic and no weapons are allowed. The event is open to all miqo'te from traditional clans or tribes and one representative from each tribe or clan can participate. Spectators from all races are welcome to come and watch our competitors as long as they remain respectful. Eight spots are available for competitors and sign-ups are first-come, first-serve. We will also have several prizes available to our lucky winners including:
First Prize: Choice of Dalamascan Shirt or one (1) piece of Southern Seas attire Second Prize: Hunting Hawk Third Prize: Road Sparrow Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth: A shout out and thank you for participating.
Event Date: August 29th 2020 Event Start Time: 5 PM Pacific/7 PM Central/ 8 PM Eastern Event Location: Southern Thanalan (x 17.5, y 40.3) Server: Mateus Server
If you are interested in signing up, please make sure to read our rules here and fill out our sign up form here. Combat scores during the event will be available here for those interested. Please feel free to contact our admins Nhym Nswala (Nhym#1263) or Mik'a Nswala (kosmic#1837) on ig or on discord if you have any further questions.
@mooglemeet​ @crystalxivrp @mateusrpcalendar @ffxiv-crystal-rp @crystal-rp-ffxiv
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7 Narc tactics you need to be aware of
Narcissists hunt in packs and when a couple of narcissists joined our group, they exploited our most compassionate Teacher mercilessly and created a lot of havoc. One average narcissist can affect up to 30–40 people in their lifetime, so it actually a miracle we are still standing and doing fine, having had to deal with 5 narcissists (out of which 2 very malignant ones) in our group of 18.
It is only by the Grace of Sree Maa and the all-powerful, most benevolent Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse that we are still fine and by the precious Teachings of our beloved Sadguru that we have been able to reflect and come to see things clearly. We feel strongly about sharing the Truth of what happened, as Irene/Joy Awakening and Iphigenie Amoutzias are spreading lies on the internet about Kosmic Fusion and our beloved Teacher, still trying to fulfill their vicious aim of sabotaging the philanthropic mission of Kosmic Fusion. We also hope this may give insight to other genuine seekers as we suspect that more people with NPD will be roaming around spiritual circles.
Narc Tactics
While Irene/Joy Awakening was causing discord in the Sydney team, Dallia/Iphigenie was meddling with the team she had been graced with by Sree Maa in New Zealand after she kept asking for one. As the representative of Kosmic Fusion in New Zealand, Iphigenie was liaising with the Pulsars and was suggesting it was a cult to some of the attendees at the Kosmic Tribe. She was also organising Meet-up meditations were she was talking more nonsense, spreading seeds of doubt and on top of it using it to pick up men.
She was creating havoc within the team of volunteers/FiTs. Initially she was hanging out with Sarah but when Sarah didn’t give her what she wanted, she moved onto Renu who would do write-ups and help with the organising. She purposely caused problems between them to drive them apart. Narcissists work in a very sly and covert fashion so that it is hard to pinpoint at the time what is happening. Gaslighting, triangulations, flying monkeys, psychic warfare; the narcissist has got a whole arsenal to cause discord and confusion. It is only in hindsight that you can put the pieces of the puzzle together. And Dallia/Iphigenie and Irene/Joy were a pro at it.
2014 was a year of practical training where through assisting in the organising of online workshops and events, we could practise being the non-doer. But not all were sincere in their practise… Dallia/Iphigenie and Irene/Joy were not only trying to control what was happening in the area where they lived, but also the FiT Programme as a whole. Iphigenie was squeezing out the other volunteers in the on-line events, by always putting herself forward as the facilitator with no regards for others. She was using the top dog strategy to do this.
Irene/Joy too used the top dog strategy, always trying to trump others in subtle and not so subtle ways. End of 2014 we were asked to do a beautiful exercise of tuning in with the QVSWPP for 2 times a day for 21 days and then reflect and share how we experience our relationship with Sree Maa Shri Ji, QVSWPP and other FiTs. Simran wrote a beautiful, honest letter that shows true deep reflections. Irene purposely replied to this (not sending her own letter) to top Simran off with a letter that we feel is more like a boast than a genuine reflection.
Looking back the lead was being taken by Dallia/Iphigenie and Irene/Joy who were working together to take over control. Irene would report others mistakes to Dallia and vice versa and also try to fill Sree Maa Shri Ji’s ears.
25/08/14, 19:49 — Komal Irene Kuo: So the second day we make it clear no talking inside the temple. .and Jabeen was another headache
25/08/14, 19:49 — Komal Irene Kuo: She was also in the stand but she tried to step in and keeps talking which is not helping
25/08/14, 19:50 — Meera: Of course no talking. Did the psychic talk?
Jabeen Jabeen….
25/08/14, 19:50 — Komal Irene Kuo: She also spent lots of time inside the temple to receive the energy
25/08/14, 19:50 — Meera: Haha, it’s all about her
25/08/14, 19:51 — Komal Irene Kuo: Sharing some post with you
25/08/14, 19:51 — Komal Irene Kuo: Maa, something clicked to me while I was sleeping this morning, as Jabeen mentioned she is doing work placement receiving phone calls and giving consultation for suicidal cases recently, not sure if this would affect her and also the stand energetically; as I noticed she tends to spend more time inside the temple and receiving the energy transmission, and she followed Clarito going inside the temple nearly each time he went in, which I feel strange, Clarito also mentioned he never felt so heavy in the stand before like these two days. I don’t know if there are any connections between these incidences, would like to bring my observations for your attention and would like to have your feedback on this, also your guidance on what to do if we have similar situation in the future events
25/08/14, 19:52 — Meera: Wow. Very good.
25/08/14, 19:52 — Meera: What did Maa say?
25/08/14, 19:53 — Meera: Must have been rather heavy. Jabeen still has so much ego too work through. ..
Tara has also personally witnessed how Irene/Joy confides in Dallia/Iphigenie when she needed to vent her anger towards Clarito. It was after the 2015 Kawai Pura Pura, New Zealand retreat where she and Clarito had an argument about Clarito wanting to move out of Sydney to go work in Auckland to be physically closer to Sree Maa and Shri Ji. She had raised her voice at Clarito across the dinner table to make him feel guilty by saying “FINE! You go to New Zealand and I will handle Sydney all by myself! How’s that?” After dinner, she was pacing up and down with rage in the hotel room that Tara and Irene/Joy were sharing that night because Irene/Joy was so fearful and upset about losing her biggest supply and flying monkey to Sree Maa and Shri Ji. When Tara did not want to engage in her drama, that is when Irene/Joy called Iphigenie to the hotel room to rant and complain as they normally would about others behind their backs (in this case, Clarito’s).
When you read through their whatsapp conversation it is a constant judging and bad mouthing others with a sense of grandiosity that is typical of narcissists. In this excerpt of Dallia/Iphigenie and Irene/Joy’s conversation you can see their sense of grandiosity and how they are even using their ‘dreams’ to gaslight others.
It is interesting Irene/Joy and Dallia/Iphigenie are talking about the two faces of others, while they themselves turned out to be the biggest cheats and hypocrites on the FiT Programme. Throughout their whole conversation on whatsapp you can see the projection of what they were doing onto others.
In fact, both Joy and Iphigenie have been working very hard but very slyly to get others out of the FiT Programme so they could be the best and eventually reach their goal of taking over and destroying the mission of Kosmic Fusion. Irene/Joy tried everything she could to get Jabeen/Jwala and Simran out playing very twisted games, and she kept suggesting to Mala to move back to the UK. Irene/Joy would attack Jwala time and again or use Clarito as her flying monkey.
Twisting and blaming
Irene/Joy said that Simran was the one who was responsible for destroying the relationship with Deb — an event organiser. She used the following incident regarding lunch to frame Simran so that she could get rid of her, making a mountain out of a molehill. You can read the email conversation here.
After this email was sent, Irene/Joy accused Simran of destroying the relationship and putting Kosmic Fusions reputation on the line. Immediately after this occurred, she reported this to Jeeya, complaining about Simran. This was later brought up again by Irene/Joy in the 2017 reunion as a reason for asking Simran to leave the FiT training due to incompetence. Irene/Joy completely exaggerated the incident to a point where it was a “dismissable offence” in her eyes.
At events, it was clear that Irene/Joy was trying to control matters. Irene/Joy would constantly take photos of herself on the stand. Other volunteers would not necessarily like to be photographed but Irene/Joy wanted the volunteers to be photographed on the stand so that she could boast about how well things were going in Sydney, as she saw herself as the leader she thought it would impress Sree Maa and Shri Ji. She then duped Simran into posting the messages on whatsapp by saying that Sree Maa wanted to know what we were doing on the stand and what it looked like etc. Irene/Joy then went on to tell Jeeya that Simran came to the stand to take photographs and check in so that Sree Maa thought that Simran was busy on the stand. It was clear that other volunteers ie Simran, Mala and Jwala did not like their photographs taken but felt pressured to do so to buy into the front of “oneness” that Irene/Joy was trying to create.
Irene/Joy and Hanuman wanted to participate in an advert in the local press, but when Simran and Jwala declined, the situation was turned around to point fingers at Jwala and Simran by saying that we were not contributing to Kosmic Fusion so they signed up for the ad. By this time Irene/Joy and Hanuman had pulled out of doing the ad and Simran and Jwala were in a position where it was too late to pull out and had to go ahead with filling the advertising space. Irene/Joy then used it as evidence against Simran at the reunion. There are more examples of how Irene/Joy was twisting things around to point fingers at others and actually try to remove them from the FiT Programme.
Below is the feedback shared by Irene/Joy towards fellow volunteer Simran:
For the magazine advertisement for Northern Beaches Embrace Life event she and Jwala went ahead without consulting me and Hanuman, and then wanted to change to smaller size from 1/3 to 1/9 of the page after she and Jwala realised me and Hanuman not participating as we were not informed in the first place, the event organiser Deborah was not happy about the last minute change just before the due date as the magazine space been allocated, Deborah even wrote email asking me and Hanuman what’s happening, from her forwarded email we saw Simran told her because Kosmic Fusion is moving to new phase so not able to come up with bigger advertising space… this is how she slander Kosmic Fusion’s name and doing whatever she wants, if Deborah didn’t forward the email would have any clues of what’s happening. Same as Jwala in the advertisement she also put her consultation services before “Energy Healing with Bhakti Bhaav”.
Dallia/Iphigenie too was working hard towards her goal of destruction. After she became the face of Kosmic Fusion in New Zealand, Pulsars and FiTs started leaving. Now there is only 1 left, Nandini.
The way she has used and abused one of the fellow FiTs, Renu is typical of narcissists and clearly shows the malignancy Dallia/Iphigenie was carrying inside.
Dallia/Iphigenie first played a friend to Renu, pretending to give a listening ear and support. This is how she won Renu’s trust. Renu was actively contributing with write-ups and organising Meetups, which came in handy to Dallia who tends to be lazy. Of course, while she was pretending to be her friend, she was gossiping about Renu to Irene/Joy behind her back. When Renu came back very ill from a trip to Europe mid 2015, she stayed with Dallia whom she thought was her friend to recover. Renu was actually very ill with encephalitis and required medical attention but Dallia/Iphigenie didn’t care. It was Sree Maa and Shri Ji who had to intervene and personally take Renu to the hospital. Dallia/Iphigenie later admitted that she didn’t care if Renu died. Zero empathy, zero conscience.
When Renu came too much to handle as she needed a lot of attention, Dallia/Iphigenie gave her the cold shoulder. This came to a pinnacle at the India trip and shocked Renu who didn’t understand why a friend would treat her that way. Narcissists see others as objects to use and abuse. Dallia/Iphigenie in fact wanted Renu out as she had seen her strength during the India Pilgrimage, where she encountered a lot of physical challenges.
Early 2017 Renu all of a sudden left the FiT Programme. Other FiTs were baffled and had no idea what happened and of course Dallia/Iphigenie kept her mouth shut. Well, she did write a shaming and blaming email to Renu as a reply to Renu’s genuine apology. The letter is actually a complete projection from Dallia/Iphigenie’s side. She made sure she copied all the rest of us in (but not Sree Maa and Shri Ji…) to desensitize us.
This blog is written together with my Kalyan Mitras Tara, Jeeya and Simran and part of a 5 part series.
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christianworldf · 5 years
New Post has been published on Christian Worldview Institute
New Post has been published on https://christianworldviewinstitute.com/bible-prophecies/end-time-events/book-of-daniel/daniel-8-greece/98-john-vervaeke-the-meaning-crisis/
98: John Vervaeke - The Meaning Crisis
We had a great pleasure to interview John Vervaeke, a lecturer at the University of Toronto in the departments of psychology, cognitive science and Buddhist psychology. John’s excellent lecture series on YouTube called Awakening From the Meaning Crisis has inspired us to invite him on the show and discuss how to overcome the meaning crisis in today’s world.
In this interview we also dive deep into the topics of integrating scientific and traditional views of the search for meaning, multiple kinds of knowing, and the ecology of transformational practices. We draw on various resources from cognitive science, psychology, philosophy, religion and spirituality that you can check out in the links section below.
This episode is in two parts – in Part 1 we talk about what is the meaning crisis, why it has emerged and what are some of the practices and solutions to deal with it.
In Part 2 we talk further about self-transformation, transcendence and strategies for creating meaning. You can check out Part 2 at http://www.futurethinkers.org/99 once it becomes available.
In This Episode of Future Thinkers:
– What are the symptoms of the meaning crisis and how we can recognize it – The two components of the meaning crisis – scientific and historical analysis – Why we no longer fit into a scientific worldview and what are some of the ways we search for meaning in post-religious societies – The lack of wisdom institutions and the traps of auto-didactic search for meaning – Why training deep, systematic rationality is key for overcoming self-deception – Different psycho-technologies for integrating science, spirituality and society – The importance of serious play and commitment to the process instead of the result – The place of mindfulness, meditation and contemplation practices in the search for meaning – Psychedelics as radical frame-breakers in the process of self-transcendence – The role of deconstruction of meaning and why it’s inseparable from meaning creation – Participatory knowing or we-knowing as a gateway to the creation of new meaning
“Serious play is very important. Our culture doesn’t know how to deal with play. We either trivialize it into entertainment and fun, or we think it must be work.” – John Vervaeke Click to tweet:
Links and Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
– Awakening From The Meaning Crisis, YouTube lecture series by John Vervaeke, http://tiny.cc/l0qm8y – Understanding Addiction, the website of neuroscientist Mark Lewis, https://www.memoirsofanaddictedbrain.com/ – The Memetic Tribes of Culture War 2.0, by Peter Limberg and Conor Barnes, https://cutt.ly/JiuhLD – The Kyoto School of Philosophy, https://thekyotoschoolofphilosophy.wordpress.com/ – Shinzen Young – American meditation teacher, https://www.shinzen.org/
Book Recommendations:
– Zombies in Western Culture: A Twenty-First Century Crisis by John Vervaeke, Christopher Mastropietro and Filip Miscevic, https://amzn.to/2IZgcOK – Aspiration: The Agency of Becoming by Agnes Callard, https://amzn.to/2Ip7ji4 – Cohering The Integral We Space: Engaging Collective Emergence, Wisdom And Healing In Groups by Olen Gunnlaugson and Michael Brabant, https://amzn.to/2Rksrca – Religion and Nothingness (Nanzan Studies in Religion and Culture) by Keiji Nishitani, https://amzn.to/2IqwoZZ – Transformative Experience by L.A. Paul, https://amzn.to/2L0R3FR – Scarcity: Why Having Too Little Means So Much by Sendhil Mullainathan and Eldar Shafir, https://amzn.to/31JkPEQ – Circling and Authentic Relating Practice Guide by Marc Beneteau, https://amzn.to/2Roanhs – Kosmic Consciousness by Ken Wilber, https://amzn.to/2niS9AA – Books by Evan Thompson, Professor of Philosophy at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, https://amzn.to/2IYI8lw
More From Future Thinkers:
– FTP097: Sovereignty vs. Identity, http://www.futurethinkers.org/97 – FTP095: Michael Taft – The Path of Self-Development And Spiritual Awakening, http://www.futurethinkers.org/95 – FTP089: Deconstructing Your Identity And Why Do It, http://www.futurethinkers.org/89 – FTP062, 063: Jordan Greenhall – Deep Code: Learning How To Learn, http://www.futurethinkers.org/62 – FTP050: Daniel Jeffries – The Evolution of Systems And The Meaning of Life, http://www.futurethinkers.org/50 – FTP038: Jordan Peterson – Failed Utopias, Mapping the Mind And Finding Meaning, http://www.futurethinkers.org.38
—————————————————————————————————————- Registration Now Open: A Course in Personal Evolution – Take the course designed to help you create a life of meaning, purpose and impact: http://courses.futurethinkers.org
Cultivating Sovereignty (Part 1) – https://courses.futurethinkers.org/personal-evolution-part1 Integrating the Shadow (Part 2) – https://courses.futurethinkers.org/personal-evolution-part2 source
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Early 2014, Sree Maa introduced the concept of self/Self/SELF and introduced the greeting ‘Om Sai Brahman’ that all FiTs used with one another. It became increasingly evident that it was the small self, my own ego and all its shades that was my biggest road block in realizing the Self. The FiT trial was turning out to be a practical space about becoming aware of these shades and moving past them…
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Clan Eftmaw and The Forest Children Present: The Wanderer’s Open Archery Competition
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Please note sign up’s are now closed for the event
In celebration of Oschon’s moon, The Forest Children will be collaborating with Clan Eftmaw to host The Wanderer’s Open, a traditional shortbow archery competition. During this moon, Clan Eftmaw call upon other Miqo'te to select one representative from their tribe or clan to participate in a three-part competition of archery prowess using the shortbow. While the competition is strictly for miqo’te only, all races are welcome to join in spectating as these talented archers compete to see who will be the winner in this turn’s Wanderer’s Open. Rules for The Wanderer’s Open are available here.
We will also be offering first, second and third prizes for our lucky winners.The prizes are:
1st prize: Dalmascan attire of choice
2nd prize: Hunt Hawk
3rd Prize: Road Sparrow
Sign up here for a chance to win this turns Wanderer’s Open. Sign up is on a first come, first serve basis and only six spots are available.  Sign up’s are now closed. Spectators are still welcome though
Where: Mateus Server, Central Shroud, "The Bannock" (24, 20). Location on map here.
When: Saturday, June 27th, 2020 at 7:00 PM CST/ 8:00 PM EST/ 5:00 PM PST.
Who: An open invitation for all miqo'te. All miqo’te competing must be of a clan or tribe to participate in the archery contest, however, all races are welcome to spectate. Open to all role players located on the crystal datacentre. Please note that only one member of each tribe or clan is allowed to participate and six spots are available in total. 
Contact Details: Sign up is available here on a first come, first serve Update! Sign ups are now closed! Sign up’s are now closed. Spectators are still welcome though.  Further questions can be sent to Nhym Nswala (Nhym#1263) or Mik’a Nswala (kosmic#1837) via discord or in game.
The Forest Children is a traditional Keeper of the Moon community located on Mateus but is open to anyone on the Crystal datacentre. More information about the community including how to join the discord can be found here.
@mooglemeet​​​​ @crystalxivrp​​​​ @mateusrpcalendar​​​​ @ffxiv-crystal-rp​​​​
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Phase 2
Phase 2 was launched at the start of 2015 but before that FiT programme was suspended for 10 days in the last trimester of Dec 2014. This was time given to all FiTs to take time off and reflect on the following:
"Ask yourself whether you are someone that is genuinely ready for Transcendence? If yes, write a letter to Source-Void and Sree Maa Shri Ji saying you are ready for the Phase 2. Once you write this letter, remember, walking out or quitting afterwards will mean your unauthentic self, your ego was the one who thought it was ready for Transcendence. If no, then take further 21 days off from volunteering as well as consciously don't emit-transmit or share the QVSWPP or connect to Sree Maa Shri Ji. The ones who write a letter will be taken into level 2 of FiT programme. The ones who choose the 21 day process will again sit down with themselves and ask if they are ready now for Transcendence. If you get a yes this time, write the letter. If you still get a no, then it's best to leave the FiT programme. To further clarify if you choose to leave the FiT programme, you will still be part of Kosmic Tribe and a 5D++ Pulsar if you want to be associated with QVSWPP."
This kind of reflection and self-introspection was always encouraged and practiced and was the foundation of the FiT programme. All FiTs always took their own decisions whether they wanted to continue or not and were their own gauge where they stood and how far they wanted to go. What i loved was that Sree Maa Shri Ji always maintained transparency and clarity of what we were getting into and the choice was always in our hands. Transparency, authenticity, integrity and honesty as the core principles of the FiT programme were always practiced by Sree Maa Shri Ji.
Sree Maa had told us in December 2014 itself that all FiTs were ready for physical Phase 0 immersion where the initiations would work directly on the physical body. Sree Maa recommended that we all take Heel's Detox Homeopathy medicine to detox. i took my decision and took only half the dose 😝
i hit my lowest ever as soon as phase 2 was launched. i felt like something inside me was dying and i couldn't see my life after May 2015. i knew it that i was either going to physically die or such a major shift was going to come that i couldn't see my life at all after May 2015. i had bouts of crying for no rhyme or reason and frequent energy crashes. i thought that this was some kind of depression i was going through but didn't want to go to a doctor at all, like something within was holding me back and telling me to embrace what was happening and that this was a temporary phase, a preparation for something bigger to emerge. When i lay in bed, i had no awareness of my body and time but chitt and mann were overtly active where i was visiting aspects of me and parts of my life and witnessed them being released. When i surfaced, hours had gone by but i didn't feel rested. Can't adequately describe the experience to be quite frank, but i eagerly awaited the May 2015 Kawai Pura Retreat, the formal launch of the FiT Programme🙇
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