#Korn suffers because his chess pieces won’t behave
lily292 · 2 years
So I love time travel fics and all the ones I can find are ones where the time travelers are Porsche or Kinn or both (which makes sense since they’re the main characters) or Vegas (which also makes sense since he’s the main instigator) or Kim (which makes sense if your main focus is on Kimchay or you want to play up Kimlock Holmes).
But (this has been floating in my head since I read a Kinn and Porsche time traveler fic) what if it was actually Pete and Vegas?
Let’s have VegasPete years post canon get hit by a Truck. They wake up years in the past, let’s say’s pre canon. Probably they spend the first few days completely lost and confused. For Vegas, it would probably only take the first time Kan hits him for him to snap out of it. He starts plotting murder.
This Vegas is not Vegas of this time. This Vegas has years of actual love and validation from Pete. He’s learned that if his dad ever did care about him, it was only a fraction of how much Pete loved him. Let’s be realistic: Vegas removed from his abusive environment and years to recover from the abuse damage to his mental health and self esteem has accepted that everything his dad blamed him for wasn’t his fault and probably resents him. Even if he still loves him to some extent, once he realizes Kan would not allow him to be with Pete and would actually be a burden to wooing him, well Pete or his dad I think ultimately would come down to no contest.
Vegas is cunning. He’s smart enough to realize he can’t outright murder his father. He plans to make it look like an accident: probably some sort of planned car malfunction, maybe some sort of slow acting poison so he dies in his sleep. Once Kan’s dead, he can focus on Macau and Pete.
Meanwhile, Pete woke up at the same time. It’s been years since he played bodyguard for the Main Family and he’s scrambling to try to remember to act certain ways. He has no idea if it was time travel or a dream and he calls in sick and cries once he realizes either way he doesn’t have Vegas. Tankhun absolutely takes pity and tries to cheer him up the first time Pete comes down with red rimmed eyes and a sniffly nose. Pete continues in a daze until Porsche is recruited.
Once Porsche arrives, Pete realizes that this is it: either he’s traveled through time and reliving things or it was prophetic and he’ll end up with Vegas eventually (not looking forward to the torture but he can endure if he’ll have Vegas). He cheers up. (Tankhun hates Porsche for Elizabeth and Sebastian but since he brought back happy Pete, he’ll forgive him this time)
The time comes for the first time the Minor Family visits since Porsche arrived. It takes very little time for Vegas to realize Pete is staring at him longingly. It takes very little time for Pete to realize Vegas is actually looking at him instead of through him the way he did for so many years before the safehouse. Both independently come to the same conclusion.
It’s Pete who remembers first. His sudden shock and mad dash leaves the others in confusion. Tankhun decides that Pete might have recovered recently but he’s still delicate and should be allowed a little more leeway and decides to overlook it. Arm and Pol are getting increasingly more worried about Pete but resolve to question him later.
Vegas remembers when Macau stumbles in bleeding with Porsche on his heels. It plays out exactly the same way it did in the past. He takes Macau out for treatment and almost runs into Pete who looks absolutely horrified. Macau has no idea why his brother is suddenly grabbing this random bodyguard and dragging him along.
Once he hands Macau over for treatment, Vegas only has eyes for Pete who he still hasn’t let go of. He doesn’t know what to say. He’s pretty sure it’s his Pete but what does he say? Pete has had enough of staring at Vegas’ pretty face and absolutely grabs him and devours his mouth.
Macau is taken for first aid. He comes back to Vegas pressing the bodyguard against the wall, the two of them enthusiastically making out. There is a lot of groping and filthy sounds. He is absolutely traumatized. It’s his strangled noises that have the two jumping apart. Macau doesn’t want to know. He walks out and decides he’s going to forget this ever happened. Vegas has seduced a lot of bodyguards or anyone affiliated with Kinn what’s one more anyway.
Anyway, Vegas absolutely murders his dad first opportunity. Unlike in canon, Korn has no excuse not to make Vegas head of the Minor Family and he can’t not appoint him without losing that piece on the chessboard. Vegas takes this promotion and does…absolutely nothing.
Korn is baffled and unable to process that his chess board is not functioning the way it should. Kinn has no idea what’s happening. The Minor Family is maintaining its place without trying to expand because Vegas is too busy being at the Main Family Compound trying to woo Pete. His rivalry with Kinn becomes nonexistent because now he’s too busy fighting with Tankhun for Pete. He’s absolutely determined that this time, he’ll do better by Pete.
Pete meanwhile thinks this whole thing is ridiculous. He’s absolutely ready to elope and marry Vegas right now and Vegas’ insistence that they actually properly date this time is driving him nuts. (No Porsche he will not admit that all the pretty things Vegas keeps gifting him are sweet shut up)
Pol has no idea what to think of this but comes to accept it once he mentally connects them to Romeo and Juliet and sees how sweet Vegas is to Pete. Arm is way over this and would like Vegas to stop accosting Pete randomly to make out and grope him, this is not the activity he’s monitoring the security cameras for. Porsche meanwhile thinks they’re cute and is determined that any guy that makes his new best friend so happy and dreamy is alright. He’s down to listen to Pete moon over whatever latest sweet thing Vegas has done for him.
Macau has no idea what to do about this, Vegas has never actually introduced him to a significant other before but he’s realized Pete’s gonna stick around and he better get used to it (P’Pete isn’t bad he’s willing to admit and he very obviously loves Vegas so he’ll get used to it)
Kim has shelved his investigation into Chay and Porsche because Vegas is a bigger concern. What this does to Kimchay I have no idea.
Kinn is lost but without Vegas’ interference there is a lot less drama involved in his relationship with Porsche. Does Porsche still get the week off without the drugging at the auction? Do the two still get together when lost in the forest or do they dance around each other forever? Who knows
Tankhun hates Vegas to new heights for daring to try to steal his Pete but sometimes he can see Pete so happy and content to be held by Vegas and finds it hard not to let him go.
Korn meanwhile is going mad. Kan has suddenly been knocked off the chessboard. He could handle that. But now, Vegas has no interest in competition. Competition is meant to make Kinn stronger what is he supposed to do now? (I hope he has a stroke and dies of stress)
Meanwhile Vegas and Pete absolutely do not care and live their best domestic happily married lives with Macau.
(I can see why no one writes Vegas and Pete as time travelers: it would derail the entire plot because their utter obsession with each other means they would not care at all about the entirety of canon and just fall together immediately)
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