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Koritnica, Littoral, Slovenia.
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Reka Koritnica Opuštanje i relaksacija River near Bovec Slovenia
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2023 Slovenia (2) (3) (4) by Tibor Lelkes
Via Flickr:
(1) Cerkev sv. Lovrenca, a small church near Libušnje. Here also lies the grave of a famous Slovenian poet named Simon Gregorčič. (2) Ladra is a village on the left bank of the Soča River near Kobarid in the Littoral region of Slovenia. (3) View of the Soča river and Mount Svinjak from the suspension footbridge near Kal-Koritnica. (4) Just a goat relaxing on Mount Svinjak.
#churches#countryside#mountains#landscape#villages#rivers#goats#slovenia#julian alps#slovene littoral#littoral
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LOSKA KORITNICA VALLEY, Slovenia - this picturesque valley in the Triglav National Park is home to the Koritnica River, a right tributary of the Soca River known for its remarkable hue of turquoise and blue. (photo: Viktorija Angelovska, all_ofmemories)
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Día 6 del #AnaPisaEslovenia. Un madrugón para la ruta desde Bovec hasta la cascada de Boka, rafting por el río Soca, la visita a la fortaleza de Kluze, la ruta por el sendero del Soca desde Bovec hasta Velika Korita y El Valle de Lepena.
> Arrancar el día con una caminata hasta la cascada de Boka
El día arrancó temprano, muy temprano. Quería desayunar con calma y hacer nada más amanecer la ruta B2 que lleva desde Bovec hasta la cascada de Boka, unos 12 kilómetros entre ir y volver.
El camino es bastante llano porque se mueve gran parte del tiempo por praderas, así que es un paseo agradable con el que escuchar a la montaña despertarse. Sólo al final hay una pequeña subida para llegar hasta el mirador desde el que mejor se observa esta cascada que cae en vertical desde 106 metros de altura, como escupida por la pared de roca. Leo que es la cascada más alta de Eslovenia y que es especialmente bonita en primavera cuando viene más cargada de agua por el deshielo del invierno.
> Bovec
Cuando llego a Bovec, aprovecho para darme una ducha que me refresque y tomarme un café helado en la plaza central de la que dicen es la capital del valle del Soca. A pesar de ser un pueblo no demasiado grande, tiene mucho movimiento desde primera hora de la mañana hasta última de la noche. La mayoría de los que andamos por aquí hemos venido a explorar la Eslovenia más alpina. Estamos encantados con el clima, la calma y esa atmósfera que se crea en lugares donde los protagonistas son el agua, el verde y la montaña.
Con los Alpes Julianos al norte, el río Soca al sur y el Parque Nacional del Triglav alrededor, uno se podría pasar una semana aquí sin aburrirse. Muchos como yo vienen un par de días a hacer excursiones, montar en bicicleta, practicar rafting o probar cualquier deporte de aventura como piragüismo, barranquismo o parapente.
Aunque hoy sea el cuartel general de los que vienen a la zona a por aventura, esta zona está poblada desde el s. XI, aunque ha visto mucha destrucción en la Edad Contemporánea. El ejército de Napoleón atacó Austria desde aquí en dos ocasiones y gran parte de la localidad fue también destruida en los combates entre las fuerzas aliadas de Italia, Inglaterra y Francia contra Alemania y el Imperio Austro-Húngaro del valle del Soca durante la I Guerra Mundial. Después fue reconstruida en 1920 pero sufrió graves daños por terremotos en 1976 y 1998.
> Rafting por el Soca
El río Soca está considerado uno de los más bonitos de Europa. Su corriente pasa por cascadas, rápidos y estrechos barrancos; y en su recorrido ha ido creando interesantes desfiladeros y pozas. Es un destino perfecto para hacer rafting y yo no pienso perderme esa experiencia.
A las 12.00 horas voy hacia la puerta de la agencia con la que he contratado el rafting. Casualidades de la vida, veo en la puerta a una pareja joven de holandeses junto a los que me empapé hace unos días en la Garganta de Vintgar. Nos reconocemos mutuamente y nos ponemos a charlar. Decidimos que iremos juntos en la barca y así tendremos otra mojada que contar.
Hacer rafting por el río Soca fue súper divertido y a la vez relajante y maravilloso. Bajamos el tramo Del Río que va de Boca a Trnovo ob Soci. Al principio disfrutamos mucho del paisaje porque el agua va bastante tranquila y sólo tenemos que ocuparnos de remar un poco y seguir las instrucciones del monitor cuando toca atravesar algún rápido.
Aprovechamos para disfrutar del paisaje de este río a ratos turquesa, a ratos transparente. En algún tramo bajamos de la barca para darnos un chapuzón y nos dejamos arrastrar por la corriente siempre con las piernas hacia delante por si nos encontramos con alguna zona de piedras. Paramos en una roca enorme y entre todos ponemos la barca boca abajo para usarla a modo de tobogán y deslizarnos desde la parte alta de la piedra hasta el agua.
Es un rato súper divertido. Además con Tessa y Jack, mis nuevos compis holandeses, hay muy buen rollo y acabamos salpicándonos y fastidiándonos en el agua bastante. Un poco más adelanta llega la parte más complicada Del Río. Hay que estar atentos y seguir bien las instrucciones del monitor cuando llegan las corrientes de agua más fuertes y los pasos estrechos por rápidos que discurren entre rocas por donde nuestra barca cabe sin que sobre ni un centímetro.
Terminamos la ruta cansados pero contentos, a pesar de que olemos a trucha de río. Creo que todos nos hubiéramos quedado en el agua al menos dos horas más. Prometo que os enseñaré fotos con pintas bochornosas (un casco y un neopreno no sientan bien a nadie) pero tengo que esperar un par de días a que la agencia las envíe.
Los holandeses me invitan a comer con ellos y por supuesto me apunto. De vuelta en Bovec, buscamos un sitio a la sombra y nos pedimos algo de pescado, mejillones y unas verduras a la plancha.
Disfruto mucho de la comida y de la compañía. Como la vida es una pura casualidad, resulta que Tessa es socióloga y Jack es periodista. Creo que cuando me preguntan qué estudié y a qué me dedico, se creen que les tomo el pelo al responder que estudié periodismo y sociología, aunque me dedico al marketing y al diseño de producto. Lo mejor es que se dedican a algo parecido así que nos pasamos un buen rato hablando de cosas en común, además de hablar de viajes por supuesto.
Después de una larga sobremesa, nos separamos. Ellos se van a descansar y yo decido meterme un poco más de caña en el cuerpo. Mañana me marcho de aquí y quiero aprovechar esta zona que me está encantando. Me doy una ducha y me pongo de nuevo en marcha.
> La visita a la fortaleza de Kluze
El Soca también es el Valle de la memoria histórica de Eslovenia. Cojo el coche y decido acercarme hasta esta fortaleza construida en la parte alta de un barranco sobre el río Koritnica por los austriacos en 1882. Fue la sede de una guarnición austrohúngara durante la I Guerra Mundial, justo a espaldas del conocido frente del Isonzo.
Aquí el avance del frente del Isonzo o frente del Soca por parte de una combinación de fuerzas austrohúngaras y alemanas cerca de Kobarid (a sólo unos kilómetros de Bovec) en 1917 fue una de las campañas militares más grandes y sangrientas de la historia en terreno montañoso. Cuando terminó la batalla 17 días más tarde, cientos de miles de soldados yacían muertos o heridos por todas las laderas.
En mayo de 1915, Italia declaró la guerra a las potencias centrales y sus aliados y envió su ejército al valle del Soca. Era un punto estratégico importante, puesto que desde aquí esperaban moverse hasta el corazón del imperio austrohúngaro para derrotarlo. Sin embargo, los austriacos habían fortificado las líneas con búnkeres y trincheras a lo largo de 80 kilómetros, desde el mar Adriático hasta las cimas montañosas que se levantan sobre El Valle del alto Soca.
Aunque la primera ofensiva italiana empezó con éxito, el ataque empezó a cojear tras el primer mes. Los italianos lanzaron 11 ofensivas durante los siguientes 2 años y medio, pero el complicado terreno montañoso impuso una guerra de desgaste entre ambos ejércitos atrincherados que acabó resultando en un tiempo de punto muerto entre ambas partes.
En octubre de 1917, ese punto muerto se rompió cuando los austrohúngaros y alemanes trasladaron a cientos de miles de tropas a la zona situada entre Bovec y Tolmin y empezaron con un intenso bombardeo. Los italianos perdieron 500.000 soldados y la guerra acabo retirándose a terreno italiano tras la victoria de la otra parte. Esta batalla que aniquiló en Kobarid al ejército italiano fue perfectamente descrita en la novela “Adiós a las armas” de Hemingway, que resultó herido en ese campo de batalla cuando conducía una ambulancia en el bando italiano derrotado.
> La ruta por el sendero del Soca, desde Bovec hasta Velika Korita para un baño helador
Una de las actividades más populares en este valle es hacer unos kilómetros por el conocido como Sendero del Soca que se extiende durante 20 kilómetros bordeando las aguas turquesas del río desde su nacimiento hacia el oeste hasta la frontera del Parque Nacional de Triglav en Krsovec.
Una parte es conocida como el Sendero de Bovec, que va desde esta localidad hasta Trenta. Arranco en Bovec y mi objetivo es llegar caminando al lado Del Río hasta Velika Korita, una zona donde el agua es tranquila pero profunda y mucha gente va a darse un baño.
Aunque estoy cansada, el paseo es espectacular. Las vistas son impresionantes, el sonido del agua corriendo me acompaña de fondo mientras pienso en mis cosas y en varias ocasiones tengo que cruzar el río por pasarelas y puentes que hacen que disparar una foto sea necesario. Cuando llego a Velika Korita el sol está bajo y los rayos no dan ni en el agua ni en las orillas. Como hay gente haciéndolo, pienso que bañarme es una buena idea para quitarme el calor.
Pongo el pie en el agua y compruebo que está absolutamente helada. Eso explica que la gente esté jugando pero metida sólo hasta las rodillas. Pero sólo voy a estar aquí una vez así que aprieto el culo, cuento hasta 3 y me meto. Me doy el baño más helador que recuerdo que no debe durar más de 1 minuto. Después de eso, fresca y despejada, empiezo el camino de vuelta.
> Rematar el atardecer en coche entre Trenta y El Valle de Lepena
Cuando llego de nuevo a Bovec, compruebo que fue buena idea dejar el coche a la entrada. Si ahora mismo tuviera que subir hasta el hotel a recogerlo, creo que me tumbaría en la cama y no sería capaz de mover un dedo más.
Pero no me quiero ir sin echar un último vistazo a esta zona que me ha enamorado. Me pongo música y vuelvo en coche hasta Trenta por una carretera que me flipó ayer. No tiene nada de especial pero atraviesa unos escenarios espectaculares. Sólo quiero disfrutar del paisaje mientras el sol se va poniendo de nuevo entre las imponentes montañas.
Me desvío un poco para entrar en el estrecho valle de Lepena, desde donde las vistas son espléndidas. Además, tengo la suerte de que la luna ya está asomando y lo hace justo por encima de un poco que veo al fondo de una verdísima pradera. Creo que pedirle algo más a este día sería egoísta, así que lo doy casi por terminado. Cuando leía sobre este sitio y describían el Soca como “el río color esmeralda con miles de encantos” nunca imaginé que tendría tantos. ¡Y vaya!
Llego agotada al hotel. Sólo pienso en darme una ducha y salir para pasar un rato en la plaza de Bovec de nuevo y comer algo. Mañana más :)
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Koritnica, Slovenia. https://www.instagram.com/p/B0l3zHdlGdv/?igshid=w6r3nhbwrcp9
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Just when I thought I knew how special Slovenia was, along came the Soca Valley. Travelling through Slovenia’s Alps had given me the mistaken impression I knew what this country had to offer. Well, spending a couple of days in Soča certainly set me straight. Even though I’d heard of this little pocket of the country before, I had no idea what lay in store. No way did I expect this mix of beautiful natural scenery and impressive historical landmarks.
Many people choose to visit Soca Valley because of all the outdoor activities it offers. Having just come off days of vigorous hiking, my body couldn’t handle that. Instead Mateja Travel arranged a fantastic itinerary of sightseeing that showed off the valley’s many incredible attractions. From waterfalls, to mountains, forts and the Soca River, our day was packed with one wonderful sight after the next.
Considering so much focus goes on outdoor activities, it seems helpful to also highlight all the Soca Valley sightseeing opportunities. That way, you’ll know what to do in the Soca Valley if you’re not in the mood for white water rafting or the countless other outdoor adventure sports.
Visiting Soca Valley
If you’ve never heard of the Soča Valley before, then you’re probably missing some context. The Soca River valley is a narrow strip of Slovenia squeezed between Triglav National Park and the border with Italy. Thanks to the mountains that surround it, the region has a remote feel to it. It’s as if you’ve found a hidden corner of the country. But what makes it truly special is the Soca River due to the river’s unreal water colour.
Whether you call it emerald or aquamarine, the incredible colour is both magical and all natural! The river owes its colour to minerals suspended in the water that reflect that colour of light. Wherever you go in the valley you’ll find the water slightly different shades depending on the light. The one consistency is that it will be icy cold, which makes sense since it’s flowing out of the Alps.
Where to Stay in Soca Valley
A big part of making the most of a Soca Valley trip is finding somewhere appropriate to stay. In that regard, our Soca Valley tour hit things out of the park. For two nights following our time in Triglav National Park, we stayed at Camp Korita. It could have not been a better base to explore the region and rest. This huge campground sits right along the Soca River and was an absolute treat. While there are camping sites and room for campervans, I had the pleasure of trying the camp’s fixed accommodation.
My first night I was in a Shepherd’s Hut, a cosy hut with a canvas screen as a door. Not only do you get a nice breeze that way, but you’re also serenaded to sleep by the sounds of the river. The other night it was to over one of the camp’s Glamping Villas. This larger hut comes with a door and electricity and with the forest behind it, sleeping there was incredibly peaceful. What really stood out to me though was the quality of the camp facilities. The bathrooms and cooking facilities were far nicer and cleaner than I’ve experienced at a campground in quite some time.
The care and thought that has gone into Camp Korita makes sense if you meet Peter, its owner. Pictured above with Mateja my guide, he shared the work that he’s put into Korita since taking over from his grandfather. It’s not just the quality of the huts, but even smaller details like the ornate lamps and tables that he’s had made. All of this made it no surprise that the camp is often completely booked come summertime.
Soca Valley Activities
Many people who spend time visiting Soca Valley, come to the region for its outdoor activities. The Soca Valley is basically seen as Slovenia’s adventure playground, with activities that range from gentle to extreme. Rafting and kayaking down the beautiful Soca River valley is particularly popular, as are pursuits like canyoning and paragliding. The valley’s combination of rivers and mountains make it perfect for outdoor activities like these.
So sporty is the region that it’s also home to the Bovec Marathon, a September event that takes runners right through the valley. Parts of the marathon course even cross suspension bridges, which is sure to be a unique experience.
The aim of this Soca Valley travel blog post is to show you the other things this destination has to offer. There are so many Soca Valley sightseeing spots that you really don’t need to be the adventuress type to love it there. Let’s get to them shall we?
Great Soča Gorge
Since the Soca River is the main attraction here, it only makes sense to start with it. Camp Korita is already right by the Soca River, so even before we started sightseeing for the day we’d spent time down by the river. Having confirmed that it was both ice cold and beautiful, we were off to our first stop – the Great Soca Gorge.
What makes this stretch of the river special is the 15 metre deep gorge that it caves through. While the end of the gorge opens out, the upper part of the gorge is quite narrow. The sides of the Great Soca Gorge have been worn smooth, its rippled form ground down by the river over a long time. Not only can you see straight down from a small bridge to admire the stunning water colour, you can also get quite close to the gorge’s edge for some great views.
Boka Waterfall
The Soča Valley boasts several impressive waterfalls among its natural treasures, the largest of which is Boka Waterfall. Plummeting down 144 metres across its two steps, Slap Boka as it’s known is a major attraction. While it’s possible to catch a glimpse of the waterfall from the road, a better viewpoint is found a short walk into the forest. From there you see right up a small valley to see the waterfall emerging from the mountains.
What I liked was that because of the angle of the mountains, the waterfall appears to almost magically spring from the stone. Since we were only making a brief stop, we chose not to walk further up the valley to get a closer look. Still, this view of the waterfall and surroundings mountains was well worth it.
Kolovrat Trenches
With my fondness for historical landmarks, my tour guide Mateja made sure to show me ones scattered among all the beautiful natural landmarks. A big part of the region’s history relates to the First World War, as the Soča Valley rests right on the border between Slovenia and Italy. During WWI this was a front between Austrian and Italian forces, a conflict I knew little about.
That’s what made visiting the Kolovrat Open Air Museum so great. Resting up on Mount Kolovrat you’ll find trenches that once formed part of Italy’s defenses during the conflict. In terms of history, this one of best places to visit in Soca Valley in my opinion. This open air museum is part of the Walk of Peace and is fully open to the public. It’s possible to actually walk down into the trenches and get a sense of how confined they are.
You can also see for miles about, making it clear just how strategic a spot Kolovrat was. After exploring the trenches for quite a bit, we walked up to the summit of Kolovrat. Not only is it a great viewpoint, but it actually treads the modern border between Italy and Slovenia. Even just for people that like to have one foot in each country, there’s a clear appeal to climbing up.
Dreznica Village
Although the main town in the Soca Valley is Bovec, there are plenty of other small towns and villages throughout the valley. One that we visited briefly for lunch was the scenic little village of Dreznica. The village is easy to spot as you approach, with the white San Fermin Church clearly standing out against the greens of the countryside. Driving past tractors, we soon reached the village and then had to navigate its old, single-lane streets. Even though we were very much out in the country, we still enjoyed a tasty lunch at Jelkin Hram guesthouse, with views out over the rolling pastures.
Kozjak Waterfalls
There’s little doubt in my mind that visiting the Kozjak Waterfalls is one of best things to do in Soca Valley. Certainly, waterfalls in general don’t need a big sell, but this one is kind of special. Part of what I like about Kozjak Waterfalls though is the build-up, as you see quite a bit before you reach the main waterfall itself. A visit here starts with a walk up along the Soča River to one of it’s most classically enchanting parts. There’s lush forest on each bank, mountains in the distance, a classic suspension bridge and of course the impossible colour of the water.
From the riverfront, you veer into the forest and thanks to its thick canopy and moss-covered boulders it has quite an ancient feel to it. Before long you reach the first of the Kozjak Waterfalls, although these are the small ones. Kids were splashing around near there, with the small falls squeezing through narrow gaps in the rock. Moving deeper in you start to follow the Kozjak river through a lush little gorge that is littered with huge boulders. Near the end you reach a short boardwalk and the sound of a waterfall grows louder and louder.
What makes Veliki Kozjak, the main Kozjak Waterfall, so special is its setting. Following the boardwalk, you curve round to the left only to find yourself in a large cave. Breaking through one end of the cave is the waterfall, with some small gaps above it letting in light through the forest canopy. The waterfall may only be 15 metres high, but its setting more than makes up for that.
Kluze Fort
One of the other impressive historical Soca Valley WWI spots is the Kluze Fort. Driving up into Koritnica Gorge, this big stone fort immediately gives off the impression of an impenetrable mountain bastion. With its strategic location up near the Predel mountain pass, if effectively blocked the way for advancing armies. For centuries Kluze Fort defended the region in conflicts with Turkish forces and Napoleon, as well as World War I.
Despite how it may look, the fort was actually destroyed twice over the years, once by Napoleon’s artillery and again during World War I. And yet, it wasn’t damaged during World War II, apparently because it’s remote location made it nearly impossible for bombers to have a clear shot. While the fort was closed during out visit, you can still explore around the historic fortress and look down into the deep gorge below.
Perhaps my favourite part of this stop was hearing local tales from Mateja and Skof about conflicts fought here. For instance, they told me a story about Napoleon’s invasion and his troops arriving at Kluze Fort. A bridge spanning Koritnica Gorge sits right outside the fort, that locals had destroyed in advance of Napoleon’s forces. The soldiers approached the fort through a thick fog, barely able to see the person in front of them.
Among the soldiers were drummers to provide the marching rhythm, although they had to compete with the roar from the gorge. Because of the thick fog, the soldiers were none the wiser about the bridge and one by one, they plummeted into the ravine below, unaware of the fate of the men in front of them. Apparently, it was only when they could no longer hear the drummers that they realised something was wrong.
Napoleon’s Bridge
While there are plenty of spots to get great views of the Soca River, one of the most popular is Napoleon’s Bridge. The bridge is so named because Napoleon’s troops marched across the old stone bridge there, before it was destroyed in WWI. The bridge itself isn’t overly special, but its views of the aquamarine water in the Soca River definitely are. From up there you can look quite a way up this rocky river canyon and there are paths either side that really let you see the area from every angle.
Lepena Valley
Our final stop during the day only made me realise just how much more of the Soca Valley we’d left unexplored. Actually not that far from the Great Soca Gorge where we’d been at the start of the day is the start of the Lepena Valley. Driving up into this side valley, the scenery was all forest, fields and looming mountains in front of us. It was like we’d found a hidden valley off a hidden valley and it became clear there’s no end to Slovenia’s natural wonders.
We drove all the way to the end of the made road and had a drink at the Klementa Juga v Lepeni Guesthouse, admiring what we could see of the view back down the valley. It was our last chance to appreciate the incredible scenery before the sun went down and it definitely delivered. There are hiking trails up to mountain lakes here and even though I was exhausted after Triglav, I immediately wanted to include the hike on my next visit to Slovenia.
Have you heard of this awesome corner of Slovenia before? Where else would you add to this Soca Valley travel blog post on sightseeing in the region? Please share them in the comments below.
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you click on one and make a purchase, I may make a small commission. Of course, this will come at no extra cost to you.
*Disclosure: My overnight, private hiking tour with Mateja Travel was as a complimentary guest. As always, opinions are completely and genuinely my own. I wouldn’t recommend them otherwise!
Now, if you’re looking for a guide to Slovenia, then you should really look at this Lonely Planet guide. I’ve often travelled with Lonely Planet guides and they can really make life easier.
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A Fantastic Time Sightseeing in the Soca Valley, Slovenia Just when I thought I knew how special Slovenia was, along came the Soca Valley. Travelling through Slovenia's Alps had given me the mistaken impression I knew what this country had to offer.
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LOSKA KORITNICA, Slovenia - the colorful autumn is in full swing in this very picturesque alpine valley surrounded by majestic 2,000-meter Julian Alps peaks in the Triglav National Park in the northwestern corner of Slovenia. (photo: Bojan Kolman)
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LOSKA KORITNICA, Slovenia - after a long winter with lots of snow, spring has finally arrived to this very picturesque alpine valley surrounded by majestic 2,000-meter peaks of the Julian Alps. (photo: Darjo Volaric)
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LOSKA KORITNICA, Slovenia - a very picturesque alpine valley surrounded by majestic 2,000-meter Julian Alps peaks in the Triglav National Park in the northwestern corner of Slovenia. (Image by Gregor Kacin)
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