#Komatsuda Shuusaku
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komatsudaya · 4 months ago
RKRN Rikichi & Komatsuda Moments (w/summaries and translations)
While there's a good amount of information out there in English about Nintama Rantarou, it feels like there's much less about the original manga, Rakudai Ninja Rantarou. To help fix that even just a little bit...
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…I put together a guide to all the times Rikichi and Komatsuda appear together in the manga, with summaries and translations.
(I've also got a WIP guide to Rikichi + Komatsuda moments in the anime, which I'll eventually get around to formatting so I can post it on here. For now, here's a shameless plug to the current iteration.)
Quick list:
Vol 21, pages 221, 234 Vol 22, page 238 (in disguise) Vol 23, pages 161-167, 205 Vol 27, pages 100-106, 109 Vol 30, pages 76-79 Vol 32, pages 59-63, 81, 86-87, 90-92, 104, 114 (all in disguise), 119 Vol 44, pages 75, 86-90, 111-112, 118, 120, 132 (111-132 in disguise), 134, 143-144 Vol 57, pages 43, 120-124
Summaries and translations
Vol 21
Pages 221, 238
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The first time they appear together is this panel, from the same chapter in which Komatsuda is reintroduced as the school's newest employee. They're entirely across the room from each other, but hey, it counts. They also both appear in a panel at the end of the volume, but they don't interact.
Vol 22
Page 238 (in disguise)
This is the first time they're actually seen interacting with each other, though Rikichi is in disguise at the time.
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Komatsuda speaks of Rikichi casually, so they must've seen each other at least a few times before this. I'm sure Rikichi got a surprise the first time he came to the school and had Komatsuda chase after him to sign in.
Vol 23
Pages 161-167, 205
Now we're getting to some real interactions! This story focuses on a plot to get a warship schematic to the pirates; to avoid having it stolen by the Dokutake, the plan is to have each student memorize a part of it then have the pirates put all the parts together and decipher it using an encryption chart. Unfortunately, Komatsuda was the person chosen to deliver this chart.
Rikichi meets up with the teachers and students of 1-Ha to relay what happened when he ran into Komatsuda earlier.
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From the way he speaks, it seems Rikichi has interacted enough with Komatsuda to have a pretty clear idea of how the boy tends to operate. On his way to the ocean, Komatsuda spots what looks to be a person laying in the bushes and goes to help them. “Komatsuda is such a kind person,” Rantarou says, to which Rikichi replies, "Kind, sure. But careless."
Komatsuda gets a closer look at the body and finds that it's just a doll. "Komatsuda!" Rikichi calls out, emerging from the nearby trees. "Don't pick up that doll!" When Komatsuda inevitably lifts it up...
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(Earlier in the story, a doll resembling Yamada was used as a decoy since Yamada originally had the ship schematics)
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After Komatsuda falls in the hole, Rikichi loses his trail. Don't worry, Komatsuda is safe and sound! And he even manages to hold onto the encryption chart.
Vol 27
Pages 95-99 (in disguise), 100-106, 109
This story revolves around explosives master Tadadouzen, who was kidnapped by the Dokuajirogasa ninja because he created a new type of artillery shell. Just when it looks like Komatsuda and Shinbei are going to be captured by a pair of Dokuajirogasa, one of the ninja who'd cornered them takes off his disguise and reveals himself as Rikichi… who is then interrupted by Danzou flying in and knocking the other Dokuajirogasa ninja out.
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The kids are excited to go on a rescue mission, but ponder how Rikichi knows where Tadadouzen is. After giving them a murderous glare, Rikichi reminds them that the other Dokuajirogasa ninja just blurted it out: Tadadouzen is under the tea room near the back of the grounds. They go and search the room, but pulling the floorboards up reveals nothing. Shinbei gets glued to the wall by his snot, and when Rikichi pulls him off, it reveals…
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For once it's not Komatsuda who causes Rikichi trouble, but Shinbei, who trips when getting into the stairwell. Komatsuda is still technically the one hitting Rikichi, but details. They find Tadadouzen and bust him out.
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Rikichi carries the sensei, and Komatsuda is tasked with carrying the shell prototype that Tadadouzen made while imprisoned. From there, the group meets up with the rest of 1-Ha and we don't see Rikichi and Komatsuda together for the rest of the chapter.
Vol 30
Pages 76-79
Somebody ordered a case of fans from Komatsudaya, and Komatsuda was tasked with delivering them to the customers at Mushroom Valley… but he left the store before he learned exactly who the customers were. Everyone suspects it might be ninja who are planning on using them to perform the Kasumiougi no Jutsu (where ninja place poison inside a folding fan then blow the poison at their enemies). While in town, the group runs into Yamada and Rikichi.
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The kids of 1-Ha ask Rikichi about his work. When Doi chides them, Rikichi says:
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This is one of my favorite panels. The framing of Komatsuda staring blankly into the sky while standing behind Rikichi is beautiful.
Rikichi sheds some light on the situation: while investigating the Dokuajirogasa's use of poison for assassination, he found a group of Dokuajirogasa ninja waiting for someone in Mushroom Valley.
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There Rikichi goes, zero to sixty in a second flat. I really like the addition in the anime where Rikichi gets caught up in Komatsuda's pace and cheerfully replies “Take care!” to Komatsuda before he yells at him, but Rikichi is too much of a brat in RKRN to say something like that. He's at least enough of a brat to then sarcastically praise Komatsuda, who's a little too dense to pick the sarcasm up.
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Rikichi leaves after that.
Vol 32
Pages 59-63, 81, 86-87, 90-92, 104, 114 (all in disguise), 119
A suspicious leaflet advertising ninja work draws a motley crowd of professional and would-be ninja, including Komatsuda and his brother, Yuusaku. Their task is to sneak into a certain castle's outpost and retrieve some hidden documents. Just as they're all about to start the job, Rikichi disguises himself as Yuusaku and takes the man's place without anybody else knowing.
While it's probably the role least likely to draw attention to him, disguising himself as Yuusaku also means he'll be in constant contact with Komatsuda's, shall we say, personality. It doesn't take the usually professional Rikichi long to start breaking character. Luckily for him, nobody else had met Yuusaku before.
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Rikichi does get some professional points back for his intel-gathering, as he's picked up some insider info on the Komatsuda brothers. He also helps throughout the job by supplying his ninja expertise, some of which he justifies Yuusaku knowing by saying things like "I make fans, so I have to be good at measuring angles."
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Apart from the Rikichi and Komatsuda content, these chapters are great because we get to see expressions on Yuusaku's face that we'd never otherwise see. He makes lots of grumpy and cool expressions.
This is also the only time Rikichi (technically) calls Komatsuda by his first name:
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We also learn the extent of Rikichi's skill and/or Komatsuda's obliviousness, as Rikichi was able to stuff an entire matchlock in Komatsuda's clothes without him noticing.
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Rantarou eventually catches on that a civilian like Yuusaku couldn't possibly have the skills and knowledge that the man with them is displaying, and Rikichi takes off his disguise. Komatsuda confesses that he had absolutely no idea that his brother had been Rikichi in disguise, and then Rikichi says The Line.
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From there, Rikichi leaves the group to complete a task elsewhere. I'm sad that Yuusaku was cut from the anime adaptation of this story; at least we finally got to see him in ninja clothes in season 31.
Vol 44
Pages 75, 86-90, 111-112, 118, 120, 132 (111-132 in disguise), 134, 143-144
Bouta brings news that something is stirring in Kikurage Castle: bad rumors are being spread about the castle's young master, and a beloved new vassal may actually be an enemy infiltrator. When Rikichi arrives at the scene, he spots a group of enemy Tofuntake ninja waiting for a signal to begin an ambush on Kikurage Castle. Unfortunately, when he leaves to bring this intel to the castle...
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...he's interrupted by Komatsuda. They fall to the ground, Komatsuda right on top of Rikichi. And why did Komatsuda come to see Rikichi?
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The next time we see Komatsuda, he's been captured by Kikurage ninja who found him wandering around the castle and took him for a Tofuntake ninja thanks to a letter that had been hidden in his collar. Komatsuda claims innocence and ignorance.
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After the suspected vassal is exposed as a Tofuntake ninja, Rikichi reveals that he'd been disguised as a Kikurage ninja and had given Komatsuda the letter in order to perform the Hotarubi no Jutsu (wherein a ninja uses a fake document to lure the enemy out). Komatsuda, however, had no idea that he was going to be used for such a purpose. So Rikichi went back to "help" Komatsuda by giving him the letter... purely for his own goals. I adore the way Rikichi spins Komatsuda out of his ropes.
After everything settles down, the group departs. Rikichi is about to leave when Komatsuda drops a bomb on him:
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Vol 57
Pages 43, 120-124
While running in the forest, Yamada and Shinbei come across a meeting between two ninja from different castles. After they return to the school, Rikichi briefly comes by to give a message to his father and the two of them set out after the ninja they saw, with Komatsuda in pursuit of their signatures. I love, love, love that Rikichi looks like he's having fun being chased by Komatsuda, like he's playing a little game with him.
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The two ninja they saw were from Oomagatoki and Kawataredoki Castle, two castles which hate each other. It turns out the ninja are part of a group of Komatsuda's kouhai who graduated from the same ninjutsu school and are having a reunion picnic despite being on opposing sides. In order to throw off the suspicions of a pair of Oomagatoki ninja who came to investigate, the ninja fake a battle between themselves.
After the fake battle, a certain someone who was forgotten in the hustle and bustle returns to finally get Rikichi to sign in and out. Komatsuda almost manages to sneak up on Rikichi, but the man detects him at the last moment and shouts "Who's there?" before Komatsuda bursts out of the bushes wielding the sign-in sheet.
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Some people might say that Rikichi was off his game, but maybe it's just a sign that Komatsuda is improving?
The graduate ninja say they don't think they're really cut out to be pro ninja and want to become "amazing clerks just like our senpai, Komatsuda!" which makes the boy in question blush.
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And that's it! That's the last time they appear in the same panel!
I like that the manga and anime have different flavors of Rikichi and Komatsuda. Compared to the anime, their interactions in the manga certainly tend to be a bit more… forceful, I suppose I'd say, though much of that lies in how surly Rikichi is in the manga compared to the anime. Despite that one-sided antagonism on Rikichi's part, he shows an understanding of Komatsuda (though sometimes the boy defies common sense). He knows he can get away with being sarcastic with Komatsuda; he knows that to be subtle with Komatsuda is a losing game - except when he can use that obtuseness to his advantage. He even plays around with the boy because he knows that when he runs, Komatsuda chases after.
Komatsuda, for his part, can show a surprising amount of insight about Rikichi at times - except, of course, when it comes to understanding when Rikichi gets angry at him. The biggest example would be in volume 44 when he busts out the real reason Rikichi is avoiding his father. Komatsuda is someone who tends to forget or overlook things, but he also has good instincts. In the same volume, he can also immediately see that the smile Rikichi gives is all business, even though earlier in the series he took Rikichi's sarcasm at face value. Perhaps he'd observed Rikichi enough to be able to spot the difference.
Rikichi gets mad at, well, pretty much everybody throughout the course of the manga, but he shows a special ire towards Komatsuda probably because every interaction with the boy can turn into an exercise in chaos. When Rikichi says "go," he doesn't know if Komatsuda will go or stop or slam right into reverse. They're like oil and water, and Komatsuda is a flood.
For completion's sake, two other moments to note:
Vol 22, chapter 8: Both of them appear in the early pages of this chapter and are presumably in the same space, but we never see them in the same panel. Similarly, they both appear throughout vol 27, chapter 4, but only show up together in the same panel once at the beginning.
Vol 43, page 224: Komatsuda brings Yamada a package from his wife, so Komatsuda either a) got it directly from Rikichi, or b) picked it up from where Rikichi left it at the school, which means Rikichi would've needed to sign in/out.
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baaoie · 12 days ago
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here some of the rikoma +highschool parody au sketches i have done recently,,... i posted some on my ig stories but i also feel like posting them here too! i really like this ship as you can see heh
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choki-choki · 1 day ago
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me: hmm i cant draw properly but i can kinda half-trace these stupid ass youtube thumbnails and put nintama characters over them instead. shitposting ftw.
i have been obsessed with dan hentschel lately and every video title i see i just go thats this guy, thats that guy. plus other dumbass photoshops i put together. and heita loaf. i love heita loaf.
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lemonadesour33 · 11 days ago
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fushikizou-fushigisou · 3 months ago
Ri-ki-chi-san 💕
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jinnaizaemon · 6 months ago
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I was translating 13-05, the episode where Yoshino-sensei goes to visit Komatsuda Yuusaku to (try to) tell him he will fire Shuusaku for being such a poor secretary. There's a scene where Yuusaku shares about how proud he is of his little brother for using difficult kanji characters, and the gag is that all the examples he gives are from words related to his poor performance at work. But earlier in the episode, they show a poster written by Shuusaku with all the spelling mistakes he made, and realizing how bad it is makes Yuusaku's claims even funnier...
Here's the English translation of the poster:
"Weekly challenge: - Go to bed early and wake up early - Wash your hands before your meal - Don't forget to brush your teeth - Greet others cheerfully"
Here is the corrected version of the text:
"今週の努力目標 - はい寝はや起き - 食事の前に手をあらう - 歯みがきを忘れずに - あいさつは元気よく"
And here is what Shuusaku wrote:
"分週の怒力目表: - はい根はや起き - 食事の前に毛をあらう - 葉みがきを忘れずに - あいさつは元木よく"
Let's review it line by line.
- First line, He wrote 分 instead of 今 in the first word, and 怒 instead of 努 in the second. He probably mixed up the characters due to their visual similarity. On top of that, both of 怒 and 努 can be read as do. - In the second line, he wrote 根 ne (root) instead of 寝 ne (sleep), due to the similar pronunciation. - Third line, he wrote 毛 ke (hair) instead of 手 te (hand). -Fourth line, he wrote 葉 ha (leaf) instead of 歯 ha (teeth). -Fifth line, he wrote 木 ki (tree) instead of 気 ki (spirit/mood).
On top of that, he wrote most verbs in the phonetic hiragana alphabet instead of using the proper kanji characters, making his text look even more childish (but to his defense it might be to make the text more readable for the younger students?)
So this makes the first sentence entirely nonsensical, and the rest sounds like: -Root early and wake up early. -Wash your hair before your meal. - Don't forget to brush your leaves. - Greetings are.. good trees?
Yuusaku is a supportive big brother, isn't he?
By the way, Komatsuda Shuusaku's name is a pun on 困った就職 komatta shuushoku, meaning "having trouble in finding a job/getting hired". But the actual reading of his name is 小松田秀作 : Komatsuda is "a field with small pine trees" and sounds like a common name, while the characters for Shuusaku reads 秀 shuu, "excellent", and 作 saku, "work" (as in, a production, a piece of work, art, craft, etc), a master piece. Despite his actual skills, Shuusaku was surely named by a family who believed in his potential and wished him the best...!
His brother seems to be named after the actor Matsuda Yuusaku. The name 優作 Yuusaku, has the same saku character, while the first character, 優 yuu (or yasa) also means "excellent" as a noun, but more commonly used in the adjective for gentle, tender, affectionate... Truly fitting indeed...!
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ndgoku · 9 years ago
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mellyart · 10 years ago
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these idiots are gonna kill me
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komatsudaya · 2 months ago
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Episode 17-05 利吉の仕事を見学の段
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lemonadesour33 · 9 months ago
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shuhanmustbeprotected · 13 years ago
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komatsudaya · 22 days ago
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"In my opinion, Komatsuda is an excellent young man."
From episode 11-20, さゆりちゃんが来たの段
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komatsudaya · 5 months ago
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Episode 06-06 小松田秀作と兵庫第三協栄丸の段
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komatsudaya · 8 days ago
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Episode 18-58 事務員になりたいの段
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komatsudaya · 2 months ago
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Episode 04-82 乱・きり・しん怒るの段
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komatsudaya · 4 months ago
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Episode 11-36 小松田の素質の段
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