reinosaurs · 11 months
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Brewing something.... ☕📝
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jinnie-channie · 3 years
Anyways here it is, if anyone would actually be reading this. Again. 😭
I Hear You
It was a rare morning where Kairi was the first one to get up. Usually Nanase gets up first and cook even though Kairi had told her many times to not to as they could get breakfast in the hospital. Even before they were married Nanase had already been acting like a devoted wife, now it was a great opportunity for Kairi to take care of her, seeing that Nanase is tired from their activity last night.
Kairi quickly got into work, making some pancakes that Nanase had been planning to cook for their breakfast. Just as he was about to finish cooking the last one, he felt someone wrap their arms around him and a small peck on his back. He couldn't help but smile at his wife's action, knowing that she was too small to reach his neck which was obviously her target.
"Kairi." Nanase whined after getting no response from Kairi. Kairi continued to ignore her, finishing up the meal that he was preparing. Nanase's arms was loosening when he turned around and captured Nanase's lips into a deep kiss. He could feel her legs turn jelly as he gripped her waist pulling her even closer. This was the best part of his morning, the warmth that Nanase brings to his life was something that he was always grateful for.
"Morning." He mumbled on her lips before kissing her again. "Good morning." She answered, a smile crept up to her lips as her husband doesn't seem that he was stopping from pecking her lips. "What's with you today, Kairi?" His heart fluttered as he heard his name again from her, which was something that Nanase recently done after calling him sensei ever since they met. "Come on, let's eat. I made pancakes." He was just overflowing with love and wanted to show her but he wasn't going to tell her that. She would probably become so hyper with happiness again if he told her.
Nanase couldn't help but stare at her husband as they eat. The man may seem cold and uncaring at first but nowadays he was smiling more and more. He couldn't even keep his hands off her both literally and figuratively if you know what I mean. Even now his feet was gently tapping hers as they eat, she found it adorable though he would probably call her stupid again if she mentioned that.
Nanase yawned for the nth time that morning, which was unusual for the warrior who was always energetic so it was evident to the other staff. "Nanase, are you okay?" Nurse Negishi asked as Nanase was in mid yawn. "Ah! Yes of course! I just didn't sleep well last night." Nanase blushed as she remembered what really happened last night. "Eh? Does it mean that you and the devil..." Nurse Ishihara trailed. "Impossible! You know the devil. He would probably rather read than do that!" Nurse Numazu's loud voice boomed through the nurse station.
Nurse Negishi could just stifle her laugh as behind Nurse Numazu was the said devil. "If you are all finished gossiping about my and Nanase's life at home can I please have the chart of the new patient in our ward? And Nanase, you forgot to cover the hickey on your neck." The last part was supposedly a whisper but with the defeaning silence that occured when his presence was felt made it seem louder than it was supposed to be.
"Kairi!" Nanase shouted in embarassment as she covered her neck where the hickey is. All the nurses gasped at what Nanase said, the warrior always called him Sensei and it was the first time they heard her call him that, and of course because now covered hickey. Nanase turned even more red as she realized what she had said. Kairi only chuckled and pecked Nanase's cheeks. "Now about that chart?" He asked once again.
Before anyone actually had the chance to react to the surprising turn of events Nanase suddenly swayed and was fortunately catched by Kairi. Kairi shouting her name was the last thing Nanase heard before she fainted completely.
"You should really stop worrying me, Nanase." Kairi grumbled through Nanase's palm, holding at his face. He could still feel how his heart stopped when he saw her faint. He had no idea what happened, did he tease her too much? But he was really happy to hear her call him his name outside their home after 2 months of marriage. It wasn't easy doing that as Nanase is really a professional nurse and preferred to call him Sensei in front of everyone. But if she had to call him sensei for the rest of their life to stop her from fainting then so be it.
"Kairi?" His trail of thoughts was interrupted with a soft voice. "I'm here." He answered as he placed a soft kiss on the inside of her wrist. There she was again giving him her cute smile as if nothing happened. "We must've done it too much last night." She joked, gently caressing Kairi's face in attempt to ease the frown and worry etched on his face. "If that's the reason then we won't do it anymore." He answered seriously which stopped Nanase. "Eh???"
"Oh good you're awake." A doctor entered, making Kairi stand up and Nanase sit up. "I'm Doctor Misao, I'm an ob-gyne. You two should probably need to sit and relax for this one." Kairi and Nanase unconsciously reached for each other's hand. "What seems to be the problem, sensei?" Kairi asked, trying to stop his voice from trembling. He needs to be strong no matter what, even though he was really scared. "There isn't any problem. In fact, you two are expecting! Congratulations, Mrs. Tendo is 2 months pregnant!" Kairi felt his heart stop again, but this time he felt it restart and beat faster. Nanase couldn't help but gasp at the news. They haven't actually planned for a kid yet but her heart felt full of love for the baby that was growing inside of her. "Knowing that you two work here, I won't bore you with medical details. Let's just schedule your check up. I'm sure you two want some privacy." Doctor Misao said.
After a few short minutes, Doctor Misao already left. Silence filled the private room that they occupied. Nanase was so happy, a baby, she couldn't believe it. A childish crush eventually turned into love, turned into the most beautiful thing that happened to her after Kairi. She didn't even know that she was patting her lower tummy as she smiled until she heard a sob. Kairi was sitting with his head bowed. He stiffled his sobs with a hand as his other hand reached out to Nanase's. "Kairi." She softly called. "I'm so happy. You're okay, and I'm going to be a dad." Nanase brought his hands to her lips. "I know. I'm happy too." She muttered, smiling at his vulnerability, it wasn't that she was enjoying it. She was just glad that he trusted and loved her enough to rely on her. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" She asked. He was silent fora few moment. Gathering his thoughts on how to say how he really felt. "I'm relieved that you're okay. And I'm scared." Nanase held his face and tilted it to make him look at her. "Scared of what?"
He took a deep breath. As if scared to even say it. "Pregnancy can have a lot of complications. I am scared for you and our baby. And not only that. I'm scared that I may not be a good father. After what happened to Minori, I have a hard time expressing how I feel. I am not good at handling my emotions. I'm already having a hard time believing that I deserve you, I feel like I haven't done enough to prove that I deserve our baby." His eyes were filled with tears. He was nervous and scared. The last time that he had been this open Nanase was when she had an accident. He hated that he had to wait for something big to happen to tell her how he really felt.
"Stupid." Nanase mumbled, surprising Kairi. She was glaring at him with teary eyes and if this wasn't such a serious moment he would have pinched her cheeks for being so cute. "I didn't choose you because of that. I knew your flaws and I embraced them. I know that you barely talk about your feelings but when you do, you do it in the gentlest way, and you pour your heart out. I know that eventually you would be able to talk with me freely. Remember when you told me that my smile was gross? And when I had the accident you told me I had the cutest smile. And how would you be a bad father when you're with your patient you're the kindest person ever. And even when I fail at being a good housewife you're there comforting me, not minding the ruined dinner or your favorite shirt that I ruined. You may not voice out your feelings a lot but you show it through your actions and that is something that a good father posesses." Kairi was surprised by how good his wife was in dealing with him. He is an excellent doctor and he knows that, but despite that, he also has insecurities. But his wife, his Nanase, eased his worries while glaring at him.
"And also about the pregnancy, that's why we have monthly check ups. And whatever problem may arise, we can deal with it. We will deal with it because we're together. I am here." He couldn't help but smile. "I hear you." He said and kissed her forehead and hugged her tightly. "I am glad though. That you talked to me about it." Nanase felt him chuckle, she slapped his chest in response. "You always did enjoy seeing me like this." He smoothed out her hair, enjoying their closeness. "I love it when you talk to me. About work, about random things, or even about something painful. I love that you can tell me anything. But that doesn't mean that I enjoy it, I am in pain when you're in pain." Kairi could hear the pout on her words. He pulled back from the hug and kissed her deeply. "I love you, Nanase and our baby" Kairi gently placed his hand on her flat tummy. "A baby, Kairi. We're going to have a baby!" Nanase squealed, the fact that they are going to have a baby is finally sinking in. Kairi's smile widened even more as his wife rambled on.
The next morning, Kairi and Nanase arrived at the nurse station just before their morning meeting. "Tendo sensei? I thought it was your day off today." Nurse Numazu asked. "Oh, I completely forgot. Why are you here?" Nanase who was used to walking to work with Kairi was also confused. "I am not here today as a doctor. I am here as Nanase's husband." Kairi answered smiling at his confused wife. "Please take care of Nanase." He said before bowing deeply, Nanase not knowing what was happening also bowed down. "Nanase is 2 months pregnant. I am not asking for special care towards her because I know she would hate being treated specially as she is very dedicated to her work. All I am asking is that, to look after her when I am not here." Kairi was obviously awkward, talking about a personal matter in front of his co-workers was something he was not used to. "Eh???? Nanase you're pregnant?!" Nurse Numazu exclaimed. "Congratulations Nanase and Tendo-sensei!" Sakai hugged Nanase who was frozen in surprise. Finally coming out of her shock Nanase hugged Sakai back and happily said "I am pregnant!!!" Making the nurse station filled with excited shouts and cheers.
"Tendo-sensei, 2 months eh? You guys have been married for only a month and Nanase has just been back for 2 months. I didn't know you had it in you." Nurse Numazu teased Kairi, and Nanase who heard it laughed. "Even before I left Kairi had it in him. Of course after a year of not meeting-" Nanase stopped talking after realising what she just had said, slowly facing Kairi who was looking at her with a raised eyebrow and crossed arms. "You just dug your own grave." He muttered as everyone was now looking at Nanase with wide curious eyes. "I didn't mean to." She whined. Kairi just laughed and kissed her lips. "I'm going home to do the laundry. You deal with them."
"Kairi!!!!" Nanase could only shout as all the staff gathered around her.
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damselrech10 · 4 years
0.0001% Miracle  (Part two)
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"Tendo sensei called and told Koishikawa sensei that he will not make it to work today because nanase-chan is still not feeling well." Chief nurse Mariko said
"What? Does nanase chan okay." Numazu asks
"Tendo sensei said that there's nothing to worry about." Mariko added.
"Thank god." Sakai said worriedly.
At Tendo's apartment
Kairi was busy cooking something for Nanase but his mind still wonders about what his wife told him last night....
"That look on your face. That's how you look when we went to bowling. Are you planning to leave me again?"
Nanase suddenly let out a bitter smile and started to cry. The tears that she kept for a week is now flowing nonstop from her eyes
Tendo was startled at the sudden outburst of his wife. "Whats wrong?" He asked again "why are you saying sorry?"
"Gomenesai Kairi, I don't know how to tell you.." Nanase trying to explained in between her sobs "I can't - I can't  give you a child."
Tendo didn't know what to do or say to console her wife so he just hug her.
He can still hear his wife's agony on his head.
'I can't give you a child.'
His train of thoughts stop when he heard a movement from their bedroom. He took the bowl of soup and put it on a tray then he walks towards the room.
There he saw his wife sitting quietly on their bed.
"You're awake. I cook something, here eat first so you can take a medicine." He puts the tray on the bed.
"Tendo sensei..." Nanase tries to speak.
"We'll talk after you eat." He said
"Work?" She asks
Tendo took the spoon with a soup on it and try to feed Nanase. "I already called the hospital so just eat first okay?"
After the breakfast they are now at the living room, sitting beside each other. Nanase told Kairi everything about her condition. “ Kairi....”
Kairi let out a deep breath, breaking the silence. “we will ask for a second opinion, if the diagnosis is still the same we’ll think of other ways. ” he ask “
“What if there’s no other way?” Nanase asked  “Tendo sensei... it’s oaky. if you decide to get a divorce;”
Kairi stare at his wife for a moment “Nanase....remember what I told you, that there isn’t even  0.0001% chance between us?” he asked “ but you said that this 0.0001%-”
“Miracle.” Nanase said cutting him off.
“Right.” he caress his wife’s face ” we’ll think of other ways but leaving you and getting a divorce is not an option.” 
Nanase smiles at him while nodding her head. “Watashiwa anata o  aishte imasu Tendo sensei.” 
Meanwhile at the Hieura General Hospital
“Good morning satoshi-san! what brought you here?”
“Good morning too mako-sensei. sorry for coming here without an appointment but it’s very urgent.” satoshi san said and and handed a few piece of papers to her “ you see I’m almost in my sixties and my husband was dead for almost 10 years but my lab results says that I’m pregnant. there must be a mistakes here.” the old woman said.
“I see...” Mako sensei said while checking the documents “Don’t worry I will check it right away Satoshi san” she added.
To be continue...
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munimunimone · 4 years
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satotakeru14 · 3 years
Terrified Masterlist
Hello everyone!!
I noticed many people were reading terrified and I am thankful for that but because of my fault of not adding links to other chapters people were only reading one or two chapters of it, I am sorry!🙇‍♀️
So here are the links:
Terrified pt.1
Terrified pt.2
Terrified pt.3
AN: Some of you suggested that I add more aftermath fluff scenario, I can't make promises since I am in my last year and on my way to graduation but I will try to do it. If you have some suggestions that you might want to add feel free to do so!
The times are difficult right now, so please stay safe and take care, I am not using Twitter right now but feel free to drop a DM here if you wish to talk to me about anything!
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gentlyours · 5 years
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Koi wa Tsuzuku yo Dokomademo | Episode 05
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hitoribochhi · 5 years
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Tendo sensei x Nishi-kun 
NYLON JAPAN  2020年 5月号
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drawnbydee · 4 years
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i really love their chemistry ✨💕
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katiemarie-99 · 4 years
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ᴋᴏɪ ᴡᴀ ᴛꜱᴜᴢᴜᴋᴜ ʏᴏ ᴅᴏᴋᴏ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴍᴏ/ʟᴏᴠᴇ ʟᴀꜱᴛꜱ ꜰᴏʀᴇᴠᴇʀ (ᴋᴀɪʀɪ ᴛᴇɴᴅᴏ x ɴᴀɴᴀꜱᴇ ꜱᴀᴋᴜʀᴀ) ʟᴏᴄᴋꜱᴄʀᴇᴇɴꜱ/ᴡᴀʟʟᴘᴀᴘᴇʀꜱ ↳ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴏʀ ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢ ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ᴜꜱᴇ ᴏʀ ꜱᴀᴠᴇ
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reinosaurs · 3 years
Crazy Over You (a KoiTsudu fanfic)
A/N: I’m back from the dead! HAHAHA! Hello! This was suppose to be posted last month but I’m too busy to celebrate KoiTsudu anniversary as well as Mone’s birthday :< To make up for it, here’s a new fic! More requested fics will be posted from today onwards so stay tunned~!
Ever wonder what Tendo-sensei gave Nanase on her birthday? Find out here!
Disclaimer: I do not own KoiTsudu or any of its characters! This is a pure fanfiction.
This is bad.
Kairi clicked his tongue and  glanced at the clock at the wall of their office.
For the nth time, Kairi grabbed his phone above his desk and annoyingly scrolled through bunch of websites and online shops.
“Kairi can I---”
Kairi jolted from his seat and quickly averting the phone from anyone’s eyes - it landed with a loud thud, almost breaking the screen.
Kisugi blink at Kairi’s sudden action.
Kairi cleared his throat and sat properly. “Y-Yes?”
Kisugi eyed the phone and back to the unusual Kairi. “Are you… Is everything okay?”
Kairi blinked several times and swallowed. He nodded at him as he tried to calm his nerves. “Yeah. What is it?”
Kisugi mentally shurgged and showed him a file. However, Kairi’s mind drifted back to his problem as he barely listens to what Kisugi is saying.
Meanwhile, Kisugi knows that he wasn’t paying attention at all. He tried to supress his grin and looked at the phone that is now upside down. There’s no use in hiding it for he accidentally saw what Kairi’s  looking at. The moment he saw what’s on his screen, Kisugi instantly knew what is happening.
Kairi had been out of focus since morning that he entered the wrong office. At first, it doesn’t bother him. But when Kairi almost drank the wrong water bottle at the office and called him by his first name, he knew something was up.
Kisugi sighed. “That’s all. Give me a heads up if you found it.”
Kairi nodded, pretending that he understood him. “I will.”
Before Kisugi left the office, he looked back at Kairi and smirked. “Uh… and good luck with that.”
Kairi’s eyes slightly widened as he froze from his seat.
Kisugi gave him a knowing smirk. “You can consult me anytime but I know you prefer to decide on your own so… good luck with that.”
With that, he left the office while humming. Kairi mentally cursed and glared at the door that Kisugi came from seconds ago. That asshole… He clicked his tongue again and ruffled his hair in frustration.
“Oh! Sakura-san! Konnichiwa! Have you eaten your lunch?”
“Ah, not yet. But I’m about to!”
“Is that so? Here, a gift for you. Happy birthday!”
“Oh! What a lovely wrapping paper! Thank you so much!”
“You’re welcome! Enjoy your day! Jaa!”
Kairi frustratedly sighed from what he just heard outside the office. In a blink, Nanase entered the office with the biggest smile on her face while holding a bento box and the gift she just received from someone.
He glared at the gift.
“Sensei! Sorry for the long wait! Nino wouldn’t let me leave our quarters because he wants us to eat lunch together with Mariko-san, Sakai-san and Nishi-kun.” She carefully placed the bento box above his desk.
“But I told them that I want to eat with you so he quickly let me go.” Nanase giggled. “I have to make up for it soon, though.”
Guilt started to bloom from Kairi. And here he is… still clueless on what he should give her as a present in her very special day.
He tried to hide his emotions by smiling at her and they began to eat lunch together at the empty office.
Kairi had been thinking gift ideas since last week and still hadn’t a slightest idea on what he should buy for her. Food? They always eat together with literally anything that her eyes landed on. Dress? Her dresses are lovely enough and she just told him that her closet will soon explode. Make-up? His sister already gave her bunch of it. Accessories? It’s not an ideal gift for a nurse who works almost 24/7 in a hospital.
Come to think of it… Kairi just knew small things about her.
He doesn’t know her favorite color. Nor her favorite book to read or the kind of food she’s craving for (well, probably because she ate almost anything). He doesn’t know her favorite movie. He’s basically a clueless dumb who doesn’t know about these things.
Just what kind of boyfriend he is to her?
Kairi started to think of self-depreciating thoughts.
“Ah! Tendo-sensei, are you free tonight?”
Kairi was soon out of his thoughts when she suddenly asked. He blinked at her. “Uhh… yeah. I’m free. Why?”
Nanase giggled. “Can we go to the park? I wanted to show you something! But if you’re too tired to do so it’s okay if---”
“---I’ll go.” Kairi quickly interjected. “I’ll go with you.”
Nanase smiled. “Okay!”
This is his last chance. Until tonight, he needs to think of a nice gift. A gift that will reminds her of him. Something that she could treasure. Something that could make her happy.
It’s over.
Kairi groaned in frustration and dropped his body on the bench under the sakura tree.
Nothing. He bought nothing. He almost lost his mind by thinking so deeply but he still ended up empty handed. Even the magazine and popular website gave no help and just complicate his useless brain storming.
Suddenly, he caught a sight of a mini cake displayed on a pastry shop just across from where he is sitting.
Cake. Of course. Birthdays aren’t complete without it, right?
With a sigh, Kairi stood up and proceed to walk towards the shop. At the end, he chose the most common gift that anyone could ever give. He really wants something special and uncommon but in this hopeless situation, he would grab any idea that will pop into his mind.
When he bought the cake and was about to leave the shop, he heard a man talking on the corner near the counter.
“I’m sorry. I-I know I should have thought of nicer gift for our anniversary but my mind was too occupied thinking… thinking about you.”
Kairi mentally cringed. What the hell?
“So… would you… would you accept me as a gift instead?”
He supressed the scoff that was going to come out from his mouth and quickly left the shop.
Seriously? What kind of line is that? Is he on a drama or something? What kind of cheesy shit is that… Kairi shook the cringy feeling and sighed.
As he was about to go back to where he is seated awhile ago, he suddenly overheard a highschool girl passing by.
“Yeah! I mean, I received lots of cakes yesterday and he also gave me a cake! I’m not complaining but can’t he think of anything unique and unsual? Oh, but I couldn’t blame him. I guess, he really doesn’t know me and my favorites.”
Kairi froze from his spot as he held the cake from his hand and felt as if a thunder strike him.
He looked at his right side and saw Nanase waving while running towards him.
Nanase looked worried for a moment. “Did I make you wait for too long?”
Kairi shook his head. “No. I just got here awhile ago.”
Nanase smiled and was about to say something when she saw the cake that he was holding. “Sensei… that cake…”
Kairi gritted his teeth and grabbed her wrist gently.
“W-Wait! Tendo-sensei, where are we going!?”
He led her to a less crowded area and let the night breeze greet them when they reached an empty playground. He stopped walking, still has his back towards her as he bit his lip from embarassment.
Nanase blinked. “Sensei?”
Kairi looked up and drew a deepest breath the he could muster before facing her. He opened the box and brought the cake out.
Kairi swallowed the lump from his throat. ‘”Happy birthday… Nanase.”
Nanase’s eyes widened and he could swear he saw them sparkle in amazement as she gaze at the mini cake. The cake was designed with edible sakura petals with a little chibi figure that has two pigtail hairdo with a scarf wrapped around its neck.
She lean toward the cake. “Kawaii!”
Kairi looked away, shy. Nanase stared at the figure. “Eh? Wait. Is this me? This is me, right? This is how I look when we first met!”
She let out a laugh and Kairi can’t help but admire how it sounds.
“Also… I’m sorry.”
Nanase blinked and looked at him. “Hmm? Nande…?”
Kairi sighed and guiltly looked at her. Nanase’s eyes almost widened again from his unusual expression. It seems like he’s not the uptight Kairi that she knows. This side of him… it’s new. It’s new that it makes her heart pound.
“I don’t have any gift for you. I have no idea what to give you. I tried to think for so long but I still ended up with a common one. I…”
Kairi cleared his throat. “But…”
He could feel his chest pound, restless.
“I-I know I should have thought of nicer gift but my mind was too occupied thinking… thinking about you.”
Nanase blushed form his sudden bluntness.
Face redder than a tomato, Kairi looked deep into her eyes nd tried to straightened his voice. “So… w-would you accept me as a gift instead?”
Kairi mentally cursed on how embarassing this is but… it’s an honest question.
No matter how he says that the line makes him cringe all the way from every fiber of his being, it’s an honest question.
He kept on thinking a proper gift for her. Something special. Something that will make her happy. Something that will last forever.
If there’s anything, anyone, that would be him and his love for her.
He doens’t know if he’s special but he could definitely make her happy.
He could make her smile.
And this love, something that they could treasure until the end of time.
Suddenly, like a gust of wind, Nanase’s lips touched his. Kairi’s eyes widened in surprise. He unconsiously placed his free arm around her and pulled her close.
Nanase pulled back gently and looked deeply into his eyes. “Gladly, Sensei. More than anything and anyone, you are the best gift that I’ve ever received.”
Kairi’s mouth slowly formed a wide smile.
Ah… I can’t stop it…
He grabbed her waist and kissed her deeply.
I’m really crazy over you.
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blackfireswallow · 4 years
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Mario retweeted this photo from the official Twitter account of the drama "Koi ha tsuzuku yo dokomade mo". The drama was just re-broadcasted lately, and he appeared in the last episode of the main story what was broadcasted today. ^^
Also, he has a main character (Nekoda) in this drama's side story "Mada mada koi ha tsuzuku yo dokomade mo". (You know, the cat dance. ^^)
If you wish to watch the episodes, you can check them out on this link (you can find both the main story and the side story episodes by each entries and they're all subbed): https://blitzfansub.com/category/love-lasts-forever/ The last episode I was talking about above is here: https://blitzfansub.com/koi-wa-tsuzuku-yo-dokomade-mo-epis…/
Source: https://twitter.com/koi_tsudu/status/1260185525526265857
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bbgrlyana · 4 years
What a great romcom drama! 💯 RECOMMENDED. Koi wa tsuzuku yo dokomade mo, it's really a good lighthearted jdrama. You can watch it on kissasian ❤
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jinnie-channie · 3 years
Official hige dandism. Gosh that band.
When it comes to jpop, I have only listened to KAT-TUN, and that was what, 12 yrs ago? (Holy fuck I'm old). Anyways. I found out about Official Hige Dandism, in 2020, when they sang the outro song of Koitsudu/An incurable case of love, "I Love" which is just AMAZINGG. Together with the jdrama I fell in love with the characters.
And now I have been listening to them nonstop. They give me serious butterflies, like I'm having my first love or somethinggg. I am actually afraid to look at the translated lyrics because, based on memes, jap songs are famous for being upbeat but if you read the lyrics it's actually depressing. Hopefully that is not the case for Offcial Hige Dandism???
That sums up about my post, (lol this sounds like an essay) I just wanted to share my love for them because they sound realllyyy good ❤ hopefully someone out there shares my opinion or someone out there would listen to them because of this ❤❤
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damselrech10 · 4 years
0.0001% Miracle (Part one)
Characters: Tendo Kairi, Sakura Nanase
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"According to your lab results, I'm sorry to say that it will be very difficult for you to bear a child."
"You have hypergonadotrophic ovarian failure. It's genetic factors that causes infertility in women"
"Well I thought you can use other method like invitro but I also found out that you also have a problem with your uterus. I am so sorry Tendo-san."
It's been a week sinced Nanase found out about her condition. She didn't tell Kairi, she didn't know how. She's in a stock room right now holding the tissue that anri-chan left. She wants to cry but she couldn't.
At the nurse station.
"Where's nanase-chan?" Numazu asks
"She went to the stock room to get some supplies" chief Mariko said
"I see..." numazu said while in a deep thought
"What is it?" Kisugi sensei ask
"I don't know if it's just me but nanase-chan acts so weird yesterday." Numazu said
"What do you mean."
"Remember where she found anri-chan when she's missing? I saw nanase-chan there while staring down with a blank face. I asked her what she's doing there." Numazu explains
"And what did she said?" ishihara asked
"Well.....” Numazu starts
'It's not the first time I felt so helpless. I should have quit from the start then it would not be this painful.'  
“That’s what she said. She looks at my direction and smile at me then she left. Isn't that weird?" Numazu said.
"Maybe she had  a fight with Tendo sensei" sakai said
"Right. It always happen to the married couple. Don't think too much. Maybe we can ask Tendo sensei." The chief nurse said and speaking of the devil
Tendo Kairi is walking toward the nurse station where he noticed the stares of nurses and kisugi sensei.
"What?" He asked confused with the stares his collegues giving him
"Tendo sensei, did you have a fight with Nanase-chan?" Kisugi asked directly.
"No." Kairi said
"Did you forget something special? Like birthday or anniversary? Or maybe you did something to upset her?" Numazu asked.
"I did Nothing."
"Then what is it." Sakai asked to herself
"Ah! What if yuusha-chan already get tired of maho?" Ishihara.
"Aah when she said she should have quit from the start maybe that's what she meant." Numazu
"What if Nanase-chan is seeing someone else secretly?" Kanno
They all look at Tendo sensei who is now looks iritated with all the commotions.
"Nah impossible!"
"It's not gonna happen"
They all said in unison
"What is this all about." Tendo asked so Numazu explained everything to him.
"What do you think Kairi? What did nanase-chan meant by that?" Kisugi sensei asked.
"Why don't you ask her personally." Tendo said while looking at his wife who's now approaching them.
"You are all here." Nanase said while pushing the cart near the cabinet.
"Uhm.. Yuusha-chan." Numazu starts
"Do you have a problem?" Numazu asked "I mean if you have you can tell us maybe we can help." He continued.
Nanase stops what she's doing for a moment and Tendo is just observing her "you see yesterday..."
"Ah about yesterday?" She cut him off " I'm just a little unwell but I'm okay now. Sorry if you get worried" she said while bowing.
"See there's nothing to worry about, right  nanase-chan?" The  chief nurse said
"Right!" Nanase answered with enthusiasm.
"It's been a while since we walk home together. I miss this" nanase said to Kairi. They are sitting at the bench now enjoying the cold night.
" it's only the two if us, you don't have to pretend." Tendo said while giving her an intent look.
"Wh-what do you mean?" She asks nervously
"That looks on your face. That's how you look  when we went to bowling. You're not planning to leave me again aren't you?" He asked with a stern voice while staring at her.
Nanase suddenly let out a bitter laugh and started to cry, The tears that she kept for a week is now flowing nonstop from her eyes.
To be continue......
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munimunimone · 4 years
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satotakeru14 · 4 years
Hello everyone!
So yeah this is my first attempt at publishing something that I have written.
This fanfiction is something which I had thought of writing but never got the guts to publish it. After seeing all works of @reinosaurs gave me a push that maybe I can also do it. @reinosaurs this person is great and has supported me even without knowing me,so I am very grateful.
That being said let me give you a little preface kind of thing for the fanfiction
This one is based on koitsudu (an incurable case of love / love last forever)
So every knows how heroically tendo saves sakura from the stalker tazawa but in the end sakura gets hurt after all 😪 ( well that was a sad scene and also a touching scene)
So anyway what my crazy mind came up with is what if the stalker came back in to their life?
So here it is...
It was after nine that nanase was able to go back home after a crazy day at hospital with all the new emergency patients due to an accident near the hospital.
"Ah! I am tired!"She exclaimed to no-one in particular. Well, it was not everyday that she had to walk home back by herself, sensei walks with her whenever he can, however, today was not the case as he had to stay back for more time than required. Her relationship with tendo sensei had became stronger after her accident,that had left him terrified at idea of losing her. He had become more attentive towards her than before and was not afraid to voice his concerns more often or did not hold back on profusing his love for her.
She so was lost in her thoughts that she didn't realize that she had already entered the lift of her apartment building. She pressed her floor number button and waited for her floor. She hurriedly got out of the lift, wanting to do nothing but sleep.
However, as she took steps towards her apartment, she was shocked to find it forcefully wrenched open. Her heart thumped loudly enough for her to hear it. She knew instantly that this was bad. She clearly remembered that she locked the door in the morning when she was leaving for work. Numerous possibilities ran through her mind of what could be the possible reason of the break-in. She wanted to go in and check as to what has happened, but she knew better than to go in an open apartment. For all she knew danger still might be lurking inside.
She ran back inside the elevator to go down where she could be safe with other people constantly coming in and out of the building. Ryuoko was not there, so going inside her and sensei's apartment was out of option. Calling dr.kisugi was also out of option because she knew he was currently in a surgery. The only thing she could do now was to call tendo sensei, she knew he was on duty but she didn't knew what else to do. Taking out her phone from her jacket with trembling hands she called him.
"Sakura" he said as he picked up on the third ring. Hearing his voice made her a bit relieved but the emotion she was holding back came out in sob.She didn't know she had been crying until now."What's wrong? Why are you crying?"He asked panicked at the sound of her crying. Mustering up her strength she choked out " Sensei.... I think someone might have broken into my apartment....I don't know what to do ...I am scared sensei" she broke out in heavy sob feeling all the fear coming up once again.
"Nanase, I want you to calm down for me and get to a safe place, away from your apartment, I am on my way" He said calmly as possible, but he was anything but calm. Fear and anger were crippling inside of him at thought of her scared and helpless. "Don't worry, I will be there soon" he added. " ok sensei" she replied softly, drained out from the fear.He was already on the way back home walking slowly before her call. After her call all he could think of was to reach to her and keep her safe.
He was at the threshold when he saw a pale sakura pacing the lobby in fear. Her frown made him realize that how much scared she was.Taking long strides he engulfed her in a hug. Pulling her closer to make sure she was safe .
At first she stiffened, but she relaxed upon realizing who it was. They stayed like that for a minute, then he reluctantly moved and took her face in his both hands studying her and when he saw that she was alright he relaxed a bit. " you didn't go inside did you?" He asked, she shook her head " As much as I wanted to check what happened, I knew stepping in without knowing what happened would be risky" she said with a grimace."I am glad you didn't," he said taking her hands in his and giving them a small squeeze telling her that she was safe. He pulled away from her reluctantly. As much as he wanted to stay there with her, he had to see for himself as to what happened. "we will go up now, but under no circumstances are you allowed to follow me inside and until I am satisfied you are going to wait for me outside" he orders her firmly.She nodded, knowing no amount of argument was going to back him down.
They got on the lift, both waiting in silence as thick cloud of tension and fear surrounded them. They got off on their floor. He turned towards her and gave a gentle but firm order for her to stay behind him. As he made his way towards her apartment, he got sick feeling and that feeling only intensified when he entered her apartment and saw her trashed apartment. Everything was destroyed, clothes were shredded, all her vases were destroyed, her bed was destroyed to that extent that he wouldn't even call it a bed now,her study table was a mess too everything was scattered around as if the person who did was mad at something. The only thing that was intact was her mirror which had an angry red colored message written on it "you will be mine."He was frozen in fear for what felt like an eternity. He didn't realize for how long he had stood there staring at the mirror in horror until a soft gasp brought him out of his shock. He turned to see nanase standing behind taking in the scenario of her once sweet home with fear and sadness. She was trembling so much and her once dried up tears were replaced with new once.
He quickly moved her out of her apartment and started pushing towards his apartment. Entering his apartment he dragged her towards his couch and made her sit down and took off her coat and draped her with a blanket. He knew she was out of it, but still told here to stay put and went outside to make few calls.
Ps. Hope you enjoy this first part of the fanfiction,I originally wanted to finish in one or two parts like a one shot but as you can see I tend to go a little overboard on details 😅. I am working on the other parts and hope to complete them soon. Constructive criticisms are welcome on any factor whether it's my writing skill ( which I really don't have lol) or even grammar.
Always be kind and supportive to others!❤
Thank you!
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