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felix-01000101 · 14 days ago
Koh-fee gang
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heatwa-ves · 2 years ago
how is Kofi meant to be pronounced
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lunimy · 2 years ago
i think i might have been saying coffee wrong
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fox-guardian · 2 years ago
I just. I want to know.
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shensation · 2 years ago
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virromanus · 9 months ago
20 Intermediate Italian Phrases for Travelling Around Italy
Dov'è la stazione? (Where is the train station?) - Pronunciation: doh-veh lah stah-tsee-oh-neh - Phonetic: /doˈvɛ la staˈtsjoːne/
Potrebbe aiutarmi? (Could you help me?) - Pronunciation: poht-rehb-beh ah-yoo-tar-mee - Phonetic: /potˈrebbe ajˈutarmi/
Posso avere il menù, per favore? (Can I have the menu, please?) - Pronunciation: pohs-soh ah-veh-reh eel meh-noo, pehr fah-voh-reh - Phonetic: /ˈposso aˈvere il meˈnu, per faˈvore/
Quanto dista? (How far is it?) - Pronunciation: kwahn-toh dees-tah - Phonetic: /ˈkwanto ˈdista/
Posso pagare con la carta? (Can I pay with a card?) - Pronunciation: pohs-soh pah-gah-reh kohn lah kahr-tah - Phonetic: /ˈposso paˈɡare kon la ˈkarta/
Un biglietto di andata e ritorno, per favore. (A round-trip ticket, please.) - Pronunciation: oon bee-lyet-toh dee ahn-dah-tah eh ree-tor-noh, pehr fah-voh-reh - Phonetic: /un biʎˈʎetto di anˈdata e riˈtorno, per faˈvore/
Che ore sono? (What time is it?) - Pronunciation: keh oh-reh soh-noh - Phonetic: /ke ˈore ˈsono/
Posso vedere la mappa? (Can I see the map?) - Pronunciation: pohs-soh veh-deh-reh lah mahp-pah - Phonetic: /ˈposso veˈdere la ˈmappa/
C'è una guida in inglese? (Is there a guide in English?) - Pronunciation: cheh oo-nah gwee-dah een een-gleh-seh - Phonetic: /tʃɛ uˈna ˈɡwida in inˈɡleːze/
Mi sono perso/a. (I am lost.) - Pronunciation: mee soh-noh pehr-soh/ah - Phonetic: /mi ˈsono ˈperso/ˈpersa/
Potete chiamare un taxi? (Can you call a taxi?) - Pronunciation: po-teh-teh kyah-mah-reh oon tahk-see - Phonetic: /poˈtete ˈkjaːmare un ˈtaksi/
C'è una fermata dell'autobus qui vicino? (Is there a bus stop nearby?) - Pronunciation: cheh oo-nah fehr-mah-tah del-ow-toh-boos kwee vee-chee-noh - Phonetic: /tʃɛ ˈuna ferˈmata delˈlautobus qui viˈtʃino/
Quanto tempo ci vuole per arrivare a...? (How long does it take to get to...?) - Pronunciation: kwahn-toh tem-poh chee vwaw-leh pehr ah-rree-vah-reh ah... - Phonetic: /ˈkwanto ˈtempo tʃi ˈvwɔle per arriˈvare a.../
Posso avere una mappa della città? (Can I have a city map?) - Pronunciation: pohs-soh ah-veh-reh oo-nah mahp-pah del-lah chee-tah - Phonetic: /ˈposso aˈvere ˈuna ˈmappa ˈdella tʃitˈta/
Ho prenotato una camera. (I have booked a room.) - Pronunciation: oh preh-noh-tah-toh oo-nah kah-meh-rah - Phonetic: /o prenoˈtato ˈuna ˈkamera/
Dove posso comprare un biglietto? (Where can I buy a ticket?) - Pronunciation: doh-veh pohs-soh kom-prah-reh oon bee-lyet-toh - Phonetic: /ˈdove ˈposso komˈprare un biʎˈʎetto/
Posso avere il conto? (Can I have the bill?) - Pronunciation: pohs-soh ah-veh-reh eel kohn-toh - Phonetic: /ˈposso aˈvere il ˈkonto/
C'è Wi-Fi qui? (Is there Wi-Fi here?) - Pronunciation: cheh wee-fee kwee - Phonetic: /tʃɛ ˈwiːfi qui/
Dove posso trovare un bancomat? (Where can I find an ATM?) - Pronunciation: doh-veh pohs-soh troh-vah-reh oon bahn-koh-maht - Phonetic: /ˈdove ˈposso troˈvare un baŋkoˈmat/
C'è uno sconto per gruppi? (Is there a group discount?) - Pronunciation: cheh oo-noh skon-toh pehr groop-pee - Phonetic: /tʃɛ ˈuno ˈskonto per ˈgruppi/
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trans-yaoi · 8 months ago
I've seen so many variations of this so I'm curious. uh
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444namesplus · 1 year ago
abl aci acr age aid aki ala all als alt ami ana ann ant ape arc are arm ato aun aur aut avi awa axi bab bac bai bak bal ban bar bas bat bea bec bee bel ben bes bet bia bik bil bin bir bit ble blo blu boa bod boi bol bom bon boo bor bos bot bou bow bra bre bro buc bul bum bur bus but buz caf cag cak cal cam can cap car cas cav cel cen cha che chi cho cit cla cli clu coa coc cod coi cok col com con coo cop cor cos cou cov cra cre cro cub cul cur cut dal dam dar das dat daw day dea deb dec dee del dem den des dia dic die dir dis div doc doe dol dom don doo dos dov dow dra dre dro dru dua duc duf duk dul dum dus dut eac ear eas eat ech edg edi els env epi eur eve evi exa exi exp eye fac fad fai fak fal fam far fas fat fea fee fel fil fin fir fis fiv fla fle fli flo flu foa foi fol fon foo for fou fre fro fuc fue ful fun fur fus gai gal gam gan gat gav gaz gea gen gif gil gir giv gla gle glo glu goa goe gol gon goo gor gow gra gre gri gro gul gur hai hal han har hat hau hav haw hea hee hei hel her hid hig hik hil hin hir hol hom hoo hop hor hos hou hug hul hun hur hyp ico ide idl ido inc inf int iri iro isl ite jac jai jak jan jav jaz jea jee jil joe joh joi jok jos jum jun jur jus kee kem ken kep kha kic kil kin kir kis kit kne kni kno koh kyl lac lad lai lak lam lan las lat lav law laz lea lef len les lev lie lif lik lil lim lin lio lis liv loa loc lof log lon loo lor los lou lov luc lum lun lur lus mad mai mak mal mam man mar mas mat may maz mea mee meg mel mem men mer mes mic mik mil min mis moc mod mol mon moo mor mos mov muc mus myt nai nam nav nea nec nee nes new nex nic nin nod non noo nor nos not nov nud nut oat obe odd odo oka onc onl ont ope ora ott our ova ove pac pag pai pal pap par pas pat pea pec pee pes pic pie pik pil pin pip pit pla ple plo plu poe pol pon poo pop por pos pou pra pre pro pul pum pun pur pus qui rac rag rai ram ran rap rar ras rat rav rea ree rel ren res ric rid rin rio rip ris rit roa roc rod rol roo rop ros rub rud rui rul rus rut sac saf sag sai sak sal sam san sav sca sco sea see sel sem sen sep sex sha she shi sho shu sic sid sig sil sin sit siz ski sla sli slo sna sno soa sod sof soi sol som son soo sor sou spa spi spo spu sta ste sti sto suc sui sun sur swa swi tac tai tak tal tan tap tas tax tea tec tee tel ten ter tes tex tha the thi tho thu tic tid tie til tim tin tir tob tol tom ton too top tor tos tou tow tra tre tri tro tru tub tuc tun tur twi typ ugl uni upo urg use vai var vas vei ver ves vet vic vie vin vis voi vot wad wag wai wak wal wan war was wat wav way wea wee wel wen wer wes wha whe whi who wid wif wil win wip wir wis wit wok wol woo wor wra yan yar yea you yua zer zin zon zoo
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kriegborderlands-moved · 1 year ago
ik “kofi” is probably supposed to be pronounced like “coffee” but ive been saying “koh-fee” this whole time
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cambodia11-taxidriver · 1 year ago
Angkor wat Taxi charter fee
1/ Angkor small tour+ sunrise 40$
2/ Banteay srei + small tour +sunrise 55$
3/ Banteay srei +kball spean 60$
4/ Banteay srei +Bengmealea 70$
5/Banteay srei phnomkulen 60$
6/Bengmealea +koh ker 100$
7/ Preah vihear 140$
8/Tonlesap lake 30$
9/ banteaychhmar 140$
10/ Samborprekuk 140$
11 bamboo train 140$
WhatsApp +85517673242
Telegram +85517673242
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I hope meet u soon in Siem Reap guy.
WhatsApp +85517673242
Thank you!
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low-stakes-polls · 2 years ago
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neosatsuma · 14 days ago
You seem to have forgotten a pronunciation 
a fair number of people are mixing the two provided options to create "koh-fee" (long O, long E) which makes absolute sense but I think it'd never have occurred to me if you put a gun to my head and gave me 15 years
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jasmena · 2 years ago
We leave Bangkok on a Koh Samui-bound overnight bus this evening so I thought I would wrap up some Bangkok highlights. Today we visited Bangkok Art and Cultural Centre which was amazing. There was no entrance fee and so much amazing art, so definitely worth the slightly confusing public bus ride.
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This was one of the first installations I saw and I felt drawn to it, especially the way the hoops and the textured fabric within cast shadows on the wall.
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I really like this art style. Would love to get a similar style tattooed on me; the wobbly concentric lines in the tree remind me of a topographic map, creates so much depth!
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This was one of my favourite artworks there, all the way from South Australia! The colours and patterns are so stunning. Funny to come all the way to Bangkok to see artwork created so close to home, but absolutely gorgeous.
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This picture doesn’t show it, but each of these artworks are tufted rugs! They were super intriguing and played with themes of capitalism, war and beauty, using some traditional Persian patterns within designs of navy ships, tanks and the like, one driven by none other than Mickey Mouse. I think that’s quite an interesting symbolic figure.
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This one I found quite eye-catching. Alongside many other similar painted figures mounted on the wall it definitely makes a statement. There was a lot of phallic imagery in this installation, and also used specific political and religious figures such as Boris Johnson, Gandhi, Buddha, etc. combined with themes of neoliberalism, late-stage capitalism, patriarchy, war and religion… and ultimately world destruction. Slay.
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Finally, we saw an exhibition about the cats of bangkok !!!! This was a scandal because someone clearly hacked my Tumblr and found my cats of bangkok drafted post and stole my idea/cats. Both Bella and Luca can verify that I had this idea long before we saw this exhibition. But the fear of comparison won’t stop me, keep your eyes peeled later on for an intimate portrait of the many cats we have come across on the streets of Bangkok.
Overall I really enjoyed this experience! Definitely worth a visit if you’re ever in Bangkok. The Art Café (whose wifi i am currently using to post this) is also great.
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casatalay · 17 days ago
Travel Deals in Krabi: Your Gateway to an Unforgettable Vacation
Krabi, a stunning province in southern Thailand, is a dream destination for travelers seeking pristine beaches, lush landscapes, and cultural experiences. Known for its breathtaking limestone cliffs, emerald waters, and vibrant local culture, Krabi offers countless adventures. With so many options available, finding the best travel deals in Krabi can help you make the most of your trip without overspending.
Why Choose Krabi for Your Next Trip?
Krabi is a paradise for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers. From iconic spots like Railay Beach and Phi Phi Islands to the hidden gems of Ao Nang and Koh Lanta, Krabi offers something for everyone. Beyond the beaches, travelers can explore the Tiger Cave Temple, the hot springs, or the lush Thung Teao Forest Natural Park. The region is also renowned for its snorkeling, rock climbing, and island-hopping opportunities.
Finding the Best Travel Deals in Krabi
Flight Deals Keep an eye out for discounted flights to Krabi International Airport (KBV). Airlines frequently offer seasonal promotions, especially during the low season (May to October). Booking in advance or using flight comparison tools can help you secure the best rates.
Accommodation Offers Krabi boasts a wide range of accommodations, from budget hostels to luxury resorts. Many hotels and private villas offer early-bird discounts, package deals, or off-season promotions. Platforms like Booking.com or Agoda often feature exclusive deals for stays in popular areas like Ao Nang, Railay, or Koh Phi Phi.
Tour Packages Opting for a tour package can save you money while simplifying your itinerary. Look for all-inclusive deals that bundle island tours, snorkeling trips, and cultural excursions. Popular activities include the Four Islands Tour, sunset cruises, and kayaking in mangroves.
Transportation Savings Transportation can quickly add up, but deals on car rentals, scooters, or shared shuttles are widely available. Booking transportation through trusted local agencies often includes discounts for group travel.
Dining and Activities Discounts Many restaurants and activity providers in Krabi offer discounts during the low season. Happy hour deals, set menus, and discounted entry fees for attractions are common. Local markets also provide affordable dining and shopping experiences.
When to Visit Krabi for the Best Deals
The best travel deals in Krabi are typically found during the low season, between May and October. While there’s a chance of rain during these months, it’s also less crowded, and many service providers lower their rates to attract visitors.
Tips for Securing Great Travel Deals
Plan Ahead: Book flights, accommodations, and tours well in advance.
Stay Flexible: Being open to dates or destinations within Krabi can unlock unexpected savings.
Use Travel Apps: Apps like Skyscanner, Expedia, or Klook often highlight special promotions.
Krabi is a destination that combines natural beauty with adventure and culture. By taking advantage of travel deals in Krabi, you can enjoy an unforgettable vacation without stretching your budget. Start planning today to explore everything this tropical paradise has to offer!
For more info visit here:- Taxi services in Krabi
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goaroundtheglobe1 · 2 months ago
How to Plan a Perfect Thailand Tour from Kerala
Planning a trip to Thailand from Kerala is an exciting adventure. Known for its stunning beaches, vibrant cities, rich culture, and delicious cuisine, Thailand offers something for every traveler. Whether you are looking for an action-packed vacation, a cultural experience, or a relaxing getaway, Thailand has it all. By choosing a well-organized Thailand tour package from Kerala, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey. Here’s how you can plan the perfect trip to Thailand from Kerala.
1. Choose the Right Tour Package
The first step in planning your Thailand vacation is selecting the right Thailand tour package from Kerala. Depending on your interests, you can choose a package that covers the cities, islands, or a mix of both. For example, some travelers may prefer to explore the bustling city of Bangkok, the cultural sites of Chiang Mai, and the stunning beaches of Phuket or Krabi.
Ensure that the package includes all necessary details such as flights, airport transfers, accommodations, and sightseeing tours. Many Kerala-based travel agencies offer customized packages, allowing you to tailor your trip to your preferences, such as including a visit to popular islands like Koh Samui or Phi Phi Islands.
2. Best Time to Visit Thailand
Thailand has a tropical climate, and it’s important to consider the best time to visit. The ideal time to plan your Thailand tour is between November and February when the weather is cool and dry, making it perfect for outdoor activities. During this period, you can comfortably explore temples, take part in street markets, and enjoy island hopping without the intense heat or rain.
If you prefer fewer crowds and cheaper deals, consider visiting during the shoulder season (March to May). However, be aware that this is the hottest time of the year in Thailand. The monsoon season (June to October) brings heavy rains, but it’s a great time to explore indoor attractions, visit temples, and enjoy Thailand’s spa experiences.
3. Flights from Kerala to Thailand
When planning your trip, book your flights well in advance to get the best deals. There are several direct and connecting flights from Kerala to various cities in Thailand, including Bangkok and Phuket. Most flights depart from Kochi, Thiruvananthapuram, or Kozhikode, with travel times ranging from four to six hours depending on the destination.
Booking a Thailand tour package from Kerala often includes airfare, but if you prefer booking flights separately, consider budget airlines such as AirAsia, Indigo, or Thai Airways for affordable and convenient options.
4. Visa Requirements for Thailand
Kerala travelers heading to Thailand can apply for a visa on arrival, making the process easy and hassle-free. The visa on arrival is valid for a stay of up to 15 days and can be obtained at major airports in Thailand, including Bangkok, Phuket, and Chiang Mai. Ensure you have the following documents when applying:
A valid passport (with at least six months validity)
A return flight ticket
Proof of accommodation
Visa fees (can be paid in Thai Baht)
It’s important to check the latest visa policies before your trip, as requirements may change.
5. Accommodation Options
Thailand offers a wide range of accommodation options to suit different budgets. Whether you are looking for luxury resorts, mid-range hotels, or budget hostels, there’s something for everyone. Cities like Bangkok and Chiang Mai are home to a variety of accommodations ranging from five-star hotels to affordable guesthouses.
For beach lovers, areas like Phuket, Krabi, and Pattaya offer beachfront resorts and villas that provide stunning views of the ocean. Booking a Thailand tour package from Kerala often includes accommodations, so make sure to choose packages that offer options based on your preferences and budget.
6. Must-Visit Destinations and Activities
Thailand is a diverse country with countless attractions. Here are some must-visit destinations and activities to include in your itinerary:
Bangkok: The bustling capital offers a mix of modern and traditional attractions. Visit the Grand Palace, Wat Arun, and Chatuchak Market. Enjoy a boat ride on the Chao Phraya River and explore the vibrant nightlife.
Phuket: Known for its stunning beaches, water sports, and island tours, Phuket is perfect for relaxation and adventure. Don’t miss a trip to Phi Phi Islands for crystal-clear waters and snorkeling.
Chiang Mai: Ideal for those interested in Thai culture, Chiang Mai is famous for its temples, elephant sanctuaries, and night markets. Visit Wat Phra That Doi Suthep and experience the unique Lanna culture.
Pattaya: A popular beach destination close to Bangkok, Pattaya offers lively nightlife, beach activities, and attractions such as the Sanctuary of Truth and Nong Nooch Tropical Garden.
7. Local Cuisine and Shopping
One of the highlights of any trip to Thailand is its food. Kerala travelers will enjoy trying out Thai street food, which is flavorful, spicy, and aromatic. Be sure to try popular dishes such as Pad Thai, Som Tum (papaya salad), and Tom Yum soup. Bangkok’s street food markets, Chiang Mai’s night bazaar, and the floating markets near Phuket are all great places to sample local delicacies.
Shopping is another must-do in Thailand, with everything from high-end malls to bustling street markets. Pick up souvenirs, handicrafts, and trendy fashion at places like Bangkok’s Chatuchak Market or Pattaya’s Floating Market.
By carefully planning your trip and selecting the right Thailand tour package from Kerala, you can ensure a memorable and stress-free experience. From exploring ancient temples and indulging in Thai cuisine to relaxing on pristine beaches, Thailand offers something for every type of traveler. With the right preparation, your Thailand tour will be the perfect blend of adventure, relaxation, and cultural immersion.
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paulfashionsamui · 5 months ago
Affordable Tailoring Services: Exceptional Quality Without the High Cost
Achieve a refined look with our affordable tailors services that combine exceptional quality with budget-conscious pricing. Our expert tailors are dedicated to providing high standards of craftsmanship and personalized attention at rates that fit your budget. Perfect for everyday wear or special occasions, our tailoring solutions ensure you always look your best.
Why Choose Our Affordable Tailoring Services?
Economical Pricing
Value for Money: We offer high-quality tailoring at prices designed to fit within your budget, making premium services accessible.
Clear Pricing: Enjoy transparency with no hidden fees. We offer straightforward pricing for all our services.
Top-Quality Tailoring
Professional Expertise: Our talented tailors use the best materials and techniques to ensure every garment is impeccably tailored.
Detail-Oriented Work: We pay close attention to every detail, delivering garments with a perfect fit and elegant finish.
Custom Fit
Personalized Service: We provide tailored adjustments and alterations based on your specific preferences and measurements.
Comprehensive Solutions: Whether you need minor tweaks or complete overhauls, our services cover a broad range of needs.
Fast Turnaround: Our efficient process means you get your tailored garments back quickly, so you’re always on schedule.
Easy Access: With several locations and a user-friendly online booking system, getting your tailoring needs met is simple and convenient.
Embrace exceptional tailoring at prices that work for you. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and enjoy a custom fit that makes a statement.
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For more details: Visit Us - https://www.paulfashionsamui.com/post/why-koh-samui-s-tailors-are-the-go-to-for-high-quality-affordable-custom-clothing
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