#Koderma conference
townpostin · 1 month
VHP Jharkhand Reshuffles Leadership at Three-Day Meet in Koderma
New appointments announced for Jamshedpur and other units during Koderma conference Vishva Hindu Parishad’s Jharkhand state meeting concludes with organizational changes and strategic discussions on Hindu unity. JAMSHEDPUR – VHP Jharkhand state committee meeting in Koderma ends with leadership changes for Jamshedpur metropolitan area and other units. The Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) Jharkhand…
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devoirat · 2 years
Devoir de Synthèse 1 Anglais 2ème Lettres
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The text - Mohammad Manan is 14 years old and comes from the village of Samsahiriya,;Mumbai . He began working in a mine at the age of eight in the district of Koderma, one of the poorest in the Tomorrow he will tell his story at a gathering of the International Labour Organisation on the day dedicated to the fight against child labour.   - Manan’s story is like that of many other children; like theirs but not the same as their because he is able to talk about it in the past thanks to the action of an Indian NGO, the Bachpan Bachao Andolan (BBA), which convinced his parents to take the boy out of the mine and put him into a rehabilitation centre in Jaipur to study.   - “More than half the children of our village are engaged in mica mining and so are their The youngest are 6-7 years old,” Manan said. For Manan a working day would begin at 10 am and last until 6 pm. His life was like this until four years ago when the BBA got him to school   - Since then he has been on a mission to defend children’s rights. Whenever he visited his family, he tried to convince other families to let their children go to school instead of the mine. So far eight “I would tell them that if they didn't allow their kids to study, the next generation too will suffer,” he said. Even though “it took many attempts” in the end “they were convinced.       http://www.asianews.it/news-en/Child-labour:-An-Indian-boy-tells-his-story-to-the-ILO-in-Geneva-15489.html   Raccada S School   Term test no 1 2019/2020 Mrs .Abbessi / Mrs.Rahmeni 2 hours   Student's name……………………… Class : 2nd forms   Reading comprehension 15 mks   - Tick the most appropriate option 2 mks   The text is mainly about   - A child working in a mine  b) A child who escaped exploitation - c) A child who escaped from his family   The purpose of the text is   - a) to encourage children to learn b) to encourage children to work - c) to encourage children to drop out of school - complete the table with information from the text 3mks   Name Country of origin Problem Help offered Mohammad Manan          3) complete the summary with wrods frm the text without making any changes to them .one word per blank     3mks   A 14-year-old boy, Mohammad Manan, talks about how he was saved from working at a mica mine during an international conference held on the day dedicated to the                                     against child labour. He is doing his best to .                                              parents to send their children to school .He believed that without education children of the future generations will                         - for each of the following statements ,pick out a complete sentence from the text showing that it is false 2mks - In Samsahiriya's village only children have to work in mines ( p3 )   .........................................................................................................................................................   - After many attempts with parents ; Mohamed received no positive response .( p 4)   .........................................................................................................................................................   - what do the underlined words refer to 2mks   Theirs ( p 2)=...........................................................   Him ( p 3)=.............................................................   - Find synonyms to the following words 2mks   To combat (p1) =.............................................................   To endure ( p4) =....................................................................   - Give a personal justified answer to the following question 1mk   Do you think that poverty is the only reason for child labour ?   I think that ..............................................................................................................................   .because ..................................................................................................................................                  Language 10 MKS Task no 1) tick the most appropriate option 3 mks   Our phones can do so much these days that some people have trouble tearing themselves away long enough to reconnect 1-(at / with / off) the real world. You’ve likely seen them around town, on public transportation, and in stores with their eyes and fingers glued to their mobile device. (Even though / Instead / But ) of interacting with the people around them, they 3-(remember / look / forget ) face-to-face conversation for virtual ones. Many believe that our younger generation is actually 4-(many / less / least) capable of normal socializing because of this. They’ve gotten so little practice that they’re simply not comfortable with chatting with someone they meet out in public. Since humans are social creatures by nature 5-(which / whom / who) need real life connections, this runs the risk of becoming a 6-(small / huge / old) problem for society. Task no 2) put the bracketed words in the appropriate tense / form    3mks   I have many friends at and outside the school but my best friend is my classmate. She and I ( to be)                                             studying together since we entered school in kindergarten. We have studied together all these years. We also travel by the school bus together because we stay close to each other. ( she)               home is only a ten minute walk from my place. My friend is kindly and sweet-natured. We are always happy to be with each other. We enjoy studying, playing and ( to eat)                                                                              together. If I am sad she (do)                                all she can to make me smile and feel happy. When I have difficulties and doubts in my studies she teaches me( patient)                                            . She never expects anything of me, but shares all that she has. She has always been kind and ( help)                                    to me. When I miss school because I am unwell she comes to my place to share with me all that has been done at school. When she misses school I too help her. We also play badminton together in the evenings.   Task no 3) fill in the paragraph with words from the box ( there are two extra words ) 4mks     Families are supposed to be caring and loving towards one another. They are the people you should feel most 1-                                 and secure with. It can be normal for families not to get 2-    . with each other sometimes. Every family has problems from time to time, even if they are usually happy and don't often 3-                       . Young people often talk to Child Line about their families. Some people talk about how much they 4                             being with their family, but others sometimes talk about feeling left out or that they don’t get on with them. The Child Line message boards are a good place to find out how other people feel about their family. The boards can help you see that you are not 5-                                                    and can be a great way to get tips on how to get through 6-                                 times with your family. I'm glad that I have a peaceful relationship with my family. I can't say we have an extremely good 7 but at least we don't fight very often. We communicate quite well and sometimes we do sit 8                                       to talk about what has happened recently. We .have family gatherings as well. Although the gatherings are not frequent, I do enjoy them.   Writing   15mks   - Read then insert the following parts in their initial positions in the paragraph 5mks   - he knew Ashley very well b) from his home in Britain    / c) go back to computer love - d) why do not we get married ? / e) great to see him   They exchanged computer messages. Soon they realized they were in love. Then one day john sent a message to Ashley. it said ,I love you (1)                    ? On the other side of the Atlantic ocean she typed her answer and ' yes' appeared on john's screen. John and Ashley exchanged romantic messages for nine months. This week john travelled ( 2)                   to the united states to see Ashley for the first time . John said that he felt ( 3)                                            Ashley said that john was a true gentleman . I knew that from his messages on the screen and it's ( 4)                        After their marriage john is going to live in the United States and they will sadly(5)            .     Task no 2) 10 mks Your English friend Donald is planning to visit Tunisia. He would like to discover a beautiful place in your country. Write him a 10- line e mail to give him some information about a place he can visit (what makes it beautiful /what you can do there ) .................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................   ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................. Read the full article
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