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hargo-news · 2 months ago
Pilkada Bone Bolango: Koalisi Partai Pengusung MULUS Masih Optimis Menang
Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Koalisi partai pengusung pasangan calon (Paslon) Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Bone Bolango, Merlan Uloli–Syamsu Botutihe (MULUS) masih optimis menang dalam kontestasi pemilihan kepala daerah (Pilkada). Ketua Nasdem Bone Bolango, Ayub Abdurahman menegaskan, tahapan Pilkada Bone Bolango belum usai. Pihaknya, kata Ayub, masih yakin jika kemenangan akan diraih oleh calon yang…
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cinews-id · 5 months ago
Koalisi sipil Untuk UU PPRT Gelar Aksi Mendesak RUU PPRT Disahkan Pada September ini
JAKARTA, cinews.id- Aktivis perempuan dan perburuhan bersama para Pekerja Rumah Tangga (PRT) yang tergabung dalam Koalisi sipil untuk UU PPRT kembali melakukan aksi unjuk rasa hari ini, Kamis (19/9/2024). Mereka mendesak agar RUU PPRT disahkan pada September ini. Pendiri Jaringan Nasional Advokasi (Jala ) PRT Lita Anggraini meminta agar proses legislasi diteruskan hingga pengesahan. Sebab…
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tangerangraya · 7 months ago
Pilkada Tangsel 2024, Demokrat Tangsel Membetulkan Akan Merapat ke Golkar
Tangerang Selatan – Ketua DPC Partai Demokrat Kota Tangerang Selatan (Tangsel), Julham Firdaus, membetulkan adanya surat tugas untuk mendukung Pasangan Calon Benyamin Davnie dan Pilar Saga Ichsan pada Pilkada Tangsel 2024. Julham menyampaikan, keluarnya surat tugas tersebut dikarenakan baru Benyamin-Pilar yang mengikuti mekanisme untuk menjadi pasangan calon wali kota di Tangsel. “Dalam…
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rasiooid · 7 months ago
Pilkada 2024 Kota Bogor Menghangat, Empat Partai Resmi Gagas Koalisi Bogor Maju
RASIOO.ID – Peta politik Pilkada 2024 di Kota Bogor mulai menghangat. Teranyar, Partai Golkar, PSI, PAN, dan Partai Demokrat resmi memulai koalisi untuk menghadapi Pilkada 2024 yang akan digelar 27 November 2024 mendatang. Deklarasi koalisi dengan label Koalisi Bogor Maju digelar di Hotel Onih, Kelurahan Paledang, Kecamatan Bogor Tengah, Rabu 26 Juni 2024. Ketua DPD Golkar Kota Bogor, Rusli…
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irwanjaelani · 1 year ago
Pengasuh Pesantren Modern MBS Bumiayu Isi Kajian Ahad Pagi Di Masjid Iqra Desa Kluwut
Beritalidik.com ( Brebes ) Pengasuh Pesantren Modern MBS Bumiayu memenuhi undangan PCM Bulakamba untuk mengisi Kajian Ahad Pagi di Masjid Iqro Desa Kluwut Kecamatan Bulakamba Brebes, Ahad (16 Robi’ul Akhir 1445 H/31/10/2023 M). Ustadz Muhammad Utsman Arif  Fatka, Lc, M.Pd berangkat bersama dengan Tim Safari Dakwah MBS Bumiayu yang terdiri dari Ustadz Tarqum Aziz, M.Pd, Ustadz Abdul Aziz…
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kbanews · 1 year ago
Ketua Umum FormasNU: Pasangan AMIN Bisa Jadi Kuda Hitam Koalisi Prabowo dan Ganjar
SURABAYA | KBA – Belakangan ini muncul isu jika Pilpres akan diikuti dua pasangan calon saja. Setelah Anies Baswedan dan Muhaimin Iskandar melakukan deklarasi dua bacapres tersisa masih terlihat adem ayem. Mereka adalah Prabowo Subianto dan Ganjar Pranowo. Sehingga muncul spekulasi jika keduanya justru akan berpasangan. Prabowo sebagai Capres sementara Ganjar sebagai Cawapres  atau sebaliknya…
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apakabarco · 19 hours ago
Koalisi Dosen Universitas Mulawarman Tolak Konsesi Tambang Untuk Peguruan Tinggi
APAKABAR.CO — SAMARINDA – Koalisi Dosen Universitas Mulawarman (Unmul) akhirnya angkat bicara terkait pemberian izin konsesi tambang untuk dikelola perguruan tinggi. Kepada awak media, perwakilan dari koalisi dosen Unmul, Orin Gusta Andini mengungkapkan rencana pengelolaan tambang dinilai merupakan sogokan kekuasaan guna menjinakkan perguruan tinggi. “Jalan mengendalikan perguruan tinggi untuk…
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haengbokhaja-muti · 24 days ago
A Call to Action for All: Jakarta’s Air Pollution
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October 5th, 2024 
To: The President and Ministries; Governors of Jakarta, Banten, West Java; and Citizens of Jakarta
From: Mutiara Sari, Ex-employee of The Environmental Agency of Jakarta Province
This memo reviews air quality management actions in Jakarta three years after the historic 2021 legal victory in the citizens' lawsuit for restoring air quality in Jakarta. Since then, government progress on environmental issues has not been progressive. The lawsuit from the "Clean Air Initiative Coalition" (IBUKOTA) filed on July 4, 2019, was addressed to the President of the Republic of Indonesia, the Minister of Environment and Forestry, the Minister of Home Affairs, the Minister of Health, the Governor of Jakarta Province, the Governor of Banten Province, and the Governor of West Java Province as defendants. The memorandum suggests recommendations for both government and activists in view of necessary policy measures and encouragement of escalation of legal activism. I recommend 1) the president and ministries not abdicate their responsibility in this regional case, 2) the regional government continues the emission testings and for the president to order the police institution to enforce fines for non-compliance, 3) the regional government push forward the transportation sector efficiency, 4) the central government to shutdown the Suralaya Coal Plant, and 5) activist to continue the advocacy by holding the Suralaya Coal Plant responsible for air pollution.
The lawsuit finished the verdict reading on September 16, 2021, after being delayed eight times in the span of 6 months due to the absence of judges, which led the plaintiffs to report for ethical violations. The lawsuit called for the following sanctions:
Order Defendant 1 (President) to set a national ambient air quality standard sufficient to protect public health, the environment, and the ecosystem, including sensitive population health, by referring to scientific and technological developments.
Order Defendant 2 (Minister of Environment and Forestry) to oversee the Governors of Jakarta, Banten, and West Java in conducting an inventory of cross-border emissions in the provinces of DKI Jakarta, Banten, and West Java,
Order Defendant 3 (Minister of Home Affairs) to oversee and advise Defendant 5 (Governor of Jakarta) with regard to conducting control to reduce air pollution.
Order Defendant 4 (Minister of Health) to ascertain the deteriorating health as an effect of air pollution in Jakarta Province, to be used as a fundamental consideration in the strategy and action plan for controlling air pollution by Defendant 5 (Governor of Jakarta).
The following are recommendations for 1) the central and regional governments and 2) activists:
Recommendations for the Central and Regional Governments
This memo follows the guidelines on the Air Pollution Control Strategy No. 576/2023 regulation, which includes three key strategies by the Jakarta Environmental Agency. The three strategy written are to improve air pollution control management, reduce emissions from mobile sources, and reduce emissions from stationary sources.
Improving ‘Air Pollution Control’ Management
Active synergy of the central government (ministries) in the regional cases of DKI Jakarta, Banten, and West Java.  Regional governments encounter challenges in the enforcement of environmental policies due to a lack of control over the police. Police as an institution is responsible to the president; its regional subordinate institutions only do as its main institution complies. Due to that, there is evidence of “sectoral ego” from the police institution in following local jurisdiction orders, which prevented the police from penalizing non-compliance emissions tests to avoid potential backlash and abdicate responsibility. Central ministries with higher authority should actively support enforcement and not generate another sectoral ego hiding under the decentralization system, leaving the regional government to solve central government scope of work problems.
Reducing Emissions from Mobile Sources
Emissions Testing and Fines for Non-Compliance The government tried to sell the idea of emission testing to commercial workshops in order to socialize the Euro IV Emission policy massively. This emissions testing is a great measurement to implement, even though public awareness still remains low due to the lack of penalties for non-compliance as a law enforcement from the police.
Transportation Sector Efficiency Following are several ideas to support emission reduction in the scope of the transportation sector: implementing the Low Emission Zone (LEZ), rejuvenating public transportation, developing environmentally friendly transportation, and improving connecting infrastructure to public transportation facilities. These measures do promise a reduction in air pollution. However, their effect is yet to be seen.
Reducing Emissions from Stationary Sources
The operational shutdown of the Suralaya Coal Plant in Banten The corresponding policy for solving air pollution is written in the Air Pollution Control Strategy regulation. However, the regional government does not acknowledge the significant role of industry and primary non-mobile sources of air pollution in the regulation, since it is not within their jurisdiction. Therefore, the central government must consider the shutdown of the Suralaya Coal Plant in Banten as a primary non-mobile source of air pollution affecting Jakarta, Banten, and Jawa Barat. While other measures might help reduce pollution, they simply won't be as effective as shutting down this major stationary pollution source.
Recommendations for Activists
Hold the Suralaya Coal Plant Responsible for Air Pollution Activists should consider suing the state-owned Suralaya Coal Plant. In light of the legal victory in the citizen lawsuit, this success can exceptionally influence further legal assessments as it relates to the consequences of the first ruling.
Continuing to press on the government to comply with the terms of the legal victory is a core task of activists. However, the scope and scale of all the various fields are costly in terms of activist time, money, and effort. However, with the slow pace taken by the government following the lawsuit, another legal approach might be more efficient for the activists in advocating the need for the government to improve the air quality in the corresponding regions.
Despite the legal victory achieved by citizens, the appeal by the President and some government ministries after the verdict reading only proved the absence of the government’s political will to restore air quality in Jakarta. In this regard, public concern may escalate if the government continues to delay action on Jakarta's air recovery. Activists could draw international attention to its citizen lawsuits & the nation’s air pollution crisis due to government negligence.
Words: 998
Indonesian Center for Environmental Law. (2020, June). Perjalanan Gugatan Warga negara Terhadap Udara Jakarta (The Journey of Citizens’ Lawsuit against Jakarta Air Pollution) [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjkYcBVePN0
Alfarizi, M. K. (2021, October). Solusi Dua Sumber Polusi Udara Jakarta (Solution to Two Sources of Jakarta Air Pollution). Tempo.co. https://tekno.tempo.co/read/1514814/solusi-dua-sumber-polusi-udara-jakarta
Organizational Report
Governor of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta. (2019). Instruksi Gubernur Nomor 66 Tahun 2019 Tentang Pengendalian Kualitas Udara (Governor's Instruction No. 66/2019 on Air Quality Control). https://jdih.jakarta.go.id/dokumen/detail/3446
Governor of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta. (2019). Keputusan Gubernur Nomor 576 Tahun 2023 Tentang Strategi Pengendalian Pencemaran Udara (Governor's Decree No. 576/2023 on Air Quality Control). https://jdih.jakarta.go.id/dokumen/detail/13660
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riaunews · 1 month ago
Prabowo Sebut Pertemuan dengan Pimpinan Partai KIM Sebagai Hal Biasa
Presiden Prabowo Subianto.(Foto: Okezone) Jakarta (Riaunews.com) – Presiden Prabowo Subianto membocorkan isi pertemuan malam minggu bersama dengan sejumlah Ketua Umum (Ketum) Partai Politik (Parpol) koalisi di kediamannya, Jalan Kertanegara IV, Jakarta Selatan pada Sabtu (28/12/2024). Prabowo mengatakan bahwa pertemuannya dengan pimpinan parpol hanya pertemuan biasa. Apalagi, pertemuan kali ini…
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realitajayasaktigroup · 4 months ago
Dukungan Kaesang Pangarep untuk Respati-Astrid di Pilkada Solo 2024
RELASIPUBLIK OR.ID, SOLO ||  Ketua Umum Partai Solidaritas Indonesia (PSI), Kaesang Pangarep, secara resmi memberikan dukungan kepada pasangan calon wali kota-calon wakil wali kota Solo, Respati Ardi dan Astrid Widayani. Dukungan ini diumumkan saat Kaesang menghadiri acara ��Muda Mendunia” yang berlangsung di Almamater Coffee and Eatery, Solo, pada Rabu (9/10/2024) malam. Acara tersebut juga…
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madurapost · 5 months ago
Pilkada Pamekasan: Koalisi PPP-PDIP Usung Cabup Muda 26 Tahun
PAMEKASAN, MaduraPost – Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP) dan Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDIP) dengan dua partai nonparlemen Hanura dan Perindo di Kabupaten Pamekasan, Jawa Timur, membentuk koalisi untuk Pilkada serentak 2024 dengan mengusung calon bupati muda berusia 26 tahun. Calon tersebut adalah RKH Mohammad Baqir Aminatullah, seorang warga Desa Plakpak, Kecamatan…
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bantennews · 5 months ago
Golkar Pindah Dukungan, Dimyati: Kita Santai Saja
SERANG – Bakal calon Wakil Gubernur Banten Ahmad Dimyati Natakusumah mengaku santai menanggapi Golkar yang berpindah  mendukung pasangan Airin Rachmi Diany-Ade Sumardi (Airin-Ade) pada Pemilihan Gubernur-Wakil Gubernur (Pilgub) Banten 2024. Bahkan, dirinya menganggap rekomendasi yang diberikan DPP Golkar kepada Andra Soni- Dimyati Natakusumah (Andra-Dimyati) pada, Minggu (25/8/2024), hanya sebuah…
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tangerangraya · 7 months ago
PDIP Tangsel Membenarkan Potensi Koalisi dengan Golkar di Pilkada 2024
Tangerang Selatan – Ketua DPC PDIP Kota Tangerang Selatan (Tangsel ), Wanto Sugito, menanggapi potensi terbentuknya koalisi PDIP dan Golkar pada Pilkada Tangsel 2024. Potensi terciptanya koalisi ini juga sempat dihitung oleh pengamat politik sebelumnya. “Ya tentu apa yang diamati oleh pengamat politik terkait terbentuknya potensi koalisi kerjasama PDIP dengan Golkar baik di tingkat Provinsi…
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rasiooid · 3 months ago
Cawalkot Bogor Dedie A Rachim Prihatin Soal Perubahan Iklim, Dorong Komitmen Lingkungan bersama Masyarakat
RASIOO.id – Calon Wali Kota Bogor nomor urut 3, Dedie A Rachim, menyampaikan keprihatinannya terhadap cuaca ekstrem yang kian sering terjadi belakangan ini. Menurut Dedie, kondisi cuaca yang semakin mengkhawatirkan ini adalah tanda bahwa perubahan iklim membutuhkan perhatian dan komitmen serius dari seluruh pihak, baik masyarakat lokal maupun internasional. “Menurut saya, cuaca ini sudah…
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kebumen24-com · 5 months ago
Gus Harry Al Hasani Kawal Acara Deklarasi Parpol Koalisi Dukungan Arif – Rista
Gus Harry Al Hasani Kawal Acara Deklarasi Parpol Koalisi Dukungan Arif – Rista KEBUMEN, Kebumen24.com – Ketua Gawagiez Kabumian 34 sekaligus Pengasuh Pondok Pesantren Alhasani Desa Jatimulyo, Kecamatan Alian, Kebumen, Gus Harry Muhammad Al Hasani, hadir dan mengawal secara langsung acara deklarasi dukungan pasangan bakal calon bupati dan wakil bupati Arif Sugiyanto dan Ristawati Purwaningsih…
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kbanews · 1 year ago
Ketum Jarnas ABW Kunjungi Provinsi Bengkulu, Jelaskan Perubahan Kondisi Politik di Koalisi Perubahan
JAKARTA | KBA – Ketua Umum Dewan Pimpinan Pusat (DPP) Jaringan Nasonal Anies Baswedan (Jarnas ABW) Lukman Hakim, selama dua hari berkunjung ke Provinsi Bengkulu. Dia beserta rombongan bertemu dengan jajaran relawan dalam rangka konsolidasi dan memberikan pemahaman atas perkembangan politik yang terjadi di Koalisi Perubahan untuk Persatuan. Ketua DPW Jarnas Sanak ABW Bengkulu Epita Darnela…
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