#Knux VC: I want someone to be with cause of love
fastfists · 2 years
Knuckles doesn't it get lonesome up on Angel Island? Do you wish someone would make you their husband? 🥺🥺🥺
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“Sometimes, but I’m use t’it by now ‘n I prefer bein’ alone sometimes anyway.”
It wasn’t that he didn’t like hanging out with his friends on occasion, making time when he could spare it to visit them. Spending time with them was important after all, even if it was rare. Though, the echidna much preferred his alone time — after all he enjoyed the peace and quite that came with it.
“I mean, if I find t’at special someone, than yes  — “
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“ — maybe one day, but I want it t’be ‘cause they wish t’be wit’ me rather than ‘cause o’ loneliness. I want them t’be wit’ me cause o’ love.”
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