#Knee replacement surgery recovery time
Knee Replacement Surgery
Here know about, Knee Replacement Surgery. Knee Replacement Surgery Success Rate. Knee Replacement Surgery Recovery Time. Total Knee Replacement Surgery Cost. Knee Replacement Surgery Time… from Dr. Aashish Arbat… Top Orthopedic Doctor in Pune. Top knee specialist Pune
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drsameepsohoni · 4 months
How Robotic Joint Replacement Surgery Works?
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Here learn, How Robotic Joint Replacement Surgery Works? Types of Robotic Knee Replacement. Know, What is the Recovery Time for Robotic Knee Replacement? Is There Less Pain with Robotic Knee Replacement? From Dr. Sameep Sohoni.. Top Orthopedic Doctor in Thane.
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drramakantkumar · 2 years
The advantages of knee replacement surgery can be life-changing for many patients suffering from severe joint disease or problems. Since more and more people are considering this surgery, we decided to discuss the benefits that they should expect. Here are the top 3 advantages of total knee replacement surgery.
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nooby-banana · 8 months
Operation: Knee Recovery
For over a year, my wife has been working hard to get treatment for her osteoarthritis in her knees. For a while it was manageable, but in the last few months it’s taken a turn for the worse. She’s been mostly house bound since Thanksgiving. Up until now insurance has been good to us, but the procedure she needs next is not being covered.
It’s called “cryoneurolysis”, a procedure to kill the nerves of the knee, typically used as a last resort before knee replacement surgery. We already paid out of pocket for one knee and the pain relief has been fantastic, but we need help for the other one.
This procedure won’t last forever, and she’ll definitely need knee replacement surgery down the road. We’re hoping this procedure will get her back on her feet and buy us enough time to get her into a healthier, more fit position for surgery with less risk of infection.
We’re also hopeful that she can return to her work after this, and with a double income again we can seriously consider moving to a first floor apartment, which would be so much better than the three flights of stairs she currently has to use.
Any help would be immensely appreciated, even if it’s just a reblog. Thank you. 💖
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what wasnt being said in the poly poolverine storyline??? youve got me so hooked on this one
Enjoy a smut
"So, Angel baby," Wade demanded when you settled on the couch, "make with the details. What'd they say?"
You take a drink and a deep breath and Logan trades looks with Wade behind your head as they take seats on either side of you. "Well. My brain is still there, so that's good news."
"But," Logan prompted, feeling his stomach sink unpleasantly.
"But," you sigh, "they're going to try some new meds and if that doesn't work surgery IF I'm even a candidate for it. But IF they do that the recovery time is a beast and so is the therapy and-"
"We'll figure it out," Wade said.
You shake your head, "I don't expect you to-"
"Shut up," Logan said without any real heat, dropping an arm around your shoulders.
"And," you sigh, "there's still the risk that it could leave me worse off than I am now."
"We'll figure it all out," Wade said, kissing the side of your head.
"I still understand if-"
"Shut up," they tell you in unison.
Wade grabbed your chin and licked into your mouth, cutting off anything else you could say as he kissed you. His usual gentleness replaced with something like desperation. Days of pent up anxieties that had been gnawing at him bubbling up. And on your other side, Logan isn't about to be left out. Taking advantage of the exposed, tender skin on your neck to make his own feelings about it known. Scraping the flesh with his teeth. Making you whimper
"Aw hell no," Althea muttered, "Not this shit again."
You try to pull away from Wade to stammer an apology but Wade keeps hold of your hair and nips at your lip possessively, grinning when you close your eyes and shiver. "Poor neglected angel baby," he cooed, "Look at her, Peanut-"
The Apartment door slammed with Althea's exit and Logan's only response was to carefully shred your shirt. Leaving you in a bralette and your jeans on the couch. Exposing left over bits of adhesive and the bruises on your arms from blood draws and IVs. And he growls possessively. Burrying his face in your breasts and nuzzling briefly before he knelt in front of you and pushed your knees apart. Kissing the bruises on your arms.
"Good girl," Wade said, pulling off his shirt, "Just relax. Think you can take us today, huh?"
"Want to," you whine, letting your head loll back. "Missed my boys."
"You can do it, Princess," Logan growled, unbuttoning your jeans and trailing soft kisses down your stomach.
"He's so soft for you, baby," Wade purred. "Got us both so owned we're stupid. Not goin' anywhere, 'kay?"
"I just don't want you to have to take care of me," you protest, going tense.
Logan grumbled and pulled your jeans and panties down, leaving you exposed you him, and sank his teeth into your thigh. Sharply enough that you cried out, and he licked tenderly at the bite to soothe it. "Ours," he grunted.
"God that's fuckin' hot-"
"Wade," you whine. It's hard to focus. It's hard to think. It's hard to do anything except WANT when they're touching you like this. And when Logan smirks up at you, teasing your folds with just the pad of his index finger, almost lazily- you can only whimper.
"Angel baby," Wade crooned, "what's the matter, huh? You wanna play too?" He shimmied out of his pants and let his cock spring free, "Come to papa. Let's give you something to do, huh?"
And you do, licking at his tip to tease him. Satisfied when you feel his hands in your hair to stroke it. "That's it, Sweetie. Feels better, hu- Fuuuck. Yes. You know what I- Shit."
"Good girl," Logan growled. Giving you a little more now that you're starting to relax some. Losing yourself like you need to- to not think so much. To not worry so much. And your answering muffled mewl is like music to his ears. "That's it, kid. Gonna put two inside you, kay?" Better Music to his ears s that Wade is helpless in your capable hands. All he can do is sing your praises and try not to fuck your face.
Logan could sympathize- You had some super fucking human blowjob skills and he was willing to bet if Wade so much as twitched he was gonna lose it. But- there were rules. And when you were with them, they'd both agreed "Ladies First" was the first rule. It wasn't going to be fair if you hurt yourself and had to tap out before you got to come. They learned that the hard way.
He kept working you and kept at it, slow and steady. Enjoying the steady cresendo of your release. And when you did come, moaning incoherently around Wade's cock, his breathless little scream made Logan grin as he watched his other lover spatter come down your chest- careful not to get it on your face or in your hair.
"Christ," he panted, "What is this Prom night?"
Logan smirked and kissed you before he kissed Wade, "What's the matter, bub, she get the best of ya?"
"It's the fucking tongue thing. Every time- succubus." He pouted and leaned down to kiss you, wiping come off you with his discarded shirt, "Did you have a gay boyfriend or something? Fuck."
You snort, "If you learn to suck dick, suddenly boys don't care as much if you don't really want to fuck."
"Only because they don't know how to fuck," Logan growled, rubbing your hips.
"Such a DILF thing to say," Wade said, leaning over to kiss Logan, "as soon as I can feel my legs again-"
"As soon as you can feel your fucking legs, you pussy," he said, smirking, "you're sucking my dick while she sits on my face."
"So bossy," Wade pouted, "Guess I gotta get my kisses in now huh? Since Logi-bear decided he wants to be Daddy today."
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smytherines · 3 months
∇owen (make it fluffy? pretty please?)
A fluffy aging/old age headcanon for Owen 💜
(I'm having kind of an emotional day so... sorry in advance)
Okay. In order for Owen to actually grow old, this has to be an au where he doesn't die on the staircase. I think there'd be a long, complicated, painful reconciliation process, but ultimately Curt and Owen would get back together. In this version of reality they get out of the spy game, and have a remote little place somewhere far away from either of their countries. Maybe Costa Rica or something like that. So let's take all that as read.
I like to think that Owen gets to have a home. A real home. That someday Curt brings home a stray dog he finds on the side of the road and Owen is dead set against having a dog, but eventually he and the dog become inseparable. I like to think that he gets a little patch of land, and spending his time growing things- beautiful flowers, vegetables he uses to make dinner- helps to heal something in him. Something he thought was broken forever after the fall.
I think as Owen gets into his 40s, a lot of the injuries he sustained in the fall start to get worse- arthritis in the places he had breaks, scar tissue, etc. Modern knee replacement surgeries last for around 15 years. I'd assume 1950s joint replacements are not quite as durable, so maybe ten years on he needs to have surgery to replace the worn out knee and hip replacements Chimera did for him.
And even though they've made a lot of progress, Owen hides how much pain he's in for a long time because he's terrified that Curt would leave him- if not for needing surgery to begin with, then certainly for all the care he would need for the long recovery afterwards. Curt wasn't there after the fall. He doesn't know how bad things were. Owen explained some of it to him, but couldn't bring himself to talk about having trouble walking, needing help to go to the bathroom, being constantly on the verge of tears for months because the pain was unbearable. The stuff nobody likes to talk about with injuries like that.
He has a lot of insecurities about himself that he didn't have when they were together before- burns, scars, limited mobility, chronic pain. His body is different now, and it's a long, slow, horrible grieving process to deal with that.
But eventually he has to have these joints replaced. He could hide the pain, but he can't hide it from Curt when his knee starts suddenly giving out on him. He was using a cane only on really bad pain days before, but as the joints start to break down he has to use it every day. So he gives Curt an out, tells him to go, maybe even tries to push him away. Owen tells himself that this would be easier for him to survive than Curt seeing the reality of his injuries after the surgeries and choosing to leave when Owen needs him the most. At least this way they're parting on terms Owen has some control over.
But Curt is older now. He's had a chance to be in a real relationship. The kind of thing where you wake up together and go to sleep together and have a home and a life together. And also he's stubborn as fuck. Curt has never had a problem caring about people, but he's never really been able to care for someone. To take care of someone. Hell, he could barely take care of himself sometimes. But he refuses to leave. He refuses to let Owen push him away. He chooses to commit, to stay, even if its messy and uncomfortable.
I think before all this, Curt was probably doing some defense/security contractor work- there's plenty of it out there for someone with his background. He does enough to pay the bills, which isn't much. And in his spare time he takes up woodworking. It keeps him busy. Keeps him doing something with his hands, something he gets to be creative with. So when Owen comes back home after having these big surgical procedures, Curt has built a little ramp so the wheelchair can get up the stairs. He's put up railings and hand-holds everywhere he can think of. He rebuilt a couple of doorframes to make them wider. He made a little cart on wheels that fits over the wheelchair, so Owen can still prepare and cook food if he's up for it. He really goes wild with it. He's still him, he still struggles to say how he feels in words, but he finds other ways to express it. He takes care of Owen's little garden while Owen is recovering (and accidentally pulls half of it up because he doesn't know the difference between a weed and a growing vegetable, but it's the thought that counts)
And they get through it. Curt understood on an intellectual level what happened to Owen after the fall, but didn't really have any way of knowing exactly what it means to be that injured, that dependant on the people around you to survive. So this thing that can and does drive a lot of couples apart (seriously look up the stats on men leaving their partners when they become sick/injured, its bad) ends up bringing them closer together. It ends up soothing that constant fear that Owen has had ever since they got back together- that at any moment Curt might just get sick of him or decide he isn't worth the trouble and leave him again. It helps Curt understand how vulnerable Owen was when Chimera convinced him to work for them.
Eventually Owen heals up, the chronic pain issues go back down to his post-fall baseline. He is still a full-time cane user, but Curt loves to find the most beautiful downed branches, exotic hardwoods, and make Owen a variety of canes. He gets into woodcarving so he can decorate them. He tells Owen that the cane makes him look distinguished, that its actually kinda hot. And Owen chooses to believe him.
By the time Owen is in his late 50s, maybe early 60s, he's a full time wheelchair user. He can walk short distances with a cane, but for the most part its better for him to just use the chair. But thats okay, because the house is pretty well adapted for him already. Curt helps him when he wants to tend to his garden, and he makes big family dinners whenever Tatiana and Barb come to visit.
Curt's mom visits while she's still alive, and although Curt and Owen never outright tell her about them, she knows. She knows the same way a kid knows that their unmarried aunt with short hair and a longterm female roommate is probably a lesbian, even if nobody ever says that word in front of them. She treats Owen like a son.
That's my soft, sappy, overly sentimental alternate universe headcanon for Owen Carvour growing old. That someone cares about him. Someone cares for him. Not because he's useful, not because he has skills they can exploit for their benefit. That Curt cares for Owen just because he loves him. And Owen loves Curt.
My dumb fluffy headcanon is that after the first half of their lives being so brutal and violent and painful, they get to have a second chance. A second chance they never should have gotten. A chance to find things that are beautiful and wonderful and hopeful. And they take that chance together.
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wheelie-sick · 1 month
doing patellar realignment surgery on my right knee first then revisiting and potentially doing left knee. not doing it with a donor tendon because my orthopedist has seen good results without a donor tendon in all except 2 patients with EDS. they're clearing out the destroyed cartilage too!!!!!!
basically completely rebuilding my knee (moving and replacing tendons, moving muscles, etc.) looking at 6 months recovery time and I have to figure out how to modify my wheelchair because for about 6 weeks my leg is stuck straight
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 6 months
With the anon’s comment about no one wanting Charles’ medical information, I feel like a lot of the time when things happen in the Royal world anons and bloggers end up going into this in-depth analysis on things when really there’s not as much to it as they’re making it out to be. The theories discussed were about no one caring about Prince Philip’s details or Charles’ but obviously someone was tempted to see if they could find out what was going on with Kate simply because of the public interest and hysteria that’s going on. People have been made curious by the media hype. Plus, Charles made his condition public in the first place. Also, we could look at what happened with the Queen and there was little interest around her specific condition but that’s because the palace firmly went with the story all along (or implied) that it was just old age. Also the fact the Queen and Prince Philip were old so it was expected to see them deteriorating.
But why is there so much more public interest and hysteria about Kate in the first place, when Charles, Philip, and The Queen have gone through very similar things?
All Kate/KP did was make the same statement that they've all made: "The royal is in hospital X for surgery on {body part}. She will be in the hospital for X days. She is doing well."
The statement for the Queen's knee surgery:
The Queen this morning underwent a minor operation at the King Edward VII Hospital in London to remove a torn cartilage in her right knee. The 45-minute operation, which was performed by The Queen's orthopaedic surgeon Mr Roger Vickers, went very well and Her Majesty is expected to leave hospital tomorrow morning. Mr Vickers was assisted by Mr Adrian Fairbank. The anaesthetist was Dr Robert Linton and The Queen's physician, Dr Richard Thompson, was in attendance. The Queen is expected to be fully active again within a few weeks. Her Majesty will rest at Sandringham over the next two weeks and will then resume a limited programme of engagements until she has made a full recovery.
The statement for Philip's hip replacement:
"The Duke of Edinburgh has undergone a successful hip replacement operation. He is progressing satisfactorily at this early stage. His Royal Highness is likely to remain in hospital for several days. He is comfortable and in good spirits.”
The statement for Philip's abdomen surgery:
"His Royal Highness the duke of Edinburgh has been admitted to the London Clinic for an exploratory operation following abdominal investigations. He is expected to stay in hospital for up to two weeks. Further updates will be issued when appropriate. He is in very good health."
The statement for Margaret's lung surgery:
″Princess Margaret underwent an operation at the Brompton Hospital yesterday for the removal of a small area of her left lung which proved to be innocent. Her condition is satisfactory and it’s expected that she will leave hospital within the week.″
The statement for Sophie's emergency operation:
"Her Royal Highness the Countess of Wessex is currently recovering in the King Edward VII Hospital following an emergency operation. The Countess was taken to hospital by air ambulance after feeling unwell overnight. She is expected to stay in hospital for the next few days. The Earl of Wessex has been with the Countess following her operation. I cannot comment on the nature of the operation. Her condition is described as comfortable."
And yet, all this hysteria surrounding Kate. Why?
It's nothing to do with Charles being more transparent about his condition. In fact, one would argue that Charles had to be more forthcoming because he's the head of state and there's an expectation of duty. Look at how much detail is in the statement about The Queen's knee operation compared to the rest. That's the same amount of detail provided in the first statement about Charles's health issue. He didn't need to provide further detail about the cancer diagnosis; the palace could've just deferred to the original statement that he had to postpone public engagements for recuperation since they never provided a timeline on what that recuperation was supposed to look like other than "short." But "short" can be subjective.
Edit: I fixed the {body party} typo. 🤦‍♀️
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yukitonz · 1 year
Michael Afton designs. Cause- I can ✌️ also apologies on any mess-ups to the games. I don't really care about the new stuff tbh, haven't been in this Fandom for years, am relying on theory videos- and headcannons. So yeah, cool Afton designs is what I mean.
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1st design- Teenage design. I don't have a very inparticular age? But around 14-16. Also- he's very mature for his age, and is one of those guys that are like "wtf? How are you not an adult?" But, I headcannon he was actually the one who you play as in FNAF 4. I heard it from my sibling- and loved the damn idea that it was his own nightmares because of what happened to his brother- especially given the context of the game. William basically left him since he hated him, and was forced into a hell like FNAF 4. Also in the bottom image- he's supposed to look ghost like. Never goes outside, stays in his room an anxious mess.
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Design 2- (I meant Fredbear in the art lol.) Anyway, this design is supposed to look like William around the time of the bite of 83' but ofc ofc still Michael. Michael is okay. But, this is the extra night of FNAF 2 when the main security guard leaves to be the next victim of the biting season. This is where he starts to get extremely guilty again, and where he builds his obsession to the opening FNAF restaurants to try and fix his past, to fix what his father did, and to try and redeem himself. In this era he also begins frequently writing letters to his brother, as if he could see them. Because he sincerely wants to make things right.
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Designs 3- Fnaf 1 and sister location era. All before the scoop. For FNAF 1, he wears a simular outfit to FNAF 2- Just a more purplish- shade of blue. He's also growing his hair out- trying to look less like his father, due to his pure resentment. He is succeeding a little more now. Though, in sister location he wears a purple uniform, and ends up in a simular look that his father was so generously killing kids in (other than suit. Michael doesn't look like a bunny thing, sorry guys.) Also fun little fact, he joins these jobs to redeem himself- but is scared shitless of animatronics.
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Design 4- Basic idea of half a year or so of recovery. After lots of surgeries and medical attention, he looks a little better. He still has some wire in his body, mainly in parts that were very attached to his body (just ripped off of Ennard) and was left behind in places that keep his body together. (Wire runs along his stomach/chest and skin attaches there to keep him closed. Wire replaces his knee so he can still walk, and other wire was just pulled. Lots of scar tissue is present where any stitches are, or any places Ennard poked out from/entered from. His eyes were popped out by Ennard, leaving him blind and more or less with no "pupil." He is also able to grow very thin hair, but it falls out and is rather short.
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Design 5- You can steal Michael's hair. He wears a wig that was the same colour as his past hair, and wears that whenever he is out/working. He wears a lot of looser clothes to avoid skin irritation- considering his skin falls off easily (also wears a ton of bandages around his body to prevent this.) In public he adds a mask to his look, some of his face being ripped up. Due to his look and practically dead body, he is unable to age normally. He'll have a simular appearance the rest of his life, maybe with a few more wrinkles and a load of weakness. Now, he is starting to move on. He's still extremely sorry, but he writes letters to Evan everyday. He also visits his grave, bringing the fredbear plush Evan had. Ofc he still wants revenge, but is more at peace about his brother. (He still hates his father. Badly.)
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kriscynical · 3 months
It's that time again, which is fortunate because it means the last time went REALLY REALLY WELL through recovery:
Mom of the Wild is having surgery again tomorrow (Fri 6/21) to replace her OTHER knee.
The fact that she was able to get it done so soon after the last (4/3/24) is a testament to how remarkably well — and fast — she healed and the kind of progress she made in physical therapy after.
Right now for her right knee, after everything was said and done she can bend it back to I believe 124°. They aim for 120°. She's impressed every single PT she's seen. Katie the home PT told her "You're the nicest tough lady I've ever met."
We love Katie. She's going to be our home PT again for this one and we're looking forward to seeing her again.
So now it's time to get her left knee done, and she needs it BADLY because it's gotten exponentially worse in the last couple weeks and has started giving out completely here and there. I've been thankful more than once that she has a "good leg" now on her right with quite a bit of strength behind it after all of the PT.
Hopefully the recovery from this surgery will go even better because the outpatient PT has also been working on strengthening her left knee as much as possible which he said will make her recovery even faster.
We're almost to the finish line. As I told her a couple days ago: "This is the worst that you're ever going to be. From here on out it will only get BETTER."
Surgery is tomorrow at 2:45. I'll update like I did last time once I get the notification that she's in recovery.
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(That is also an accurate representation of her attitude going into this one.)
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Knee Replacement Surgery
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Here learn, The Truth About Knee Replacement Surgery. Know, Disadvantages of Knee Replacement Surgery. Know, What is The Most Commonly Reported Problem After Knee Replacement Surgery? Learn about, Knee Replacement Surgery Robotic… from Dr. Aashish Arbat… The best Orthopedic Surgeon in Pune… the best knee replacement Surgeon in Pune.
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drsameepsohoni · 5 months
Knee Replacement Surgery Recovery Time
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Here know about, Knee Replacement Surgery Recovery Time. Know, Top 5 Mistakes After Knee Replacement. Disadvantages of Knee Replacement Surgery. What is the Fastest Way to Recover from A Knee Replacement?
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andorerso · 2 years
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Rebelcaptain Trees for @rebelrainfall​: Firefighters AU (with bonus secret relationship and protective Jyn)
“I don’t care,” Jyn’s voice rang out loudly in the room as she tried to wave off Bodhi’s attempts to keep her lying in that goddamn hospital bed, “I want to see him!”
“The doctor told you to stay put — hey.” With lightning-fast reflexes, he caught her just as her legs began to wobble, then gave her a pointed look that said “See?”
“Then get me a goddamn wheelchair,” she growled through gritted teeth but allowed Bodhi to help her back to bed. Normally, she wouldn’t have caved so easily. But maybe he had a point… She hadn’t expected her legs to feel so wobbly or the room to start swimming when she stood up, and she wasn’t sure she could make it to Cassian’s room.
But she needed to see him.
Needed to know he was okay.
Or maybe he wasn’t. Bodhi said he had two surgeries while she was unconscious and he hadn’t woken up yet, but not much else. She was afraid of how much he was holding back in order to spare her while she was still in recovery as well. If anything was seriously wrong, he’d tell her, right?
“Jyn, you really should rest. I know you two are close, but —”
“No, you don’t!” she snapped, forgetting herself for a second. Of course he didn’t know. He couldn’t have, because they never told anybody.
There were reasons for that, once, but she was struggling to recall them now.
It was just so easy at first. They sneaked behind their friends’ backs like teenagers, making out in the alleyway behind the bar on drinking nights or holding hands under the table while everyone was preoccupied. There was some kind of thrill in the secrecy, in catching Cassian’s eyes across the table and seeing them sparkle with the same excitement, in knowing this belonged only to them and no one else. A room full of people, and they were all oblivious to the truth. Their little secret.
But they never committed, not really. They didn’t want to upset the team dynamic, they said. Didn’t want to be serious with someone who risked their lives on a weekly basis just as much as themselves. It was just some good fun. Or it was supposed to be.
But somewhere along the way, she’d fallen. Hard. And she never realized it, not until he pushed her out of the way of that falling beam in that crumbling house eaten by fire and told her to go. It hadn’t fallen on him, thankfully, but it had obstructed the only way downstairs and out of the building, and as Jyn looked at him, she knew they both had the same thought. He wasn’t leaving.
The crying child in her arms was the only thing that gave her strength to turn around and leave him there. Still, she promised him, “I’m coming back.”
But as soon as the little girl was safe outside, her vision went blurry and her knees buckled. She’d inhaled too much smoke. She’d wanted to get up, to go back, but darkness swallowed her instead.
When she woke up in the hospital, she thought he was dead, and for a shamefully long second, she wished she hadn’t woken up at all. But the floorboard on the second floor gave away, and Cassian fell through, landing in the living room and allowing the rest of the team to extract him in time. Bodhi said it fucked up his back, which was why he needed surgery, but it also very likely saved his life.
And she needed to see that with her own two eyes. Living and breathing. She needed to replace the last memory she had of him; standing on the other end of that beam, reserved to his fate but apologetic and his face behind his helmet shining with a thousand things he never said to her. Not aloud.
She needed to hear him say those things, and she needed to say them back.
Realization dawning on Bodhi, his eyes went wide. “You two are…?”
Jyn let out a small groan, taking deep breaths to try and slow her racing heart. There was no point in denying the truth; she wasn’t sure she wanted to anyway. Sneaking around was fun at first, but she wanted more than that now. She wanted the real deal. And the thought of letting Cassian go through his recovery alone while she pretended there was nothing between them made her sick. Nothing was worth abandoning him again.
“Please just…” She raised her gaze to Bodhi, pleading with him. “I need to see him.”
The rest of their team had congregated at Cassian’s bedside when Bodhi wheeled her into the room. Faces immediately turned in her direction, questions and well wishes on everyone’s lips, but Jyn only had eyes for Cassian. He was still unconscious, but his chest rose and fell with steady breaths, and her eyes welled up at the sight. Bodhi parked her next to his bed, close enough that she could reach out and graze her fingers along Cassian’s stubble.
Which she did. So what if everyone was watching? The truth was already out now that Bodhi knew.
Her hand still gently caressing his cheek, Jyn closed her eyes for a second and took a deep breath, willing the tears away. That suffocating weight on her chest began to ease a bit.
“Is he going to wake up?” she asked, turning to face the rest of their team watching her in silence. No one commented on the slight quiver in her voice, or the way her hand was now clutching Cassian’s hospital gown like a lifeline, but she could see the realization written on their faces. And she felt nothing but relief to have it out in the open.
“Doctor said he should wake up soon,” Melshi confirmed, his tone reassuring. “He might not be able to stay on the squad with his back but —”
“I don’t care about that,” Jyn cut him off, turning back to stare at Cassian again. None of it mattered as long as he was safe. “I just want him to wake up.”
She curled her hand around his, lacing their fingers together. She’d wait by his side until he did. And then she’d tell him how she felt and kiss him. And make sure he never got into so much trouble again.
Lifting their hands, she pressed her lips to his palm and whispered against his skin, “Come back to me.”
Cassian’s fingers twitched under hers, and her gaze flew up to see his eyelids fluttering with movement. The breath whooshed out of her in a shuddering gasp, and a couple of tears escaped her anyway as she squeezed his hand to let him know she was here.
She wouldn’t be leaving him again.
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pristyncarereviews · 2 months
Pristyn Care: Innovations in ACL Surgery: The Development and Use of Synthetic Ligaments
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Anterior cruciate injuries are one of the most common but most crippling sports-related injuries caused to athletes from amateur to professional levels. It limits the knee joint from unstable activities for rotating and forward movements. The injury of the ACL can reduce the mobility of joints, causing chronic pain, and deteriorating the quality of life drastically.
In most of the cases, it necessitates surgery. New developments, techniques of production, and ways to use synthetic ligaments nowadays represent a true revolution in orthopedic medicine. All the novelties in treatment were taken into consideration by Pristyn Care in its work to innovate the Pristyn healthcare services, and as soon as the patients began to take the benefit of the most advanced options for ACL repair through minimally invasive interventions, the expanded benefits of minimally invasive techniques began to be evident clearer.
Importance of ACL Reconstruction
The ACL plays a very important part in the stability and movement of the knee joint; basically, activities such as walking, running, and jumping are regulated. These micro-injuries, if not halted in the growth phase, can grow into serious knee instability. The individual is put at risk of further injuries and a high probability of degenerative, destructive joint conditions of the osteoarthritic type. It is estimated that about 200,000 reconstructions of the ACL are carried out annually across the globe, and the question of finding and applying an integral treatment suddenly becomes urgent.
Most notably, the introduction of artificial ligaments entirely changed the idea of ACL reconstruction; it was the arrival on the market of a durable commercial analog of traditional grafts. In most cases, the period of recovery was elongated by the occurrence of pain in the donor area and the need to recover two traumatized areas and to use transplant tissue taken from the body of the patient. Contemporary solutions, backed by state-of-the-art equipment and the teams of surgeons in the Pristin Care facilities, have brought initiation of repair of an ACL tear to a new level—the maximum quality of life that individuals devastated by such an injury can hope for.
Synthetic ligaments. What exactly are synthetic
Some of the commonly used and developed synthetic implants are the synthetic ligaments used in orthopedic surgery. More precisely, they are artificially created biomaterials used in cases of a technique for replacing damaged natural ligaments. The synthetic ligaments are not autografts, allografts, or autografts harvested from the body of the patient but, on the contrary, they are biocompatible polymers in origin.
The various available options of synthetic ligaments and benefits brought by it include good quality, which is consistent; unlimited supply; and no morbidity at the donor site. The extraction of autografts can be a bit frightening to the patient, and most of the time, more time for recovery is needed. Other than that, synthetic ligaments minimize the time used during the surgery because grafting is not necessary.
That is why advanced synthetic ligaments are increasingly being used as a substitute for grafting, since, in some places, the availability of appropriate and right donor grafts is very limited. This, therefore, enhances the access and timeliness of the surgeries for anybody in need of ACL.
Where Technological Innovations Impact Development on Synthetic Ligaments
The development of an artificial ligament, and more so that of an artificial fiber, is an extremely interdisciplinary field of materials science and engineering, aiming to produce fibers with properties analogous to natural ligaments. If performed on a human knee, that material should be strong, flexible, and durable enough to bear the dynamic stresses. Modern ones are made using advanced polymers, usually polyethylene terephthalate, and polyurethanes for their qualities of strength and elasticity.
This is particularly the case since such developments are specifically targeted at the improvement in the integration of such material with human tissue, the further reduction of risks for tissue rejection, as well as the enhancement of the healing process itself. Particularly, "Pristyn Care" is engaged in doing the given research process further enhancing the boundary of what is possible to be done with synthetic ligament technology. Focusing on knee biomechanics allows developers to adapt how a ligament's structure is formed to recreate natural motion while at the same time reducing complications and inducing new methods of natural and efficient ways of healing.
The newest technologies will save artificial knee ligaments from being inferior or just equal to the traditional knee-ligament grafts and most of the time, they will be far above benchmark levels by such a huge amount, marking a huge leap in ACL reconstruction technology.
How Pristyn Care is Changing the Way ACLs are Reconstructed
Pristyn Care leads from the front in the adaptation and innovation of methods for synthetic ligaments in the reconstruction of ACLs. There is a deep commitment to the assimilation of the latest in medical innovations with the aid of advanced technology that supports conducting such complex procedures in ultra-modern surgical facilities. With patient safety and surgical efficacy set to be a priority, the surgical centers of Pristyn Care can perform every ACL surgery under the best of conditions. Moreover, Pristyn Care is actively involved in partnering with advanced medical researchers and bioengineers to further enhance effectiveness and safety in the use of synthetic ligaments.
Reviews of ACL surgery operations under the aegis of Pristyn Care state that the medical staff were professional, the facilities were modern, and generally, surgeries were performed with good outcomes. All these statements refer not to new medical technologies but to the high rates of patient satisfaction and trust.
Advantages of Synthetic Ligaments in ACL Reconstruction
Using synthetic ligaments in ACL reconstruction has one major benefit which is the elimination of donor site morbidity. Unlike conventional techniques that include removing body tissue from a patient, these issues can be avoided by using synthetic ligaments. Therefore, it is widely recognized as an effective approach that lessens the chances of postoperative infection and pain reduction along with a quicker & easier recovery process. Pristyn Care reviews indicate that patients have highly ranked this method because they recover within a short time and experience minimal postoperative discomfort.
Pristyn healthcare reviews indicate that Pristyn Care’s use of synthetic ligament in ACL surgery has yielded outstanding results, which have enabled patients to make fast comebacks for sports and their normal duties. 
In Pristyn Care reviews, people talk about how much they are satisfied with the minimal interruption to their lives, and the quickness with which they recovered. Good testimonials through Pristyn Healthcare reviews emphasize how advanced surgical practices and individualized treatments offered by Pristyn Care are geared towards providing high-quality health services resulting in the best outcomes.
Identify the Challenging Issues and Consider
The utilization of synthetic materials in surgical procedures presents both opportunities and challenges. Although these materials can enhance the recovery process due to their design to integrate with tissue without triggering an immune response, their long-term durability remains a concern. Pristyn Care reviews often highlight the rigorous monitoring of synthetic-tendon integration, particularly under the continuous stress imposed by daily activities. This is an area of active research within Pristyn healthcare reviews, focusing on enhancing the material's ability to withstand long-term use without compromising safety.
Additionally, regulatory and ethical factors about these techniques are vital. In addition, all synthetic materials used are strictly regulated by Pristyn Care for maximum safety. This commitment to safety standards is reflected in Pristyn healthcare reviews where the rigorous clinical trials and medical & ethical constraints are highly acknowledged. These materials undergo stringent safety checks before their approval for use so that they conform with the highest possible safety standards hence maintaining the reputation of Pristyn Care as a provider of safe, innovative, and effective Pristyn health care solutions.
Patient Success Stories and Case Studies
Against this backdrop, many life-changing benefits make patients at Pristyn feel that their ACL is rebuilt with synthetic ligaments. This is not on paper, but one watches how a patient describes getting back to sports activity after months of surgery and says great recovery is credited to great care. Another case in point reflects a patient who almost felt no pain with rapid rehabilitation due to advanced surgical techniques at Pristyn Care. These stories strengthen the good reviews about high satisfaction rates and successful surgical outcomes on Pristyn healthcare platforms.
ACL injuries are mostly known as anterior cruciate ligament injuries and they are common and severe, especially in high-impact sports or activities that involve the knee joint heavily. These injuries negatively affect performance, so it requires a well-planned recovery plan to safely go back to what one was doing before. One main surgical procedure through which the normal functions of the knee can be restored is known as ACL reconstruction. The Return to Play (RTP) protocols post-surgery should be focused on total recuperation, prevention of future traumas, and restoration of peak levels of performance. For Pristyn Care, emphasis has been put on RTP post-ACL reconstruction to achieve full patient recovery and enable them to regain their best level of performance. In Pristyn care reviews, there is usually mention of how effective its customized RTP protocols are because these protocols help in preventing reinjuries. Further, Pristyn Healthcare reviews also hail the individualistic approach taken during the rehabilitation period which has significantly improved the success rates for ACL surgeries conducted at Pristyn Care.
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shirefantasies · 7 months
I feel you about being scared of surgery, I've had two knee surgeries and am getting Bilateral Jaw Joint Replacement this fall. It's really scary and hard to deal with, but I promise you can get through it. During my recovery from my knee surgeries I didn't have crutches so I had to put my full weight on my banged up knee, which was rough, but I still got through it and I know you can too. You're really brave for going through with this, and I promise that after you've recovered you'll be happy you did it and should feel so proud of yourself!
My best tips for surgery is to make sure you fast beforehand so you don't vomit from the anesthesia, and to be very gentle with yourself for the first week or two. Like the previous ask said, don't starve yourself out of fear, but don't try to push yourself to recover too fast. You'll do great sweetie, I'm sure of it 💕
Thank you so much 🥺🥰🥹 yes definitely they said don’t eat before a certain time the night before and I am SO sticking to that! My friend had that problem and she lost her clots as a result and it burned and just made things so awful :(
That sounds even bigger and more scary what? How does the jaw joint replacement work if I may ask? The same friend who had the tonsillectomy had a major jaw surgery too but hers was something involving breaking and reattaching her upper jaw I believe…what’s with all out crazy oral surgeries here 😫 only kind I’ve had lmaos.
Yeah my parents are encouraging me too saying it will be worth it in the long run and I agree because constant illness, irritation, and pain aren’t good when you have potentially 60-80 more years of life 💀😂 also I remembered the worst thing I’ve had done, a bone spur extraction WHILE I WAS FULLY AWAKE, and hey, that was one of the most traumatic experiences of my life but it was 2-ish years ago and my memory of it is more conceptual now 🤙🏻 I hope your pains have become conceptual too and your knees are doing much better, you are so strong too 💕
Seriously thank you so much for the encouragement and support, it really means the world to me 🥰🥰🥰 hope you know that wherever you are, I’m sending a big virtual hug from here in my house in my little US city 🥺💕
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drsanjaygupta-1 · 2 months
Best Orthopaedic Doctor Vaishali Ghaziabad
Discover Top-Notch Orthopedic Care with Dr. Sanjay Gupta in Vaishali, Ghaziabad
If you’re searching for exceptional orthopedic care in Vaishali, Ghaziabad, look no further than Dr. Sanjay Gupta. Renowned for his expertise and compassionate approach, Dr. Gupta stands out as one of the leading orthopedic specialists in the region. In this blog, we’ll explore what makes Dr. Gupta the best choice for your orthopedic needs and why you should consider visiting him for your hip, knee, and joint concerns.
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Why Dr. Sanjay Gupta is the Best Orthopedic Doctor in Vaishali
Extensive Experience and Expertise
Dr. Sanjay Gupta brings years of experience and specialized training in orthopedics, focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of hip and knee conditions. His extensive background includes advanced training and certifications, ensuring that he provides the highest level of care. Whether you’re dealing with a sports injury, arthritis, or need joint replacement surgery, Dr. Gupta’s expertise will guide you through the best treatment options available.
Patient-Centered Care
At the heart of Dr. Gupta’s practice is a commitment to personalized, patient-centered care. He understands that every patient is unique, and he takes the time to listen to your concerns, evaluate your condition comprehensively, and develop a tailored treatment plan. His approach ensures that you receive not only effective treatment but also compassionate support throughout your recovery journey.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
Dr. Gupta’s clinic in Vaishali is equipped with the latest technology and medical advancements in orthopedic care. From diagnostic imaging to surgical procedures, the clinic’s state-of-the-art facilities ensure that you receive the most accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. The use of cutting-edge technology aids in minimally invasive procedures, reducing recovery time and enhancing overall outcomes.
Comprehensive Range of Services
Whether you’re seeking treatment for chronic pain, recovering from an injury, or considering joint replacement surgery, Dr. Gupta offers a comprehensive range of orthopedic services. His expertise spans:
Hip and Knee Replacement Surgery
Sports Medicine and Injury Management
Arthritis Treatment
Fracture Care and Rehabilitation
Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques
Positive Patient Outcomes
Dr. Gupta’s dedication to achieving positive patient outcomes is reflected in the countless success stories of his patients. Many have praised his skillful surgical techniques, effective pain management, and the improvement in their quality-of-life post-treatment. His patients often commend his ability to restore function and mobility, allowing them to return to their daily activities with renewed vigor.
Accessible and Convenient Location
Located in the heart of Vaishali, Dr. Gupta’s clinic is easily accessible for residents of Ghaziabad and surrounding areas. The convenient location ensures you can receive top-tier orthopedic care without needing to travel far. The clinic’s friendly staff is also available to assist with appointment scheduling, insurance queries, and any other needs you may have.
What to Expect During Your Visit
When you visit Dr. Sanjay Gupta, you can expect a thorough evaluation of your condition. Your initial consultation will involve a detailed discussion about your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle. Dr. Gupta may recommend diagnostic tests to understand your condition better. Based on the findings, he will discuss the most appropriate treatment options, whether they involve conservative management, physical therapy, or surgical intervention.
For more: - https://drsanjaygupta.info/best-orthopaedic-doctor-vaishali-ghaziabad/
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