#Klutzbug and Lady Scaredy Cat
sassyduckqueen · 4 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 35
Reverser is finally done! Ok, so this one does differ from canon. The reason why I changed it a bit is because I didn't want Nath to be a dick and I wanted to hint at Lila still been in Alya's life and influencing her plus Alya does tend to go over the top when it comes to her 'investigations'. Also the whole situation in the episode could have been avoided. Anyway hope you guys like it :D
Chapter Thirty-Five: Reverser
Marinette jolted as her phone vibrated, making her look away from her sewing machine. She was working on making Luka another gift to help cheer him up since he found about his father. A few days had passed since then and he appeared to be coping well but Marinette wanted to make sure he was ok. He had taken some time off from school so she hadn't seen him yet but she was glad that he was taking a bit of time to himself to deal with the shock. However, the rest of their friends might not getting it. Alya certainly hadn't but that didn't matter to her. She was annoyed at Alya's reaction to her and Luka coming into the bakery together. She had been there to walk with Marinette to the school and almost fangirled when she saw them walking into the main area together. She had demanded details and when Marinette mentioned that Luka had stayed over that night because he was upset, she ignored the whole he was upset part and squealed about how Marinette could have used it as a reason to getting closer to him. Marinette corrected her and told her that it was because he was upset and while she liked him, she had respected him enough not to hit on him while he was in clear distress. Alya had brushed off his feelings, stating that Marinette was a fool not to take up the opportunity. It reminded Marinette of how bullheaded Alya could be. She had insisted that she was right about Lila and now she insisted that she was right about how Marinette should have taken the chance to confess her love to Luka. Marinette told her to drop it, causing her to get a bit huffy but she did. Later, Juleka found Marinette and thanked her for looking at her brother. Marinette jumped again as her phone continued to vibrate, causing her train of thought to break. She picked it up and looked at the caller ID. Alya's face lit up as she called. Marinette sighed and pressed answer, causing to join the video call. To her horror, Alya was talking to Lila, who was bragging about something.
 "Ciao, Marinette," She smiled falsely. "I was just telling Alya about my current travels. I'm currently in Japan but I won't be able to stay on the phone for much later. As you know, it's around about midnight here,"
  "You're in Japan?" Marinette asked, clearly not believing her. There was no way Lila was in Japan. Marinette suspected that she was just hiding away in her room until everyone forgot about her defeat as Volpina. Alya rolled her eyes as she realized Marinette didn't believe her. While she understood where she came from as Lila had lied before but she had apologized for that and promised not to lie again. In fact, she was in therapy for it and her akumatization. Apparently, Marinette had yet to let it go and for give her.
 "Not this again, Marinette," She gasped, shaking her head. "Lila isn't lying,"
 "How can you say that when she got me expelled?!" Marinette gasped.
"I know and I'm sorry about that, Marinette. I thought Chloe was telling me the truth,"
 "See? We already know Chloe framed you and she even got akumatized over it," Alya pointed out, making Marinette frown. She closed her eyes and mentally counted to ten in her head. "Marinette?"
 "I'm just thinking, Alya," She mumbled before opening her eyes. "Why did you call anyway? I'm in the middle of a new piece,"
 "Oh, are you still designing Marinette?" Lila asked in her clear fake voice. "If you want, I could recommend you-"
 "No thank you, Lila," She cut her off before she could finish, causing Alya to stare at her. "Alya? Why the video chat?"
 "Oh... well, there's a new rumor going around the school. Apparently, one of the students has got hold of Anatis' diary!" She gasped, excited. Both Lila and Marinette started at her with surprise. "It said that it's the diary that he writes everything in, including his secret identity!! Now I've been looking into which student has it and I found out that it is Marc Anciel! I tried to approach him earlier today but he ran off. I reckon that either he is trying to protect Anatis' identity or he is Anatis! I suspect that he might be Anatis giving his love for the color red, his height and his hair. Now I know that Anatis has those red highlights and blue eyes but what if that's a disguise!"
 "Oh my gosh, Alya. If you got hold of that diary and posted it on your blog, it would get you so many likes," Lila encouraged, causing Marinette to look between them with disbelief.
 "That's what I was thinking!" Alya grinned before looking at Marinette. "Which is where you come in, Marinette. I know you and Marc are sort of friends so you can distract him while I grab the diary,"
 "No!" Marinette gasped, shocking Alya. "Firstly, Marc isn't sort of my friend... he is my friend, secondly, that diary might not actually be Anatis'. Marc does writing so chances are he is the author, making it his property. Thirdly, if that is Anatis' diary then we should leave it alone and not post it's context on the internet that everyone including Hawkmoth has access too and finally, that is stealing and I won't be part of that!"
 "Girl, this is a chance to find out Anatis' identity and maybe Lady Noir's! This is my chance at becoming a world famous journalist!" She gasped, making Marinette frown. "You have to help me,"
 "No, I do not,"
 "Marinette, that's really mean of you," Lila pointed out, making Marinette frown deeply. "Alya, if I was in the country, I would totally help you. It would be my duty as your friend,"
 "Thanks, Lila," She mumbled before looking at Marinette. "All you have to do is distract him long enough for me to take photos. I'll be quick and put it back,"
 "I said no, Alya!" Marinette gasped, ending the call. She flopped onto her seat and let out a sigh. Plagg flew out of his hiding place and landed on the top of her head, purring a little. "I can't believe after everything Alya is still in contact with that lying toad!"
 "I could cataclysm her," He suggested, making her sigh.
 "I wish it was that easy but we can't just murder her," She sighed, frowning. "But she's more then likely going to try and encourage Alya to try and steal Marc's work from him,"
 "Are you certain that it's his work?" Plagg asked. "What if Bugboy did in fact write a diary and this Marc boy found it?"
 "Well, firstly, Annie is not that careless and secondly, Marc has been into writing forever and he's really good at it. This 'diary' is probably his latest work and someone in his class saw him with the book and made the rumor based on that and even if it is Annie's diary, Marc wouldn't have just found it and kept it. Marc would have tried to return it to it's real owner,"
 "So it probably isn't Bugboy's,"
 "Exactly but Alya is going to try and steal it. I know it," She sighed, thinking back to when she thought that she was Ryuko or when Adrien was Anatis. "She'll probably be akumatized when she discovers it's a fake then go after poor Marc! No, we need to make sure that this doesn't happen!"
 "And how are you gonna do that?" Plagg asked, making her groan and face palm the table. He sniggered a little at her reaction.
 ~Next Day at School~
 "This is so tiresome," Marinette groaned as she splashed her face with water. It wasn't even lunchtime yet but she had already stopped Alya twice from trying to take Marc's book and had listen to her theories and ideas. She got that Alya wanted to be a journalist but what she didn't get was why she was so adamant to uncover Anatis' identity, despite him making it perfectly clear that he had no intention of sharing it. On the few interviews that they had been on, he had made it very clear that his identity or hints towards it were off limits. Not just that but Hawkmoth was still at large. She sighed and splashed her face again. "Ok, new plan! We get Marc to stay with us and then we can protect him. Sound good?"
 "Sound good to me as long as I get my cheese," Plagg grinned as Marinette dried her hands and took out a chunk of cheese. He flew over and swallowed it whole before holding up his thumb. "Sounds good, doll face!"
 "Alright!" She grinned before dusting down her top and opening her purse for Plagg to hide in. He flew in and she exited the bathroom before making a beeline for wherever Marc was. It took sometime and a good amount of searching but she finally found him hiding under the stairs. "Hey, Marc. How's it going?"
 "Oh, hey Marinette..." He mumbled, looking up from his writing shyly and waving a little. It made Marinette want to gush over how adorable he was before she noticed the book in his hands. She wondered if that was the subject of Alya's desires. 
 "Where's the rest of your class?" She asked, concerned about him been alone.
 "Oh, we're done with classes for today," He mumbled, looking around. "The others probably went home,"
 "Perfect timing!" She grinned, clapping her hands together. "Our class has a spare hour so some of us are heading over to the art room. You should come check it out,"
 "Sure. Why not?" He mumbled, looking down. Marinette smiled a little. If she could get him to the art room then she could protect him for the last hour of the day. She moved a little bit closer to him, trying to see if she could read a bit of his book to determine if it was the 'diary' but he jumped a little and moved it away from her line of sight. 
 "Maybe you'll find let me read some of your writing," She smiled softly, making him blush a little. 
 "Yeah... I don't know... Maybe..." He mumbled, looking at it. She could tell he felt like it wasn't good enough but she was hoping to prove him wrong and of course to protect him from Alya's plan. She grinned and gave him a thumbs up. She wouldn't drag him up with him as right now, he was safe. Alya was in the library, working on a new plan but giving him the idea won't hurt.
 "Awesome!" She grinned before running up the stairs and heading to the art room. She walked in and waved to Rose, who was sat listening to music and writing lyrics for Kitty Section. Nathaniel looked up and smiled as she waved at him while Alix continued to spray her wall. Marinette stopped and looked over at it before grinning. "Look good, Alix,"
 "Thanks, Marinette," She grinned back as she kicked up a spray can and began to work. Marinette smiled and set up her little area, taking out the guitar strap she was working on for Luka. She was hoping to finish it tomorrow as he was coming back to the school then. Luckily, it was mostly done, apart from a little bit of embroidery which she could finish today. She began to work on it, sticking her tongue over as she pressed the needle through the material. The Art teacher moved over to her and smiled.
 "That's some of your finest work, Marinette," He commented as she continued, thanking him as she did. "A guitar strap? Do you play?"
 "Oh, no, sir," She replied, looking at him. "It's a gift for my friend,"
 "Well, I'm sure he'll love it," He smiled, leaving her to it before he moved over to Nathaniel. "How are you drawings coming along?"
 "They're coming along great, sir," The red haired smiled, grabbing one of them and handing it to him. "This is a team up between Anatis, Lady Noir and Mightyllustrator fighting Queen Wasp together,"
 "You mean Evillustrator?" The Art teacher asked, making Nathaniel shake his head.
 "He changed his name after Anatis deakumatized him and became a superhero," He explained, smiling as he did. The art teacher nodded impressed.
 "A bad guy who comes over to the good side," He smiled, handing the paper back to Nathaniel. "Great idea. You should make a comic book about that,"
 "Yeah but I'm only good at drawing stories, not writing them," Nathaniel sighed as he sat back down and rested his hand against his head but the art teacher smiled.
 "Then you should team up with a creative writer," He suggested, making Nathaniel sigh.
 "Maybe but I don't know anyone who is in that," He replied, looking up at him. Marinette looked over, interested in their conversation.
 "Don't worry about it," Alix stated, taking down her mask and turning around. "There's gotta be someone out there, just waiting to meet you. Red, please?"
 She held up her hand as Nathaniel grabbed a spray can and tossed it over to her. She caught in and smirked, just as Marinette saw Marc lingering in the doorway. She jumped up and rushed over.
 "Marc, you made it!" She grinned, grabbing his arm and pulling him inside. "Come meet everyone,"
 "Uh," He gasped as she dragged him over to the teacher, who smiled kindly at him.
 "Marc, this is Mr Beauregard, our art teacher," She grinned, gesturing to the older man before she gestured to Marc. "And this is my friend, Marc. He loves writing and is very creative,"
 "Uh... I'm sorry..." He gasped, hunching in on himself. "I didn't want to disturb you,"
 "Welcome to room 33," Mr Beauregard smiled, stepping forward a little as Marc looked up at him. "You're never disturbing anyone here. You come whenever you want, outside of classes or after school. Anyone can create what they want, anyway they want,"
 He gestured to the whole room before walking over to Rose, who was happily writing with her head phones on.
 "Rose is writing lyrics for her rockband," He explained, lifting one of her headphones and gesturing towards Marc. "Rose, I'd like you to meet Marc,"
 "Hey there! It's nice to meet you, Marc!" She yelled, making him jump a little before she went back to her lyrics. Mr. Beauregard turned to Alix, who grinned and flipped her can in her hand, catching it as she did. "Alix is our expert in street art and Nathaniel-"
 "He likes to draw people in skinny outfits," Alix grinned, causing Nathaniel to throw a ball of paper at her. She laughed as he turned around to face Marc. 
 "Welcome, Marc," He smiled as the shy boy stared at him. "As you'll find out, the good thing about this place is you can say whatever you want and no one will judge you or only in good fun,"
 Marc gasped as he noticed Nathaniel's drawings and walked over to them, surprising Nathaniel a little bit.
 "I s-saw your drawings on the school website," He mumbled, staring at them and soaking in the details. His fingers itched to turn them into stories as he took them in. "but they're nothing compared to the real thing. The movement, the expressions, the attitudes. They're also so..."
 He went quiet as he saw how close he was to Nathaniel, causing him to blush. Nathaniel smiled softly as he looked back at the shy boy.
 "Thanks... that's nice," He smiled, causing him to go redder before he gasped and stepped back.
 "Sorry but it's true," He mumbled, holding his arm across his waist and looking down. "I've never seen drawings so amazing and uh... just ignore me,"
 "No need to be shy, Marc," Mr Beauregard smiled as someone cleared their throat, making them look towards the door. Chloe was stood there with Sabrina next to her. "Ah, Chloe, are you here to show us your own art project?"
 "Actually, I came looking for Dupain- I mean.. Marinette.." She gasped, surprising everyone as she walked up to her. "I want you to make me a dress for a party that my mother is hosting. Of course, I'll pay you for your time and effort,"
 She was looking at her nails as she talked, making Marinette blink in surprise before she looked over at Nathaniel.
 "By the way, while your drawing is pretty good, Anatis is a good couple of inches taller then Lady Noir," She grinned, making him blink. "And if you need any information of Queen Wasp, I will happily tell you what I remember,"
 "Oh... um... thank you?" He asked, unsure how to take Chloe's behavior. She nodded and moved over to Marinette.
 "Anyway, Dup- I mean Marinette... I have drawn out some designs to help you work out how to do it," She mumbled, clicking her fingers. Sabrina rushed over and handed Marinette a couple of pieces of paper that showed the kind of dress Chloe wanted. "Now the party isn't until early spring but since my mum works in the fashion world, I know how long these things take. I want your best work, Dupa- I mean Marinette and we can come up with an official contact to make sure both parties get what they want,"
 "Um... ok?" She asked, surprised and causing Chloe to smile. 
 "Excellent. I'll arrange a meeting for us to sort it out," She grinned, turning on her heel before stopping. "Oh, Cesaire is looking for you,"
 "Oh... thanks," She smiled as Chloe walked out, followed by Sabrina. Marinette looked down at the paper as she was still unsure of what happened. She knew that Chloe had seeked help after the whole Queen Wasp incident and she knew she was trying to be nicer to people but she was expecting a repeat of the aftermass of Despair Bear, where Chloe returned to her old ways but apparently, she wasn't. Sure, she had far to go but whatever Anatis said to her... it must have gotten through. She even corrected herself when she called her Dupain-Cheng and she was even offering to pay her to make a dress and had seeked her out early to ensure she had time. Mr Beauregard smiled and gently patted her back to encourage her before he turned to Marc and smiled.
 "You know you shown up at the perfect time," He smiled before gesturing towards Nathaniel. "Marinette mentioned that you're a writer and it just happens that Nathaniel needs a script writer,"
 "Me? A script writer?" Marc gasped, feeling overwhelmed. Especially with the look that Nathaniel was giving him. "Oh no. I don't write that kind of stuff! I mean I don't write anything interesting honestly... sorry! Gotta go!! Thanks for everything!!"
 "No! Marc!" Marinette called out as he bolted out of the room. She ran after him as he accidentally bumped into one of the poles, dropping his book before running off. "Hey! Wait!!"
 He kept running as she noticed the book. She picked it up and called his name as he ran off but he was too far ahead and her eyes drifted back to the pages. Her eyes widen in surprise as she read the title, realizing it was the subject of the current rumor. She bit her lip and closed it before running towards the direction he went in. She followed him down the stairs, trying to capture up with him but before she could, she saw Nino talking to him while Alya was trying to sneak up on him. She went to step forward but Marc manages to get away from them and rushed out of the building, making her gasp but Alya saw her and waved at her.
 "Yo, Marinette, I thought you were in the art club!" She yelled, causing Marinette to gasp. The last thing she wanted was to alert Alya to the fact that she had the so called Diary of Anatis.
 "Um I am... just nipping to the bathroom!" She gasped, grinning before she rushed to the bathroom and locked herself in a cubical. She let out a little sigh as Plagg floated out. She looked at him and held up the book. "I need to get this back to Marc before Alya realizes I have it,"
 "Or we could just keep it and protect it from her," He suggested, placing his paws behind his head. "Alya can't get hold of it, Marc isn't harassed and no akumas. Everyone wins,"
 "Expect Marc because I have his work, which he has worked hard on," She pointed out, making Plagg make a thoughtful look.
 "You have a point there, Doll face," He admitted. "But... at least read it before you give it back!"
 "Oh no, I couldn't!" She gasped but her eyes glanced at it before she shook her head. "Marc wouldn't want me too,"
 "But you want to..." He grinned, diving into her purse and flying back out with a chunk of cheese. "We both know you'll regret it if you don't,"
 "Plagg, you're a terrible influence," She scolded but she knew he was right. She could feel her fingers inch to turn the pages. She closed her eyes and carefully opened it on a random date before she began to read it out loud. "I saw that Evillustrator again today. Now that he's freed from Hawkmoth's control, he's been trying his best to become a true superhero. He even assisted with Kung Food's capture and put up with Lady Noir's little puns. I have to admit I'm impressed. Maybe I should ask him to join me and Lady Noir's team. Since he has his own powers, I wouldn't need to loan him a miraculous and he clearly knows how to fight. He could be extremely useful against an akuma like Queen Wasp. I'll have to talk to Lady Noir about it... Wow, this is so good! I really can imagine Annie writing this!! Marc is so talented!"
 "Eh. He's ok," Plagg stated, making Marinette glare at him. He held up his paws in defense. "Hey! I'm the kwami of destruction, not creation! That's Tikki's area and as her old friend, I can tell you that she would love this. Anyway, we now know that the rumor is completely bogus,"
 "Not completely, Plagg," Marinette replied. "Technically, Anatis' diary does exist but it's not the real deal, it's fan work. Marc is creating stories based on Nathaniel's drawings. Someone must of seen him reading over it and saw the title then spread the rumor around.... that means we have good news and bad news..."
 "Good news first,"
 "Well, it isn't real and Marc writes the kind of stories Nath draws... which means they would make an amazing comic book if they worked together..."
 "And the bad news?"
 "Alya is still gonna try and get her hands on this," She sighed, frowning. "And like I mentioned before she could get akumatized once she realizes it isn't real,"
 "So we need to keep Alya away from the book as well as help Marc and Nath work together?" Plagg asked, getting a nod of her before she suddenly jumped up.
 "I have it!" She gasped, shocking him before she turned to him. "We convince Marc to let Nath read the book! Nath sees how talented Marc is and Alya doesn't get her paws on the book because she won't realize Nath has it and not Marc! Come on! We need to find Marc and convince him!"
 With that, she rushed out of the bathroom to find him. Only she heard the sound of books hitting the floor. Curious, she moved over and saw it was Marc raiding his locker. She realized he was trying to find his book so she opened her purse for Plagg, who flew it and walked over to him as he muttered to himself. She gently cleared her throat, making him jump.
 "Looking for this?" She asked, holding out the book as he closed his locker door. He took it and hugged it to his chest, closing his eyes in relief before they snapped open again with fear and worry. He moved back at little as he looked at her.
 "Did you read it?" He asked, uncertainty clear in his voice.
 "Oh, no!!" Marinette gasped, waving her hands but she couldn't lie. She sighed and looked to her left before slouching her shoulders. "Yeah... sorry, it was too tempting,"
 "Oh, how embarrassing," He gasped, turning away from her. "It's so, so lame,"
 "No, it's not!" She gasped, making him look at her. "You should turn it into a comic book. In fact, why do you team up with Nathaniel?"
 "Uh... I'm sure he won't like it...." He muttered, looking down but Marinette edged closer.
 "You should have him read it before you jump to conclusions," She smiled, making him bite his lip and look down.
 "But... what if he doesn't like it?!" He gasped in clear distress before he hid his face in the book. "I'll be so embarrassed! I'll have to change schools so I never run into him again!!"
 "Now you're been silly," She stated before smiling. "Look, he draws Anatis and Lady Noir all the time and you write about Anatis and Lady Noir... just let him read it..."
 "Would it help if I gave it to him?" She asked, making him bite his lip.
 "Y-You do that?" He asked, nervously. She nodded and gave him her best smile.
 "I know it's scary doing new things but your writing is really good and I think Nathaniel would really enjoy it," She suggested, making him bit his look. He still seemed unsure. "How about we don't tell him you're the author and get him to read it first? That way it's a win-win. If he likes it, great but if he doesn't, we just won't say anything. Sound fair?"
 "O-ok..." He mumbled, carefully handing it to her. "I... I trust you..."
 "Thank you, Marc," She replied before grinning. "Just leave it to me,"
 He nodded and she took the book back to the Art room. Mr Beauregard asked her if Marc was ok and she told him he just got overwhelmed due to his anxiety issues before she took her seat and carefully erased his name from the book. She walked over to Nathaniel and trapped his arm. He looked up at her and smiled as she sat down.  
 "Is your friend ok?" He asked, making her nod. 
 "Yeah, he's just not use to been around some many people," She explained, making him nod. "Anyway, I need a favor,"
 "What is it?" He asked as she placed down the book.
 "I want you to read this over. A friend of mine wrote it but they wanted a second opinion on the writing. I suggested you since I'm gonna be busy with my commissions and other things," She asked, sliding it over to him. He carefully opened it and gasped, looking at her. "It's not... it's not the real thing... this person is not Anatis... they're like you and a fan of his... but where you draw, they write..."
 "I see," He nods, looking at her. "Sure, I'll read over but can tell me who the author is?"
 "I can't just yet. They're really shy and-"
 "It's your friend Marc, isn't it?" He asked in a hush voice, making her eyes go wide. "It is, isn't it?"
 "I- he- yeah...." She admitted. "I suggested not telling you because he's convinced you'll hate it but you'll give it a read right?"
 "Sure," He smiled. "And don't worry. I won't tell Marc I know it's his work ok? I get what it's like to have anxiety,"
 "Thanks, Nath!" She grinned before skipping back over to her part of the desk and continued work on the guitar strap.
 ~Next Day~
 "Girl, I need that book!" Alya groaned as she walked next to Marinette, who was trying her best to tune her out. "It's like the scope of the century!"
 "And it probably is just a rumor," Marinette pointed out, making her frown. "Alya, let it go. Seriously. I don't think it's the real deal. Anatis is so careful about his idenity so why would he write a diary that could easily be found and more importantly, why would he give to a random student that has no connection to him?"
 "Or so we know!" She pointed out, making Marinette frown. "Marc could be Anatis' confident and that's why he has the diary or as I've pointed out, he is Anatis!"
 "Or it's a work of fiction," Marinette countered, noticing Marc walking in. She waved at him and excused herself from Alya to walk over to him. "Hey, Marc. How are you doing today?"
 "I'm nervous..." He gasped, playing with his hands. "What if he hates it? What if he thinks it's really Anatis who wrote it and then hates me when he discovers I'm the author?! Oh god, I can't do this! This was a bad idea!"
 "Hey, it's ok. Just take slow, deep breathes," She smiled, helping him calm down. "Now I don't think Nath will hate it and he won't think Anatis wrote it. The only person who seems to think that is Alya bu-"
 "What?!" He gasped, panicking again. "No... how does Alya know about it?! Oh, god! That's she been following me!!"
 "Marc, it's ok... calm down..." Marinette gasped, taking his hands in her. "Alya heard a rumor that you have the diary of Anatis and that it's the real deal. However, I'm trying to get her to stop seeking it ok?"
 "R-Really?" He asked, getting her to nod. "O-ok..."
 "Why don't we go see Nath?" She suggested, making him gasp. "Well, not going up to him directly but go see how he's doing with the reading,"
 "F-From the other side of the courtyard?" He asked, hopefully. It's not that he didn't want to be near Nath. He did. He was just too shy. Marinette smiled and nodded before leading him there. The two of them saw him on the other side of the courtyard, sat on the stairs. He was reading the book and clearly hooked on it. The two of them hid behind one of the opposite staircases and watched him. "Do you think he likes it?"
 "He's completely enchanted by it," She grinned, making Marc smile a little.
 "It's rude to spy on people," Adrien's voice made Marinette jump and spin around, causing her to flush and shake her hands in defense. 
 "N-No! It's not what you think!" She gasped, panicking. One, Adrien was in front of her and two, Marc wouldn't want her to tell him that it's about his book. "Uh... it's Nathaniel's birthday soon and me and Marc are planning a surprise!"
 "Cool... very typical of you, Marinette," He stated, going to leave before snapping his fingers. "Oh, yeah. Almost forgot. Luka was looking for you. Anyway, see ya... oh and if you need any help, let me know,"
 "Sure will!" She gasped as he waved and walked off. Marc cleared his throat a little as she waved back.
 "Who's Luka?" He asked, causing her to blush. "Is he your boyfriend?"
 "Oh! What?! Nooo!" She gasped, going bright red. "I mean he's amazing, super cute and really cool but he's way out of my league...."
 She sighed and slouched a little, making Marc chuckle.
 "You're just as shy as I am," He mused, causing her to look at him.
 "Just do as I say and not as I do," She smiled as they looked back at Nathaniel, who was still read. "Would you mind if I went to find Luka? I actually have a gift to give him and he hasn't been at school for the past few days..."
 "S-Sure," He smiled before biting his lip. "B-But could I come with you?"
 "Sure, I'm sure Luka would love to meet you," She smiled, taking out her phone and texting him. A few seconds later, he replied. "He's in his home room and it's a good while before class starts so we can go say hi,"
 "O-ok," He mumbled, following her as they headed upstairs and to Mrs Mendeleiev's classroom. The two of them entered and saw that only Luka was in the room. He was sat at the back with his head phones on and hunched over a notepad. There was no else in the room so Marinette grabbed Marc's hand and walked over to him, who paused his pencil as soon as she walked over and looked up, taking his earphones out.
 "Hey, Lu," She grinned, making him smile before she gestured to Marc. "This is my friend, Marc... Marc, this is Luka..."
 "H-Hi..." Marc mumbled, causing Luka to smile.
 "Hey, it's nice to meet you, Marc," He smiled in a welcoming way before he tilted his head to the side and smiled a little amused. "Huh..."
 "Huh?" Marc repeated, confused as the worst case scenarios came into his head but he was taken back when he noticed Luka's expression change to one of concern.
 "Oh god, I'm so sorry," He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck as Marinette giggled, making Marc between him and her with confusion. "That must have seemed really rude... uh..."
 "Luka isn't great with words," Marinette explained, making Marc look at her. "But he is amazing with music. Right, Lu?"
 "Y-Yeah...I mean... it's just easier then words..." He mumbled, shaking his head. "I wish I had my guitar,"
 "W-what did you mean by huh?" Marc asked, playing with his hands.
 "Oh... I was interested by your song," Luka replied, making Marc blink. "It's nice... reminds me of the fluttering of a butterfly's wings... not like an akuma but as in a real, nice butterfly... sorry, I'm gonna shut up now,"
 "My song?" Marc asked, confused. "Like... my theme tune?"
 "Not quite," Luka explained as Marinette smiled. "Melody, you're so much more better at explaining these things then I am,"
 "Lies, you're excellent with words," Marinette grinned before turning to Marc. "Luka has the ability to hear people's emotions and the songs in their hearts,"
 "Oh wow... so you're a musical empath?" He asked, looking at him. Luka smiled and nodded. "T-That's cool..."
 "Thanks," Luka smiled as Marc bit his lip shyly. Marinette turned to Luka and opened her bag.
 "I made you something," She mumbled, taking out a wrapped gift. "It's not much but I wanted to cheer you up and I was worried... you are ok right?"
 "I'm ok," He nodded before looking up at Marinette. "But you didn't have to make me something, melody. You've already done so much for me,"
 "I k-know..." She blushed as Marc watched how to the two interacted. Luka had this soft look on his face when ever he looked towards her and Marinette was all blushy and cute. He honestly felt like he was intruding so he cleared his throat, making them look at him.
 "I'm gonna head to my home class," He mumbled before turning to Luka. "It was nice to meet you,"
 "Likewise," Luka smiled, making him feel calm and welcome. Marc smiled shyly and waved again before leaving. "He seems sweet,"
 "He is," Marinette smiled back before facing him. "But seriously, are you sure you're ok?"
 "I'm dealing with it as best I can and I'm better then the other day," He admitted, looking to the side before he glanced at her. "But I mean it. You didn't have to make me anything. You just been there for me was enough,"
 "Good but I wanted to so here," She mumbled, pushing it towards him. He opened it and stared at the guitar strap that had little music notes embroided in it in his signature colour. Tears filled his eyes as he stared at it, making her panic. "Oh god, you hate it... I'm such a klutz and now you're probably aware-"
 He suddenly stood and engulfed her in a hug, making her blush but hug him back.
 "I love it, Marinette," He mumbled before letting go and wiping his eyes. "Sorry... I almost cried on you again..."
 "That's ok... I mean it's not ok that you'd be crying because I don't want you to be upset but I'm not gonna judge you for crying cause that's totally normal," She smiled as he traced his fingers over the music notes with a small smile on his lips. "So...."
 "I'm lucky..." He mumbled, making her look at him.
 "Well, yeah... everyone knows you're literally the luckiest guy ever,"
 "Not what I mean..." He mumbled, looking up at her. "I'm lucky to have you in my life,"
 A blush came across her face as he looked at her with such a gentle and loving look but before she could do anything about it, the bell rang causing her to jump. Luka chuckled a little before smiling at her.
 "Better head to your class, Melody," He suggested, making her nod. "See ya at lunch?"
 "S-sure..." She gasped, running over of the room and waved him at him. He waved back before looking down at the guitar strap and smiled a little again before carefully placing it in his school bag, where Tikki gave him a thumbs up when she saw it. He smiled back at her before looking up as the rest of his class came in. Aurora and Kagami rushed over to him and welcomed him back to the class, making him smile as he chatted to them.
 ~End of School~
 Marinette let out a sigh as she rushed over to Nathaniel, who smiled at her. She was still tired at Alya's rants about the diary but now was the time to get Nathaniel and Marc to work together. She waved at him and smiled as he looked up from the book.
 "How's it going?" She asked, walking over to him. He smiled and closed the book. "Did you like it?"
 "Like it? I loved it!" He gasped. "It's seriously amazing! I can't believe how well he writes. Oh that scene about how they defeated Animan!! Amazing!!"
 "Excellent... would you be willing to meet... you know who?" She asked, looking around in case Marc was around. Nathaniel smiled and nodded. "Brilliant. Ok, go to the Place des Vosges fountain in an hour. He'll meet you there,"
 "Sounds great, Marinette," Nathaniel smiled before the two walked off, completely unaware that Alya had overheard the whole thing. Marinette rushed home and dropped off her bag before grabbing some snacks for herself and some cheese for Plagg before she called Marc and let him to know to go to the Place des Vosges fountain as soon as possible. With that done, she headed up into her room and used her phone to watch them. Four o'clock roll around and Marinette smiled as she saw Nathaniel approached Marc. The two of them chatted and Nathaniel handed him the journal back. Marc gave him a shy smile and the two of them shook hands before Nath walked off. Marinette squealed happily before she noticed Alya heading into the park but she looked angry. Marinette frowned and got up before rushing downstairs. She left the bakery and frowned when she heard shouting. She ran to the park and gasped at the sight in front of her. Marc was trying to pull his book out of Alya's grasp.
 "Give me that!!" Alya screamed as she yanked it.
 "Give it back! That's mine!!" He shouted as Marinette ran towards them but to her horror, the book ripped apart as Alya kept pulling at it. Marc cried out as he began to try and grab the pieces. “My writing!!”
 "Your writing?! No, this is Anatis' diary!" Alya snorted, causing Marc to shake his head.
 "No, it isn't!" He shouted, making her blink. "It's a story I wrote based on Nathaniel's drawings! I just called it that because I thought it would be clever!"
 "You mean this isn't real?!" Alya gasped, clearly annoyed. "What the hell?! Why did you lie?"
 "I didn't!" He cried back as Marinette rushed over.
“I tried to tell you that it wasn't real, Alya," She stated, making Alya frown. "And you still tried to steal it off him. What is wrong with you?"
 "I thought it was Anatis' actual diary!" Alya argued, crossing her arms. "It's not my fault that he was pretending to be someone he's not,"
 "Marc was never pretending! It was obvious from the beginning that it wasn't real," Marinette gasped. "But you just refused to listen to anyone again. This is the same as when you thought Adrien was Anatis and I was Ryuko. You refused to listen to reason and tried to get the 'proof' no matter who got hurt and now you've hurt Marc!"
 "I was just trying to get the scope!"
 "By hurting people and trying to steal their stuff?!" Marinette shouted back, failing to notice the butterfly that was fluttering by. "God, Alya. I've said before and I'll say it again! It wasn't real! And even if it was, you should have respected Anatis' choice to hide his identity!"
 "I just-" Alya stated but Marc suddenly stood up, making both girls look at him with surprise. Marinette gasped in horror as she noticed one of the torn pages was black and he had a purple butterfly mask around his face.
 "Nothing will ever be the same, Hawkmoth," He declared, causing Alya to take out her phone but Marinette grabbed her arm and dragged her away from the scene as Marc threw his book, causing it to grow large. He jumped on it and turned into his akuma self before he flew over to where Alya and Marinette were running. He landed in front of them, causing Marinette to push Alya behind her. "Move aside, Marinette! I don't want you! I want her!"
 "Marc, please, this isn't-"
 "I'm not Marc anymore!! I'm Reverser!" He roared, surprising her. "You're always so sweet and helpful! Well, not anymore! Reversion!!"
 He summoned a paper plan and threw it towards her but she dodged it and hit someone else. She grabbed Alya's arm and began to run with her again, causing Reverser to growl and chase them as Alya began to film. However, Officer Roger blew his whistle in annoyance. 
 "Hey you!" He called, causing Reverser to notice him as he gestured towards his glider. "What is this thing?! Vehicle registration please!"
 "You're all about law and order? Well, we're all done with that! Reversion!" Reverser shouted as he summoned another plane and threw it at Roger, giving Marinette a chance for her and Alya to escape. She grabbed Alya's arm and ran off with her, shoving her into the bakery to her parents' surprise. She ordered Alya to stay there before she closed the door, ignoring their protests. Officer Roger ran past her a few seconds later, shouting and acting like he didn't care. He ignored her as she slipped into the alleyway and transformed into Lady Noir, jumping up on the roof and looking for Reverser. She wasn't sure where he had disappeared to so she jumped across a few roofs and spotted him flying through the street. She jumped towards where he was going and threw her baton between the buildings and walked across them. She stopped in the middle, causing him to come to a stop.
 "Reverser, listen to me," She started, trying to reason with him. "I get that you're upset but-"
 "Upset?!" He growled. "Upset doesn't even cover it, you mangy cat! Alya destroyed my work then had the nerve to call me a liar! Well, everyone will see how useless she is when I get hold her off!"
 "We don't have to fight!" She argued, making him growl. "I agree that Alya was in the wrong but this isn't justice. It's revenge!"
 "Then let me change your idea of justice! Reversion!" He shouted, summoning a plane and throw it at her. She jumped down and spun around her baton, dodging his paper plans. He growled and kept throwing them at her but she kept dodging. A yoyo wrapped around his arm, stopping him from firing another plane at her and causing him to look at Anatis. "You just had to interfere, didn't you?!"
 "I'm not sure what the problem is but Lady Noir is right," Anatis pointed out as Reverser glared at him. "We don't have to fight so make the right choice and give up. Besides, I couldn't let you change her sense of justice!"
 "You sure talk a lot, Anatis," Reverser growled. "But what will you do without your powers?! Reversion!"
 He threw paper plans at him but Anatis dodged them, jumping around as he did. Reverser glared at him but stopped firing his planes. Instead, he smiled as if he was amused by the turn of events.
 "You can't keep still, can you bugboy?" He asked, making Anatis raise an eyebrow. "Well, let's go for a ride then,"
 "Wait what?!" Anatis gasped but Reverser suddenly flew off at a fast speed, dragging Anatis along with him. Lady Noir gasped and grabbed her baton before she began to chase them. Anatis held on for dear life as Reverser sped through the city, laughing as he did. They flew past a traffic jam and Anatis looked back in confusion as he saw Officer Roger running down the street and shouting something about doing whatever you wanted. He also had a two dufflebags full of money. Anatis assumed that he got hit with one of Reverser's plane. He began to try and climb up his yoyo to get closer to Reverser as they flew over the Seine but Reverser began to throw more planes at him, causing him to dodge. A butterfly mask briefly covered his face, causing Anatis to dread what Hawkmoth suggested. Reverser smirked when it disappeared and summoned one of his planes.
 "You used to be quick on your feet? Well, now you've got two left feet! Reversion!" He shouted, throwing the plane at Anatis but he dodged again. However, the plane continued to fly and hit a nearby cyclist, causing him to forget how to ride a bike. "Oops,"
 "Whoa! Sorry!!" The cyclist cried out as he attempted to try and ride the bike but he was moving around, almost hit people as he did. "How do I ride a bike?!"
 "Oh no!" Anatis gasped as he accidentally turned towards the edge of the bridge and flew over the side. Anatis freed his yoyo from Reverser's arm before diving towards the man as he flew. He threw the yoyo and caught him, using it to swing and jump back onto the bridge. "Are you alright?"
 "Yes... Thank you, Anatis but I don't know what happened," He gasped, confused but before Anatis could answer, he heard the sound of the plane. He used his arms to protect him, causing it to his forearm. Reverser smirked at the success. 
 "Got ya," He declared, causing Anatis to take out his yoyo and throw it towards him. Only it didn't work. Instead, it hit the fence, bounced back and hit him in the face, which in turn caused him to trip over the bench and fall down. He pulled himself up but his yoyo then landed on his head. Reverser laughed and moved closer to him, causing almost everyone run off in fear. "How do you like your new role, Klutzy bug?"
 He smirked as the purple mask appeared around his eyes again before it disappeared.
 "Your miraculous will be mine!" He declared, reaching out towards Anatis but before he could, Lady Noir landed in front of Anatis and whacked Reverser's hand back before spinning her baton.
 "I don't think so, Reverser!" She declared, getting into a fighting position. "Sorry I'm late, Annie. I ran into some trouble on the way here but now I'm ready to cause our new friend some trouble,"
 "It's fine..." He muttered, trying to get up and failing.
 "You ok, Annie?" She asked, glancing back at him a little.
 "You think you're so brave, Lady Noir? Well, we can change that!" He declared, summoning a plane. "From puss to wuss! Reversion!"
 He threw it at her but she dodged it, causing it to fly over the edge and into the Seine.
 "Oh, I'm so scared," She teased, flicking her braid as Anatis pushed himself up. "You'll be the one afraid when me and Annie are done, Reverser!"
 "Lady Noir! Wait!" Anatis called out as she charged towards Reverser before he lost his balance and fell over the bench again. Lady Noir stopped, turning to Anatis with worry but while she was distracted, Reverser hit her with his plane, causing her jump back in fear as Anatis was trying to get back up. She accidentally knocked him, which caused both of them to fall over the railing and straight into the Seine. Lady Noir began to panic and swam up to the surface. She broke through, taking a breathe and looked around. Reverser wasn't around but neither was Anatis. Her eyes widen in fear as she realized he must still be under the water so she placed her baton into her mouth and dived back under, her fear for Anatis's drowning was far greater then the fear of the water. She swam him near the bottom of the Seine, struggling badly to swim. Luckily, he had put his yoyo in his mouth so he breathe underwater but he was struggling to swim. She swam over to him and grabbed his arm, helping him move through the water. He tries his best to move as well but it was mostly Lady Noir doing the work. She pulled him to the side of the Seine and towards the surface. She helped him grab onto the edge of the shore before pulling herself out of the water then helping him. He crawled on the ground and let out a sigh as she shivered.
 "Even swimming is impossible with this curse," He muttered, shaking his head before looking up at her. "You ok?"
 "I'm gonna catch a cold!" She gasped, shivering as he crawled over to the stairs and used a concrete block to get himself to his feet.
 "We need to find a way to defeat him," He stated, making her gasp and look at him.
 "You want to face him again?!" She asked with a fearful tone. Anatis nodded, making her whimper. "But I don't wanna face that bad guy again.... he looks so mean..."
 "We don't have a choice, Lady Noir," He muttered before sighing. "Besides, he's gonna come looking for us sooner or later. Hey, you were fighting him first. Do you know why he got akumatized?"
 "Well, he had wrote this story that he called the Journal of Anatis but people in his school believed it was your journal and one of the students... Alya... tried to steal it off him but in the attempt, the book the story was in got destroyed and then she called him a liar when she found out it wasn't real," She explained, shivering. Anatis frowned a little. "T-that's why I was late to the fight on the bridge. Alya was heading to where he was to film him, despite been his target! So I grabbed her and took her to the Grand Paris hotel. Her mother is watching over her,"
 "My journal? She really believed that?" He asked in disbelief. "Wow... hmm... well, at least we know she's safe from Reverser so let's focus on moving away from here. Once we've gotten up those stairs, we can try and track down where Reverser would look for her,"
 "I can't! Those stairs are way too high!!" She cried, making him frown before he held out his hand to her. She blinked and looked at it before looking back at him. He gave her his best reassuring smile.
 "Come on, kitten," He stated in a gentle tone. She pouted a little as she looked at his hand again. "It's ok, kitten,"
 She carefully took his hand and he began to gently pull her towards the stairs.
 "That's right," He encouraged as they moved closer. "See? You're gonna be just- ah!"
 He knocked into the block and fell over it, letting out a sigh before carefully getting back up. He eyed up her baton and formed an idea.
 "Can I use your baton as a walking stick?" He asked, causing her to give it to him. He tried to extend it to the right size but hit himself in the chin. Lady Noir helped him, making it the right size. He leaned on it before gesturing for her to come over. He offered her his arm and smiled to her reassuringly. She hooked her arm into his and moved closer to him. "Ok, we're gonna do this one step at a time,"
 "O-Ok," She nodded. It took them almost ten minutes to get up the stairs but they managed it. Of course, Anatis almost fell once they were on street level. Lady Noir was able to help him plus he used her baton to regain his balance. He let out a sigh before looking at her. "W-what now?"
 "We go to Dupont High. If Reverser is after Alya, chances are he'll look there... right?" He mumbled, causing her to nod.
 "S-She goes to the art club to work on her blog... but how are we gonna get there?! You're in no state to fly around on that dangerous thing!" She gasped, pointing to his yoyo. He looked at it and sighed as she was right before he looked to the street and noticed a cab.
 "We're getting a taxi," He mumbled, pointing towards one. Lady Noir gulped but helped him move over. He carefully knocked on the window, causing the taxi driver to wind down his window and gasp in surprise. "Hi, how much would it be to get to Dupont High? We need to get there as soon as possible,"
 "Um... why don't you just swing there with your yoyo?" He asked, confused. Lady Noir gasped and let go of Anatis, causing him to fall.
 "Are you insane?! He could kill himself if he did that!" She gasped, placing her hands on the car door. The taxi driver blinked at her in surprise before looking down at Anatis, who was on the floor and rubbing his spine.
 "Ouch," He mumbled before trying to get up but failing again. "This is getting old!"
 "Yeah, you're right. He would die," The taxi driver mumbled as Lady Noir tried to help him up. He got out the car and helped get Anatis inside the backseats. He put on his seatbelt as Lady Noir climbed in next to him. She was shaking as she did up her seatbelt. "So Dupont High right?"
 "Yeah," Anatis replied, looking to Lady Noir. "Kitten?"
 "I'm scared of small spaces," She whimpered before let out a cry as the car began to drive.
 "It's ok, kitty," He tried to calm her down.
 "There's a blanket next to you, Lady Noir. You can wrap it around yourself for comfort," The Taxi Driver stated, causing her to do so. "So what happened?"
 "Got hit by the latest akuma," Anatis sighed as Lady Noir shivered. He took one of her hands in his to calm her down. "He has the power to reverse people's personalities and abilities. Hence my lack of ability and her crippling fear,"
 "Ah, well wherever you need to go, I'll take you there... free of charge as well," The driver stated, surprising Anatis. "It's the least I can do, given how you and the little lady save Paris from that maniac and his freaks almost every day,"
 "Thank you, sir," Anatis smiled as the car pulled up. Lady Noir undid her belt and got out, shaking and muttering to herself that he was driving too fast. Anatis shook his head and apologized to the driver before he got out. He went to close the car door but trapped his yoyo in it. He sighed in annoyance and opened the door again, taking out the string then closing it before he walked forward. Only the rope got caught around his legs, causing him to trip and fall. He groaned before forcing himself up. He made sure his yoyo string was no where near his leg and then walked extremely slow and careful into the school. He literally pulled himself up the stairs and almost knocked into Lady Noir. "Kitten?"
 "I think Reverser got here first," She mumbled as paintings got thrown out of the art room. They heard the art teacher shout about how he hated art and music. He ran out and slammed a painting to the ground, followed by Rose who threw her lyrics down. Juleka followed them and slammed her guitar against the ground, breaking it. Anatis flinched at the instrument's destruction. He carefully moved toward the guitar but slipped on a piece of paper, causing him to fall down and the paper to flutter down onto his face. He frowned and picked it up. However, his eyes widen at the picture. It showed him and Lady Noir facing Queen Wasp and possibly Evillustrator but it honestly looked like Evillustrator was actually helping them. Lady Noir rushed over and helped Anatis sit up. "Are you ok?"
 "Yeah, I just slipped over this," He mumbled, showing her. 
 "Oh, that's one of Nathaniel's!" She gasped, causing him to raise an eyebrow. "He was Evillustrator. They're on the school's website,"
 "How do you know that?"
 "The Ladyblog linked it and I checked them out," She admitted, making him nod. "Anyway, he drew himself as a hero. That's not Evillustrator but Mightyllustrator, who helps Anatis and Lady Noir fight the bad guys. It was these drawings that inspired Marc to write the journal of Anatis,"
 "Mightyllustrator hmm?" He muttered before an idea pop into his head. Apparently, his natural luck was still working. He looked up at Lady Noir, who was holding her blanket around her shoulders. "I have an idea,"
 "You do?"
 "Yeah," He nodded, looking up at her. "We need help,"
 "But you can't get a miraculous like this. You can barely walk so I can't leave you. If I do, I'm afraid you'll end up badly hurt," She gasped but he shook his head.
 "Not that kind of help," He mumbled, tapping the picture. "Now where does Nathaniel hang out?"
 "I'm not sure," She mumbled, playing with her blanket. Anatis sighed a little before looking over at the pictures on the floor. A lot of the battles that he had drawn seemed to take place at the Louvre museum. Anatis clicked his fingers, causing Lady Noir to jump and hiss.
 "Sorry... but I think I know where Nathaniel hangs out," He smiled, pointing to the pictures. "The Louvre is in almost all of Nathaniel's drawings and while I can't be sure he's there, it's a start,"
 "Does mean we have to get another cab?" Lady Noir whimpered, causing Anatis to nod before the two of them carefully made their way to the cab. They climbed inside, causing Anatis to let out a sigh. He was really getting annoyed with this curse. He shook his head and turned to the driver.
 "Can you take us to the Louvre please?" He asked, getting a nod of the guy as Lady Noir's baton vibrated causing her to jump. She calmed down and checked the notification, showing him the video. He frowned as he watched the video. It was of Nadja Chamuck reporting on the protest about the space dumpster program but thanks to Reverser, the mayor had ordered the dumpsters to return back to Paris, meaning the city will be covered in a pile of trash. Naturally, Reverser was using the situation to make a threat. Lady Noir turned up the volume so they could hear what he was saying.
 "Anatis! Lady Noir! I demand that you bring Alya Ceasire to me right now!" He growled, making Lady Noir quake. "And I demand you give me your miraclous!"
 "He's so scary," She mumbled as the taxi pulled up at the Louvre. Anatis and her quickly got out and carefully made their way into the museum. They made their way through the areas before they came across where Nathaniel was. He sat on one of the benches, drawing while Alix skated around him. They seemed to be talking about making a comic. 
 "Nathaniel," Anatis called, getting both of their attention. "We need your help. It's an em- aah!"
 Both Nathaniel and Alix stared as Anatis proceeded to trip over himself, knocking Lady Noir down in the process. He groaned and threw up his arms.
 "Seriously?!" He yelled, clearly frustrated. "This is getting annoying!"
 "Are you two ok?" Nathaniel gasped, rushing over to them with Alix. The two of them helped the heroes up to their feet. Lady Noir instantly pulled her blanket around her while Anatis leaned on Nathaniel. "What happened?"
 "Reverser," Anatis mumbled, causing both of them to look at them with confusion.
 "Who's that?" Alix asked, frowning.
 "Only the meanest akuma we've ever faced!!" Lady Noir gasped, her ears twitching. "He turned Annie into a total klutz!"
 "He has the ability to reverse people's personalities and abilities," Anatis sighed. "I got hit by one of his planes that took away my natural abilities. I'm not even sure if I can use the miracle cure yet and Lady Noir got hit with a plan that made her a literal scaredy cat.... which brings me to why we're here. We need help. Reverser is after a girl called Alya Ceasire-"
 "Why is he after Alya?" Alix asked, concerned. Anatis frowned before sighing.
 "She tried to steal a book from him, thinking that it was my diary but it was actually a work of fiction. Anyway, when she was trying to take it, it got destroyed and then she got annoyed that it wasn't real," He explained, frowning. "And now he's after her. He probably wants to destroy her reputation,"
 "Marc is Reverser?!" Nathaniel gasped, making both Lady Noir and Anatis look at him. "Marc Anciel. He's usually this really shy boy who Marinette introduced to the Art Club. I'm suppose to be making a comic book with him as my writer. Honestly, his story is amazing but why would Alya think it was real?"
 "Cause it's Alya," Alix snorted. "She's obsessed with getting the next scope and doesn't think about her actions. I mean she did try to take a photo of Adrien's locker because she thought he was Anatis and she's been akumatized twice because of her 'hunches'. Not to mention she doesn't exactly check her facts before posting stuff,"
 "Ok, I get the point but how can we help you?" Nathaniel asked. "I mean he wants Alya, not me. Won't he just attack you when he sees Alya isn't there?"
 "I don't think we'll have to worry about that," Anatis answered, typing on his yoyo before showing them. Alya was already at the scene and filming. "Now we're gonna grab her but we'll need help which is why we've come to you. You're one of the few people who isn't reversed right now,"
 "I'll help however I can but... does this mean I get a miraculous?" He asked, curious. 
 "Not right now... I think I'll need Nathaniel the artist," Anatis smiled.
 "In that case then I'm coming," Alix declared, making Anatis look at her.
 "No, I'm already taking a big risk bringing in Nathaniel so you're staying,"
 "You know, Annie, I could totally stay here and keep Alix company," Lady Noir suggested, clearly not wanting to fight Reverser. However, she didn't pay attention to Alix, who moved closer to her then shouted boo, causing her to scream and jump on Anatis. He tried to catch her but due to his lack of ability, he fell to the floor. He groaned as Alix offered him her hand as Nathaniel helped Lady Noir to her feet. He took her hand and Alix helped him to his feet.
 "It looks like to be you both need a hand," She grinned, making him sigh in defeat. "And I'm not leaving Nathaniel alone. He's my friend,"
 "Alright," Anatis nodded. "You can help,"
 "Alright! So how we getting to the Eiffel Tower?" Alix asked, causing Lady Noir to whimper.
 "We're riding in that death trap again, aren't we?" She asked, causing Alix and Nathaniel look at each other as Anatis nodded. "I don't wanna,"
 "It'll be fine, Kitten," He smiled, making her look at him with big eyes. "You know I won't let anything bad happen to you,"
 "A-Alright," She stated as Alix and Nathaniel helped them outside and into the taxi. They got in after them and told the driver to take them to the Eiffel Tower. Lady Noir hid her face in Anatis's shoulder for the whole ride. He gently patted her head to reassure her. 
 "Stop here!" Anatis called out, making the Taxi driver stop. Nathaniel opened the door, causing Alya to look behind her. Anatis narrowed his eyes at her, making her gulp as Lady Noir hissed. "Get in,"
 "Uh... is there even room?" She asked. Alix climbed out and grinned. 
 "Now there is," She stated. Alya frowned and got in, allowing Alix to close the door. "I'll meet you guys at the tower,"
 "Ok," Anatis nodded as the car drove off again. Alix skated towards the tower. Alya turned to the two heroes and Nathaniel as they drove to the tower.
 "Um... so would this be a bad time to ask for an interview?" She asked, gulping at the looks the heroes were giving her. They didn't answer her as the taxi pulled up. Lady Noir got out first and pulled out Alya, muttering about the speed of the driver again. Nathaniel helped Anatis out of the car as Alix arrived. "What's wrong with you two?"
 "That's strange," Alix stated, looking up into the sky and ignoring Alya. "The stars are out earlier,"
 "Those aren't stars, Alix," Anatis replied, looking up as well. "The trash is entering the atmosphere. In a few minutes, it will be like a meteor shower but with dumpsters instead,"
 "You can fix that right?" Alya gasped as Lady Noir whimpered. She moved the blanket over her head and was shaking. Anatis looked over at her and gently placed a hand on her shoulder, causing her to look at him with big, fearful eyes.
 "Don't be afraid, kitten," He smiled, gently moving the make shift hood down. "We can do this,"
 "Y-You're right as usual, Annie," She mumbled, giving him her best smile. "Our powers might be messed up but we still make a great team,"
 "Exactly," He smiled, patting her head before he winked at her. "Now I think it's time I changed our luck,"
 He took out his yoyo and threw up in the air, summoning his lucky charm. To his surprise, it actually worked and created a bamboo roll. It dropped down and hit him on the head then bounced into his hands. He frowned before he began to look around. His luck vision highlighted a safety cone, Lady Noir's blanket, his yoyo and his belt. He smiled as he formed a plan before handing Nathaniel the roll. He took off his belt and grabbed Alya's arms, securing them with the belt as she protested.
 "Alix, pass me that cone please," He asked, making her grab the cone and hand it to him. He held it up to his mouth. "Reverser! Listen up, I've got a deal for you! I'm sending Lady Noir up to you,"
 Lady Noir gasped as a terrified look came over her face. 
 "In exchange, you'll reverse the mayor to order the dumpsters back into space!" He shouted as Reverser looked at him. "Only then will I give you my miraculous and Alya,"
 "I'll only reverse the mayor back if I have Lady Noir and Alya!" He shouted back. "Then I'll reverse Alya and everyone will see what a horrible creature she really is. Her reputation will be irreversible by the time I'm done with her!"
 "Um... Anatis, you're not gonna let him do that right?" Alya asked but Anatis frowned before holding the cone up again.
 "Deal!" He shouted back, making her gasp before he lowered the cone and helped take Alya and Lady Noir to the lift, along with Nathaniel. "I have a plan. Use Lady Noir's blanket and the bamboo roll to make a kite,"
 "A kite?" Nathaniel asked, surprised as Alya glared at him. "How will we fly it?"
 "Use this," He stated, giving him his yoyo before he turned to Lady Noir, who is shaking. "Kitten, I need you to be really brave. This plan relies on you to make it work,"
 "W-What do you need me to do?" She asked, looking at him.
 "I need you to ride the kite," He stated, making her look at him with shock and fear. "I know how it sounds but you need to destroy his glider,"
 "I... I can't do it," She gasped, tears in her eyes. "Don't make me,"
 "I'm sorry, Kitten but you're the only one who can," He replied before leaning closer to her. "Use my belt as a blindfold. That way you don't have to look down,"
 "I'm too scared," She admitted but he smiled at her.
 "Trust me," He winked before closing the door and heading back to the street with Alix. He grabbed the traffic cone again. "Lady Noir and Alya are on their way up. I've sent Nathaniel with them to make sure they don't try anything! Now reverse the mayor!"
 "If you try to trick me, it'll cost you,"
 "Yeah, I get it but what tricks do you think I could actually pull off?" Anatis shouted back. "I'm a super klutz and Lady Noir is now scared of her own shadow. We don't stand a chance against you, Reverser,"
 He smiled at that answer and turned round, summoning a plane to reverse the mayor. He stopped as the lift came to a stop and opened, revealing Lady Noir holding onto the kite. She had Anatis' belt around her eyes and his yoyo in her mouth but she was shaking.
 "Go, Lady Noir!!" Nathaniel yelled as Alya began filming again. Lady Noir gulped but broke out into a run, stepping off the tower. She let out a scream, dropping the yoyo. Anatis reached for it but it missed and hit him on the head. Alix, however, grabbed it and yanked it. With Anatis' direction, she steered the kite and dodged Reverser's planes. Anatis moved her arms, directing Lady Noir to fly directly under Reverser's glider. He grabbed the cone and held it up again.
 "Lady Noir! Now!" He shouted, causing her to hold out her hand.
 "Cataclysm!!" She shouted, tracing her fingers across the bottom of the glider. It turned to dust and released the akuma as Alix yanked the kite, causing Lady Noir to let go and fall. It fell to Anatis and Alix, causing them to grab it. Alix helped him through up in the air and call out the magic words, releasing the cure as Lady Noir and Reverser fell towards the ground. Reverser let out a scream as he turned back into Marc and Lady Noir was already screaming. The magic ladybugs swarmed around her, making her blink before she took out her baton and threw it between the legs of the Effiel tower. She grabbed hold off it and caught Marc as the cure fixed everything else. Finally, they swarmed around Anatis, giving him back his balance and ability.
 "Hey, Anatis, you're gonna need this," Alix grinned, throwing the yoyo to him. He grinned as he caught before he opened it and threw it, catching the corrupted butterfly. He snapped it closed then released it as Lady Noir brought down Marc, who had reverted back to his shy self. He was looking down and holding onto his left arm. He took a small step forward and went to open his mouth but the mayor, Nathaniel and Alya came over. Marc instantly stepped closer to Lady Noir as Alya grinned and held up her photo.
 "So got time for a quick interview?" She asked but flinched at the look he gave her. "Um... is that a no?"
 "Miss Ceasire, do you know why this young man here got akumatized?" He asked, crossing his arms. Alya bit her lip with a guilty look. 
 "Uh... his book got ripped..." She mumbled, causing Marc to look down. "But he shouldn't have been claiming it was your diary!"
 "I didn't..." He mumbled but Anatis shook his head.
 "You shouldn't have gone after it, even if it had been real," He stated, making her frown. "I've made it perfectly clear that I don't want my identity revealed but you insist! Do you realize what would happen if my identity was revealed to all of Paris, including Hawkmoth? He would target my family, Alya and that would be on you! Do you understand? Back off from my identity!"
 "But... Paris deserves to know?"
 "Oh well by that logic so does Hawkmoth!" He shouted, making her flinch. "I don't want my identity known or anyone else on my team and you will respect that! Is that understood?!"
 "Y-Yes, sir..." She mumbled, looking down.
 "And while we're at you, you can apology to this young man for wrongful destroying his property and accusing him off been a liar," He declared, glaring at her. She looked up at Marc. "I also expect you to buy him a new notepad,"
 "But your cure fixed it," She gasped, pointing to it. However, Anatis glared at her. "O-ok... I'm sorry, Marc... I jumped to conclusions and I blamed you when it was me in the wrong. I should have done my research,"
 "Exactly," Lady Noir added in. "I highly recommend you get into the habit of fact checking,"
 Anatis went to add something but his earrings beeped, along with Lady Noir's ring. The two heroes ran off as Alya turned back to Marc, who was joined by Nathaniel.
 "I really am sorry,"
 ~Next Week at School~
 "The art room is great! You'll love it there!!" Marinette grinned as she and Luka walked up the stairs. "Everyone is so friendly and you already know Rose and Juleka!! Since you have a free period, you should come with me! I'm heading there now!"
 "I don't know, Melody," He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. "I don't want to intrude,"
 "You won't be," She reassured before giving him her best puppy dog look she could. "Please!!!"
 "... Alright..." He sighed in defeat but he had a little smile on his face. She let out a happy yell before grabbing his face and dragging him into room 33. As soon as she walked in, Mr Beauregard looked up and smiled at her.
 "Found another stray, Marinette?" He asked with a smile. Marinette giggled as Rose waved at Luka. He waved back
 "This is Luka, the guitarist I told you about," She smiled, making Luka blush at the fact that she mentioned him to people. Mr Beauregard turned to Luka and smiled as Marinette began to talk to Rose.
 "Welcome to Room 33, Luka," He smiled. "You can come here anytime you want between classes or after school. Marinette told us you play guitar and Rose mentioned you were in her band,"
 "Yes, sir," He mumbled, nodding. "I'm Juleka's older brother..."
 "Ah, another Couffaine huh?" He smiled. "Then you're definitely in the right place. We have a lot of different equipment here so I'm sure you'll be able to find a guitar somewhere. Ah, Marc, Nathaniel. This is Luka, Marinette's friend,"
 "Hi," Nathaniel smiled, waving.
 "I remember you. You're the musical empath that Marinette made the guitar strap for," Marc mumbled, playing with his hands. "It's nice to meet you again,"
 "So you're the lucky person who got that guitar strap?" Mr Beauregard asked, making Luka smile shyly and nod. "Well, feel free to look around as much as you want, Luka. You're always welcome here. Now, boys, how is your comic coming along?"
 "It's great, Mr Beauregard," Nathaniel grinned. "We based it off Marc's akumatization and had Mightyllustrator help Anatis and Lady Noir deakumatized him! Once he's been saved, he joins their team!"
 "Wow! That sounds great, boys," Mr Beauregard grinned as Luka felt Tikki's song beat with excitement. He smiled a little before walking over to the musical instrument area. He found an acoustic guitar. He strummed the strings and listened carefully before tuning it. Tikki peaked up at him and smiled, hidden behind the guitar before he smiled and began to play, causing everyone to stop what they were doing and listen. Once he finished the song, they all clapped, causing him to blush a little. "Wow, that's some talent there, Luka. Marinette wasn't kidding when she said you were the best guitar she knows,"
 "I never lie, Mr Beauregard," Marinette grinned as Luka went bright red. 
 "I'll say," Nathaniel smiled as Marc clicked his fingers.
 "Oh, Marinette... we just want you to know that we dedicated the first issue of our comic to you," He smiled, making her go bright red. "Since it wouldn't exist without your help, we thought it would be a nice thank you,"
 "R-Really?" She gasped, getting a nod of the boys. "Thank you,"
 "Aww, now they match!" Rose gasped, causing both Luka and Marinette to turn a brighter shade of red that caused everyone, including them to laugh.
Next Chapter: https://ultra-sassyduck.tumblr.com/post/636532022128574464/miraculous-rise-of-anatis-36
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