blairwaldcrf · 2 months
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klefaroline + the snowflake that's more than a snowflake (tvd 4x09)
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obisamya · 2 years
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my top 5 caroline forbes ships/dynamics ♡
#5. caroline/klaus/stefan — “don’t underestimate the allure of darkness, stefan. even the purest hearts are drawn to it.”
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averseunhinged · 7 months
wip wednesday! i am returned from the pits of lung ick and doom.
this is for @purplesigebert and @trueromantic1, but idk if this is remotely what you had in mind. it veered off to angstville a teensy bit along the way. it's also klaus/caroline/stefan in its soul, but stefan's hella dead. so.
it's sort of a sanctuary/the librarians/warehouse 13 theme fusion in which caroline is a research librarian in a sentient, extradimensional library. no magic babies. klaus still went to new orleans and got all grabby hands over it. the entire cast of tvd, minus caroline, died at the end of season 5 when the other side collapsed and took mystic falls with it.
He was silent on the stairs as they descended and remained that way as she lead him through the rabbit's warren of echoing hallways lined with closed, barred doors, part of the Library's natural defense system.
At the first checkpoint, she finally broke. “What do you want, Klaus? You did not donate enough to get an all-access pass just for a tour of the Bodleian from me. You don't need a tour of the Bodleian. You probably helped build the Bodleian.”
“I like the hair," he ignored her question. "The glasses. Very clever. Makes you look older. Authoritative.”
“And don't start with the flirting." She pulled her flexible ID chip in its retractable holder with more snap than necessary and held it out to the reader. A row of tiny lights turned green and the door unlocked with a muffled click. She opened the door and felt the distant brush of the Library greeting her, soothing despite its natural inclination to grumpiness and her own Original-induced temper. "I haven't just made myself look older. I'm seventy-four. I have more degrees than anyone can fit at the end of my name and a gaggle of grad students waiting for me. I have a warlock's extensive estate scheduled to begin arriving from Cumbria this afternoon," she opened the door, ushering Klaus through, "in distressingly soggy condition, because he was well over two hundred years old and absentminded about preservation."
He trailed after her at an easier pace than her own, forcing her to slow down if she didn't want to leave him behind. “That sounds like an interesting challenge.”
“Are you making small talk? What the hell, Klaus.”
"I—" he tilted his head toward her, as though to hear her better, but his arms were perfectly still at his sides, hands wooden, “—yes. I am attempting to draw you into conversation about your work."
Caroline once had to remove a dead witch from the Bodleian proper during Trinity reading week in nearly an hour of awkwardly harrowing Weekend at Bernie's reenactment. At one point, she'd had to hurl the body behind a display case to help a first year in crisis over a missing source article that had, nevertheless, been referenced in four subsequent sources. She'd still never been so relieved to see the last checkpoint before the entrance to the Library as she was with Klaus at her side.
She placed her hand in the center of the door's intricately carved medallion and waited for it to acknowledge her. The Library skimmed over Caroline's being, lazy from decades of connection and more than comfortable with her presence. It was less gentle with Klaus, if his sudden, pained breath was any indication, but the door warmed under her touch, a golden glow spreading molten into the runic array, seeping out to the edges until the door shimmered away to nothing, leaving the entrance of a circular, brass cage.
"Interesting," he murmured, discomfort brushed aside by fascination. She'd always enjoyed that about him. It had never been the promises and the gifts and the flattery that made her wish he hadn't been otherwise impossible. His curiosity, the variety of interests and depth of knowledge, had been like no-one she'd ever known. She remembered every conversation she'd ever had with him, a claim that couldn't be shared with anyone else she'd known briefly nearly a century prior.
She stepped into the cage and beckoned him with a hand to her left side. "Coming?"
"What is this, exactly?" he questioned, even though he did as she'd indicated.
"A lift," she answered and swung the curved gate around, completing the circle, "of sorts. Or so we refer to it. It's really a gateway, but people get a little nervous when you start talking about dimensional travel."
Any further questioning was cut off when the brass cage sparked with the same light as the door had, spreading until its occupants were engulfed. Caroline breathed through the lurching tremble of distortion and the squeezing yank in every direction, the terrifying weightlessness of momentarily ceasing to exist in time or space.
When reality reasserted itself, Klaus was crouched, one hand on the ground, gasping. Caroline stood primly, hands clasped in front of her.
"Welcome to the Library," she stated, impassive as any bored tour guide. "The Bodleian entrance was created during World War II, the result of a casual agreement between adversaries to avoid destroying key universities."
Klaus gritted out her name as he stood, unsteady and even paler than typical, veins darkening around his eyes.
Caroline ignored him, staring straight ahead. "I've learned things, gone places, met people even your millennium couldn't have shown you." She unfolded her hand to gesture around in a smooth, practiced motion to the rotunda's warm brass and red-toned wood structure, its mercurial filigree detailing and shifting aurora of the dome above. "Don't make the mistake of thinking I'm still that little girl you tried to tempt away into the woods."
That barb was one that clawed into him. "It was not like that." He looked away from her, eyes darting around the room without truly seeing, in an attempt to control his temper. "Don't make it sound so tawdry." Caroline slowly turned her entire body to stare at him, unimpressed. He shut his eyes for a moment, longer than a blink, but not long enough to give the impression that she wasn't his entire focus. He made a small, beseeching move towards her, and his eyes were as intense as they'd always been, begging some question she’d never known the answer to. "That afternoon was the happiest I can remember being."
When she laughed, it was an ugly sound. "Good for you. If you'll follow me, I'm afraid you'll have to endure a morning of dull administrative tasks. You are, of course, welcome to leave at any time."
“I'm sorry, Caroline!” he called out after her. He sounded strained and desperate. She halted, lungs seizing and abdomen clenching. “I'm sorry they died.”
Every day. She missed them every day. She missed Bonnie's tenacity. Her quiet grace. Elena's wild, foolish bravery and deep well of compassion. She missed Matt's honesty. His so human morality. Enzo and his halfway-to-crazy attempts to help her grow up, whose death broke her heart far more than she would have expected. She missed her mom's steady practicality. Those moments of kindness bridging the gap between them that never quite went away. Her father, Tyler. They hadn't been very good at loving her in the end, but they had loved her. That’s what she remembered.
She even missed Damon. Sometimes. A little bit. Maybe.
“I'm sorry Stefan died,” he continued, and that one hurt.
Stefan. Stefan. Stefan of the gentle touches and soft, encouraging words. The late-night-early-morning whispers to each other in her bed, forehead to forehead, cuddled up as close as two people could be. Who preferred being the little spoon and understood how afraid she was to love him, because he was just as afraid to love her back. After all, they knew the people they loved would always, always leave them.
Her best friend. Her almost lover. She took care of him, even when he thought she shouldn't. He protected her, even when it was from himself.
Last one standing was a dog shit bonfire of a title to hold.
And he was sorry.
“Don't talk about Stefan.” She walked away from him. Her heels sounded like bullets as they struck the floor. “You don't have the right.”
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laufire · 2 years
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everyone's a critic smh.
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captainlockwoof · 2 years
The first thing that he felt when he woke up was confused. He remembered being there with Vicki, holding her hand, and then nothing. Nothing but darkness and cold and the feeling like nothing would ever be okay again. And then, just as suddenly, his eyes were opening and the light was far too bright. He groaned as he woke, hands pressed hard into his eyes to try to quell the pounding headache behind them. “What the fuck?” he grumbled, shaking his head to try to bring himself back to reality. Tyler forced himself out of bed, padding slowly to the door of the room he shared with Jeremy and peeking out into the hall. “Hello? Is anybody here?” 
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eternalxbarbie · 2 years
Caroline was finally starting to feel like herself again. It had been a difficult few weeks, but things were looking up. She was still struggling emotionally most days which was to be expected after the ordeal with Lucien but she had a new project: wedding planning. Caroline was throwing herself into all things wedding related and she’d found it to be the best distraction possible. “I guess that color scheme is really going to depend on the date, isn’t it? I mean, there’s absolutely no way that silver would work for a spring ceremony.” 
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kmze · 5 months
Kris stop making klefaroline happen lmao jk but like I would rather take sterowood triangle than klefaroline. Because I think there’s no way Caroline would be confuse on who she will choose after marrying Stefan. Like I think once she married Stefan it’s game over for any male characters
HAHAHAHA NEVA!!! Although you're right Anon because I keep saying Klefaroline triangle and that's not really what it is, its is a throuple. Because all three of them want to have sex with each other because I swear rewatching I forgot how fruity Klaus and Stefan were. If Stefan had not died and stayed a vampire I feel like a threesome would have happened at least once, because Stefan knows that Caroline is a little kinky and he'd want her to be satisfied while also trusting that she'd always only love him. And I don't think Klaus would really try to steal Caroline away from Stefan because why would he do that when he can have them both this way. You know that's my perverted logic at least lol.
Sterowood is 100% a triangle but the possibility of it ended once Tyler was turned back into a untriggered werewolf. I completely agree though that once Caroline married Stefan it was over for any other male character, he was the one she wanted since the moment she saw him. Even if she buried her feelings when they were just friends he made her feel more than any other love interest and I don't think any other male characters could touch that. Even when Stefan was dead she didn't let Klaus kiss her, and the undertones in that scene of Caroline wearing Stefan's rings around her neck and Klaus was wearing Stefan's clothes and the bell toll being the thing that made her move away make me feel it even more. As the saying goes "it's always gonna be Stefan."
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galvanizedfriend · 6 months
Okay okay hear me out what *if* you did some klefan and some carolijah in the same fic…but it’s also Klaroline making the other person jealous (because jealousy is a guilty pleasure of course)
lol ignore this I’m missing like carolijah angst (particularly just how it makes Klaus jealous) and thought it would be fun to through in some klefaroline/klefan in there too for fun. Also no pressure just needed a place to vent an idea and I’m not a writer so please enjoy 🥰
Amanda!!! The sheer chaos of this!! 🤌🤌🤌 I love it! I can see Klaus being so jealous he'd have a stroke at a situation like this 😂 And I'm just ultra sensitive for Klefan these days, ok 😌
You know, aside from those two Klefan/Kleferoline stories I mentioned the other day, I also started drafting this other human AU a while back that would involve an arranged/convenience marriage (or a betrothal, anyway) between Caroline and Klaus that would end with Elijah catching feelings for her and driving Klaus out of his freaking mind.😂 In this context, Bill would blackmail the Mikaelsons into arranging the betrothal but Caroline doesn't know about it, she thinks it's "a convenient betrothal, but a "real" one"real" (or as real as a modern day betrothal could be, just a high society type of thing, her father wanting to make it into the big boys' table and using his daughter for it, which she very much understand is the situation, but was kind of prepared for it her entire life, and she thinks it was Klaus who wanted to get to know her). She would move in with Klaus (and Elijah, because they're uber rich but have a living situation like in the show, where they both inhabit the family's mansion) and while Klaus would be extremely pouty at the beginning, and the two of them would be bickering like fucks to distract from the obvious mutual attraction they don't want to be the first to admit to, Elijah would be on the sidelines going... 👀 Oh. And then at some point he'd try to make a move on her, telling her that the whole thing is a scam, but by then Klaroline would be very much falling for each other and then DRAMA ENSUES.
Or at least that's what I remember, but it's been a minute since I looked at that one, I could be wrong about the details. 😂
Sideline Carolijah for jealousy purposes is my whole heart 🤌
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heartunderneath · 2 years
Honestly ship you with Caroline and Klaus; just a cute throuple potential
A MOOD nonnie. tbh when i was first watching tvd i found myself shipping klefaroline before i even started shipping Steroline LOL, the fact that we’re actually making it come to life is so awesome??? shoutout to em and ash. | @eternalxbarbie @ofchaoticminds​
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blairwaldcrf · 2 months
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klefaroline + bossing each other into finding the cure (4x07 | 4x09)
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thewildmother · 3 years
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klaus: someone's about to die
caroline and stefan, behind him: of fun!
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enobariasdistrict2 · 2 years
it's strange that JP used other characters to hype up st*lena and market them as being protective and caring of each other/using caroline and klaus's dialogue to claim that stefan would never hurt elena except...... it's not true lmfao. klaus knows that stefan almost drove elena off the same bridge that she'd already had traumatic experiences on before in his crazed madness/plot for revenge against klaus because stefan called klaus while he was doing so??? and caroline thinks stefan hasn't hurt elena even though she's also probably directly witnessed his behavior at some point
the fact that klaus and caroline love stefan so much they feel the need to say good things about him is soothing to my klefaroline heart byt like........ that doesn't give them the license to lie about stefan being a good boyfriend to elena so blatantly when they've seen evidence of otherwise
tldr: klefaroline is *chef's kiss* but jp needs to stop using klaroline as stelena fan self inserts and rewriting what canonically happened
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ywhiterain · 4 years
Klaus Caroline Stefan
It’s a continuation to Memento, a Klaroline missing scene fic where I figured the best way to write about Klaus’ crush on Caroline beginning was to have him search Stefan’s old phone and get charmed by her Carolineness.
It’s also about how I was sorta into Klaroline during their first shippy scene because I thought it was going to be him using her to charm the sheriff for some nefarious plot and maybe accidently catch feels.
Each part will be a self contained story that leads the eventual outcome of  Klaus having Caroline and Stefan as his replacement Rebekah and Elijah he can better control and also fuck. And accidently have feelings for while Stefan and Caroline try to keep each other safe. No happy ending forwarning. 
Below is Klaus punishing Stefan for breaking his phone filled with Caroline texts and pictures he wanted to see. I haven’t written it yet, but it’s the lead up to a graphically depicted rape scene:
"Very well," Klaus said. He dropped the phone next to Stefan's head. "For the next ten years, you are mine. I suspect you're under the delusion that means your duties end at obeying me." He tapped his finger against the midde of Stefan's throat. "Your past belongs as much to me as your present and near future."
"I didn't mean to hide from you," Stefan said. He wanted to turn away, but he forced himself to keep his eyes on Klaus. He looked hungry in a way that made Stefan itch and want to twitch. "I just wanted to protect Caroline."
"She does seem to be a sweetheart," Klaus said. Stefan wondered if he'd throw up. "An uncommon beauty. You mentored her and she clearly adored you in return." Klaus moved his hand down Stefan's neck and pressed his palm flat above where Stefan's heart was beating frantically. "It's a noble notion, to want to keep her safe." His eyes were on Stefan, cold and angry. "Drop it. Your days of protecting anyone are over."
"What about you?" Stefan asked.
Klaus didn't answer right away. He seemed unnerved. Stefan wished he had some idea of <em>why</em> so he could use it to his advantage. "I do appreciate the sentiment, but I'm the strongest creature in the world. I don't require your protection."
"That doesn't mean you still can't be hurt," Stefan said. That seemed to make Klaus smile in a way Stefan hadn't seen before. Instead of smug or amused, the smile was wistful. Stefan licked his lips and continued, "You were being friendly and in return I pushed you away."
"You're arrogance is unseemly," Klaus said. His smile was gone. "You are a useful tool to me and nothing more."
Stefan was almost certain that wasn't true. But that was beside the point. "That doesn't change the fact I was wrong." Somehow, he kept his voice steady as he continued with, "I am sorry for that and will gladly come up with a punishment for that as well."
Klaus cupped the side of Stefan's face. He stroked his thumb in slow circles on Stefan's cheek. "Your contrition sufficient is in that regard."
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eternalxbarbie · 2 years
Dear Caroline,
I have noticed that you have decided to just turn it off, and I’ve heard that is rather a cool road to go down because of how much fun the consequences are and as much as I would love to argue the good vs bad dilemma I thought this guy could do a better way. 
- GIA.
ps – pls don’t eat him.
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kmze · 5 months
Are you planning to do a rewatch of The Originals? I'm actually watching it for the first time and season 3 is by far my favourite of the first three.Barring Cami's death,I loved it.The show can be melodramatic at times but the storytelling is much better than The vampire Diaries.I love Marcel and Vincent and feel like s3 could have been a great ending to the show.I think Paul would have enjoyed it if they had crossed Stefan over to The Originals.He did much better on that one crossover episode than an entire season s7.He used to speak highly of them back in the day and the casting is pretty strong.Do you think if, by chance, vampire diaries had not been renewed for an 8th season,julie would have crossed some characters over?
I'm thinking about it Anon, I did watch 3x14 during my rewatch since it was important and I always thought the world building on the Originals was much better than TVD. Yeah S3 was my favorite season of TO I LOVE Vincent and Marcel and I loved the trio of Lucian, Aurora and Tristan in that season. I was so happy that Lucien and Stefan shared a scene and they sassed each other because they are both Klaus' murder boyfriends it was only right. I also like TO S4 it's different but I thought the Klaus/Hope relationship was it's strongest that season and I thought the big bad that season was fantastic, like genuinely scary.
So apparently there's some rumors that Stefan was someone they wanted to move over to TO and that crossover was a test to see how he'd fit in. There's a thread on Reddit about it so of course take with a huge grain of salt because anyone can post anything there. Julie also said after S7 ended that there was a possibility that was going to be their last season because they hadn't been renewed yet when it was written and that they wrote it with the intention it could have worked as a series finale. So if the rumor on Reddit it true then that would fit because that finale would have set up Steroline together (AS VAMPIRES) and Damon probably would have died when he went in the vault. I'd kill Enzo too and have Bonnie go to TO with Stefan and Caroline so Boncel could happen if I were in charge but c'est le vie.
According to that Reddit post they offered Paul basically what Matt D got, guest spot on TO to introduce the Salvatore school, Klaus would have hit on him while sassing him about his wife. Then maybe him and Caroline guest spot on TO in S5, dare I say they'd do the Klefaroline triangle a bit and I think Klaus still would have died and Stefan and Caroline would have ran the school until they died (Julie pretty much confirmed that here). But I think Paul and Ian had an agreement after Nina left that when either of them were done the other was too, I think that's why they both wanted their characters to die they wanted finality.
I think Stefan became a tricky character for them after Klaus was introduced because he became so much bigger than the triangle of doom. Stefan as much as he complained in the early seasons about being a vampire he loved having vampire powers and he loved to "play the game" which is why Klaus wanted him around, Stefan's ability to manipulate people was one of his greatest skills. The problem was the premise of TVD was Stefan's story and the foundation of it was anchored by both Damon and Elena and that's why it was always hard to remove him from either of them. I think that's why they would have offered Paul the chance to go to TO (plus him and JoMo had AMAZING chemistry) because that show had nothing to do with the triangle of doom and in general wasn't as much about romance as it was family and supernatural politics.
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