#Klaus hargreees imagine
purrfics · 6 years
Love Today
Klaus Hargreeves x Reader
Note: idk where i was going with this just wanted to let everyone know that A) this blog.. may be back and B) i love klaus and i’ll write for tua thank u this is really short but im just.. wow inlove.. holy heck
Side by side you lay. It was a cold, bitter morning but the winter sun still managed to find it’s way through the stained yellow curtains. It was the first time you had stayed over with your boyfriend, Klaus, at the Hargreeves house, and you didn’t have to say you were nervous -- all the signs were there. His whole family seemed to live here now after his father died. Something about the world ending. It was scary, sure, but Klaus didn’t seem to care that much.
You rolled over to look at him, his mouth hung over like a flytrap as he slept soundlessly. His breathing was shallow, his arm crushed between his pillow and his head. You could see the smudged eyeliner around his eye, which brought your attention to his messy hair, which almost covered his eyes.
As though he felt your eyes on him, he snorted lightly, flickering his eyes open to your face. He grinned, teeth flashing as you propped yourself up on your elbow, resting your head against your hand. Klaus snuggled into the sheets of the bed as his arms flared with goosebumps, he shuffled over in the bed until he reached the warmth of your body and fell limp against you, wrapping one arm around your body.
“Good morning” You sleepily said, stroking his attacking arm with one hand while the other gently brushed at his hair. He puckered his lips playfully, pulling himself up to place a kiss on your lips, what started off gentle lingered passionately. His hands began to wander, fingers walking up your skin and under your clothing, making you shiver against his touch. Klaus always seemed to be needy in the morning, and today was no exception.
You pulled away from his kiss, pressing a finger against his lips instead. He frowned before playfully attempting to put your finger in his mouth. “Y/N” He mumbled as you snatched your finger back and sat up in the bed, stretching your tired body out. “C’mon, do you have to leave so soon. We can make pancakes!” He basically begged, leaping up onto his knees, the covers almost falling to expose his nude lower half but not quite making it that far as you grab them eagerly and push them at him.
“Maybe later, alright?” You giggle, giving him another kiss before pulling on your clothes. He followed you down the stairs, wearing nothing but a pair of briefs passing by his other siblings as they stared on in usual disgust.
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randomimaginesideas · 5 years
Party till the sunrise(Platonic!Diego and Platonic!Klaus x reader)
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Request; plsss do one about taking diego or klaus to a concert for the first time in their lives
Summary;  You take your good friends Klaus en Diego to a concert for the first time 
A/N; It has been a while, I know. And It’s short, I’m sorry. 
Trigger warnings; none I believe
‘Let’s go! Klaus! Diego!’ You shouted through the umbrella house. ‘The taxi is waiting!’ You shouted while pulling on your coat. ‘Coming!’ Klaus yelled while running down the stairs, trying to put on his fur coat. 
Diego also came down the stairs but he was dressed in his usual attire. ‘Really? You’re going to a concert in those clothes?’ You asked while raising an eyebrow. Klaus placed an arm around your shoulders. ‘Give up (Y/n), I’ve spent the last two hours trying to convince him, but at this point, it’s me who’s convinced that he just doesn't have any other type of clothes.’ Klaus said looking from you towards Diego.
Judging from Diego slight blush and the inability to look you in the eye you think that Klaus might have been right. ‘That’s fine, I know you still have some dance moves in those clothes so it’s fine.’ You said friendly and then grabbed them both by the arm. ‘But the taxi is waiting!’ You said and pulled them outside and towards the taxi.
Their faces! Only for their faces, you would have brought them along to this concert.
Just before the concert Klaus and Diego had admitted that this was their first concert ever. They had wanted to go to one for a long time but their father had never allowed them when they were little, and when they grew up they never had a reason to go to, and they were both convinced that their family shouldn't spend to much time together. 
They were nervous to dance at first when the music had started, even Klaus, but eventually, they both started dancing when they saw you dance.
Diego was doing his signature robot and wave moves, while Klaus was dancing as… well, Klaus. His skirt twirling around him. And you were dancing in between them, keeping a close eye on them. 
If you looked at their faces it almost looked as if they felt free, forgetting the problems the family recently all had. Preventing the end of the world, making up with Vanya.  The boys saw you looking at them and they quickly rushed towards you to give you a hug and to continue dancing. 
When the concert had ended you and the boys decided to go to a dance party in the city afterwards, not wanting to go home already. Although you were tired you couldn't deny your best friends.
And so you just decided to party till sunrise. 
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peachywise · 6 years
nullify part 3
an umbrella academy fanfiction // klaus hargreeves x reader
- part iii: the difference between truths and lies || part i ⋆ part ii ⋆ part iv ⋆ part v ⋆ part vi ⋆ more parts to be released
- synopsis: Klaus may have terrified your neighbour, broken an unspoken contract, and overall just acted like an absolute ass, but hell. That wasn't anything compared to how shitty your first meeting went when you met the rest of his family.
- notes: Sorry, this chapter took a little longer to get up than expected! Then again, it was delayed because I got a puppy, so yeah man I'm not that sorry lmao. Hope you enjoy! Swearing and minor violence TW.
link on ao3 
“Did you break my lamp?”
Looking over his shoulder, Klaus peered at the tall beige light lying haphazardly on your floor, its shade squished to shit with little pieces of broken light bulb scattered around. It also just so happened to be right beside the window he had crawled in to get here.
“Would you believe me if I said it was like that when I got here?”
You pinched the bridge of your nose. Patience. You had to have patience. Granted, that would be easier to achieve if you also had a lamp that was intact.
“Hey, if it makes you feel any better, it made a loud enough crash and you didn’t even wake up. Would have thought you were dead if I wasn’t such a brilliant expert on the subject already.” Crossing the room to stand in front of you, he lowered his voice slightly, asking, “what pills do you take for it? Never seen anything like it.”
“Nothing. Just the sheer anger and exhaustion that comes from having been born,” you bluntly stated, only half-joking.
He tilted his head in a funny nod. “Ah, yes. That would do the trick.”  Shaking your head, a little amused despite it all, you brushed past him to grab one of your canvas bags hanging by the front door. In doing so, Klaus’s eyes fell down to your hand, only just noticing the object clasped in your grasp. His face contorted in confusion “Are you actually bringing that clock with you? I was joking when I suggested it, sweetheart.”
Slipping the clock in the bag—which was little more than a defensive weapon now—you snorted. “I’m not taking any chances.” You’d already had a plate thrown at you, a spoon, and a pot dropped on your stomach, and that was all in less than twenty-four hours. If they were going to keep tossing ridiculous objects your way, then the clock was yours to use freely as far as you were concerned.
You almost wanted to smack him over the head with it again to avenge your fallen lamp. At least that’s why you told yourself you wanted to.
“Remind me why I agreed to go meet them, again?” You muttered, slinging your bag over your shoulder as you slipped some sneakers on. Klaus moved back over to your window, gingerly stepping over your lamp like he was afraid of damaging it more than he already had. How nice of him.
“Because I’m incredibly charming. And if you’re thinking of backing out, you aren’t going to get the ice cream cone I was going to treat you too on our midday stroll.”
Well, shit. Couldn’t say no to that.
“Let’s go, then."
Klaus’s grin was way too big, his face a little too excited. It was the same as that almost anticipative, hopeful look in his eyes you saw when you first met. The near intensity that he looked at you was enough to unnerve even the most confident of people. It was confusing. You had begun to think about what they could need. Clearly, they weren’t as interested in your forcefields ability of simple defense, given Five’s early dismissal of it. He was way more interested in learning you could nullify powers. At the very least you knew you could cancel out Klaus’s. Most likely they just needed you to do that with someone else. The question was, who was it?
Moving to unlock your door, you heard a familiar swish and click of a window. Turning back around, you noticed Klaus trying to squeeze himself through it, his body already halfway out.
“I genuinely can’t tell if you’re doing that to be funny, or because you forgot we could leave out the front door.”
Stalling just before he stuck his second foot out on your fire escape, he stayed still for a beat then backtracked, maneuvering himself inside the apartment once more. Clearing his throat as he stood upright, he murmured, “I was just following Ben’s lead,” walking past you to swing the front door open. “Well come on, we haven’t got all day. Early bird gets the worm and all that."
Patting Klaus’s arm condescendingly, you stated a little loudly simply in hopes ghost boy was actually still in the room, “with how much I assume Klaus pins his stupid stunts on you, it's a travesty that you haven't been anointed to sainthood, Ben.”
“Please,” Klaus scoffed, throwing his arm over your shoulder as you moved out in the hallway, closing the door and locking it behind you. “You can’t even hear him and you believe him over me?”
Shrugging his arm off, you span around and walked backward, facing him. “Are you kidding? Currently, he’s my favourite because I can’t hear him. It’s blissful.”
Klaus was about to shoot something back at you, his face lighting with the knowing signs of amusement, but stopped himself before he could begin. Oh, so no clever come back? You’d gotten so used to the rapport you were almost disappointed, despite what you had just previously stated about the quiet.
But then you heard another voice behind you, and Christ, you already dreaded having to explain the presence of your rather scantily clad, eccentrically distinctive acquaintance.  
“Honey, are you okay? I heard some noises coming from your apartment and I was just on my way to check.”
Spinning back around, you gave a tight smile in welcome to your elderly neighbour, Eliza Carr. She was a sweet little woman, albeit nosy as all hell. Shrunken to about 4’9 with overly long grey hair pinned up in a tight bun, you always wondered if she did it too stretch her wrinkles in a make do facelift. Ingenious, really. She’d always kind of reminded you of a fairy. Odd comparison, but it worked when you considered they were often pleasant under the guise cover an impish exterior.
Once you had even caught her looking through your mail. You were pretty sure she had taken a pizza coupon from the stack and hid it in her bra.
“I’m fine, Mrs. Carr. I was just—”
“With me,” Klaus interjected, stepping beside you and looping his arm through yours, pressing you closer to his side as he put on his fake little polite act.
Why he interrupted, you had no idea. Maybe it was just his incessant need to hear his own voice, or his need to make his presence known lest he disappears like the invisible ghost who trailed along after him.
“Believe me, I tried to quiet them down but they just can’t keep their hands off! Didn’t help that they ball-gagged me and had my hands and feet tied together, but that’s pretty tame compared to last night.”
Maybe he interrupted because this truly was hell and Klaus was a literal fucking demon given the duty to torment you in every sense of the word. Then Eliza’s hand went to her chest, and you had decided he was actually the grim reaper who just tried to kill the poor old bat.
Widening your eyes, you were completely stunned into silence, unable to cough even the slightest noise or retaliate against his words. Then Eliza dropped her hand and took a small, concerned step forward, reaching that hand out to place it on your forearm in a comforting, though at the moment mortifying, gesture. “Why don’t you come to church with me on Sunday, Hun? I think—”
Sidestepping away from her grasp, you gripped Klaus’s wrist as you finally found your voice again. “Sorry, gotta go! Late for an appointment!” Before she could try to convince you that you needed Jesus—someone who inevitably must have abandoned the earth the moment your present companion was born—you pulled Klaus behind you in your frantic attempt to escape. Then he turned just slightly to yell back at the woman, “we’re trying to adopt! I think we’ll make fantastic parents," as you turned down the hall and raced down the few flights of stairs. Klaus snickered the whole way down.
As soon as you reached the landing of your lobby, musty and welcoming with its stained emerald carpet and all, you dropped his wrist and indignantly ignored him as you exited the building. He trailed behind you like the world’s worst trained mutt. “Give me a minute to catch my breath, will ya?” He huffed, as you walked down the concrete steps and on to the sidewalk. “I’m still a little winded from having that ball gag in my—”
Sticking your leg out casually as he descended from the final step, he comically tripped over it and fell to the ground just as gratifyingly as you had imagined it.  
“Do that again and I’ll shove coal so far down your throat you’ll be shitting diamonds for years to come.”
“You promise?” He smiled, pushing himself off the ground and wiping the gravel from his hands on to his pants. Not like those things could really get any dirtier. “Also, that’s an oddly specific threat. You pick it up from Five? Sounds like him, though it’s a little crude.”
“Do you get off on making a random strangers life hell?” You questioned, crossing your arms over your chest as you glared at him indignantly.
Klaus stepped beside you and bumped his shoulder with yours. Smirking as he bent his face lower to your level, he groaned out, “come on, you had to find it a little funny. That woman probably isn’t a saint herself. Seen plenty of grannies reading Fifty Shades of Grey on the bus. Think she’d want to give it a go with me?”
Okay. It was a little funny.
Taking your silence and the slight upturn of your mouth as a win, he poked your arm as if the last attempt to coax you out of grumpiness. You let out a small laugh. “Fine, whatever,” you conceded, “It was a little funny. But seriously, don’t do it again. She’s tried to get me to go to her church so many times that I think next time she’ll just knock me out and drag me there in her car.”
Chuckling back, he sprang into action as he began walking down the street, calling back, “come on, let’s go get that ice cream.”
“I can’t believe you,” you muttered, pulling the vibrantly pink sunglasses down off your head to cover your eyes, despite being inside.
Klaus turned to glance through his matching pair.
“What? I told you. It will present us as a united front.”
“Not the glasses,” you said, taking another lick of the ice cream. You know, the ice cream that you paid for despite him saying it was his treat? Yeah. At this point, you were just ashamed that you had even believed him. And to trick you with the promise of ice cream, of all things! He was truly and most undoubtedly heinous. “When you say you’re going to treat someone to ice cream, typically that means you’ll pay for it, not just order mine and one for yourself, then look me dead in the eye to tell me to pay the man.”
“Did I not hand it to you? I treated you. It's not my fault you thought I had money.”
Wow. He truly would have thrived in high school debate. How disappointing he was raised to be a freakin’ con man instead.
“You know what? The glasses I was fine paying for. They’re cool. But to make me buy you ice cream, taking back an unspoken contract? Despicable.”
You couldn’t tell if the offended look on Klaus’s face was real or a weak attempt to hide the pleasure you knew he was truly taking from this mindless argument.
“Unspoken contract!” He snorted, exiting the elevator on one of the higher levels of an apartment complex way nicer than your own. “Why are we even having this conversation? We both have ice cream, do we not? I call that a win-win.”
“That’s because you're stupid,” you jeered back, reaching over to take a bite of his ice cream like a passive-aggressive child. He gasped in what seemed like true horror. “Hey, you have your own!” Klaus whined, lifting his ice cream high up like that would actually stop you. You gave him a cheery grin—downright innocent. “I bought it. Both are mine.”
Klaus stopped in front of one of the apartment doors, not even bothering to knock as he swung the door open and entered inside. You followed behind him.
“Honey, I’m home!” He called out, then turned his attention back to you, swooping down to take a bite out of your ice cream in return. You gasped, recoiling back as if he had just tried to take your most precious possession. Man, now you knew how Gollum felt. “Not fair!” You laughed loudly, Klaus’s eyes crinkling as he returned the laughter in kind.  
Then the thunk of something planting itself in the wall right beside your ear had your laughter cutting off rather fast, and you dropped your ice cream too the nicely tiled floor in shock.
Oh, hell no.
“Diego, what did I say?” Echoed a baritone voice from around the corner. Turning your head slightly to stare directly down the hall, you lifted the sunglasses back on your head and made eye contact with one of the family, Diego. Luther soon followed into view and tugged him back.
Klaus muttered a small “uh oh,” beside you.
Peering from the corner of your eye at the knife he had just thrown at you, narrowly missing your head by a fraction of an inch, you turned your attention fully back to Number Two, squinting as you did.
“I am not a fucking steak!” You yelled at him, getting really tired the cutlery this family just kept throwing at you. So tired, in fact, that you ignored the man’s inquisitive look in favour of scrounging in your bag, pulling out your broken clock and throwing it with the intent to clock him on the head, no pun intended. Instead, it just bounced enthusiastically off his chest, falling to the floor and cracking its glass face.
Everything went quiet. Well, apart from the snort Klaus tried so hard to mask by covering his mouth with his hand.
“I don’t see any force field. I told you I don’t trust them,” Diego sneered to Luther, turning back around the corridor with a lasting, “we don’t need to involve anyone else.” You weren't necessarily going to dispute that, but man, he was a bitter boy.
Klaus leaned down close to your ear, whispering, “that was Diego. A ray of sunshine, isn’t he?”
Absolutely delightful.
Luther took that opportune moment to advance towards you too. While his disposition tried to read friendly, you knew underneath it all he was scrutinizing you just as much as the trigger-happy Diego had. Reaching out a gloved hand, you tried hard not to let his intimidating size spook you. When the fuck did he get that big?
“I’m Luther,” he introduced himself, as you shook his hand firmly but briefly.
“I know who you are,” you commented back, dropping his hand and taking a tiny step back. “Care to explain what’s going on?”
A look of confusion fell over his face. “Wait, no one told you?” Wow, the whole family was smart, weren’t they? “Klaus, you were supposed to tell her,” he sighed, turning towards his brother.
“Probably best he didn’t. He’s not the most reliable source for information,” came another voice, slightly higher pitched and overly familiar. Five moved to stand in front of you. “Nice to see you again. Was that a clock you threw?”
“Yes. Probably looks a little different from the Disney themed one you have beside your race car bed, so I understand your confusion.”
The only tell he had of his annoyance was the slightest tick at the corner of his eye. “Are you done and ready to talk like an adult now?”
“What, looking for practice? Can’t remember the last time I played house. Maybe kindergarten.” You were going to milk this as long as you could. It wasn’t just that you were trying to avoid whatever weird, nearly cult-like thing this had evolved into in your mind. It was also because you wanted to see just how much you could push the little tyke’s buttons until he snapped.
And then he snapped.
Giving a small huff, a knowing, almost winning look crossing his features. “And that was before your house burned down with you in it, right? If I recall correctly, that was when you were ten.”
This motherfucker. He knew. He knew everything.
Judging by the perplexed look on Luther’s face, and Klaus’s small exclamation of, “what?” it seemed that he was the only one who did. At that moment, it was the only thing stopping you from falling into a spiraling descent of panic and unbelievable ire.
This wasn’t worth it. No matter your curiosity, this was far from worth it.
Turning to Klaus, you bit out, “I think you need to set the kid down for his afternoon nap. He turns into the world’s biggest asshole when he’s tired,” and then swiftly moved to open the apartment door, slamming it behind you as you left without even saying goodbye.  
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randomimaginesideas · 5 years
The reaction of the siblings walking in on you (Klaus x reader) HC
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Request; Hey! Could you please write a hc about the reaction of the different siblings to walking in a room where the reader and klaus are having sex? Thank u xx
A/N; Based on the previous image I got this request. So enjoy.
Trigger warnings; Mention of sex, people walking in on you having sex.
Poor Luther. His poor little innocent eyes.
He did not expect to walk in on you and Klaus.
Especially not in the washing room.
With you on the shaking washing machine.
And Klaus pumping into you like his life depended on it.
Luther, of course, isn’t the time to leave quietly.
No, he is the type who would say something grabbing your attention.
Klaus; “Luther, can you see I’m literally in the middle of someone?”
You would shoo Luther away with your hand.
Later when you and Klaus would come back in the living room Luther would still be talking about it.
He would still be blushing.
‘Just..in the washing room! In the washing room. We do our washing there!’
You and Klaus will just laugh, a lot.
‘Don’t make such a fuss about it Luther. Don’t be mean because you wanted it to be you who was screwing someone on the washing machine!’
Technically it wasn’t you guys fault that he walked in.
And walked in, isn’t the best word to describe it.
He entered through Klaus his window, running away from the cops.
But since Klaus his window is above his bed, he fell right into you riding down on Klaus.
Diego had walked into you before but always had kept his calm.
But now, since he literally bumped into you naked, and with his brother's cock in you even he couldn't keep his calm.
He became the little stuttering Diego from the past.
Diego’s face is all red, while he is stuttering his apology.
A couple weeks later Diego still colours red when he sees you.
Allison is just happy Claire isn’t with her most of the time when she’s at the Umbrella house.
She has walked into you a few times.
Sure, the first time she was just as shaken up like her brothers
But it slowly stopped bothering her.
Now she would just close the door and then later look at you with a look;
I know what you did.
You would just laugh, and if Klaus saw the look he would too.
And no fucks were given by this single person.
Five has other things on his mind than you and his brother screwing around.
If he needs a book that is in the room you are screwing in, he doesn’t care.
Five just space jumps into the room, grabs the books and leaves again.
He is also the person who tells Luther to shut up if Luther keeps on rambling about you and Klaus having sex.
You respect Five a lot because of that, and in turn
you haven’t screwed in his bedroom yet.
And he in return respects you for that.
Ghost!Ben would be out of the room as soon and he saw a kiss get too heated.
Or if you and Klaus are alone in a room together because he’s scared of what might happen.
He saw it happen once, and he didn’t want to see it again.
Now alive!Ben he would just try to ignore it. If he would hear you or Klaus moan he would just quickly walk past the door.
He did walk in once or twice, but just like Allison, he would just shut the door.
But not before saying something like; ‘Gross,’ or ‘Other people live here too you know.’
You would always throw the nearest object at his head.
Poor, poor Vanya.
So innocent.
The normally pale Vanya was now so red as a tomato.
Vanya reaction would be kind of like Luther but less dramatic.
She would also just stammer out an apology and leave.
Red for weeks when she sees you or Klaus walking around.
You would tease her from time to time
And slowly she would start to joke about it too.
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randomimaginesideas · 6 years
One more chance (Klaus x reader)
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Request; May I request a Klaus x reader but like REALLY ANGSTY cause I’m in a sad mood uwu. With the prompts 31, 19, 17. I know, very angsty 😅🥺 but I love Klaus so can you please write a happy ending please and thank you if you can! 🥰🏹💛💛 Also I really liked the recent tattoo shop! the smut was good btw
- 17. “Please don’t cry. Do anything but cry.”
- 19. “I can’t do this anymore.”
- 31. “You cheated on me?”
Summary; Reader goes to visit her boyfriend, Klaus but finds Klaus in bed with somebody else.
A/N; The apocalypse didn’t happen in this fic. The reason why I didn’t make Klaus “cheat” on the reader with Dave is since I can’t get mad if Klaus went with Dave since it was war! And you need someone so I would understand that.
Trigger warnings; Sad but with a happy ending. 
You were standing in front of the Umbrella Academy opening the gate. You had texted Diego to ask where Klaus had spend the night. Diego had answered that he had seen Klaus walking around in the umbrella academy, and thus here you were.
You knocked on the door, waiting for the front door to be opened. A couple minutes later the front door opened and the smile of Grace greeted you. ‘Hello, Grace.’ You said with a smile. ‘Hello (Y/N), Klaus is in his bedroom but I haven’t seen him awake yet. ’
Grace took a step aside, letting you in. ‘Thank you Grace.’ You said with a soft smile. ‘Can I make you something? Thee or breakfast? I’m afraid we don’t have any coffee.’ She asked you and you shook your head. ‘No, I’m fine. Thank you. But I think Klaus would love some breakfast later.’ You said and Grace nodded. ‘I’ll get right to it then.’ She said walking towards the kitchen.
You started walking towards the bedrooms, seeing Klaus his door closed. You quietly opened the door, wanting to surprise Klaus. You saw Klaus laying on his stomach, his leg sticking out under the covers. You took a step forward, but your foot hit a vodka bottle making it roll into the room. You let out a sigh.
You walked towards the bed, and placed your hands on Klaus his shoulder. ‘Klaus? Klaus?’ You shook your boyfriend awake. Klaus’s body slowly started moving, but then something started moving next to Klaus too.
‘Klaus! What the hell!?’ You yelled at him when you saw a blond woman come out from under the covers. She looked around and saw you standing there, a look of shock on her face. Klaus had quickly woken up from your yelling, shooting up from the bed.
‘Shit (Y/N)!’ He said and he turned around looking at the woman. Only now did you noticed that Klaus was only wearing his boxers while the girl was naked. All the anger inside your body turned to ashes, making a place for calmness. You placed your hands on your hips. ‘Explain.’ You sneered at Klaus.
‘(Y/N), this is Mercedes.’ Klaus said waving his hand at the woman, Mercedes. Of course, ofcourse she had a name like that. ‘Mercedes, would you be so kind as to leave me alone with my boyfriend?’ You asked, plastering a fake smile on your face.
‘Boy-boyfriend?’ She asked surprised, and she turned to Klaus. ‘You said you were single!’ She said frantically, climbing over Klaus to get out of bed. She quickly pulled her clothes back on. Just before she left she turned to you. ‘I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to.’ She said but you held up your hand, and then let it fall down again.‘Goodbye Mercedes.’ You said and she quickly left.
‘(Y-Y/N) I’m so-,’ You turned towards him and held up your hand again. ‘You cheated on me?’ You said calmly, but the tears were forming in our eyes. ‘(Y/N), I didn’t mean too. Yesterday I had taken a bath and my high was wearing off, so I started...seeing things again. I just had to take soms pills, but I may have also had some whiskey with that.’ Klaus started to explain, falling silent as to think about how to explain the next part.
‘So you got to high didn’t you? You were high and drunk. And let me guess you went out and met Mercedes.’ You guessed and Klaus nodded and stood up. ‘Yes, exactly! I was drunk and high, very high so you can’t hold me accountable.’ Klaus said looking at you.
‘And you just happen to forget you have a girlfriend waiting for you? And you didn’t think about how she would feel if she found out?’ You asked looking at him, he was silent. ‘Would you have even told me?’ You then asked softly. Klaus remained silent, looked at the ground and then shook his head.
You let out a strangled laugh, went with your hands over you face. “I can’t do this anymore.” You mumbled. ‘What did you say?’ Klaus asked carefully. ‘I said, I can’t do this anymore.’ You said louder, looking him in the eye. A tear went down your cheek but you paid no attention to it. ‘I have been patient enough with you with your drugs and alcohol abuse. Other people would have already left you by now, but here is where I draw the line. No more Klaus, no more.’ You said, tears streaming down your face at the end of your little speech.
“Please don’t cry. Do anything but cry.” Klaus set taking a step closer but you took a step back. ‘Please, (Y/N) I can’t live without you.’ Klaus said, his voice sounded broken. ‘Please don’t leave me.’ He begged her. You were silent for a while. ‘I need to think.’ You said and then you ran out of the room.
Klaus finished his story and looked around his therapy group. ‘It has been a week and I still haven’t heard anything from her.’ Klaus sighed. Everybody looked at his hand, taking Klaus his story in. ‘No opinions? No advice from anyone?’ He asked looking around the group.
‘When you cheat on someone, you’re telling them they’re not good enough for you.’ A woman, Klaus believed her name was Susan, said. She was sitting across from Klaus in the circle. She was first looking at her hands, but was now staring straight at Klaus.
Then Klaus was reminded of why Susan was in his therapy group. She had found her husband, who she had a relationship with for 20 years in bed with another woman. It turned out he was having a secret affair for 5 years with her best friend.
‘You’re basically telling them you never loved them. You may beg to differ but how can you put someone you truly love in such a position? To make them doubt there self-worth. To make them question everything they thought they knew about you? To make them believe that their trust was completely misplaced?’ Susan said, Klaus knowing that it was also a little bit about their relationship.
‘But I was as high as a kite, and to drunk to even walk. It was just a mistake.’ Klaus tried to defend himself. Susan stood up angrily. ‘Cheating is not a mistake. If you truly love someone, you will not be able to kiss someone else without tasting your loved ones lips. You will not be able to take your clothes off for someone else without feeling like a field ripped bare to it’s soil. Cheating is a choice, it’s a choice you made because you obviously don’t give a single fuck about your relationship.’ Susan screamed at Klaus. ‘I have been listening to your stupid stories for almost a year now, and you always sound so fond of this girl. But if you truly loved her you wouldn't cheat on her. Sober, drunk, high it shouldn't matter. ’ Susan finished sitting down again.
Klaus stood up. ‘I have somewhere to be.’ He said and he stormed off.
You were in your sweat pants, sitting on the couch watching FRIENDS when your doorbell rang. You slowly walked towards the door, and opened it. You eyes went wide when you saw Klaus standing before you, a single rose in his hand.
‘Klaus I,-’ You started but this time Klaus hold up his hand, the one with “Hello” on it. You wanted to laugh but the situation didn’t really let you. ‘Just hear me out, please.’ He looked at you begginly, so you nodded. You wanted to give him a chance.
He handed you the rose first. ‘I wanted to get you a whole bunch of them but I only had two dollars in my pocket.’ He said and he saw the corner of your mouth quickly shot upwards, but it came down just as fast. ‘Thank you.’ You said, looking at him expectantly.
‘(Y/N), you make me feel loved, protected, and taken care of. You make me want to be a better person, and I don’t ever want to live my life without you by my side. This week without you has been miserable. A wise woman said something to me today and just made me realise how much I fucked up. I love you (Y/N), and I want to spend every day of the rest of my life to prove just how much I love you. I know that you won’t be able to forgive me what happend, at least not for a long while but I gladly expect that punishment because I deserve it. I just want to ask you to be mine again, and I’ll be yours, till the end of time.’ Klaus said looking at you.
Your eyes went from Klaus to the rose, and back to Klaus again. ‘I used to think of you as somebody who would never hurt me, but I have decided to give you one more chance. One more chance. But it will come with some rules, mostly about your drugs and alcohol problem.’ You said and Klaus started to nod frantically. ‘Anything.’ He said taking a step closer.
‘I’ll have that kiss now then.’ She said and Klaus didn’t hesitate placing his lips softly on yours. You slowly pulled away and took a step back. ‘You may come in if you want.’ You said with a slight smile. ‘Oh, I can’t. I have therapy to get back to. I have somebody to prove wrong.’ Klaus said placing a kiss on your cheek and he was off again.
You looked at him from the distance and closed the door. You grabbed a vase from one of the cabinets and you placed the rose in the vase. You looked at the rose and grabbed one of the petals tearing it off. One more chance.
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randomimaginesideas · 6 years
Chameleon effect (Diego x reader)
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Request; May I request a Diego imagine with prompts 6 and 20, please? Thanks
- 6. “You know, you really are a total asshole.”
- 20. “Get the fuck away from him/her!”
Summary; You’re one of the 42 children with who were born on October 1st. Your ability making you an excellent thief. You run in with Diego on numerous occasions. You joke and “fight”, but there are still some feelings left unanswered.
A/N; My first Diego x reader (I am not too proud of this one.)
Trigger warnings; Blood, knives, mention of nudity, Swearing
The alarm was blasting through the museum. The police already had arrived at the scene, storming through the hallways looking for the thief. Diego was hiding behind a wall, as the police stormed passed. He looked around the corner and when he was sure there was no police in sight he closed the door towards the animal exhibition.
It was the room next to the jewel display where the alarm had gone off. He knew you would be here, you never escaped from the scene until the police had left. He knew that much. ‘You can come out now (Y/N).’ He called in the room, walking around trying to see if anything moved, his knives ready in his hands.
‘You already have enough jewellery, is another bracelet really necessary?’ Diego continued to talk, observing the room. ‘You know, if you had wanted a bracelet you could have just asked. I’m sure the police would love to put a bracelet on your wrist.’ Diego said when he suddenly felt something pressed against his temple.
‘Thank you, but I’m more of a diamond kind of girl.’ He heard your voice say. Diego’s eyes went to the corners of his eye where he saw a gun float against his temple. ‘What? Don’t I get to see that pretty little face of yours?’ Diego challenged with a grin. He saw a shimmer in the corner of his eyes. Your body becoming visible. You walked in front of Diego, his eyes fixating on your face, not daring to let his eyes drift downwards.
‘I must say, what is the point of invisibility when you can’t even turn your clothes invisible.’ Diego joked and you rolled your eyes, still keeping your gun pointed at his head. ‘I’ve already told you, Diego, I can camouflage, my body adapts to my background, not my clothing.’ You said annoyed. Your eyes went to the jacket he was wearing. ‘A gentleman would offer me his jacket.’ You noted and Diego laughed, while he carefully took off his jacket. ‘Good thing I’m not a gentleman then.’ He said and carefully handed you the jacket.
You lowered the gun and put on the leather black jacket. ‘How did you know it was me? It could have been just a regular thief.’ You said with a slight smile. ‘You’ve already stolen some earrings and a necklace, I figured you would need a bracelet to match.’ Diego said and you let out a loud laugh. Diego hated to admit it, but he loved the sound of that.
“You’re not as stupid as you look, Diego.” You said and took a step closer, pointing the gun at him again.  ‘See you next time Diego.’ You said, placing a kiss on his scar and wanting to walk away.
Then Diego took his chance and kicked your legs from underneath you. You felt to the ground, Diego jumping on you, grabbing your hands and taking some handcuffs from his belt. You trashed around, trying to break free but it had no use. When you were cuffed, and Diego was sure you couldn't escape anymore he pulled you up from the floor.
‘You know, you really are a total asshole.’ You muttered under your breath, which made Diego let out a laugh. ‘But you knew that already don’t you?’ He said jokingly and walked to the front of the museum. The lights of the police car casting you in a blue and red glow. ‘Gentleman, if you would turn your attention this way.’ Diego called loudly.
The policeman who had been busy arguing with each other turned their attention to Diego.’Dammit Diego!’ A woman shouted from the crowd. Detective Patch walked to the front and towards Diego, while Diego walked to towards her. ‘Eudora, you can sleep easily tonight knowing that I caught the culprit for you.’ He said with a wink which made you roll your eyes.
‘How many times have I told you not to intervene?’ Eudora hissed at him which she grabbed your arm to take you off his hands. ‘Easy, easy. I have delicate skin.’ You said to her trying to pull free. Eudora ignored you. ‘Diego, go home. I don’t want to see you here anymore.’ Eudora said one more time to Diego and she walked off with you.
‘Be careful with her, and her little tricks!’ Diego called after her. ‘Otherwise, she will escape.’ Diego said, letting Eudora stop in her tracks. ‘That will not happen.’
It happened. You had escaped. When a new police guard had shown up you had taken off your clothes, and camouflaged yourself. When the police man was doing his rounds, and saw that your cell was empty he had opened the cell and stormed in, trying to see for any escape routes. Leaving the cell door open you had quickly walked out, leaving that old rotten cell behind you.
Diego was sitting in the Griddy’s doughnuts shop by the window when he saw a motor, an Harvey, drive by. The motor stopped right in front of his window, and Diego looked open mouthed when he saw the girl under the helmet. Your (H/C) hair falling from under the helmet. You shook your head, making your hair fall in place. It was like a movie scene where the hot girl arrives on the scene and Diego fell under your spell.
You sat down your helmet and looked at Diego. You looked at him, and gave him a “come here” sign with your finger. Diego didn’t know how quick he had to go outside. You smiled at his reaction. ‘So, we have I think two weeks before I decide I need new jewelry.’ You joked and grabbed your helmet again. You looked at him. ‘You coming?’ You said, putting your helmet back on.
It had been a couple weeks since you had freed yourself from jail. The police were still looking for you, and Diego had told them you had no idea where you were. And currently, he didn’t know either. That was until he had gotten a text that said to meet you at the war house near the docks in the city. When he had arrived there you were literally running for your life. ‘(Y/N), what happened?’ Diego hissed towards you. You showed him a quick grin, while pulling him behind some storage boxes. ‘I may, or may not pissed off some people while trying to steal some stuff.’ You said looking around the boxes to show that you were followed. ‘Have you parked your car outside?’ You asked him and Diego nodded.
‘Good, let’s go.’ You said ready to move, but not before you quickly turned to Diego pressing a kiss on his lips. Diego closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of your lips on his, and before you knew it you were gone, sneaking past the boxes to the front of the storage. Diego quickly moved behind her. Then he heard gunshots, and a scream. Your scream.
Diego turned around, and saw three big guys standing there with machine guns. Diego grabbed two knives and threw them at one of the attackers. Hearing a grunt, and a body fall to the floor, Diego knew he hit the target. One of the remaining guys starting shooting towards Diego, who ducked behind one of the boxes.
Diego pulled another knives from his boot and threw it towards the other man, his body hitting the ground. Diego turned towards you, and saw that you had kicked the gun out of the man’s hand but was not wrestling with him on the ground. Diego saw how the man pulled out a knife from his belt, ready to strike you with it. “Get the fuck away from her!” He called throwing his own knife in the back of the attacker, letting the man fall over you.
Diego ran towards you, and pushed the man off you. He lend you a hand, which you grabbed and he pulled you from the ground, again. When you stood again Diego grabbed you by the hips and pulled you against him. ‘You’re crazy.’ He said towards you and you gave a grin. ‘And you’re still an asshole.’ You said and you pressed your lips against him.
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