#Klancetober 2018
louuryptic · 6 years
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Inktober / Klancetober Day 7 Witch
follow me on Instagram for more: Yumiomiru
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martiansonearth · 6 years
Day 7 & 8: Witch & Black cat
Klancetober 2018
List of prompts X by Ikimaru
Link if you want to read it in AO3
Witch AU time!!! I decided to merge this two days and give you a Witch AU. I really love how it came out, I will definitely update more chapters to this one.
Summary: It's Lance’s birthday, the day he’ll finally be initiated by his family circle, and thus becoming an official witch. It's also the day he’ll find out what his familiar is. He really hopes to continue the family tradition to have a dog as one. Little did he know destiny had other plans for him, involving a black cat and a human, that may or may not be the same creature.
Electric Blue
'Where is it?!' Lance exclaimed to himself as he took every single jar and box out of the shelf, put them on his desk and examined them fast. 'I swear I put it around here' He dropped a few jars on the floor, but they didn't break, as Lance had put a spell on them to not break under any circumstance. But still, the jars being on the floor only contributed more to the mess he had made in the room. His little study room was usually very clean. Every book had its place, as well as every jar and box, and pots and bowls. Lance had his system and he liked it being like that. His mom always told him a good witch knows where his possessions are. She probably didn't mean it to this extent, but Lance took pride in being very organized. It was one of the qualities that he thought it would come in handy when he entered the academy.
He also took pride in the 'witch aesthetic', as he called it, that the room had. Lance had decorated the small room with various plants and ornaments hanging from the ceiling. They crowded the place, but it still looked clean and organized. So when he couldn't find the thyme he'd just bought for his spell, he couldn't help but get angry at himself. It wasn't the first time he forgot something this week. Lance sighed very loudly and rubbed his eyes. 'I can't freaking believe this' He talked to himself, a practice that had more than once attracted the attention of people on the street. Defeated, he went to the door and put on his coat. He was going to buy more thyme, he was going to get back, and he was going to learn that spell that day, even if he missed his own initiation.   'It just had to be today!' He grumbled and took his bag from behind the door, hanging it on his shoulder, and left the room. But then, he noticed there was a small unfamiliar weight inside his bag. He put his hand inside it and took a small jar out of it. It was the thyme. Lance closed his eyes and shook his head in disbelief. He hung his coat and his bag back, and closed the door behind him. He took a deep breath and revisited the spell on the opened book on his desk. Taking a piece of chalk, he stood in the middle of his room facing the window and drew a circle on the floor. He added the runes the book showed and then stepped inside it. He reached his hand to his desk and took a small gold bowl, that had all the ingredients on it. He then took a small twig of thyme and added it to the bowl. 'Here we go' he closed his eyes and cleared his throat. 'Qui affecto protego' He began and his clothes and hair puffed with energy 'imme mixtisque iubas serpentibus' He opened his eyes. The whole of his eyes turning a light electric blue, just like every time he cast a spell 'et posteris' The room began to fill with a white light 'meis stirpiqu' he hesitated at the last word. 'Stirpique?' he repeated, changing the pronunciation. 'Stirpiquuu' he said again, more firmly. The light in the room disappeared almost immediately and the ingredients in the bowl burned, filling the room with dense black smoke. Lance ran to the window and pushed one of the frames outward. He stuck his head out and coughed loudly. His face and clothes were covered in soot. 'Oh, man' He groaned and opened the other frame of the window, bumping into something. 'Meow' Lance opened his eyes and saw a black fluffy cat standing on the outer edge of his window. It was so noticeable pissed, it almost looked like it was frowning at him. 'Oh, so sorry' Lance looked at the cat and noticed it was very beautiful. Its big dark purple eyes staring back at him, and it’s dark azabache fur so soft to the eye that it was almost inviting Lance to touch it. 'Have you been staring all this time?' Lance frowned, somehow a little embarrassed of his simple spell failure. Curious, Lance turned his head to the side and took a look at the cat. It was a male. The cat hissed loudly and sat down. Lance took a few steps back and turned around back to the room. The ingredients were still burning with fire inside the pot. 'Oh no, nononono' Lance ran and turned off the fire with a simple two-word water spell. One of the firsts he had ever learned. 'Man, cheer up, I already said sorry....' he said towards the cat that was now sitting on the edge of the window, looking inside. He sighed. He really thought he had it this time. Lance sat on his desk and checked the spell on the book again, trying to enunciate the last word in different ways. He should definitely borrow the book on pronunciation his mom offered him when he started his tutoring. 'Allura!' Lance called 'Hey, how do you pronounce... this word... stirpiqu? I'm guessing' He repeated the same pronunciation he said the first time. 'That's right!' Lance heard her voice coming from the front of the shop and then something exploding too. Lance got up fast and peered from his door to see purple smoke in the air. 'Are you okay?' 'Oh, yes' she said more to herself than to Lance. She had a glass flask full of some green liquid. The potion for Ms. wood, if he wasn't mistaken. Lance smiled fondly and closed his door, she always got everything right. He came back to his book and repeated the pronunciation Allura said was correct. 'That's exactly what I said!' He exclaimed, frustrated and dropped his head on the book with a loud thud. 'Why is it not working?' he huffed. 'Did you got it? He heard Allura on the other side of his door. 'No' 'Oh... keep trying' She encouraged him, and Lance heard her leave. But Lance didn't want to keep trying, he was tired and so done with everything. Nothing had really come out well that day of training practice. First, he blew up a potion, then he messed up a client's runes, and now this... He sighed even louder and turned his head to the side, facing the window. The black cat was now inside the room and was smelling the burned ingredients from the bowl on top of the other side of his desk. 'Hey!' Lance got up fast and tried to get the cat to leave, motioning a little push but not making contact with him. The cat didn't move and kept smelling the bowl. 'Come on, Allura doesn't like cats... She'll kill you if she sees you... She'll kill me if she finds out I let you in' He said, more alarmed now, but the cat stared at him like he didn't care. Lance chuckled. A cat with a strong personality, how cute. He slowly and hesitantly lifted his hand to try to pet him, but the cat ran away through the window, leaving Lance with his hand stretched. 'Okay… bye' He whispered. Lance cleaned himself up and washed the bowl on the little sink he had in a corner of the room. He then looked around. The room was a mess, but he didn't feel like cleaning up today so he just put his book away and put on his black coat. Taking his bag, he opened the door, but before he could step out, an orange owl came flying into the room and landed on the floor, immediately transforming into human form. Lance flinched. 'Coran... you know I don't like it when you do that'. 'Well you better get used to it, your familiar is going to do the same' He said petting his dense orange mustache over his lips. 'No is not, my familiar is not going to change forms, we do not have familiars that can transform... it’s a family thing' Coran walked around and sniffed the room. 'What's that weird smell?' 'Oh, I burned my spell' Lance sighed. 'Oh... well better luck next time' Coran sang and made a swirl in the air with his index finger 'We are all done with the shop for today... and I'm pretty sure you are done here too' 'Yesss, thank you...' He said flatly. 'Well, you can go and enjoy the rest of your birthday' Coran smiled. 'Thanks Coran, I will' he smiled. 'Remember to close your window before leaving... Enjoy your initiation! See you tomorrow' He said and left as an owl again. Lance sighed again. He had forgotten about his initiation. Every witch when turning eighteen was initiated by their family circle. Lance had been excited about his ceremony all summer, but now that the day came, he just wasn't feeling it. His day hadn't been so good, yes, but that wasn't the issue... the issue was that he was starting his first year in Voltron Witch Academy and he still didn't feel prepared for it. It wasn't that he was a bad witch, on the contrary, he was one of the tops from his class, but years ago he had promised himself that before entering the academy he would have learned at least the basics from potions, spells, and energy transfer. All subjects that were taught in the first year of the academy, but Lance wanted to do better. And that's why he had been under the tutoring of Allura for over a year. She was a great witch, skilled in almost every field of witchcraft, and even had some knowledge and practice with the spirit realm. She and her familiar, Coran, ran the family potion shop after her parents died. She had been a great teacher so far. But Now, with a couple of weeks left of summer, he not only hadn't kept his promise, but the little that he knew about spells and potions wasn't that good... not to start to talk about energy transfer. The day Allura approached the subject Lance was left so confused she didn't spend any more time on it, for the rest of the summer. Allura said he just wasn't ready yet. Lance came from a family full of great witches. All of them, his parents, brothers, and sisters, accomplished in one or more areas since teenagers. Lance, being the youngest of his family, knew he wasn't bad at witchcraft, but he hadn't found his strength yet, and that was definitely a sensitive topic for him. He crossed his bag over his shoulders and walked to the window to close it, but before he could do it, the black cat came inside again. 'Hey! I thought you had left already' The cat sat on the desk and meowed loudly. Lance ran to his door and closed it fast, leaning against it. 'What do you want?' He asked tired, dragging a hand over his face, and then he noticed. The cat had something in his mouth. Lance took a closer look and saw it was a twig. For some reason, Lance had the feeling he recognized it. He frowned trying to remember anything similar to it. The cat sneezed and left the twig in the bowl he used before. He rubbed his nose with his paw, sneezing again. 'You okay there?' Lance asked the cat and lifted his hand to pet him, stopping just inches away when the cat looked at him. They stared at each other for a few minutes until the cat started walking around the bowl, meowing loudly. 'What is it with you and-' Lance stared at the bowl with the twig, and then it clicked. He opened his eyes wide. He ran to his bookshelf and took the spell book again, going through the pages fast until he found what he wanted. He read the protection spell quickly, leading with his finger and then he found it... 'Stupid...' He whispered, and he looked at the cat. The animal seemed to be frowning at him. 'So stupid!' He exclaimed. 'I was missing an ingredient... I was missing an entire step!' He shook his head. That added to the list of things he had totally slipped on today, but it didn't matter, this time he was going to get it right. He left his bag on the floor, got out all the jars with ingredients, and draw the magic circle with the chalk again. Lance sat on the floor with the pot on his lap, he cracked the twig and whispered... his eyes light blue for only a second as he put the other ingredients on the bowl. The cat meowed beside him, sitting just outside the circle. Lance looked at him from the corner of his eye. 'I don't even want to know how did you know that I was missing that... or do I?' He stopped and looked at him again. The cat was busy licking his paw and then scratching his ear. Lance got up and put the cracked twig on the pot. The cat jumped to his desk and stared. Lance closed his window and stood in the middle of the magic circle. He closed his eyes. 'Qui affecto protego, mixtisque iubas serpentibus' The energy this time felt much stronger. Lance opened his now light blue eyes 'et posteris meis stirpiqu' He said firmly The cat meowed. The whole room illuminated with a bright white light again, and then it was gone. Lance's eyes went back to normal. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes wide. 'YES!' He jumped 'YES, YES, YES'. The door opened and the cat hid inside Lance's bag fast. 'Did you get it?' Allura asked, coming in. 'YES.' Lance beamed. 'Woohoo!' Allura held Lance's hands and jumped along with him. 'I knew you could do it'. 'Yeah well, you are a great teacher, I couldn't do it without you' Lance blushed. 'Oh, stop it' She brushed off. 'If the pupil has no willpower there is nothing I can do' She smiled. 'Thank you, Allura' Lance smiled back. 'Here, I have a present for you' Allura said, handing him a package. Lance opened, to see it was a book. 'To help you with your classes in the Academy' 'THANK YOU SO MUCH' He exclaimed. 'Oh, I'm going to miss coming here every day, talking to Coran... and you'. 'What makes you think you'll not be seeing us often?' 'I mean, I don't think I will be available to come here every day... or even every week' He frowned. 'What makes you think you have to come over for us to see each other again?' She laughed. 'I... I don't think I'm following' Lance said confused. 'I got another surprise...' She beamed 'I’m going to be teaching at Voltron Witch Academy this year!' 'WHAT?' 'I know right? I'm so excited' She jumped. 'Congratulations, Allura! I'm so happy for you' Lance smiled at her. 'Thank you, Lance' She chuckled and looked at the time. 'Weren't you going to see your friends?' 'Oh, shit! I'm totally late'. 'Happy birthday, Lance!' Allura smiled and left the room. Lance stared at his new book and then he heard an annoyed meow. He shook his head. 'Oh, you are still here!' The cat left his bag and sat on the floor. Lance put the book in his bag and looked at the room, scrunching his nose. It was even messier now. 'I'll do it tomorrow' he said at the cat like he was excusing himself. The cat meowed again. 'I will! first thing when I get here' He put the bag over his shoulder again and went to the window. The cat followed and left through it. 'Thank you for your help!' He waved closing the window, and left the potion shop. He ran, looking at his wristwatch, he was so late. He rushed his run and then he noticed the black cat running alongside him, but before Lance could say anything the cat passed him and went into an alley. Lance shrugged and kept running.
Lance arrived at the tea shop half an hour late. Hunk and Pidge were already sitting on one of the tables outside, drinking some tea. 'I'm so sorry guys!' 'What happened? You took ages!' Pidge complained. 'I'm really sorry, I got held up back at the shop... but I finally cast the protection spell ' He said, excited. 'Congratulations, Lance!' Hunk smiled. 'That's a rather difficult spell for someone our age, congratulations Lance!' Pidge joined the celebration. 'Thanks, guys!' Lance sat and dropped his bag on the ground 'I'm super tired though' He rubbed his eyes. 'Hey, Lance, also...' Pidge started. 'Happy birthday!' They both said at the same time, jumping on him and giving him a tight hug. 'Thank you so much!' Lance said trying to compose himself after the hug 'I can't believe I'm finally eighteen'. 'I know right! It feels weird' Hunk agreed, lifting a big bag beside him. 'You should probably go get something to eat, Lance' Pidge suggested. 'No, wait! First, let's give him his present' he said swaying the bag in front of Lance. Lance beamed and excitedly took it from Hunks hands. He opened it to find a beautiful navy blue velvet witch hat, that definitely matched the color of his long coat. Lance was silently screaming on his seat. 'I can't believe you got me this!' He exclaimed putting it on. 'Yeah, we knew you wanted it' Pidge chuckled. 'And you look good' Hunk complimented him. 'Really?' He asked, trying different angles on the hat. 'Thanks' Lance looked at them 'I love you guys'. 'We know' Pidge rolled her eyes. 'We love you too, Lance' Hunk added. Lance left the hat on. 'Hey, what do you think your familiar will be?' Pidge asked, curiously. 'Yeah, you haven't seen it yet, right?' 'Hunk, you know familiars only appear after initiation' Pidge reminded him. 'It could happen though! Although it would definitely be weird... ' He trailed off. 'No, I haven't seen it yet' Lance answered his friend's question. 'But my family’s familiars are all dogs, so, judging by that it should be a dog..., and definitely not form changing... family tradition too' He chuckled. 'I still think is so weird to have a form changing familiar' Hunk shivered. 'Is not very common too' 'Yeah... Well I supposed I'll find out tonight-' 'Hey, look over there' Pidge interrupted him. Lance and Hunk turned around to find a tall Asian man, sitting on the other side of the shop table court. He was fit and had white short hair. 'Who is that?' Lance asked, not even trying to hide his astonishment. 'That's Takashi Shirogane, better known as Shiro. He works with my dad at the Academy' Pidge said. 'Is he a professor?' Hunks asked turning back to look at Pidge. 'Yes, he is. We will probably have him in at least one class this year. He's really-' 'Hot' Lance interrupted 'I was going to say cool' Pidge finished, glaring at Lance. 'Lance has a point too though' Hunk chuckled. 'He is definitely hot' Lance continued staring at him. 'Stop it, Lance, you'll have plenty of time to ogle him in the Academy' Pidge said, and Lance turned his attention back to his friends. ‘I'm happy at least one of our professor is not an ugly old man' Lance commented. 'Lance, most of our professors are not even that old' 'Yeah... maybe you can finally move on from your crush on Allura' Hunk teased. Lance glared at him. 'Well actually no-I mean, I do not have a crush on her, definitely not' He frowned 'but she is going to be teaching at the academy this year too'. 'Oh, really?' 'That's awesome' Pidge exclaimed 'She is such a great witch'. 'I know right!' Lance agreed, blushing a little. 'Hey Lance, not to change the subject or anything, but you should definitely go get something to eat now, so we can all make a toast to you, with some tea' Hunk pointed out. 'Oh, right' Lance nodded as he looked at the pastries and cups of tea, his friends had in front of them. He got up and made his way to the inside of the shop. The Wonder Magic Tea Shop was anything but dull. With pink colored walls, the shop was cat themed, and with reason. Little cat-shaped or cat-centric trinkets covered the walls all over, from small ornamental wall plates that had cats on them, to real cats walking around. All very pastel and cute. Luckily for Lance, the shop was not full at the time, so he only had to wait in line for a few minutes, before getting to the counter. He then ordered his food and stepped aside to wait for it to be ready. A white cat approached him while he as doing so. 'Hello there!' Lance crouched and brought his hand to the cat's eye level. The cat smelled him and meowed. Lance scratched his ears, and the cat purred loudly 'Aren’t you a loving cat' He grinned. The cat laid on the floor and played with his hands. Lance chuckled. This cat was the exact opposite of the black cat in his studio room this morning. So playful, he thought. 'Mraow' The cat went, almost too sweet to be a cat. Lance chuckled. 'Lance!' The barista called. Lance got up to receive his order 'Latte chai with soy tea, and a chocolate cake' The guy confirmed the order. Lance nodded. 'Nice hat' he complimented. 'Thanks' Lance smiled 'My friends gave it to me because of my birthday' 'Today?' The guy asked. 'Yes!' 'Well in that case' The barista turned over and came back with three macarons, handing them to Lance. 'Here, on the house' He winked an eye. 'You are so kind' Lance beamed 'Thank you so much!' He started backing up still looking at the barista, so he didn't notice the person behind him on the line. 'Watch it!' a male voice shot, dodging him before Lance could crash into him. 'Oh, I'm so sorry' Lance apologized, finally looking at the person he almost spilled his tea over. The guy was a little shorter than him, had black fluffy long hair, almost like a mullet, Lance noticed, but not quite. Dark purple eyes, and pale skin. He was wearing a black long coat. The guy didn't say anything but stared at him for a brief moment, that felt like ages for Lance. The guy's eyes scanned him moving from his face to his outfit, Lance noticed. Lance was wearing dark blue skinny jeans, a white casual shirt, brown ankle boots, and his navy blue long coat. Nothing special, but he knew he looked good. Then the guy eyes finally stopped at the hat. 'What?' Lance asked uncomfortably. The guy faintly smirked but walked to the counter without saying a word. 'Rude' Lance huffed and made his way outside. 'Did something happen?' Hunk asked when Lance sat with a frown on his face. 'I almost bumped into a guy' He sighed 'It was nothing, let's forget about it. Look the guy on the counter gave me a birthday present too' He said pointing at the three macarons, motioning them to take one. 'Damn Lance, you are killing it today' Hunk laughed. 'Always' Lance smirked, and Pidge couldn't help but snort. 'Hey, what else did you get for your birthday' She asked. 'Well, I didn't see my family this morning because I woke up like super early, but Coran gave me special ingredients for uni, and Allura gave me this book' He said taking the book out of his bag, handing it to them. The book read 'Strange aquatic plants' on the front. 'Aren’t we going to need this book for the Academy?' Hunk asked. 'It's a complementary book for our herbology class' Pidge nodded taking a look. 'I already got mine' 'I don't really remember if I have that one' Hunk added scratching his neck. 'Well, lucky me that I haven't had time to go book shopping, so I didn't have this one, or any other... still, one less book to get' He said triumphantly. 'You should definitely go this weekend-' Pidge started but was interrupted. 'You did what?!?' They heard someone yell from the other side of the court. The three friends turning around to see what was going on. 'Woah' Hunk whispered. 'Was that...' Lance trailed off 'Yeah, that was Shiro' Pidge said in a low voice, as shocked as her friends. 'Look!, that's the guy I almost crashed against' Lance pointed to the person who was now sitting, crossed arms, in front of a very fumed Shiro. He was absolutely being scolded, and Lance felt somehow good about that. He chuckled to himself. 'The guy in all black?' Pidge asked. 'Yup.' Lance shrugged and continue eating his delicious chocolate cake. 'Do you know him? Is he a professor?' Hunk asked her. 'No, I don't know him, but I don't think he's a professor... he looks too young' Pidge analyzed. 'You think he is a witch?' 'Looks edgy enough' Lance said. Hunk and Pidge laughed. Lance stared at him again. He was now talking to Shiro. Lance spaced out without realizing it. There was something about that guy that intrigued him, made him want to know his name, but only out of curiosity, he assured himself. He was kinda cute too, Lance admitted, also only to himself. He was probably a jerk though, he thought, and just as he was thinking that, the guy looked back at him, making Lance look away immediately. Lance felt his face hot, how embarrassing was being caught staring at someone. But he shook it off and continue enjoying the rest of his afternoon. Not looking at the other table again.
Lance arrived home with a smile on his face. The day had started badly, but it got better and Lance was very grateful for it. His friends and now... his family. Lance stood in front of his house, staring blankly at it. He still had his hat on. He took a deep breath, but before he could take a step he heard it. 'Meow' He turned to find the same fluffy black cat. 'It's you again!' Lance cheered. He sat on the floor, crossing his legs, and the cat came closer. Lance reached his hand to see if this time the cat let him pet him, but the cat hissed again. 'Aren't you a grumpy, little, cute cat' Lance chuckled. And the cat meowed, totally disagreeing, Lance could tell. The cat slowly walked around Lance and meowed again, this time hinted with curiosity. Lance frowned at how easily he could pick up the nature and reactions of this particular cat. He left his bag on the ground and curiously hovered both his hands upon the cat, in front of him. Just enough space between them for the cat to not be bothered, and for Lance to feel the energy. A strong unfamiliar energy. 'Huh...' Lance tried again and he could definitely sense something strange 'Your energy...' He whispered 'Your aura maybe?' He sighed and backed off his hands. 'I don't know what is it, but its weird' He finished. The cat looked at him. 'To be honest with you... I should definitely know what is so strange about you... I've been training so long for this... but I still can't get it' Lance groaned and laid on the ground, almost kicking the cat when he stretched his legs. 'Whoops, sorry again' he held a laugh. The cat came over near his head and sat down, staring at him. 'I don't know why I'm delaying this so much' Lance said in a low voice 'Everybody is waiting for me' he felt a knot on his throat. 'What do you think? should I get inside? Or should I run away and never come back?' The cat hissed loudly. 'Jesus, I was just kidding... chill' Lance lifted his hands up in defense. 'But yeah, you are right... I should probably go inside. There is no point in postponing this any longer' Lance got up in one smooth movement and picked up his bag. The cat meowed at him. Lance stared at him for a few more seconds and then searched inside his bag. He unwrapped the small mass from the paper napkin that was covering it and crouched. He then offered the cat the macaron from the afternoon. 'You know... I was going to give it to my sister Veronica... but I guess you deserve it' Lance put it on the ground and got up. 'Thank you for helping me... and listening to me' He scratched his neck nervously 'I guess I'll see you around... sometime'. The cat sniffed the macaron and ate it cheerfully. Lance laughed and entered his house. His initiation was waiting.
Lance laid down in bed completely tired. The ceremony had squeezed every last drop of energy he had had in his body when he arrived. But he felt great. Somehow the initiation had woken up something in him, some kind of reassuring feeling. He turned on his side looking at the window. He could see the moon from his position on the bed. Today was a full moon. He chuckled. It was kind of dreamy to have the initiation ceremony on a full moon, for him at least. Good omen. He looked at the clock. It was 11:50 pm, still his birthday. Lance inhaled deeply, held for a few seconds, and then exhaled. He closed his eyes and gratefully sent the rest of his energy to the universe to receive. Because it was the right thing to do, receive and give back. The laws of the universe to live happily. Lance's laws to live happily. He yawned and snuggled himself with the covers. He was going to have the best night of sleep in such a long time, he felt it in his bones. But before he could rest in Morpheus arms he felt a scratch outside his window. Lance opened one of his eyes, peeking through the covers. It was too late for this, he was too tired for this. What would even be bothering him, his room was on the second freaking floor, he thought. The scratching continued, and then a cat meowing. Lance opened his eyes and got up fast, opening the window carelessly. Once again hitting something. There was an annoyed meow. Lance stared wide-eyed at the black fluffy cat again. 'What the heck are you doing here?!' Lance said lowering his voice so his family would not wake up. The cat stared at him blankly. 'Do you even know what time it is?' Lance asked him, still the cat staring with a poker face 'It's late, so you have to go' He finished flatly. He attempted to close the window, but the cat got inside first. Lance groaned a little more loudly. 'DUDE, seriously, you have to go' Lance hissed, pointing at the window.   The cat sat in the middle of the room and meowed. His eyes changing from dark purple to a dark red, garnet-like color. 'Woah' Lance exclaimed completely hypnotized by them. He got closer, sitting in front of the cat, crossing his legs, and lifting both his hands on him again. The energy felt so much stronger now, it was almost intoxicating... so overwhelming. Lance's eyes turned light electric blue without him realizing it. His heart started beating so hard he thought it was going to break through his ribcage. The cat meowed and came closer to Lance. They were now only a few inches away. Lance swallowed hard and moved his hands closer... and then he touched him. Purple lightning illuminated the whole room and Lance had never felt more alive. He could feel the energy in every single cell of his body, it was delirious, and so weirdly... pleasurable. The energy increased. His breath got caught in his throat. And he couldn't handle it much longer, but he didn't want to let go, he wanted to feel more. Lance moaned loudly as the purple energy reached its peak and disappeared almost instantly after that, leaving small waves of it running through his body. Lances eyes went back to normal, although his vision was blurry, and he found himself laying on his side, on his room's cold floor. Sweating and panting loudly. Slowly, he sat up. He noticed a large black silhouette standing in front of him. Confused, Lance rubbed his eyes, to adjust them, and then he saw. The guy he had almost crashed against at the tea shop was staring back at him. The high-pitched scream was heard throughout the whole house.
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cam-cat-writer · 6 years
Klancetober/Fictober Continued
the last of the Fictober posts at long last
There’s still seven minutes in 2018 I made it buddy
I did it! I finished 31 fics in 3 months! I did it this is the most I’ve ever written in such a short time! I’m so excited! But I did it and I’m proud of myself!
Here on AO3 or under the cut!
      "Daddy!" A little girl with messy black pigtails raced into Lance and Keith's bedroom. "Papí! It's Halloween, wake up, wake up!"
      Lance rolled over and nudged Keith's arm. "Wake up, your little Halloween enthusiast is excited."
      Keith cracked one eye open. "Oh, my little Halloween enthusiast? I recall you being just as excited as us last night, Papí." He poked Lance's cheek.
      Lance proceeded to pull the blankets over his head. "Before the crack of dawn, Ariela's absolutely your little Halloween enthusiast."
      "Daddy! I need to put on my costume for school! Daddy!" She tugged on Keith's blanket. "We're going trick-or-treating from class to class, I'm so excited!"
      Keith blinked a few times, and Lance took pity on him, sitting up and reaching over his husband to ruffle their daughter's hair. "Alright, sweetheart. Go brush your teeth and wash your face, and then we can see about getting you some breakfast, and then we'll worry about your costume. We have plenty of time, don't worry."
      Ariela paused, thinking. She brightened, beaming up at Lance. "Okay!" She ran off, presumably to the bathroom.
      Lance fell back onto the blankets. A few seconds later, he snuggled back into Keith's chest. "You do need to get up."
      "Five more minutes."
      "Come on, babe." Lance sat up and nudged him. When Keith didn't open his eyes, Lance got a mischievous glint in his eye. "Hmm... I think we could arrange some... early trick-or-treating." He lifted a hand to cup Keith's cheek.
      Keith's eyes fluttered open and a smirk crossed his face. "Hmm, really?"
      Lance grinned and rubbed his thumb over Keith's cheek. "Yeah. Trick-or-treat, Keith?"
      Keith sat up and leaned in close to Lance. "Surprise me."
      Lance leaned forward the last few inches, guiding Keith closer and kissing him gently. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead on Keith's. "Happy Halloween. I love you."
      Keith smiled, eyes still closed. "I love you too."
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manelu-arts-blog · 6 years
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Klancetober day 1: Walk in the park
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noodlemyoodles · 6 years
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Had to start off inktober with my favorite boy
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rendevok · 6 years
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Inktober days 21-24
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blueskyportrait · 6 years
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Klancetober day 13: fireplace
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kart0 · 6 years
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Day 1: Walk in the park
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ichigorei · 6 years
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Day 3: Exploring Spooky Places @ikimaru
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ao3feed-klance · 4 years
witch and black cat
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/32g8cUM
by Kami_Nader
Лэнс уверен, что его соседка - самая настоящая ведьма. Кит уверен, что ему нужно отвлечь друга от глупых мыслей. Пари в канун Хэллоуина - самое то.
Words: 2375, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Русский
Series: Part 7 of klancetober 2018
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Haggar (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Mysticism, Witches, Witch's Familiar Keith (Voltron)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/32g8cUM
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thethirdexpedition · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Keith & Lance (Voltron) Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Pidge (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt Additional Tags: klance, spooky place, Cemetery, Kissing, Holding Hands, they get scared, Klancetober 2018, Klancetober Series: Part 3 of Klancetober 2018 Summary:
Lance and Keith go to the cemetery at night to check if the urban legend of a ghost that lurks the place is actually true.
Also, Shiro may have set them up to go on their own, so they could finally have some kind of weird date.
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ao3feed-safeklance · 6 years
Costume (Contest)
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2F2IhEt
by camcatwriter
Lance is really into elaborate costumes, and Keith... is more craft-challenged. Or, Lance and Keith hang out at Lance's apartment to make their Halloween costumes.
Words: 263, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 30 of Klancetober/Fictober 2018
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Making Halloween Costumes, Fictober 2018, Klancetober 2018, Fictober continued, Fondly Exasperated Lance, established klance, Normal!AU, Flirty, Flirting Boys, two can play at flustering each other game
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2F2IhEt
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martiansonearth · 6 years
Day 21: Blanket forts and fairy lights
Klancetober 2018
List of prompts X by Ikimaru
Link if you want to read it in AO3
You gotta know I'm a sucker for fics where Lance and Keith just talk... and realize things.
Summary: Lance and Keith did not talk a lot, not like they had the time to, but whenever they talked it always led to meaningful conversations and sudden realizations. 
Two times Lance was not so sure about his feelings and one time he absolutely was. 
Post season 6 (the first chapter), and post season 7 (the other two chapters).
Chapter 1/3
words: 2814
Between the lines
Chapter 1: Rising water
Keith had been outside the Red Lion for at least ten minutes now. The planet they were camping on was full of vegetation, and even if the lions were parked beside each other, the greenery was leafy and dense enough to give him some cover from any prying eyes. Not that there were any, the planet was not inhabited, and everyone on the team was supposed to be asleep after the first tiresome day of traveling back to earth. But still, it just made him a little less anxious to know that he couldn't be seen pacing outside Lance's Lion in the middle of the night.
This was also the first time they had any time to stop and rest, and it was mostly because the Lions needed to recharge, but still, it was nice to just stop from moving around even if it was just for one night.
And that was the reason this night was his chance to talk to Lance. Not like he wanted to say anything specific, he really wanted to just hang out a bit. They hadn't seen each other in so long, and they haven't had any chance to talk, or anything since everything went south.
The thing was that he wasn't sure if Lance wanted to talk to him or hang out, or anything actually. He didn't even know if Lance wanted to see him. Although Keith doubted Lance was the kind of person who would hold a grudge against him, whatever little uncertainty about the whole situation was enough to make him doubt himself a lot more. He knew their relationship was not the same as before he left to train with the Blade of Marmora. It had been an enormous amount of time since then, and Lance was closer to other people now, or that was what it seemed.
Maybe he should just straight up lie to Lance and tell him he was just checking out on everybody, as a team leader should, but as much as that wasn't that bad of an idea... it was already pretty late to check on anybody. On the other hand, Keith knew this was the only time he had.
Keith sighed heavily, shaking his head. He decided to stop pacing and got inside Red, who obviously let him in without a problem.
Inside Red everything was dark. There was a high probability that Lance was already sleeping, but Keith was already inside and he would probably not find the courage or time to do this again.
'Lance?' Keith whispered loud enough to be heard. He looked around in the cargo area to see if he was sleeping there, but there was no sign of him. He checked the rest of the rooms all the way to the very back of Red, still, Lance was nowhere to be found. Keith was about to leave when he saw a faint light coming from the cockpit.
He walked inside and found himself staring at a lot of blankets hanging out from the ceiling and the walls, crossing the cockpit from one side to another.
The blanket fort looked straight out of a children's book, and Keith could not help but stand there staring with his mouth open, confused.
'Uh... Lance?' He called, completely unsure if he should intrude.
'Keith?' He could hear Lance calling back from inside the fort.
Lance's head popped out of the fort entrance and stared back at him with a frown.
'What are you doing here?' Lance asked, coming out a lot more harsh than he intended too, and Keith noticed.
'I-uh-sorry I should have called you before visiting'
'No no, sorry, I didn't mean to-visiting?' Lance snorted pinching the bridge of his nose 'I was just... surprised... Wanna come in?' He asked.
Keith doubted for a second.
‘Come on’ Lance insisted keeping the entrance opened for Keith to crawl inside.
‘… okay.’ Keith nodded and did so.
Inside it was even cozier than out. The blankets were arranged to hang low to give the effect of a smaller space, there were cushions and pillows all over the floor, and fairy lights crossing from one wall to the other, faintly and warmly illuminating the whole scene.
'Woah...' Keith said under his breath, sitting in front of Lance with a lot more distance than he would have put between them a long time ago.
'Do you like it?' Lance asked with a proud tone on his voice.
'Yeah... I've never been inside a blanket fort...' He trailed off, looking around.
'What?' Lance exclaimed in a high pitch 'Are you serious?'
'Yes, I'm serious.'
'Dude!... well, I'm glad this was your first one...' He hesitated at the end. He shrugged and grabbed one of the pillows that were lying around.
'Yeah...' Keith smiled.
'So, how've you been?' Lance asked lightly, squishing the pillow with his arms. 'Huh?' Keith looked at Lance a little confused.
'How are you?' Lance repeated looking back at him 'You know... with everything... and Shiro... like... you just came back, Keith'
'Oh... yeah' Keith diverted his gaze, one of his hands unconsciously reaching to touch the scar on his face. Lance stared at him.
'I... I'm sorry... about what happened' Lance started, his voice firm but low 'I should have noticed before and-'
'Stop' Keith cut him off immediately. He would have reached and grabbed Lance's arm, but the distance he had put between them was too much to try anything. 'It wasn't your fault-'
'Keith, he told me, Shiro told me' Lance said with a weight on his voice that was unusual for him, and it made Keith's chest clench a little 'He tried to at least... I couldn't figure it out.' Lance had his eyes glued to the floor now. This wasn't what Keith wanted out of this conversation, although he didn't know what he wanted exactly.
'There was no way to know for sure Lance. Nobody could have figured that out... certainly not me.' Keith huffed and hugged his knees, eyes lost way past where Lance was sitting.
'I'm sorry you had to fight against him... that must've been hard' Lance frowned.
'Yeah... me too' Keith murmured zoning out a little, just trying to not remember what had happened with Shiro and failing miserably.
There was a small silence between them but not nearly as uncomfortable as Keith thought it could have been.
'Does it hurt?'
'Mmm?' Keith came back and meet Lance's gaze.
Lance touched his own face and motioned the scar.
'Ah... not any more' Keith answered, touching the scar again.
'I'm glad you two came back... in one piece.'
'Thanks' Keith gave him an honest smile.
'Man, so much has changed' Lance exclaimed as he laid on the cushions putting the pillow under his head, just beside Keith's legs
Keith looked at him from the corner of his eyes.
'I hadn't seen you in such a long time too, you've changed soooo much and-' Lance stopped opened his eyes wide and sitting up 'Wait... are you taller than me now?' He asked looking at Keith.
'Uhh... maybe? I think so, but only by a little.'
'Holy shit!' Lance laid back again with a silent thud. Keith hid a smile behind his knees. 'You used to be so tiny and short... and now...'
'Hey, I wasn't that short! Not tiny either!' Keith disagreed.
Lance looked up raising an eyebrow at him.
'I wasn't!' He repeated and frowned.
'Did the space whales affected your memory too?' Lance chuckled.
Keith squinted his eyes at him and Lance laughed.
'I guess there is a lot that can change in.... wait, how long were you on those whales again?'
'Two years approximately.'
'That's a lot...'
'What did you do all that time?' Lance frowned.
'I...' Keith decided to lay down on the cushions too, so now they were side by side. He lifted one of his arms and tried to touch the blanket on top of them.
Lance snorted.
'I guess your arms are still too short' he smiled.
Keith rolled his eyes.
'I talked with my mom' He finally said 'We had a lot to catch up and there was a lot of time... so we did... we talked.'
Lance was looking up with a tiny smile on his face.
'That must have been nice' his voice came out soft and bit nostalgic.
Keith turned his head to Lance. 'It was'
'If you got stuck in a space whale for two years with someone you hate... at the end of the trip... would you hate each other more than before or do you think maybe you would be friends with them now?' Lance asked seriously.
'I... don't know' Keith frowned thinking deeply 'I guess it would depend on who was the other person.'
'Yeah, that's true... imagine what would have happened if the two of us got stuck on a space whale for two years' Lance laughed, and Keith joined too.
Keith closed his eyes just thinking about that scenario, and how things would have gone for them. It was a bit uncertain, to say the least.
'I don't hate you, Lance.' Keith said opening his eyes to stare at the lights.
'I know, I don't hate you either.'
Silence invaded the fortress again, but this time it was soft and warm, was calm but so very vibrant at the same time, it made Keith smiled.
Keith could feel the warm of Lance's body beside him, but he didn't dare to look.
'I don't think I could have done it.' Lance uttered suddenly.
'Being alone in space for two years!'
'I know you weren't alone' Lance said fast 'But like-I don't know... I would have missed you guys so much.'
'What makes you think I didn't?' Keith said finally turning to look at Lance and finding the boy staring back at him.
'Are you saying you missed us?' Lance asked, not even trying to hide the amusement in his voice.
Keith rolled his eyes.
'I can't believe you just said that... I should have recorded it, Pidge is never going to believe it.' He laughed.
'What did you guys do? After I left... I mean, apart from the parade stuff.'
'Parade stuff? Dude, you missed the best part of the coalition shows!'
'Really? How so?' Keith rolled over to his side so he was now facing Lance.
'Well, after you left we started doing theatrical shows.' Lance pointed.
'You did what?' Keith snorted.
'Just the five of us... on stage. It was awesome, Coran had so many ideas, we even ended up doing a performance on ice!'
'Woah, that's... cool.' Keith was holding his laughter as much as he could.
'Ha-ha' Lance said flatly squinting his eyes at him, and they both burst in laughter.
'I can't believe that actually happened!' Keith said with his eyes wide in disbelief.
'It was great, okay?' Lance kept laughing. 'It was pretty funny... we actually had Allura replace your persona...'
Keith stopped laughing gradually and frowned. 'What?' he asked confused.
'You know... you weren't actually there and people didn't know you were gone so Allura played you... she was pretending to be you... it was so funny.' Lance said wiping a tear from the corner of his eyes.
'Yeah... I guess I really missed those shows.' Keith said a lot more silent now.
'You did! You should have watched them with the Blade, we were broadcasting the signal throughout the entire galaxy!'
'We were pretty busy at that moment... also I don't think Kolivan would have approved...?' Keith hesitated.
'Oh, I think he would have loved them.'
'Good times.' Lance beamed.
'And... how are things between you and Allura?' Keith asked curiously after the subject arose... more or less.
'Oh...' Lance's face fell only for a second and then he was back at being himself, or trying to. 'You don't know?'
It was a rhetorical question because they both knew Keith didn't know, but whatever happened Keith guessed it wasn't good.
'She and Lotor... were a thing... for a while, I guess' Lance continued with a calculated neutral tone on his voice, but the subtle sad expression on his face betrayed him.
'Oh...' and Keith understood now, the whole deal when she and Lotor came back from the quintessence field.
'Yup.' Lance said flatly.
'I'm sorry about that... I know you like her' Keith said honestly.
'How do you know?' Lance side eyed him.
'Well... you weren't exactly discreet about it' Keith shrugged.
'Huh... it wasn't like that at first...' Lance trailed off staring at the lights. He shook his head after a few seconds and sighed. 'Yeah, well that's life, I just have to... you know...'
'Come on Keith... move on! I have to move on.'
'No, I know, but why?' Keith sat up and asked confused.
'What do you mean why?' Lance turned to look at him with the same confused expression.
'Well… Lotor is definitely out of the picture...'
'So?' Lance raised an eyebrow.
'So you have a chance with her now?' He said like it was the most obvious thing.
'I don't know about that...' He doubted.
'No, is not that...' Lance diverted Keith's gaze.
'Then what is it?'
'I don't know if I want that?'
‘I’m… confused’
Lance opened his mouth but no sound came out of it.
'You don't like her anymore?' Keith insisted.
'No, is not like that...'
'Things have changed, I'm just-'
'How so?' Keith was legitimately confused by Lance's vague answers.
Lance groaned pressing the heels of his palms on his eyes.
'I like her but-'
'But what?' Keith.
'You don't get it, okay?!' Lance yelled sitting up.
Keith was taken aback by the yelling, he hadn't noticed how far he had pushed Lance on the matter.
'I'm sorry Lance... it wasn't my intention...' Keith apologized.
'It's okay...' Lance sighed.
The room went quiet again, this time thick and uncomfortable. Lance looked upset beside Keith, he was hugging his knees lightly and staring at the cushioned floor. Keith definitely regretted asking about the subject.
'Maybe I don’t get it but… I think you should keep trying.'
Lance raised a confused eyebrow at him.
'Maybe she doesn’t like you now… I don’t really know that’ Keith doubted ‘but she could definitely like you in the future.'
Lance kept staring at him.
Keith sighed. 'You are... a very likable person Lance, I’m pretty sure you know that' He squinted his eyes at him.
'You are courageous and loyal… pretty funny also’ He mumbled more to himself than to Lance. 'You are a good person’
'Well…’ Lance crossed his legs. 'I definitely wasn’t expecting that… but if the one and only Keith Kogane says it… I’ll take it' He finished with a smug smile on his face.
Keith rolled his eyes. 'I knew I shouldn’t have said anything'
'Too late now, my ego was definitely boosted' Lance joked.
Keith closed his eyes and shook his head, but had a faint smile on his face too. 'I should go, we have to be up very early tomorrow' Keith crouched and made his way to the entrance of the fort.
‘Thank you, Keith’ Lance said with a soft voice.
Keith turned to Lance and smiled at him. He turned to the entrance and as he was halfway crawling he turned again.
'I'm sorry that you have to go through this Lance... but you know... is not really a competition... one can like two people at the same time.' He said and crawled again.
'How do you know?' Lance's question made him stop and turn. 'Have you ever liked two people at the same time?' Lance continued.
'Uh... no-'
'Then how do you know?' And Lance was not accusing him, he was curious.
'I guess I don't...' Keith admitted 'but to me, it seems totally plausible to like two people at the same time.'
Lance looked at him. 'Thanks, Keith.'
Keith nodded and crawled his way out of the fort.
'You have no idea...' Lance whispered to himself.
'Did you say anything?' Keith asked from outside.
'Nope.' Lance answered with a cheerful tone. 'Thank you... for coming, Keith. I appreciate it, truly'
'No problem.' Keith smiled. 'Get some sleep.'
'Roger that, team leader!'
Keith winced a little bit at that but stood there just in case Lance said something else. It went silent again and the fairy lights were turned off. He sighed silently, leaving the Red Lion.
Once back in Black, he got inside his improvised bed, silently and carefully to not wake his mom up.
He lied there, awake, suspecting sleep would not come easily. He could feel the sour taste in his mouth and a weight in his chest... because that was what Lance thought of him, that was what he was to him after all... just the team leader.
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cam-cat-writer · 6 years
Klancetober/Fictober Continued
Day 21(a lot later on here than on AO3 but hey here it is anyway)
Here on AO3 or under the cut!
      Keith swung the door to his and Lance's apartment open and was greeted with a mound of cushions, blankets, and pillows piled on top of a mattress in the middle of their living room. He chuckled, turning around to shut and lock the door behind him. "Lance?" He called, setting his messenger bag on the table and draping his coat over the kitchen chair. "Lance, what have you been up do?"
      Lance appeared in the doorway, his arms filled with blankets and several small boxes. Keith raised an eyebrow at his boyfriend. Lance added his load to the pile before throwing his arms around Keith. "Welcome home! How was your test earlier?" Lance pressed a quick kiss to Keith's temple and gave him another squeeze before moving around the pile to start sorting the blankets, pillows, and cushions into separate piles.
      Keith sighed and sat down on the floor next to a mound of blankets, allowing himself to relax onto them. "Not too bad, but... it could've been better, you know? I only need to have an 84 on it though, so I'm not too worried about it. Just... I'm kind of drained, I guess." He leaned back and closed his eyes. "You still haven't told me what you're up to, Lance."
      Lance flopped onto the blankets next to him, a bright smile settled on his face. "We're going to build a blanket fort. And I dug out the Christmas lights because I know you love them and they'll be way prettier than flashlights for inside. Sound good?"
      Keith turned to face him, opening his eyes. "Have I told you how much I love you recently?" A fond smile crossed his face. He reached out and wrapped his arms around Lance and tugged him closer to his chest, feeling the heat radiating off of his boyfriend and the steady, calming thrum of his heartbeat.
      Lance snuggled close to Keith and laid his forehead on his chest. "Hmm, I don't know, maybe you could remind me?"
      Keith laughed, a little breathless. He tilted his head down to kiss the top of Lance's head gently. "I love you." He buried his nose in Lance's hair and continued murmuring quietly. "I love getting to come home to you and our tiny apartment every day. I love getting to wake up next to you in the morning." He shifted onto his back and Lance curled up on his side, tanned cheeks growing pink and a soft smile on his face. Keith kept talking, running his hands through Lance's hair. "I love listening to you talk about your day, and I love how you listen to me talk about mine. I love how you always seem to know when it's been a rough day and you always seem to know how to help." He lifted himself up to see Lance more clearly. He shook his head in disbelief, though he was still smiling. "I keep wondering when I'm going to wake up."
      Lance broke out into a smile. "You're not waking up, Keith, I'm here to stay." He leaned in and kissed him gently. When he pulled away, he pressed his forehead against Keith's. "I love you, Keith."
      They didn't get around to building that blanket fort until much, much later.
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manelu-arts-blog · 6 years
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Klancetober day 2, autumn leaves
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ao3feed-adashi · 6 years
Grand Gesture
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OXTZ9k
by AmbitiousSkychild
Lance was standing dead center like an actor on a stage, ears twitching atop messy hair, bomber jacket growing ever smaller since high school had ended but he insisted on wearing it “because it makes me look good, Keith” even as he grew tall as a pole and had numerous wolf-outs in it. He was tall, and damnably handsome, and grinning like a movie star and most importantly, suddenly back from his trip early with absolutely no warning.
Words: 8016, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Adam (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Romelle (Voltron), Red as Keith's familiar
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Allura/Romelle (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Red is full of personality, Childhood Friends, Werewolf Lance, Witch Keith, Blanket Forts, Fairy Lights, Harvest Festival, First Kiss, Getting Together, PINING KEITH, pining lance, broganes, tricky potions, klancetober!, ikamaru's challenge!, Fluff, just so much fluff, Halloween 2018
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OXTZ9k
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