sneezeefferthekink · 2 years
Feathers and Fun
This is a kl/ap0llo sneezfic, probably one of many. CW for explicit lewdness and unprotected gay sex. If you are a minor, do not interact.
Apollo had, what he would describe as, the worst allergies in the world. His nose would often get so sensitive and itchy, and every little thing would make it tickle, but he’d be stuck hitching for what felt like years to him. It was hell, having to sneeze, but almost never quite getting there. That was why he was always on allergy meds, typical over the counter cheap stuff, too poor to afford the good stuff, but God forbid he use that crap that makes him sleepy! 
But then, he started dating Klavier Gavin. Apollo used to feel overwhelmed, being this random joe-shmoe dating the rockstar of the century so when he found out about Klavier’s sneeze kink, it was a bit humbling... and exciting. Because his nose often left him hitching and sighing for minutes, if not hours, Klavier was always on edge whenever Apollo had a sneeze in him. Allergy-induced or otherwise. 
And, seeing as Apollo had the next two days off, and Klavier would start his vacation once he got home tonight, what harm was there in... skipping his allergy pills today? Surely after this annoying, three-day-long trial, which Klav had come home red in the face and frustrated as hell every night from, Apollo could do... something to help him... relax. Something to melt his frustrations away...
First, Apollo slept in, Klavier needed his braincells for work, and Apollo was hoping to undo him in nearly every aspect he could. When Klavier was gone, Apollo took his vitamin gummies, and took one of his outfits out to hang by the garden. It was just a red high school shirt and some skinny jeans, but Klavier loved to see Apollo in them. He personally thought it was too small these days, but maybe that was what made it such a good ‘thirst trap’ outfit? At least, it worked on Klav, and that’s all Apollo could care about. 
Unfortunately, he realized that the pollen count today was low enough to not bother his nose. Dammit. The one time he...! Apollo looked around the house, and thought of another idea. Why not do some cleaning later?
About an hour before Klavier would be home, Apollo got his not-so-pollen-covered outfit and put it on. His nose did get a bit tickly, but he knew nothing would come of it from just that alone. He expected this. He gave Vongole a huge hug, and Mikeko a good kiss, then, closed the door to the bedroom. He had to find a stool to stand on to reach it, but he grabbed Klavier’s toy box from the top shelf of the closet, and snagged his feather duster as well as a large feather that he hid under the pillow on his side of the neatly made bed. Apollo checked the time, and quickly got to work, dusting off the bedroom. They were overdue on this chore anyway, it seemed, both were always too tired to actually do it, and dusting was one of the chores that Apollo couldn’t stand for... obvious reasons, plus it wasn’t like Klavier would notice whether or not he’d dusted anyway, he never noticed stuff like that. And just holding the damn thing was making his nose itch and his eyes water. 
Once he was done, however, Apollo slipped the duster back inside the box, put the box away, and hid the stool somewhere out of immediate sight, for him to worry about later. Now all he had to do was resist the urge to sniffle and rub his nose until Klavier got home. He wanted to save his hitching fits for his boyfriend.
And luckily, Apollo wouldn’t have to wait too long. Vongole barked like nuts once she heard Klav open the garage door, and Apollo felt his stomach tingle with excitement. As a last second touch, Apollo pinch and twisted his nipples through his tight red shirt so they’d perk up enough to be visible through the fabric. From there, he sat on the bed, trying to wiggle the tickles in his nose away until Klavier opened the door. He was a bit red in the face, so Apollo knew he was frustrated, brows furrowed cutely into his adorable scowl.  “Rough day today?” “Ach, you have no idea.” Klavier grumbled, swinging the door shut as he kicked off his work shoes and socks. “I demand cuddles from mien schatz!!” Apollo smirked, noting how thick his accent was, which usually came from him being in an angry mood like this.  “Well, come and get them!” Apollo sniffled, extending his arms out for him. Klavier almost didn’t hesitate, suit and all, he hopped right into the bed with his lover, kicking up even more allergens for Apollo.  “Ah-” The attorney hadn’t exactly accounted for that.  “Dhii-- did you want to talk about it?” Another sniffle.
“Nien.” He responded bluntly. He must have been really frustrated, not that Apollo couldn’t feel how tense he was in his bracelet. But to be so annoyed and angry to not notice yet! Klavier was normally so attentive when it came to Apollo’s sneezes.  “Juh-just cuddles then?” Apollo offered into his ear, deciding to make him notice. Apollo moved his arms around Klavier’s body, kissing his neck as he worked his hands up towards his shoulder blades. “Or maybe something a bit more to take your troubles away?” “Oh...” Klavier hummed, clearly not in protest.  “Is that your-- hih hih--- your- haa’HI-- ahh-” Apollo sighed with a sniffle, right in Klavier’s ear, earning himself a whine that went right to Apollo’s groin. He could feel his lover swallow. “J-ja. Schatz. The safe word is guitar.”  “Mmmm~ I’m glad you remembered, babe.” Apollo moaned into his neck, hand slipping down to Klavier’s waistline and unbuttoning his pants. It was a bit hard, given the damn chains, God, he wished he wouldn’t wear those stupid things, but he managed to eventually unbutton him and pull down his fly, earning a nice little gasp from the beautiful piano man next to him. Apollo continued to kiss his neck, rubbing his nose against his ear and hair as best as he can in the hopes of doing something for his nose. 
Klavier got to hear the poor man hitch, and hitch, and hitch, right in his ear, but it always ended in a sigh, which always got Klavier to whine. Not to say Apollo wasn’t making good use of his hand, which had been teasing Klavier’s member through his briefs. Apollo intended to take it slow tonight. Tonight may have been about Klavier, but he could always tell him what he wanted. He had a voice, and Apollo sure as hell knew that he knew how to use it.  “Schatz, must you be such a tease?” He moaned. “Oh... am I teh-teasing?” Apollo hitched lowly with a sniffle, “Suh- suh- sorry. I didn’t know... which hiiih- you-- you wanted--!” Apollo sucked in a large gasp, only to pause yet again, seemingly stuck in his hellish sneeze limbo. Eyes screwed shut, yet raised brows, nostrils red and flaring with a chest filled with air that was just ready to be expelled... only... another sigh of ‘relief,’ if either Klavier or Apollo could pretend to call it that. “Almost, huh?” He teased again, stroking his lover’s cock through his underwear with three fingers this time.  “Gah-!” Klavier shuddered out the gasp, back arching with arousal. “A-Apollo-!” He whined. “Waddya want, Klavie?” He asked, rolling on top of Klavier. “I know I seem like it... but... I... I’m not a mind reader...” Apollo moved his hand from his crotch to untwirl his sub’s hair. He loved to rub his hands through it, and sometimes, when they decide to indulge in Klavier’s kink, its length was useful in getting his always oh-so stubborn sneezes out. But, Apollo had a plan, so unless Klavier wanted to go that route, (as sometimes he was insistent on it,) they wouldn’t need to resort to his now beautifully messy golden locks. It was hard for Apollo to not get distracted by how pretty Klav was like this, but as great as he looked in the suit, Apollo thought he’d look better with out it right now. “Y-you’re going to hiih- hafta teh-tell me wh-what-- hiIIH-! What you- HEH-! Want--!” This time, Apollo turned his head, fully believing he’d sneeze this time, but by the time he brought his nose to his elbow, the sneeze fizzled away, yet again. 
Apollo slowly turned his head back to Klav, nostrils still flaring, yet he had that bedroom shit-eating grin on his face.  “Well?” Klavier whined at his voice, Apollo sounded so desperate, so ready to sneeze. “Which is it?”  “Gott, schatzi, you’re making me crazy! I-I know you’re not holding back!” “Do I... heee- ehver nuh-- hiIH-! N-need to?” “Mein gott schatzi, touch me while I coax your sneezes-- Mmf!” Apollo suddenly cut him off with a kiss. “Which one, babe?” Apollo pulled his face away from Klav’s once he felt the urge to sneeze spike yet again, rubbing his nose with his finger, which did little to satiate the maddening tickle. But seeing Klavier already work up a sweat, seeing him whimper and moan underneath him was more that worth it. 
Honestly, Apollo never appreciated his false-start sneezes until he saw what they reduced Klavier to...
Klavier whimpered and whined and squirmed underneath Apollo as he thought. How could he just decide?! Between being touched and hearing his partner’s monstrous sneeze? Assuming he chose not to stifle. It was a tough choice for the rockstar, that was for sure.
Ultimately, he unlinked his belt and pulled down his pants and underwear to give Apollo access. Apollo had a lot of false starts and long hitching fits, but he couldn’t hold back a sneeze, they’re tried countless times in the bedroom, but his strong sneezes always prevailed. Apollo would eventually sneeze on his own, one way or another, but Apollo could easily arouse Klavier forever without touching him until Klavier was a heaving, desperate mess. 
Meanwhile, Apollo could only stare lustfully at Klavier’s impressive swollen cock. He was only half-hard, but Apollo could easily change that. The attorney smiled, opting not to try and speak through his itchy, twitchy nose like so many nights before. Instead, he carefully pulled his pants and briefs down rest of the way, making sure to graze Klav’s inner thigh as he went. Once the pants were unceremoniously discarded onto the floor, Apollo carefully swiped his thumb over the tip, a shivered gasp rewarding him for his contact. 
He really thought about swallowing him down, but Klavier couldn’t stand the sight of bald genitals, and he couldn’t risk tickling his nose while blowing him tonight. Apollo adjusted himself over his legs, and reached into the side-table drawer to grab the lube. He locked fluttering, lidded eyes with Klavier, who was watching his lover’s nostril’s flare as he squirted a generous amount of lube onto his hand. Apollo didn’t wait for it to warm before he began to stroke Klavier’s penis. The man relished in the moan he was, once more, rewarded with, and used his free hand to begin unbuttoning his black blouse.  “Scha-aaaahhh~ Schaatz!” 
Once Klavier’s tits were free, Apollo was free to lick and suck them all he wanted. He was on vacation, so he didn’t need to worry about leaving marks or bruises! And it sure was clear how much Klavier loved it. He even removed his shirts completely, and threw them unto the abyss that was the floor. Of course, Klavier was momentarily disappointed when Apollo had to pull his face away, he even stopped pumping, which drove him insane. But was even worse is how he started another one of his hitching fits. With Apollo being on top of him, Klavier could feel his chest expand on top of his, the way his body tensed up, and how he ceased all other movement, being so preoccupied with the tickle. Klavier even got to hear a little ‘ah’ as though he was finally going to sneeze, but he froze once more. Klavier held his breath, wide-eyed and enamored with Apollo’s sexy pre-sneeze expression. The attorney drew in one last breath and--!!
...deflated. Klavier was just about growling, he was hungry with need by this point.  “Aahhh... I w-was so... so close.” He sniffled.
Klavier pulled Apollo’s face down to his, making out with him almost aggressively until Apollo had to come up for air.  “Klah’hih! Klahv-HIH-! Haaahh...” Another false start. “Und just why are you still dressed? Zhis is hardly fair!” Apollo couldn’t help but chuckle at that. He hadn’t meant to make him frustrated, but he couldn’t say he wasn’t enjoying it. “Alright, alright, I heh’heeehhh- he-hear you...” He sniffled, sending a teasing finger down to rub his taint. Klavier moaned and bucked his hips with want, but Apollo had to stop to take off his clothes. Though, before throwing them onto the floor with the rest of their clothing, Apollo buried his nose in his pollen-dusted shirt, and took a deep breath. 
That got him a few, rapid false starts, gasping and sighing, gasping and sighing, but still nothing.  “Aahhh... You know, Klavie... i-if you... if you be’heeehh... beh’eh... eh... EH... behave... I-I might just.... migh- might just... geh... get out. Juh-huuhst for- for-! For y-!! You...” Apollo’s hand slipped under his pillow and pulled out one of Klavier’s favorite feathers. It was long and purple, sharp and wicked looking, but the tip was just so fluffy, it was perfect for nose-tickling. 
Apollo relished in how much the prosecutor’s eyes widened once he saw the feather. Just to test the waters, he ran the sides under his nostrils, being extra careful to avoid the tip, so as to not tip the scale. But oh boy, did he feel the feather. Apollo got maybe about halfway down the length of the feather when he had to stop. He held his breath, fearing that he may have tickled his nose too much anyway, and he put the feather down with a shiver.
Klavier must have caught the look in Apollo’s eye, because he could tell he made a mistake. As soon as Apollo put down the feather, his hand gently scraped up Klavier’s taint, (getting his hips to buck again,) and began to pump him once more.
“I-I think I-I huh I-I might have- huuh-!” Klavier couldn’t be frustrated with Apollo’s slow and uneven pace, because the sight above him was way too sexy, and made up for it in spades. His heart was racing, his dick was throbbing and already leaking precum, and it was all because of Apollo right now. Chest puffed up so much his back was arching, pecs on full display with hardened nipples and all. His face, relaxed, aside from his furrowed brows and flaring nostrils, a vague expression of concentration on what Klavier fantasized to be the sneeze as it wormed it’s way through his nose. His hair, completely free of gel as he pumped his hot, throbbing cock with each and every forced breath. Each hitch brought his voice higher and higher, Klavier could honestly cum from just how desperate he sounded alone, if only Apollo could move his hand faster, instead of in time with his hitching fit!!
“Hih heh hiiih hHIIH! HIH-!” 
Once again, everything stopped with Apollo’s sneeze, his hand, their breath, everything aside from the beating of Klavier’s heart and the throbbing of his penis. Apollo began to sigh, but Klavier flipped his switch. He couldn’t take it anymore. 
Klavier shot up, grabbed Apollo by the arms, and rolled him back over into the bed, so that he was the one on top now.  “Let’s see how you like this game, schatz~” He purred lowly. Klavier moved his hand to fondle Apollo’s balls, while grabbing the feather with the other hand.  “Klavie, I-I didn’t mean to-- oohhhhh~” Apollo moaned out, spreading his legs more to give Klav access to whatever else he wanted to play with down there. Klavier drew a finger up the shaft and along Apollo’s frenulum, getting Apollo just a bit louder, as he arched his back. 
Moving up some, Klavier began grinding against Apollo’s cock, getting the other to squirm and wrap his hands around Klavier’s back.  “Oh Klaaaaaav...” He drawled, melting into Klavier’s movements. He didn’t notice Klav bringing up the feather until he felt the tip swiping back and forth against his nose, hitting the inside of his nostrils. “Hah-! O-oh Klavi-- heehh-! I-I cahaan’t--” Apollo was caught between whining and moaning, because what Klavier was doing to him felt so good, but what the feather was doing to his nose was a ticklish hell. He began to hitch like crazy, and about halfway through his fit, Klavier moved the feather, and began sucking his nipples, further distracting Apollo from the sneeze. “Kuh- Kuh- Klahaaa-huuh huhvier!!” He sniffled desperately, chest aching with all the air it tried to take in, “H-huh-heh-help me! Hehlp me snuh-ooohh, god-!” Apollo shook as Klavier grabbed his member, spreading the first beads of precum around his fingers as best as he could. 
Apollo released his breath, and Klavier picked up the feather again, ready to tease him some more. This time, he made sure that he was getting Apollo’s precum on his fingers as he stroked, and as for the feather, Apollo had his eyes closed in pure bliss, so Klavier suspended the feather above Apollo’s face so that the tip would be right on his nose. Once Apollo inevitably arched his back, that stubborn allergic tickle spiked once more, causing the man to hitch, and hitch and hitch.  “Klah- Klahviiiaaaa- HIIH-! I-I think I-I’m- HEH! I-I’m gonna snuh-! A-ahh~” Apollo gasped when Klavier put a finger inside his ass. And while he was incredibly turned on, he couldn’t help but whine in frustration, because he could still feel the persistence of the tickle. If he’d known he’d be betrayed like this, he wouldn’t have tried to hold back before Klavie got home!!
And Apollo was just so fucking close, but he wanted Klavier to screw him into the bed now, so he’d have to resist the urge. 
Klavier didn’t have to do much this time... He made sure Apollo was prepared enough where he’d be tight, but not in pain, and once he felt he was ready, the feather was picked up once again, and Klavier swirled little figure eights into Apollo’s nostrils.  “Nuh- nuh- not again! Hih! Hih! HIH! Ahhh... Heh! Huh! HAH!! Klah-hahhhv-HIH-!” This time, to distract Apollo, Klavier pushed himself in, which he could tell Apollo felt, because he moaned, but it wouldn’t stop this sneeze now. “HEH! HIH! H--!” Klavier pinched Apollo’s nose at the last second, which was of no relief to Apollo’s trembling lungs. “Klaaaaaaaaaav!!” Apollo whined, desperation not at all lost in his voice.  “How does it feel, schatz, to not have either?” 
Apollo could only whine, wiggling his hips for some form of friction, and wriggling his nose for some semblance of relief. Apollo could feel how aroused Klavier was, how his dick was throbbing inside him, and it only made him want more of it, but he wanted to enjoy it fully, without this stupid fucking sneeze torturing him!!
Luckily, Klavier couldn’t hold himself back for much longer for the sake of pettiness. He picked up the feather one, final time, and swiped it back and forth against Apollo’s nose the entirety of his hitching fit.  “Heh hih hih hIH HIH HIH HIH-!!” Apollo moved to cover his nose out of habit, but Klavier was quick to grab his hand, and pin it to the bed at the last second. “HHHHIIIIHIIIH!! HAA’SHOO!” Klavier bit back a soft moan feeling the spray on his chest and nipples, arching his back some. Apollo kept hitching though, and Klavier was more than happy to help, despite being rock hard and ready to burst already. "HWA’SHIEW! HWA’SHOO! HA’KTCHU!!” “Fuck, schatz, I-I need to move-!” Klavier warned, before rocking his hips back and forth. Apollo continued sneezing, even after Klavier stopped using the feather, he was practically shaking the bed, which was only fueling the pleasure Klavier was bringing him.  “HAH’CHIEW! HUH’SHIEW! Hah... HAH... HAHSHOO!!” “Och! Ja! Ja! Mien schatz! Gesundheit mien liebling!!” 
Eventually, Klavier rolled over so that Apollo was on the top again- he could still thrust upwards, and pulled his poor, sneezy treasure into his chest. Now that Apollo was stifling his sneezes into Klavier’s chest, he sounded way too adorable, and Klavier just had to speed up.  “Oh- hi’tch! Fuck- K’tch! Klavier-! K’chii!” Apollo finally sighed with relief, fully able to enjoy Klavier ramming into him. Klavier kept going faster and faster, just to get more and more noises out of Apollo, and eventually, the two climaxed together, quite loudly, before collapsing. 
Out of breath, Apollo reached for the covers, and pulled them over them before lazily planting a sloppy kiss on Klavier’s jaw.  “I love you.” “That’s my line, schatzi. Though, maybe I should thank you for dusting? I love it whenever you do...”  “You never notice-” “Your dust sneezes take forever, they’re just as bad as pollen for you.” Klavier sighed, running his hands through Apollo’s hair. “Must have been a lot of dust, it takes a lot to get through your allergy meds...” “...about tha- hih hih hih-! Oh come on, not agaaii- hih-!” “I still have the feather~” Klavier teased, kissing his treasure on the nose. 
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