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kuweka-jua-comic · 1 month ago
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lynxbriight · 5 months ago
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just a yeen! Got this new grass procreate brush package that worked very well, I think the link is displayed if you click on the image like one of those portal things. Either way, it worked really well and the maker deserves credit so if you’re interested, check it out!
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fatherofnarnia · 10 months ago
{@prince-kivuli liked this for a starter}
The old king of the Shadowlands had completed his journey in the Circle of Life and joined the Great Kings of the Past, leaving his son, Kivuli behind in charge. Being a king was a great responsibility and for a young king with little experience it was always harder.
It was the same with Kivuli whose worried heart called Aslan to come. He showed up in the kingdom like the wind that you cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. The lion came to visit the new king and his family and to give the seeked answers for his questions. It was not compulsory, it was up to Kivuli if he needed help or not.
"Kivuli," the lion called while approaching him. "I am sending you my deepest condolences for your father."
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multi-universal-muses · 11 months ago
"Are you saying that you never wondered what would have happened if we never met Nat?" The grey furred lion asked with a confused and cute head tilt as he glanced up at the other from his lazy sprawled out position in the grass
Nathan jerked his head up in surprise at the lion's question and averted eye contact immediately afterward, both at Kivuli's adorable head tilt and his own lack of immediate response.
Truth be told, the monochrome cat had thought about that question before - multiple times at fact - but didn't enjoy entertaining the thought, so to hear it out loud from someone else, let alone Kivuli of all people, left him in a rather unwanted headspace.
"I...prefer not to think about it," he murmured at last as he laid down beside Kivuli. "It's too sad a thought."
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prince-kivuli · 11 months ago
Kivuli sighed out of boredom as he lazed around on a rock near the edge of the border between the Shadowlands and the Pridelands as well as the Outlands things were calmer than usual which either meant something bad in his father's opinion or it was to keep the Prince distracted from instigated a playful spar between the entire pride's cub population which was fair given the last time he thought with a huff while his tail flicked absently though he paused when his eyes caught movement and the silhouette of a younger lion. Jolting up and then jumping off the rock with a graceful landing Kivuli quickly started running towards said unknown figure front claws unsheathed and ready just in case until he came to a skidded stop as he stopped right in front of the teenage lion he couldn't ever forget the cub despite the years that had gone by "Bahati... what are you doing here little one?" He asked still somewhat surprised by the sight as he let his claws retract and he instantly nuzzled the teen's side fondly @prxnceofthepride
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itisweselton · 11 months ago
"The planet is fine. The people are fucked." Kivuli stated with a straight face as he observed the town below tail swishing lazily as he ignored the human at his side his dry statement wasn't wrong given everything he had seen of humans lately granted his pride weren't exactly perfect and Great Kings most animals were equally screwed if this went out of proportion as it often did with humans
"Well now...it seems you've changed a great deal since I last saw you, Kivuli," remarked Edgar towards the lion's blunt statement. "Tell me though are you including your own species as well? Or is it directed towards humans only?" the smaller man went on to ask.
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cunning-matriarch · 10 months ago
"My little natural disaster" Kivuli chuckled, head held high with an expression of pride. "She is my last cub, and will grow to be a strong queen. Right now? She will play, grow and learn alongside the other cubs. She's already an excellent hunter, though a little impatient."
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pcrplevenom · 2 months ago
"I'm fine, just a scratch."
Only a Flesh Wound starters
"Uh huh, right." Now even moreso skeptical, squinting some. "Sayin' that makess me question that it ain't, and I'll look closer if I have to to tell if it iss or not." Soldan was a bit tense here, rubbing the bridge of her nose.
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themightypete · 5 months ago
"Pete why are you just pacing around outside my cave?" The grey furred lion had quite literally just got back from his patrol of the Shadowlands only to see the off and on frenemy pacing around while the Heartless just flitter around nervously
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"Oh don't act like you don't know chump as yours truly heard there treasure about but it guard by your goons who supposed be tough" pete answer with a smug expression
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bcllbcy · 11 months ago
Starter for @prince-kivuli
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Gentle footprints tread in the ground as a young bellhop from another world has found himself lost in a vast landscape, there were various trees and different kinds of animals, a truly wondrous site!
Wait, was this reality?! Was he exploring outside of the dreamscape he originated from?
His eyes widen as he took everything in, his excitement overriding his nervousness as he bent down to touch some unique flowers as well as breath in the air.
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This was amazing, his heart felt like it would skip several beats much like the wing beats of a bird as he didn't want to move any further.
He wondered if he was noticeable here as he was like a phantom where he came from, he felt a bit sad that people couldn't see him but his sorrow would fade for now as a butterfly flutters by and landed gently on his nose which caused him to giggle.
Such bliss the world was at this moment, never end. He looked around but had no idea if anything or anyone be approaching, he was too in awe to being outside.
---- 🛎⚙ ----
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kuweka-jua-comic · 2 months ago
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Kuweka Jua 2025
I have some good stuff planned, hope you’ll stick around for it!
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lynxbriight · 15 days ago
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I completely forgot to past this here sorry
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fatherofnarnia · 11 months ago
"My father once told me that life is a constant struggle but also something filled with beauty... I didn't understand it when I was a cub but now I believe I do, it's the smaller aspects like helping others or just seeing a sunset or birds and animals happy... the struggles are the obvious and I think you have seen more than your fair share haven't you?" The adult lion asked still not looking at the older and much wiser lion still focused on the beautifully calming sunset that painted the savannah in a rainbow of color
"Do you see the setting sun?" Aslan asked, his nose pointing towards west, his amber eyes still focused on the view.
"Verily, I say unto thee, the time is coming when the sun will rise for its last day. Until then, life will be the battle field betwen Good and Bad, Darkness and Light. For Light can not be percieved without Darkness, and you can not understand Darkness without Light. And everyone who chooses Light will defeat Darkness."
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prince-kivuli · 11 months ago
"Having to carry all your medicinal herbs while we walk towards Pride Rock.... still don't believe this is the wisest course of action Rafiki yes I want to learn how to heal but this seems like using me as some pack animal." The teenage lion snarked with a knowing grin as he looked at Rafiki knowing the Mandrill meant well in having him assist in carrying these objects
"Oh, I am so going to regret this."
“Hm? And what is it you think you will regret, young Kivuli?” Rafiki asked, curious as to why the grey-furred lion was muttering such things.
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beni-draw-ikemen-please · 20 days ago
This year, I am celebrating five years if being fully submerged into Twisted Wonderland 🥺 I love this game and it's helped me get through dark times. I am also celebrating five years since I started writing my OC Asami and Leona's love story!
So I thought I'd make a headcanon + cultural/world-building index!
If you were able to read my stuff when I used to post here or if you havent or if you read my stuff over at AO3, Thank you! I hope you'll enjoy this index. This is all the HC I have for TWST specifically for Leona and the Royal Family. I follow these HC when writing even a oneshot so I'm quite devoted to this index.
Thank you for reading! Let me know what you think! 😳💖
Other AUs that follow this Index 
EYES NOSE LIPS archiveofourown.org/works/25322554/chapters/61396324
Almost Her archiveofourown.org/works/31552400
Casablancas archiveofourown.org/works/32076625/chapters/79462633
Nectar archiveofourown.org/works/55402189/chapters/140569939
Where the acacia archiveofourown.org/works/62641702/chapters/160350640
EYES STAND STILL archiveofourown.org/works/34411123/chapters/85635874
EYES NOSE LIPS Afterstory ( to be posted)
Not all Beastmen inherit magic.
In some rare cases, some Beastmen do not inherit human speech. Magic can be used as a way of communication, similar to telepathy. Overuse can lead to minor overblot. 
Beastmen have the ability to heart heartbeats within a certain distance. 
Beastmen can bear and have children with normal humans. Their beast blood isn’t diluted by human blood and the beast capabilities and genetics are directly inherited. But most of the time, there is a 50/50 chance the offspring may not inherit the beast parent’s magic. 
Jack Howl struggles with controlling his tail, especially when he gets excited or when Asami is around. 
To improve his tail-wagging control, he undergoes a year-long tail training program to mask his emotions, control his reactions and maintain a disciplined stance. 
This is a common practice for Beastmen in noble or formal settings ensuring they appear dignified and composed. 
While Jack’s tail wagging improves a lot, his tail still betrays him when Asami is nearby. 
CRIMSON The Dark Arcane Order
A secret organisation that operates in the shadows of Twisted Wonderland. They occupy unclaimed territory. They are involved with organised crime, assassinations, intelligence and forbidden magic. 
Kiros (OC) is one of the main gang leaders of the organisation though no direct evidence have been found. 
Crimson is said to be recruiting mages with special unique magic. Specifically eyeing Malleus Draconia, Kalim Al Asim and Leona Kingscholar.
CURIOSA The Apothecary 
A hidden place of curiosities and an apothecary infamous for catering to noble patrons and sometimes even the claws of CRIMSON. 
CURIOSA is a place for rare potions, enchanted herbs, illicit magical remedies and other “healing” rituals that are forbidden in the arcane laws of Twisted Wonderland. 
Also houses and is a liaison for discreet cures, beast transformations, bdsm, elixirs. 
Kingscholar Royal Family & Culture (in order of appearance in Eyes Nose Lips)
Kingscholar Royal Family Values 
Excellence through Enlightenment, Unity through Understanding
Old Sarabian 
An ancient, almost forgotten language that is used exclusively by the Kingscholar Royal family. 
Unlike modern Sunset dialects and neighbouring savannah dialects, it is highly formal and poetic. 
This ancient language is used in royal decrees, sacred texts, ancestral records and in rare cases, old magical archives housed in the Royal Kingscholar Library. 
The language can hold power and even memories; it’s necessary when performing royal rites, ceremonies and spells. 
Old Sarabian inscriptions can sometimes be found in forged Sarabian gold and are also scattered around Kivuli Hall. 
Sarabian Gold
Metals don’t usually hold magic in Twisted Wonderland. Sarabian gold is a rare gold found exclusively in Sunset Savannah. 
It is found deep in the ancestral mines and the Royal Family does not allow its mining. Selling or forging Sarabian is currently forbidden unless it is performed directly under the request of a Royal family member. 
Sarabian Gold is the only metal known in Twisted Wonderland that is able to hold generational power. It is rare and highly coveted. 
Only Royal artisans can forge items from Sarabian gold and only under the direction and request from one of the Royal Family. 
Legends say that the mines have been found by the first king of Sunset, it made him king, blessed by the sun. 
Kivuli Hall
A secret chamber within the palace lined with ancient crystals that act like curtains. These crystals have old sarabian inscriptions in them and they can hold and store memories of the inhabitants. 
The crystals can bounce magic, light and retain voices, visions and whispers of its past inhabitants. 
Kivuli Hall is a recent addition to the centuries-old palace, it was originally built to house and contain Leona’s magic and “curse”.
When Asami spent the summer there, the hall absorbed their shared memories and moments, preserving them like reflections on glass. 
The hall’s inscriptions and crystals can react to Leona’s magic, his emotions, thoughts and desires. 
Kivuli Hall is a sacred and personal space for Leona. 
The Pride Pendant 
A symbol (a necklace) traditionally passed to male-born children of the savannah. 
The Pride Pendant was adapted from the ancient royal tradition of the Kingscholar Royal family. 
This piece of jewelry is a sacred symbol gifted to any beastperson born from the savannah. Upon reaching maturity, the holder of the pendant must offer their Pride as a symbol of an unbreakable bond of loyalty and/or love.
Traditionally, Pride Pendants were carried by lions and were forged from Sarabian gold. In these modern times however, people from the savannah adapted this practice. Crafting their own pride pendants from ordinary gold, other metals and precious stones, these prides are offered when making a proposal. 
Anyone who isn’t wearing a “pride” is considered single/unmarried. 
Not all Beastmen carry this ancient tradition.
Succession Laws & Female heirs
Sunset Savannah has a king because the previous king (Leona & Farena’s father) is male. But it is not strictly patrilineal and in the absence of male heirs, the first female daughter inherits the crown. 
If Leona becomes King, his first-born daughter, Crown Princess Asami would be the first female heir in generations. 
If the Sun Queen Regnant marries, her husband is not automatically King— he is titled Prince Consort depending on his lineage. 
The Royal Kingscholar Library 
A world-famous library containing the world’s biggest scholastic collection (scrolls, books and artifacts) there are three branches in Sunset Savannah and two other grand libraries in other continents. The Royal Kingsholar Main Library is the biggest and houses the Great Kingscholar Royal Archives.
It is said that the second prince, Leona, used to own most of the books that are now housed in this great library. He used to spend hours and days here in his youth. 
The Royal Kingsholar Library strictly employs only non-magic persons. This is because magic can seep into books, tools and materials leaving “residue” that could alter or affect the information stored in them. 
Any newly returned artifacts and materials are “neutralised” by the Magical Police before being returned to the library. 
Any newly excavated materials, artifacts and/or weapons are “neutralised” by the Magical Police before being stored into the library. 
Non-Magic employees preserve the integrity of the texts, enduring that no residue contaminates records or distort historical text. 
The Three halls of the Library
Ukumbi Hall (the Face of the library) - used as a tourist attraction, art gallery and exhibition hall. Any member of the public may use the space. Tours and other events are also held here. 
Grand Maarifa Hall (The Heart of the library) - the main library where scholars gather, study and work. Eighteen floors of materials. 
The Garden an inner garden where scholars, students, library card holders and members can enjoy nature and tranquility in the middle of Sunrise City. 
*terms have been derived from Swahili 
Travel & Magic
Mirrors and Magic Travel 
Magical Mirrors require a magic user to stabilise the journey. The stronger the magic, the faster and easier the travel can be. Amateurs and students can still struggle when traveling by mirrors. Supervision is highly recommended in non-school settings. 
Without a magic user-s control, traveling is unstable much like walking on a plank on water. 
Because of this when Asami wants to travel and Kifaji cannot escort her, she needs to take public transportation (trains, planes, buses, broom if available) 
Magical Police
The Magical Police are striclt prohibited from using magic when off-duty or when they are not wearing their uniform.
They are responsible for neutralising magical artifacts and there is a specific department for that within the force. 
Magical Police regulate magic use in public spaces to ensure and maintain order and safety. 
2. Others
The Golden Sigil - a golden sticker imbued with magic that is used by women of Twisted Wonderland (specifically in the savannah and those with beastman partner/s) to prevent pregnancy. 
Ambrosia - a golden liquid (liquor) specifically for beastmen. This liquor is too strong for normal humans who possess magical energy. Although it is safe for consumption in small quantities, it is not recommended if you're not an experienced drinker. 
Spectré - A potent and highly addictive hallucinogen, it blurs the line between physical and metaphysical experiences. Its use is not fully legalised in Twisted Wonderland, there is a tolerance policy with regard to its use and retail in small quantities and non-commercial purposes. It is often used by those seeking to amplify effects of other psychoactive substances particularly potions related to divination, hallucinations and altered states of consciousness.
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merlyn-bane · 2 months ago
Hi you said you were having a hard day so here are some Okapi!! They are not rats but I hope they will improve your day nonetheless 💗
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oh you are SO very sweet, thank you!! i do also love okapis, our local zoo has a couple and their names are forrest, moe, and kivuli 🥺🥺
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