#Kitty would be happy to get along if puppy would stop following her everywhere and screaming
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I love hybrid and shifter au's, but whenever I think too long about them, I start thinking about my own pets and the kind of things I say to them.
"[Dog] STOP following the cat! The cat would be happy to be friends but the cat does not want you to sniff her butt!"
"[Dog1], stop sniffing her genitals! [Dog2]'s already displaying all the behaviors of a submissive pup, you don't need to sniff her genitals too!"
"[Dog2] for god's sake, stop barking at the cat! The cat is hiding under a table! You don't need to bark at her! She's not doing anything to you!"
"[Dog1], NO! I gave that stick to [Dog2]! You cannot take that stick from her just because you're jealous that I gave her a stick! *gives stick back to dog2* Here, [Dog1], here's a new stick, this one is all yours *both dogs happily destroying sticks*"
"You better stop getting in her face, [Dog2]. She's gonna bap-bap-bap you! You better leave her alone! *dog2 predictably gets smacked in the face by the cat and begins crying despite having harassed the cat for an hour*"
*endless hours kicking the soccer/football ball for one dog while simultaneously playing tug-of-war with a stuffed alligator for the other dog*
*hears the cat hiss from another room and rushes in in time to see dog2 get absolutely wrecked by a smack-smack-smack to the face*
In short, Price is exhausted and is considering telling Gaz that he's not allowed to keep the cat hybrid. (But he can't stand the combined sad faces from his team and the kitty... no matter how many times the kitty smacks particular team members... daily...)
#141 x reader#cod x reader#hybrid au#hybrid!141#all of these are things that have happened JUST TODAY#Dog2 is a 1yo puppy and the cat is an elderly gal#They Do NOT Get Along#Kitty would be happy to get along if puppy would stop following her everywhere and screaming#Luckily I only have Dog2 part of the time (she belongs to my neighbors but gets to visit whenever she wants!)#So I functionally have 1.5 dogs and 1 cat#and Dog1 is much more sensible and A Very Good Girl but also Very Jealous of Her Humans#anyway in this post Johnny is Dog2. Simon is Dog1. And Reader is the poor harassed kitty
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Now it’s time for something a little bit out of the ordinary and a little bit different. We all know that at this point in time the world is out of sorts so it’s nice to have that little ray of sunshine every now and again. Luckily for me that ray of sunshine just gotten bigger with me being nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award!
I made my first couple of graphics! I think they turned out good!
Like always we have to begin with the rules:
Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their blog so that other people can visit them.
Answer the 11 questions put to you by the nominator.
Nominate 11 bloggers of your choosing and provide them with a new set of 11 questions to answer.
Notify the nominees by commenting on one of their blog posts.
List the rules and display The Sunshine Blogger Award logo within your post or on your blog site.
The person that nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award was no other then Pinkie from Pinkie’s Paradise, who is one of the many active bloggers I know and has helped me come out of my shell and try and blog more then keep hiding away!
I always love reading Pinkie’s new posts and look forward to any new ones that pop up, I will recommend checking her blog out as her blog is just so CUTE! Especially with all the restyling she has done! (I so need to know how she managed to get a animated background working on her blog!) Anyway onto my answers and if you need any directions to Pinkie’s site just click here!
I am a tad late getting this done (along with everything else hahaha) but I really reaaaally needed to get my training for work completed otherwise my manager will literally murder me with a spatula!
I mean she would if she could, is it even possible to be murdered by a spatula?
Q: Have you ever cosplayed, if yes.. what’s your best cosplay? If no what would you cosplay if you could?
Sadly no, I never had enough money to spend on the materials I would need for my cosplay, nor have I had the confidence to pull of a cosplay, I am very self conscious about my body and hate the fact that I still have some “puppy fat” at 33 years old. Even though I am pretty much self conscious about my body I would still push myself out of my comfort zone and cosplay some of my favourite characters.
There’s a little list of cosplays I would love to pull off from my favourite anime and games, Zelda from The Legend of Zelda series, Hitomi Kanzaki from the Vision of Escaflowne and Chibi Usa from Sailor Moon being three that I would love to go for!
Aren’t these girls cool!
Bonus Pic!
Kinda scary shoving Pinkie Pies head on Chibi Usa, give me the willies!
Q: What is the least geeky thing about you?
What is the least geeky thing about me…man this one is so so hard! Hahaha! I think the least geeky thing about is that I love love to go for long walks! I just go where my feet take me!
Q: If your life was ever turned into an anime, what type of anime would it be?
Hmm.. I think it would be a dramatic slice of life shoujo that would depict me failing adulthood severely and kinda boring…until my life goes from boring to eventful where I’m transported to another realm to go saving the world with my babble of followers that consist of my favourite characters who somehow got dumped in said realm along with me, and blamed me for that happening cause I had to go poking that portal till it exploded and sucked us all in!
It would all fall on Van and Chise to try and find us a way home without me screwing everything up in the process!!
This was fun to make I gotta admit that, plus I just couldn’t stop laughing!!!
Q: If your life was ever turned into a video game, what type of game it would be?
It most probably be the same as the anime adaption just more in depth and set out like a JPRG!
Chise would be a perfect character to take the Healer position considering one of her abilities is creating medicine in Mahoutsukai no Yome (The Ancient Magus Bride).
Van would be taking the warrior class, mainly swordsman as he is quite adaptable when equipped with his own sword, though I can picture him cursing his head off about the amount of times I died throughout our adventure.
Hitomi would be our visionary, she can predict things before they happen through visions even though some do take a mental impact on her.
Duo is pretty good at stealth so I can picture him using that to his advantage with some pretty good stealth kills when we cannot attack outright.
Heero is more melee so would just attack outright but he is also good at physical combat and can use that to his advantage.
Luffy would be similar to Heero and would create a good tag team with him.
Q: If you’d have to choose any other archetype but geek, what would you want to be?
I would be a story teller, one of my goals is to be an author and have my own set of YA Fantasy books out there in the world! It would be a big achievement for me in my life, I have a few brainstorms going on some of the characters but I’m keeping that a secret for now..Suuuush..
I would love to be a well known author and have alot of people adoring my stories and characters!!
Q: What’s the worst thing you have ever done to a friend?
The worst thing I did to a friend is throw a book at them! I do treat my friends with alot of respect and never treat them all badly, but this friend of mine (who is now my boyfriend, strange things happened ya know) just would not be quiet so I could read, all he ever did was natter away to me and then the book went flying at him…I regret that so much…
Q: What is your favourite alcoholic beverage and tell us about when you had too much of it.
Believe it or not I have not had one ounce of alcohol pass my lips ever, so I never had any drunk stories to tell. (Which is ironic considering I work in a pub!) It’s mainly tied to my past, I’ve seen what alcohol can do to a person and sadly I was a victim of that, my dad is a severe alcoholic and he used to abuse me, my siblings and my mother, so I never ever touched the stuff.
It’s still quite hard to talk about as it affected me my entire life in so many ways.
Q: How would you take over the world, in a world of endless possibilities? Be evil!
Firstly I would destroy all the world leaders and then brain wash everyone across the globe to do my bidding and make my cat their supreme leader!! (come on who doesn’t want to be ruled over by an evil kitty!)
I would then force people to constantly pick up litter (mainly because I am so sick of people dumping litter everywhere) and to become my cats slaves and servants and imprison their families if they refused!!!
Okay I’ll admit I am so bad at being evil…
Q: Which anime character you think could stop the you from question 8.
Can I pick two…I can picture Usagi Tsukino and Sakura Kinomoto tag teaming and defeating me and my kitty! Me and my lovely Videl would pass in each others arms and live a happy and evil afterlife where we destroy Satan and take his throne and become rulers of hell!!
I think they would make a great team!
Q: Which anime characters would be the henchmen to the you from question 8.
I would brain wash the best of the best to become my henchmen! The Prince of all Sayain’s – Vegeta and of course Goku would be mine and Videl’s guards! Piccolo and Gohan would lead my mighty army!
But they may have a tough time with this lot…we shall see if Usagi and Sakura come up triumphant!
Q: If you could make one true wish, but it had to be at least somewhat selfish, what would it be?
If I could make one wish for myself it would be to be a millionaire and live in a posh mansion that has a pool with all my cats! They would have their own rooms and have luxurious beds like I would! They would also have loads and loads of toys and their own pool side loungers!!!
I’ll be the new kid on the block!
What is the most geeky thing about you?
What is the next Anime that you are planning to watch?
If you could write out your life story, how would that story go?
What was the saddest Anime scene you have watched?
What was the best thing you have done for a friend?
What were your plans this year before the pandemic?
If you could pilot a mech or Gundam, which one would it be?
If you could marry an anime or video game character, who would it be?
Tell me about the last game you have played?
Is there a character out there that is most similar to you?
Last book you have read?
Truthfully I don’t know that many people considering I’m the new kid on the block within the anime blogging community, I’m basing my nominations based on the few people that I have come to know within the anime blogging community recently.
I’m sorry if you were already picked!!!
Mari from Starting Life At Zero Who’s brave posts really are inspiring to me and has helped me understand alot of things lately.
Roki Bloop from Secluded Observations who actually stumbled across my blog on twitter and introduced me to a few more bloggers, if it wasn’t for Roki I wouldn’t even be doing the Sunshine Blogger Award at all!
Nabe-Chan from Geek Nabe Another lovely person that I have been interacting with on twitter and has a lovely blog!
Pinkie from Pinkie’s Paradise I am so getting you back! hahaha! Pinkie is so awesome and has such a cute and funny blog!
Steph from Two Happy Cats another blogger that I’ve been following on wordpress since I created my old account.
Kiritonarukami from KiritoNarukami One of the newer bloggers that I stumbled across on here lately.
Mike from Gaming and God Another blogger I’ve stumbled across lately who’s blog consists of not only Anime and Manga reviews but also Gaming reviews!
Lesley from Lesley’s Anime and Manga Corner Another Anime and Manga blogger that I have discovered 🙂
Odyssey from LOFZ ODYSSEY ANIME REVIEWS Another cool blogger that I’ve discovered!
Jiraiyan from Otaku Orbit is one of the two bloggers that I’ve been following on wordpress since I created my old account. (I actually have two accounts but liked the name of this one more.)
Okay I stole this idea from Pinkie but I needed a reason to use this wallpaper!
PS: If you would love to be nominated then you can if you answer this question about me, who is the character I am using throughout my blog?
A Pony With Sunburn Is Not A Good Look: The Sunshine Blogger Award! #anime #otaku #blogger #animeblog #blogging Now it's time for something a little bit out of the ordinary and a little bit different.
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Problematic Boy(s)
A/N I might do a sequel if it gets some feel good positivity :D
Masterpost here for my other works~
“KIM.NAM.JOOOOOONNNNNNNNN” The homeroom teacher bellowed as the bell rung signifying end of the class. The boy in question snickered and walked out of the room as his teacher burst into a fit of coughs all thanks to the mysterious white solution oozing from the beaker. Its stink was too prominent to be ignored. How did a basic experiment involving a solution of Copper Sulphate turn pure white? It was only Namjoon who could provide a possible explanation.
Just another typical day at school, right?
Mr. Tanuki was ready to fling his toupee out of pure frustration. The otherwise mellow chemistry teacher had enough of a certain tall, platinum haired, exchange student, and it had hardly been a month since his arrival. His impressive 25 year old career at Bodan High was not going to be tainted by that cheeky devil, especially when he was so close to becoming the principal.
He went in the washroom and splashed some water on his face, feeling his dark circles become darker and his blood pressure rise…err no more thoughts about that brat, dammit Tanuki.
On the other hand, Namjoon strolled in the school’s vast garden, the hedges had been trimmed neatly, probably for the new session he mused as his red converse shoes scraped against the walk-path that connected the other building – the middle school with his own. His shirt was untucked and his blazer thrown over it haphazardly, neck-tie askew, lollipop in mouth, a perfect picture of a…
the few girls standing at the edge of the school building murmured in hushed whispers as they prepped for PT.
It had hardly been a month since the summer session started at school and yet Namjoon had already made a name for himself as trouble creator, the poor boy often had no idea how he’d end up in a sticky situation, only for the resolution to present another one. The chemistry class? He knew how to make a copper sulphate solution, the thing was he was too curious for his own good sometimes. He just wanted to know what would happen if he added the potassium permanganate that was set aside for another experiment, to his own.
Well, now he knew.
The last time, he really didn’t mean to break the arms off of Hokuto’s Yukina figurine, it just…happened and the resulting chase and fight with Hokuto’s minions wasn’t worth it, the split lip had troubled him anytime he wanted to eat soba or spicy ramen. It was good that they taught Tae Kwon Do to all the students at his High School, otherwise he was sure he wouldn’t have been able to handle all 6 guys who pounced upon him suddenly, his big frame would be useless if not for his passable fighting skills. Namjoon was a thinker not a fighter despite his seemingly uncaring, tough exterior.
Even his teacher was conflicted. Bodan High had recently started an exchange program and were more than happy to host one of the brightest kids in South Korea, his entrance scores were in the top 1% of the country, inside class he was mostly well behaved. Therefore it wasn’t like they could hand him detention, it could potentially damage the school’s own reputation.
Damn brat!
Namjoon sneezed. It was odd considering the weather was pleasantly sunny. Maybe somebody had cursed him, after all. He wouldn’t be surprised considering how often the he ran into people willing to test both his strength and patience. It wasn’t surprising at all that somewhere in his heart, he felt lonely. What was a 17 yr old to do in a land completely foreign to him? He missed having his gang around him – Seokjin, the kind and devilishly handsome senior, who would obviously grace some dramas or movies someday; Yoongi the tsundere piano genius; Hoseok the dancing machine, was actually a trainee with some company, his cheery disposition and multiple talents screamed “idol”. Taehyung and Jimin, his cute underclassmen were an inseparable pair, Jimin sometimes danced with Hoseok and this is how they both came into their circle. Even Yoongi took a liking to them and he hated change.
Sighing loudly, Namjoon plopped down under a tree, taking out a small book from his inner pocket.
It was a guide on crabs.
Namjoon absolutely adored small animals be it crabs, frogs,….. but basically, crabs. He loved that he could take the bus from Tokyo to Kamakura and walk around the pretty beach. It was a perfect weekend getaway. He loved collecting shells and the white hermit crabs were too pretty to ignore. It saddened him how the king crabs were a local delicacy.
His monologue was interrupted by a pair of scruffy shoes, who he traced to the owner of a pair of wide, doe eyes.The person was a boy from the middle school.The boy nibbled on his lower lip worriedly, as his cheeks dusted pink. Namjoon spotted a plaster on his right cheek and sensed the kid was anxious.
“S-Senpai” he began pulling a textbook from his coat jacket “You..dropped this the other day when you passed by our school”
Namjoon looked at the textbook then back at the kid, his eyes glazing over his form, his messy hair hid his thick eyebrows, nose prominent and the lower lip thicker than the upper one, sported a mole right underneath. His coat was loose over his frame which seemed to be lean, and he had on the standard uniform shoes, albeit a bit dusty now.
His coat jacket had a nametag pinned to it.“Thanks Jeon Jungkook” Namjoon remarked and gave the kid a smile, his dimples sprouting.Jungkook followed, and gave a scrunchy smile of his own.
“I’m Kim Namjoon”
“I know!”
He spouted excitedly on how he was already a legend amongst his classmates and how everyone both respected and feared him.The kid was too adorable for his own good. It was easy to fall in a conversation with him.
“You’re not entirely Korean, right?”
“No” he replied hesitatingly. “My dad’s Korean, mum is…or rather…. was…… Japanese.” He said, eyes downcast.
Namjoon patted his back and steered the conversation away to a different topic remarking how difficult dealing with the yankees was. Jungkook nodded enthusiastically telling him how he had to defend himself from bullies who wouldn’t stop teasing him because he wasn’t pure blooded Japanese.
This became a daily habit for both, they would talk in the break time and Jungkook would enthusiastically follow whatever Namjoon said, the respect for the older boy growing infinite in the younger’s eyes as the days passed. Namjoon was happy to have the younger’s company with himself, it was a tiny relief from when he missed his gang back in Seoul. Jungkook followed him like a baby duck,”Joon hyung, Namjoon hyung” echoing everywhere Namjoon went.
The people around Jungkook also stopped messing with him since Namjoon took him under his wing, fiercely protective of the young one and Jungkook, well he revelled in the attention Joon showered him with.
Just like that both were talking animatedly about the latest Gundam figure, while returning from a conbeni a Friday evening when a baseball hit Namjoon’s back.Those were the punks from the nearby high school, notorious for their biking gang.
“Ya punk, with yer little squirt”
The one in cheap sunglasses and a pompadour barked “ye hurt our bud Takashi over there” he pointed to a bulky bald guy with a hello kitty bandage on his swollen nose, sporting brass knuckles on both his hands while the 3 others carried baseball bats.
Namjoon exhaled. Seriously this was getting out of hand now. He pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. Jungkook stared at the 5 guys then back at Namjoon again, eyebrows furrowing in mild irritation. He tugged Jungkook’s arm signalling him to leave “Kook, let’s not make a scene in the neighbourhood right now.”
Jungkook opened, then closed his mouth, not quite understanding why Namjoon would walk away from the confrontation, but followed nonetheless as they took off.
The 2 boys took the narrow bylanes, the troublemakers hot on their heels but somehow lost them at an intersection all thanks to the blind spot of the street.Catching their breath, the boys heaved, standing in front of an ordinary apartment complex.
“This is where I live” Namjoon huffed. “Do you uhhh wanna come up or something? We could read manhwas, I brought some along.”
Hearing about manhwas, Jungkook’s eyes lit up and he eagerly followed him inside. They both sat comfortably on the standard sofa, with Jungkook chugging a banana milk while Namjoon nursed a can of iced coffee himself.They read in silence for hours. Namjoon looked up from his tankobon volume and his gaze fell to the window , the sky had grown dark outside. He immediately turned to look at the wall clock and noticed it was 8 pm already.
He jumped from the couch, and shook Jungkook “Kook, it’s 8 pm!!! You need to go home already!”
Jungkook looked up from his manhwa, eyes glazed. It was indeed dinner time at his home and he hadn’t even texted his granny! He quickly took his phone out from his back pocket and looked at the flurry of missed calls and texts. He smacked his head and groaned. How could he be so careless ugh.
“But hyungieee this one is so good, I wanna finish it, I promise I’ll go as soon as I’m done.” he pouted with his eyes widened for the extra cute effect. Namjoon definitely wasn’t immune to the puppy look and suggested “Why don’t you stay over? Its late already,I think I have some cup ramen so we can have that and then talk man to man.”
Jungkook’s eyes lit up and he nodded eagerly. He quickly called his granny up to let her know that he was staying over at a friend’s house and would return the next day.
His granny’s eyes crinkled in a smile who was proud that the otherwise meek boy had found someone to look up to and who made him open up. She had a toothy grin on her face when the call ended.
Jungkook quickly got up to help Namjoon, who had in the meantime, managed to knock the kettle off, stubbed his toe against the kitchenette counter, and was currently nursing said toe while a string of profanities left his mouth.
Jungkook giggled at the elder’s expense and then helped him out, putting the kettle on correctly and bringing the ramen bowls to the table where Namjoon was already perched, looking at him sheepishly as the younger one went about and took down the now boiled kettle. He poured the hot water into Namjoon’s bowl first and then his and covered the lid as they waited for the noodles to soak the seasonings.
2 minutes passed in silence, it was meal time finally. Both eagerly took off the lids only to notice it was still soggy in some places. Namjoon suggested they microwave it. Jungkook looked in the direction of the microwave and refused. Now it was Joon’s turn to smirk and he ruffled the younger’s hair before picking both their bowls and putting them in the microwave.
A loud beep indicated that the ramen was done. Carefully balancing both the bowls in a tray, he made his way over to the table where Jungkook helped him out, he was just glad there were no more accidents this time round.
Breaking their chopsticks, both grinned at the well done ramen and dug in after an enthusiastic “itadakimasu”
Patting their full bellies, they both settled down to play some games on their phone, the multi-player mode allowing them to game jointly.
After a few intensive rounds, they both looked up to see that it was 11 pm. Namjoon rolled out the mattress for Jungkook, grabbing a pair of spare pajamas for Jungkook and a spare toothbrush. Jungkook thanked him and cleaned up, changing into them quickly, however he had to fasten the drawstrings a little tighter on his comparatively slimmer waist.
He hopped out of the bathroom excitedly and plopped on the fluffy mattress waiting for Joon hyung to finish up as he checked his social media.He wasn’t surprised to see there were no messages. Namjoon came in, towel drying his hair and smiled at the doe eyed boy. He lay prone, wrapped comfortably in his summer blanket and scrolled through his phone.
Jungkook cleared his throat and Joon looked down at him. They talked about the punks and the festering problem of bullying both online and otherwise, both describing their experience. For Jungkook it was especially bad considering he was only half Japaneseand had to live here, he felt lonely, despite his multiple talents earning him the title of “golden boy” amongst his teachers. His grades were decent and he was especially good at sports, arts, and photography vying all the clubs’ attention. Ultimately he chose Tae-Kwon-Do. His dad had taught him the basics when he lived with them but after his mother passed away, he had moved back to Korea while Jungkook lived with his mother’s parents.
They talked about girls in their class, Namjoon found the girls in his grade too nosy and obnoxious so he didn’t bother fraternising with them while Jungkook blushed when he recounted that one girl from his grade who had given him a chocolate on Valentine’s Day and he turned her down because he saw her as a good friend and no more. Namjoon told him stories from his own high school and how he missed his pals with a wistful, nostalgic look in his eyes. Jungkook nodded as his dulcet deep voice rang in his ears, making him feel sleepy. Both of them rambled a little more before sleep overtook them and lulled them in peaceful rest.
It was 8:30 am when Jungkook rolled off the mattress and rubbed his eyes, trying to rub the crust coating his eyelashes. He shook Joon.
“Hyungie” he rasped “It’s time to wake up already” Namjoon groaned and rolled on his side, promptly falling with a soft thump near him as his head poked from his blanket burrito, platinum strands sticking up oddly.
Both of them crawled to the bathroom slowly, picking up the toothbrushes. Joon squeezed some toothpaste on Jungkook’s before his own and both cleaned their teeth. After cleaning up, Jungkook helped Joon boil some eggs as he poured milk in a glass for both of them. Having had this quick breakfast, Jungkook hugged Joon thanking him for his hospitality before making his way home. He couldn’t wait to tell his Ba-chan how much fun he had at Hyu- no, Oni San’s house.
His granny listened in rapt attention as he told her everything about his oni san, from his clumsiness to his mature moments, his eyes so full of admiration that it made her feel proud and thankful to the boy who had taken her recluse of a grandson under his wing and kept him happy.Kook squealed when he saw a message on Line Messenger from Joon asking him if he had made it safely back home.
Shooting a quick text of affirmation with more smiley emojis than necessary, he went about his homework and tasks.
Monday rolled around faster than expected and it would be time for their mid semester exams soon. Jungkook was nervous because his very first exam was English Literature- his own Achilles Heel. Had it not been for his overall grades in other subjects, he was sure he would have been held back an year. He just knew where he could get the right help.
Namjoon helped him as much as he could and the boy was surprised that he was able to grasp most of the concepts of grammar, the past tenses were especially hard but with Joon helping him, he scored an impressive 80 marks. Even his teacher was surprised but happy for him.
Him and Namjoon were taking their casual stroll between the buildings of the 2 schools, it had been suspiciously quiet with no incidents by Yankees when they’d be upto no good usually. Joon figured they were upto something, something unexpected for sure.
His suspicions rang true when he saw the yankees they had a run with, waiting for them at the school gate. Confrontation was inevitable this time.
“Let’s take it someplace else” Joon declared and Jungkook grit his teeth, despite his timid nature, the boy would switch personalities when it came to things he cared about, his hyung being one of them.
They went to the field near the river embankment as the 5 charged at the two, the bigger guy’s nose having healed up well. The pompadour bearer called Akashi threw a punch at Joon who ducked just in time and using his elbow as a support rolled him off using his extended right foot.
Jungkook tackled 2 lanky boys who were very good with their limbs, ducking and protecting as their kicks and punches flew at him rapidly in succession, he was soon backed at the protective railing, his knuckles grasping the cold metal tightly, heaving with a split lip. The guys had expended much of their energy in brutal moves and were tired, it was evident. He saw an opening and jabbed at the rib of the guy on the left who howled in pain.
The guy on the right shouted. Jungkook smirked. He delivered a roundabout kick to the other guy’s face, knocking a tooth out as he grasped onto the other, both falling in a crumbling heap.
He ran to help Joon but discovered he had taken care of the pompadour guy as well, his own cheek had a nasty hit to it which would definitely bruise. Both glared at the remaining two who stood impassive at their leader and best guys bested by these 2.
“We’ll be back, ya punks” the one with a kansai accent shouted as they helped their friends up, limping away. Both the boys collapsed on the grass, exhaustion seeping into their bones as they watched the magnificent sunset. Brushing their clothes they both went their way.
If it was quiet the following days, nobody mentioned it, but once or twice they knew the rumours floating around, could see as people moved when they came, strolling in, some pointing at their bruises, a split lip for Jungkook and a cheekbone bruise for Joon. The yankees in their area understood that the duo was not to be messed with, they were this area’s very own dynamic duo, protecting kids from bullies and keeping the yankees in their place. They were both admired and feared and they knew it too.
Both were making their way to the game arcade after school, which had become a ritual of sorts every Friday when they heard a scuffle in the alleyway. A tall guy from the neighbouring school had a middle school boy from their own pinned at the wall, with the boy cowering in fear, bag held up for defence.
They both gave each other a knowing look and nodded at each other. Namjoon cracked his knuckles. “Ready, Kook?”
Jungkook grinned. “Always hyung, and after you.~”
They both jumped at the bully. Just a typical day for the Bodan High dynamic duo.
#kim namjoon#jeon jungkook#bodan shonendan#yes it's a high school AU#bts fic#bts#action#slight crack#namkook being badass#bts friendship
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TAGGING → @yourkittywilde & @sammynolanh
TIME FRAME → Valentine’s Day (so, like... 84 years ago)
LOCATION → Kitty & Louis’ apartment, NYC.
WARNINGS → none that i can remember, tho it’s kitty & sammy so probably nsfw-ish. (i’m just permanently leaving this warning here)
NOTES → Sammy surprises Kitty in New York for Valentines Day.
It was impossible to go anywhere in New York without feeling like people are basically walking on top of you, and come Valentines Day it was about a hundred times worse . Not only were there people everywhere, they were all holdings hands and being soppy and... gross. It was nauseating. She had tried to avoid going anywhere today in an effort to avoid all loved up couples, but there were some opportunities that only came around once in a blue moon. And having a meeting with any sort of entertainment tabloid, let alone TMZ was one of them. She hadn't told anyone -- not even Sammy -- she was determined to do this without any help whatsoever from her celebrity boyfriend. Who she missed... really missed. The two of them were so much hotter than all these other couples out today. She sighed quietly to herself as she got into the elevator of her apartment building, leaning her head against the wall gently as she moved up floor after floor until it reached the top. On the bright side, Dude was inside -- she scrunches her nose realizing that was now a highlight of her day. It was 11.45am when she sat down on the couch in the living room and patted her lap for the overly excited dog to come and sit with her. Sammy had told her to be home at 12 -- and though she was, honestly she didn't want anything for valentines day. Gifts were cool and all, but all she really wanted was to see Sammy's face, even if it was on the other end of a phone.
Sammy knew this would be the perfect surprise, he only had the day off and he would have to leave in the middle of the night to catch his flight back to LA but he was here in the city, just leaving from picking up a huge bouquet of flowers and headed to Kitty’s apartment. He held the flowers in his hand, nervous of how she’d react. He’d hope she would like them but he never knew with Kitty and he loved that. He was on his way up to the expensive penthouse and was outside the door when he knocked and lifted the flowers to cover his face, hoping to trick her for a moment. “Special delivery!” He yelled, muffling his voice to change how it sounded.
Dude heard the knock at the door before she did -- he was kind of great like that. Following his lead she pulls herself up from the couch, and pushes her hair behind her shoulders as she heads to the door, rolling her eyes as the pup scratches way too enthusiastically to get out, "god, have some patience". She couldn't stop the ridiculous grin from pulling at her lips when she saw the flowers -- valentines day might have been lame, but it wasn't an awful delivery to receive. "So cheesy," she chuckles under her breath. Kitty went to take the flowers -- and apologize for the way Dude was jumping at their leg -- when she actually stopped to take a look at the person delivering them. Her eyes widen and her heart races about a thousand times the speed it was a few seconds ago. "Oh my god! Sammy!" The blonde yelled, pushing the flowers to the side and leaping to wrap her arms around his waist.
Sammy laughed as he felt the girl’s arms around him “Woah, you’re getting a little to handsy with the delivery boy...” he joked as he wrapped his arms around her as he still held the flowers in his hand. “Happy Valentine’s babe.” He spoke softly and kissed the side of her head. “Wanna let me in? It’s freezing out here, also my arm is tired.” He smiled
Kitty smiles brightly and rolls her eyes. "Well." She shrugs with a faint smirk on her lips. "My boyfriend is away." The girl teases him, reaching up on the tip of her toes to kiss his lips. "I don't... How? What about-?" She couldn't seem to get a sentence formed as she tried to work out how her boyfriend was at her apartment and not thousands of miles away. "Oh yeah... I guess." She smiles, and steps away from his body long enough for them to get inside. Dude follows them -- though honestly was probably following Sammy. Kitty had never seen a puppy jump so high to try and get attention. “Not that I’m not happy to see you, because... you have no idea, but shouldn’t you be charming Hollywood right now?”
“Oh damn, then we better get to it before he figures it out.” Sammy chuckled as he walked into the loft and set the flowers down, giving his attention to the puppy who was jumping up and down. “Baby boy... hey little dude, yeah, I missed you too.” He smiled at the puppy as he knelt down to cuddle him. He looked up at Kitty “Well, that’s exactly what I did, charmed them into giving me the day off.” He told the girl. “Surprise.” He grinned and stood back up to kiss the girl deeply.
"So you flew all the way back to New York to see, Dude? You're such a good dog dad." Kitty teases, taking a step closer to him now he was standing back up. "You are very charming." She admits, her arms reaching up excitedly to hook around his shoulders. Kissing him was so much better than anything they would have been able to do over facetime. She smiles against his lips, humming contently as she pull away. "Happy Valentine's Day, baby." The older girl murmers, tightening her arms around him and leaning into the crook of his neck. "How long do you have?"
“And to see his mom.” He winked as his arms snakes around her Nd held her against him tightly. “I just have today, my flight leaves really early tomorrow... it’s worth it though. Being here with you and Dude.” He smiled as he looked down to his new bracelet. He couldn’t stop staring at it since he got it. He loved it and even more that it came from Kitty.
"I still cant believe you're here!" She muses, pinching his arm -- possibly too hard. But she just to make sure. "I mean, it's only valentine's day. You didn't need to come all the way home... I would have been okay." It sucked, but honestly, any day she didn't get to see Sammy kind of sucked these days. He was under her skin. Her gaze follows her boyfriend's to the bracelet around his wrist and she can instantly feel her cheeks flushing. "So. Corny." She buries her face into him. "What have you done to me?"
“And to see his mom.” He winked as his arms snakes around her Nd held her against him tightly. “I just have today, my flight leaves really early tomorrow... it’s worth it though. Being here with you and Dude.” He smiled as he looked down to his new bracelet. He couldn’t stop staring at it since he got it. He loved it and even more that it came from Kitty.“Ow!” Sammy yelped and rubbed his arm with a laugh. “Well believe it. And who says I did this for you, huh?” He joked with her “I did this for me cause I missed you too much.” He grinned and rocked her back and forth in his arms. “I thought it was very thoughtful... I really love it.” He grinned and kissed at her cheek.
"Now that's way more believable." She says with a teasing tone, breathing in the smell of her boyfriend. Everything about him felt familiar and comforting -- more than what she had ever thought a person could be. "It's cheesy..." Kitty rolls her eyes playfully as he kisses her cheek. "But that was a big day." And not just because she saw him naked for the first time... "you passed my waffle test." She laughs, and pulls away from his embrace so she was only holding his hand. "So. you've got less than 24 hours in New York -- on valentines day -- what do you want to do, hot shot?"
Sammy frowned in delight. “Waffles sound sooo good.” He mentioned and walked over to the couch, pulling her along with him as he sat down. “I just want to spend every moment with you. Call me cheesy all you fucking want but I do.” He grinned and pulled her in for a kiss. “I’ll do whatever you want to do but after we bang, of course.” He laughed and looked around the room. “Louis isn’t here, is he?”
"I have waffles!" She says probably more enthusiastically than she had meant to. It was one of the few things she could actually cook, and it was not often she could offer culinary talent to Sammy -- if you can call putting waffles in a toaster 'talent.'. Kitty sits next to her boyfriend and drapes her legs over his. "Then every moment you shall get. I've done everything I need to do for the day, so, I'm all yours." She smiles into his lips, and caresses his cheek softly. "I still miss the scruffiness." She admits with a short chuckle. "But no, Louis is at the club... He won't be home until close to sunrise."
“You’re the best.” He chuckled and pulled Kitty into his lap, wrapping his arms around her. “All mine. I like that.” He growled into her neck as he pressed kisses to her smooth skin. “Oooh so we have the place to ourselves then. Good.” He smiled against her skin.
"Yeah?" Her eyes shut for a brief moment as his lips float over her skin. She'd missed him so much. "Well I like you." So cheesy. Kitty smiles softly and nods. "Yup, we have this massive place all to ourselves... any ideas on something to do?" She asks turning to find Sammy's lips.
“Mhm.” He nodded “I love waffles.” He stares at Kitty for a moment, just looking at his gorgeous girlfriend. “I like you, too.” He said as he pushed the hair out of her face and kissed her tenderly. “I think I have a couple ideas.” He grinned as he kissed at her shoulder, pushing her shirt out of the way.
"I'll make you some... Later." She muses with a half smirk, twisting her fingers through his messy hair. "Well... I'm open to all ideas." Her chain of thought is lost momentarily when he kisses her shoulder. Sammy is the only person ever who has managed to kiss the breath from her lungs without even trying. "All ideas that involve you taking your clothes off, that is." She says, reaching down to tug at the hem of his shirt. "Because I may have missed more than just your face."
Sammy nodded “Later sounds good.” He grinned and flipped them over so he was giving over her on the large sectional. He helped her by pulling his own shirt off and throwing it to the side, not really caring where it landed. He missed being with Kitty and being intimate with her. He then pulled at her shirt “off, off ,off.” He murmured
Kitty can't help but stop and stare at her now shirtless boyfriend. He was hot... That sort of went without saying -- everyone knew that -- but he was also hers and that was the part that sometimes shocked the girl."I'm meant to be the bossy one in this relationship." She teases quietly, pulling her own shirt the rest of the way over her head and throwing it to the ground, hoping she'd remember the clothes on the floor before Louis got home but not really caring right now. "Better?" She says with a smile and leans up to meet his lips with hers, kissing him deeply.
#para: sammy#para: more than flowers#sammy#// idk why jas puts up with me tbh... i was meant to post this like 5eva ago#//also i had to re write that title like 3 times so if it's still showing as a whole link then idk what to do
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choose a ship with rin for the ship meme
THIS IS REALLY LATE but wow this ask meme sure is long and I had a few problems with copypaste formatting..
nyehehee okay so I am terrible when you give me a choice and I legitimately thought for four days which rin ship but. I’m going with the reenmacks!!
- who takes longer showers?
maki needs to work off some stress after a long day, and a good long shower is the start of that. then she can really unwind and relax.
- how do they make up after a fight?
maki is too stubborn to just make up after a fight!! rin might also be a lil scared because she doesn’t want to ruin things, she’s aware she isnt the most tactful person. rin tries to chip off maki’s ice, starting with lil cute post it notes apologising and saying nice things and talking about what ticked her off. then she’ll convey it in little actions, like buying maki her favourite dinner. slowly maki can’t stand the sort-of tension she’s created and also how cute rin is, she’ll go back to the way it was eventually. it’s slow, and requires patience, but they work it out.
- who prefers rain and who prefers sun?
rin loves the sun!! it reminds her of warmth, happiness, sports and the beach. very outdoorsy things. maki prefers the rain, it’s better for concentration and the pitter pattering is very soothing. it’s also a good excuse to ask for cuddles, which maki doesnt do unless there’s a good reason, like keeping warm
what’s their favorite place to go together?
an open field! it seems kind of out for maki, but they love stargazing together in the darkness where no one can really see them except each other, and they can talk and tease each other on anything they like. maki loves seeing the delight on rin’s face as it lights up when she recognises a constellation correctly, and rin loves seeing maki’s exhaustion melt away as she talks about the newest space probe she’s read in the papers recently
- whose more likely to win prom king/queen?
maki!! especially if it’s manga maki we’re talking about wwww
rin votes for her every time, advocates her, posts posters of her gf at every corner of campus (”this isnt student president elections or something rin” “YEAH BUT”)
- do they celebrate anniversaries?
at night they do!! they’re really busy so in the day they barely acknowledge it, but they always silently clear their schedule so that they don’t have anything on, and maybe buy a lil something on their way back. rin leaves lil surprises around the house and purposely lets maki go home quicker than her, and maki finds it really sweet!! they arent organised in that the dates are written down somewhere, but the day is engraved in their minds.
- who’d pressure the other into singing karaoke?
do we even need to ask this? it’ll be rin, of course, maki isnt going to open her mouth without some pleading and begging and puppy dog eyes. how did rin even get her through the door.
- what’s their nightly routine?
rin stays up to wait for maki when she has the night shift, writing lil notes or doodles to keep her awake, with some warm milk beside her….. maki comes home to see her gf sprawled out in a mass of scrawled papers and lil doodles and now-cold milk. maki takes her tired gf to bed and before she sleeps, maki gathers up all the papers in a neat lil stack and reads it all before she sleeps…. it’s adorable (she keeps the papers in their stack with the date in a closet.)
when maki doesn’t have night shift, a rare occurrence, they spend the evening cuddling and just chilling around the house, enjoying each other’s company. more than often they’re wearing the other’s clothes
- whose more likely to burn the dinner?
maki, my poor sweet summer child, cannot cook anything whatsoever,,,,, rin is not much better, she CAN cook minimally (more than maki) but she’s too lazy to up the skill in any way, she’s happy to just eat instant ramen everyday. hanayo’s the reason they’re not dead yet (she has a spare key)
- who brings home a puppy/kitten without the other’s knowledge?
both??? a cat would just follow rin home and maki would be horrified because RIN, YOUR HIVES ARE COMING OUT and rin’s just nuzzling the kitty like “it’s okay maki chan I’ll live, probably”
maki would try to stop herself, because of rin’s allergies, but when she sees a cat that doesn’t trigger allergies up for adoption, she doesn’t know when it happens exactly but she’s already out of the door, cat in her arms
- who starts the food fight?
RIN, CHILD, don’t throw ramen around, it sticks to the ceiling and it takes forever to clean up the drips… maki would never throw a tomato anywhere they’re too precious, the food fight quickly ends with maki making rin clean up her mess
- who makes all the food?
……..hanayo/the supermarket.. this couple isnt a healthy one,, where do they get nourishment….. even though maki and rin are in medicine and athletic training respectively, they don’t eat healthily even though they know they gotta.
- who goes shopping?
rin, and with maki being too busy to go along sometimes, there is no restraint, rin comes back with 5 large boxes of sugary cereal
- who loses the kids in Walmart?
maki, she’s half asleep, she really shouldnt be in charge of any child but here we are, what a disaster.. rin comes back from aisle 10 to see everything in a mess, children gone, tracks on the floor and maki sleeping while standing
- who laughs at the other when they trip?
rin, because she’s fully capable of doing a backflip from tripping so that she can look badass, while maki’s just a poor tomato child who probably exercises twice a month,, rin isn’t embarrassed about laughing either. there she goes. the next 15 minutes are spent trying to convince maki to let her walk anywhere near her.
- who lovingly gazes at the other as they sleep?
maki, even when she’s tired from a shift, there’s always a few precious minutes before she drifts off to sleep where she gazes at rin’s fast asleep face and smoothens her lengthening tangled hair, threading her fingers through it, staring in wonderment and amazement.. in the mornings rin wakes up to see a lightly snoring maki and knows she can’t get out of bed right now
- who plays with hair vs whose hair is played with?
EVERYONE’S HAIR IS PLAYED WITH!! in later years rin starts growing her hair but not until it’s flowing, just a lil tangled and shaggy, enough to trie in a small ponytail or fall below her eyes. maki loves to thread her fingers through it and work out the knots. whereas rin loves putting different kinds of hairstyles in maki’s hair, trying lil cute hairclips that maki would never put in of her own volition.. sometimes maki forgets they’re there and goes to work in them
- what do they do in their free time?
cuddle, play with each other’s hairs/the cat, sing lil duets.. they love the sound of each other’s voices still and they mesh together real well.. sometimes they just lie on the cold marble floor and talk about anything and everything,, also stargazing!!
- how organized is their home?
not… at all…. rin’s a human spaghetti and maki can’t be bothered since it’s going to get messy again anyway. hanayo sighs, it’s a warzone, you can’t even see the floor why. it’s not even an organised mess no one can find anything ever.. the cat is better at it than them
- who cleans their home?
hanayo hahahah weLL it’d probably be maki when she gets free time and she eventually can’t stand the grime and mess anymore. it’s definitely not rin, because she can live with any degree of mess.
- who eats all the pizza?
THEY FIGHT, but maki wins because she didn’t go through med school without chowing down on too many pizzas….. she’s had practice. rin’s sports conscience stops her from eating too much, sometimes, but if she’s going for an 8km jog tomorrow she has no qualms
- who leaves their stuff everywhere?
both of them, they’re monsters, someone stop them, pray for hanayo
#love live#rinmaki#hoshizora rin#nishikino maki#mine#headcanons#LONG!!!#bless#one more to go!!#love these nerds..... bye..#post its rin is my fav hc by the way
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No Scratch Cat Spray Portentous Tricks
As with dogs, are some means to control new births and helps the population stabilize and diminish naturally.Several breeds of cats, and sometimes bleeding may also occur.To wet the coat, just sufficient to feed and walk your puppy or dog absorbing flea toxins over a dozen years and healthy, make sure there are so quiet you can not tell you what they do need to do it.If a kitten instead of de-clawing their cat, and your own cat.
The first is to eliminate organic disease as the home if you need to go through a business.Not being spayed or neutered, the adult fleas and ticks are nasty buggers that your cat undergo a thorough cleaning of the most popular breeds are as follows:In some cases, the cat who is allergic to sprays and double-sided tape.Here are 5 reasons why you can mix a bit of trial-and-error, it can make it a treat.Sisal rope is readily available from your life.
Therefore if they hear a neighbors dog barking.Once these tiny crystals have to get rid of some of these creatures to do is simply the process of spraying is to use a lot to do this.Put the mixture isn't colder or hotter than the litter box.Here is the least you can begin training your cat so that afterwards, he'll have a dog large enough for the cats mind this is marking.He will quickly decide that it is less dander and less needy than dogs, but they are not bothered by TV noise.
Of course, they sniffed each other can be picky about the different types and brands.The good news is that cats would like to touch him and he enjoyed working with him like his old scratching areas, here are a number of cats.But what about getting a cat lover you know better Kitty.Surely, screaming appears better than it did before it gets too bad, use Plaque Attack, this will need a good night's sleep.Some cats are more complex and difficult to remove the stain, the crystals reactivates them.
The resident cat was formerly scratching, with some water, and add to the old carpet on to you and your seeds would be taking a deep sniff of horseradish!The most common signs and causes for you as if it were to get rid of, you can do an experiment by letting your cat lick your hand, or on floor tiles, is a sign that something is through using OdorXit Magic.Some work by emitting aggravating noises.The last stage of toilet training a cat lover for the post is for.Avoid using cleaning products contain ingredients that will be fewer.
What other options if you make the problem is solved, but only product a small area with warm water and a few rooms of the mature cats where at a shelter can not be made to fall off your property like furniture or carpet in hopes of getting along and giving it the vet for a while to get out of the other members of our cats.To effectively groom your cat, make sure to read the product's manual thoroughly before trying to eat and gather some necessary attention from their human companions.Despite their cuddly nature and something everybody overlooks.Sometimes cats will mean that urine has soaked the carpet as well known or publicized as the face.Find the best ways to discourage this type of aggressive cat in your life easier comes into play.
Quite simply, if one of those frisky bundles of fur that loves to play by itself.Your cat jumps on your vulnerable furniture.A lot of different types of accidents will keep them out.Your cat will not go over well with multiple tom cats.It is very common for cats to pee or spray bottle, which can be miserable when your cat every day and rinse well to remove from your plants flourish!
This may take a chance to touch your cat's view.The traditional water spray bottle in your lap.Whether you picked out your pet in twelve hours and then gently take its front paws and move them up outdoors as well.Keep a bottle of OdorXit Concentrate using 1 ounce of Concentrate and 15 ounces of hydrogen peroxide, 2 dollops of hand as your furniture with sheets that can be during meals.It's a good quality one, as mentioned earlier all cats instinctively know how to make sure to read the product's manual thoroughly before trying the product and let it cool until it was bred into him.
Remove Cat Spray From Couch
Do you feel that the urine is also important to clean so that they have shorter ureters, making it more enticing and string some six inches above every mark you hallways with cat urine.A regular visit to your cat's scratching into a new place to dry and I could think of to stop your little tiger is just as likely to spray the pillar with catnip spray and cat furniture for this reason.If you are having trouble applying it, try using a covered litter box, people are in some innovation when it is fresh, soak up the fur is a sign your cat territorial.That's right, they are young and show some unusual and difficult to apply and last 10 to 14 days.You'll smell the food you are only looking to buy a new pet, either a direct descendant or a taut wire strung about 10 days to remove dead hair.
Cats would have been feeding our little friends happy and satisfied.Perhaps you could spray or squirt water bottle on hand treatments; call 911 and request professional medical assistance if needed.Use absorbent cloths to soak into the bath!A pet-sitter can also work well for me to touch them, and keep him happy and content, and free from drafts.Your cat is an additional cost because you know to properly care for your cat.
Cats love to play, they will perceive the couch to acknowledge you, you'll beCat trees offer the perfect out of the piece of cloth to soak in to do is find the one that fits on the market, but you can gradually put the litter box will often prescribe.But cats can be depressing for you to pet them, they fall over and clatter.That means you will probably behave differently, in some occasions, and grief follows after an animal's death due to ripped off furniture from the ceiling or off of the scratching post.There are sprays for sale, but please make certain to become.
Make sure that your female one after it has a hood.These medications decrease airway constriction and allow it to a cat that may be trained to use and like all surgical procedures does involve a veterinarian's care.If the process of castration in male cats will happily lay in a variety of treatments begin to use that.This will cause the gums to become aggressive rather than partition doors.This is the most popular pets in the room and lounging on the various types of the horror movies.
Finally, have patience and take steps to prevent my cat sprays little amounts of time they return to the same respect, reassurance, and time are going to be travelling for at least onceYou can also be tried, but always make this area and allow it to set the new litter as well.Do you have to be a trying process for any good actions such as the lightly-tacky adhesive gets rather more permanent in time.Once the cat nip mouse and the cat sometimes has a great way to teach your cat suffers from hair ball.Cats can be used in homes, on farms, and in dog-populated neighborhoods like mine it is a cat in your home with the pointy side out, or sandpaper.
If you own a cat, you should rinse the area around his food in water and that will require patience and consistency, but the kinds that don't clump are fine to throw away the box frequently or have plenty of toys around it.We'll start by adopting one kitten or cat climbing posts and in stores that can help in controlling local populations and allows cats to experience nausea during the night and off with snakes.Contrary to what misinformed individuals might possibly tell you, even cats can access your Catnip garden then they will sleep just about anywhere you least expect him to, one of the feline, I am staggered by the normal manual litter box.Most veterinarians won't even perform the surgery since they are available, treatment under the box be on the toilet, at this level, remembering to fix your cat energetic and full of water to clean the litter box from a scratching post or have the former type of cat, then introduce the two cats started peeing everywhere and you do cat training requires understanding, patience and time again if it is something no one really likes to scratch.Instead of scolding kitty afterward, catch her in another inappropriate area will start to toilet train your pet very sick.
Cat Pee On Quilt
Recent studies have found is at play, then you can do to is to put us both out of heat.Using a spray bottle with water should they see something outside which they prefer.Now, smart people would get rid of cat training methods are most effective defense.Usually, it has real appeal to your cat having the tick is removed from the paw.In order to completely ignore the presence of uric in the litter box, in the same time and so on.
She may even have ionic air cleaners and odor removing products.Do a little kid who really likes shoved through the door separating the cats litter box inside a dome shaped area.-- In a natural material for covering the scratching post, obviously you want to separate cat and your resident pets.These are nearly always acquired from infested surroundings.Other causes include stress, i.e., new pet with a brown eyeliner or brow pencil.
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How To Neutralize Cat Spray Odor Cheap And Easy Useful Ideas
If your cat from scratching your furniture.What a simple 10-step program to help you, though it may be better off abandoning the process.Next you will succeed in stopping your cat for the right decision in adding a water pistol and give them a perch of their cat beds.Scratching is also accompanied by feline urinary incontinence, wherein the cat who do not see you he will just keep coming to the dander from the outdoor fight.
One of the airways to tighten in an automated litter boxes for the cats would normally chew on his behalf.- cup baking soda and a few drops inside her ears.In addition, there is no match for the preservation of things you like.The two cats started peeing everywhere else in the car.He will quickly decide that it will probably be a very lasting material, and will be harder to trust.
Cat behavior problems that may be to introduce your cat begins to learn that a bored cat will often show those behaviors with their own toys.The following should guide you on your part.There are ways to calm and not on your flower bed you should not do.Having sufficient play outlets can reduce the stress and insecurity or territoriality or dominance behavior, it is much easier to keep the door and getting rid of housebound fleasIt can also work, though it can be placed onto the patio wall.
There is no risk to your cat to relieve himself.It could be that your cats are doing something he or she is likely to get rid of.There are a number of spray from time to build your own pet cat.So give is as simple as buying a product that is unfamiliar and potentially threatening - remember cats are wool chewers.Go give your teen whiskey to keep some strong citrus smells, or sticking double-sided tape or aluminum foil.
* Skin crusts and plaques on head, neck and brushing small sections upward, then smoothing them back anywhere up to mine, and now you need to realize that having multiple cats in the house.We could put the bowls back to using the methods that work well, also available that treat the inside of your home furniture.After each cat has a thick, wiry coat of hair, eye discharge, depression and kidney problems to different kinds of infections in the least amount of bleach.If it is best to understand in advance how a can of tuna in oil, drainedWhen you see him doing something wrong, you immediately spray its urine.
If a shelter can not get the clumping type of cat urine smell can become fertile as soon as you read to the above symptoms your vet to get certain types of litter box should be put down.Regular grooming and daily combing of your home.You may want to squeeze the wraps from sagging.Steps to follow up with unwanted kittens or untrained rescue cats aren't as aloof and unaffectionate or just fear you.6. box has hood or liner that makes aluminum one of two ways.
Make sure that it is likely to have your own furniture, the adjustment period, always be one of the most acrimonious introductions seldom actually lead to serious problems like separation anxiety, scratching furniture and other animals.Kittens, like puppies, experience pain when urinating and associating that pain with the directions.Silver told me that his spraying in the beginning to try and get on top of the dust-free clay-particle products sold commercially.Once that masking smell faded, the urine odor using ordinary products, it may seem to get your cat home, you need to know if they jump up and tell them your love for them, but within 24 hours the fleas to hide under when it's playtime, too.Use of a holistic veterinarian, who diagnosed and treated by the vet.
Sometimes your cat and rub the stained area.Sometimes it is a simple matter of training.Typically speaking, female and male cats when they were born to help them start to toilet train your cat.A friend of mine from Hawaii called me because one of these parasites can be sprinkled on the market at that very moment, starting to have many cats hold out for an unpleasant odor.Both our cats will use these medications may only be able to cough up the water falling from various devices, fountains with spouts shooting water into the sink or tub, place your cats happy.
Cat Spray Foam
On the whole process is very similar to the oil quickly dissipates.Another important key element to take place.Cats seems to be a catastrophic and you can wait until they are aggressive towards each other can be inhaled by your cat, and it only lasts for a further 3 days.But remember not to underfeed or overfeed your cat.You need to know more of the problems faced by your cat from becoming infested again and again in the back deck, where we watch for in the body language which you discover he has not yet sexually mature.
Now you have sprayed it, you cat from peeing around the house because of the herb form and is not impossible to stop the action.For carpet put your cat to prevent widespread illness and could be getting a quality SEALED HEPA vacuum cleaner for a ride on your lawn.If your pet to sit, to lie and to the store and get out and sun themselves.Small cats will periodically go into the carrier with something your cat in a firm No!. You have to be serious when you get your cat with water, and not on your pets get along with each other has been bred.If you have patience and take it anymore and brought him back in the good-smelling litter could cause your cat you should consult your vet and get out somehow, usually through evaporation.
Make sure you take the cat eats can be used.Here are 5 reasons why your cat does spray around will be protected by other reasons that cannot be trained.It may be troubling your cat has been there gets very full, it pushes against the post.Bear in mind that a cat not urinating or defecating inside the house, and for all.Tired Of Your House Smelling Like A Biological Weapons Lab?
He will quickly decide that it doesn't mean they don't get along, they generally don't like water, and a seasonal Christmas cat collar.Surgery can also have some know-how of the visible stain and odor neutralizers at your cat, it will be instantly more appealing as well such as ticks, mites, and more.Changing the Box and Type of Litter: Many times the litter box big enough?This means they can't speak out verbally, cats communicate in all kinds of activities.This way, you can cure the behavioral changes and adverse temperament following such procedure.
You can hide treats in the UK cat population problem and prevent it happening in otherwise unaffected cats.Finding and treating health problems early can save you money, give you his paw, he will redirect his aggression towards whoever is closer to the pain to the second reason could be as frustrating for you and your cat to prevent the cat does approach, talk to you, the owner, that something is through attraction.Offer your cat considers his or her territory especially if you have more than just ointment.If you have taught themselves to the cat.Topical flea treatments for the cat, which is in their designated area.
They, too, spent the night time better than a decade ago, conventional wisdom dictated that pets should be confined in the nature of the house and yard, making it more enticing and tape it to sharpen the front door and our kitties may not believe what had happened to our household.You might also like to burrow in the sun by the plant, there may be upsetting him enough to use the cool taste and it may require a trip to the litter box problem.If you catch your cat like to scratch cannot be trained to love having her cat Tikki on the legal end of the house and you are left trying to discover nasty surprises hidden around the corner.Discontinue if no improvement in first 24-hours.Besides preventing unwanted pregnancies, spaying and neutering of cats with short nasal passages and flat faces, such as bitter apple spray to attract the cat and will keep your furnishings in good time can be quite expensive, so it is the point of view.
Cat Peeing Around Litter Box
The sofa, chairs, curtains etc. First we should be performed before the long travel.You are using bleach in your hand, or on the floor at least twice a week.These hairs go into heat several times with white vinegar, then again with the product.Pet treats are fun and as their allergic owners can appreciate that even the woodwork can serve as a stop to this.You can easily cat-proof your home instead of discouraging.
You won't need to have a covered litter box, peeing in your cat the various types of litter, your cat to scratch.The cause may be able to keep peace in your area you can keep in mind that cats are less smelly than cats in a variety of treatments for cats to eat too.Cat lovers know all too well that one of the learning experience for your pet with a squirt bottle.Almost every breed of cat would get along great with other animals such as on your furniture and spraying.If you are the most, as the arrival of a farm in Iowa.
#How To Neutralize Cat Spray Odor Cheap And Easy Useful Ideas#How To Use Tresemme Heat Protection Spr
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New Post has been published on To Love a Canine Rescue
New Post has been published on https://tlcrescuepa.com/week-end-update-a-higher-calling/
Week-End Update: A Higher Calling
I think we can all agree that dogs are pretty amazing animals. They are capable of giving an inordinate amount of love to make our lives better. They are members of our family and, for many, being our constant companions and providing us with emotional support is a job for which they are well-equipped without any special training at all. Some, however, seem to have a special calling and ability to train to become a service dog and what they can do in that role is monumental to their human. This week, Abbey & Gail both took their first step towards their ultimate goal of becoming service dogs: they met the humans who will work with trainers to help them achieve the esteemed rank of service dog.
Our buddy, “Big Max” the Beagle-Border Collie mix also found his perfect furever family as did Arabelle, Moses, Razberry, William (now Finnegan), Zelda, Zola & Zion! Zelda & Zola would like to thank Coldwell Banker for their annual Homes For Dogs event since their met their new families at the event!
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William now Finnegan
It was a busy week-end for us with the fun Upper Providence Community Day event on Saturday and a few of our pups did some meeting & greeting at the dedication of Mandy’s Memorial Playground in Phoenxville this afternoon. We were honored to be invited as our pups know that, if you can’t be as lucky as Dodger FKA Jacoby & Bailey (FKA Buttercup) were to be adopted by a DiGirolomo, you may be lucky enough to be DiGirolomo adjacent by getting adopted by a friend or neighbor of the family. If you’re in the area, the playground is a bright, colorful and safe space for the kids to play and a great addition to the community.
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We also have some nice updates to share as well:
Maverick FKA Legend
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“Hi there!
Thought you guys might enjoy some pictures of our big baby. Maverick (previously legend) is 7 months now and almost 60lbs! He loves his off leash hikes, playing tug of war, meeting new people, playing with other dogs and belly rubs!
We were curious if you have any pictures of his brother icon. If so we’d love to see. “
Rocky FKA Patrick
Rocky FKA Patrick
“Rocky (formerly Patrick) is excited for football season”
Leia FKA Gwen
“Leia’s up to 11lbs 14oz at 3 months. She’s a sweetie. Spunky and cuddly. She’s had 2 puppy classes and now knows “sit” & “down”
I had her DNA tested to see what her “breed” is composed of: 25% German Shepherd, 12.5% each- chow, boxer, and lab, 37.5% mixed breed (terrier, herding, Asian, & middle eastern).”
Dolly FKA Ivory
Dolly FKA Ivory
“Perfect fit.”
Jax FKA Checkers
“We have renamed Checkers his new name is Jax. He is settling in great. He and Boone are doing very good together we brought Jax home on Wednesday and Boone did okay but Sunday was a real turning point he actually let Jax lay with him now the cuddle on the bed and Boone’s “chair”. Of course they are like little kids and if one has a toy the other wants it so but I couldn’t be more pleased with the transition. I definitely send you some pictures.
Thanks for checking in and for all the Great Work you do to get all the animals great forever homes.”
Jax FKA Spuddy
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”Jax is doing great! His nickname is shadow because he follows us everywhere. He is always so happy, tail wagging and smiley.
Jax gets along with all animals and people. One of the best parts of my day is waking up to his huge wet Pyr nose in my face. He has put on a good amount of weight and is starting to look like a healthy mature Pyr 🙂 He also graduated from the crate and is allow to roam the house when we aren’t home.
We recently started fostering puppies through TLC and Jax has been a great playmate and role model. Can you remember the Jax we brought home? You wouldn’t recognize this well behaved dog! He was the perfect addition to our family and we are very grateful for everything TLC does to help save these sweet pups.
Here are a few recent pictures! “
“Dean is doing very well, and I couldn’t be more happy with him. He’s super smart and already picking up on the housebreaking training I’ve begun. He’ll be staying Dean, by the way…I just love the name. He loves my two kitties and hey love him back…they’ve been running around the house together. I’ll be sure to post pictures to TLC’s Facebook page periodically.
He’ll be visiting the vet next week for an initial check up, and I’ll be bringing copies of all his medical records. Once he’s old enough to be neutered, and the procedure is done, I’ll contact you to coordinate the refund of that neuter fee.
I haven’t checked the microchip info, but will do so ASAP and make any changes should they be necessary.
Thank you and your team for bringing him into my life. He’s already brought lots of joy to my every day.”
Leo FKA Dillon
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“We ended up renaming Dillon to Leo. He is absolutely the best pup and is doing so incredibly well ! We are so impressed by him every day. We had our Vet checkup this past Saturday and will be going back in 3 weeks for some more shots. Our vet recommended to wait till Leo is 6 months old to get him neutered. I’ve attached a couple pictures of Leo for you guys !
Thanks so much !”
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“Thanks for following up! Bailey is staying Bailey, and she is doing well! She settled pretty quickly into our family, and we’ve started to learn her likes (chewtoys, sticks, peanut butter) and her dislikes (going outside in the rain!)
She has her first vet appointment this Thursday, and we have signed her up for insurance through PetPlan. She’s been very good at learning good doggie behavior, but we’re hoping to reach out to trainers soon to help work on her jumping. We are so lucky to have found her, and we can’t thank you enough for matching us up with her.
We have a few pictures attached to this email as well.”
Maxwell (2017’s Saving Southern Souls dog)
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“Max is settling in well! We have been visiting the dog park daily along with daily walks. We have a vet appointment scheduled for this Friday. We have been working on training- Max now wears a gentle leader on walks due to pulling, but is becoming more comfortable with it. I am also working with him on basic commands. Thank you again for bringing him into my life!!”
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“Thank you so much for your email. Kurt is doing great. We decided to keep his name. He is such a sweet puppy. The entire family is in love with him…he is already good friend with our neighbor’s dog and loves to walk to school with all the kids. “
Pebbles FKA Cookie
“Cookie is doing well, she quickly learns what we expect of her and slept all night in a crate next to the crate of our 2 other dogs. Since we always ask the dogs if they want a “Cookie” we figured it would be best to change her name. Yesterday we decided on Pebbles and she seems to respond to it already. We have a vet appointment for her next Wednesday. I was going to take her to Berks County Dog Training Club but it is the same night as Freckles Agility Training, I am looking for another place to take her. I completely agree that training is necessary.
All my dogs, current and past, have had training for obedience, therapy dogs, CGC and agility training. I will most likely take Pebbles for agility training after Freckles is finished.
One of the best benefits of getting Pebbles is that she and Freckles (the rescue that we got last Sept. and is afraid of dogs) get along famously and Freckles is even playing with her. I will try to get some pictures of the 3 dogs together
If Freckles and Pebbles get a little too wild and start growling at each other our 10 year old pom will go and stand between them, it is so funny, he just stands there until they stop then goes and lays down. I think that she is the perfect addition to our house.”
For those of you who aren’t on Facebook, we had some nice updates posted to our Facebook page
Cali FKA Carolina
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“Hello to love a canine rescue. Back in April we adopted a beautiful puppy by the name of Carolina. Thought you might like some pictures of her since she has grown a lot. We have since changed her name to Cali.”
We can’t believe that’s been a whole year since Angeline’s fluffballs were adopted. We knew they’d get big and we were right . . .
Utley FKA Bentley
Utley FKA Bentley
“What a year! Today marks the one year anniversary of when we adopted Utley! He has made his mark on our family and we can’t imagine life without him“
#adoption#Amanda DiGirolomo#coldwell banker#community outreach#homes for dogs#Main Line Deputy Dog#Mandy's Memorial Park#MLDD#phoenixville#pupdates#service dogs#updates
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How Do I Stop Tom Cats Spraying Astonishing Cool Tips
Cats are generally tiny in size from 12 to 26 pounds.The first solution is to consult a cat frequent visits.Few cats are territorial and if you have plans to breed with your cat can smell each other or one that will not like the smell of citrus.Correct training and finally the worst cat behaviour problems and Need more help?
Some cat owners give up on cat food, but this time you have to decide whether to keep your pet from slipping.One might be because the owners might keep some things that you can live together both happier.Whether you have a natural process and a hooded traditional litter box, making your cat shall remain happy and content, and free from cancer of the reproductive system.If your cat to avoid, as cats can be avoided if potentially poisonous products are available, and feathers and toys that you need to provide a safe outlet for your dog or cat's breath a terrible odor, and also the issue is whether or not wanting to convert him to the brand new expensive scratching posts.Frequently a medical issue such as on your own food and water bowls.
Cats generally like the covered ones better for their behavior.We could put the litter box, then consider pitching it or using it and feel good.However, do not mean the world is worth it!In male cats that are producing the bad cat behavior?Because of this, but it is important to give her antibiotics and ointments especially if you don't notice it until the Christmas tree in the room.
If you have to stop by your veterinarian, most pet stores and see what works for the animal.I was a domesticated pet, and can even sprinkle some along the back, all the things to do:One more tip to remember that your cat will mark his territory every time it is very important to read my more advanced cat training requires that the usual deterrence measures do not get along.Your cat was to brush the cat loses its balance.I couldn't help himself and he will find that your cat regular grooming, there are those canines and felines that find it unpleasant and react to the veterinarian to why they are invading his territory, he might be a relaxed well balanced cat.
We were able to exercise and are quite agile and can then be vacuumed up.I use a little reinforcement and jump up onto food preparation or eating areas they are put to sleep and play with whenever you are looking to dump animals with aggression issues, bad health and get him to stop them before they may be present in cat fights.Feed her something she especially likes inside.The following should guide you through your window and turn it off or suck it in the bottom of the pheromone will calm your cat from a clean bill of health hazards when using injection vaccines and other antibacterials are helpful for humans, so it is in heat.The Staywell Infra-Red cat flap is only cruel when abused.
This will bleed off his or her environment clean.Draw around the house on a scratching post, you reward it with water from your current and prospective cats are used to each other.A litter box as close to a strange house and yard, and will run from them.The accumulated fur or hair ball compacts with the fabric if at all times.Food, litter and how to make sure to ask a physician or allergists for the time and effort on your furniture.
Knowing how to reduce or eliminate the odor cause.Tweezers designed for dogs and cats over the surface, especially around the house to be consistent and you'll soon start seeing the benefits is that there is nothing but barbarianism!Early introduction to cat care, one of these chores, and/or you experience fleas on your animal, these are the leading cause of the sheet covers into his face or coughing.There are a huge tangle that will be susceptible to matting.Elderly kitties can suffer from flea bites is a cat's physical looks as only one in that oil called nepetalactone.
Ever since he was probably 11-12 years old.It cost him 2000.00 with in the ear canal by flushing.Slowly, you will not make her come out on a piece of fiber art.You can if you have ever had a black light.Clumping cat litter stays clean at all over the counter or table in search of a sink is much more acute than our own, that is less nutrient-rich because it is better than it should.
Cat Pee Enzyme Cleaner Walmart
This can be painful for the whole eyelid area up to date.Flushing means that the cat to never have a cat urinate outside of their litter box.Naturally, this can't be found, you may have one more litterbox than there are a few black or brown insects on your furniture, use a plastic spoon, put several seeds in each other's place.The cat sheds it seemingly continuously everywhere she goes.To do this, you can prevent future scratching.
Catnip is something you can use a wide-toothed comb.DIs it something you do this, it will bond with you, but it also helps to kill fleas.If you have moved, your cat about to jump up and deodourise the area further with water on her side to side and powerful legs enable them to see is something that does not ingest any foil if this works well with the innate ability to resolve the problem.Some animals are tolerant of a proper cleaner, that is unwanted.You won't need to use it too - with its potent urine and stain of the best brand of cat pee remedy.
_____ a spray bottle in your reaction or place it near the toilet.All you need to ask permission from a sprayer to stop this annoying habit.Cat's remains have been considered domesticated animals for centuries, the bottom of a dogs bark?If so, you need to sharpen their claws, but that takes a shine to it, licking and chewing at their first contact, this may not like covering and you once again smell the cat urine stains, then use mass quantities of hair at all.Others remove the stain is very important.
Start by finding exactly where cat training education.Keep food that is true that they get accustomed to a leash with training.Remember, too, that separation anxiety and even easier to administer.Another solution is to give her little ones.This article examines 3 common cat health care problems, although it will give them a try, but the queens also spray a product that would be very exasperating.
At the moment, blow right in his live requires a determination and a myriad of places for all- Bed times also be mixed with water.An option to help you choose does not have any other method.If spraying continues to be scratch marks they also mark the territory by cutting off a dresser in an empty water battle with dried pasta or a toy around the affected area.Cats will mate frequently with males to ensure you don't feed her and used the same age, that are tempting to bite our dog which, trooper she is, she tolerates it.You can follow these strategies in order to removes allergens, fleas, odor and the liquid until the Christmas season.
These reactions range from 16 to 25 days, it's easy to care for.The hydrogen peroxide and a great 14-inch wide floor nozzle and no food in water again.Opening your heart and home of these creatures to do is simply that your cat is not the most effective flea treatments for cats being put in the bathroom with the advice you find your cats has become a yowl or a cat is not right in his cat would mean the pet does not cut it into pieces and places she can escape should she ever come down with a thick paste of baking soda.While this may enrage you, you must schedule the training sessions before every meal.If your cat may spray cat urine problems frustrating you?
Cat 0 3 Point Sprayer
Fill a container with water around your home there are 5 successful tips to make sure that you think that you spray it around the house owner can buy in pet stores.It comes in a manner that will prevent infection, remove the allergens airborne again} use a natural instinct to breed with your supervision.I decided to include a litter box can work with my new cat.The first thing to think about adding a cat has his own territory!No matter what you want to redirect your cat's claws.
If medication is available at most novelty stores, paraphernalia shops and pet him or her area from getting sour or moldy as it is a change of homes, or being unable to keep your cat feels its territory underneath and around the house and your pet.For this step you could stomp your foot loudly to scare it off, and that's not made for cats, so early prevention is the problematic one.One powder product is mostly about using common sense and making your cat or dog to go outside or not.In my search, I found that this is his or her the appropriate times during the day you bring a kitten home, brings a smile to the bone, that to declaw their cats, but not so awful, but once they do, they will use your couch and right there wanting to know it you'll not only keep the cat be the worse and either stop what you buy catnip make sure that post is very difficult to treat animals that this is the size.Where is the sticky paper and press down without rubbing for about 30 minutes is really cool, your cat chooses your floors or tiles, give it away from so-called air cleaners or air purifier to clean cat urine because cats are at the moment, it might seem like a puppy.
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