#Kita Sheridan (PKWSW)
kiwikipedia · 2 years
Love Is Made With These Hands Of Mine
Fresh ingredients were rare for the Guard, they make the most out of it
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Tumblr decided to delete the original version of this because I changed my URL lmao? I hate this site sometimes. The original date of this fic was 10/14/2021
Ashe had been surprised when Master Cin Drallig sent him a message that a few AgriCorp members had dropped off a few crates of food in exchange for blackmail material.
The AgriCorps rarely came to them for that, but without a doubt, it was easily voted as a go-ahead. Fresh food was good and rare for the Guard. Even with the “supply line”, as Styr called it, set up to the kitchens, the Guard almost always ended up with the leftovers still. It was the best they could do.
Nonetheless, Ashe had forwarded the information to the supplied com codes and then gone with Yin’Shinhen and Mavvo Veenningels to pick up the crates.
They had invaded Cin’s quarters after that— much to Bene’s amusement, but the teenager had picked up her datapad and books, grabbed her friend’s hand (a dark-haired girl with sharp eyes and Ashe was pretty sure her name was Miho Fukuhara, but he wasn’t sure) before the two of them left.
Fukuhara wasn’t given clearance to see their faces, after all— and technically neither was Bene, but she was Cin’s student and so it was technically a loophole.
It had taken the three of them a few hours to get everything done— Cin’s kitchen wasn’t large, and they had to work with what they had to serve nearly two-hundred and seventy Jedi.
But they made it work.
Ashe liked to cook, Yin’shinhen liked to as well, and Mavvo had originally been a Culinary Jedi before he joined the Guard.
They managed, with minimal nicks from knives on Ashe’s part.
(Which was rather funny, wasn’t it? He was so good at handling them when he wasn’t cooking, but he couldn’t go one meal prep without cutting himself at least once.)
Syo, Mari, Idus, and Atus were in the designated Guard “Break Room” when the three of them carted in the platters. Mari’s head jerked up when they entered, the blind Guard sniffing before a lazy grin settled on her face— she had known about the AgriCorp's delivery, it seemed.
Syo’s ear-feathers twitched as she sniffed as well and she looked up, as did Idus and Atus, the Nautolan’s tresses shifting as the Zabrak’s eyes dilated a bit.
“Uwahh, that smells amazing, Ash!”
Syo was the first one over to them but Ashe held a hand out, stopping her with a slight chuckle.
“Praise Yin and Mavvo too, kid,” he says, and the young woman who really was only three years younger than him huffed.
It wasn’t much, nothing fancy, but soup was nice, fed a lot of people, and was warm. Coruscant was heading into its colder months, and the Night Patrol, Snipers, and Front Guard would especially enjoy something to warm them up.
“Thanks Yin! Thanks, Mav!”
“No problem, just one bowl, though, we need enough for everyone,” The Rodian told her, already dishing up his own plate. Yin’Shinhen was doing the same, ears flicking as a few other Guards stumbled out from the bunk room, Ner Askau blinking the sleep from his eyes as Kita yawned. Tanu wasn’t even walking, the pantoran being carried by the Cimzo, the Talz’s looking just as tired as the others.
“Hurry and get some while it’s warm,” Ashe chuckled, reaching over and patting Roq as the Charhound bounded out as well.
Mari never ate much, he knew the other half of her bowl would be Roq’s. She wasn’t much of a soup person, in all fairness— not all of them were, but it was warm and even though Cin had done his best, there was little doubt that the Guard Halls were freezing in the colder months.
Still, Ashe smiled as Yohi and Opaku popped out of the vent system, running over and hugging his legs before running to the others getting bowls dished up. K’Ramga followed them out, though shut the grate after him, the Tusken chortling and giving Ashe a bow, signing his thanks before following the Jawa and Valapset over.
Sienna and Dron both popped their heads out from the Slicer’s Den before moving to join the rest, the Nautolan and Besalisk vanishing back into the said den when they were done with grabbing their bowls.
Cin came out from his office, greeted some of the Guards before taking a bowl and returning to work, and Ashe saw a few Guard take extra bowls and vanish down the hall to where the exit hatch was to get up to the Bird’s Nest. The Snipers could eat up there, no one ever saw them.
“Ashe,” Yin’Shinhen rumbled as he walked over, two bowls in hand, and Ashe blinked, chuckling a bit as the older Guard pressed the bowl into his hands. His bandaged fingers warmed and he let out a soft sigh before huffing as the large feline’s paw ruffled his hair.
“You eat too, you made half of this.”
“All I did was cut stuff up and put it in a pot, you and Mavvo did most of the work,” he huffed, raising the bowl to his lips.
( Using a spoon was for boring people— and the fact was that the Guard really didn’t have spoons clean at the moment. A few had been found, but most were just drinking the soup. )
The Togorian chuffed, leaning back against the back of the sofa— one of three that were in the room.
“Everyone’s happy tonight. A far cry from the usual that’s been going on,” Aculeatus said from the other side and both of them turned to look down at the giant Nautolan.
“You’re right about that,” Ashe murmurs, closing his eyes for a moment.
War wasn’t heroic. Not to the Guard. Even if the Jedi were seen as heroes, it wasn’t.
It wasn’t pretty, it wasn’t cut and dry as people thought. And all the Guard could do was wait.
Wait and take the frustrations thrown onto them.
The Guard could withstand strikes from others. And so far Ashe’s only broken three ribs from getting slammed into a wall.
War had damaged the Guard more than people thought but… it also made moments like these so bittersweet.
To see the Guard eating together, talking and laughing.
It warmed Ashe.
It really did.
for reference, I've been calling F "Fukuhara" after her English VA  (Miho is just another name I chose for her given name)
Syo and Opaku are both members of non-canon star wars races— Syo from a fan-created race (me, I'm the fan) and Opaku from a crossover I was messing around with (Sky Children of the Light)
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