shinakazami1 · 2 months
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Biggest supporter FR Fr <3 gonna support those twitter p0rn bots
bestie @kitkat578 drew Jack for me so I coloured it. I love how they draw him sm gaaah check their art out!! 😭😭😭
Their lineart:
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korvidking · 1 year
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Attack #10- Bandit for kitkart on artfight
Friendly fire revenge!
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tricksymewtini · 2 years
i drew :3
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alt version!!!
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kitkaloid · 9 years
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Just a quick one of a cat lady who fishes for a living!!
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ivanellopevonschweetz · 11 years
[ Rancis gently pokes his head in. ]
[It may have been a stealthy entrance, but it was sorta hard to miss that big ol’ chocolate cup in her peripheral vision. Peering over, the royal racer gave a playful little smirk.]
Long time no see, Butterfingers!
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cornelius-orangeboar · 11 years
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wynchel · 12 years
kit-kart took a bite
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"You've got something in your hair, kiddo."
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ivanellopevonschweetz · 11 years
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Remember me? 
Having experienced a falling out with her father not twenty-four hours ago, the princess-turned-president was wiping her runny nose on her hoodie's sleeve when a slightly-familiar voice caught her attention. From her perch on the castle's surrounding half-wall, the girl's widening hazel hues found themselves landing on the older and taller form of one of her fellow racers. Turning to face him completely, she blinked away a few tears--don't let 'im see yah cry, Vanellope. He had managed to find her at a bad time. ...Or maybe this was a good thing. Of course she remembered him, lanky or not.
"Butterfingers--? You're back...?"
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ivanellopevonschweetz · 12 years
🍭🍬 offofcourse 🍬🍭 ;
A cutie—! Kit-kart’s mun is someone I have just started to get to know and I can tell they are super nice! I love how they write and their Rancis is adorable! I can’t wait to see Vanellope getting closer to him. I FREAKIN’ SHIP IT.
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ivanellopevonschweetz · 12 years
In response to the anonymous Valentine Vanellope received:
Who was it from? This was killin' her! Maybe it wasn't from anyone in particular. A prank? It wouldn't be the first time she was the target of one. Perched atop a jawbreaker boulder and sitting crossed legged, the candy haired girl looked over the valentine and a risen brow. The cupcake left for her had been devoured not too long after it had been discovered and nothing had happened to her for eating it... Maybe the card was real?
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She wanted to be optimistic, she really did!--To think that maybe someone wanted to be her friend. But after about fifteen years of being shunned...Vanellope knew better. No one would really send her a card. As she gazed down at the fancy writing in icing, a soft frown graced her lips. She'd rather not of gotten one at all if it meant nothing..
"Real funny guys.."
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ivanellopevonschweetz · 12 years
Vanellope is just starting to get to know Rancis.
It’s difficult to like someone when all they do is knock yah down and break yer kart, joining in on her constant bullying. But being outcasted, Vanellope tries to give everyone a chance if it means making a possible friend. Although his obvious vanity sends her eyes rolling time to time, truth be told she finds his curiosity and eagerness to join in on her little adventures surprising but also amusing and fun. She may not admit it, but having his company is something she enjoys and hopes continues—friends being tough to come by for her.
She only wishes he would be willing to be open about their time spent together and not hide it from Taffyta or the others.
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ivanellopevonschweetz · 12 years
Ooh! Who's the card from? :O
I dunno.
[With a curious glint in her eye, the racer panned over the anonymous card for the million-th time. Who sent it? She wasn’t exactly popular with the boys. Was it a prank? After all, the girl hadn’t ever had a valentine before either. Despite the confusion and slight suspicion, the idea had her smiling some. The sparkle reached her eyes.]
But I like it!
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ivanellopevonschweetz · 12 years
Yeah, I noticed that too. Weird, huh? An' kinda gross if yah ask me. S'probably one of those magic Grey Faces or somethin'.
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ivanellopevonschweetz · 12 years
kit-kart replied to your post: allhailweegee replied to your post: Attention,...
(( Do you do out-of-country ones too— ))
🍭 offofcourse 🍭 ;
Yup! You just won't get it by Valentine's Day. I'msorryIshouldofdonethissooner. D,:
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blastedroads-a · 12 years
"Yeah, well, I know I still won't be able to beat you, but I want to be as good as I can be! Even if I'm not gonna be as much of a legend as you, I might at least get good enough for you to think my name's worth remembering." Okay, perhaps he was talking a bit big, but was that really a surprise? He didn't want the best known racer in the arcade to think lowly of him, after all. "... If I get really, really good, would you race me?"
"Heh. A'ight, squirt, ya've got yerself a deal! 'Course when the curtains go up an' the showdown begins, ya better like the taste a' my dust!"
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blastedroads-a · 12 years
Well, that wasn't very nice! Rancis huffed, folding his arms a little. "You've heard of me, then? I'm pretty good at racing too, you know," the boy mumbled. "Of course, I don't think I could match up to you, but I'm gonna get there some day, maybe. Gotta aim high and all that, right?" Letting out a bit of a hopeful grin, he couldn't help but glance up at Turbo again. If he'd known Turbo was still up and running, he'd have dropped by the Game Central Station far more often.
.... Wow. This one was actually a lot nicer than he expected. A grin cracks in response. "Ehehe, yeah sure kid, keep tellin' yerself that. Whatever floats yer ice cream float, but uh, spoiler alert: y'won't be able t'match up ta me! Hate ta break the news ta ya, but I'm just unbeatable. Maybe you'll come close, buuuuut nah, nobody'll ever be at MY glorious level!"
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