#Kisuke Urahara/reader
callisto-corner · 4 months
Beauty of the Blondes
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aizenswhore · 9 months
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Unhinged men that put you above anything else and anyone else. Men who will gladly take you dancing, making sure from afar that no one bothers you while you practically own the dance floor. He is not into dancing, he is just into you and he wants nothing more than for you to have fun safely. He is not bothered by your revealing dress, he even covets the way other men gawk at you. They can stare, but not touch. You are his and the predatory eyes he shoots towards you from across the dance floor.
Unhinged, as aforementioned, to the point that while he is sitting at the counter on the bar area, ready to buy you a drink for when you’re coming back to him, he agrees to the coquettish offer of a girl to buy him a drink. Why? Because she shall learn a lesson.
As she is busy ordering the drink, he subtly gestures for you to join him. When the barman slides the drink and slice of lemon towards him, he graspes your jaw roughly and makes you bite the lemon in front of the stranger who had dared to flirt with him. Smashing his lips onto yours, he sucks the lemon juices off your mouth and lips, tongue delving into your mouth, tasting you with pride, before finishing off his drink in a single motion.
“Shall I fuck her in front of you?” your boyfriend taunts the girl, causing your cheeks to heat up, while his hand practically gropes your ass in unadulterated hunger.
You are flustered but aroused by his total lack of decency, but you love it, you love him. You love him in that moment and when he cannot wait to reach your bedroom, fucking you roughly onto the couch of your living room. He is obsessed with you. Just get it inside your head.
Credits for the banner: @cafekitsune
Main account: @muzansfangs [I will definitely expand this scene in a one-short or a story, because why not]
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muzansfangs · 10 months
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You tell them you got a brazilian wax by a guy.
Starring: Aizen Sosuke x f!reader; Urahara Kisuke x f!reader; Shunsui Kyoraku x f!reader; Byakuya Kuchiki x f!reader;
Format: short imagines;
Warnings: nsfw, fluff, human/modern au, mention to female nudity, jealousy, vaginal fingering, dirty talk, language, creampie, oral sex (Aizen!receiving), vaginal sex, spanking, choking, spying on a partner, mention to murderous intents, wax play.
Plot: A trend on Tik Tok made you plot a devious plan to make your beloved boyfriend going mad. He knew you had an appointment for a brazilian wax. He obviously assumed you were going to be assisted by a woman. How will he react, when you tell him it was a man? Will his jealousy go too far? Will your prank get you in a bad situation?
Sosuke Aizen.
You knew better than messing with him. Your boyfriend and his god complex, along with his mania for having everything under his control could truly be lethal. Quite literally. Yet, you were bored that Friday night. Sosuke was not around and you ended up slumping onto your couch, phone in hand, scrolling through Tik Tok in search for a way to entertain yourself.
You did not really do much, beside chuckling every now and then. Well, that was until you came across a specific trend regarding a thing you were not unfamiliar with. As you watched the way a poor boyfriend freaked out at the thought of his girlfriend getting a brazilian wax from a guy, you could not restrain yourself from testing the waters. Aizen Sosuke, the cold-blooded mastermind you shared a roof with, was going to experience a man’s personal living hell.
It was a monday evening, when he came back from work just to find you laying on your stomach on your shared bed, in a set of black lingerie he had bought for you a few months ago, chuckling to yourself. He furrowed his brows, settling his briefcase onto the armchair beside the window, as he slowly removed his jacket.
His predatory eyes roamed over your curves. He knew you had gone to your monthly wax appointment. He could see your smooth legs and the way your lingerie already showed shaved portions of your nether regions supposed to be covered. If you had opted for such a provocative attire, it could only mean that you wanted to show off your body to him.
“Hello, darling” he greeted you, his trademark grin crossing his lips as he tugged at his black tie to loosen it.
It was hard to keep your play on, as you watched him slowly get ready to devour you. He always took his time, confident that his cold and charming demeanor worked magic on you even before his hands started to trace the curves of your body. It was true, unfortunately. But you had to resist. It was your time to torture him, after all.
“Hey” you whispered, lifting yourself up on your knees as he approached the bed.
He swept his tongue over his bottom lip, his hand cupping your cheek as he stood at the edge of the bed, leaning down to let his mouth collide with yours in a demanding kiss. You could not deny yourself such a treat and you returned it with equal passion, earning a guttural grunt from him.
He did not say much, he sat down next to you and it was a silent signal for you to climb over his lap and straddle him as you always did. He had somehow trained you to have some reactions and do specific things in response to his gestures. Sosuke Aizen surely had his own way to make you bend the knee effortlessly at his silent requests.
As you straddled him, his hand reached up to grasp his glasses and he hastily took them off, discarding them somewhere beside him on the bed without bothering to fold them. It was so atypical of him. He seemed eager to have you that night and you could not help yourself but tease him about it. After all, pouring gasoline on a wild fire was the right thing to do to get him even more eager.
“Damn, are you that eager to see me naked?” you taunted him, as he darted his brown chocolate hues on your again. There it was, his lustful glare that made your knees buckle.
“Actually, I’m eager to fuck you” he deadpanned, his hand landing on your neck and squeezing it enough to keep you in place, as his other hand tugged your thong to the side and he glided the pads of his fingers down your slit.
You gasped, arching your back as he smirked down at you “You’re already dripping… If it’s so easy to get you wet, I wonder how you don’t make a mess on your beautician’s couch while texting me” he joked, drawing figures eight on your bundle of nerves.
There you were, ready to drop the bomb.
As he delved his fingers into your aching core, a strained moan falling from your lips, you glanced at him with an innocent smile on your face, as you made the ground shake under his feet “Oh, I guess I have been lucky today. Can you imagine Robert’s face, if I stained the couch?”.
Congrats, Aizen.exe stopped working.
He froze solid, his fingers were still buried deep into you, but he was not thrusting them in his usual smooth movements that made you squirm. His eyes were locked with yours, a small frown on his face. You genuinely thought you had just given him an heart attack.
“Robert” he repeated flatly, clearly unamused.
It was in moments like this, when he was serious, seraphic, that you feared him the most. Aizen could be dangerous, truly dangerous. The hint of wrath sparkling into his eyes gave you chills and you uncomfortably darted your eyes away from him. The carpet underneath his shoes suddenly seemed particularly interesting.
“Yeah, Robert. The new guy who works for my beautician. You know, he helps her” you stated, you mouth feeling like chalk all of a sudden.
The dry laughter leaving Sosuke’s lips made you shiver and it took you a few seconds to realize you had royally screwed up, because he was so nimble to wrap his hand around your throat again, and pin you to the bed underneath him, that you had not realized your position had switched so suddenly.
“I don’t doubt it. He must have enjoyed the view of your legs spread wide in front of his stupid face. — he chimed, a devious smile curling his lips as he paused to clench his teeth — A stupid face I’ll gladly fuck up tonight. Would you love to see it, love? I could take his heart to you, offering his pulsing, wretched organ to you. I’ll gauge his eyes out of his skull. I’ll squeeze the life out of him—” he hissed, each time the threat becoming similar to the ones the slashers whispered through the phones to their victims in the stupid movies he loved to watch with you, only to feel you curl up next to him on your sofa.
They were hilarious, according to him.
“Aizen, I was fucking joking! Stop! It was a trend I ran into on Tik Tok!” you quipped, eyes rounded as you cut him off.
Your boyfriend arched his dark eyebrows up, tilting his head to the side and slowly releasing his grip on your neck. He looked almost disappointed. Not towards you. Maybe, he truly wished to kill someone. Because he would kill whoever dared to even glance at you.
His jealousy was skyrocketing.
“I see. — he stated then, before hopping back on his feet and slowly unbuckling his black leather belt — Since you love to use this pretty mouth of yours for talking bullshit, open it to make amend. I’ll obviously come into your mouth, darling. I expect you to swallow” he hissed, gripping your hair and dropping his pants down to his ankles.
Maybe, just maybe, he took a day off from work every month to accompany you to the beauty point. Perhaps, he stalked you down, when you went on your own, because the idea of a random Robert staring and touching your pubes truly made him want to commit a mass murder.
Shunsui Kyoraku.
Shunsui was the perfect victim for this trend. As soon as you ran into that video, you could picture the look of horror on his face as you told him another man had touched you in such an intimate spot. You were simply his. No man could enjoy the sight of you with your legs opened wide to show off your intimacy, no man but him. Eveything was settled and your plan took place two days after you had visited your beautician.
Shunsui had just returned home after a business trip and you had decided to welcome him not only by cooking his favorite dish and buying some extra saké, but by being his personal dessert.
As he ran his hands down your smooth thighs and practically folded you in half, your legs pressed against your chest, you knew that teasing him in the aftermath of such a passionate encounter was going to do numbers on him. His little usual nap was going to wait, after all, because his mind was just about to get pested with horrendous scenarios of a non-existing man exploring his little nest.
“There it is… Look at you, baby, you got such a perfect little hole to fill with my cum” Shunsui panted, his fingers gently spreading your labia as he watched in pride and awe his seed oozing out from you.
You were absolutely drained, your thighs still trembling and your breath irregular as you tried to get a grip of yourself and calm down. Yet, how could you, when the man who had just fucked you to oblivion was Shunsui Kyoraku? He had such a fine way to unravel you that you almost felt guilty for what you were about to say.
Lazily pushing yourself up on your elbows, you hummed and watched Shunsui slump down next to you “Oh, I know. You are definitely not the first man who has ever told me that” you casually commented, sitting up properly and running your fingers through your hair in a futile attempt to fix them.
Shunsui knew about your ex. Even though he was jealous about anyone that was not him, he still did not think of your ex as a ghost from the past threatening your relationship and he actually had no issues in listening to you talking about him. After all, you were his. That man had lost you forever.
“Well, your ex then had his way with words too” your boyfriend stated, a playful smile crossing his lips.
“My ex? Nah, I’m talking about Murata” you replied, laying back down and rolling on your side to face him.
Shunsui Kyoraku, your loving man, was now definitely interested in what you were saying.
Arching his eyebrows up and resting his head on the palm of his hand, he curiously inquired “Who’s Murata? Your gynecologist?”.
You chuckled and shook your head “My what? No, babe, I’m talking about my new beautician’s co-worker. Murata is such an amazing guy, you know? His fingers are so delicate and he applies the wax in a tender way” you lied, sounding as serious as you possibly could.
You swore you had seen his eye twitch, as he grasped your hip drew you closer to him. Your eyes widened as Shunsui’s hand slided down the small of your back and cupped your rear, giving it a firm squeeze.
“Where did this Murata boy put his fingers?” he huskily asked you, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear as you swallowed thickly. Oh, you knew exactly what was going to happen.
Were you regretting that little stunt you had pulled? Oh, you were for sure.
At your lack of answers, Shunsui sighed and rolled you onto your stomach. His hands gripped your hips and he raised your waist up, until it was at the perfect level with his pelvis. But no, he was not going to claim his domain on your inner walls again. A little punishment was in store fore you.
“Poor little baby, she tries to prank me but cannot even play the part until the very end. Good, that’s good, though” he chuckled, before you parted your lips to let a soft whimper leave them and turn your stomach upside down.
“Shunsui! Babe, I’m sorry! It was a prank! I promise” you piped out, blushing as you hid your face down onto the pillow.
“I’m not having it”.
Spanks it was. But he surely made it up to you later on.
Urahara Kisuke.
Your pervert boyfriend and this trend were a perfect combination for a disaster. It was like throwing powder into a fire. But it sounded like a good idea for you, therefore you persuaded yourself nothing would have gone wrong. Kisuke was not a jealous man. Of course he was protective and a bit territorial, but he never actually made a scene or freaked out, when a man tried to hit on you. He believed you could handle the situation perfectly on your own and, on top of that, if he had to step up and chase the stranger away, he surely avoided violent conflicts.
You two were laying onto your shared bed, Kisuke on top of you, as his mouth was latched onto your throat and his hand was currently between your thighs.
Whimpers and heavy breaths filled the air, while his fingers deftly plunged into you, making your lips part to chant a lewd melody he loved. He knew so many ways of making your knees buck and drag orgasms out of you that it was not a surprise that simply fingering you could make you scream out his name.
“Do you even realize how wet you are? You’ve soaked my whole hand and wrist, you dirty kitten” he cooed in your ear, slowing down the pace he had set a tad bit to enjoy the way your walls clenched onto his slender fingers so tightly.
As he did that, decided to slip his fingers out of you, only to glide them down your folds and enjoying how soft, smooth and slippery they were after the wax appointment you had gone to yesterday.
“So soft, you are so soft, you know?” he teased you, grinning as he took his hat off with his free hand.
Now or never. It was time to drop your bomb.
“Yeah, I know. — you breathed out, glancing up at him and resting the back of your hand over your forehead before letting out a dramatic sigh —I expected you to use some original terms to describe my pussy, though. I mean, Jason used those exact words yesterday. Tsk, I expected you to do better than him” you gingerly said, averting your eyes from him.
Urahara Kisuke went silent. The pads of his fingers glued to your folds, he tried to process what you had just said. A man? Did you mention a man? Additionally, not even a native one, judging by his name, therefore he surely did not know him.
“I’m sorry, who in the holy Soul Society is Jason?” he quizzically asked, tilting his head to the side as he stared at you in utter shock.
“Jason. Who is this J-A-S-O-N man?” he replied, his eyes dangerously darting onto the lit candle on the night stand.
If his kitten was up for playing with fire, he was going to let you play with it.
“Oh, Jason, right… Well, he waxed me yesterday. He praised my flesh in such a basic way it was hard not to laugh at his face” you replied, pushing yourself up onto your elbows as Kisuke simply hummed and reached for the candle.
At first you got confused, eyebrows knitted together while your eyes followed his moves and the way he began to look at your thighs while licking his lips. It was only then that you remembered how he had wished to try some wax play with you. Eyes widening in shock, you gawked and sat up.
“Kisuke! Baby, wait, wait! I was kidding! It was a trend I ran into on Tik Tok! I promise, I’ll cut the crap!” you fretted, cupping his cheek in your hand and peppering his face in kisses. You were evidently begging for mercy.
The shop-keeper, however, shrugged and delicately pushed you back down as he smiled at you “Oh, I see! But you now owe me some sex therapy, kitten. Now, let me try some wax play and I’ll eat you up. I’ll make you scream so loud Aizen will hear from Muken!” he taunted you, winning you over with his last joke.
“You are a dork…” you chuckled, slapping his shoulder.
Byakuya Kuchiki.
If someone wanted to get a reaction out of this stolid man it was by messing with you. How did they even think about touching his delicate flower, the woman who had successfully made him smile again after so long? A mad Byakuya was not a problem people wished to deal with and, naturally, you did not want to make blood run down the streets. But it was so tempting, so fun. You could not restrain yourself, right? Your boyfriend needed to experience that little trauma too.
It was a lovely summer night, your boyfriend was still locked up in his office and you decided to pay him a visit. Along with buying some take-away in his favorite restaurant, you were going to deliver him a rather spicy dessert. No one was around anymore. The only sound eachoing down the corridor was the sound of your heels clicking onto the marble floor.
When Byakuya saw you walking past the threshold of his office, he faintly smiled. You were surley a sight to behold, especially in that flowery dress he adored. Running up to him, you threw your arms around your neck and pecked his lips gently.
“I was missing you” you said softly, as he made you sit comfortable onto his lap.
Byakuya hummed and kissed your nape, his arms hugging your waist as he redirected his gaze back on the laptop on his desk. He worked way too much, but how could he not? The Family Company constantly required his attention and assistance. But now you were there, ready to catch his attention with some salty prank.
“How was your day, love?” he asked you softly, typing something on the keyboard.
“Quite good. — you stated, smiling softly — And I got some news. My beautician had called in sick today, I was assisted by her colleague” you absent-mindedly said, not getting much of a reaction out of him. You had been vague, indeed. He had no reason to suspect anything, after all.
“Really? And was his colleague good?” he asked.
“Oh, yes! Really good. I got to say I was put in a rather unusual position, but overall he was professional” you chimed, closing your eyes as you mentally prepared for hellfire to break out.
And it did.
Byakuya cleared his throat, his grip on your waist tightening even so slightly as he nosed your cheek gently “He?”.
“Yep. I’m talking about Santiago” you casually said, smiling softly.
“Santiago. Mh, I see. — he replied, prompting you stand up, much to your dismay and confusion, but as he grasped the back of your neck and pushed you down onto the empty side of the deak, you squirmed — And was the position he asked you to strike that uncomfortable?” he said calmly, unbuckling his belt with one hand, meanwhile he allowed the other one to hike the skirt of your dress up.
“Y-Yes… You could say so” you meekly replied.
The smack on your rear you received afterwards making you squeak out softly, your foreteeth sinking onto your bottom lip.
Byakuya sighed, lowering his mouth to your ear “You know, baby, when you want to prank someone, you should be careful in not messing up the plan. How was I supposed to fall for that, when you have sent me the link of the video?” he purred, as you gaped in shock.
Your jaw went slack, as reality dawned onto you: so that was why Rangiku had not replied to your video and text ‘check this out, Byakuya is gonna be so mad’.
You had sent it to Byakuya.
“Baby, I’m so, so sorry! It was a cute idea!” you protested, but he had already slipped your panties down your thighs, a soft groan leaving his lips as his fingers glided down your smooth slit, earning a little squirm from you.
“I know. I have a cute idea too. Spread your legs and let me show what I am talking about” he practically commanded.
Gosh, did that make you wet.
Hello there! An old draft and promise to some of you that I have finally finished! Thank you so much for having been so patient, I genuinely appreciate your feedback and enthusiasm at times. This was pretty fun to write and definitely a breath of fresh air from all of my other requests. Let me know what you think about it! Likes, comments and re-posts are greatly appreacited!
Until then,
TAGS: @electronicwitchcollection @aizenwifey @cyberdazetragedy @hearrrtfillia @eeeextttt @luccis-coochie @niya12 @juleenbety @moris666 @virette @sillylittlefellas @elijangwifey @han11dh
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Do ever wonder if Ichigo gets mild PTSD during cherry blossom season?
*sound on btw
Also, still can't get over someone on Twitter said she "be running through that topless" 😭😭😭 I completely understand btw.
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katsuma6 · 5 months
Asking Bleach men if they have a crush on you while you're already dating.(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
♡ Grimmjow, Ichigo, Renji, Shinji, Urahara, Aizen.
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pfpanimes · 1 month
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⌕ bleach - urahara kisuke.
like or reblog if you save/use. 🤍
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mushies-stories · 11 months
Bleach- Making it fit
Ichigo AND Kisuke XFemale reader
Exactly what is says, there will be more but I haven’t posted in so long.
Warnings: SMUT, piv, pet names
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You held tightly to Ichigo's shoulders as he entered your tight hole. You couldn't suppress the whimpers and gasps or hide the tears that pricked the corners of your eyes. “Ichi- big.” you whimpered. 
Ichigo’s dark glossy eyes looked down at you with a gentle smile as he stilled his movements. “It's okay baby, I got you. Just try and relax for me.” he said softly, bringing a hand between your bodies to rub circles on your clit. He continued to slowly sink in, letting you breathe through it as he stretched you open. 
Once he reached half way and kept going you started to struggle even more, already feeling so full another inch seemed unbearable. Your legs tightened against his hips and your eyes squeezed shut. “Big.. to b-ig Ichigo.” you whimper and whine.
Ichigo stilled again and brought his hand up to move the hair out of your face and leaned down to press a firm sweet kiss to your pouting lips. “You're doing so good baby, just a little more. Always so tight for me.” he said soft and slow while he rocked his hips into you, just a little more at a time. 
You slowly open your eyes to look back up at him and nod, trying to relax a little more as he stretches you even more. You just wanted it to be over, wanted him to be fully inside you and feeling good already. “Please Ichigo! Please. W-ant all of you.” you shout and whine, your eyes pleading with his own as the tears get bigger, one slowly falling down the side of your face. 
He chuckles softly and leans back down for another kiss, this one deeper and his tongue was pushing past your parted lips.
Bringing his hand back down he rubbed fast even circles into your clit as he sank in deeper, all the while swallowing your loud moans and whimpers as he slowly started to thrust the rest of his length into your tight little pussy. He only pulls back from your mouth for air but seeing how your mouth hangs open in pleasure, the pain fastly fading.
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Your eyes fluttered and your mouth hung slack as you sank down on Kisuke's cock. You whimpered when you got half way and came to a stop. You clung to his shoulders and your legs were already starting to feel like jelly. You looked down to see how far you had gotten and let out a soft huff, not very far at all.
Kisuke watched you with a knowing smirk, it was getting to be too much for you and your tight cunt clenching his cock was further evidence. “What's wrong baby?” he cooed, stroking your cheek with his thumb and pulling you down a little more with a firm hold on your hip. 
You choked back a moan as he filled you even more. “Kisuke, you're too big.” you pout.
His teasing smirk grew a fraction. “Oh darling, you can make it fit, I know you can.” He encouraged you, rolling his hips up a little to push a bit more in and bringing you down a little, helping you and teasing you all at the same time. 
You held still a moment, mouth hung open a little and legs shaking a little before they slowly gave out and allowed you to sink the rest of the way onto his cock with a loud strangled moan. “Kisuke! Too mu-ch Kisuke..” you whine with your head laying on his shoulder, your pussy fully stuffed with his cock.
Holding back his own sounds of pleasure Kisuke smiled and kissed the side of your head softly while his fingers rubbed soothing circles onto your thigh with his thumb, the other hand cradled the back of your head. “See, you did so good for me.” he praised before slowly rocking his hips up and listening to your sweet little whimpers. He rocks his cock deep inside your tight hole. Letting you adjust a little more before he fucks your properly.
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seneon · 3 months
"he was a punk, she did ballet." ★ but look— you are the punk and he is the ballerina. exactly why? because you're always so bold and confident and even if he's also brave and fearless, you prominently outshined him. he can't help but think that he is the coquette petite woman of the relationship and you are the amazing strong buff man. he loves you for that though, because he has a strong girlfriend. and of course! let's not forget the fact that he'd get on his knees to worship you like a pretty goddess too . . .
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DABI ¡! ichigo, renji, urahara, shuhei. reo, bachira, oliver, otoya. dot, lance, abyss, ryoh. izuku, eijiro, denki, hawks. ¦ based on a conversation with @milyz 👻
© SENEON 2024 ♱ do not repost, alter, or translate.
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rosemary03 · 1 year
I would like nothing more than to have her here!
—Warnings: +18 nsfw | sexual fantasies | male masturbation | perversion | a lot of semen | vaginal fingering | use of necklaces | face fuck | vaginal penetration
— synopsis: the bleach boys having sexual fantasies about you while masturbating
— Note: don't check it a second time, there may be spelling mistakes, still enjoy, you can read gin ichimaru's part here (I didn't want to include it because I already wrote it lol)
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— Ichigo Kurosaki
After a long day at the University Ichigo can finally get home, he was stressed and tired, he needed to relieve that, so he thought about taking a shower, no one was home, apparently his father and sisters went shopping somewhere in the city, it's the perfect environment to relax, he told himself, so he went into the bathroom, took off his clothes and got in the shower, his hair quickly got wet from the almost hot water that fell from the faucet, it moistens his body relieving his tense muscles from today's physical training, the soap makes his abs and big chest shine, everything was going so well, but he couldn't help but think of you, your face flushed and wet from the drops of sweat that fell from your forehead this afternoon, they were both training in their sports class, Ichigo would be lying if he said that your body and curves didn't have an effect on him, the way your body flexed or you tried to hold on to the exercises.
"Shit" he whispers in a low voice, Ichigo was losing control, lately he was thinking so much about you, and that's not bad, he really likes you and he knows it, but having these kinds of obscene thoughts about your body bothered him, you were his friend and you deserved all the respect in the world but he can't help it, he just gets euphoric thinking about you.
Unconsciously his hands slide down his chest to his very well worked abs, wet from the water that falls from the faucet, his cock was already hard and he tried to ignore it, but he couldn't, his hands were already caressing his cock, imagining that it is you who is touching him, his head thrown back by the feeling of relief and pleasure, his lips are parted, whispering curses as his hand slides up and down his cock, he is sensitive especially the head of his penis , every time his hand brushes and squeezes that part he lets out a loud moan, maybe he doesn't realize this since Ichigo is so lost in his thoughts about you, he imagines how good your wet body would feel hugging him tight while your breasts are crushed against his chest, he would have you with your legs around his waist, your head would be buried in his neck, leaving noticeable kisses and bites with your full lips.
Ichigo's face was flushed and obviously wet from the water, you could hear the splash of it as he increased speed, he would like nothing more than to have you here with him, Ichigo swallows hard and runs his hand over his face, his breath catching. it becomes more irregular and he lets out breathy moans with each drag of his fist fucking his cock, he clenches and his muscles contract as his pace increases even more, he was close and he knew that soon the knot he felt in his belly was going to loosen Ichigo grunts as he pumps his swollen tip, his hips shake as his orgasm shoots through him, he cums on his hands and the hot cum that spurted out of him is quickly washed away by the still-dripping water, the boy gasping, embarrassed as he remember what he did thinking of you, but at the same time he is curious and wonders what the next position will be and what your face would look like when you train together again.
— Hichigo Shirosaki (hollow ichigo)
He was always bored in his lonely world, he only had the old zangetsu, he didn't really complain, but he couldn't help but look at you every time he took control of ichigo's body. o Every time you went to visit ichigo, he could see how you spoke to him so sweetly, how you showed him affection with your hugs, he was delighted, Hichigo quickly realized that he was amazed at you, he realized the affection he had for you, even though you had only seen him a few times that he invited you into his inverted world, was nothing more than the "hollow".
Right now he was sitting in one of the skyscrapers in his world, he was alone and he had all the time in the world, so he let his imagination guide him, he wonders how you are dressed right now, if you are wearing the same long skirt with the who saw you a few days ago, remember how well it highlighted your curves and the way it clings to your legs, also imagine how your skin will feel to the touch, he would give you a hug from behind letting his hips collide intensely with your butt , caressing your abdomen with his big hands, he would kiss your ear and then nibble your neck, his warm breath would give you chills in the sensitive part of it.
Hichigo's hands find their way to his pants stroking his still clothed hard penis, he moans from the sudden friction, pressing his hands through the white fabric of his pants, he lets out a laugh at the effect you have on him. hichigo had already masturbated before but it's the first time he thinks of a specific person, and that's you.
He would put you on top of his legs with your hands tied behind your back without any mobility. He wonders how you'd react if he grabbed your ass out of nowhere, letting his hands explore your flesh, squeezing and occasionally spanking. he would pull up your skirt exposing your underwear, he would love to see how your wet panties would stick to your pussy lips, his penis tenses in his pants and he lets out a moan at the thought, Hichigo pulls his penis out of his pants pants, it's hard and wet pre-cum drips from the tip of his penis to the base lubricating a little, one hand gripping his balls and the other caressing his pink head, a growl leaves his lips as his hand slides to up and down his cock, he licks his lips when his horny thoughts return, imagine the way his fingers would pull down your panties, he would use his fingers to play with your folds and your crit, his double digits would bury themselves deep in your pussy shaking his knuckles, Hichigo's hips shake unconsciously, squeezing his cock even more, he feels his orgasm getting closer, his face flushes red and the drool falls from his lips, his rhythm accelerates even more, from the the same way his fingers would fuck your pussy in his thoughts, grunts and loud moans come from his throat, he feels his testicles contract in his hand, while bubbles of cum form on the tip of his cock, wetting to the base and dirtying his pale hands, his body is wet with sweat, his chest rises and falls regulating his breathing, his usual smile returns to his face when he thinks again about what he would do the next time he saw you, would he fuck you with his fingers or use his cock? Hichigo is looking forward to the answer
— Urahara Kisuke
It was already late and of all the boxes they had to organize there were only a few left, Kisuke was grateful that you helped him in the store, apart from the fact that almost everything looked more orderly with you here, he also enjoyed your presence, but today maybe it was too much, he wondered if you were always this close every time you got to work, Kisuke takes a deep breath and his nose fills with your sweet aroma, even though his chest was bare it was too hot in his little shop, maybe it was just him who was he more tired than usual or was it your heat that was slowly killing him.
He can't help but look at you and although he only looks sideways, he feels how his cheeks heat up when he sees you leaning over and appreciating how your butt tightens with the pants he lent you, Kisuke resists the urge to hug you from behind and crush his hips against your ass. His penis tenses in his pants as he realizes how cheeky he's being for thinking dirty things with you next to him.
And as if you've caught him, you turn to catch him looking at you, he quickly looks away and continues with his work, ignoring his heavy cock begging to be released.
"Are you OK? You look a little tired ”you ask, his face was hot and red, most likely you are worried about him.
"If it's nothing, don't worry" he replies a little nervously, he's fucking aware of your presence and he couldn't let you see him like that, not yet.
Urahara is too hot today, luckily the fan helps him a lot by relieving his heat, he tries to concentrate on his work, for a few minutes it works until you touch his shoulder to ask what else you could help him with, it was just a light touch, but that was enough to break his sanity.
"You can go home you helped me a lot today" his voice sounds agitated
"Are you sure? Are you feeling alright?
"Yeah, don't worry about me, you can go" Kisuke gets up quickly and grabs you by the waist, guiding you towards the exit "uh ok, bye!" You say to which he responds with a smile and says goodbye with a hug, as soon as you leave, Urahara runs to his room and locks himself in, the bed sinks when he lies on it, Kisuke tries to calm down but can't, he sighs at his mental defeat by pulling the dick out of his pants, slowly dragging his hand up his hard penis, his ragged breathing is evident and he is grateful for everything that exists that is alone in the store, he can imagine you right now: your cheeks and crotch hot from the hard jumps on his dick you would do, he would love it if you put a collar on him, pulling him by the neck when he's being mean saying "Be nice to me, don't you want a treat Kisuke? Want me to make you cum?" he growls imagining you like this, the obscene way he is imagining you makes his cock throb in his hands, his pants feel heavy every time he pumps the swollen tip of his cock, Kisuke notices the drop of pre-cum dripping from his head facilitating his movements, urahara also imagines the way your breasts bounce off his face, he would be mesmerized, he would love to see how you force him to suck your nipples by grabbing his hair. Using him as a toy, Kisuke moans as he feels his orgasm coming closer and though he thinks it's too early to cum, he remembers the way his cock was begging to be released a few minutes ago, the way you say his name makes his legs tremble. hips stretch and thighs contract, oh no, what were you doing here, you were supposed to be gone, but he's so close she can't stop, his semen shoots out staining her hand and sheets, he stops him movements letting his dick fall on his thigh, Kisuke thinks about how to hide as he feels your footsteps down the hall, even if he covered his dick with the sheets you would know exactly what he did, too bad! I'd better think of something quick before you open the door and see him in a mess.
— Aizen Sosuke
It is one of those afternoons in which Aizen is happy to stay working late with you and although there is very little left until his shift ends, he is grateful that you accompany him so late, your warmth and aroma is something that he enjoys as if it were the first time. Once he saw you, his eyes occasionally turn to look at you, Aizen likes the way your eyelashes light up with the small rays of sunlight that fall through the window, the man recoils from the need to place the lock Loosening your hair behind your ear, that's where His eyes meet, Aizen smiles sweetly in your direction at the way your cheeks heat up, you look away quickly and say "I'll be right back!" and then go out, probably to the bathroom. Aizen continues with his work, ordering some papers that he still has to sign, the fatigue shows in his eyes, but it is not stressful, Aizen takes off his glasses, passing his hand over his face giving a long sigh, he is not a man who is carried away by his carnal desires but how beautiful you are with him, he is spending it. Aizen fixes his hair a bit when he hears you come back, and when his eyes find you, he can't believe what he's seeing, even if it was his imagination, it can't be that obvious, he can tell you took off your bra, clearly he must That may be what has bothered you most of the day working, but he can't help but think that maybe you did it on purpose. Aizen tries not to look, but the way your nipples stick out from your see-through shirt makes his eyes drift only to your breasts. He looks up to meet your sweet gaze again, you give him a shy smile as you arrange your things, everything was ready in the office for you to leave, Aizen would love to take you home but in his current state he's sure he could control himself, at least not completely. They both say goodbye, you kiss him on the cheek, the heat of your lips makes him stiff, when he gets out he goes back to his car, it's almost dark.
And he really doesn't want his thoughts to be guided by what he saw this afternoon, he can even feel your breasts crushing the fabric of your blouse.
Sitting in the driver's seat he makes sure there is no one around him and unbuckles his seat belt, he has to be quick since he's in a public place, so he drops his pants and boxers releasing his cock hard. His eyes are wide just in case as his hand rests on the underside of his cock then gently moves up and down he can almost see you sitting in the passenger seat imagine you would lean down to receive his cock in your mouth, you would spit it out to lubricate it before taking it to your mouth, he would grab your hair forcing you to put its entire circumference in your mouth "do it like this baby..." he mutters to himself, Aizen increases his pace using his pre-cum to relieve the sudden movements he makes on his penis, imagine how hot your throat would be every time he lifts his hips to enter your mouth, he lets out a low breath when he squeezes and mimics the movements he would make to fuck your mouth Aizen feels him getting closer his orgasm, stroking the flushed head of his cock even more, imagine the obscene noises you would make trying not to choke on his penis, your name slipping from his lips as his thighs quiver with pleasure from the pleasure coursing through him, he cums from the blushing tip to his testicles, it takes him a second to catch his breath, this is the first time he has been carried away by his carnal thoughts, he realizes the strong control you have over him, maybe he should enjoy his fantasies more often, though It won't be necessary because he's determined to have you.
— Hirako Shinji
You say goodbye to Shinji with a hug and return home, you had stayed the night because they went on a trip and since it was very late he offered you to sleep at his house.
Shinji closes the door, his steps are slow on the ceramic tiles of his apartment, he lets his body collapse on the sofa, hugging his shirt that he lent you to sleep in, he sighs and smiles remembering how cute you looked in his shirt , he barely realizes how often you appear in his mind, maybe he thinks he's in love with you... But that's impossible, they're friends and he shouldn't, right? At least that's what he tells himself, the way he can remember the sweet smell of your perfume doesn't help him, he knows he shouldn't do what he's doing right now; moving his clothed penis up and down with his hands, he feels embarrassed for thinking like that about his friend but even knowing that, he can't stop this time, his eyes return to the shirt I lent you, he remembers that you were only wearing your panties underneath, he could see your nipples squashed against the fabric of his shirt, his cheeks burning with embarrassment as he pressed the material to his face, inhaling the faint scent of you that was garnished on it. So he drops his pants and starts touching himself.
He curses under his breath as his hand makes slow motions on his penis, watching his hard cock, Shinji pumps the swollen head of his penis to collect the pre-cum that forms at the tip. He imagines you in the same baggy shirt I'm lending you, you'd be sitting on your back on his cock while he guides the movements of your hips, his big hands hugging the curve of your hips, Shinji bites his lip imagining your pussy squeezing his penis, he he would say how wet you are and how good you feel inside, he would make you lie down, pressing your back with his chest, he would move his hips against your ass fucking you slowly, imagine also the way your full lips are pressed against his, he plunges his tongue into your mouth savoring yours, he would only get excited if you bite the part where his piercing is.
Shinji moans from his throat as his hand picks up the pace. "Your lips taste so good..." he says as if you were really there with him, in your fantasies you beg for his attention, asking him to please fuck you harder, screaming and moaning his name with your sweet voice, I want to leave marks on your body, a proof that you are his and his alone, his Adam's apple bobs every time he swallows, beads of sweat fall from his forehead and his blond hair is messy, he chokes on a groan when his hand rests on him. he fucks the sensitive part of his penis, his semen shoots out but it doesn't stop, he continues to overstimulate his lubricated cock with his semen, carrying his euphoria still imagining that it's you he's fucking, his jaw clenches and when he feels it's He stops your movements too much, he regulates his breathing thinking about what he did, he feels embarrassed for doing this, he looks totally messy, his hair and body are sweaty, he wonders what you would think when he saw him like this. he probably should stop thinking about you like that, but he knows he can't stop.
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ieathumanorgans · 1 year
you’re in public. that’s right in public. your back arched against the brick wall of an alleyway as he eats your wet cunt from the back. his hands gripped your plush thighs and his thumb parting your ass for more access. his tongue working on your hidden treasure like an hungry animal. “do you like that, baby?” it was enjoyable but, there were people walking by the alleyway you two were in. he simply didn’t care if he got caught eating his breakfast. hell, he’d pull out his cock and fuck the daylights outta you, right here in broad daylight just for everybody to see his cock pulling in and out of your cunt.
toji fushiguro, ryomen sukuna, sōsuke aizen (muken), kisuke urahara
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muzansfangs · 10 months
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How they eat you out.
Starring: Aizen Sosuke x f!reader; Urahara Kisuke x f!reader; Ichimaru Gin x f!reader;
Format: short-imagines;
Warnings: nsfw, language, dom!aizen, dom!gin, dom!kisuke, sub!reader, oral sex (f!reader receiving), dirty talk, slight degradation kink, spanking, vaginal fingering, overstimulation, praising kink;
Plot: they love you, they love you so much that giving you oral has become an art for them. But they all have a different style, their own unique way of doing it. How do they eat you out? What do they do to make you melt under their skilful tongue?
Sosuke Aizen.
When Aizen wants to eat you out he will specifically ask you to lay on your back and let him take the lead. How does he enjoy feasting on you? With your legs draped over his shoulders, his slender fingers gripping the plush of your thighs both to keep you in place and drive you mad. The cute whimpers leaving your mouth, as his tongue swirls around your bundle of nerves for the sake of his sadistic side, make him go nuts, albeit he would never let you know about it. You want more, your hips bucking up as breathy pleas roll out of your tongue, when Sosuke locks eyes with you.
“Beg” he huskily demands, his hot breath fanning your dripping heat.
Chest raising and falling erratically, you shoot a desperate glance at him, teary eyes boring into his dark ones, as you give up. Trying to front, or display difiance with him will only grant you hours of torture and you are in no position to endure more teasing from him. He is unbothered by your bratty attitude most of the times, his annoyance showed off in the way he drags out your orgasms only to let you utterly unsatisfied in the end.
“Please, please, Sosuke, make me come! I can’t take it anymore!” you whine out, your bottom lip wobbling as he grins up at you, his mouth leaving open-mouthed kisses down your inner thigh until he reaches your aching cunt.
“You are lucky I am in a good mood” he states, before his mouth dives back between your legs and his lips wrap around your throbbing clit.
You moan loudly, your back arching as you squeeze your eyes shut to focus on the heavenly sensation he is blessing you with. He sucks onto it, his fingers digging into your skin, and you are more than sure that tomorrow morning you are going to find bruises in the shape of his fingerprints on your thighs. But it is worth the pain, this pleasure is something only he can provide you.
When you gasp for the overstimulation, he dips his tongue into your core, his thumb reaching up to your clit and pressing onto it in circular motions. At this point, incoherent words leave your lips as you squirm and your toes curl. He does not even care about the fact that your legs are now squeezing his head.
Looking up at you from behind his dark eyelashes, Aizen replaces his tongue with his index and forefinger and curl them inside you, having no trouble in reaching that sensitive spongy spot within your inner walls. You squeal out in pleasure, your jaw going slack, as your body jolts up for the sudden stimulation.
“Let me taste you, darling. Let me drink from you” Sosuke murmurs, his voice soothing and contrasting with his lustful and lewd gestures.
You cannot retaliate, replying is impossible at this point. When his tongue begin to twirl around your abused clit again, while his fingers thrust in and out of you in a depraved melody of squelching sounds, it is time for you to give him what he wants.
You arch your back, sinful moans filling the room as your orgasm rips through you and Sosuke is quick to withdraw his fingers, now glistening in your essence. He leisurely sucks them clean, before lapping at your core so sensually your body twitches.
“You’re so beautiful, when you’re fucked out” he comments, kissing his way up your stomach until he hovers over your writhing frame.
When his hand reaches down to unbuckle his belt, you know he is far from being done with you.
Gin Ichimaru.
This man is a real menace. He loves giving you oral more than receiving. While he is prone to do it pretty much at any given occasion, he has a thing for bending you over his desk and eating you out from behind. No matter how you many times you try to object that it is degrading, he does not give a damn about it.
He loves the control he has over your body, his large, calloused and bony hands spread your rears as his tongue explores your core deeply, until you bang your fist onto the wooden desk and squirm around under his ministrations.
“Stop squirming, little girl, or I might have to give you a punishment” he chides you, lapping at your folds assiduously.
Sweat beads your forehead, your foreteeth sinking onto your bottom lip as you whimper and, when he deliberately bites softly at your lips to earn a reaction from you, there is nothing that you can do but try to stand back up. Gin obviously sneers, his hands pushing you back down onto the desk as he delivers you a rather brutal spank. A cute yelp erupts from your throat, eyes widening even so slightly, as he slips his hand between your thighs to cup your sex.
“What a naughty little minx you are… What was that, huh? You are clearly asking for a punishment, you little masochist” Gin taunts you, smirking as his long fingers plung into your arching core without much of a warning.
You are dripping, your nails scraping the wooden surface of the desk as Gin watches the way your face scrunches up in shameful grimaces expressing your pleasure. It is not enough, he wants to really leave you thinking about this little session you are having for hours, before you are going back to work for your Captain.
“Gin! Fuck— Please, please, I can’t take it! I need t-to come” you beg him, as he kneels back behind you and pulls his fingers out of your entrance.
“Yes, you can. Now shut your pretty mouth and let me enjoy this pussy before you go back to Aizen” the Captain of the Third Division says, before delving his tongue into you and making your eyes roll to the back of your skull.
Your body is trembling, he can feel it, and the way your walls clamp down the tip of his tongue are a clear sign that you are close to your climax. A presumptuous smile gracing his thin lips, Gin does anything in his power to help you reach your climax. With a flick of his tongue, you scream out his name and the smirking snake below you is ready to collect your juices on his tongue.
Once he is done, he glances down at you and playfully spanks you again, leaning down towards your ear “Come on, let’s get you all cleaned up. I don’t want to hear Aizen complain about how messy you looked at the reunion” he teases you, earning a groan of frustration from you.
But, as much as you despise the way he drives you mad, Gin Ichimaru has elicited reactions from you no one has ever made you experience before.
“I’m coming” you whisper, standing back up for real this time.
“Again?” Gin jests, only for you to grasp a slipper and throw it at him.
Urahara Kisuke.
Listen to me. If he was about to die and he was granted one last wish, this man would be asking for someone to sit on his face. He enjoys, no, he adores eating you out. He could spend hours between your thighs, savoring your essence over and over again. But if you just sit on his face, he will not make you regret your choice. The way you whimper and cry out his name from up above makes him literally hard.
“Kisuke, gosh, that’s— ah!” you struggle to find proper words to describe the way he gradually making you crumble down at his feet. His tongue is relentless in the way it twirls and swirl around your bundle of nerves, or the way it hastily dips into your core to collect each and every drop of your juices not to let them go to waste.
“I know, kitten, I know… Just let this old shop-keeper lavish your pussy. I am so hungry, I swear” he whines, hands sprawled over your hips to help you keep your balance. While he is clearly in command, even if he apparently does not seem to have the upper hand, this lazy man might even ask you to help him in the said task.
“Ride my face, baby, come on” he rasps out, palming himself through his pants as you cannot help yourself but slowly start to move your hips at a sensual tempo.
He groans, eyes close as his lips, teeth and tongue work together to help you reach your third orgasm. Your muscles burn, you are on the verge of collapsing for the powerful and draining waves of pleasure he has made you experience, but as you cry out in pleasure again you realize he has ruined you forever.
No one is going to give you oral the way he does.
“Fuck! Fuck! K-Kisuke, I’m—” you chime then, a scandalous high-pitched tone of voice piercing his ears as you increase the pace of your tempo. You are so close, so close to bathe him into your juices once again and he is eager to taste you as if it is the first time.
“Yes, princess, just like that! Come for me, good job, baby” he utters, smiling in ecstasy as you whimper and your orgasm leaves your mind blank. His tongue viciously laps at your core, a guttural sound leaving his throat in the meanwhile. He is so glad you exist.
As you pant and climb off of his face, muscles aching and eyes closed, Kisuke humms and jokingly squeezes your thigh before tugging his pants down his legs and smiling.
“If you want, we can try a sixty-nine now” he breathes out, wiping his chin with the back of his hand and making you chuckle softly in return.
You love that pervert shop-keeper so much.
tags: @electronicwitchcollection @aizenwifey @stygianoir @brittscafe my way to apologize for the late updates❤️
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sashi-ya · 4 months
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bleach masterlist 1: multichapter & events main list.
bleach masterlist 2: older events and sfw & nsfw random fics, not event related.
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EVENTS 2/2 (recent events on masterlist 1)
𝐀 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠 + 𝐀 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭 ⭒ 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 kuchiki byakuya x f! reader⭒ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 jushiro ukitake x gn! reader⭒ 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲, 𝐢'𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 adult! ishida uryu x f! reader R18+⭒ 𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐛𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬. kuchiki byakuya x f! reader. R18+
五 𝗦𝗘𝗡𝗦𝗘𝗦 𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗧 [+18] 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐁𝐞𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧 - 𝙷𝚒𝚛𝚊𝚔𝚘 𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚓𝚒 𝚡 𝙵! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 [+18] 𝐃𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐌𝐞 - 𝙶𝚘𝚍! 𝙰𝚒𝚣𝚎𝚗 𝚡 𝙵! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖈𝖍 𝕽𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖔𝖒 𝕽𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖘 ⋆ +18 Eyes For The King. Äs Nödt x f! reader ⋆ +18. Serve Me. Dom! Kuchiki Byakuya x f! reader ⋆ +18. HCs: Sexy Things Byakuya and you do together ⋆ +18. Eternity Only Lasts For a Minute. Aizen Sōsuke x f! reader ⋆ +18. adult! Kurosaki Ichigo n/s.fw Headcanons
⋆ 霊圧 + 淫慾. //𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 + 𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐭. [𝐓𝐇𝐄-𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇-𝐎𝐅-𝐎𝐍𝐄-𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐂𝐄 𝘹 𝐒𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐈-𝐘𝐀 𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘣] ➡ 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬t
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brittscafe · 5 months
𝐒𝐨, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐞?
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Pairing: Kisuke Urahara x gn! reader.
Summary: When a certain shopkeeper catches you cuddling with a stuffed animal.
Content: Fluff, nothing suggestive, just Kisuke Urahara making fun of you.
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Your stuffed animal is in your arm as you're occupied watching a show on your computer. The door to your room clicks open and you perk up your head.
A certain, familiar shopkeeper walks inside and your eyes widen, heart dropping.
"Urahara! What are you doing here?!" you raise your voice, panic flooding your body. He chuckles with a raspy voice and glances down at the stuffed animal that you're gripping onto for dear life.
"Nice stuffed animal," he comments with a calm voice. Kisuke's blonde, shaggy hair hangs down in front of his hair as he grins over at you. You quickly clear your throat and lower your head with shame.
"Shut up," you mumble out, tearing your gaze away from him as your face starts to get hot. Kisuke throws his head back and lets out a loud chuckle, slowly walking over to you.
Each step that he takes and gets closer makes your stomach twist into knots.
"Awww, are you embarrassed, y/n? Come on, I'm just an old, attrattive shopkeeper. I won't judge," Kisuke's words are soothing as he places his finger underneath your jaw, lifting your face up to his.
You stare into his glistening eyes for a moment, his mouth spliting into a grin "Really?" you question him in disbelief and Kisuke nods his head.
"It's cute. Now scoot over," Kisuke reassures you, pressing a soft, swift kiss on your cheek. You blink, trying to take in everything that has just happened and you glance down at your stuffed animal, then back up at Kisuke who's eagerly waiting for you to scoot over.
You scoot over on your bed and Kisuke climbs in the bed with you, grabbing the stuffed animal out of your eyes. You shoot him a firm glare and he pulls you into his arms.
"You really wanna cuddle with that instead of me?" Kisuke asks and your mouth gapes open. His words just know how to leave you stunned and with your cheeks burning.
You bury your head into his chest and groan. Kisuke's lips twist into a smirk and he tightens his grip on you, side-eyeing the stuffed animal that's been put aside.
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gloryhrs · 6 months
━━ ⟡ 𝓛𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝓑𝐎𝐘𝐒, various.
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ᥫ᭡ o. requested by — @normansnt. ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧⋆ ˚。⋆
ᥫ᭡ i. ᧔𐓪᧓ 𝐡𝐜𝐬 𝐟𝐭 ━━ kenpachi zaraki, shūhei hisgai, ichigo kurosaki, & kisuke urahara.
ᥫ᭡ ii. ᧔𐓪᧓ trans [ ftm ] reader, fluff + comedy, modern era + everything takes in a non-soul society universe.
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Kenpachi Zaraki . . . the brutal captain of the 11th Division had a passion for all things that revolve around fighting. But you know what else he has a passion for? You, his husband, and Yachiru, his daughter. He loves his little family and would protect you both till his final breath.
Kenpachi likes what he likes, and he loves you—so he didn’t understand why you were so scared of telling him that you were trans. He will always support you, no matter what the situation is or how bad it gets. When he found out about you being trans he just shrugged his shoulders and asked what was for dinner.
“Kenny? You aren’t mad at me . . . right?” You played with the hem of your kimono sleeves. Once you told your husband about your identity he just stood there . . . No reaction or anything. It was as if his system was rebooting. After what felt like years of silence he finally spoke, “Eh, not really. There’s nothing to be mad about, seriously.” He shrugged as he put his large hands on your shoulders before placing a sweet kiss against your sweaty forehead. “Now, what’s for dinner?”
“Also, I know I shouldn’t ask you this. But is that the reason why your chest was cut off?”
“Yes, Kenny.”
“Well I could’ve save us the money and did that myself!”
When Yachiru found out about the news she was so sweet and supportive. She understood the importance of the situation perfectly and even said you’ll forever be her dad, even if you didn’t give birth to her.
“Look dad! Look at the drawing me and papa made for you!” The little girl smiled sweetly as she held up a drawing that included blue, pink, and white—the trans flag colors. It was a drawing of her and Kenpachi wearing matching shirts that said “We love you Y/n” along while holding the little pride flags in their hands. You couldn’t help but smile brightly and place a little kiss against the girl’s cheek. “Thank you, Yachi. I’m gonna hang this up on the fridge, okay? You and Kenny’s art skills are amazing.”
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Shūhei thinks of you as his safe space . . . one of the only few people he can be around without having to relax his shoulders every five seconds because he is feeling tense.
He didn’t care about the fact that you were trans, in fact, he thought you were brave. Since you didn’t hide yourself from the world, you weren’t too accepting of people like you. But that didn’t matter to him, he was going to protect you every step of the way, holding your hand without fear.
“I–I’ll still love you. No matter what, babe. Whatever you’re comfortable with, I’m comfortable with. You’re very handsome to me! Haha . . .” Hisagi laughed and nodded his head. He was so supportive in his own weird way, it was cute.
He loves snuggling into your chest like a little kitten after a long day of work. ♡ Each time he got home he would immediately throw his stuff on the ground without having a care in the world.
“Darling, I think your laptop was in there.” You spoke softly as you caressed the back of Shūhei’s head while he rested his cheek against your chest. The man had another stressful day at work and he threw his bag to the floor—you could’ve sworn you heard a slight crack. “It’ll be fine . . . it’s practically indestructible.” He muttered with his eyes closed and his breathing starting to slow down. Instead of aggravating him about it, you only smiled softly and ran your fingers through his hair.
It turns out that did end up breaking his computer and was charged on his tab at work for the incident.
“Damn it . . . (πーπ)”
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Ichigo was kinda known for taking certain subjects to heart—his family, friends, and most importantly, you. He knew about your identity since he was fifteen and he never judged you or discriminated against you for it. He would never use hurtful words or do hurtful things to you because he truly loves you with every last bone in his body.
When he’s around, he always makes sure that people use the correct pronouns on you and make sure you don’t feel uncomfortable in any shape or form. He doesn’t care who they are. They will respect you and your identity. When you would often speak up for yourself, you would always get turned down and ignored in the end. Which infuriated him to no end, he hated seeing you sad.
Ichigo's eyes glared holes into the back of the teacher’s head as she continued to refer to you as she and her. He noticed you tried to speak up for yourself but she only ignored you and continued to misgender you in the end—which made you go quiet for the rest of the class period. Once she referred to you as the wrong pronouns that’s when Ichigo decided to step in. “He said, his pronouns are he/him. Why do you keep referring to him as she and her? Did you not hear him the first time he corrected you?” Ichigo frowned while the teacher seemed a bit shocked at his words. “What the hell are you looking stupid for? Can you not hear?”
Since you’re his first boyfriend, he always tries his best to show you that he loves you—even though he can be a bit awkward at times. Good days or bad days, when he visits you, he always brings flowers and favorite snacks. He also has a habit of buying you merch of your favorite things because he just can’t help himself every time he walks by.
“Ichigo? Did you seriously buy me a set of these?” You chuckled at the sight of the jumbo plushie of your favorite animal. The plushie was so soft and fluffy that you couldn’t be upset with him that he spent so much money on it. “Yeah, when I saw it, I couldn’t help myself. It reminded me of you.” He smiled before he pulled out a cute little hairpin of your favorite animals and placed it in your head with a soft kiss to your cheek.
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Kisuke wasn’t shocked at the news about your identity. Like Kenpachi, he knows what he likes and isn’t ashamed of it. Love is love, why should he be ashamed of being married to someone who isn’t afraid to express themselves? It didn’t make sense to him—but he didn’t care.
“Oh? Hehe, I guess we’re both husbands now, yeah?” The shop owner poked at your cheek with the end of his fan before covering his red cheeks with it. It was obvious he was flustered at his joke. Instead of getting upset at him about the joke you only smiled softly and playfully punched his shoulder.
Yoruichi is tired of you two deeply. She never saw Kisuke so deeply in love with someone, since he was a bit of a pervert. Every time she sees you both being lovey dovey she can’t help but let out a loud dramatic sigh. Kisuke would often joke around and call her jealous because she didn’t have anyone in her life. And it always resorted to her flipping him off or smacking him in the back of the head because of his smart-ass mouth.
“Why hello my most beautiful, precious, loving, and gorgeous husban—”
“Get a room you freaks!”
“I didn’t even finish my sentence!”
This man was your hype man—you want to show him your new outfit? Give him a show! Did you get a new haircut? He will give you compliments until you get sick of him! This man didn’t know how to stop once he had gotten started. Most of the time, you would never get sick of him and his compliments and pickup lines. Because, unlike most people, you genuinely found him funny. He would often talk like a high-school student just to get a smile on your face.
The moment he walked in on you trying on something new with a frown on your face he just couldn’t hold himself back. The man placed the fan up against his face as he began to speak. “Hey handsome, I guess there is a rainbow today as I just found the treasure I have been searching for.” He started to fan his face in a dramatic manner, which caused a series of laughter to leave your lips. “You like it? I think I got a size too small.” You tugged at the shirt and pants that were a little too tight in certain places. Kisuke, being the pervert he is only wolf-whistled while continuing to fan his pink cheeks. “My dear husband, do you mind doing a slight 360 for me? I would like to see something.”
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© gloryhrs, 040124. | notes and reblogs are appreciated! (≧∇≦)
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izurou · 2 years
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features: kurosaki ichigo, urahara kisuke, grimmjow, abarai renji, zaraki kenpachi, and when you’re squirmy during sex.
contains: female reader. established relationships. very brief cockwarming. unprotected sex. dry humping. fingering. oral sex. choking. pet names. pussy eating god grimmjow. kisuke being stinky (hot version) approx 0.3k words per character.
note: some of these lack the squirming aspect but ignore it okay please i wrote these in a rabid dog state of mind :(
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ichigo has a raw strength that’s second to none, and the determination to do just about anything in this world. still, you somehow manage to rival him at dire times like this—when he has himself buried inside you, but he’s not moving.
“h-hey, quit it,” he hisses, fingertips searing into your waist as he tries to still the subtle roll of your hips against his. he’s tired—borderline exhausted, but he missed you today, and falling asleep while you warm his cock is one of his favourite forms of intimacy—so long as you behave.
“sorry, can’t get comfy,” you respond, lying right through your teeth as you selfishly twist your hips in search of a little relief.
“right,” he mutters, slipping his cock out from in between your legs with a huff. in one swift, fluid motion—he flips you onto your back, hooking his arms behind your knees and leaning over your body. he eases back into your cunt, keeping you folded in half with his weight. “this any better?”
his presence is as overwhelming as ever—big brown eyes never leaving your own, watching the pleasure flood your face as he slowly begins to thrust in and out of you.
“ichi-go,” you gasp, feeling a wave of heat settle onto your cheeks from the sheer vulnerability of this position. that—paired with the unwavering intensity of his gaze almost has you wishing you would just absorb into the mattress. “ichigo.”
“what, baby?” his voice is low, just barely above a whisper as to not miss a single sound that comes out of you. he has the power to completely ruin you right here and now, but he keeps his pace slow—knowing the lazy drag of his cock against your walls will drive you crazy just a little more. “thought you wanted this?”
“i, i do,” you hiccup, squeezing your eyes shut as he starts to press against that gummy spot deep inside you—and he almost can’t keep it together himself.
“shit,” he groans, pressing a kiss just above your brow before rocking his hips into yours with a bit more force. “then take it, no complaining.”
kisuke, who isn’t one for quickies, or half assed under the table handjobs—loves to take his time with you. in his mind, the more you writhe and squirm, the better he’s making you feel.
“please,” you beg, fisting the soft white linen on either side of your head. kisuke’s palm is warm as it runs along your spine, silently encouraging your tits to stay pressed to the mattress, and your ass to stay up.
the heat of his touch moves to your waist, both hands gripping your hips as you grind yourself—completely bare, against the persistent bulge in his boxers. you’re sure there’s a little wet patch staining the fabric, though it’s probably not very little anymore.
a choir of gasps and moans fills the room—most courtesy of you, with the occasional feature from kisuke. you keep your grip on the sheets though, even going as far as to use them for leverage—pulling yourself up the bed and away from the man looming behind you.
“where’re you going, hm?” he purrs, leaning over your fleeing figure and caging you between the mattress and himself. he nuzzles into your neck, holding you impossibly close. “you want me to stop?”
“no, don’t stop,” you blurt out, mere milliseconds after he finishes his question. you can feel his grin pressing into your shoulder—a telltale sign that he’s about to be up to no good.
he proves you right, wedging a hand beneath your body and running a finger between your folds. he does it once more, two times, three times total before he settles that finger on your clit—rubbing small, tight circles.
“that’s it,” he coos, feeling your body start to jerk under his own. he knows you have nowhere to go, sandwiched between his hand and his eager cock—begging to be set free. you bury your face into the bed, accepting defeat as you let him do as he pleases. “atta girl, lemme take care of you.”
the list of things grimmjow hates stretches from floor to ceiling and is forever changing—however, the one constant on his list would be his number one; having to work for a meal.
“s-slow down,” you huff, clamping your thighs shut around his head, and forcing him to take his greedy mouth off your cunt. his lips are wet—glistening with you as they form a smirk.
“huh?” he sneers, making a show of running his tongue across his bottom lip, keep his piercing gaze narrowed on you. his nails dig into your skin as he pries your thighs back open—and if your pussy wasn’t messy enough already, grimmjow spits on it from above.
all you can do is prop yourself up on your elbows and watch as he devours your cunt, running his tongue along your folds, sucking on your clit—all while completely disregarding the mess dripping down his chin. your hips have begun to buck and twist beneath his grip, but the thing that makes you lose it entirely, is when he nuzzles his nose against your clit and inhales.
“fuck!” you squeal, rolling yourself onto your side and hiding your face in your hands. he knows how embarrassed that gets you—but he also knows it spurs you on in some twisted form, probably from one too many nights with him.
“move it,” he growls, waving you off to the side before he lays down. there’s an obvious tent in his pants, but you know this position means his own needs are the last thing on his mind.
he motions with a finger for you to come closer—grin tripling in size with every inch that you near. he sticks his tongue out, his way of inviting you to sit on his face—the odds of you going anywhere decrease significantly so long as he can keep his grip on your hips firm—no problem at all.
“don’t cum until i say so,” are the last words you hear before his mouth disappears beneath you—resuming the heated make-out session he was having with your cunt just moments prior.
this time around, you’re grinding down onto his face rather than moving away from it, just as you should be.
renji is no stranger to seeing you on your knees—in fact you almost always wind up caged between his thighs by the end of the night. a way to relieve stress—that’s what he calls it, but every time he has you in this position, he loses control.
“f-fuck,” he groans, fisting the sheets on either side of him and letting his head fall back. there’s a fire burning in the pit of his stomach, and each bob of your head threatens an all out explosion.
“mm,” you hum, intentionally sending vibrations down the length of his shaft while unintentionally inviting him further into your mouth. he lifts his hips from the bed—tip already threatening to kiss the back of your throat.
“more, fuck,” he pants, tossing his pride out the window as he allows the breathiest little moans to fall from his lips. you pull off just a bit—hoping to sneak in a quick breath or two, but it’s enough for renji to notice the lack of warmth near the base of his cock.
he places a firm hand on the back of your head—holding you in place as he continues to buck his hips. he’s not being rough per se, but he’s barely pulling out—using shallow little thrusts to fuck your throat.
“yeah, just like that,” he praises you, making the conscious decision to avert his gaze from the roof to you—a choice that almost makes him cum on the spot. “fuck, look at you.”
you, with tears brimming your gorgeous eyes and saliva bubbling at the corners of your mouth, have never looked more beautiful. the sight has renji slowing his movements, cupping your face in his hand, wiping the stray tear that sneaks down your cheek.
“so pretty baby,” he mutters, unexpectedly pulling his cock from your mouth and leaning forward—kissing you instead. his lips move in tandem with yours, only momentarily though as he pulls back, tugging your bottom lip between his teeth. “my turn now, okay?”
most of the time, kenpachi is in the driver’s seat—but every once in a blue moon he’ll let you take the wheel, and every time, he’s reminded of why he shouldn’t.
handing over the reins entirely, he leans back—heated gaze searing through your weak attempt at holding your composure. one of his hands rests on your thigh, kneading the skin—an encouraging gesture, but one that does nothing to soothe the ache between your legs.
“kenny, i,” you can barely get the words out—too focused on sinking yourself down onto his shaft, back up again, down once more. you’re barely using half of his full length, but that’s all it takes for your legs to begin shaking—involuntarily clamping shut in front of you as you bring your knees together. “‘m close.”
you writhe in his lap, switching between feeble attempts to keep bouncing for him, and stopping completely to squeeze your legs together as best you can with his cock still between them.
“hey,” his chest rumbles from underneath your palms, pausing the internal battle you’re having with yourself. he grabs onto your waist, fingertips pressing into the fat of your hips and pulling you down. “you’re gonna take it all, right?”
“i can’t,” you insist, feeling his heavy cock drag against your walls, stretching you out in the most perfect of ways. a burning sensation is settling into your thighs, you can’t last a moment longer. you fall forwards onto his chest with a whine—leaving nothing but the head of his cock inside you. “can’t, i can’t.”
“come on, sit up,” he orders, wedging a hand between your bodies to hold the base of his cock in place—urging you to sit on it again. that same, thoughtful hand trails it’s way up your torso, in between your breasts, before finally settling on your throat.
it feels good—the slight pressure he’s putting on your neck, it makes you want him more. you sink down onto him, letting yourself see all the stars in the universe as his voice becomes increasingly distant—though still audible. “don’t squirm, unless you wanna run out of air.”
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