sirdurbe · 4 months
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zz-chikorita · 2 years
Concept: Guzma tells Leon he use to have a septum piercing, but hasn't worn it in many years; however, you can still see the hole. When Leon leans up to look closer, Guzma kisses him 😈😘😲
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duunswitch · 2 months
kingdoms, dragons and kingdomship criteria;;
there are rules for what does and does not constitute an official kingdom. a country can call itself a kingdom all it likes, but if it does not fulfill the criteria then it is not considered to be one officially.
the requirements to be considered a kingdom are as follows:
there must be a resident dragon within the kingdom's borders (we expand on this later)
there must be a castle somewhere within the kingdom. the royal family is not required to live here, but they must visit at least once a year for two weeks
the king must own a crown. material does not matter. this means that yes, your pipe cleaner crown counts
the kingdom must be able to support its resident dragon via food and water, whether by hunting space or by delivery to their dragon's nesting space
a kingdom requires one (1) wizard within residence.
there's more, all minor, considerations a country must also consider when moving into kingdomship, but these five are the minimum and most important requirements.
Now, dragons.
There are far more dragons than there can ever be kingdoms, and so the rotation system was designed with this in mind. every decade or so, a dragon is assigned via rotation to a kingdom. current resident dragons then return to the dragon's mountain range to await their next turn.
dragons who have had a turn in a kingdom within the last century are removed from the lottery for at least a century to ensure dragons who have not had a turn get a chance.
this is a young dragons game. by eight hundred years old, dragons ask to be removed from the lottery to focus on other pursuits for the last century they will interact with the world outside their caves.
dragons only take a part of their hoards when they move to a kingdom, as a hoard can be very large and difficult to move in full. it's SUPER rude to poke about a hoard that's currently unattended. don't do that
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shifuto · 1 year
Could you see a polyamory in ZEXAL? Sorry if that's a dumb question.
I ship most characters with each other so yes, I can XD shipping is fun and shipping many characters together can be really amusing
had to dig the Zexal shipping list for this one. Just some of my favs on the top of my head:
Astral x Yuma x Ryoga = Companionshipping Astral x Yuma x III = Despairshipping Astral x Ryoga x III = Brokenheartshipping Dr. Faker x Byron x Kazuma = Betrayalshipping Todoroki x Tetsuo x IV = Mercilessshipping Yuma x Ryoga x Kaito = Stolenshipping Yuma x Ryoga x III = Altershipping Yuma x Ryoga x IV = Protectshipping Yuma x III x Alito = Renounceshipping Alito x Yuma x Kotori = Headshipping Astral x Yuma x Kotori = Believeshipping
Durbe x Rio x Ryoga = Kingdomshipping Droite x Gauche x Kaito = Concernshipping Don Thousand x Eliphas x Ena = Arbitershipping Yuma x Tetsuo x Kotori = Dareshipping Cathy x Kotori x Yuma = Wardrobeshipping Cathy x Anna x Kotori = Blushshipping Cathy x Kotori x Rio = Snowanimalshipping
Alito x Durbe x Gilag x Mizael x Ryoga x Vector = Conglomerateshipping Alito x Durbe x Gilag x Mizael x Ryoga x Rio x Vector = Barianshipping Astral x Yuma x Ryoga x Kaito = Bargeshipping Astral x Yuma x Tetsuo x Kotori x Todoroki x Tokunosuke x Cathy = Clubshipping Yuma x Ryoga x Kaito x IV = Conflictshipping Yuma x Anna x Cathy x Kotori = Jealousshipping / Blushbingushipping Eliphas x Don Thousand x Astral x No. 96 Black Mist = Yingyangshipping Yuma x Astral x No. 96 Black Mist x III x Ryoga x Alito x Vector = Yumabowl / Bestboyshipping
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cityescape4 · 3 years
i want... to start making tomoshipping content again 😭 that and holyiceshipping and kingdomshipping and seraphshipping. i miss my zexal ships
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voicesofchaos · 4 years
@zexalmonth 2020 Day 4 - Shipping
The art I commissioned was done by @tophyart. Thank you again!
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city-writes · 4 years
A Letter Away
Even when Durbe wasn't there with them, he made sure the twins knew his heart lie with them.
For @ygotplusweek​! For Wednesday's prompt of "Long distant relationships sending gifts to each other."
Warnings: Pre-Canon AU Pairing(s) Durbe/Merag/Nasch (Kingdomshipping; non-incestuous)
Read it here on AO3! Commission Info!
He may have been their knight, but he wasn't truly theirs.
No ultimately, Durbe's allegiance was tied to the kingdom that knighted him, that raised him and cared for him in his youngest years. Which was why it hurt every time he had to leave Poseidon, whether it be for diplomatic reasons, decrees from the that kingdom's king, or reasons of war.
Even now, as he prepped to mount Mach and take flight, Nasch and Merag looked on sadly, standing watch by Durbe's side. It was just them in the courtyard, Durbe having received his summons back to his kingdom late at night.
"How long will you be gone this time?" Nasch asked, his tone inquisitive, yet surprisingly gentle. Durbe smiled softly, knowing the tone was one used away from the company of others, saved for Merag and Durbe's ears only, for those he deemed his most important.
"I can't say." Durbe murmured, a hand going to Nasch's shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "The letter was vague, but from what I could gather, there's no reason for worry. I doubt there will be trouble."
"You'll write us when you land?" Merag was the one to speak up this time, a questioning smile on her face as she folded her arms, causing Durbe to laugh and nod. He took his hand off of Nasch's shoulder and moved to Merag, his hands finding their way to her upper arms.
"Do you expect anything less of me, Merag?" Durbe asked, gray eyes lovingly meeting pink. Merag shifted, moving to hug Durbe, an action the foreign knight eagerly reciprocated.
"Fly safe." Nasch said, placing a hand on Durbe's shoulder, "May Poseidon's waters guide you home."
Durbe and Merag both shifted, pulling Nasch into the hug as well, a huff of embarrassed indignance leaving the young king as he was smothered by them both, Durbe's head nestled in the middle of both of the twins. "They always do, Nasch."
With kisses to the twins' cheeks, Durbe pulled away from them both, and mounted Mach, exhaling slowly. He looked down at Nasch and Merag, smiling confidently at them, before grabbing at Mach's reins, and gently flicked his wrists once, Mach's reaction being instant. The Pegasus broke into a run, unfurling his wings and leaping into the air, taking flight into the sky with Durbe in tow.
It was two weeks before they heard from Durbe again, his letter arriving by raven. Brought to Nasch and Merag by the royal council, the twins were eager to hear from their knight, reading over the letter with curiosity and intrigue.
My dearests,
All is well in the kingdom. Forgive my late letter, I was swept up in the goings on of the kingdom from the moment I landed, and did not get to writing this until my third day back. I know Merag will probably have my head when I get back, and I accept whatever lecture or other punishment she'll have awaiting me.
I was called back for a tournament, which as I write, is still taking place. The winner of the tournament will meet with the king, and be granted a prize of coin, and a gift of their choice, within the king's power. I fully intend to win this tournament, and see if the king can fulfill a request I've had for some time now. What that request is, I'd rather not say. Should fate be kind, you will know in time.
On a more light-hearted note, I came into some good coin on my first afternoon here, thanks to some furs I caught during my trip back. Enclosed with this letter are the reapings of that coin, meant for you both. I apologize, as I'm not a good judge of rarity, but I'd be lying if I said these didn't make me think of you both.
It was then that Merag noticed small lumps in the envelope that had housed Durbe's letter, and gently tilted it, small silver trinkets falling into her hand. Nasch watched Merag as she turned the silver pieces over, both of them smiling upon realizing they were pairs of earrings.
There were a pair of silver studs, each adorned with a single purple jewel that matched the color of Nasch's hair, and a small pair of silver earrings, the stud part of which were as pink as Merag's eyes, and the small crystals that dangled from it being light blue, akin to the color of her bangs. Merag was quick to exchange her current pair of earrings for the ones Durbe had gifted her, and as she did so, Nasch continued reading.
I know it is not often Nasch allows himself to wear jewelry meant for his ears, but this particular pair simply called out to me, so I hope he finds them acceptable. I know he would rather a sword, but sadly I doubt the ravens would be willing to carry my letters if I had attached a sword to them.
Nasch chuckled at that, shaking his head slightly at Durbe's words, when Merag called to him. Nasch turned his head then, looking at his sister as she gently swayed her head from side to side, allowing her newly worn earrings to dangle and shine in the light. "How do they look?" She asked, smiling happily.
"They look as though they were made for you." Nasch replied, before looking down at his earrings still in Merag's hand.
"You should try them on." Merag said, noticing her brother's gaze on the them.
Nasch hummed lowly at that. His ears had been pierced as a child, when Merag's had, but he only ever wore earrings at certain events, never casually. But perhaps... perhaps he would make an exception, this once.
Nasch placed the letter on his lap and carefully put on the earrings, his face scrunching slightly at the somewhat foreign feeling of studs in his ears. But as Merag's eyes and smile lit up at the sight of him, Nasch couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction, his fingers raising to gently brush his thumb against the studs. Perhaps he might wear these until Durbe came back.
Merag handed her previous pair of earrings off to a passing servant, and was quick to read the last bit of Durbe's letter.
I know not when I shall return, but know that you'll both be in my thoughts until I do so.
Forever yours,
It was only another three days before they received another letter. Both Nasch and Merag were surprised, as they hadn't sent Durbe back a response just yet. But upon being given the letter, they were quick to open it, finding two different pieces of paper inside, along with a pair of silver rings, each bearing a single gem, colored as blue as the ocean was deep. The first paper was another letter, Durbe's familiar scrawl all over the paper, the second, an official paper of some sort, stamped with a regal looking seal.
Merag was quick to grab the paper with Durbe's handwriting on it from Nasch's hands, causing Nasch to give a 'Hey!' in response. She waved him off with one hand, worry coursing through her. Was there something wrong? Had something happened? They'd never gotten two letters in quick succession like that before...
My dearests,
I apologize if you've sent me any letters since getting my previous one. I fear I won't see them before I leave the kingdom for what I can only assume is the last time.
The tournament has concluded, and it is with pride that I inform you of my victory in battle. I have won a hefty amount of coin, and as for the request I had for the king... I think you'll find that the paper I've included with this letter will explain far better than I ever could.
At that, Merag looked at the paper Nasch was looking over, noticing his wide eyes and somewhat slacked jaw. Her worry was quelled somewhat upon reading the first few lines of Durbe's letter, though she was confused by what he meant about leaving his kingdom for the last time. "What is it?" She asked her twin, leaning over to see what he was reading.
"It's from Durbe's king..." Nasch murmured, not taking his eyes off the paper.
Merag scanned the paper, her breath catching in her throat as she read down the paper, one line standing out apart from all the others.
Therefore, at the request of of the knight, Sir Durbe, I, King Talbot, hereby release Durbe from his servitude from the kingdom.
Nasch and Merag shared a look of shock. Durbe... was no longer a knight? He asked for it?
Confused, Merag looked back at Durbe's letter, continuing to read what he'd written.
I've wanted this for some time now, but I didn't know how to bring it into fruition. When the tournament was presented to me, I saw my way out. Please, don't misunderstand, I'm not doing this because I've tired of being a knight, or no longer wish to travel to see you both. It's quite the opposite.
I've done what I've done, because I want to be a knight of Poseidon.
I want to live freely in your kingdom, and not have to choose between one or the other. My heart lies there, with your kingdom, your people... with both of you.
Nasch's breath hitched at Durbe's written words, Merag raising a hand to her mouth. Their eyes glanced to the pair of rings Durbe had included in his letter, Nasch feeling his heart stop, whereas Merag's skipped a beat.
Again, they shared a look, color blossoming across both their faces. Merag was first to reach for one of the rings, picking up the smaller one and slipping it onto her left ring finger. A small smile tugged at her lips as she admired the ring on her finger, before looking back at Durbe's letter.
Enclosed are the rings I've spent my remaining winnings on, and I hope that you'll accept my proposal of being your knight, of being yours.
I'm going to spend another week in this kingdom, if only to say my goodbyes, get my final affairs in order, and gather what belongings of mine I can carry on Mach, before heading back to Poseidon.
For good.
Merag looked to Nasch at this, excitement in her eyes, only to find he'd put on his ring, looking over it carefully, his face as red as a tomato. She smiled at the sight of him, but made no comment at his flushed expression, instead continuing to read.
I keep you both in my thoughts daily, and will forever be thankful to King Talbot for granting my request. And while I may not know what the future has in store for the three of us, I know this: my heart forever belongs to you both.
I'll see you again in a week's time.
Officially yours,
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barianmao · 5 years
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city-doodles · 4 years
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Zexal Week Day 3: Songbird!
'Cause after all this time I'm still into you I should be over all the butterflies but I'm into you, I'm into you And even baby our worst nights I'm into you, I'm into you Let 'em wonder how we got this far, 'Cause I don't really need to wonder at all Yeah, after all this time I'm still into you
I hear this song and like to think of OTPs, so I applied it to Zexal this time! We’ve got Seraphshipping and Kingdomshipping, my OTP and OT3 for the show!
Song: Paramore - Still Into You
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cube-cumb3r · 3 years
"What do you think gives you power?"
Eret: So what’s up, man?
Dream: Uh, nothing much. I mean, obviously a big war coming today.
Eret: Yeah?
Dream: [pause] So! As king, of Dream SMP, which, that’s what you are, and have been.
Eret: Yeah.
Dream: What do you think gives you power? [pause] Is it your crown? Is it the fact that you’re king?
Eret: Those who are given power... hold onto it.
Dream: Okay. How?
Eret: I think respect is the big thing.
Dream: [brief pause] Sure. Respect is big. If respect the only thing protecting you from... a knife in the back... respect is nothing, right?
Eret: [pause] What are you saying, Dream?
Dream: I’m saying that you don’t have power because of your crown, you have power because of me. You have power because of the other members of Dream SMP, like Punz, and Sapnap, that give you power by protecting you, protecting your kingdomship. [brief pause] Am I wrong?
Eret: [pause] You’re not wrong.
Dream: Now, I’m not saying... for you to do anything, I’m actually saying the opposite, you should do nothing, because you are the king of Dream SMP. This is a war. [audio cuts out] -Dream SMP is not involved, by getting involved or implying involvement...you are [betraying] Dream SMP. You’re the king! You stay neutral. You let Pogtopia and L’manburg work it out, and… see what happens, and, you know. Hopefully, you know, hopefully! There’ll be neither afterwards. And, it’s only more land for you. Right?
Eret: So your plan is that they cancel each other out- [overlapping]
Dream: [overlapping] No-
Eret: -and then we reap the benefits?
Dream: The plan is that there is no Manberg, there’s no L’manburg there’s no Pogtopia, there’s just Dream SMP, and there’s Dream SMP everywhere, and that’s been my plan since the very beginning! I’ve- I’ve never wavered on that. That’s why I had you betray them, and that’s why I gave you kingship! Because, I felt like you… you’d be a good king, because you’re neutral.
Dream: I know you don’t- like, you don’t [stutters] I feel like you don’t really… like, push for power. You- you’re not very like, vengeful, you know? I feel like... you know, you don’t hold grudges, you’re very neutral! You just- you kind of, you know, [stutters] you just- you’re kind of the head of everything, you sit there, and you look pretty, and that’s it. Right?
Eret: ...yeah.
Dream: [pause] Right?
Eret: Yessir.
Dream: Okay. Well! That’s all I really have to say, I just had to say, just, remember where your power comes from, ‘cause it doesn’t- I doesn’t come from a- a pretty little crown, it comes from an axe, and a shield. Alright?
Eret: I understand.
Dream: Alright. I will see you soon.
"Eret | The Eret WAR! WAR NEVER CHANGES!!! (dream smp) (2020/11/16) | VOD" (39:35-43:00) [link]
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sirdurbe · 6 months
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"without any incest obviously"
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zz-chikorita · 2 years
Are any of the characters in your Jolly Rogers series wimps when it comes to watching horror? Is anyone a movie buff, or perhaps REALLY into something like the MCU, or a movie snob in some way? If they had a movie night, would they argue over what movie to watch, or all want to see the same thing?
Leon. Is. The. Biggest. Horror. Wimp.
After watching something scary, he can't be by himself and thus will usually have Charizard out with him everywhere he goes, including within his own flat. If he's having trouble sleeping, Char will sleep with the front half of his body on Leon like he's a big ol' weighted blanket.
Leon's favorite thing to do was to put his hands on his hips and puff out his chest, getting all up into Rai's face and forcing their chests to touch. Of course, to anyone else, it looks like they're doing some sort of manly posturing, but in reality, Leon is communicating to him something along the lines of "You got me worked up you rat bastard now find us some privacy and take responsibility."
Also, Raihan loves scary movies, so Lee would watch them with him and then get extremely clingy for the next couple days; he always had to be close by Rai, leaning against him, arms wrapped around him, or curling up in his lap when they're in private. In public, if they walk together, they would always be brushing shoulders.
They've actually had a whole system in place for a long time of various gestures and excuses to touch each other in public that, from the outside, simply look like friendly rivalry. Things like a pat on the shoulder, a light shove, pulling Leon's snapback or Rai's headband down over their eyes. It's all an unspoken code for "I am with you," "I'm still here," "I love you."
Ah, but I've gotten off track.
Guzma is indifferent to horror. He'll watch it cuz Plums enjoys it, but it doesn't really bother him. He's really not a big movie guy in general. There's maybe a few he really likes, but for the most part he doesn't care. He blames it on his shit attention span- courtesy of his many concussions. Guzma gets bored too easily and usually ends up falling asleep during anything they watch. However, the big bad boss man does love himself some cartoons. He used to be embarrassed about it but now he don't give a fuck. If there exists a pokemon world equivalent of Ed, Edd, n Eddy, he would watch the shit out of that cuz I feel like that would be exactly his brand of comedy.
Really the only other thing he'll watch is nature documentaries. Of course, they have to be about bugs. If it's about anything else, he'll fast forward until he gets to the bug stuff. Strangely, he still gets embarrassed from time to time about watching them.
Plumeria is extremely well read and she's also very well versed in the art of film. She loves watching and picking apart movies and watching horrible thrillers or scifi to laugh about the horrible sfx. She loves the MCU just so she can tear it apart for its lackluster writing and gratuitous use of cgi.
Guzma will sit and watch all that stuff with her and listen to her go on and on about it. He doesn't follow half of it, but he listens anyways because he knows how much she loves it.
Based on his personality and demeanor, what movie, or genre of movie, do y'all think he'd pick in this situation? Scifi? Comedy? Drama? Something sophisticated to try and impress Leon? Maybe something scary to try and get the champ to grab onto him in a dark room? Whaddya think?
Just some other quick thoughts on smaller characters: 'Lani loves crime dramas and standup comedy. A. and B. like watching YouTube let's plays together. Charizard enjoys sitting and watching footage of battles with Leon. Golisopod won't watch TV, he'd rather go sit somewhere quiet and meditate. Nanu watches the news and occasionally a telenovela he can't even understand because that's all that's on when he can't sleep at like 4am.
Whenever Team Skull as a whole has a movie night there is so much arguing. Plumeria is obviously the mediator while Guzma is pretty indifferent, unless it's like, a really shitty Adam Sandler movie. It sometimes, but not always, ends with Guzma slamming his fist down and picking one of whatever they're all arguing about so they can all just shut up and watch something. If Leon were to join them on a movie night, all the grunts would be wanting him to watch their favorite movies and asking him what he's seen and what he hasn't. Guzma actually starts getting jealous and ends up putting in effort and picking out one of the few "big boy" (<- Plumeria's words) movies he likes.
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mamokzalku · 3 years
   You awake on the eve of your birthright years, in the tavern on the hill of Eruna Villa, a small settlement ruled by the Gurig Jarl of the Farron Empyron. Of which the empire has established regency over isles south of the shale, jagged and mountainous archipelagos and islands along the turquoise deltas of Haukele Coast which sits inlet and east of the small island of Erunea; and is well known for stacking coastal cities and a sharp ruined heritage dotting its coastlines and architecture style hailing from days before the precursory kaotica elven and primordium dwarven were between defining centuries of war.   Eruna: a small settlement in need of pioneering and proper-exploring is where you have come to call home. Which legends call a draconic foggy isle, because of its close proximity to the northward whirlpool maelstrom deified as "Nyrllvaelstrom", for its width of over forty kilometres. The area has begun to be explored for many islands which curve and wrap around its waters and the stormy areas northward, some many hundred kilometers in size, and a few several thousand kilometers in size. Westward lay many isles already in control by the Farron Empyron, and the Islands of Republia Ekmaenosa, a quickly growing regent empire in possession of finely crafted acropli cities and monumentous architecture and many war machines, beyond this empires bounty there are far northern traders from the deserted plains and the wasted forestlands, and rumors of other continents far southward. To the Far East there are mighty men of many kinds and traders who tell of lands called Xaelezara the tropical Sea-dweller Kingdoms, Rerastao the mountainous and overgrown Erveallansa Kingdomships, and the mighty Eastern Kingdom of Zrvnystarrsa in the arboreal and shrouded lands of Aervlya. ~~~       An ornate formal letter of the Farron Postage Authority has anxiously been opened after having arrived in your letterbox, so now it has come time to swallow your doubts and to meet with the chief guardship Londalques Barrone "Bathlruxr II" shortly to receive instruction on your employment as Wayfinders for the town of Eruna, for the favor of wisely spoken Jarl Gurig. The safety of the township and a chance to form your very own guild is in your hands. ======   In your dreams, you recall the Legend of the Boy Londaesquier Jelnr the Courageous who raised an abandoned egg to its fullest potential after three hundred forty five days of strife and his reliance on the lands and the faets of the natural bounty; the gifts of the creatures of the lands his sustenance, and exile his duty in patronage to the egg, and when he found his task completed gave birth to a mighty welp dragonic , and the gentle kindness had everlasted a pact between azatara and dragons allegiance against the vile serpent, to ally with Goehennr the mightiest colossal warrior that the land dwelling would be avenged and protected by dragons fury, the mighty warrior who rode Axvlata the boy's raised pet fully grown dragon of azure, to glory for all of the lands, and freedom from the vilest serpent Ezevnur the crawling shadow wickedness that slithers within darklands spread. ======   Nightmares stir still in contemptuous fervor each night, and there is lightning at nights of storm-fall from the northward seas, the elven magic protecting the isle enshrouded in fog whispers, and its mountains echo with the rancor thunder which disturb your sleeps, that trouble is erupting again in these crossing shadows at night. You remember still as a child an old forgotten legend, now remaining true again at your age of maturity in the township.
  The  old church in town tells of the dragonic legends, and the old stories of Gohen Onuasa: Watcher of Haevehna, the giants that created our world with hammerfall chasms, the dragon wars and the wars between dwarven, elven and man among periods of fall and the rebirth of Gehennses, one who would lead people out of wars turmoil. ======   Once they were in union and some confederate and prosperous and they were of an old kingdom now forgotten by all, some call the Oneazsa, who ruled from the cities of Anaervia above, Dermezara of the seas, Naervena of lands and Gehndalsa below.  
The old priests in the forgotten shamanic hilltop palaces of Naerven passed down a legend which foretold of the coming age, this was one of disaster for the world as all knew it, such a schism could only be something of immense tyranny and destruction; and its name soon came in the form of Ezevnur the serpentine daevrilarch, and such legends soon became reality. ++==++   And the lost ages of the Naerrvone Constancy would pass this world; a legacy which had influenced much of the encompassed world into an age of guilded prosperity and immense splendor, but in aeons such eras of prosperity slipped from the grasp of all that walk the lands, it was in this time of strife that its eons would foster the Naelvas lineage who fended the world from the clutches of the serpentine and their worm children the mother of all hellspawn tartarus Miwyvesl which birthed many hellish fiends and impish monstrosity alike on the lands, which in turn would come a proclamation from deity above Goehnas speaks thusly:
  " My son of draconic Goehenna Erueanzaxlata vaeldrichr beggotten to all the lands and the haevehna above, thy vilest of evil shalt be slain, for I am fortunae, khaenos, and strife over villaindwellers, incarnate azata of onuas, till thy rivers and lochs overflow with avengement to the vile serpent and all that the abyyzdan command shall purify by Gehengodense's Will, and the draconic remain vangaurd, until it is my will done on the lands, and they will hear Gohen in the skies from haevehna, from Shannaelva and Zelnaerrvone thy will be done, thy villains will be purified until peace be disturbed anew, and you will know my aid by the seas eyes, and as storms surround you."
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etherian-affairs · 5 years
(2/3) Hordak spent decades trying to create the perfect base/world, just so Horde Prime could be proud of him and prove he wasn't worthless. But now with Horde Prime coming, Hordak would rather lay in a broken mess. Later, Catra calls him out for not dealing with the unstable Bright Moon Kingdomship and tells him to get done with his "vanity projects" and get to work conquering Etheria. She tells him to get his head back in the game because he is unable to.
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cityescape4 · 4 years
Zexal Month, August 6th!
Tell us about your favourite ships! We welcome familial, platonic and romantic love here!
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listen.... if you saw my favorite character... and my favorite episode... and didn’t conclude that this was a favorite ship of mine then i don’t know what to tell ya, friendo
I’m just... love Alit so much, and the whole “Yuma, meeting you... was totally hot...” was like a dying ‘I love you’ in my eyes. And while I’m happy we got a canon Bi character, I’m kinda sad we didn’t get a canon Yuma/Alit relationship.(but thats what fan content is for c:) 
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(i couldn’t find a good series screencap with all three of them in it so take my shitty shitty fanart post)
Tomoshipping’s fucking great. HolyIceshipping is too. You know what’s better than both? Kingdomshipping! (So long as it’s, ya know, the twins sharing Durbe and not some weird incestuous thing.) I just don’t see how Durbe would choose one twin over the other if it ever came down to it, so ¿por qué no los dos?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I wish I was better at wording my thoughts into why I like these ships as much as I do, but for now, just accept this before it becomes a long ass wall of text. @zexalmonth​
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dreambig1012 · 6 years
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Educating myself in the Kingdomship 100X Academy #entrepreneur #homebasebusiness @ profitswithsharon dotcom https://www.instagram.com/p/BsRAZI9Fyp4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6h7izyq131mv
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