#King's mha fic
angst-king · 4 months
I Promised pt 1
(this is a lil side fic for my adoption AU) (CW description of OD, suicide, vomit) It was a late night, about 2:30 in the morning when Shota was patrolling his route. This night, like every other night was cold and quiet. The breeze swayed through his mess of hair, and the crickets chirped and screeked. Just as he managed to find a place to sit down and enjoy his snack for the night his radio went off.
“Eraserhead come in Eraserhead, do you hear me?” With a huff, he grabbed his walkie-talkie.
“I hear ya, go on” He replied while taking a bite of his sandwich.
“We’ve gotten word of a man robbing a convenience store close by to where you live. The shop owner says they didn’t truly harm anyone just threatened harm if interfered. Do you mind checking it out?” “I’ll be there as soon as possible” Shota answered getting back on his feet, it didn’t sound urgent so he could eat on the way there. Can’t fight on an empty stomach, and Hizashi would kill him if he intentionally starved himself again. So he started on his way to the location, thankfully the walk there wasn’t too far, just a few turns and he’d be there.
When he arrived the store seemed to be rather calm, nothing was broken into. He walked up to the convenience store’s front desk and asked what was the matter. The clerk told him to head back to the pharmacy section and talk to the person there. Pharmacy? Did this person steal medication? Going to the pharmacy section the pharmacist looked relieved to see him although a little panicked.
“Can you tell me what happened?” “Y-yes well, I was just checking the stocks when this man with blackish-white hair and weird-looking skin came in and told me to give him any sort of sedative we had and as much as possible, as well as some antidepressants.” This had Shota concerned, this seemed like maybe a suicide attempt!
“Alright, I will go and see if I can find him.” Leaving the place, Shota had a bad feeling that he may be right about this being a suicide attempt, he couldn’t think of anything else as to why a person would take those specifically! There weren’t many places he had to check, not many places to try and kill yourself quietly either. He started hustling down the street. He wasn’t sure whether he should radio for help just yet or not, he didn’t want an entire group en route. That would potentially make things worse.
“Damn, where could this guy be!” He grumbled to himself as he looked down the third alleyway, he started to pass by the steps to the bridge underpass when he had a feeling to go down there. He decided not to shake this feeling and to follow it, walking down the steps with his flashlight he didn’t have much hope of finding the guy.
Then the sound of coughing came, coughing and gasping echoed through the underpass. Pattering down the stairs the closer he got the louder it sounded.
Getting to the bottom of the stairs, there was a figure dressed in tattered clothes, hunched over still coughing.
“Hey you alright there?” Shota called out, this alerted the person who turned around and started to back away, his quirk igniting. A blue fire sparked and blazed around him as he weakly yelled.
“Go away! I’m fine, j-just let me go!” Shota activated his own quirk, seizing the fire as he cautiously approached. He adjusted the light to get a better look and was a little surprised to see it was ‘Dabi’. He had seen him causing casualties and chaos before, though nothing egregious still arson was nothing small. Seeing him doubled over, with what parts of his normal skin being pale, as he clutched his body. Shota stepped closer and saw the bags and containers of pills and immediately dropped into action.
“Dabi, I’m not leaving you like this!” The young villain tried to push the man away while shaking his head at him.
“Please man, j-just let me go. I-I failed…I failed and I can’t keep doing this anymore! I need for the pain to stop, just please!” He pleaded with tears in his eyes, Shota kept a handle on his quirk as he listened.
“What do you mean you failed? What a mission or something?” Again Dabi shook his head
“You wouldn’t care, I’m not gonna bother, so just act like you didn’t see me and let. Me. go!” Shota got down to the other’s level refusing to let go, though he knew even if he did Dabi most likely wouldn’t be moving much.
“Just tell me, kid! I wont call the police or turn you in. Just tell me.” Dabi bit at his lip while swallowing back the urge to gag.
“Fine since you wont leave me alone…no its not a mission….its my siblings…I failed them. I’ve lost my only family and I can’t find them. I promised that I would find them again. Hell I’d burn down all of japan just to see them again!” This had Shouta confused, siblings? Obviously, he’d never gotten up close and personal with the villain but this sounded familiar to when Shouto mentioned he was waiting for his siblings.
“Dabi…I have to ask…do you have a little brother by the name of Shouto?” Dabi hesitantly nodded and a small smile curled at Shota’s lips, he may have a way to get Dabi to cooperate.
“If I told you that your little brother was safe and sound and that I could bring you to him. Would you let me?” Dabi’s expression turned doubtful and who could blame him?
“Why should i trust you? Why would i believe that you have him and you’re not just trying to bring me to the police?” Shota could understand his lack of trust, if he knew Shoto had been through hell for him to run away, then Dabi and his other siblings must’ve been just as bad! Shota told him not to move, he grabbed his phone scrolled through his camera, and showed him a picture of Shoto playing with the other little kids in the background.
“I found your brother along with a bunch of other children held up in a shitty foster home about a year ago. Present mic, Midnight and I took them in.” He explained, Dabi looked surprised to see he was telling the truth but then asked.
“Wh-what is it that you want in re-return? And what are you gonna do with me?” Shota huffed and reached for a discreet place to check his pulse, he furrowed his brows.
“Shit your pulse is slow, well first, I wanna get whatever the hell you swallowed out of your system. I’m gonna call for some help then I’ll get you home.” Shota went through his emergency bag and handed Dabi a large bottle of water.
“Drink that, you need to dilute what you took, I don’t know how much you took but it’ll weaken it to some extent.” While Dabi drank the water he was given, Shota called Hizashi.
“Hey, look sorry I know you were sleeping but can either you or Nemuri come down to the start of my patrol route? Bring a blanket, and a bunch of water with you too, no it's not for a cat. It’s for a kid, I’ll explain when you get here.” By the time Eraser had hung up Dabi was still downing the water.
“Alright, I gotta get you outta here, so we can get to them. Can you walk?” Dabi nodded and shakily rose to his feet, grunting and wincing. Now seeing him at full height Shota could see many injuries he had. He didn’t know how old Dabi was, most likely an older teen, though he could pass for a full adult just based on his gruff looks alone when he wasn’t curled up. He slipped an arm around him to hold him up.
“I’m gonna hold you up, let's go.” At first, Dabi tried to protest but his fried vocal cords wouldn’t let him. So he let the pro hero half carry him out from under the bridge and up the stairs to the main road. The more they walked the worse Dabi got, he was struggling to move either of his legs as his heart slowed, it was getting harder to keep his eyes open and his temperature began to drop. Shota could hear his breathing become ragged which worried him badly. Seeing the car made him feel a bit better, he knocked on the door to signal to Hizashi that he had found them. The blond unlocked the car so Shota could load Dabi in the back seat. He then climbed into the passenger seat while telling Dabi to use the blanket and to drink the rest of the water.
Dabi listened to him wrapping himself up in the blanket and continuing to drink the water. Shota began to explain what he could to Hizashi.
“So you remember how Shouto said he was waiting for his siblings and that they were looking for him? Well, Dabi is one of his siblings, I never paid much to Enji when he talked about his family but I remember him mentioning only really two of them. A kid named Toya and Shouto, i’m going to guess Dabi is a different name he goes by, probably made it so no one would recognize him when he ran away with his siblings. Anyway, I got a call saying someone stole a bunch of sedatives and antidepressants and found Dabi under a bridge dealing with an overdose.” Hizashi nodded along to this as he drove.
“I take it hospital is out of the question since they could possibly try to arrest him?” “Yeah, and I don’t wanna have to explain to Shouto that one of his brothers was taken to prison.” “I understand, luckily we know how to deal with OD’s, and we’ll keep him on the couch.” With this plan, Hizashi took them home while Shota kept watch of Dabi from the passenger seat.
Getting home, Shota hopped out of the car to check on Dabi who was shaking like a leaf in his sleep. He reached underneath him, slid him out of the car keeping him wrapped up, and carried him into the house. Shota laid him on the couch and placed an extra blanket on him. He checked his pulse again, it was still slow. He had managed to snag the bag Dabi had on him that contained the pills. He checked what he had taken and how much. He sighed in relief.
“This won't kill him thankfully” Shouta muttered to himself, he prepared himself to spend the night in the living room with him. The night was peaceful, it was quiet. It made Shouta wonder what could have gone so wrong for Dabi to go into villainy. Sure running away he could understand but enacting chaos on people?
When the sun was up the next day Dabi woke up to his stomach flipping and flopping, his insides sloshing around. Even with his mind numbed and foggy from the drugs and just waking up he at least had the sense to find a bathroom. He dashed down the hall and threw open the bathroom door, just barely making it fast enough to not get sick on himself or the floor. He didn’t know how much noise he was making, the sound of his mind becoming static while he vomited drowning everything else out. He didn’t know how long the first round took him but for the time being he was leaning against the wall panting and using the toilet paper to clean himself up. He also didn’t know that he wasn’t alone until he heard a small voice call his name.
“T-toya?” His head whipped around at the sound and his eyes blew open wide! There in front of him was his little brother, Shouto.
“Sh-shouto?” Shouto nodded while clutching his stuffed polar bear. It took a second for Toya to realize this was real, he was really looking at his baby brother. He quickly pulled Shouto into a hug, it was firm but not enough to hurt him, he just needed to hold him. Shouto didn’t flinch or pull away and just leaned into him.
“I’m so glad you’re okay, I’ve been trying to find you.” “How did you find me?”Shouto asked, of course, Toya couldn’t tell him the whole truth, he didn’t need to know about his issues.
“Well shouta found me while I was looking for you, and he told me he could bring me to you.” Shouto smiled and hugged his brother back. Though their sweet moment was cut short Toya’s stomach decided now was a good time to evict the pills he swallowed. He quickly pushed Shouto away before his face was back in the toilet again. The small child watched worriedly, not knowing what else to do he placed a gentle hand on Toya’s back rubbing in circles.
“It’s gonna be okay, Toya” The kid repeated over and over reminding him that he was here. Another flash of minutes went by, and Toya had thrown up probably everything his body had.
“Are you gonna be okay Toya?” Shouto asked, Toya nodded doing his best to give a reassuring smile to him.
“I’ll be alright lil bro, don’t worry about me. Stomach’s just acting a little funny. I’ll probably just go and lay down.” When Toya tried to go back to the couch, he felt something grab onto his hand, he looked behind himself to see Shouto with a pout on his face.
“Can I lay down with you?” Toya sighed and nodded at him, this made the boy smile a bit. Going back to the couch, Toya had let the younger one lay on top of him. Even though Shouto was small he was very warm and since Toya was still running cold holding him was like having a furnace keeping him warm. Just as he had settled himself down to sleep Shouto asked him.
“Where’s Natsuo and Fuyumi?” Toya dreaded that question, he knew it was coming.
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arbiterlexultionis · 1 year
Instant Eternity Pt. 2
So, Danny has the infi-map and uses it to go on vacations and the like to enjoy his now eternal life. The infinite realms are Infinite, really and truly. But locations within the realms correlate to spaces in the “real” world, so what happens when you travel beyond what should be the ends of the “real” universe in the realms? You find other universes. All universes, realities, multi and Omni verses connect with the Infinite Realms, hence the name kind of implying the existence of infinite realms. With the infimap Danny’s able to visit and explore these other planes of existence to his hearts content, and over the course of his travels makes a number of close friends.
He can’t just say goodbye forever, can’t leave them with no way to call for aid or call for small talk so, he comes up with a bit of a crazy plan to make sure all his new friends can meet each other and stay in contact. A combination of the infi-map, Fenton portal technology, time medallions/assistance from clockwork, help from the yeti’s and maybe even some help from Dr. Strange or Dr. Fate all come together to make a private club that connects to who knows how many dimensions. In a Ghost King AU his royal palace has all the normal palace stuff but surrounding Phantom’s Keep is a whole town for inter-dimensional travelers. The portals themselves are all in a massive tower, either leaning tower of Pisa style or a massive clock tower because of how much Clockwork helped out, arranged kind of like how all the statues of the avatars are arranged in the air temple in ATLA.
Danny’s sitting at his desk in his office while 7 Gokus, 13 Vegitas, 4 Beeruses(Beerusi? A pod of Beerus? Flock?) 10 Piccolos and 1 Gohan crowd the rest of his office. “Two Hundred and Forty. 2-4-fucking-0. That is the number of of Territories that have lodged official complaints about the ruckus your fights have been causing! Queen Patet sent a fifty seven page long letter asking me to give every single one of your dimensions eternal travel bans to all of your dimensions and every dimension where even one of you exist. Because the shockwaves from your fights were still strong enough to shatter glass when they reached her Territory. The territory of Vitrum, which makes Fucking Everything from glass! Including the Goddamn Buildings! They build their cities in massive glass orbs! More than thirteen hundred buildings torn down in one day. Including every single hospital they had. You fought for nine days straight. Get out. Get the crap baskets out of my office. Now. Go home. Let the Bulmas know that they’re paying the reparations.” They all file out of the office, Vegitas and the flock of Beerus mumbling about how they shouldn’t have made their buildings out of glass if they didn’t want them to get broken. The one(1) brain cell the group had, otherwise known as Gohan, was apparently the only one with manners, profusely apologizing and offering to help with the clean up even as he got shooed out of the office.
More then a dozen Quirckless!Izuku vigilantes come together to form a great big club to share intel that match’s across their various worlds, analyze quirks, train and give each other therapy. It’s all going well. Then the Batmen stop developing contingency plans for literally all the beings they meet here juuust long enough for their adoption senses to start tingling. The Dad Mights, Dadzawas and Dad for Ones put aside their differences to combat this new threat. The Spider-men are sitting in a corner grateful that their spider senses and Peter tingles helped them avoid all that nonsense. Until the Iron Dads show up. Then they’re all to busy running and cursing their Parker luck to be grateful.
Passing through a gateway to another universe that isn’t yours require approval from no less then half the visitors from that verse and/or Danny himself. Same thing goes for leaving the compound to explore the Realms.
All the adoption addicts from across the multiverse take one look at Danny, listen to all the rumors about his parents and go “Mine!”. Luckily for Danny he doesn’t really have to to worry to much, doesn’t even notice really, because 2.3 seconds after they did that they all turned to each other and went “No! Not yours, Mine!” The infighting has kept them busy ever sense. However, according to an ancient, sacred prophecy(something that Clockwork mentioned in passing 2 months ago) they will eventually all decide that Danny having a proper support network is more important then who his favorite supporter is. So he’s going to get parented so hard by all three hundred and eighty of them. More moms, dads, ma’s, pa’s aunts and uncles then he’ll know what to do with.
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As You Command: Chapter 1
Series Masterlist
Genre: childhood friends to lovers,
CW: Bakugou is a suggestive asshole, potential cursing
Word count: 1814
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Sunlight streamed in through the glass windows of the library, washing the rows of wooden shelves in a soft glow as you stepped between them, inhaling the scent of leather and paper that seems to have settled in the stone walls themselves.
It was uncharacteristically quiet, the last scholar having left as you entered, something you were sure you could attribute to the beautiful day outside.
You hummed softly to yourself as you walked down the third row, fingers skimming over the leather of each book until you found the title you were looking for, pausing to pull it gently from the shelf. Dust billowed up from the cover as you smoothed your hand over the cover fondly, recalling all the times your father had sat on the edge of your bed and read it to you, still willing to indulge your curiosity after spending the day advising the king and queen.
The memory was bittersweet. For a moment, your chest squeezed painfully as you recalled the way he’d asked you to read his favorite chapters to him when he’d gotten too sick to even hold the book himself. You shook yourself slightly, chastising yourself for not focusing on the happier memories.
The sound of the door opening pulled you from your thoughts and you frowned deeply at the sight of a familiar deep red cape. You adjusted quietly to follow its movements through the library, wishing the prince would just turn around and leave. There was no real reason for him to be in the library, after all. He chose to do almost all of his studying in his private quarters, or so he claimed. An empty library hardly seemed like the place that the loud blonde would willingly choose to be.
You watched, lips pursed as he scanned the room, fingertips drumming over the tables as he walked. Your heart tripped in panic at the sudden thought that he was waiting for someone, the realization dawning on you that a quiet library was the perfect place to meet his most current romantic conquest.
You debated making yourself known, unsure if that would make the situation better or worse, when he paused at the desk you’d claimed, leaning over to read your scrawled notes and take a glance at the cover of the book that laid open.
You looked on in dismay as he closed the book completely, unsure of what page you’d been on as he turned his attention to the blue feather resting in your ink well. He twisted the feather for a moment before letting out a bored sigh, flicking the well over when he passed, dark ink splattering over your papers as he continued his wandering.
You bit back the scolding that bubbled up in your throat, shaking your head as you returned to the shelves. It had been too long since you’d had a peaceful day, and you were determined not to let him ruin it by letting him know you were nearby. You exhaled slowly, eyes closing as you forced yourself to relax the muscles in your shoulders, once again turning your attention to the books as you scanned the titles.
Still, you couldn’t help the sour thoughts that crossed your mind as you searched, irritation at the blonde prince rising up in you. He’d always found joy in torturing you, from the moment you’d met him, always in close proximity given your father’s standing with his parents.
As a kid, he’d loved to pop up behind you, out of bushes, around corners, just to hear you shriek and then he’d run off laughing, or tug on your hair until you’d bat at him.
As a teen, his antics hadn’t improved, galloping his horse entirely too close to you as he passed, jamming a chair in front of your door so you were late to the lessons you shared with him.
And as an adult? Gods, he was insufferable. His pranks weren’t so physical anymore, not aiming to make you shriek; he just liked bothering you, loved getting a rise out of you as you tried to study, his heavy boots sprawled across your desk as he sat in your chair. He loved your sharp tongue, grinning widely when you’d mutter out complaints over being his advisor one day.
You never understood why the women around the palace and kingdom fawned over him. Sure, he was handsome, with his golden skin and blonde locks and eyes the color of your favorite wildflowers… but he was an ass, and you both knew it.
You shook your head as you picked through various authors and topics until you had a respectable stack in your arms, balancing them precariously. You stretched on your toes for one final book, fingers barely pressing against the spine as you held your breath.
“You do know you can’t read all those at once, right?”
You startled at the sudden voice from behind you, falling back to your feet as all the books, save for the first one, tumbled from your hands and onto the floor with a crash. You whirled around to see Prince Bakugou chuckling to himself at your misfortune, hands crossed over his bare chest as he leaned back against the shelves.
You huffed, heart hammering in your chest as you placed a palm over it, a weak attempt to calm yourself. You glared as he grinned back at you, the scar that ran over the left side of his mouth stretching tight at the action.
“Gods, Bakugou, you nearly scared me half to death,” you snapped, eying the blonde suspiciously as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other, crossing them at the ankle. “What are you even doing here?” you snapped, smoothing down your tunic in an attempt to hide how much he’d managed to ruffle you in such a short amount of time.
He avoided your question, gesturing instead to the pile of books that now lay scattered on the floor around you. “I think I asked you a question first. I know that you’re a bookworm, but come on, even you can’t find all that stuff that interesting,” he snickered.
You huffed, rolling your eyes as you crouched down to begin picking up. “Some of us care and want to do what’s best for this kingdom, not just whatever we want,” you muttered, reaching for a book bound in blue leather. “Spoiled brat,” you added under your breath.
A heavy boot landed on the cover and you glanced up sharply to see the blonde leering down at you, eyes lit with a challenge as he grinned down at you, more predatory than friendly.
A shiver ran over you as he spoke, his large frame and the bulky fur collar of his cape blocking out the sunlight and casting you in shadows. “Spoiled brat, huh?” he echoed quietly, foot pressing more firmly on the book as you tried to tug it out from under his weight.
You stood quickly, mouth already opening to tell him to leave you be and let you clean up when he stepped forward, expression unreadable as he moved effortlessly around the mess at your feet.
You scrambled back as he invaded your space and loomed over you, bumping against the shelves as your hand shot out to stabilize yourself, fingers curling into the leather strap that ran across the blonde’s chest, knuckles brushing over his damp skin.
He was close enough now that you could make out the smudge of dirt along his jaw, and the dark ring of red around his iris. His skin was still shiny with sweat, and it took you half a second to realize he must have just come back from training with Kirishima. You swallowed thickly at the sight of muscles rippling along his chest and arm as he lifted it, fingers wrapping around a shelf’s edge high above your head as he closed you in.
He grinned again, canines flashing. Quickly, you let go of his baldric, opting to clutch the thick book still held to your chest instead, hoping to try and create a barrier between the two of you as his gaze roamed over you.
His shoulders visibly relaxed as he stared down at you, tongue darting out to lick his bottom lip before he spoke, his voice low and entirely too intimate for your liking.
“Y’know.. My parents keep telling me that eventually I’ll have to settle down and start producing heirs. As my future advisor, and someone who ‘cares for the good of the kingdom’,” he mocked, head dipping lower to keep your wide gaze. “I think it’s only fair that you help me practice, for the good of the kingdom.”
Your eyes widened in shock, a heat creeping along your neck and face at what he was suggesting, mouth opening and closing as you scrambled for a quick retort. He leaned forward, his mouth getting dangerously close, and panic tripped in your chest.
Without thinking, you reacted, lifting the heavy book in your grasp and swinging.
You didn’t mean to hit him, only hoping that he’d dodge the swipe, give you some room, but there was a harsh smack as the leather made contact with his cheek and he stumbled sideways.
A gasp wrenched free from your chest, the book dropping from your grasp with a clatter as your hands covered your mouth in horror, already babbling out apologies as he straightened, rubbing his cheek.
You couldn’t see his face from the angle you stood at, but you could see all your hard work and parent’s legacy crumble before your very eyes, sure that you’d doomed your father’s legacy with one accidental strike.
Tears began to bubble at your lash line, blurring your vision as he turned to face you. You’re quick to cover your face, horrified to let him see you like this, given that you struck him, not the other way around.
You couldn’t help the way you startled when a hand circled around your wrist and tugged it down easily, palm calloused from years of wielding a sword.
A moment later, he was pressing the book back into your hand, quiet as you stared up at him in surprise, lip still wobbling. He remained silent as he cupped your cheek softly, swiping away a tear rolling down your skin, and you were surprised to see that his ruby eyes were gentle, a sharp contrast to the glint he usually donned when looking at you.
“Shouldn’t tease you so much, ‘m sorry,” he murmured. Your mouth fell open in surprise at his apology, especially since you could already see the skin on his cheek darkening where you hit him.
Before you could speak, he was gone again. You were left alone in the quiet library once more, staring after the blonde and wondering what the hell just happened.
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A/N: I know this is very similar to the blurb I wrote a while back but I did still want that storyline to be my hook so I simply expanded on it this time around! This is twice the length of the previous blurb so hopefully you all still like it! Feedback/comments and reblogs are always appreciated!
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fl100r · 8 days
||ᴋᴀᴛꜱᴜᴋɪ ʙᴀᴋᴜɢᴏᴜ x ɢᴏᴅᴅᴇꜱꜱ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ||
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・┆✦ʚ Chapter 1 ɞ✦ ┆・
"𝙄 𝙥𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙒𝙝𝙮 𝙣𝙤𝙩"
"𝘽𝙪𝙩 𝙒𝙝𝙮?.."
"𝙒𝙝𝙮 𝙣𝙤𝙩. 𝙙𝙪𝙙𝙚"
༻✦༺ ༻✧༺༻✦༺༻✦༺
Bakugou is so depressed after war shi happen so god game happen to him too, meet a gyatt goddess wow fell in love real? or cap?
{ Slowburn }
tw: Violence, rape.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .
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⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - : ✧ : -˚̣
Two days had passed since the War of Ravager's Crusade. Returning to his kingdom, Bakugou saw the ashes and broken homes of once-smiling children and families, now reduced to rotten, burned bodies beneath the rubble of their own homes. He felt a deep disappointment in himself for failing to protect his kingdom, even after promising his parents he would continue their legacy and be like his mother, the Queen of the Crimson Bones. He had lost everything he swore to uphold, and now he lay in his room, staring blankly at the ceiling.
Hopeless and unsure of what to do, the realization hit him hard: his army, his village, his kingdom, his family-they were all gone. A tear rolled down his cheek, landing on his wrinkled, rough bed. He cried quietly, his sobbing filled with regret. He longed for revenge but felt utterly useless.
Katsuki Bakugou, the Crimson Warrior, was supposed to win this war, but instead, he had lost the souls of those who loved and admired him. He had managed to kill the leader of the Crab Clan without magic, which was impressive enough on its own.
Wait... magic. Magic had been forbidden in his kingdom. His mother had outlawed it, believing that no one should rely on the "easy way out to victory." She felt that those who used raw strength alone were worthy of respect and honor, with the sole exception of healing magic, which was revered for its usefulness.
But now... maybe he could use magic to bring some of his people back. The bodies weren't too far gone yet. Dark magic could be the key.
Bakugou quickly rushed to his library, searching frantically for dark magic spells.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - : ✧Meanwhile... At The Abyssal Sanctum (Y/N's Realm).. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ . ⋅ ˚̣- : .
"Y/N, you've got to stop your people from using your magic to revive the dead! Ugh! People in heaven are starting to disappear. We don't want our world to overpopulate!" An angelic but rough voice shouted angrily. It was Azariel.
"Erm... you're overreacting, dude. It's just a couple of people. It's not like a billion people got revived," you replied, unbothered by Azariel's concern and his constant ranting about the "overpopulation theory."
"My point still stands! Oh, Great Heavens, you infuriate me! Please get rid of the spell, since you and your family invented dark magic! YOUR MAGIC IS SINFUL AND EVIL!" he yelled, stomping away angrily, clearly annoyed by your stubbornness, and slammed your enchanted, huge doors behind him.
"It's just reviving, though. What harm does reviving someone cause? And sinful and evil? Alright, buddy, my magic doesn't have morality... it just is what it is," you muttered, feeling annoyed. He kept complaining about people showing up in heaven almost every day, which was apparently tiring for him. Then, when people used your magic to bring loved ones back, he complained about that too? It didn't make any sense.
While you were deep in thought, your doors suddenly burst open. Your best friend came rushing in, beaming with excitement.
"It's you. I know," you replied, unamused.
"Oh..." Koemi's tone dropped, sounding disappointed by your flat response.
"You could've maybe pretended.. To not know.. Jeez you always like this even when we were mortals." Koemi said annoyed.
"What? I'm stating something that I think is correct based on your reaction Dumbass."
"Okay.. Okay anyway you already know I'm gonna be the one who host this game event, so I've been thinking maybe we can bring the mortals into our little game. Can you guess why?.." Koemi said excitedly.
"We're gonna invite them to tea or something?..." Y/N said, still unimpressed.
Koemi huffed in annoyance. "You've known me since diapers in the mortal world. Jeez, it's like I'm a character introduced in your story mode, but the most forgotten character ever... Anyway, no. I have an idea! So, we do this game event where we pick our mortals-without looking into their past or future-and then make them fight for a single wish! A wish that can grant anything! Like, really anything! They can even join us as a god! What do you think?" Koemi asked, excitement bubbling in her voice. She eagerly awaited Y/N's opinion, even though deep down, she expected something simple-yet sharp-that would probably hurt her feelings.
"Okay that's good." That's it? You fucking piece of shit koemi said in her mind. Well it's fine anyway she's your best friend and she acts like this its fine! Koemi said in her mind, rambling about Y/N and her friendship, lost in her thoughts now.
"Soo.. When will the games begin? Since were gonna pick our own mortals whats the rules? We can pick any mortals right? So some of the gods can just pick someone who' better than everyone else and win the final fight"
Y/N said questioning Koemi ideas if she got a planned for those will use this advantage to just win unfairly in the event.
"Well here are rules of course!" As Koemi make a contract appear out of thin air with her magic,
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(If you can't read it)
Welcome to an intense and fiery competition where mortals are subjected to extreme conditions and trials. Selected by the gods, these mortals, driven by lofty ambitions and desires for greatness, will face a crucible of challenges designed to test their determination and resourcefulness. The gods watch from their celestial thrones, relishing the spectacle as these chosen mortals confront their destinies. The gods and goddesses who participate in this grand event shall be rewarded handsomely for their involvement.
Rules and Regulations:
No Handpicking Mortals: Deities are strictly prohibited from personally selecting mortals for participation. The selection process must be predicated upon a divine trait or power inherent to the gods, ensuring that mortals are chosen based on their intrinsic qualities or motivations aligned with the deity's domain.
No Assistance Beyond Emotional Support:Gods are forbidden from utilizing their divine powers to aid mortals directly or indirectly. Any form of intervention, be it through supernatural influence, guidance, or manipulation, is prohibited. Only emotional support, such as encouragement or moral fortitude, is permitted.
No Manipulation of Mortal Trials: The divine entities must refrain from altering or manipulating the trials and challenges faced by the mortals. The integrity of the competition must remain unblemished, with each trial designed to test the mortals' innate qualities without divine interference.
No Breach of Confidentiality: The gods must maintain absolute confidentiality regarding any internal deliberations or decisions pertaining to the selection and challenges faced by the mortals. Any unauthorized disclosure of such information to the participants or external entities is strictly forbidden.
Punishment for Breach of Rules: Gods or goddesses who violate these rules shall be subjected to the most severe of divine punishments. The offending deity will be exiled from their divine realm and cast into a void of endless darkness, where they shall experience the profound isolation and despair of being cut off from divine powers and companionship.
-Koemi Ramírez.
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - : ✧ : -˚.
"bravo.. The goddess of Love and Lust actually thinks for once!"
Koemi's face expresses just 😐. "Sorry. I know you're not the goddess of lust only love.. Just a joke.. Anyway let me see the contract.." Y/N said as she reads it. "Make sure to signed it if you want to join the game!" Koemi said.
"Alright that looks good, I signed it. Did you already have other gods signed it?" Y/N asked
"I did just now-almost all of them have signed it!" Koemi said enthusiastically. "Anyway, I've got to find my mortal! Good wishes and love to you, my dear friend! You won't die alone-"
Before she could finish, Y/N snapped her fingers, and Koemi vanished from the realm with a soft pop.
Y/N let out a sigh, shaking their head with a wry smile. "Good luck with that, Koemi." She muttered to the empty space left behind, the air still crackling with the remnants of the goddess's departure.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . Meanwhile... Katsuki Bakugou. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒
"Fuck... I can't find anything in this damn library. I want my people back..." Bakugou muttered as he stood up, the chair creaking as it was pushed by his back. He walked through the empty hallways of what was once a lively and grand castle. Now, it lay in ruins, with rubble scattered around and burned curtains and carpets.
"Goddamn it... Why couldn't I just... protect them? They played dirty with me. I've searched through every book, but not one is related to dark magic..." Bakugou sighed, his eyebrows furrowing deeper, his expression a mix of frustration and sadness.
He stopped in front of a large mirror in the long, desolate hallway, gazing at the scars and burn marks that littered his body. He stared at his reflection, seeing someone tired and stressed-every word in the definition of exhaustion and depression. Once a great king, now... someone entirely useless.
"I should leave this place... The food here is stale. I can't survive another day without eating properly." Bakugou packed quickly, determined to leave the place he once called home, vowing not to return until he could restore honor and bring back the souls and bodies of his people.
As he ventured deeper into the woods, he heard a rustle in the bushes behind him. He gripped his axe, ready for anything, but kept walking forward.
"WAH! GIVE ME YOUR MONEY!" A creature with purple balls for a head leapt out at him. Bakugou swung his axe, purposely missing, the blade landing beside the creature.
"OH SHIT!-YOU! OUH MY GAWD-Y-Y-YOUR MAJESTY! UH, UH... SORRY! I THOUGHT YOU WERE THAT HOMELESS MAN WHO STOLE MY SILVER COINS, SIR!" The creature immediately dropped to his knees and bowed before Bakugou.
"Tch..." Bakugou scoffed, placing his axe back on his shoulder as he continued his journey.
"Mineta, buddy! You done yet? Did you kill that homeless man? It's getting dark-Oh! Hey, stranger. Did my buddy scare ya? Sorry, dude!" A yellow-haired man walked into the scene just as Bakugou was about to head toward the nearby town, which seemed to be having a festival.
Bakugou walked past the two boys toward the town. As he entered through the open gates, he noticed people celebrating. Decorations hung from house to house, and in the middle of the town stood a statue of someone, though Bakugou couldn't really see it due to the crowd. He made his way around the large crowd and headed for the food area.
"Ah! Hello, young man! Would you like to buy some bread? I've got all types-never old, only fresh!" the bread seller joyfully exclaimed.
Bakugou remained quiet as he picked a freshly baked loaf.
"Young man, I'm guessing you're not from around here, hmm?" the man asked.
Bakugou nodded. "What are you people celebrating?" he asked, his tone curious but still rough.
"Ah! We're celebrating our goddess, Koemi Ramírez.-the goddess of love. She lived in this town 500 years ago, but she left on a journey to gain more power and to help the people here. That's all I know... If you want to kno-"
Bakugou left, placing a block of gold on the man's counter before he could finish. He moved on to another food stall, buying more food. He didn't know exactly where he was heading after leaving, but his goal remained clear: to find a dark magic user or learn dark magic himself.
"Hey, well if it isn't the Goated Man! Hey, uh... can I get some bread?" the yellow-haired man asked, but was immediately cut off.
"Denki, you didn't help with the festival decorations, or anything really... No aid, no gain for you. Wait... is that how the kids say it these days? Hm... Anyway, no, get outta here," the bread seller replied.
"Can you at least tell me who that was? I bumped into him once near the woods after Mineta lost his coins because of a homeless man. He looks pretty tough! Is he a royal?" Denki asked.
"No idea, well just ask him. Anyway, move along, you rogue thief. Heh!" the bread seller laughed.
Denki rolled his eyes playfully and followed the man with ash-blonde hair.
"Hey! Your Majesty!" Bakugou ignored the sudden yelling behind him-on purpose.
"Can't you hear me?! Hey!!..." The footsteps grew closer. "Hey, Your Majesty! Hehe, sorry for interrupting your shopping, but can you please help-wait, hey man! Stop walking past me! Okay! Wait, I have something you're looking for!"
Bakugou stopped in his tracks and looked back at the yellow-haired man. The man pulled out a medium-sized diamond.
"Isn't this yours? Hmm?" the man said.
Bakugou glanced at the diamond, then back at the man's eyes. "Yeah. Get lost."
The man was shocked. He had stolen a precious, medium-sized diamond from him, and those things were very valuable-at least to people like him.
"Please, I'm Denki Kaminari, the Rogue of this town! You can trust me! Tell me what you want! I really need your help!" Denki pleaded with Bakugou.
"Ugh. Find me a dark magic user, or give me a book with dark magic spells."
Denki was stunned. Dark magic... It was ancient and illegal in many towns, cities, and kingdoms. He couldn't find something like that.
"...uh... Hm, I can't find you a dark magic book, but-"
"Ugh, of course..." Bakugou scoffed.
"B-but! I can lead you to someone who knows more about magic. Maybe there's a chance they have a dark magic book or know a user!"
Bakugou glanced at the dunce-faced man.
"Just help me with something... And I'll lead you to the person! Deal?" Offering a hand to Katsuki, Bakugou hesitated. "Fine.. what is it? as they both shook hands.
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚Meanwhile... At The Sanctum of Eternity。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚
"Azariel, did you find your mortal yet?" Y/N asked.
"Why do you care? Since you don't care about the mortal world..." Azariel replied, a touch of annoyance in his voice.
Y/N rolled her eyes but then smirked. "Yeah, you're right, dude. I don't really care about the mortal world, even when we were mortals ourselves," Y/N said playfully, trying to annoy Azariel on purpose. Even though she was a goddess, being immortal could get pretty boring fast.
"Sigh... Did you find yours yet?" Azariel asked, referring to Y/N's own mortal puppet.
"Found what?"
"I-no, I hate you. You know exactly what I'm referring to, Y/N," he responded, filled with annoyance.
"Yeah, yeah, no. Not yet at least... I thought there'd be more people using dark magic who are worthy of my attention."
"What about the people who worship you?" Azariel asked.
Y/N stared at him as if he had offered his own beating heart on a plate. Y/N might as well have eaten it.
"Hell no. I don't want more people worshipping me," Y/N said.
Azariel looked shockingly confused. "Wait, what? I thought you-"
"What? You think my family and I invented so many dark spells and stuff because we love being worshipped? That's just racist to us creatures. Plus, some of us actually want to die-some of us are pretty much suicidal," Y/N said.
A portal suddenly appeared in the realm, and animals began to come through: bunnies and deer. Following them was a beautiful woman who emerged from the portal, reminiscent of Snow White but dressed in a more provocative outfit.
"Great entrance, Yui," Y/N said, recognizing the newcomer as Yui, the Goddess of All Animals and Creatures.
"Now that I think about it, why do gods need such sexualized clothes? Even you, Azariel-aren't you supposed to be holy? Why are you wearing a tight-ass corset?" Y/N teased.
"Okay, I-" Azariel started to respond but was cut off.
"Yeah, Azariel, why do you have that? But I have to say, you look stunning in it!" Yui chimed in, her voice gentle.
"Oh, thank you, so I-" Azariel began, but was interrupted by a loud sound coming from another portal. This one was pitch black, almost like Y/N's portals but with a more ominously emo ahh.
"Is the meeting starting yet? I want to go back to sleep," said Death, Y/N's older cousin.
"Hey, Damien, you look edgier than me as always. The meeting hasn't started yet-" Y/N began, but before they could finish, a bunch of portals appeared, each a different color and type of magic. Gods and goddesses began to come through, and the ground of the sanctum shook. Thrones emerged from the ground, forming a circle around a table made of gold, jewels, and crystals.
"Alright! Hello everyone, welcome! Welcome to the Gods' Contest of Valor! You may all sit down on your thrones, of course! I am Koemi Ramí-"
"BOOO! WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE!" a voice interrupted loudly. Sounds like Y/N.
Koemi sighed and continued, "Alright, alright, settle down. As I was saying, I am Koemi Ramírez, the Goddess of Love, and I will be hosting this grand event. We are here to select mortals who will compete for a single wish, one that can grant anything they desire, even the chance to join us as gods."
Another god shouted, "Get on with it! We don't have all day!"
Koemi smiled through her irritation. "Very well. The rules are simple: each of us will select a mortal from the pool of candidates. We won't look into their pasts or futures. The mortals will then face trials designed to test their strength, cunning, and resolve. The one who emerges victorious will earn the grand wish."
A goddess in a shimmering blue gown raised her hand. "Are there any restrictions on what the wish can be?"
Koemi nodded. "No restrictions. Anything goes. The only limit is their imagination. Now, I know everyone here has already selected their mortals-except Y/N!"
Y/N glared at Koemi, who smiled triumphantly, clearly enjoying embarrassing Y/N. "Okay, tomorrow we'll mark our mortals with a gem placed on their chest, close to their heart. It'll be implanted there and visible to other mortals in the competition. Of course, if they're wearing clothes, you won't see it. So, Y/N~ pick your mortal faster or you might get disqualified~ :3"
Y/N groaned and rolled their eyes at Koemi, visibly annoyed. "That's all, folks! Thank you so much-"
Before Koemi could finish, the gods began to disappear in clouds of enchanted colored smoke, leaving behind their magical residue. "Ugh... so disrespectful..." Koemi muttered as she, too, began to depart, leaving only Y/N behind.
"Fuck... I can't seem to find anyone who's good at dark magic, except for my family who's still alive, but I'm too stubborn to support them. Well, it's not mandatory for the mortal to have dark magic as their power; it can be their tendency. Sigh... I really need a strong candidate for this event. I keep losing to the others in past events..."
"Meow~ You gonna pull a Disney Wish song out of your ass?" Y/N's cat, perched atop the throne, meowed.
"What the-dawg, where have you been? And hell no, you know I wouldn't," Y/N replied.
The cat jumped down into Y/N's lap and settled in, purring contentedly. "How long have you been here?" Y/N asked, petting the kitty.
"Purr~ purr~ Hm, since the meeting started," the cat replied. Y/N petted the kitty more roughly, pulling back its fur and causing it to look mildly annoyed.
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(Example cuz why not)
"You fucking rascal, I've missed you, buddy. You haven't been visiting me in my realm, always going into the mortal world," Y/N said, clearly annoyed.
"Just find me then! Jeez, woman... I've heard you've been-struggling to find a mortal. STOP PULLING BACK MY FACE, LADY-" the cat protested as Y/N continued to pet him, pulling back his fur. "Ehehe- it looks funny, Anyway what did you say?" Y/N asked "I marked some mortals I found, i think they might be worthy for you" "AWH you FUCKING JUST AGHHH!!"
"STOP PULLING BACK MY FURRR!!!!!" the cat yowled.
Y/N stopped petting him and giggled. "Alright, tell me the ones you marked."
The kitty barfed up a tiny crystal ball onto Y/N's hand and Y/N of course gagged a lil. "Here, just watch them and pick who's worthy!" he said.
As the tiny crystal ball began to shine, it summoned a mirror, revealing on the glass the mortals the kitty had marked.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . Meanwhile... Katsuki Bakugou. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒
In an abandoned church, Kaminari said, "Whew-kinda spooky, heh!"
Bakugou rolled his eyes as he scanned the surroundings. Kaminari had mentioned that a buddy of his got lost in the church basement, and when Kaminari was close to finding him, he heard a scream and ran like a coward. So, Bakugou was helping him find his friend.
"So chilly... uhh, right this way! Erm..." Kaminari said, leading Bakugou into the darkness. The only source of light they had was Bakugou's lighter.
"Okay, where the fuck is your rascal? My lighter is running out. Why were you he-" Bakugou started to ask, but before he could finish, someone placed a piece of cloth over his mouth from behind. Kaminari watched with a look of regret in his eyes.
Bakugou struggled and managed to knock the person behind him with his elbow he tried to punch kaminari, but the cloth had some chemicals on it, making Bakugou dizzy. He eventually passed out.
"Ugh... What the fuck." Bakugou looked around. He was chained to a wall, his wrists cuffed. He remembered how Kaminari hadn't helped him and had watched him pass out. Without any of his belongings, Bakugou cursed his decision to team up with the rogue.
The room was cold and bleak, with hard concrete and bricked walls. A set of stairs led up to a closed hatch with a lock. "Urgh... ugh..." Bakugou grunted as he tried his best to break free from the metal cuffs. After a struggle, he managed to get them off and rubbed his wrists.
Bakugou climbed the stairs and, using his strength, managed to force open the hatch. The crimson warrior had no trouble with a simple wooden barrier. As he opened the hatch and climbed up, he was confronted with a horrifying scene.
People were caged up-some of the women were helpless and naked, while some of the men had bruises and cuts on their bodies. Bakugou's concern grew as he walked up to one of the cages. He examined a woman who was curled up facing the wall, seemingly lifeless. As he inspected her, he noticed that her private parts had been brutally torn apart. The woman had an umbilical cord leading up to her arms, indicating a baby had been born, but both the baby and the woman were long gone.
Bakugou's heart raced. What the hell was going on in this place? He needed to find out and put a stop to whatever horrific activities were happening here. Can't believe he made a deal with a person maybe responsible for these people.
The room was filled with caged individuals, and Bakugou noticed a set of stairs in the middle of the room. He was about to ascend them when he heard footsteps. Quickly, he hid at the bottom of the stairs.
A pair of red boots began descending the wooden steps. "Ehe... Denki, thank you so much for tricking THE Crimson Warrior! Haha! I can't believe he fell for your obvious act!" said a man with black hair, an almost shaved beard, green eyes, and a golden coat. To Bakugou's shock, the man was wearing his red cape, a gift from his mother when he was a child.
"Eheh... Yeah..." Denki replied, his tone nervous and regretful.
"What's wrong, kid? You got half of what we earned-aren't you grateful?" the man in the golden coat said.
"What? No, no, sir Gardinier! I-I just... can you please- I-just..." Kaminari stammered, clearly unsure of how to voice his concerns, knowing that Sir Gardinier is a powerful man.
"Spit it out," Gardinier's tone grew ominous.
"Can we bury the people who got caged up in here? I just... I want to pay respect to them. I know they didn't pay their debt on time, but please-" Kaminari's voice quivered, revealing his inner turmoil.
Gardinier's expression darkened, and he stared at Kaminari with cold eyes. "Bury them? They were criminals. They had their chance. They chose their fate."
Kaminari looked down, unable to meet Gardinier's gaze. "I understand, sir. I just... feel it's the right thing to do."
Bakugou, still hidden, clenched his fists. He knew he needed to act quickly. Gardinier and Kaminari's conversation had revealed the depth of their cruelty and the true nature of their scheme. As soon as the opportunity presented itself, Bakugou planned to intervene and put a stop to their vile activities.
"Check on the crimson guy. I don't want to speak of this again," Gardinier ordered.
Kaminari, squeezing his way through the cramped space of the cages, approached the hatch with a look of horror on his face as he saw the lifeless forms of the people inside. He was shocked to see Bakugou had broken free.
"Denki! What's taking you so long? Open the hatch, I'm not hearing a cree-AGH! WHAT?! ERGH!" Gardinier's voice turned to panic as Bakugou pinned him down onto the hard wooden floor.
"ERUGH! You bastard! Get off me!" Gardinier yelled, struggling as Bakugou punched and pushed him onto the floor.
"SOLDIERS! HELP! URGH!" Gardinier shouted in desperation, but before he could call for help, he felt a sharp pain.
In a sudden twist of fate, Denki appeared, his hands gripping a bloodied sword. With a grim expression, he swung the sword with precision. Gardinier's head rolled onto the floor, his body collapsing as blood pooled around him. The crimson warrior's fierce struggle had come to an end, and Denki, though visibly distressed, stood over the fallen villain, having taken a dark step to ensure justice was served.
"Why... why did you help me?" Bakugou asked, his crimson eyes still burning with anger.
"I... I just wanted to help. I-" Kaminari began, but his voice faltered under the weight of his guilt and fear.
"SIR GARDINIER! WHERE ARE YOU? SIR!" A voice called out urgently from outside the room.
Bakugou's eyes narrowed as he glanced toward the sound. "We don't have much time. If more of them come, we'll be in serious trouble. Why did you really help me? What's your angle?"
Kaminari, visibly shaken, took a deep breath. "I... I couldn't stand what was happening here. I knew I made a mistake helping Gardinier, and I wanted to fix it. I just... I wanted to make things right, even if it meant risking my own life."
Bakugou's expression softened slightly, though his anger remained. "Well, you've got a lot to make up for. But right now, we need to get out of here before more of them show up. Can you help me free these people?"
Kaminari nodded, his resolve firm despite the fear. "Yes. Let's get them out of here."
Together, they moved swiftly to unlock the cages, working to free the imprisoned individuals as quickly as possible. The sound of approaching footsteps grew louder, heightening their urgency to escape and ensure the safety of those they had rescued.
As Bakugou and Kaminari worked to free the captives, the distant sound of heavy, booted footsteps grew louder.
"Move faster!" Bakugou barked, his fingers working furiously to unlock the last of the cages. The freed captives, though disoriented, began to escape towards the exit.
The heavy door to the room crashed open, and a squad of armored soldiers stormed in, their weapons ready. Bakugou's eyes blazed with a fierce intensity.
"Looks like we've got company," he growled, grabbing a heavy iron bar from the corner. Kaminari, his sword stained with blood, braced himself.
The soldiers charged, but Bakugou met them head-on with a brutal ferocity. He swung the iron bar with bone-crushing force, his blows landing with sickening thuds. The first wave of soldiers fell, their armor caved in and their bodies crumpled under his relentless assault.
"Come on, then! I'm not done with you!" Bakugou roared, his voice a harsh growl as he smashed another soldier's helmet into his skull. Blood and metal flew, and the floor became slick with gore.
Kaminari, though still rattled, fought alongside Bakugou with a grim determination. He swung his sword in wide, lethal arcs, slicing through armor and flesh with ruthless efficiency. Each strike was precise, severing limbs and opening gaping wounds.
The soldiers fought back with desperation, but Bakugou's rage was unstoppable. He swung the iron bar like a battering ram, crushing ribs and splintering bones. His attacks were unrelenting, each swing a brutal testament to his fury.
"Stay out of my way!" Bakugou shouted, deflecting a soldier's strike with a violent twist of the bar, sending the soldier sprawling. He grabbed another soldier by the throat, lifting him off the ground and slamming him against the wall with a sickening crunch.
Kaminari, his face set in a mask of grim resolve, slashed through the soldiers with cold precision. He drove his sword into the chest of one soldier, twisting it before yanking it out and moving to the next target. His blade was a blur of deadly steel, cutting through the enemy ranks.
The soldiers, overwhelmed by the brutal onslaught, began to falter. Their numbers dwindled as Bakugou and Kaminari pressed their attack. The room was filled with the sounds of violence-metal clashing, screams of agony, and the heavy, thudding blows of Bakugou's iron bar.
One soldier, seeing the carnage and realizing the battle was lost, attempted to flee. Bakugou, with a feral snarl, intercepted him. He hurled the iron bar with deadly accuracy, pinning the soldier to the wall with a sickening thud. The soldier gasped, struggling weakly as Bakugou approached, his eyes cold and merciless.
"You think you can run from me?" Bakugou growled, delivering a final, crushing blow with his fist that ended the soldier's suffering.
Breathing heavily, Bakugou surveyed the aftermath of the battle, the room littered with fallen soldiers and the splattered remains of the once-proud soldiers. He turned to Kaminari, his expression hard but focused.
"Is everyone out? We need to get moving before more show up."
Kaminari, his face smeared with sweat and blood, nodded vigorously. "They're all free. Let's go!"
With a final, contemptuous look at the carnage, Bakugou and Kaminari led the way, guiding the freed prisoners towards the exit. The distant echoes of men of Gardinier and the harsh sounds of their escape faded behind them as they made their way out of the hellish scene.
Bakugou and Kaminari sprinted through the dense forest, the moonlight casting eerie shadows across the underbrush. The night was still, except for the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant calls of nocturnal creatures. Their breaths came in ragged gasps, the adrenaline of the battle still coursing through their veins.
"Keep moving!" Bakugou barked, his voice barely audible over the sounds of their pounding footsteps. The forest was dense and twisted, with gnarled trees reaching out like skeletal fingers. Branches snagged at their clothes, and the undergrowth crunched underfoot.
Kaminari glanced over his shoulder, eyes wide with fear. "Are we clear? Did they follow us?"
"We're far enough away now. Wait... damn it, my stuff," Bakugou said, frustration clear in his voice.
"Oh right... your stuff is-wait, it's with me!" Kaminari said, seemingly nonchalant. Bakugou looked at him, confused, since Kaminari was only carrying a decently large shoulder bag, not a backpack.
Kaminari suddenly pulled out Bakugou's big axe from the bag. Bakugou's eyes widened in shock. "WHAT THE-"
Kaminari grinned, his nervousness barely concealed. "Here! It's from my-just kidding! I didn't actually put it there. I really did grab it before we left."
Bakugou, still stunned, reached for the axe but hesitated as Kaminari's joke sank in. "Seriously, don't mess around like that. We were almost killed back there. I needed this axe!"
Kaminari's smile faltered. "Sorry, man. I didn't mean to add to the stress. I thought it'd be funny, but I see now it wasn't the right time."
Bakugou grabbed the axe, his irritation evident. "Just don't pull crap like that again. We're lucky to be alive.. How'd you pull my axe from that tiny bag?!..."
Kaminari shifted uncomfortably, but tell Bakugou The reason, "So, uh... I'm one of the chosen mortals. By the Goddess of the Stars and Cosmic Guidance. She enchanted my bag, but she didn't tell me what it was for. I figured out that it has infinite storage. I wasn't sure how it worked at first, and I didn't want to bring it up until I was sure I can trust you. I thought it might be useful in a pinch. I just didn't expect it to be this useful."
Bakugou glared at Kaminari, his eyes cold and unforgiving. Kaminari's face was a mix of regret and relief. As Kaminari opened his mouth to speak, Bakugou cut him off.
"I still don't trust you. I don't forgive you for what you've done," Bakugou said, his voice sharp.
Kaminari's head hung low, guilt evident in his posture. "I understand," he mumbled.
"But if you want to keep breathing," Bakugou continued, his tone low and dangerous, "tell me where that person is who knows about dark magic. And give me the rest of my stuff from your infinite bag. Maybe then, I won't kill you right here."
Kaminari nodded quickly, scrambling to retrieve Bakugou's belongings from the enchanted bag. "I-I'll tell you everything I know. I'll lead you to the person Like I promise!" Bakugou took the items from Kaminari, his expression hard. "Lead the way," he said, not bothering to hide the hostility in his voice. "And if you try anything funny, I won't hesitate." Kaminari swallowed hard, nodding vigorously. "Understood. I'll take you there. Just please, let's move before we draw any more attention." as they walked Kaminari leading the Way, Towards the Mysticland of Scales Where dragons is very uncommon there.
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Thank you! ❤
Chapter 2 , Chapter 3
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truly i am a huge fan of characters who need to crash out more often
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kiyasepicverse · 13 days
Back on my "Miruko is best friends with Hound Dog and Vlad King" agenda mixed with some "MIRUKO, PLEASE TAKE A VACATION!!"
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chrissdollie · 11 months
♡ main masterlist ♡
created: oct 14, 2023 last updated: august 25thth, 2024
latest work: okay, bet! (street racer chris smut) links are currently not working, please be patient while i fix them all!! <3
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  chris sturniolo    matt sturniolo
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kiranogareru · 2 years
"Katsu, hey! I've been meaning to visit, but a lot is happening these days and..well- never mind! That's not important right now, what I mean to say is, I've missed you" Y/n, spoke softly and with somewhat of an unsure tone
There was no reply, only a thick veil of silence draped over them!
It made Y/n second-guess their words and even their presence, all the more.
'Maybe I should have stayed at home today after all' They pondered, a heavy sigh escaping their lungs
"I'm probably gonna have to get used to this huh?" They smiled faintly, not really expecting an answer, their question was rather rhetorical
Y/n took a deep breath, trying to ease the anxious feeling bubbling inside of their chest!
"Oi Katsuki...Listen, I know all this Valentine's shit is not really your thing, but I've brought you something" Y/n presented a box, along with a bouquet of flowers
Even though they couldn't see his face, they were sure that his interest would be piqued by the gifts and the unusual gesture
"It's your favourite" They placed the box on the cold, marble surface, a piece of sickeningly sweet-smelling cake sitting inside it
The bouquet of brightly coloured flowers, resting, not too far from the pastry box!
The stems were bent or broken from a hold that was much too tight for something so delicate
"I...I don't really know what else to say, to be honest!" Their gaze drops towards the ground
"Maybe that's why it took me so long to face you after-" Y/n took a sharp breath, trying to prevent their emotions from tightening the grip on their throat "After that day"
"You know? I've had a lot of time to think since! Perhaps too much time..." Y/n clenched their hands into tight fists, in an attempt to alleviate some pressure
"It made me wonder about all the opportunities I missed! I never felt ready, always waiting for the right time, but there never was one...or at least that was my excuse"
A few droplets of water landed on Y/n's hand, making them look up at the sky, only to realize that it was their tired eyes that brought rain and not the darkened clouds above them
They fixed their gaze back on the ground
"I was so stupid, so I never got a chance to ask you...if you want to be mine! But it's too late now.." Y/n faced his grave, finally building up the courage to look at the picture of the hero
"I wish I had told you sooner..I love you! Happy Valentine's day Katsuki"
A/n: It's been a while, but here I am once again, serving angst for my favourite, my dynamite, my boy Bakugou
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Asleep In The Keep: A DP x BNHA fic
Summary: After the fight with Pariah Dark, Danny succumbs to his injuries and dies in his friend's arms. He is able to rest knowing they are safe… Until he wakes up in the Keep. Danny flees to a portal, and it leads him into a world of heroes and quirks. In a world where everyone has powers, it would make sense that Danny would be accepted…Right?
Word count: 1331
Chapter 1: Nightly Night  
Danny was dead tired. He couldn't feel his legs. Oh, it was just his spectral tail. Forming legs took too much out of him. The fight with Pariah Dark was unlike any he had with other ghosts, Danny knew it would be. Fortunately, he and the ghost hunters (his parents included) formed a truce. They cleared the massive army of the dead, and he dealt with Pariah. It was a risky strategy that couldn’t even be called a plan.    
Before the fight, Clockwork appeared to him. Danny had to be the one and only one to defeat Pariah, otherwise, he will come back. Sam and Tucker were always there with him when the ghosts attacked, although over the course of 3 years, their compact support turned to moral and medical support. There wasn't much humans could do against ghosts. So, at the entrance of the Keep, he locked them out. Despite them being human, they weren’t able to enter the castle. It was like the Ghost Zone itself bent the rules for the fight.    
Danny floated over the sarcophagus that sealed Pariah. His hands shook as he steadied himself down to rest on the cold floor, his back leaning against the coffin. Pariah had shot a giant hole through his torso, just under the ribs, and despite the abundance of ectoplasm in the air, it wasn’t closing. He held the wound with shaking hands trying to keep it all in, but he could feel it slowly leak out of him like cold tar between the gaps.    
He lost too much blood and ectoplasm.
Outside he heard cheering.  
Or maybe it was just his ears ringing.  
Danny thinks he beat his record for longest ghostly wail.
He tried to stand up again, but it was like he was hit by a meteor. Worse maybe. Danny thinks he might be able to walk that off after all the hits he took from the ghosts. He laughed mirthlessly at himself. That shouldn’t be funny.  
More and more blood and ectoplasm seeped out of him and covered the floor like a crude picnic blanket. Blood and ectoplasm mixed like oil and water, and so the floor looked like a modern work of art exploring contrasting colors. It glowed faintly.    
He was going to die. Somehow Danny knew that his time was up. Maybe he only came back as a ghost to defeat Pariah, and now that it was done, the Ghost Zone wouldn’t need him anymore and just finish the process.    
How much different would it really be? Danny had been dead for 3 years now, this would just make it official. Would his parents even know what happened to him? Would they blame the ghosts? Would they blame Phantom? Phantom will no longer be there and neither will Danny. Will they be able to put the two and two together? Danny doubted it.    
He let out a faux breath but quickly regretted it as it pulled on his insides. He was starting to go dizzy with the pain. He no longer cared what happened to him. Everyone was safe, that's all that mattered…  
He heard the clanking of metal and splashes ring out in the room. It got closer and he was able to pick up voices he recognized. He couldn’t understand what they were saying, or even who was who, but they were desperate and shrill. They sounded like the kids they were.  
Danny didn’t want them there, didn’t want them to see him like this. He tried to raise a hand up, to push them away, but it pulled the wrong way and he winced.
His eyes were unfocused, and he was only able to see the dark outlines of them hovering over him. He felt claustrophobic and his insides squirmed more.  
He could feel hands pulling into his body, but his body weaved like smoke through their fingers. Despite what he told Tucker and Sam, staying tangible takes a lot of energy, only the more powerful ones could maintain it for so long (he didn’t want to think what that meant for him). It didn’t matter now. Everything was far away and he felt like he was floating down a river.  
He could feel them still reaching through him. They left warm imprints in him where they tried to pull him up. It felt nice.  
“He’s never been this bad before...” it rang out louder than the others, and he was able to tell it was Jazz. She shouldn’t be here for this.    
Despite the pain, he tried once more to move away from them, but it was like a fish flailing on land. None of them should be here. He didn’t want these to be their final moments with him. He didn’t want this to be what he left behind. They should remember him as he was before the fight, when he smiled when he went to face the King alone. All that was left was a broken shell they had no hope of fixing. He closed his eyes, trying to pretend they weren’t there.  
“...go away…” he pushed out with all the strength he had left. His side ignited in pain, but he continued, “...don’t..loo-'' he felt a warmth around his neck, and he relaxed into it.  
“Why are you so stupid?” His sister called out, “You knew this was going to happen, didn’t you?” more warmth blanketed him. He suddenly realized they were holding him.
“We could’ve fought with you!'' said Tucker. “You didn’t have to do this alone!” Danny didn’t have the energy to fight back. It had to be him and him alone, otherwise Pariah wouldn’t be defeated, just subdued and a problem for later like before. He ended it.  
“...go” Danny once again choked out.
“Like hell we’re gonna leave you!” Sam yelled “You always do this! You think just because you’re strong you can take on any threat by yourself!” She choked, “Well look at you now!” He could feel her gesture at him. “You’re so selfish…” he heard a soft slash on the ground, as if she hit it in frustration. “Why do you get to make the decision for us?” Her voice was softer now, “we promised to help you…What happened to ‘friends til the end’?” she broke down.    
She was right. They all were. God, he was selfish, he had always been selfish. He shouldn’t have made the choice for them; he knew they would go with him; he always knew that. They had been there since the beginning, yet he still pushed them away. He was probably trying to avoid the situation they were in now. It was too late to go back, and even if clockwork allowed, he still didn’t regret his dissections. If they went with him, they would be deader than him.  
His core buzzed as they held him. He loved them so much. He didn’t want to leave them yet, there’s so much they didn’t do, didn’t say. They haven’t even graduated high school yet. They must have known all this, that this would be the last time that they held him. He could hear all of them sobbing.  
He started to cry too. He was glad they were there…
He didn’t want to die alone.  
Danny could feel he was slipping fast. Their warmth was fading more and more as the seconds went by. He didn’t want his last words to be ‘go away’.  
“...thank…” he muttered “...you.”
He couldn’t feel them anymore, but he knew they were there. He allowed himself to let everything go, he no longer had the strength to hold on anyway. He could go peacefully. Pariah Dark was defeated. Amity Park was safe. His friends wouldn’t die today. Everyone was going to be okay.  
His form felt fuzzy and he started to melt, then he felt nothing at all.
His core sang as if it were saying, ‘job well done’.
He couldn’t have chosen any other way to go…
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kingofanemptyworld · 6 months
I’m always going to find it hilarious that the number one All Might fanatic Hero Killer Stain endorsed Midoriya as a next gen hero. Man heard him quote All Might and took a single low-power smash from Midoriya and thought yeah, this kid’s alright actually
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legendzjagz · 8 months
*bangs pots and pans*
Listen to Lifetime by 3 Days Grace while reading for the best experience
Title: Have You for My Lifetime
Rating: M
Word count: 10,596
Warnings: MCD (has a happy ending I promise!!!)
“We’re ready for tomorrow. Victory will be ours, I’m sure of it. Don’t let the worry for what will happen after, taint what we have right now.”
Izuku smiles to himself, squeezing Kacchan’s hand. “Okay, Kacchan.”
Lips press again more firmly to Izuku’s temple - one last thought crossing his mind before he enjoys the rest of the evening with their friends: if this war is to take either him or Kacchan, that it takes both of them instead.
Lifetime - Three Days Grace but make it Fantasy BKDK
With a little magical spice and soulmate connection
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angst-king · 4 months
I promise Pt 2
(this is a bit short but is posted none the less, hope you enjoy ^-^) Toya made an excuse so they could talk about it later in hopes Shouto would forget by the time they woke up again. It was almost noon when Toya was woken up, this time it was Shouta hovering over him shaking his shoulder. Toya humbled a groggy ‘huh?’ as he slowly turned to see the pro hero. Shouto was still sleeping on his chest, curled up holding his bear under a blanket.
“How are you feeling?” Shouta asked, Toya shrugged, his stomach was still uneasy but empty. His body felt heavy and weak as if he had weights tethering him.
“I’ll be alright” Shouta gave him a look that said ‘don’t lie to me’ making Dabi straighten up a bit.
“Worn down, still tired, like I’ve gone through an extreme workout.” “That’s what I thought, think you can stomach some rice and miso soup?” Dabi shrugged again and looked down when he felt Shouto stir on top of him making soft noises. The young one rubbed his eyes before opening them and smiled seeing his older brother. Dabi chuckled and ruffled his hair gently.
“Morning sleepy head” “Morning” Replied Shouto as he sat up, Shouta could see the resemblance, one of Shouto’s eyes looked just like Dabi’s. A bright shimmering turquoise color almost like a crystal!
“Lunch is ready kiddo, you hungry?” Shouto nodded and climbed off the couch, he then grabbed Toya’s hand and started to tug.
“Come on Toya” Toya laughed a little and got himself up to follow Shouto around. It felt like a dream to be with his little brother right now, and he would cherish it in hopes this was real. Shouta let him borrow a toothbrush so he could get the nasty taste of sick out of his mouth. When he was brought into the kitchen he was greeted by more than a dozen pairs of eyes staring at him. These were the kids Shouta mentioned he took in along with Shouto. Some of them looked nervous clinging to one another as if he’d hurt them. Momo seemed to understand and smiled at Toya.
“You’re Toya, one of Shouto’s brothers, the one he was waiting for?” Toya nods and tries to look friendly, he knows by his looks he could be frightening, especially to children. Upon hearing this some of the kids started to relax and went back to eating. A few of them scooted over so Shouto and he could sit down. The air around them became less tense however some of them still watched him carefully, wary of his movements and expressions. Dabi didn’t comment on it, he could tell they’d been through a lot and he was a stranger to them.
After lunch, Dabi went to the couch he wasn’t in the best condition to be up and around and there wasn’t much to do.
“Toya, you never told me where Natsuo and Fuyumi were. Toya had been debating on what to tell Shouto, he still felt awful about having to split up but he also didn’t want to tell Shouto the truth. He did not want to lie but, it's not like the answer to his question was exactly child-friendly.
“I-’m still looking for them, there w-was an accident and we had to split up again after you were taken into foster care.” Just as he said this Mic came over and asked for Toya’s assistance in the kitchen. Toya told Shouto to stay there and he followed the blond man over.
“What did you need s-sir?” He then noticed a young woman who he half recognized, he knew that they were all pro heroes but was never good at differentiating them all.
“Dabi, what happened for you to do that last night? Shouta mentioned something about you feeling bad about your siblings?” Nemuri then whispered
“Are the other two dead?” The two of them talked low enough to so the children wouldn’t hear them. Toya leaned against the counter top wrapping his arms around himself.
“I-I…I don’t know, I don’t know where they are…” He sighed while looking down at the floor a sad expression glazed his eyes.
“I feel like a shitty brother for not being able to keep them together, I shouldn’t have made us split up.” This sorrow was coming straight from Japan’s biggest arsonist but then it hit them just how young Dabi was. He was just barely an adult most likely, his pain doesn’t excuse his crimes but. They could see just how much he valued his siblings.
“I promised them I’d find them again, I promised Shouto we’d be back, we’d get a house together, get away from Endeavor, and live happily as a family!…. I promised Mom I wouldn’t lose myself.” His words trailed off at his last sentence and tears welled up in his eyes.
“Where was the last place you saw them?” Asked Hizash.
“Our motel room we had found with the small amount of money we had. They went out to the convenience store and never came back. That was around 7 months or so ago.” Toya answered, the two nodded and asked what they looked like, toya gave them his descriptions though he mentioned how they had to change their appearances when they ran away. Their hair had been dyed black and cut so he didn’t know how they’d look now.
“What are you planning on doing?” Nemuri smiled and placed a gentle hand on Toya’s shoulder.
“Gonna help you fulfill that promise of yours, of course.” Toya looked up at them in surprise.
“You’re serious?” “Yeah, why wouldn’t we?” “I-I…I-I don’t know just didn’t expect you to want to help me considering the shit I’ve done.” “Look kid, obviously this won't absolve you of your crimes but, we’re not about to keep a kid from his family like that. Besides, I know it would make Shouto happy.” Toya managed to must a smile at the thought of being able to hug all his siblings again and seeing them happy.
“H-how’s he doing? I heard the foster home he was first in was awful.” Mic took in a breath before he explained.
“Well you’re not wrong it was horrible, those kids including your brother had been put through horrific situations, and hearing them tell you about it would make your skin crawl or make you angry. But now, he’s doing a lot better, they have all taken on a very sibling-like role towards each other and that seems to help them. Shouto’s a little less jumpy and anxious than her first was, he’d tremble if you talked to him for a while but now. He can hold a conversation with us just fine.” That brought Toya some relief to know is little brother was now in good hands and was coming out of his shell a little.
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thelazyhermits · 10 months
The UA faculty work long and hard each and every day to fulfill their responsibilities, both as heroes and as teachers. It's really amazing just how much they're all capable of doing, all the while making it appear completely natural. However, they are humans, just like everyone else, sans Nedzu, of course, so it's only natural that there comes a time when even these great heroes need to kick back and have fun.
Or: Two times you found yourself having to intervene when your coworkers were having a little too much fun thanks to alcohol and one time you had some fun right along with them.
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Chapter 3 of the MonoMinari fic BibliophiLe is up!
This one starts out precious and dives into full angst.
In this chapter you'll get jokes about classic literature, tales of love lost, slow burn moments of obliviousness, denial, guilt, and a big ol heaping pile of friendship to smooth out the rough edges.
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stormcloudsandshadows · 2 months
No one:
Me at 230 am: hm…… Nedzu.
#WHY AM I ON THIS MHA KICK#like ok it’s because I keep feeding the fixation sure#BUT HOW DID I GET TO THIS FIXATION IN THE FIRST PLACE?#next thing you know I’m gonna bring back Sirin au#hm. it genuinely has some of my favorite writing I’ve ever done#unfortunately mha fics that aren’t established get like zero engagement because there’s a constant stream of them#it’s not like rain world where each new fic is awaited with bated breath#I think to this day it’s my longest fic. 15-16 whole chapters. I lost the plot for a while in there lol#I miss having semi popular fics that got attention#like. my rain world fic gets a good 5-7 comments plus any replies to my replies to them#if I actually. kept up with king and lionheart. it would probably get around that too#but ohhhh to be a popular mha writer…#I could probably glimpse that life if I dipped back into owl house stuff but you don’t get it.#that’s not my fixation right now. mha is.#WHICH IS WILD BECAUSE I LEGIT DONT LIKE MOST OF THE STUFF I KNOW ABOUT ANYTHING AFTER SEASON FOUR#It got too high stakes and lost the interesting analysis of its own society#and don’t get me started on what I’ve heard about the ending. it sounds like it was really fumbled#but. I’m doing a rewatch. I’ll give everything after season four a chance but I fully plan to drop it if I get bored again#what was I talking about?#right right. my fics and stuff#I might take some of my favorite bits of all but gone and rework it#I might write a Nezu adopting izuku fic#who knows. it’s 245 at night#good night
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mega-ditto-3 · 1 year
Mha fic idea (/drabble) #33
(Established bkdk🧡💚 with shenanigans)
The fic starts as all good established bkdk fics do:
With Bakugou screaming at an unbothered Todoroki.
Izuku wants to stop them, truly he does, but their fight- if it could be called that- is over a recipe that Shouto refuses to share.
"It's not mine to share," Shouto explains calmly for the hundredth time that evening, "Fuyumi found the recipe card, left by my mother's great grandmother. It's not meant to be given away easily."
"So only dead hags can eat fancy katsuobushi?! Give me a fucking break-"
"It's a family recipe, Bakugou." Shouto says, "You're not family."
Izuku's not sure why Kacchan is do adamant about getting his hands on the recipe. He wasn't there when the two had last visited the Todoroki residence. Just as Izuku thinks it's time he should intervene, Kacchan pulls the ultimate uno reverse card:
"Like hell I'm not-" He says, "Go get the prenup papers, I'll marry any one of your dumbass siblings."
Ignoring the.... everything wrong with that statement, Izuku is concerned- Since he and Kacchan are currently dating.
"Oh, really?" Shouto challenges, giving Izuku hope of reminding his boyfriend to his prior commitments, "How are you going to manage that? Natsuo and Fuyumi are already dating other people, I doubt they'd settle for you."
"I don't give a fuck, I'll marry you if I have to."
Izuku tries, "Um? Kacchan??"
"And who says I'd accept?"
"Please, you'd be lucky to have me- I'd make a wonderful husband!"
And their argument just kind of devolves from there. Kacchan pointing out all of the good qualities he has and slowly convincing Todoroki of his worthiness in the role. (Great cook, prefers a clean home, can hold him bridle-style with ease, amazing quirk, etc.)
All while Izuku quietly, or not so quietly, mourns all of the beautiful missed opportunities he's describing.
("Don't get in my way, Deku. I'd sell my mother to the LOV for this dish.")
By the end, Izuku is melting into a depressed puddle while Shouto at least seems interested in the idea...
"You do seem like good husband material..."
Izuku starts to panic, trying to decide between being happy for his two best friends vs shocked that they're both really going to go through with this before Kacchan even properly breaks up with him.
Then Todoroki turns to Izuku, a firm nod and a "He has my blessing."
And then he walks away.
Izuku flusters, realizing this was the plan all along.
Bakugou yells at Todoroki, calling him a coward for still not relinquishing the recipe.
Todoroki waves away the concern, telling him he'll give them the recipe as a wedding gift.
Izuku might die of embarrassment (or happiness) but he's mostly relieved that it's all over now.
Until Kacchan grabs his hands, and very seriously suggests that they leave right now to elope.
It's just a funny cute little fic idea.
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