#Kinda felt bad ditching my man Quaritch
Avatar The way of War
Fanfiction Chapter 5
A lot of characters including a few ocs through out the entire story, yet it's mostly Spider. Or we'll the future chapters are gonna stay focused on him more. Anyways this one was difficult cause I have a friend writing an ocs part and she can't format to save her life and im too lazy or tired to edit every word she writes. In regards to that I am sorry if at certain parts with her it is difficult to understand. I'm sorry but hey, that's how she goes. ))
The way their bodies flowed in perfect unison was enough to give the bravest a cold chill. Warr ak stills the moment she thanks him, and he is ever frozen when she places her hand on his face gently. He reaches up to feel where a hat would be and laughs, "That it would" He replied before stepping out of the bungalow after she had.
Curious eyes stay gazing at the pair as he showed her past the clan and to where Ajake had been waiting for them. Sadly there wasn't much time to explore the island, at least not until things were settled and cooled down.
"Right on time" Ajake spoke up as he tightened his comm on his beaded necklace. "Go quickly and stay low" He commanded before making the bond and jumping onto his living vehicle.
Warr ak approached the banshee casually and with no fear, he ushers for Alice to join him.
"They can be gentle creatures if you don't do them harm" He explained softly before hopping up onto the creature, his can't reaching down to collect hers and pull her up to sit in front of him.
"see, kinda fun right?" He says as they take off after Ajake, on their journey back to the forest, back to family.
"It's a days ride" He added, giving her an estimated time of arrival, and hoping she did not mind the long ride, or the short distance between them.
She watches him link to it with a newfound fascination. A bit in shock, she takes his offered hand and finds herself astride the fearsome ride. They have never been closer but her fear is threatening to consume her and she barely notices. She presses back against him with a squeel as they begin to rise before she can mentally prepare for the ascent. The height dizzying, she squeezes her eyes shut and tries to just melt backwards into him, 'Fun?...He is mad' but she remains silent just bracing her palms against the flying beast. The unwelcome air hits her face and she mentally dies as she learns she has 24 hours of this torture.
Warr ak chuckles to himself knowing the first time riding one is the most grueling. His hands holding tight to the creatures natural reigns, and he follows Ajake lower until they are almost skimming the calm waters below.
" Remember Alladin? " He inquired, nearly about to bust out in song for her if it would help.
"I always think of this as me riding my very own magic carpet. I used to be obsessed with it when I was younger, when I was human. " he spoke happily and reminisced in his childhood as the moment faded on.
"It helped me" He adds, leaning forward to give her a sincere filled smile that shone within the nights sky like diamonds.
After awhile of them traveling in silence the water had vanished and they were familiar with the rugged terrain they were flying over.
"Beautiful isn't it? Kinda like a fairy tale right?" he says playfully as the wind picks up slightly and bundles them close. Within no time the light of day is gracing their faces with warmth.
"We are nearly there!" He called, knowing they were still off a bit, but hoping to ease her worries.
The next time they went out flying was early evening of the next day, and Spider had been following Quaritch around learning of the newer technologies aboard all morning through afternoon. Shadowing the man wasn't as mundane as one would think, there was still some good in the other.
Now in the sky it was quiet with only the animals calling around them from the forest floors, Spider huffed out some air as he reminds himself of his past home.
"You alright kid?" Quaritch asks the boy crouched on the banshee to his front.
Spider jumped at the sound of the others voice ricocheting from ear to ear, and he turned his head back to look at him. "Yeah" He responds and shakes his head slightly at the others concern pouting as he returned to face away from this man. Quite awhile would pass before his ears overheard the Colonels Comms going off in his ear, that never happened, he turned back to give a look of puzzlement.
"Change of plans, kid. We got movement in the sky, Na'vi.." He announced with a toothy grin, obviously excited about who it could be.
Spider stay silent in thoughts of a risky escape knowing it might be his last chance before he is sent to Earth. Soon enough the Colonel narrowed in on two banshees in the near distance, and the kid already could tell who the riders were.
" Yip!" He called out loudly to gain the attention of the others, and snapping his head to the side to look at Quaritch when he was pushed down.
"Quiet kid! I'll unleash a buttload of ass whoopin if you give away our position." He warned his son before forcing the creature to go faster.
Ajake heard the others faint call and his head snapped back to take in the scene, sighing in relief to see Spider. His stomach churned as the banshee flew close enough for the man to make out whom be the second body in the air.
"How?!" He growled in disbelief, "Warr ak! Eyes on Spider, to your east" He called behind him to the two also noticing the other banshee grow close.
Warr ak cursed under his breath now realizing they were in danger and with little to no weaponry or defenses to get them out.
"It's just one dude, how hard could it be?" He states reassuring them both as he tugs on the reigns and nose dives.
This is the moment Spider had been awaiting, and he made a mental note not to fuck it up.
"I owe you a life, but I'm done!" He tells the colonel before allowing his body to roll underneath now dangling by the creatures neck.
"Miles!" Quaritch yelled in utter shock at the boys next move. He immediately reached forward to grab the kids forearm and tried to pull him up.
"Bro!?" Spider calls out down below them where Warr ak was leveling up their banshee just underneath theirs.
"Go bro!" Warr ak replied as Ajake came flying past them and shooting a few rounds at Quaritch.
This frightened the animal and caused the banshee to jerk back making Spider lose his grip. He gave out a loud yell as he free fell almost 20 feet before grabbing ahold of the banshees tail and pulling himself up with what strength left he had.
"That was sick, bro" He gasped lightly with a relieved smile at the other.
He suddenly got a wave of un-surety and against his greater judgement turned to look back at Quaritch. He breathed yet another sigh of great relief seeing the Colonel un hit by the shots firing out at him.
"Is he in sights? Is Eagle out of combat?" Warr ak asked, holding it together as he flew as steadily as he could like so.
Spider focused on what scenes were unfolding behind them with wide eyes forced that way from pure adrenaline. He sees Ajake now swiftly catching up to them as Quaritch falls back, most likely retreating after such a loss.
"I see him!" He calls happily before hearing Ajake whistle low and they knew to seek cover under the canopy.
Once on the ground the group took a moment to take it all in and find shelter for the evening.
"Spider" Ajake fetched the boy and put a hand on each shoulder firmly. "I am happy to have you back, but I need you to tell me how Quaritch is still alive... Do you know?" The man interrogated, happy of course of their successful outcome, but solemn and on edge with it as well.
Spider instantly looked to his side as he could no longer meet the others desperate gaze, and he swallowed hard before the silence grew to be too much and he caved.
"It was me" He breathed low and finally looked back to Ajake with a deep settling frown.
"I couldn't let him die- he saved me first!" He found himself defensive and growing in volume.
"Sorry, Sir" Came Spiders next words as his body sunk forward in guilt and conflicting morals.
Ajake stood completely horrified in the admission the young kid had given him, even after Netayem has died,
"You bring back the man responsible for my sons death!?" He growled loudly but soon masked the anger and bewilderment locked inside.
"I don't know what to say." The man admitted, raising a hand to his brow for a second of peace.
"Thin ice" He warned before nodding for him to leave him be and give him space.
"Go, dismissed-" he ushered when the boy just stood in defeat. He watched him walk off to join the others, his steps seemingly forced and tight facial expression showed how much reuniting came with hurt beyond this world.
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