#Kimberley Montague
historical-mg-ya · 2 years
Favorite 2010s book or series
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apricusdays · 2 years
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“Hospitals suck....” Kimberley says, laying in a bed attached to several monitoring devices. Most of the suit she had stolen was off to the side- most of it. Several pieces still attached to her body. The one next to her temple still hurt and kept beeping. Apparently they still couldn’t be removed safely until they found the manual that may or may not have been discarded years ago. Apparently Charlotte was on her way. What was she going to say about this?
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apricuscity · 3 years
Cheshire Charity Ball: Missing
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Kimberley stumbled through the crowd, crying and shoving people out of the way. “Siiiiiiiiiiis!” She plowed into Charlotte, clutching her jacket.
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“What are you doing, Kimberley!? We are very busy-”
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“Listen to me! It’s gone! GONE! Mom’s necklace!”
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“You had better not lost them! They can’t just be gone.” Charlotte turned to a security officer holding up a screen who had approached. It showed stills of a figure who was clearly holding several belongings but beyond that, nothing was easy to determine.
“Miss Montague. You might want to see this. Several guests are reporting missing belongings- and it appears something went missing from the auction gallery. They left a calling card- the Gentleman Thief came and went during Mr. Cheshire’s match.”
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Some partygoers may find something valuable missing. Up to you what it is. Thanks to @teamvnla​ for adding this part.
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apricusnights · 3 years
Ciar Gala: Guest list.
Musical Guests: Sunsplosion! Puck Dermot Fen Lychee Rock Candy Void Katz
Confirmed Guests: Tyrael Cheshire Cassandra Cheshire Onyx Cheshire Lilac Cheshire Reynard Family - Party of three Charlotte Montague Kimberley Montague Sapphire Onyx Lily Onyx M. Night w/ guest Koko Yukon w/ two guests Rory Delaney w/ guest Persinette Linguini Steve O'Cammy Maximilian Ligarius Rosalind Gatz Bell Family - Party of three Sunil Gilios Cerise Gilios Catalina Darling Nava Lavender Kash Russ Nerys De Bellis - Staff Méline Sweetpea Violet Pasque w/ guest
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apricusdays · 2 years
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“Woah woah woah woah! Waaah! AAAAH!” Kimberley shouted as she flipped and swung around in the air. The instruments on the visor were something she was used to now but it was far from coherent even after all this time. She didn’t expect to be “practicing” with the controls all screwed up. One dive and a crash later, she picks herself up and stares daggers at the PWSB officer standing there with his arms crossed.
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“Just gonna remind you again, Montague, we pailed that thing for a reason. If the calibration is hit too hard everything inverts. Best you learn how to fly like that.” Lieutenant Morado Amun was watching the whole time. The practice had been part of the deal to let the girl keep the failed prototype- under heavy watch. No small amount of strings pulled by the Cheshires and a promise to fund more projects in the future were also a contributing factor but that wasn’t for him to decide. “At least it’s in one piece.”
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He lifts his head and nods to a bright light getting closer, the telltale glow of headlights. “Looks like your ride’s here.”
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Charlotte Montague marched out of the car in way sterner than most of the officers her sister had been around. The look she gave Morado was, as always, vicious. “Get in. I’ve got an executive meeting in two hours and we have the entire city to cross.” Charlotte refused to take the public transit and wasn’t too keen on Kimberley doing so either. This made their trips from one end of the city to the other much slower due to the traffic, but it also meant they didn’t have to rely on anyone else- least of all the city government.
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“I’m guessing that means no tacos on the way home, huh?”
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“Keep your jokes to yourself, flyboy,” Charlotte tossed back, “Besides we don’t eat that garbage. Come on.”
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Kimberley stood up as the flight suit collapsed around her. She did as she was asked and headed to her sister’s car. When the door closed, the military pilot had simply turned and left with a wave. Once they were on the road, the first question came.
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“Why do you keep doing this? There’s no point to it; you’re only building up a debt to the Bureau.” It was asked every single time they left from this training with almost no variation.
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“Everyone else is... I keep losing them. Onyx, Ivory, Jaime... they’re all... fighting now. I don’t know why but... What if I don’t and they leave me behind?” It was her usual answer. The details were always a little different- mostly because she was hoping maybe she’d finally come up with a satisfying answer. 
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“So what? You don’t need them either. We don’t need anyone, Kimmy. It’s just us. It’s always been just us. Let the rest of it burn down.” 
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And then what? It was a question she never had the courage to ask Charlotte. Instead she just nodded and remained silent, letting the lights of the city flash by her while they sped through the freeway and occasionally drifted around slower vehicles. Staring out the window she saw a few streaks soar through the sky.
“Yeah... I guess you’re right.” She said noncommittally.
Kimberley gently stroked the feathers behind her ear. The bird cosmetics were one she enjoyed mostly because she liked the look of them. They made her stand out since almost no one else had something like this- and not just because they were expensive. Lately, though, she had been feeling more and more like her cosmetic namesake with the flying.
And she was starting to finally see the bars of her cage.
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apricusdays · 3 years
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“Onyx! What are you doing? The Lavender party arrived hours ago. You were supposed to greet Nava at the door!”
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“Oh no...”
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“Mrs. Cheshire, it’s not his fault we were all-”
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“I am not speaking to you. Be silent. Now, abandon whatever ideas you might have concocted. Come with me and make up for lost time.”
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“....We’ll catch up. Say hello to Nava for us.”
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“My apologies, Koa. I have located Tyrael’s wayward son. In time for the ball at that.”
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apricusdays · 3 years
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“Wow... That’s what common girls have to deal with?”
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apricusdays · 3 years
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“You know, we haven’t seen a play in a while.”
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“I... don’t want to go.”
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“Kimmy, you can’t just keep feeling sorry for yourself. It’s... it’s just a necklace.”
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“No, it’s not! Why can’t you understand that!?”
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“We are not asking to forget your mother. We’re asking you to not put your social life on hold until one of the most wanted people in the city is captured.”
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“Like you’re one to talk! Why don’t you go vanish with your bum friend and learn how to break into abandoned apartments or something!?”
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“Next time, then?”
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apricusdays · 3 years
Story Scene: Traitor Party
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“Are you alright, Hamelin? You haven’t touched your drink at all. In fact, I don’t think you’ve danced or even spoken to anyone all night.” The low lights flashed various colors as bass pumped throughout a rented house. The party was big enough to house dozens of people, several of which were drinking, laughing, and socializing. All except for the new arrival. Being clad in the closest thing to a casual outfit Lapis owned- a plain shirt and jeans that still screamed ‘lumber worker’, he looked as out of place as could be.
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Lapis stood there with a drink he couldn’t identify in his hand. Jamie Baskerville and put it in his hand as if this was normal and walked off to talk to other guests over an hour ago. He hadn’t done much since then and the few awkward attempts anyone made to speak with him didn’t end well. But something else about his party just felt off to him. Perhaps he’d have to socialize if only to find out what the hell people were talking about whenever Baskerville passed by them. “I don’t drink much.”
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“Oh come on now, live a little! Have a drink, talk to some people, something! You know, there’s some private bedrooms if you hit it on with someone.” He grabs Lapis by the shoulder and tugs. “Come on, how about I introduce you to my inner circle?” He tried to sound conspiratorial while still talking above the music.
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“Yeah, sure.” Lapis says, walking steadily to not spill his untouched drink. Seeing the spills and sloshing of everyone else’s scattered effects in the house bothered him. “Hey, who has to clean this?”
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“No idea, but that’s not our problem.” Jamie leads Lapis to a set of couches where a few other people were already talking. “Hello everyone! The Dwarves’ new star rookie here as promised!”
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Kimberley sat in the center of a couch in a tank top and shorts that left little of her figure to the imagination, but more eye-drawing were the feathers along her shoulders, thighs, and tucked behind her ears. “Wait, who did you promise you’d bring him?” She seemed more confused than anything else.
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The tall curvy redhead sitting on a chair to herself gave Lapis an odd stare. “Sorry, I ah... don’t really watch hecaball. No offense. Nice to meet you, though. I’m Ivory, that’s Kimberley, and that’s Onyx.”
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“Trying to make us think you planned something you did on a spur of the moment again, Jamie?” Onyx said with a smirk. He leaned forward and folded his hands in front of him resting his elbows on his knees. “Onyx Cheshire,” He corrects. His black cat ears swiveled tellingly around. “But I’m afraid I have the same handicap here as Ivory does- why don’t you introduce yourself? I’m afraid I don’t recognize you offhand.”
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Lapis sat down at the couch across from where Onyx and Kimberley were. He already didn’t like the way this Cheshire guy acted. He was too sure of himself. “Hamelin.” He says flatly, setting his drink on the table.
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“Still so stiff... my my you really don’t get out much, do you? Let me give you a word of advice, Hamelin. I understand you Union boys are all work and no play- even your games are too serious. You really should learn to know when to let go of something. Go out there and explore. Even I know when to expand my boundaries.”
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Kimberley swung to face Onyx, backing up a little on the couch. “Wait! Is that where you’ve been going!? You’ve been hanging around that BUM!?”
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“You’re going to have to narrow that down, Kimmy.” Jamie said, sitting down with another drink. Lapis didn’t even see him get up, nor did he see how there were already two empty glasses on the table already. He downs the third. “Everyone is a bum to you.” He says teasingly. “Probably even Hamelin here!” He gently punches the larger man in the arm.
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“I’ll have you know I have been learning quite a lot about how gather information simply by observing people.”
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“You mean like how that homeless freak knew both our names?” Kimberley protests, “Yours I can see but mine!? I’m telling you that’s not safe!”
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Ivory leans forward with a bit more of a concerned look. “Wait, what...? When were you two going to tell me about this? That sounds dangerous.”
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Onyx ignored them both and continued on. “For example...” He stares at Lapis for a while. “We all know you’re a Union worker but where exactly? Your clothes are clean but what about that ubiquitous jacket you all wear. Where is that?”
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“What does it matter?”
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“I only wish to test something. You did bring it, didn’t you?”
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“My yard number is on the jacket. Of course you’d know what I did by looking at it.” Lapis says with a tint of irritation to his voice.
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“Oh I don’t mean that... I mean the contents of your pockets. There’s so much more I could learn about a person from what they carry around on them. I’m willing to bet you still have something lying around in there, don’t you? I would hope no one would steal it but these sorts of people with Union tools or scattered things only found on the other side of the city? We’d find out pretty quickly, right?”
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“Oh! This sounds like fun. Hamelin, why don’t you go get your jacket.” Jamie leans back, seemingly not able to sit straight anymore. That third glass seemed to have turned into a fourth that was already mostly gone. “Don’t worry, we’re staying right here.”
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“Yeah, and Onyx needs to tell the rest of us what Kimmy’s talking about.”
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This all seemed like an enormous waste of time. What the hell was the Boss trying to get out of this? It was just empty conversation and people getting drunk and who knows what else? He was glad Baskerville completely forgot about his own suggestion about the bedrooms. He made his way through the crowds to get to his jacket. Now that he was in the thick of the drunken partygoers he could only just now start to make out what some of the commentary is. He could finally make out some really out of place words. There was talk about the revolution, the plays, and the word ‘traitor’ being casually tossed around. One phrase he picked up more than once.
Traitor party?
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When Lapis finally reached the large walk in closet where coats were being held, he tried to find his jacket. It would stand out amongst the rest he figured. Then he turned when someone leaning on the wall was staring at him.
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Lapis recognized her as Auburn, one of the Solis Scarabs players. It was also the first time he saw her out of uniform- and it was probably a mutual experience. She instead wore a skirt that allowed her cosmetic tail to swish freely and a low cut crop top that showed off a scarab tattoo just below her neck with the upper legs wrapping around her neck as if it were a pendant etched into her skin. Her smile looked equal parts  “First time at a traitor party, Union boy?”
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Lapis yanks his jacket out of the closet and turns to face the Scarabs ace. It seems he’d finally figure what was so off about this whole bash. “Traitor party...?” He asks, making sure to avoid being too overheard.
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Auburn rolled her eyes and took a few more steps forward. “Oh come on, do I have to spell it out for you? You have to know why Jamie Baskerville keeps throwing these parties, right?” She leans right up into his face, just like on the field, she prefered to keep complete control of her situation at all times. She reaches up and gently grips Lapis’s shirt and sways gently to the background music to let the crowd think they wanted a little privacy while she spoke. “His name isn’t Baskerville out of coincidence. He’s Cassandra Cheshire’s nephew- great grandson of General Dunstan Baskerville. It’s the only way he can keep himself afloat in this city. He’s gotta bend over backward for even the smallest bit of real recognition. None of us are here for him. Not even his own family. Seriously, look at them.” She turns her head to the seats past the crowd where the others from before were still having a slightly heated discussion while Jamie gave a wave before following it with a look of shock before badly pretending to not notice and return to his drink. 
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She giggles and tries to creep a bit closer. “They aren’t worth your time and Baskerville definitely isn’t. Just do what everyone else does and use that spawn of Baskerville as the stepping stone he deserves to be. You’re a long way from the woods, aren’t you? You’re going to need someone who really knows the ropes around here to break you in. If you’re going to start coming here, you’re going to need to start walking the walk; and lucky you, I think you’ve been giving those crowds just enough of an impressive show where I’m going to give you a shot. Hang with me for the night and I’ll show you what the Heights is really about. Impress me and I promise you’ll go back home wishing you never left.”
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Lapis didn’t think to just take a step back. Processing the reality of the situation hit him a bit too hard at first. This crowd was just as shallow as the ones in the stadium. It made sense, though. They were the same people realistically. Lapis slowly reach an arm around Auburn.
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“I think you’re out of your mind.” With a grip and a powerful swing, he tosses the unsuspecting girl into a crowd of vapid partygoers who scream and toss their drinks as she collides with them.
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“What!?” Auburn shouts as she gets up. The music was still blaring but the scene otherwise quieted the room. “Is your problem!? Do you know who I am!?”
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“I don’t care!” Lapis shouts back, easily clearing the noise threshold. “You walk into someone’s home, by invitation, no less! He gives you all the free food and drink and whatever else is going on in here after every Creation-damned game and you have the gall, the disrespect, to sit here and call it ‘traitor party’ behind his back like you don’t even owe a thank you! What is your problem!? Baskerville! How the hell can you have not noticed-”
The music stopped as Jaimie got up and said some words to the person behind the screens of the DJ. He then turns around and marches right up to Lapis.
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“Hamelin... Please step outside with me.” His voice was his usual lazy calm self for the most part, but there was a something bubbling under the surface. Without another word, he walks out the door. Once Lapis followed, his face snapped to a look Lapis couldn’t even describe considering he had never seen anything but placid contentment on his face.
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“Hamelin... Lapis...” He takes a deep breath and frowns. “I understand Damien Styles is a powder keg of unfathomable proportions but... do you have to emulate him when trying to use me for information?”
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“What the hell are you- Baskerville, are you listening to me? Do you know-”
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Jamie laughs. “Of course I do. I also know that your ‘Boss’ sent you here to try and learn something. I don’t know what and honestly that’s not my business to care. Onyx is right you know, you have to lighten up. You’re too high strung and you take everything far too seriously. Is that a Union thing? You people are always so driven and serious no matter what happens. Some days I worry Damien Styles’s head is going to burst from all his shouting. You even manage to let something that wasn’t even your business ruin a chance with Lady Auburn. She doesn’t take well to many, you know. I’d honestly be jealous if I swung that way.” He takes in another deep breath, “But as it stands all you’ve manage to accomplish is ruin everyone’s night on top of your own and thoroughly embarrass yourself in the process...”
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Lapis was stunned. The sheer ease that he just accepted this was utterly baffling. “How? How do you just stand there and take that?”
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Jamie chuckle and looked back inside through the open door, his usual lazy face returning. “Because what the rest of them want and what they think isn’t my business. If they want to drink themselves sick and have questionable activities in the rooms upstairs all while calling it ‘traitor party’ let them. I’ve known my name carries notoriety all my life. Did you know before Tyrael Cheshire married my aunt and gave us some safety my mother had to hide from people wanting to kill us purely because of their blood? I likely would have been stabbed to death as a baby I’ve been told. Your ‘Boss’ still hates my family. So does Larsen. So does the Church. So do many in the military. There’s no way you would have been allowed to be seen at one of my parties without him wanting something from it. Don’t bother hiding it. Though I suppose you failed but... well that’s not my problem either. You really need to learn to let go of these things, Lapis. If you go in there and apologize perhaps we can recover some things.”
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“That’s... That’s not how it works in the Union. What the Boss wants, the Boss gets. I’m not going to be able to come back empty handed.”
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“Well you had best learn to lie better quickly then. I have to go back and reassure my guests the problem has been dealt with. Stay or go, I don’t care.”
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Lapis stared for a moment. He thought back on what the Boss wanted. It didn’t have to be specifically about Jamie. He tried to remember his conversation with the others at the party. “You know what...? I don’t think I need to. I’ve got something else I can report. I can make my own way back. Enjoy the rest of your party.”
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apricusdays · 3 years
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“Well well, what shall we do first?”
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“I really want to see the art gallery.”
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“Oh? Are you ignoring your date, Onyx?”
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“The Lavender girl, right?”
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“Wha- You and Nava? Since when?”
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“Since Mrs. Cheshire said so... I am hoping to conveniently avoid her.”
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apricusdays · 3 years
Nava looked at her phone under the flashing lights of the dim club. 
“I must take my leave, however..” She paused opening her jewel encrusted clutch and retrieving a stag of letters. “For each of you.” She passed out a letter to each of her friends, reluctantly giving one to Onyx as well.
“If you have any intentions of bring plus one inform me ahead of time.” She added before giving a bow of her head.
“I got one too!” Bonnie flashed her own invitation with a wide smile before escorting Nava out fo the club.
The lavishly decorated letter, sealed with a deep purple wax emblem of the Lavender family, held a handwritten letter of neat cursive writing. A calming scent of jasmine and lavender wafted from the letter upon opening.
‘ Bundles of Lavender Presents : Miss Nava Lavender’s Garden Party. 
The time has come for the end of summer Lavender Garden Party, however, this year I will be hosting as well as designing the pieces for the fashion show. The event will be held at the primary Lavender estate garden in Cherry Hills on the fourth weekend of September. 
As always the various outfits, accessories, and art pieces will be up for auction following the event. Proceeds this season will be donated.
I look froward to your company for an evening of fashion and refreshments.
Sincerely, Nava L. Lavender ‘
(Invitation have been given/sent to Kimberly, Onyx, Molly, Ivory, Jaime, and Auburn)
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"Of course we'll be attending, Nava. Come on, Onyx, we have shopping to do."
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"She does know about the ball plans our parents made for us, right? This has to be simply a courtesy- for me anyway."
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"Oooh, a garden party!"
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"Time to try on the new sundress."
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"I think I know someone who could attend." Jamie pulls up his call list. "Yes, Sage? Would you like to attend a party? No no, not one of those. It's a garden party."
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"I must make an appearance? I suppose so. At least the guest list is curated this time."
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apricusdays · 3 years
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“Charlotte, are you leaving again? You just got home!”
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“Kimmy, I’ve got a lot of work to do. I’m balancing two jobs now. You know how busy I’ve been.”
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“Why do you need a second job though? You’re an executive! We’re high society! Why do you need to work more!?”
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“It’s... complicated. Look, we have it good with the Cheshires but we can’t rely on them. If something happens with them that puts us in a bad position, we need an out- and with Tyrael’s refusal to condemn Hades making waves, it’s now or never. We need a contingency plan.”
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“But- all my friends.”
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“They are not your friends; and if you’re not more careful they’ll sell you out the first chance you’re not useful to them anymore. You have to learn to rely on yourself.”
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“We have each other, sis- that’s it. No one else is going to look out for us. That’s how it’s always been. I’m going to work now- try and keep yourself occupied, okay?”
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apricusdays · 3 years
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“I guess it’s time to stay away from Victory Island for a while. Ugh... leave it to the Union to make a mess of such a good vacation spot.”
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apricusdays · 2 years
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[hey team!!! hope u dont mind I signed every1 up 4 t blind date show! X3]
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[why do you still have this number]
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[I did not consent to this. I’m dragging everyone into this misery.]
[3 new people have entered the chat]
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[Onyx y didnt u tell me u knew hamelin?]
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[yo! what’s this about?]
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[whos ready 4 date night!?!?!?!?!?!?!]
[Kimmy has left the chat]
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apricusdays · 2 years
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“AAAAAAAAAHHHH!” Kimberley screamed as she spun through the air, a million little lights and blinkers flashing in her eyes while a bunch of blips blared in her ears. The wings on her back sputtered and flapped with the jets turning on and off.
Then she crashed again.
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“Better than last time!” Morado said into her commlink. “Not seeing any broken bones. Stand back up and take off again.”
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“I don’t want to do this anymore! I just want to go home!” She scrambled back to her feet and stared up into the sky in frustration.
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“Not while you’re wearing that you’re not. You opted out of the surgery because you panicked. Now you deal with it.” Morado counters, “And I have standing orders to not let you out of my sights. Besides, your sister has been called and should be coming to see that you’re okay.”
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“Wait you... actually called Charlotte!?”
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“She said she’s on her way. I needed to make sure your family knew you were okay.”
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She wasn’t sure what to make of that. Her sister could be happy to have her back, but she could also be really upset.
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apricusdays · 2 years
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It didn’t take long for Morado to locate the person who stole the old suit- or the source of the screaming following their spiraling crash into an alleyway. He landed on his own flight suit and let the wings fade away back into the hard light generator on his back. “Hey! You okay over there, rookie?”
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Kimberley shoved herself up from a pile of garbage, freaking out and crying. The suit was still attached to her just fine. However her delicate cosmetic feathers were a mess. They hurt in ways she didn’t anticipate when they bent at the root. “This isn’t fair! This is supposed to work! I had the password!”
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“This is Amun to central command. Contraband retrieved. Sort of...” Morado walked up to the screaming girl cautiously.
“What do you mean, ‘sort of’, Lieutenant?”
“This came from the fail pail. It has to directly interface with the nervous system of the user. Most of the suit will come off but if any of that is jammed into the wrong places our thief is going to need medical attention or that’s not coming out without scars.”
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“What!?” Kimberley tried to shove herself to her feet, ignoring the pain and the ringing in her ears. Everything was dull and screaming at the same time. Then she fell over when it all shot through her leg.
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Morado’s helmet folded back into his suit as he looked down at the girl, kneeling beside her. “Control, get those medics to my location- discreetly. We don’t need any Ciar guys getting any funny ideas about a suit like this going to mass market.” He leaned to the girl. “Alright, listen. Your leg is probably broken. Just breathe and try not to focus on it. Listen to me. That suit doesn’t just dangerously interface with your body- it forces your muscles past their limit. All those moves you were doing up in the air on its own? If your body can’t handle what you’re doing, you’ll hurt yourself. There’s a reason we put that thing away.  Good news is we’re getting you to a doctor. Bad news is I’m not letting you out of my sight until we see the extent of the damages.”
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“B-But Onyx! Ivory! I need to get them back! I can’t be stuck in some army hospital!”
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“Sorry, kid, but that’s contraband material you’re wearing and I’m not about to rip it out of you. You’re stuck with me until I say so.”
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