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उत्तर कोरियाई सैनिकों की एक परेड
उत्तर कोरिया के तानाशाह किम जोंग उन ने एक बार फिर अपने सैन्य पराक्रम का प्रदर्शन किया है। बुधवार की रात, बहुत प्रचार के बीच, राजधानी पनयांग में एक सैन्य परेड आयोजित की गई। इस प्रदर्शन में आधुनिक भारी परमाणु मिसाइलों के साथ-साथ अम्मुला के बैग में मौजूद महत्वपूर्ण हथियार शामिल थे। इसके परेड के प्रमुख किम जोंग उन और उनकी बेटी किम जू ऐ थे। क्या किम जू ऐ, जो मात्र दस वर्ष की है, एक दिन उत्तर कोरिया पर शासन करेगी, यह बहुत चर्चा का विषय है। राखी सावंत द्वारा पति आदिल खान को लेकर किया गया ये सनसनीखेज दावा,घरेलू हिंसा से जुड़े मामले के बाद उन्होंने पति से की ये... खबरों के मुताबिक किम जोंग उन अपनी बेटी को कुछ इस तरह तैयार कर रहे हैं। किम जू ऐ ने पांच सार्वजनिक प्रदर्शन किए हैं। वह कम से कम किम के दूसरे बच्चे से मिलती जुलती है। मंगलवार को उन्हें अपने पापा के साथ एक इवेंट में स्पॉट किया गया। पर्यवेक्षकों का दावा है कि किम अधिक परमाणु हथियार प्राप्त करने के लिए ठोस प्रयास कर रहे हैं। आने वाले दिनों में, उत्तर कोरिया द्वारा एक नई ठोस-ईंधन अंतरमहाद्वीपीय बैलिस्टिक मिसाइल का परीक्षण करने की उम्मीद है। सबसे हालिया सैन्य परेड में, एक दर्जन से अधिक अंतरमहाद्वीपीय बैलिस्टिक मिसाइलों का प्रदर्शन किया गया। उत्तर कोरिया महाशक्ति अमेरिका और उसके पड़ोसी दक्षिण कोरिया दोनों के साथ दुश्मनी मानता है। यह ध्यान रखना दिलचस्प है कि पश्चिमी प्रतिबंधों के परिणामस्वरूप कम संसाधन होने के बावजूद किम उन्नत परमाणु हथियार विकसित करने पर ध्यान केंद्रित कर रहा है। Read the full article
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#Breaking: #KimJong Un has grown his #military despite #NorthKorea being one of the most impoverished places in the world.
Kim Jong Un has grown his military despite North Korea being one of the most impoverished places in the world. So how does he do it — and what is Russia’s role? https://t.co/3dDQ0Zz7EA (GRAPHIC CORRECTION: Previous version of this video had an inaccurate Russian flag.) pic.twitter.com/tCDqSNGuO8 — Bloomberg (@business) July 31, 2023 Source: Twitter
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by Igor Bastidas
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North Korea seems to have restarted its Yongbyon reactor, which produces plutonium and was seemingly shut down in December 2018, The Wall Street Journal reports.
The International Atomic Energy Agency wrote in its yearly report on North Korea’s nuclear capabilities that “since early July, there have been indications, including the discharge of cooling water, consistent with the operation of the reactor.” There also seems to be proof {that a} lab close to Yongbyon is being used to separate plutonium from spent fuel previously removed from the reactor, the Journal reports. This is “deeply troubling,” the watchdog agency stated in its report, and in violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions.
The agency hasn’t had inspectors inside North Korea since 2009, once they had been expelled from the country. The Biden administration has stated it is ready to speak with North Korea about its nuclear program, and a senior U.S. official informed the Journal the report “underscores the urgent need for dialogue and diplomacy so we are able to achieve the entire denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.”
It has been estimated by experts that North Korea might have anywhere from 20 to 60 nuclear weapons utilizing plutonium and highly enriched uranium, and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in January said he wanted to modernize the country’s nuclear technology. In 2019, North Korea stated it would shutter the Yongbyon reactor and additional facilities if the US provided sanctions relief, however the offer was rejected by then-President Donald Trump, who stated it did not go far enough.
Robert Einhorn, a former State Department official, informed the Journal that “resumed operations at the reactor and reprocessing facility may be an indication” that the North Korean leader “sees little prospect of a nuclear deal.”
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#Breaking: #KimJong Un vowed to ‘hold hands’ with Vladimir #Putin and bolster #strategiccooperation on their shared goal of building a powerful country.
Kim Jong Un vowed to ‘hold hands’ with Vladimir Putin and bolster strategic cooperation on their shared goal of building a powerful country https://t.co/o7LdlbKL2l pic.twitter.com/NV0NeODZeW — Reuters (@Reuters) June 12, 2023 Source: Twitter
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LITTLE BIG - LollyBomb
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ABD'li Cumhuriyetçi Senatör Graham: Kim Jong-un ölmemişse şoke olurum
Fox News televizyonuna konuşan ABD’nin Güney Carolina Senatörü Cumhuriyetçi Lindsey Graham, Kuzey Kore lideri Kim Jong-un’un öldüğüne ilişkin iddialar üzerine, "Orası kapalı bir toplum. Doğrudan bir şey duymadım ancak ölmemiş veya iş göremez hale gelmemişse buna şoke olurum. Çünkü, bir ülkeden çok, bir tarikat olan Kuzey Kore gibi kapalı bir ülkede bu tür dedikoduların sonsuza kadar devam etmesine ve soruların cevapsız bırakılmasına izin vermezsiniz." ifadelerini kullandı. Kim’in ölmesi ile Kuzey Korelilerin çektiği sıkıntıların kısmen azalacağını da savunan Graham, "Başkan (Donald) Trump, Kuzey Kore ile kazan kazan şeklinde çalışmak istiyor. Dolayısıyla eğer bu adam öldüyse, yerine geçecek kişinin Kuzey Kore’yi herkes için daha iyi bir yer haline getirmek üzere Başkan Trump ile çalışacağını umuyorum." diye konuştu. Kısa bir süre önce kalp ameliyatı geçiren Kim’in öldüğü iddia edilmişti. Ancak bu iddialar henüz teyit edilmedi. Bitkisel hayatta olduğuna dair iddialar da bulunan Kim, Kuzey Kore’nin kurucusu dedesi Kim İl Sung’ın her yıl 15 Nisan’da düzenlenen doğum günü törenlerine de katılmamıştı. Read the full article
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China Sent Team Including Medical Experts to Advise on Kim Jong-Un
According to three people familiar with the matter, China has sent a team to North Korea comprising medical experts to advise North Korea leader Kim Jong-Un. The Chinese doctors and officials' trip comes despite the North Korean leader's contradictory health reports. It cannot be decided immediately what the Chinese team's trip meant about Kim's safety. On Thursday a delegation headed by a senior member of the Foreign Relations Department of the Chinese Communist Party left Beijing for North Korea, two of the people said. The department is the principal Chinese agency concerned with North Korea's neighbor. Given the seriousness of the matter the sources declined to be published. The liaison department could not be contacted for comment late on Friday. China's foreign ministry did not respond instantly to a late Friday request for information. Earlier this week, Daily NK, a Seoul-based website, announced that Kim Jong-Un was recovering from a cardiovascular procedure on April 12. It has cited an unspecified North Korean source. South Korean officials and a Chinese liaison officer questioned subsequent reports saying Kim Jong-Un was in serious danger after surgery. South Korean officials also said they had detected no signs of unusual North Korean activity. US President Donald Trump also underestimated earlier claims on Thursday that Kim was seriously ill. "I think the report was incorrect," Trump told reporters, but he refused to say whether he was in contact with North Korean officials. A South Korean source on Friday told that their information was that Kim was alive and would possibly make an appearance early. The individual said he had no response to the current state of Kim, or any involvement of the Chinese. An official with U.S. intelligence said Kim was considered to have health issues but they had no reason to believe that he was severely ill or was ultimately unable to reappear publicly. A spokeswoman for the U.S. state department had no statement. U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, when asked about Kim's safety on Fox News after Trump spoke, said, "I don't have anything I can share with you tonight, but the American people should know we're watching the situation very closely." North Korea is one of the most segregated and closed countries in the world, and its leaders' wellbeing is dealt with as a matter of national security. No information on Kim's location or condition were independently verified yet. State media in North Korea last posted on Kim Jong-Un's location when he presided over an April 11 meeting. State media did not say he was attending an event to mark his grandfather's birthday, Kim Il Sung, on April 15, an significant anniversary in North Korea. Kim, who is thought to be 36, has previously vanished from reporting in North Korean state media. He disappeared for more than a month in 2014 and later North Korean state TV showed him walking with a limp. His heavy smoking, apparent weight gain after he took control and family history of cardiovascular issues have fanned speculation about his health. When Kim Jong-Un's father, Kim Jong Il, suffered a stroke in 2008, South Korean media initially reported that Chinese doctors together with French doctors were participating in his care. Do not forget leaving your valuable comment on this piece of writing and sharing with your near and dear ones. To keep yourself up-to-date with Information Palace, put your email in the space given below and Subscribe. Furthermore, if you yearn to know about the ‘no evidence’ claimed by Apple Inc., view our construct, ‘Apple Claims 'No Evidence' Iphone Mail Flaw Used against Its Customers’. Read the full article
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Kuzey Koreli Siyasetçi Kim Jong-un Öldü
Kuzey Kore lideri Kim Jong-un vefat ettiği haberi doğrulandı. Kim Yong Un için yarın resmi tören düzenlenecek. Kim Jong-un Kimdir? Kim Jong-un (resmen yazılışı Kim Jong Un; 8 Ocak 1983 veya 1984 doğumlu 2011'den bu yana Kuzey Kore'nin Yüce Lideri ve 2012'den beri Kore İşçi Partisi Başkanı olan bir Kuzey Koreli siyasetçidir. Kim, Ko Yong-hui (1952–2004) ve 1994'ten 2011'e ülkenin ikinci lideri olan Kim Jong-il'in (1941–2011) ikinci çocuğudur. 1948'den 1994'e kadar Kuzey Kore'nin kurucusu ve ilk lideri olan Kim İl-sung'un torunudur. Kim, ülkenin kuruluşundan sonra dünyaya gelen ilk Kuzey Kore lideri ve aynı zamanda dünyadaki en genç ikinci hükûmet başkanıdır. Read the full article
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Food shortages hit North Korea amid sanctions
North Korea’s crop production this year is expected to drop to its lowest level in five years, bringing serious shortages for 40% of the population. According to the United Nations on Thursday, the shortages are the result of dry spell and poor irrigation that hit the country’s economy already reeling from sanctions over its weapons programs. In its latest quarterly Crop Prospects and Food Situation report, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said the poor harvest of the country’s main crops, rice and maize, means 10.1 million people are in urgent need of assistance. “Below-average rains and low irrigation availability between mid-April and mid-July, a critical period for crop development, mainly affected the main season rice and maize crops,” the FAO said. The report, which covers cereal supply and demand around the world and identifies countries that need external food aid, did not disclose detailed estimates of production by volume. North Korea has long struggled with food shortages and a dysfunctional state rationing system, and state media has in recent months warned of drought and other “persisting abnormal phenomena”. The crops shortfall comes as the country bids to contain the spread of African swine fever in its pig herd, following confirmation of a first case in May. The disease, fatal to pigs though not harmful to humans, has spread into Asia – including South Korea – since first being detected in China last year, resulting in large-scale culls and reduced production of pork, a staple meat across the region including in North Korea. The FAO report followed earlier U.N. assessments this year that the isolated country’s food production last year fell to its lowest level in more than a decade amid a prolonged heatwave, typhoon and floods. South Korea has pledged to provide 50,000 tonnes of rice aid to its northern neighbor through the U.N. World Food Programme (WFP). But Seoul officials said that delivery has been delayed by Pyongyang’s lukewarm response amid stalled inter-Korean dialogue and denuclearisation talks with the United States. Read the full article
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North Koreans are ordered to hand over pet dogs Read More
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Trump ile Kim 'silahsızlandırılmış bölge'de görüştü
ABD Başkanı Donald Trump, Kuzey Kore lideri Kim Jong-un ile Kuzey ve Güney Kore arasında bulunan "silahsızlandırılmış bölge"de buluştu. İki lider "silahsızlandırılmış bölge"de el sıkışırken, Trump sınırın Kuzey Kore tarafına geçerek bu ülke topraklarına adım atan ilk ABD başkanı oldu.
Kim Jong-un, Trump'ın iki ülke arasındaki bağları daha da geliştirmek için bu kısa ziyareti yaptığını belirterek, Trump'ın sınır çizgisini geçmesini, "hoş olmayan geçmişi sona erdirecek cesur ve kararlı bir eylem" olarak nitelendirdi. Donald Trump da sınırın Kuzey Kore tarafına ayak basan ilk ABD başkanı olmaktan duyduğu memnuniyeti dile getirdi ve Kim ile dostluklarını övdü. Liderler daha önce Singapur ve Vietnam'da düzenlenen zirvelerde bir araya gelmişti. G-20 Zirvesi kapsamında Japonya'da bulunan ABD Başkanı Donald Trump, Kuzey Kore Lideri Kim Jong-un'a "silahsızlandırılmış bölgede" görüşme teklifinde bulunmuştu. Kuzey Kore ise Trump'ın teklifine "çok ilginç bir öneri" yanıtını vermişti. Read the full article
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North Korea gets impatient and fires two missiles
Pyongyang fired two short-range missiles Thursday from the Sino-ri military base, while the US envoy to North Korea, Stephen Biegun, landed a few hours earlier in Seoul to continue denuclearization negotiations. Kim Jong-un's message is clear: without agreement, Pyongyang will not spare Washington. On February 28, Donald Trump departed prematurely from the summit in Hanoi where he had unsuccessfully tried to reach a nuclear deal with the North Korean dictator. Since then, the American sanctions still weigh on the kingdom which does not intend to let itself be done. North Korea retaliated last Saturday by launching several missiles, including a short-range missile, during a "purely defensive" military exercise under the Pyongyang regime. He outbid Thursday with the shooting of two short-range missiles to the east, from the Sino-ri military base located 77 kilometers northwest of the capital. The two shots were fired on Thursday at 16:29 and 16:49 local time, reached 50 km altitude and one of them traveled a distance of 420 km, according to the staff of the South Korean armed forces. . "Whatever may have been the intentions of North Korea, we warn that this could make negotiations more difficult," said South Korean President Moon Jae-in...... Read the full article
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