#Kim yongguk reactions
lordsicheng · 7 years
Blinded: Kim Yongguk
Kim Yongguk x OC
400-500 word music drabble challenge #18
word count: 500
song: Boys - Charli XCX
Don't be mad, don't be mad Not like I had a choice I was busy thinkin' 'bout boys
Twenty-five minutes and counting, Yongguk waited for you at a café for too long and became a bit impatient. He tapped his foot edgily while looking around to look for you through the crowd, but he couldn’t. You ran towards the table he was at and smiled, trying to think of a reason why you were quite late. He just sighed and stood up, crossing his arms
“Care to explain on why you’re late?” he raised a brow, and you just continued to grin
“Uh, yeah. I kind of… kept thinking about things…” you looked to the side to move to the chair and sit down
“Things?” he frowned, sitting back down as he looked at you
“Fine. Ever since I broke up with Hyunbin after a five-year committed relationship, I’ve been diving into the fictional world of… well, boys.” you admitted, and Yongguk gave you a confused look
“Boys?” he blinked a couple of times and then shook his head
“Yongguk, I’ve loved Hyunbin for too long that I ignored every other type of guy out there for the past five years. And ever since I hung out with Jiyoung and the girls since last week… you know, partying… clubbing… mingling.” you clasped your hands together and rested your chin on them, looking up in wonder from all the guys you’ve been hooking up with
“Wow.” Yongguk widened his eyes, shaking his head again
“Aren’t you curious about the guys I met?” you smirked
“Wished I was.” he looked to the side and rolled his eyes
“Aw, come on! You’re my best friend.” you grabbed his hand, and he just looked back
“Okay, so I met this guy named Sanggyun last Tuesday. He was pretty nice, kind of full of himself. But he’s really hot, so...” you shrugged before continuing, making Yongguk give a disgusted face
“Oh! And I met this guy named Daniel. God, such a drinker. He’s hysterical when he drinks! It’s a pain, but he’s quite nice.” you looked up again in wonder
“Interesting.” Yongguk commented out of the blue
“I met a few others at some clubs, but didn’t really care enough for them.” you clicked your tongue a few times as Yongguk only kept his face as if he’s truly listening
“I see.” he nodded
“Oh, and I actually have to meet Soyeon now.” you smiled awkwardly
“What time?”
“Now.” Soyeon, your friend, smiled as she walked her way to you and grabbed your hand
“I’m sorry, Yongguk. But can I take y/n for now? We have to meet someone.” she smirked as she looked at you, and Yongguk just raised his hand
“Thank you!” Soyeon said as she dragged you out of the café
“I’ll make up to you, I promise!” you yelled as you and Soyeon got out
“She’s boy crazy.” Yongguk said to himself as he chuckled and clicked his tongue a few times while looking at his phone
“When is she gonna realize I’ve been waiting for her for years?”
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danghyuk · 4 years
B.A.P reacting to their boyfriend’s tattoos
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As someone with tattoos himself, he doesn’t really care, or rather – he isn’t that surprised. Yongguk has a huge chest piece and his older sister is a tattoo artist, so he isn’t unfamiliar with ink and imagery on skin.
Of course, he is interested in your tattoos and would 100% support you whenever you’re considering getting a new one. Whenever you bring the topic up in a conversation, you can bet that Yongguk helps you brainstorm ideas and pulls up his phone to research various tattoo artists.
Yongguk will often find himself immersed in the pictures scattered all over your (s/c) skin and catch himself tracing the various colours on your exposed body whenever he wakes up before you. Tattoos for him is just another art form, and he loves the way they make your skin more vibrant.
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Having no tattoos at all, Himchan is a little shocked when he sees yours for the first time. However, that doesn’t mean he’s negative towards them. After the initial shock, Himchan’s curiosity gets the better of him and he can’t stop asking you questions. 
He secretly loves how badass they make you look and add to your overall ‘bad boy’ image, but he will constantly tease you for taking his bad boy role. Himchan also secretly loves the way other people look at you in public because you’re his gorgeous boyfriend! Though he will never admit it due to his pride. 
Since he has no tattoos, he knows very little about the process around getting one and that is the topic he will ask the most about. If you want to get a new one, Himchan would definitely ask you if he could come along, and if you got one for him, he will definitely cry. 
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He has some of his own and seeing yours would make him considering getting new ones. However, he cares the most about the messages they portray and the meaning behind them. Daehyun’s tattoos mean a lot to him and he loves to hear you talk about the stories behind your own.
Daehyun is the most likely out of B.A.P to get matching tattoos with you. Not your names necessarily, but maybe something dear to the both of you and your relationship. Your boyfriend is a sap after all.
A thing he likes to do is kissing them. Whenever you wear something that shows off the ink you got or wear nothing at all, there isn’t a single moment where his lips have been all over your skin.
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Another member who doesn’t have any tattoos and probably won’t get anyone either. Youngjae is also the member who’s the most shocked by your tattoos, but that quickly passes as you explain each of them to him and changes into understanding.
He grows rather fond of your tattoos and how they look on you. Youngjae has his favourites and he is not afraid to rank them and point out the ones he likes the least. Since he knows you are confident in them and in your own decisions, he knows that his own opinions won’t overrule your own. The ‘critiques’ often tend to make you laugh instead.
Even if he doesn’t want tattoos of his own and means they won’t fit his image and personality, he is quick to realise how good they look on you. That results in him becoming your own personal stylist some days, Youngjae is rather persuasive too because he won’t leave the flat if you’re not wearing what he wants you to wear.
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Jongup doesn’t have any either and he doesn’t really have any strong opinions regarding the topic. In fact, he doesn’t really register that you have tattoos until one of his fellow band members asks him about it or points it out.
He feels quite awkward for not noticing it earlier and it just makes him shyer to ask you about it. Because of his awkwardness and seemingly ‘disinterest’ in the topic, you ask him if they make him uncomfortable. Feeling guilty, he explains the situation really embarrassed to which you reassure him with long and loving kisses that he can ask whenever and whatever.
After getting attentive to your beautiful work, he feels a bit flustered whenever they are visible, not only for not noticing them before but also because he sees how handsome you look with them. Jongup is the least subtle being you know about, so it’s easy to spot whenever he has looked at them too long due to his red ears.
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Having looked up to Yongguk for years, it’s no surprise that Junhong has tattoos. He would be the most excited of the members when he finds out that his boyfriend has tattoos as well. There is no chance you will be able to explain them all without a lot of interruptions from him.
Junhong is the boyfriend who loves to take cool pictures, so a good chunk of the pictures on his camera roll would be the both of you wearing clothes to show your tattoos off and your bodies pressed and tangled together so the tattoos are included in the shot.
Seeing your skinned filled with them makes him smile and he will trace them whenever he has the chance, however, most of the times that result in a tickle fight. Junhong has no idea why,  but he feels extremely confident with you and by seeing you express yourself in the art covering your skin.
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lunnanunna · 5 years
I'm literally crying!
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I miss B.A.P! I'm glad that they're all doing well now, but I still miss them! Watching Daehyun (my bias) perform... well I'm on the floor now bawling. The song gave me B.A.P vibes. And the matoki lightstick in the corner...! Babyz always supporting the boys! Okay, I'm gonna go cry again, bye!
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mrsbangyongguk · 6 years
How mom’s look at their kids in church when the pastor talks about disrespectful and misbehaving children
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everythingkpop2x · 6 years
B.A.P reaction - to their S/O being too shy when the rest of the members are with them
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Bang Yongguk -
I don't think he'd really care or think about much since you knew you were just shy and that eventually you'll warm up to the guys on your own time and wouldn't push you to get to know them or talk to them because he knew you how it took you time to feel comfortable around new people.
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Kim Himchan -
A lot like Yongguk, he wouldn't really mind and knew you'd come around eventually but might give you encouraging comments like "You're doing well baby." or similar stuff just so you don't feel as pressured.
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Jung Daehyun -
He'd try and make you more comfortable and tell that they won't bit and not to be afraid. He might unintentionally come off as pushing but it's only because he wants his significant other and his members to get along. However if you mention that his pushing is bugging you then he'd tone it down.
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Yoo Youngjae -
Kind of like Daehyun when it comes to making you more comfortable and talk more but in a more encouraging way and not s pushy way. He'd know your limits and that you'd would eventually come around, he just want to make you feel more comfortable as you were coming around.
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Moon Jongup -
Seeing as he's pretty quiet himself he probably wouldn't mind. He'd let the members before hand that your shy so they didn't start asking a bunch of question or anything when you got there.
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Choi Junhong \ Zelo -
He'd just be encouraging by answer the members when you couldn't or just holding your hand when he noticed your nervousness. He'd also try to do moat of the talking so you wouldn't have to.
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bapcult · 6 years
My Fanboy Banghim social media AU
My Fanboy (Banghim) Social Media AU
Au where a collab YouTube channel (4roses) that consists of Models Daehyun and Youngjae, Dancer and part-time photographer Junhong, Dancer and fashion designer Jongup and Himchan who is a fanboy of tattoo artist and part-time rapper Bang Yongguk.
Chapter 1          Chapter 11         Chapter 21        
Chapter 2          Chapter 12         Chapter 22        
Chapter 3          Chapter 13         Chapter 23        
Chapter 4          Chapter 14         Chapter 24        
Chapter 5          Chapter 15         Chapter 25        
Chapter 6          Chapter 16         Chapter 26
Chapter 7          Chapter 17         Chapter 27
Chapter 8          Chapter 18         Chapter 28
Chapter 9          Chapter 19         Chapter 29
Chapter 10        Chapter 20         Chapter 30
Chapter 31         Chapter 41
Chapter 32         Chapter 42
Chapter 33         Chapter 43
Chapter 34         Chapter 44
Chapter 35         Chapter 45
Chapter 36        Chapter 46
Chapter 37        Chapter 47
Chapter 38        Chapter 48
Chapter 39        Chapter 49
Chapter 40
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B.a.p reaction when drunk
Hello everyone! Even though I have my own ideas for scenes, reactions and snaps I sometimes just lack of inspiration! So I just wanna remind you all again that you can send in requests! Have a nice day!
Yongguk will talk much about equality and such. He can get really depressed at times so be aware of it. The moment he´s giving those speaches and acts more and more sad you better cheer him up or get him into bed to let him sleep off his intoxication
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He´ll be slurring all his sentences and is like touchy-feeling. OMG he just can't leave you in peace the more he drinks. Himchan is gonna tell everyone how much he loves them. The more he drinks the more desperate for touch he gets. But also the more sleepy. Wait enough and he'll be off sleeping not bothering anyone anymore.
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Daehyun also will be slurring his sentences but he´ll be so loud! Like it´s nothing new for him to be loud though but he´ll sing to EVERY song that´s playing! And even though he´ll get fairly enough all the lyrics right, it sounds somewhat weird with how he sings them in very differend tones or just sometimes sceams at the top of his lungs.
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Someone of them ( I don´t remember who) said that he doesn´t like to drink and I can imagine why. He´ll get very emotional. Like I can imagine that he hates to cry in front of others soo much. Better be careful of what you say. And better keep an eye on him, that he wouldn't drink too much, to watch out for the moment the water breaks, to better get him away from everyone else.
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Like Himchan already revealed he´s acting ´cute´ out of nowhere. He's a kind of weird no ones used of him. Little accidents could happen like him tripping over nothing spilling his drink all over the place and such. Get him away from Himchan because he´ll fuss so much over him. He'll probably fall asleep at his place when he got enough drinks.
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Junhong probably would do dumb stuff. Like he´ll be one of those people that get´s horrible ideas when they just drink a litle bit of alcohol. Better always watch over him and don´t even let him go somewhere else ever alone!
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im-whatchamccallit · 6 years
Personal Opinion
B.A.P recently said they may not be OT6 once it comes time to renew their contracts so, all I have to say is, if some members choose to not renew: fight me, TS 🙃
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wokainight · 6 years
[BRODUCE 911] EP.23 Waiters
you were casually strolling back to the staff office to do a change of outfit (jisung have given you a proper one now with actual pants and all) and put your belongings away. it was going to be your first day of night shift and most day shift staff would be on their way home by now. you wondered if everyone was resting well at home.
opening the door, the everyone in your mind was casually sitting down on the lounge section of the staff office.
YOU: Oh! Hello! /you chirped, being in a good mood.
you scanned your eyes around and was surprised to see so many day shift staff still here. there was yongguk, seungwoo, youngmin and woojin. you also spot donghyun sitting next to youngmin giving you some sort of a sign... which you couldn't break down or comprehend. but you did pick up the tension in the room.
YOU: Is... everyone okay? /you slowly started.
DONGHYUN: Haha of course we are hey guys? We should get home now. It's been an hour since all of you dorks sat down and contemplated about life!
YOU: *what are they doing.. are they... perhaps...?*
DONGHYUN: (y/n) where did you go anyway?? /panicking by this stage.
YOU: I went out for a late lunch and then I was just walking around to kill time before my shift started *they must be forming a meditation club* /you watched as all four doctors sat still with their heads down. *ooooh they could be playing heads down thumbs up... i wanna join*
DONGHYUN: See guys? She only went to lunch! /looks around. Who did you go with anyway?
YOU: With hyeongseob /you replied while shuffling through your bag and reaching out for your phone. Yongguk-ssi you never called me so I wasn't sure if you were finished or not /smiles at him. Was there something that you needed to tell me?
YONGGUK: /flustered you remembered. O-oh? Uh no... I was just going to call you *come on make an excuse* .....if i needed you to do another errand
YOU: /nods. Oh sure, feel free to contact me in the future. Well, I'll take my leave now /heads to the female locker room.
SEUNGWOO: ..........apparently she went to a cute cafe with that white rabbit
P.WOOJIN: ....hyeongseob never told me...
YOUNGMIN: Let's go home guys... we're doing nothing to solve our problems.
YONGGUK: *she remembered about the call* /pleased.
notes: this will be the last of broduce911 from my draft. i actually wrote this ages ages ages ages ages x1000000 ago. thank you for everyone who read through this really badly written series! we’ll see each other sooner or later!
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coffee-for-himchan · 6 years
B.A.P’s reaction to finding out that another member also has a crush on their crush
(A/N) I got really confused on how to title this - basically, it’s meant as in when two members have a crush on the same person.
Yongguk would be more likely to retreat in this type of situation. It’s not because you’re not important to him and it’s not because you’re not worth fighting for - it’s just because he doesn’t want to make anyone feel miserable. 
He doesn’t want Daehyun to feel the same way he’s feeling now and doesn’t want to make you feel torn and lost on what to do since two of your good friends now have feelings for you and he’s sure you wouldn’t want any of the two of them to feel bad. It’s not like this was a one-on-one choice between him and Daehyun either - Yongguk knew that apart from him and Daehyun there were plenty other guys too, and he honestly had no clue - maybe you already fancied someone else and he just didn’t know. 
Overall, I feel like he’s just going to let you go before he starts developing more feelings towards you. And if Daehyun ever does make his way into your heart, Yongguk will support you two indefinitely, though sometimes when looking at how happy you and Daehyun are, if he himself wouldn’t find such happiness until then, he’d feel a little melancholic about having just let you go like that.
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Before feeling considerate regarding the situation and thinking rationally, he just feels lowkey sad and frustrated, because he knows that he can’t go after you while being aware that Jongup also treasures feelings towards you. 
Jongup is his good friend, and he can’t imagine either of them dating you at any point because he knows that it’s going to hurt the other one and make him feel uncomfortable. Himchan wants Jongup to know about the feelings he has for you, but he silently hopes that his friend won’t take his “I won’t make any moves on (Y/N) while I know that you like her as well” as a green light to go and offer you his heart and soul. Maybe he’s mean for being this way, maybe he’s being inconsiderate, but Himchan hopes that Jongup is willing to let go of you once he finds out about Himchan’s feelings the same way Himchan is willing to let you go. The situation changes if you like either of them - then, it’s only natural for one to retreat and for the other to have all the rights to take action - but if not, Himchan just hopes that he and Jongup can both agree on dropping their crushes and finding other ones.
Himchan lets himself sulk a bit, but soon he tries to tell himself that it’s fine. If he knew that you liked him back, this could still maybe be worked on and considered, but until then, he’d rather try to forget seeing you in this light.
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Out of all of the people on this planet, why did Junhong have to fall for you? Daehyun sees the look in the maknae’s eyes whenever he looks your way, and it makes him feel a little frustrated. He was supposed to be the only one to look at you this way, and you were supposed to notice. It was supposed to be a happy end for him and you, but now it will never be. Or will it?
Daehyun won’t let go so easily. He’s considerate of others, sure, but Junhong is still so young. Does he even know what he wants and what he needs from a relationship with you if he manages to get into one, does he know what he’s chasing for? Daehyun will ask him about it, because he has figured it out himself, and he knows that what he wants and needs is all contained and can be found in you. And he really does like you a lot, he really would take amazing care of you and do all to keep you happy. Can Junhong offer you all of this as well?
If him and Junhong come to the conclusion that Junhong’s crush is just more on the tiny and playful side and that he’ll let it go, Daehyun won’t hesitate to tell you how he feels before there’s anyone else to come in his way, but if things are more severe than this, he might just put everything on hold for a bit. He can’t sacrifice Junhong’s happiness for his own either, they’re good friends, after all. So he’ll just continue living as usual, but I doubt he’d get you out of his mind so easily. And maybe he’d even make a move on you knowing despite knowing about Junhong’s feelings, but just to find out your own feelings.
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The first thing that Youngjae feels when he finds out that Daehyun has a crush on you is immediate defeat. Daehyun is his best friend, you’re his crush. You’re Daehyun’s crush too. How.. How could this get any worse?
He will have a hard time looking both of you in the eyes properly again, and I feel like he’d be the worst to contain and hide his feelings. Eventually you would notice his awkward and rather distant behavior, but once he’d be asked about it, he wouldn’t answer you about what’s wrong - he would just make up an absurd lie and leave it at that. And he didn’t intend to give Daehyun an honest answer either when he asked about what was wrong - it just slipped in conversation rather accidentally, and now that they were staring at each other in shock, it felt like the world was about to end.
These two would need some time to process it all and to get back on track with each other too. They don’t want a crush to damage their friendship, but somehow it looks like that’s what it’s going to do, because both of them are rather sure regarding their feelings and maybe even competitive. But after a while of now-and-then bickering about it and not wanting to hurt each other’s and your feelings they just agree that it’s better if none of them see you as something other than a friend, and leave it at that. Youngjae’s heart aches and he has a hard time getting over you, but slowly, he tries to move on. 
And he won’t tell you about what truly happened back then up until maybe much, much later in your lives when that would be of no meaning or significance anymore. Though something in his voice tells you that though he’s over it now, back then it was more than just hard for him.
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Jongup didn’t even think that him and Yongguk could both fall for the same person - they’re so different, and he figured that the people they’d be attracted to should be different too - but apparently life’s not that easy and predictable. 
Yongguk’s been overheard silently gushing about you just recently, and since Jongup had been feeling lost and rather hurt since then, he decided to go and have a friendly talk with the elder. And for two usually quiet people, they sure had a long and serious talk. 
The good thing about their way of talking was that they were straightforward and honest when it came to their feelings - Jongup liked you a lot, and Yongguk liked you a lot too, so they had to find a solution. They scrapped the idea of coming up to you together and telling you they both liked you - it was as if they were putting you into an uncomfortable situation and making you choose between either of them while in reality you had all the right to want neither. They rather ended up deciding that if you developed feelings for one of them, the other one would back off and not stand in the way to your happiness. It was just fair - they were both given a chance, and whoever takes theirs faster and puts in more efforts might just win your heart. And if neither of them do, it’s fine. Let’s just pretend that they didn’t have this conversation and they will move on as before.
And if Yongguk would immediately go into backing off mode and would be telling Jongup that it’s fine - he doesn’t mind scrapping all his feelings for you - Jongup would actually tell him to not just give up like that. He treasures his hyung and his feelings too, and wants them to have equal chances. He wants you to choose, after all, not him or Yongguk. You’re the one who has to return the feelings, and whom you’ll return them to is only up to you.
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For some reason, he feels like he should back off as soon as he finds out that Youngjae likes you - maybe it’s because Youngjae is competitive and he’d probably be the same regarding the love game, or maybe it’s because Junhong is the maknae and he feels like at this point he’s kind of expected to retreat and let his hyungs have the advantage in any situation. But a part of him tells him not to just scrap it so easily - he thinks you might like him too, not Youngjae or anyone else. So, closing his eyes and with only mild guilt coating his soul, he makes a move to see how it will turn out.
He wants to see your reaction, but more than that, wants to see Youngjae’s. He doesn’t want to be the one to come up to his hyung to talk with him, but if he’d come to talk with Junhong about this matter, Junhong would do so gladly. If you liked the way he wrapped an arm around your waist carefully and pulled you a little away from the other crowd of people to point up at the starts excitedly and would also hear no salty coughs from Youngjae, he was just going to do it. If you won’t squirm out of his grip and will stay there willingly, he’s not going to stop himself. He feels like this whole “you’re still young, you still have plenty of time to find yourself someone else” thing is a whole bunch of lies. Maybe he has already found whom he likes and wants by his side, so why should he chase for someone else? Maybe he wants to fight for his rights to love someone and doesn’t want to just give them up.
Junhong’s going to hang onto the idea of you and him for as long as he can, and maybe this will even lead to an argument with Youngjae at some point if he ever points some things out to the younger, but at the end of the day, he’s only going to let go if there’s the absolute need to do so. Or if he sees that it’s going to ruin his and Youngjae’s friendship, because at the end of the day, he values that too.
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lordsicheng · 7 years
holidays with jbj: yongguk (4/7)
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The holidays may be over bUT THIS SERIES ISN’T OOPS!!
I’m gonna have to finish this because I started it too y’know
Anyways, Kim Yongguk
He’s not even gonna be too into the holidays imo but he’ll celebrate in subtle ways
Like sure he’s gonna help with decorating your place
Buy gifts and celebrate the joy of being thankful to people around him
But on that note; his indecisiveness will strike the moment he thinks about buying gifts
“Ahh I need a gift for y/n… but oh those collars would look good on Tolbi…. wait”
He says he’s not into skinship (MHMMM @ HIS PICS WITH DONGHAN RECENTLY)
So you’re gonna have to initiate on the cuddling session when it gets cold
But tbh he’s just gonna hug you randomly at times especially when you both are alone
He’d backhug you while at the street waiting for the pedestrian signal to turn on
Or when you both watch TV on a very cold night he’s gonna drag you into his arms and play with your hair
“You don’t usually like starting the cu-“
“ShHhHh you’ll wake up the cats”
You just can’t expect the stuff he does can you
Winter dates? More like spend-more-time-with-the-cats-and-you dates
I mean he’d be up for when you want to go somewhere with lots of cute winter decorations
Even winter bazaars and all that stuff
He’d get either excited or end up following you around most of the time
You both try to take couple pics and all buuuuuuut
Yongguk being Yongguk
Messes up like almost half of the pics you both take
“We’re not matching on our poses”
“It’s still cute”
Okay decorating your place… will be alright
The moment you tell him to carry you on his shoulders so you can put on the star on the Christmas tree he won’t actually hesitate
Maybe even complain and tell you to use a chair but nonetheless he will have to sacrifice
“Hey Yongguk can you move to the left a bit I can’t reach the top of the tree”
“No a little bit more”
“How about now?”
“Tiptoe a bit please I still can’t reach”
Whiny!Guk is very cute don’t @ me
Christmas shopping? Watch him get distracted over everything
Like he tries to find a gift for the secret santa thing but he ends up buying a gift for the cats
“Yongguk have you gotten a gift yet?”
“… Yeah so I found these cool toys for Tolbi and Rcy so”
“Are you serious”
One time he’s gonna be really confused as to why you’re rushing one day
When you’re really just rushing because you have to prepare your gift since you forgot to wrap it
His face is literally gonna be like ???
“I got a gift bag for mine why do you have to go on a hassle by wrapping it uniquely”
He’s got a point but you wanted your gift to be extra special so pFT
You know for sure that you can’t handle planning parties and so does Yongguk so you both end up going to a friend’s gathering instead
You both arrive Hyunbin’s small, intimate gathering with all smiles
Then again he’s prolly gonna be spending more time with Hyunbin more than you since he thinks you’re both always together he doesn’t get to see him all of the time
Nyangbin Nyangbin Nyangbin
It doesn’t really bother you though because you love all of his friends
And they appreciate you just as much
Plus they’re really happy Yongguk finally got a partner after a long time
You’ll both have a great time over at Hyunbin’s
Until,,, gift giving time
You get your gift first and honestly you didn’t expect it’d come from Hyunbin
And Yongguk’s gonna be all like
“OoOoOHhh what did he get you?”
“I’m not opening it until we get home”
Hyunbin’s gonna look at you as if you knew for sure it was Yongguk’s choice of a gift for you
Aka he helped out because Hyunbin didn’t know what you really wanted
And Yongguk definitely knew so he just acted as if he didn’t
You even told Yongguk it’s fine if you both don’t have gifts for each other since you buy each other stuff almost all the time
Tbh you and Yongguk would probably be one of the first few people to head on out
Mainly bc of Tolbi and Rcy
So when you arrive home he’s gonna check up on the cats first
Then you go to the living room to finally open up your gift
You see that it’s actually a cute pair of earmuffs with cat ears at the top
You also remember the time you whined about wanting to get earmuffs at the mall when winter started
But Yongguk stopped you because he said it’s ‘useless’
In reality he actually asked Hyunbin to buy you that pair because he thought of you instantly when he saw it
You realize that he’s actually very lowkey caring even though he doesn’t always show it
You grin widely and wear it
You were gonna walk to the other side of the room
But Yongguk walked over and stood at the doorway
So you both just stand at the doorway looking at each other while laughing
“The gift is really cute… just like you”
“Wow I got complimented after a while??”
“Hyunbin knows what you needed hahaha”
“Well if it weren’t for his friend who told him I needed earmuffs”
He becomes all shy and you just end up laughing at how cute he was
You look up and to your surprise, you see a mistletoe at the doorway
“Psst, Yongguk”
Smirk smirk get the idea sweetie
He’s gonna be all blank and a bit confused
Until you point up and he looks at the mistletoe
He gulps a bit and looks at you all nervous
“Uhh so what’s with that thing, then?”
“Kiss me you idiot”
He leans in and pecks you quickly before pulling back
And you look at him frustratingly while pouting
“Ha ha… happy holidays?”
“Kim Yongguk come here”
You end up pulling him closer and kiss him back longer
He just laughs into the kiss tbh until you pull out this time
“Noooo I want it to be longer”
“Too bad you kissed me at a shorter time first”
Cue Tolbi purring nearby
“You know what I always wanted to do, y/n?”
“Take a family photo with you and the cats so I can keep it on my phone and look at it every time I am away and missing you the most”
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dongsooks · 6 years
B.A.P when their s/o wants to cuddle
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A/N: Thank you, I’m glad you liked the other one! I hope you’ll like this one too! Also I’m so so sorry it took this long, I’ve been fighting a huge writers block lately. Let’s hope it leaves me alone soon so I can be inspired to write more!!
(written by admin Fay)
Flustered if you ask for cuddles when other people are around. If it was just the two of you, he’d wrap his arms around you instantly. Unfortunately, our busy leader might not always have excess time but if you beg and whine and maybe throw in some aegyo?? Gukkie will do his best to make it work somehow, even if you had to sit on his lap as he continued to tap away on his computer. At the same time he really appreciates the short, relaxing breaks from work and your time closer together, because when the tours and other trips abroad come, he will have to manage without your soft touch for a while.
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Probably makes you do something to “earn his majestic presence”, like a peck on his cheek and then lips. After that it’s a prison, he will not let go, no matter how you try to convince him that you really need to pee. Himchan may easily get overwhelmed by a sudden need to flood compliments your way. He’ll hold you close firmly, but at the same time very gently.
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One word (even at work, he will not hesitate to drag you to a more quiet place) and you’re trapped. Kisses and playful bites and tickles gallore. The more he calms down and settles for actual cuddling, the more talkative he’ll become. He will ramble on and on about whatever Youngjae and him did to annoy Himchan this time, and when he’s finished, he’ll want you to tell him all about yours. Every detail. Just to make sure his princess is doing okay.
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“Psshh who has time for cuddles? I’m a busy man (Y/N)!”
Youngjae seems like one of those people who will want to jokingly act like he isn’t as soft and caring as he truly is inside. But dating him you now very well that he’s just being, well, himself. As soon as you make a move to leave him alone - “Nevermind I take it back, get your butt on my lap.” - the boy is head over heels for you and can’t help himself. He needs to hold you close every now and then. Unless...
“Actually no, you hold me, I’m fucking precious.“
Yep, he’s in one of those sassy moods again.
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Lives for your cuddles!! He always feels so reassured when he gets to hold you, especially if you fall asleep in his arms. Your calm breathing helps him relax, and he just feels so happy that you trust him to keep you safe while you doze off. Jongup doesn’t really mind enjoying each others company in silence, he’ll gladly listen to you talk if you want to tell about your day or if you just need to vent. But then again, he’d be quite shy about it if you were hit with the feels in public and would probably promise to cuddle you when you get home, sealing it with a little kiss on your forehead.
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Sweeps you off of your feet, or throws you over his shoulder, or picks you up by your waist to carry you to the couch or the bed. He gets a chuckle out of your surprised yelps and screeches every time. He’ll wrap his long legs around you to hold you in place, while nuzzling his nose aganst yours in an eskimo kiss. He loves being goofy with you, but also holds you with a stable grip against his chest. He wants to make you feel safe and comfortable, so you two can enjoy each others company, before he has to run off for dance practice again.
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lgtbap · 6 years
Este es un nuevo Tumblr sobre reacciones, imaginas, one-shots, drabbles, relatos, headcanons, etc., centrado en B.A.P. En un futuro puedo llegar a hacer de algún otro grupo, pero momentaneamente me dedicaré por completo a ellos.
Este blog fue creado con la iniciativa de fomentar el cariño y apoyo a estos seis angeles. No he visto otros blogs muy activos que se dediquen a escribir historias, relatos o contenido similar, sobre ellos, en español, así que me cuestioné: "¿Por qué no?".
Por ahora voy a subir alguna historia o reacciones de mi autoría sin que hayan sido pedidas, hasta que llegue algún milagroso pedido y comience a adaptarme a cómo funcionan las publicaciones de Tumblr. Llevo rondando por acá desde 2010 y jamás he subido más que un par de imágenes.
Las temáticas que vas a encontrar acá serán variadas. Desde escenas románticas que te harán sonreír como cuando los personajes de tu drama se besan por primera vez, hasta momentos de tensión sexual que te provocarán escalofríos. Sólo toca hacer tu pedido. Sin miedos o dudas, lo único que no acepto son pedidos con contenido racista, discriminatorio, sexista, xenófobo u homófobo. Amor, paz y respeto, por favor (y algo de kink, why not?).
Las parejas pueden ser de cualquier género. Podés pedir una historia con algún miembro como tu pareja, historias de algún shipp del grupo, vos y algún shipp, algún miembro que creas que pueda quedar lindo con alguien fuera del grupo, etc. En esta casa adoramos y respetamos a las personas por sus valores y cómo se reflejan al mundo; qué son o no son, qué les gusta o qué no, qué disfrutan o qué no, es totalmente irrelevante.
Bueno, sin más que agregar... ¡Muchas gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leer esto y espero poder seguir leyendonos pronto! <3
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noona-clock · 6 years
B.A.P when they’re comforting you and you confess your love
Hey! Could I request a reaction from B.A.P and Monsta X? For when their S/O is having a really hard time and while they try comforting their S/O, their S/O says tells them they love them very sincerely. Thank you so much! ❤️❤️
Here’s the B.A.P portion of your request! Here’s Monsta X!
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the gifs used in this post.
-Admin B
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Yongguk would be so serious as he’s comforting you, and then when you all of a sudden tell him you love him, he wouldn’t be able to hold back a smile. You said it so sincerely and earnestly, and he just can’t believe someone like you has feelings like that for him. He would feel so lucky to have you, but he would still try to stay focused on making you feel better. He would kiss your forehead and hug you tightly, telling you he loves you, too.
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“I mean, I was trying to comfort you and be an amazing boyfriend, but then you steal the spotlight by telling me you love me, okay then.” He would be totally kidding, of course. He was acting offended just to make you laugh! He knows laughter is the best medicine, and he’s willing to make a fool out of himself to help you feel  better. He would tell you he loves you back before trying to make you laugh again.
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When Daehyun hears you say so sincerely that you love him, he would immediately break into a smile. He’s been waiting for this, to be honest. And even though it happened when you’re feeling horrible and he’s trying to comfort you, it still makes his heart flutter. “I love you, too, and that’s why I want to make sure you get through this. I’ll be there with you through anything. Now, let’s go get something to eat, yeah?”
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Youngjae, of course, would assure you he loves you back, but he’s more worried about your well-being at the moment. He would continue to comfort you and tell you everything will be okay because he’ll be there by your side through anything. He would also secretly start planning a nice, romantic dinner for the two of you to celebrate your love.
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Jongup would be completely caught off guard! And he would be a little confused? “Wait, I thought... I was just comforting you. Aren’t you upset right now? But... you also love me? Huh?” I mean, obviously he would confess his love right back to you, he would just be... confused. 
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Sweet baby would get so shy! And he would still be very, very worried about you. He would continue to comfort you and make sure you get to feeling better - but there would be the cutest smile on his face for the rest of the day because now he knows you love him.
Master list // RULES // Submit a Request! // Read About the Admins
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bangchan-sonyeondan · 7 years
JBJ | They confess to their best friend
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He had his whole confession played out, but when it finally came time to put his words into motion, he was speechless. “So, Y/N... uh-” he got choked up on his words, clasping his hands together. He looked at you for a moment. “What is it Taehyun?” you asked, smiling at him. 
He giggled nervously, trying to gather his thoughts. “I like you!” he exclaimed quickly. You laughed. “Yeah, I like you too~” you said happily. “No... I mean, I like you, like you.” 
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He was really cute about it. He brought you flowers, which you didn’t even realize were for you. You furrowed your eyebrows, looking at the flowers. “Who are those for?” you asked. He smiled, holding them up and blowing you a kiss. “You, duh~” 
You giggled and walked over to him. “What are these for?” you asked, looking up at him. He smiled, handing them to you. “I like you a lot, Y/N.” he said cheerfully.
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He looked at you with his cute little smile. “What are you looking at me like that for?” you asked, stopping what you were doing and looking at him. He didn’t expect you to catch him looking at you, but he did and now he was at a loss for words. 
He giggled, not being able to take his eyes off of you. “You’re just really beautiful.” You tilted your head and watched him, debating if he was serious or not. “Sanggyun, are you.... flirting with me?” you joked. “Would it be so bad if I was?”
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He was really shy about it. He stuttered and couldn’t really look you in the eyes. “Yongguk, hello~” you sang, snapping your fingers at him. He hummed, looking at you. “Sorry...”
“What are you thinking about?” you asked, concerned. He looked at you for a moment. “How much you mean to me.” You laughed, a blush creeping up to your cheeks. “Don’t joke.” you said, running your fingers through your hair. “I’m not joking... I like you.”
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Hyunbin was so confident about his confession. He sat across from you at the table you were sitting at and watched you eat for a moment. “So, there is something I need to tell you.” he said as you shoved a spoonful of food in your mouth. You looked at him and nodded. “I like you so much more than a friend.”
Your eyes widened and you choked on your food. He ran his hand through his hair. “Not the reaction I was hoping for..” He sulked, but immediately perked up when you told him the feeling was mutual.
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He would be in between Taehyun and Hyunbin. Not too nervous, but not overly confident. He was more open about it. “Hey, Y/N.” he said, getting your attention. “I like you~” he said, leaning in for a kiss. He stopped, kissing the air and looked away. “You didn’t try to stop me,so I’m assuming you feel the same way.”
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junsolismysoul · 6 years
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Forget Me Not
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