#Kids Love Play Toy Guns gelblasters
peterclark110 · 5 years
6 Reasons Why Kids Love to Play with Toy Guns
‘Play is the highest form of Research’ - Albert Einstein
‘Playing is effortless for a child’. It becomes his very first form of interaction with the outside world. A child playing with toy guns and gel blasters is no different from having his free expression in response to the outer objects/articles that we put across. 
For centuries, the stereotype of a boy playing with aggressive toys and a girl playing with soft toys has been a persuasive force on our thoughts and perceptions. So much so, that we established it as a fixed norm and have been blindly passing this idea from generation after generation without even enquiring or realizing the natural inclination of a child.
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What else would do better for our research work than to dive deeper into our understanding with studying the early years of our child where he picks up all the behavioural traits and habits. Studying the psychology behind the actions is perhaps the best thing we could do to put our child’s energy into the best possible use. 
This blog is all about demystifying the reasons as to why your child loves to play with the toy guns and gel blasters so that you can understand the psychology behind it and can channelise the same in favour of your child’s bright future. 
Follow the top qualities that your child possesses if he loves to play the role of a warrior with a toy gun in his hand:
1. He is inclined towards the ‘Power’: Gaining power is possibly the most prominent reading that you could have from your child playing with a toy gun. The more he is inclined to exhaust his energy while playing with a toy gun, the more it signifies his innate desire to gain power over the outer world.
2. He wants to ‘Control’: The subsequent trait followed by the ‘power’ is the desire to control things that comes with his impulse of playing with the combative toy like toy guns and gel blasters.
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3. He loves to project his Strength: Playing with aggressive toys symbolize the expression of your childbearing a strong and resilient attitude towards life. Playing with a toy gun represents his dominant thought of being a fighter in life.
4. He is an Energy Reservoir: As a child comes to a new territory, not only his instinct calls for his reflex action to act defensive but a rush of energy could be the other side of the coin that speaks about his strong impulse for the toy gel blasters. Wanting to have a power-packed session of playing with a toy gun is a great signal that your child is a huge reservoir of energy.
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5. He possesses a Bold Spirit: Children effortlessly speak through their actions. If your child has a knack of playing with toy guns, it also shows that he embodies the spirit of a bold human being and wants to stand out in his power than to submit to the others.
6. He loves to grow-up as an Assertive Being: What’s better to know that your child is among those who like to take up their battle. Yes, playing with a toy gun is a great sign of your child possessing an assertive quality and all you need is to give it a positive direction.
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