yugioh-rare-pair-poll · 11 months
Round 1: Poll 21
Propaganda under the cut
Pairing 1: Kiddyshipping (Mokuba Kaiba/Rebecca Hawkins)
Propaganda: Mokuba and Rebecca are in the same age range and both are kids that love toys and playing games! It would be so nice to just see them hanging out without the angst and drama of the teens around XD Plus I like the idea of them bonding over fun card games without world ending consequences and Mokuba taking Rebecca to Kaibaland where they can both just be kids running around having fun. 
Pairing 2: Ateloshipping (Maxamillion Pegasus|Pegasus J. Crawford/Bandit Keith)
Propaganda: No propaganda submitted
Now, let’s keep things civil. This is a silly poll where we can share why we love our overlooked ships. There’s no need to be nasty to prove your point. Bashers will be banished to the Shadow Realm.
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kaibacorpintern · 10 months
I sense an impending category 5 fandom event (Yugioh DM favorite ship poll), so to spare us all some pain and annoying discourse and bloodshed over several weeks, I've run a simulation of how it would go. let's assume it was seeded correctly and powerhouse ships get pitted against rarepairs in the first round, but this does not mean we're short on surprises.
discoursebait ships like scandal, toon, and tabloid get swept immediately. voters who are not bakurae get confused between gemship, angstship, thiefship, deathship, and citronship and vote for what they think is one ship, but is actually some other ship, bc the poll mod forgot to put the character names in the polls and they get lots of anons about it. dragon is taken out by wish. kiddyship and siblingship are matched up and you can choose whoever you want to win, bc it doesn't matter. gets obliterated by pride in the next round. There is brief but intense discourse around calling it "puppy" or "violet" or "joukai" or "kaijou." the poll mod gets annoyed and just calls it "kaiba/joey" in perpetuity. visionship makes a valiant effort before falling in the round of sixteen to whichever bakurae ship pulled out of the initial bloodbath, sweating and spitting blood.
Rivalship trots along at a strong and respectable pace, but ultimately falls to violetship because violet have had the ship propaganda game on lock for decades, and rival is a post-DSOD new wave resurgence ship. Ships that pair Kaiba with a woman (mizu, azure, blue, trust) have very few but very devoted fans who lovingly write heartfelt propaganda, but this is a shounen series for teenage boys, so we're fighting a doomed, sisyphean battle here. ergo, every kaiba/woman ship gets steamrolled. however, "crack" ship Kaiba/Kaiba (moneyshipping) gets the single best written propaganda - loving, insightful, and deeply profound (It's not crack. It's real to ME). sealshipping and kingshipping fight to the death. whoever wins loses to stubbornshipping, because i want stubbornshipping to win at least one round. we make passive aggressive vague posts. we rally the ship discord servers. we send DMs to our trusted mutuals and besties: HOWWW did this ship LOSE TO THAT ONE?!?!?!! WHERE IS THE JUSTICE?
regardless, the polls continue. Puzzle eats up literally everyone on its way to the final four. prideshipping reaches the round of eight, after defeating peach, due to posts escaping fandom containment, but falls to puzzle, in a crushing blow to me personally. This is an honorable death. In all honesty I completely forgot about heartship. if you ship this, you can pretend it did really well, but then it lost to a ship you also like, so you're pretty satisfied overall. If you don't ship this, you don't have to think about it.
In the final four violet loses to puzzle. The bakurae ship falls. this leaves puzzle, a worthy and beloved ship, facing off against the final contender: keg.
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enemyoflactose · 1 year
Kiddyshipping for ygo rare pair week
Sweet/dessert 🩷
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yu-gi-oh-posts · 1 year
ok i wanna post so..
aromantic kaiba : im a prideshipper but this shit hits hard
trans mokuba : i mean idk its fine
trans yugi/yami: yes
trans/bi joey : sure
blueshipping : what who is that person huh
mobium..shipping?: i love myself taken to the next level
kiddyshipping/becky and mokuba friendship: i think this is valid
puppyshipping: you like it but i dont but shoot your shot
goth yugi/jock joey: canon
duke: i spin the dice!! it lands on hot.
puzzleshipping: no i dont want to read smut yes im okay with this
yujou/wishshipping: MMMM thats some good shit
joey x bakura : i dont believe in this but its ok
bakura x yami marik: bro thought ptsd demons are hot and i think canon
yami bakura x marik: this better be a canon event
yami bakura x bakura: no it doesnt work but if it hit for you ok
yami marik x yami bakura: nuh-uh
yami marik x marik : bro loves his ptsd too much
duke x rebecca: ive never seen this but when duke called rebecca 'becky' i died inside a bit
blindshipping: pharaoh x yugi = reincarnation fucks its past self
mokuba x seto: no.
rebecca x yugi: ehhhh
mai x joey: its canon but jail time
mai x ishizu: theyve never even breathed the same air but they would maybe fit together??
mai x anzu: jail time but its ok
anzu x yugi : i have no feeling to this and i wish i can stop this canon event
yugi x viv: shes a simp and hes single-handly crying inside no
yugi x bakura : ok ok
joey x yami: no but if youre ok with it im ok
joey x yami x yugi: i dont even know what to say
joey x honda: homiesexual
nonbinary bakura/transmasc/transfem bakura: uhhh idk
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samyelbanette · 4 years
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So I’ve had it in the back of my head for a while, that Mokuba and Carly must be related. Like. They have the same hair color, and basically the same outfit.
But I just now figured out the specifics of my headcanon??
So. I ship Kiddyshipping (Mokuba x Rebecca). Several years after DM, they’re married. Mokuba tragically dies in the Zero Reverse incident. Rebecca was on a business trip in America at the time (despite being heavily pregnant), and therefore survives.
She returns to the destroyed Domino City, devastated by the loss of her husband. KaibaCorp, unfortunately, gets taken over by someone else, while she’s distracted by her grief. But, nevertheless, she moves to the newly-built Tops, and gives birth to Carly.
Ten years later, Rebecca remarries. Her second husband’s last name is Nagisa. Carly takes her stepfather’s name. But, she still idolizes the biological father that she never knew.
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liyah2021 · 4 years
So cool
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thatdangeroussmile · 5 years
Mokuba: Rebecca, I really like you. Would you want to maybe go to the movies sometime?
Rebecca: no
Mokuba: Why not?!
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For Kiddyshipping Anon. Hope you like it!!
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kari-izumi · 7 years
Mokuba's Reason Why Not, Chapter Two
TA-DA! 😀
Link to AO3 (will update to ff.net later)
Finally friggin' done, five full drafts, five months and three jobs later. The reviews and comment for this fic that I didn't didn't expect to get many views really kept me going through the crap I went through at Acura. And boy, was this fun indeed! I've never had a chance to write for Jounouchi in any depth before and I've also become an Angstshipper out of this, so....um, lookout for that in the future 😙
Hopefully, this will be visible under the tags, but this will be queued just in case so it doesn't get lost under Tumblr's most recent "improvement" of best stuff first (I think everyone's turned it off by now, though).
Another thanks to @nenya85 for her help in reviewing the last two drafts of this story. I can't stress how hard it is to write for so many characters when only two of them had any meaningful development in manga or anime.
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kelekiahshadya · 8 years
Valentine Fandom Meme
I’m eternally late to the game since Valentine’s Day was a week and a half ago, but I saw this ask meme, and I couldn’t help myself. Since I never get asks, I’ve decided that I’m going to treat it like a meme on its own. Taken from courierhawk’s reblog; original questions from thevirdirthara. Also, apologies in advance. I use a mix of dub/sub names.
Your favorite non-canon ship?
Considering there’s only one, maybe two ACTUAL canon ships, just about any of my ships are valid, though there are slightly more canon ships if you look at the anime instead of the manga. That being said, Polar (MaiXJoey) is probably my favorite non-canon ship. I know, I know, age difference and it’s not present in the manga and blah blah blah, but I don’t care. I love Polar to death.
Is there a ship you didn’t like at first but ultimately started shipping?
Thorn (AnzuXYamiMarik) is a ship I never would’ve considered ever because I don’t ship Yami Marik with anyone, but one fic on fanfiction.net caught my attention, and my secret love for Thorn was born. Honestly, though, it has to be extremely specific circumstances for me to ship this—pretty much only if Yami Marik is human.
What is the rarest rare pair (that you ship)?
Probably Timid (SerenityXYugi). I’m not certain I’ve ever seen content for this ship anywhere. I’m surprised I even know its name. But if I think about it too long, it becomes super cute. A close tie might be Soft (SerenityXRyou) because it is also quite cute. I like cute things.
Name a popular ship you don’t get the appeal of.
Death (YamiMarikXRyou) and Puppy (SetoXJoey). As I said before, I can’t pair Yami Marik with anyone (except Anzu under special human circumstances), and even if I did, Ryou would be one of the last people I’d choose. Under certain circumstances, like years later when they’re both adults, I can maybe see Seto and Joey EVENTUALLY getting along, but as far as I’m concerned, Puppy is not a ship that would ever work. Just, no.
What is your most fluffy + happy ship?
With the power of fanfic, I can make any ship fluffy and happy. As far as pure canon is concerned, I don’t think one exists. So, with the power of my fanfic abilities, I declare that the fluffiest and happiest ship I have is Sibling (SerenityXMokuba). There might be a little angst in this relationship just because their brothers don’t get along, BUT! These two are precious fluffy babies.
What is your most angsty ship?
With the power of fanfic, I can make any ship angsty XD AUs are a particular specialty of mine in this case. Combining both canon with possible AUs, I’d have to say Manipula (AnzuXMarik) just because, canonically, there’s a lot of potential bad blood between them because of what Marik did to her and Joey and Yugi, and Marik’s not exactly a goody-two-shoes either.
A non-canon ship that should be canon?
Sibling because I consider Peach (AnzuXYugi) almost canon, and Sibling is almost the next best thing. I mean, I do ship her with Duke and Tristan, both of which are kinda canon if you look at the manga and anime respectively, but I love Sibling too much to ignore it in this question.
Your oldest ship; the one you’ve shipped for the longest time?
Peach was my first OTP in the YuGiOh franchise, and I still ship it to this day.
What ship represents the kind of relationship you’d love to have?
Peach again. I think the most important part of a romantic relationship is friendship. If you’re not besties with your significant other, then I don’t believe the relationship will work out as well. I want to be able to be myself around my significant other, and I want to be understood by them. I feel like Peach embodies this well.
Is there a ship that makes your skin crawl?
I have never been nor will ever be super comfortable with yaoi and yuri ships, but they’re not so bad as to make my skin crawl, but incest will forever make me sick, and so will pedophilia. NO THANK YOU.
What is a character you can only imagine in one particular ship?
Surprise, surprise, it’s Joey. Blame it on the lack of female characters available in YuGiOh, but I have only ever shipped him with Mai. The only way Joey gets any love in my writing/headcanons is if there are OCs involved, assuming he’s not already paired with Mai.
What is your favorite canon ship?
Rose (CeceliaXPegasus). I’m super sad that it ended so badly in canon because they are adorable, and one of my ultimate favorite YGO pairing fanarts is for this ship.
Name a ship that deserved more content.
Peach if only because I want to see them actually get together. I think that because friendship is a super focus of YuGiOh as a whole, we got a lot less romantic content than we otherwise might have liked, but that’s okay with me. That’s why fanfiction/fanart exists XD
Is there a ship you feel gets undeserved hate in fandom?
Depends on what corner of the fandom you’re in. I personally hate it when people hate on Anzu, no matter the ship she might be in, especially when they hate on her in favor of their yaoi pairings. That’s super unfair to Anzu as a character since she’s awesome and one of my favorite female characters of all time.
What is the first ship you had?
I already mentioned this in the oldest ship question, but I’ll say it again—Peach.
Is there a ship that made you realize something about yourself?
I don’t know if I can cite a specific ship, but shipping in YuGiOh is what made me realize that I like character/ship potential almost more than I like ships themselves, hence why I multiship. Because of this realization and multishipping in YuGiOh, I’ve been able to extend that to other fandoms, especially Harry Potter.
Is there a type of ship you always go for?
Depends on the situation. I’m a sucker for strong female characters who could be paired with lots of guys because I’m such a multishipper, and I love cute fluffy pairings. I do like ships with interesting conflict, but the fluffy ones always get me.
Is there a ship the writers have ruined for you?
Not that I can think of. I mean, almost no ships are canon in YuGiOh, so rather than “ruining” ships, it’s mostly just unknown for the various potential ships.
Is there a ship the fandom has ruined for you?
Not really. I already had my reasons for not shipping certain ships, and I’ve never been turned away from a ship I already shipped. I will say, though, that I wish people would tag their freakin’ ships so that I don’t have to see stuff on my dash that I don’t ship.
Have you ever created fan created content for a ship?
Yes. I’ve never drawn any of my YuGiOh ships, but I have written a couple oneshots for Peach and one for Polar. I’ve also referenced/included the following ships in stories focused on OC ships: Peach, Polar, Ardent (SerenityXTristan), Kiddy (RebeccaXMokuba), Half (MihoXRyou), Tie (MihoXTristan), Azure (AnzuXSeto), and Sedate (SerenityXMarik).
Favorite thing you’ve ever created for a ship?
Do children count? Or grandchildren? My YuGiOh OC story has an entire second and third generation to follow. I have children/grandchildren for the following ships: Peach, Polar, Ardent, Kiddy, and Half.
Is there a ship you’ll never admit you have?
No. I’m not ashamed of my ships. I admit that I don’t talk about some of them as much, but that doesn’t mean I don’t ship them or that I’m afraid to admit it.
Have you ever started shipping a ship because of the fans?
Yes. It wasn’t until fandom hit really hard in recent years that Sibling joined my roster of ships.
What is one scene you want to see happen for all your ships?
A proposal. Is that cliché? I don’t care XD
Is there a ship you wish you didn’t know existed? 
Any incest ships. I don’t know why they exist or if there are people who ship them, but I wish they’d never been conceived (the ships, not the people).
Name a ship that ended like you wanted it to.
Considering both canon ships ended in death, I’m gonna say none of them. All my ships end nicely in my head.
Name a ship that deserved better in the end.
Rose and Mizu (KisaraXSeth). Both of these ships ended in tragedy, and it makes me so sad. I NEED THEM TO BE HAPPY.
Is there a character you have several ships for?
Oh yes. Many of them. I’m a multishipper XD I have Anzu in the most ships. My Anzu ships are Azure, Host (AnzuXRyou), Manipula, Peach, Persevere (AnzuXDuke), Thorn, and Vex (AnzuXYamiBakura).
What is the ship you ignore 98% of canon for?
I don’t ignore canon, I bend canon *coughAUISMYFRIENDcough* Okay, okay, maybe my two Miho pairings, Half and Tie. Not much info is given in the manga except that Tristan/Honda has a crush on her and that she’s kinda shy, and she doesn’t exist in DM. I ignore season 0 super hardcore when it comes to Miho. To be perfectly honest, she almost feels more like an OC most days.
Is there a ship you like but you dislike the fandom?
Not really. It’s usually the other way around ’cause I love my YuGiOh friends, but most of them ship stuff I don’t.
If you’re curious about the bajillion other ships I ship that I haven’t mentioned, or if you’re wondering what het ships I don’t ship (since I’ve already ruled out all yaoi, yuri, and incest), or if you want to rant about ships we share, feel free to drop me an ask! I enjoy talking about my ships~
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nolifepoints · 7 years
Okay so this is a ship I’ve only thought of for a while,but what do u think about MokubaxRebecca I know they are kids,but like imagine teenage Mokuba and Rebecca geeking out over latest technology together,or like not at all being your typical “normal teen” but their chill with that especially since they’ve got each other and they both get each other. Idk I think it’s cute,do u got any head canons to add,do ya even LIKE this ship? (Also btw I love ur blog srry if I ranted too much on here!😅💙)
Ah, I’ve actually talked about kiddyship before in this post. Basically, although I’m not terribly into Mokuba or Rebecca ships, I think there are similarities between them. They’re both pretty precocious (Rebecca more so; I think Mokuba’s not quite the genius Kaiba is, but he’s still obviously quite clever and capable) and have both taken on adult responsibilities at such a young age (college in Rebecca’s case, being KC VP in Mokuba’s). 
As a result, I think they’ve probably both have experienced similar struggles in trying to get others to listen to and respect them, and they probably also both feel the gap between themselves and their older “peers.” But they’re still very different people. Mokuba’s a lot more laid back and, I think, more the type to bottle his feelings and try to engineer things in his favor more subtly than try to make a scene, having been in Kaiba’s shadow. So I think Rebecca’s brashness and forwardness and drive are likely both comfortably familiar to Mokuba and something that could keep him on his toes. :P 
So, platonic or romantic, I think stuff that explores interactions between Mokuba and Rebecca can be pretty cool~. I’ll also take a sec to plug @kari-izumi and her fic Mokuba’s Reason Why Not which is so far a whole lot of fun (sorry I still need to comment properly on the latest chapter xD).
Thank you, I’m glad you like my blog! :,D
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yugioh-rare-pair-poll · 10 months
Second-Chance Bracket: Poll 11
Propaganda under the cut
Pairing 1: Kiddyshipping (Mokuba Kaiba/Rebecca Hawkins)
Propaganda: Mokuba and Rebecca are in the same age range and both are kids that love toys and playing games! It would be so nice to just see them hanging out without the angst and drama of the teens around XD Plus I like the idea of them bonding over fun card games without world ending consequences and Mokuba taking Rebecca to Kaibaland where they can both just be kids running around having fun.
Pairing 2: Mastershipping(Ryuji Otogi|Duke Devlin/Seto Kaiba)
Propaganda: They are both sexy, successful and have quite a lot in common, especially in terms of having a huge responsibility for their age (running a business, promoting their inventions, coming through in an environment dominated by actual adults, ...). Also (at least in my imagination) they both roll their eyes at Jonouchi – Kaiba always, Otogi still at least from time to time ;D
Now, let’s keep things civil. This is a silly poll where we can share why we love our overlooked ships. There’s no need to be nasty to prove your point. Bashers will be banished to the Shadow Realm.
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reikitai · 3 years
(DM) YGO OTPs/ aesthetics
Puzzleshipping- Solar eclipse Mobiumshipping- Sun, moon & stars Blindshipping- Sandstorms w sunlight Rivalshipping- Dawn's sunlight and cold morning dew Flareshipping- Sun, Moon, Clouds Dragonshipping- Cool fall days with coffee Feathershipping- Spicy curry, laughter, good memories Wishshipping- Warm blankets, warn out gaming systems, a fire Puppyshipping- Late night texts, early calls, busy city life
Axisshipping- Roses with frost on them
Prideshipping- Lightning and thunder Heartshipping- Hot chocolate w marshmallows on a fall or winter day Thiefshipping- Fighting on rooftops w swords Deathshipping- Mint leaves, freezing breezes, frost on the ground Alliumshipping- Hidden old libraries
Blue/Mizushipping- Quant cafes, spiced teas, old books, sophisticated statures Roseshipping- Dried up roses preserved, blank canvases, stained glass windows, springtime Trustshipping- Soft sunsets, hand holding, soft words of encouragement Vaseshipping- Gems hidden in the sand Polarshipping- Long summer days, skateboarding, pastel skies Conquestshipping- Bandaged hands, strong hugs, pine scents Foreignshipping- Spacious room with books and sunlight, all folklore Ardentshipping- Old photos from adventures, incense, scrapbooks hidden away Cheershipping- Bonfires,laughter,storytelling, roadtrips Kiddyshipping- A mansion cleaned routinely, kind and playful smiles
To be continued..Maybe haha
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motherfucking-kaiba · 7 years
AzureShipping Fic Rec
This is mainly for @lyralumina who received an ask looking for recommendations, and I really had to do this for my OTP so...
Rating - K
A Journey of the Heart by Estelle Stafford
Status: Complete
Abstract Melody by tectrices
Note: This is a sequel to Addiction.
Status: Incomplete (Last Updated June 26, 2007)
Ago Gratia by Winterwing3000
Status: Complete
Alone by darkrunner
Status: Complete
As Is: Whatever Way it Happens by AkaVertigo 
Note: This is part of the series, As Is.
Status: Complete
At the End of the Day by Svelte Rose 
Status: Complete
Barest Concerns by NoteEmmy 
Status: Complete
Blow Out the Candles by Atlantian Magic 
Status: Complete
Can We Call You Mark? by DarkShadowFlame 
Status: Complete
Can't Hurt to Ask by DarkShadowFlame 
Status: Complete
Cherry by Guardian Kysra 
Status: Complete
Christmas Curse or Christmas Blessing? by LuvinAniManga 
Status: Complete
Cookies & Milk by Winterwing3000
Status: Complete
Dancing With the Devil by LuvinAniManga
Status: Complete
Domestic Disputes by tectrices
Status: Complete
Expect the Unexpected by Jasmin Kaiba
Status: Complete
Falling With You by Miryoku
Status: Complete
Five Year Reunion by DistantStormMeg
Status: Complete
Fragments by WikketKrikket
Status: Complete
GirlFriend by AkaVertigo
Note: This is part of the series, As Is.
Status: Complete
Going Up? by WikketKrikket
Status: Complete
Home by reenas-as
Status: Complete
How Kaiba Seto Learned to Woo by DarkShadowFlame
Status: Complete
How the Friendship of Téa Gardner and Seto Kaiba Began and Ended by LizzieHopscotch
Note: This is part of the series, How Seto Kaiba Learned the Joys of Friendship
Status: Complete
I've Learnt by WikketKrikket
Status: Complete
Line Break by Geniusgirl The Original
Status: Complete
Medium by Pret-Visiona
Note: This is a sister story to Muse.
Status: Complete
Miss Scrooge by Azurite
Status: Complete
Mokuba, Thy Name is Edina? by DarkShadowFlame
Status: Complete
Muse by Pret-Visiona
Note: This is a sister story to Medium.
Status: Complete
Neko no Guukan by Azurite
Status: Complete
One Little Word by WikketKrikket
Note: This has a sequel, Three Little Words.
Status: Complete
Overlap by AkaVertigo
Note: This is part of the series, As Is.
Status: Complete
Rainy Day by Winterwing3000
Status: Complete
Reach by Audible Hush
Status: Complete
Reading Between the Lines by TaShyYrEi
Status: Complete
Red Envelopes by Winterwing3000
Status: Complete
Reunion by ladydolce
Status: Complete
Senbazuru by Mamono
Status: Complete
So Be It by AkaVertigo
Note: This is part of the series, As Is.
Status: Complete
Strains by Azurite
Status: Complete
Taste Test by AkaVertigo
Note: This is part of the series, As Is.
Status: Complete
The Littlest Crush by Atlantian Magic
Status: Complete
The Photograph by TaShyYrEi
Status: Complete
Three Little Words by WikketKrikket
Note: This is the sequel to One Little Word.
Status: Complete
Three Times, He Tries by Winterwing3000
Status: Complete
To See Her Dance by DarkShadowFlame
Status: Complete
To Think of You by Demented Insane Spirits
Status: Complete
Tying the Knot by AkaVertigo
Note: This is part of the series, As Is.
Status: Complete
Walk the Long Road by LuckyLadyBug
Status: Complete
What I Thought Was You by The Fifth Champion
Note: Mentions of child abuse.
Status: Complete
Where This May Lead by Geniusgirl The Original
Status: Complete
World Champion by Azurite
Status: Complete
Rating - T
A Doich, a Café, and a Pharaoh by Shadowed Mediocrity
Status: Complete
Addiction by tectrices
Note: Has a sequel, Abstract Melody.
Status: Complete
All She Wanted by Shadow's Mirror
Status: Complete
Are We Saints? by Demented Insane Spirits
Status: Complete
Before You Know It by DramaQueen95
Status: Complete
Betrayal by Demented Insane Spirits
Note: Side-pairing of Shadowshipping (Yami Yugi x Shizuka Kawai)
Status: Complete
Bleeding Love by The Thorned Rose
Status: Incomplete (Last Updated August 10, 2017)
Checkmate by Winterwing3000
Status: Complete
Christmas Chaos by aphrael21
Note: Sequel to The Gift.
Status: Complete
Claustrophobia by TechnicolorNina
Note: Depictions of Bodily Injury and Abuse
Status: Complete
Cruel to Be Kind by Nietzsche's Itch
Status: Complete
Eat Your Words, Beautiful by Azurite
Status: Complete
Eavesdropping by krys2007
Status: Complete
Elevator Games by ladydolce
Status: Complete
Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining by DramaQueen95
Status: Complete
Feel Beautiful by Geniusgirl The Original
Status: Complete
Friends Don't Let Friends Marry Jerks by Atlantian Magic
Status: Complete
From Business to Pleasure by Higuchimon
Status: Complete
Getting Over It by DarkShadowFlame
Note: Contains Arrogantshipping (Seto Kaiba x Mai Kujaku) and Polarshipping (Jounouchi Katsuya x Mai Kujaku)
Status: Complete
Her Guardian Angel by XxJuStxN0thInGxX
Note: Contains Peachshipping (Yugi Mutou x Anzu Mazaki)
Status: Complete
How Seto Kaiba Learned to be a Semi-Decent Human Being by LizzieHopscotch
Note: Part of the series, How Seto Kaiba Learned the Joys of Friendship.
Status: Complete
In Case of Emergency by tectrices
Note: Sequel to Lifestyles of the Rich and the Arrogant.
Status: Incomplete (Last Updated August 14, 2008)
It's a Girl Thing by Audible Hush
Status: Complete
Kaiba Family Album by Guardian Kysra
Status: Complete
Keep by Azurite
Status: Complete
Kiss From a Rose by DarkShadowFlame
Status: Complete
Lifestyles of the Rich and the Arrogant by tectrices
Note: Has a sequel, In Case of Emergency.
Status: Complete
Little Candy Hearts by SnowLion no Miko
Note: Contains Revolutionshipping (Yami Yugi x Anzu Mazaki) and Puzzleshipping (Yami Yugi x Yugi Mutou)
Status: Complete
Lockdown by ladydolce
Status: Complete
Locked In Love by LuvinAniManga
Status: Complete
Lost in Translation by Padewan CarrCarr
Note: Sequel to Poison
Status: Incomplete (Last Updated August 22, 2006)
Love Kaleidoscope by Momochan
Note: Contains Revolutionshipping (Yami Yugi x Anzu Mazaki)
Status: Complete
Love Letters by Guardian Kysra
Status: Complete
Love or Something Like That by Starian Princess
Status: Complete
Masquerade by Wolfsblood
Status: Complete
Melting the Ice by Princess of the Knight
Status: Complete
Nightmare by DarkShadowFlame
Status: Complete
One Rainy Day by Demented Insane Spirits
Status: Complete
Play With Me by TaShyYrEi
Status: Complete
Poison by Padewan CarrCarr
Note: Has a sequel, Lost In Translation.
Status: Complete
Prove It by DistantStormMeg
Status: Complete
Revelation by ladydolce
Status: Complete
S'More by Azurite
Status: Complete
Sente by Geniusgirl The Original
Status: Complete
Sinful Nature by ladydolce
Status: Complete
The Bachelor by Flashchimp
Status: Complete
The Gift by aphrael21
Note: Has a sequel, Christmas Chaos.
Status: Complete
The Gift of Life by Demented Insane Spirits
Status: Complete
The Two of Us by Tamereth
Status: Complete
This Doesn't Mean Anything by Acalanthis
Status: Complete
Unspoken by The Maiden in Pink
Status: Complete
Why? by Liz Inc
Status: Complete
Rating - M
A Fallen Angel by MidnightRose72
Status: Incomplete (Last Updated September 28, 2014)
Co-Op Gaming by Violet Wings
Status: Complete
Comatose by animechick999
Note: Contains Mature Content
Status: Incomplete (Last Updated November 8, 2017)
Deals With a Demon by Violet Wings
Status: Incomplete (Last Updated November 14, 2008)
Old Friends by OpalMagnus
Status: Incomplete (Last Updated August 30, 2017)
Rebecca's Plan by DarkShadowFlame
Note: Contains Mature Content, Kiddyshipping (Mokuba Kaiba x Rebecca Hawkins)
Status: Complete
Thank You by krys2007
Note: It’s basically smut, but does have an actual sequel, The Piece That Hold Us Together.
Status: Complete
The Nightmare Virus by Violet Wings
Status: Complete
The Older Brother by Violet Wings
Status: Incomplete (Last Updated December 23, 2008)
The Piece that Holds us Together by krys2007
Note: Sequel to Thank You, Contains Mature Content.
Status: Complete
To Win the Game by Usearki
Note: Contains Mature Content
Status: Complete
What Doesn't Kill You by Azurite
Status: Incomplete (Last Updated August 6, 2016)
64 notes · View notes
entamewitchlulu · 7 years
somehow when i tried to answer the ask, it vanished upon posting?
so to the anon who asked me about Kiddyshipping for the meme, this was my answer:
kiddyshipping isn’t a ship i’ve thought about for a LONG time, but while i do have the ��ship it but not otp” up there, it is still endgame to my comprehensive universe and i have shipping baby ocs for them that are still among my favorite ocs
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whiteclericmaris · 7 years
I have to love my results... 1 Puzzleshipping, 2) Blueshipping 3) A tie for Relyshipping (sibling love) and Replayshipping, 5) Conquestshipping 6) Tied for Blindshipping and Buddyshipping (because friendship is pure). and 8) Tied again for Jeershipping (I could see them as friends) , Jiishipping (friendship of course) and Kiddyshipping.
And I still don’t know all the names after taking that test.   
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