#Khiye;; Study
ofthescatteredstars 4 months
Happy pride month! In honour of pride, here's a small gender and sexuality rundown of the main + a few of the side muses on this blog!
Soup Thornshield is pansexual, is currently in a polyamorous relationship with both his companions, and is a gender-nonconfirming man! His other-world counterpart, Orchidus Flores, is also pansexual, but is still experimenting with labels and gender expression as of his current chronological development. Unlike Soup, Orchidus has a slightly stronger preference for men.
Dejin Rafaello Stabile is a gay man - known, accepted, and beloved by his Crownswatch companions for his relationship with Yorgos Megalos, who was also gay.
Khiye Vasilescu is a trans woman, and is also a lesbian. She would also class herself as being demiromantic. Her 'familiar', Nowhere, is unable to really express how she feels about either thing, so let's leave her alone for now.
Garur Drakejaw is transmasculine nonbinary, and while they also proudly identify as bisexual, they are slightly more sheepish about admitting that they are grey-aromantic, if only because they have so much trouble actually talking about their feelings.
Cassius Crow, as a minor and a huge shut-in, has had no time to consider these aspects of himself. However, as he grows up, I like to imagine that he eventually finds comfort in the genderfluid label.
Sage Henriette Frazzlespark is, much like Khiye, a trans woman and a lesbian, happily married to her wife of 20 years, Juniper.
Tomoe, having temporarily escaped the restrictive confines of the Tatsuta no Dai Jinja, has begun to question her own sexuality. If asked, she would suppose herself to be, at the very least, bicurious.
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offrozenmemoirs 5 months
馃挒 / Creed -> Estra
Five Ways to Say I Love You || Accepting! @allthatisleftinthedark
Holding and Physical Affection: -Creed is much like Es in that she'll gladly return all of Estra's physical touches, and more often than not, seeks it. She's usually not one for cuddling up to people outside of close friends, she'll give people handshakes or clap a hand on their shoulder, but Es is one of the few people she'll actively hold close. It's probably surprising to see that Creed isn't an overly physical person. Even with flings, she's not one to really cuddle up to someone, they'll have to make the first move.
Pillow Talk: -Creed's not an overly talkative person, which I think is evident when she's talked to members of the Crownswatch. I would argue Dejin and Khiye are the ones she's more willing to chat with casually or about serious topics on the merit that they've fought and bled together. It's not because she doesn't like people, it's because she feels kind of awkward. Estra however, almost immediately caught her eye, because she doesn't usually stay with caravans to talk with people. Though it helps that she probably came across them taking notes and her natural curiosity made her take the first step and talk first. Creed is a lot more talkative with them than she would be with most other people.
Commitment: -Creed has never committed to any sort of relationship, she's used to one night stands and flings, but with Estra, even though they've never gone beyond anything platonic, but with romantic implications, she's pretty much never shown interest in anyone else outside of playful, noncommittal flirting. Even when Creed didn't really acknowledge her desire for a romantic connection with them, she's never gone to seek out sex with anyone else after they got to know each other. In a way, even though she's still figuring out just why she loves Es, it's her budding love that motivates her to finally settle down and figure herself out as a person and who she wants to be. I also suppose that Creed's love for them comes from the fact that they don't care about her past or family name, to them, she's just Creed. Creed's just a lot more honest about herself with them. She's among the few people who can call her Nelia, or Nelly. Estra's also probably one of the few people who can read her like a book. Hence why they're often able to figure out when something is on her mind.
Gift Giving: -Much like Estra gives her handmade things, Creed will often do the same, or she'll bring things that she thinks they'll enjoy studying. This of course, has resulted in their shared tent being filled with a bunch of random trinkets from Creed's travels, or tools she's made to help them with their studies as well.
Acts of Service: -Creed would do anything for Estra, if they asked her to. She's more than happy to do what's asked of her simply because she likes spending time with Es. It's also noted that Creed is very protective of Estra, and if they were ever threatened, it would be one of the few ways to make Creed truly angry.
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ofthescatteredstars 10 hours
饾檭饾檴饾檼 饾樋饾檴 饾檾饾檴饾檺 饾檻饾檮饾檧饾檼 饾檱饾檴饾檻饾檧?
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Dejin is... isolating
intense, silent, overwhelming. you have so much to give but it is too much to share. nobody every reciprocates the way you do. makes you feel alien, unwanted. so you keep it and and watch others, hoping one day that could be you too.
Khiye is... violent
harsh words and cold glares. painful in the way that your heart burns but can never seem to seek for something better. it is the way you would walk through glass to see a smile, or claw at your own arms just to satisfy another, give and never take for the guilt that comes with wanting is suffocating. emotionally draining and a forever ache that you can't escape.
Garur is... all encompassing
it consumes you. thoughts that trace the same memory every waking second. body engrained with muscle memory at even the slightest sound. everything that is the earth reminds you of it. courses through your body like fire, keeps you afloat and wanting, always wanting for more
Corvus is... devotional
to love is to kneel. to give your all in hopes of even a glance. to sit pretty with glistening eyes wishing that it is enough. to be a sacrificial lamb to the divine, your love. pliant beneath holy hands that wash away the sin that taints you whole.
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ofthescatteredstars 3 days
( what does your soul smell like? )
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Cassius is... Fresh Linen
key words: refreshing, wit, humour. you are a relaxing person to be around and leave a positive impression on almost everybody you interact with! you're always sending the funniest memes in the groupchat and when you really like someone you can talk to them for hours on end. compatible with: fresh linen, grass and rain, rosewater.
Tomoe is... Candle Smoke
key words: self-assured, courageous, intuitive. you are an expert at overcoming your demons and should be proud of how brave you have consistently shown yourself to be. others are amazed by your perseverance, strong personality, and unapologetic uniqueness. compatible with: coffee, freshly baked bread.
Khiye is... Coffee
key words: intelligent, old soul, complex. you are an extremely thoughtful individual with a creative mind and loving heart. being around you is like sinking into a warm bath. there's something truly wise about the advice you give others, and being in your presence leaves others feeling warm, reassured, and inspired. compatible with: coffee, candle smoke, freshly baked bread.
Corvus is... Rosewater
key words: sensitive, romantic, calming. you are a beautiful person inside and out whose kindness shines through even on your worst days. being around you is like stepping into a crisp smelling floral garden on a spring evening. others are inspired by your empathy, charm, and all the love you have to give. compatible with: fresh linen, freshly baked bread.
Parveen is... Grass and Rain
key words: exciting, enlivened, youthful. above all things, you are a super fun person to be around! you're most likely to come up with the best ideas for how to spend a day off with the squad and are the life of every party you go to. you're incredible at cheering people up because others can't help but be affected by your energy. compatible with: grass and rain, fresh linen.
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ofthescatteredstars 2 months
randomly generated headcanons.
Just for the fun of it, I'm gonna go through the randomly generated ones and apply one for each muse on this blog + a couple side muses that I find entertaining!
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Soup makes your mom jokes. (He actually has done since Session 1 of SoA! It's the part of his humour that he knows is low-effort enough to be corny, but is still nonetheless irking to anyone it's directed to. It's perfect.)
Orchidus is awful with kids. (They didn't inherit their otherworld counterpart's fatherly tendencies. They're far better around animals than they are with children.)
Dejin is a dog person. (His family owns an Albarean spitz!)
Khiye is very good at walking in platform heels. (And regular heels, for that matter! They make her feel tall, and powerful to boot.)
Garur almost drank the lethal dosage of caffine once. (Their brain wanted it's fast-juice. They didn't know they could die from caffeine!)
Nowhere likes to eat straight coffee beans. (She loves the crunch! It's like a cereal to her, much to Dejin's dismay when he finds so many beans missing from his supplies.)
Cassius can play the piano. (At the very least, he will have wanted to learn how - whether he would have been allowed where he grew up is another matter. But, I think he'd be pretty good at it if he learned.)
If Parveen likes someone, they will give them a pretty rock. (Pebbling is one of his biggest love languages, and he has a good eye for things like pretty rocks, too! He likes to take such souvenirs from any expeditions he does for the Cardinal.)
Sage Frazzlespark's favorite color is pink. (She incorporates it into a lot of her clothing!)
Tomoe instinctively cleans messes in their own house as well as other peoples. (As a handmaiden, it's kind of been ingrained into her. This only added to her surprise when, in a recent session, Aika cleaned up her own mess before she had a chance to.)
Tawny has an incredible long-term memory but an awful short-term memory. (Seriously, this man can remember stories and anecdotes from 3,000 years ago as if he were there, but his mind doesn't process these things until a considerable amount of time has passed. Besides, running a tavern is too fast-paced for him to absorb current information that isn't pertinent to his job sometimes.)
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ofthescatteredstars 4 months
what flower shows your love the deepest?
Khiye is... azalea.
keywords: simple needs, self care, quiet moments.
the flower that best describes your love is the azalea. in the language of flowers, the azalea flower has a very straightforward meaning: taking care of yourself and those around you.
of course, depending on the color, it can also mean grief, longing, and solemnity. in most cases, it is meant to symbolize recovery from something, and looking towards a better dawn. in such a respect, your love, too, resembles much the same thing.
your love is kind and gentle, a reminder to those who receive it to look after themselves and to make themselves better before seeking out the attention of someone who may abuse their state of being for their own sakes.
your love is a warm touch, a gentle breeze, a good drink; your love is the essence of fragile but strong. your love is a gift that keeps giving, but you have to remember to give some of that love to yourself, in turn.
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ofthescatteredstars 6 months
Cakes of the Crownswatch!
No, not that kind of cake.
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From top left to bottom right;
Dejin Rafaello Stabile - Romantic's mocha cupcake
Khiye Vasilescu - Eerie strawberry-cherry muffin
Garur Drakejaw - Warrior's 'Scarred' Matcha Cake
Nowhere - Devilish Cake of Indeterminate Flavour
BONUS: Cassius Crow - Astral Banana bun
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ofthescatteredstars 7 months
The Crownswatch, and their Fighting Styles
Below are entries for the Crownswatch Four as a collective, done all as one post for viewing convenience. This is gonna get long.
BOLD what applies - italicise sometimes. cross out nevers.聽 repost, 聽don鈥檛 reblog.
fights honourably / fights dirty
prefers close - quarters 聽/ 聽prefers range
chats during 聽/ 聽goes silent
low pain tolerance 聽/ high pain tolerance
attacks in bursts 聽/ 聽attacks steadily
goes for the kill / aims to disarm / 聽fights defensively 聽/ 聽strikes first
is provoked easily 聽/ 聽provokes their opponent 聽/ 聽teases
gets visibly frustrated / 聽shouts while attacking
uses strategy 聽 / 聽focuses on the battle 聽/ experiences conflicting thoughts during battle
rushes in recklessly 聽/ 聽tries to read their opponent before engaging
fights wildly 聽/ fights calmly / 聽fights apathetically 聽/ 聽fights with anger 聽/ 聽fights with excitement / fights with delight
fights because they have to 聽/ 聽fights because they want to
fights without regard to wounds 聽/ 聽runs away when wounded / hides wounds 聽/ 聽 takes a blow to protect another
prefers a blade 聽/ 聽prefers a gun 聽/ 聽prefers hand to hand combat 聽/ 聽prefers a bow 聽/ 聽prefers a shield 聽/ prefers a personalised weapon 聽/ prefers magic, alchemy or spells
their greatest weakness is physical / 聽their greatest weakness is mental 聽/ 聽their greatest weakness is emotional
transforms for battle 聽/ fights as they appear
relies on strength 聽/ doubts their strength / 聽relies on speed
uses everything they have 聽/ proceeds with caution / 聽hides their full potential
exhausts quickly / has high stamina
behaves arrogantly聽/ 聽brags after landing a hit 聽/ belittles opponents abilities
uses psychological tactics / 聽uses brute strength
avoids civilians聽聽/ 聽strikes down civilians
damages surroundings 聽/ 聽avoids damaging surroundings
signature fighting style / makes it up as they go
mastered skill - set 聽/ learning their skill - set
fancy footwork 聽 / sloppy footwork
messy fighter 聽/ elegant fighter
accepts defeat 聽/ 聽refuses defeat 聽/ 聽begs for mercy
compliments their opponent / 聽insults their opponent
uses unnecessary movements 聽/ 聽moves efficiently 聽/ barely moves
prefers to dodge / 聽prefers to block
defends their blindside 聽/ 聽has no blindside 聽/ leaves blindsides vulnerable
uses all available advantages / 聽strictly uses one main method
plays around 聽/ holds back 聽/ 聽fights ruthlessly 聽/ 聽shows mercy
waits for an opponent to be ready 聽/ 聽strikes when opponent isn鈥檛 ready
fears death 聽/ 聽fears pain 聽/ 聽fears killing
has ptsd 聽/ avoids fighting
has lost a fight 聽/ 聽has won a fight
has killed 聽/ 聽refuses to kill / enjoys killing
wants to die standing 聽/ 聽would succumb slowly
fights honourably / fights dirty
prefers close - quarters 聽/ 聽prefers range
chats during 聽/ 聽goes silent
low pain tolerance 聽/ high pain tolerance
attacks in bursts 聽/ 聽attacks steadily
goes for the kill / aims to disarm / 聽fights defensively 聽/ 聽strikes first
is provoked easily 聽/ 聽provokes their opponent 聽/ 聽teases
gets visibly frustrated / 聽shouts while attacking
uses strategy 聽 / 聽focuses on the battle 聽/ experiences conflicting thoughts during battle
rushes in recklessly 聽/ 聽tries to read their opponent before engaging
fights wildly 聽/ fights calmly / 聽fights apathetically 聽/ 聽fights with anger 聽/ 聽fights with excitement / fights with delight
fights because they have to 聽/ 聽fights because they want to
fights without regard to wounds 聽/ 聽runs away when wounded / hides wounds 聽/ 聽 takes a blow to protect another
prefers a blade 聽/ 聽prefers a gun 聽/ 聽prefers hand to hand combat 聽/ 聽prefers a bow 聽/ 聽prefers a shield 聽/ prefers a personalised weapon 聽/ prefers magic, alchemy or spells
their greatest weakness is physical / 聽their greatest weakness is mental 聽/ 聽their greatest weakness is emotional
transforms for battle 聽/ fights as they appear
relies on strength 聽/ doubts their strength / 聽relies on speed
uses everything they have 聽/ proceeds with caution / 聽hides their full potential
exhausts quickly / has high stamina
behaves arrogantly聽/ 聽brags after landing a hit 聽/ belittles opponents abilities
uses psychological tactics / 聽uses brute strength
avoids civilians聽聽/ 聽strikes down civilians
damages surroundings 聽/ 聽avoids damaging surroundings
signature fighting style / makes it up as they go
mastered skill - set 聽/ learning their skill - set
fancy footwork 聽 / sloppy footwork
messy fighter 聽/ elegant fighter
accepts defeat 聽/ 聽refuses defeat 聽/ 聽begs for mercy
compliments their opponent / 聽insults their opponent
uses unnecessary movements 聽/ 聽moves efficiently 聽/ barely moves
prefers to dodge / 聽prefers to block
defends their blindside 聽/ 聽has no blindside 聽/ leaves blindsides vulnerable
uses all available advantages / 聽strictly uses one main method
plays around 聽/ holds back 聽/ 聽fights ruthlessly 聽/ 聽shows mercy
waits for an opponent to be ready 聽/ 聽strikes when opponent isn鈥檛 ready
fears death 聽/ 聽fears pain 聽/ 聽fears killing
has ptsd 聽/ avoids fighting
has lost a fight 聽/ 聽has won a fight
has killed 聽/ 聽refuses to kill / enjoys killing
wants to die standing 聽/ 聽would succumb slowly
fights honourably / fights dirty
prefers close - quarters 聽/ 聽prefers range
chats during 聽/ 聽goes silent
low pain tolerance 聽/ high pain tolerance
attacks in bursts 聽/ 聽attacks steadily
goes for the kill / aims to disarm / 聽fights defensively 聽/ 聽strikes first
is provoked easily 聽/ 聽provokes their opponent 聽/ 聽teases
gets visibly frustrated / 聽shouts while attacking
uses strategy 聽 / 聽focuses on the battle 聽/ experiences conflicting thoughts during battle
rushes in recklessly 聽/ 聽tries to read their opponent before engaging
fights wildly 聽/ fights calmly / 聽fights apathetically 聽/ 聽fights with anger 聽/ 聽fights with excitement / fights with delight
fights because they have to 聽/ 聽fights because they want to
fights without regard to wounds 聽/ 聽runs away when wounded / hides wounds 聽/ 聽 takes a blow to protect another
prefers a blade 聽/ 聽prefers a gun 聽/ 聽prefers hand to hand combat 聽/ 聽prefers a bow 聽/ 聽prefers a shield 聽/ prefers a personalised weapon 聽/ prefers magic, alchemy or spells
their greatest weakness is physical / 聽their greatest weakness is mental 聽/ 聽their greatest weakness is emotional
transforms for battle 聽/ fights as they appear
relies on strength 聽/ doubts their strength / 聽relies on speed
uses everything they have 聽/ proceeds with caution / 聽hides their full potential
exhausts quickly / has high stamina
behaves arrogantly / 聽brags after landing a hit 聽/ belittles opponents abilities
uses psychological tactics / 聽uses brute strength
avoids civilians聽聽/ 聽strikes down civilians
damages surroundings 聽/ 聽avoids damaging surroundings
signature fighting style / makes it up as they go
mastered skill - set 聽/ learning their skill - set
fancy footwork 聽 / sloppy footwork
messy fighter 聽/ elegant fighter
accepts defeat 聽/ 聽refuses defeat 聽/ 聽begs for mercy
compliments their opponent / 聽insults their opponent
uses unnecessary movements 聽/ 聽moves efficiently 聽/ barely moves
prefers to dodge / 聽prefers to block
defends their blindside 聽/ 聽has no blindside 聽/ leaves blindsides vulnerable
uses all available advantages / 聽strictly uses one main method
plays around 聽/ holds back 聽/ 聽fights ruthlessly 聽/ 聽shows mercy
waits for an opponent to be ready 聽/ 聽strikes when opponent isn鈥檛 ready
fears death 聽/ 聽fears pain 聽/ 聽fears killing
has ptsd 聽/ avoids fighting
has lost a fight 聽/ 聽has won a fight
has killed 聽/ 聽refuses to kill / enjoys killing
wants to die standing 聽/ 聽would succumb slowly
fights honourably / fights dirty
prefers close - quarters 聽/ 聽prefers range
chats during 聽/ 聽goes silent
low pain tolerance 聽/ high pain tolerance
attacks in bursts 聽/ 聽attacks steadily
goes for the kill / aims to disarm / 聽fights defensively 聽/ 聽strikes first
is provoked easily 聽/ 聽provokes their opponent 聽/ 聽teases
gets visibly frustrated / 聽shouts while attacking
uses strategy 聽 / 聽focuses on the battle 聽/ experiences conflicting thoughts during battle
rushes in recklessly (it looks like she does, but...) 聽/ 聽tries to read their opponent before engaging
fights wildly 聽/ fights calmly / 聽fights apathetically 聽/ 聽fights with anger 聽/ 聽fights with excitement / fights with delight
fights because they have to 聽/ 聽fights because they want to
fights without regard to wounds 聽/ 聽runs away when wounded / hides wounds 聽/ 聽 takes a blow to protect another
prefers a blade 聽/ 聽prefers a gun 聽/ 聽prefers hand to hand combat 聽/ 聽prefers a bow 聽/ 聽prefers a shield 聽/ prefers a personalised weapon 聽/ prefers magic, alchemy or spells
their greatest weakness is physical / 聽their greatest weakness is mental 聽/ 聽their greatest weakness is emotional
transforms for battle 聽/ fights as they appear
relies on strength 聽/ doubts their strength / 聽relies on speed
uses everything they have 聽/ proceeds with caution / 聽hides their full potential
exhausts quickly / has high stamina
behaves arrogantly 聽/ 聽brags after landing a hit 聽/ belittles opponents abilities
uses psychological tactics / 聽uses brute strength
avoids civilians聽聽/ 聽strikes down civilians
damages surroundings 聽/ 聽avoids damaging surroundings
signature fighting style / makes it up as they go
mastered skill - set 聽/ learning their skill - set
fancy footwork 聽 / sloppy footwork
messy fighter 聽/ elegant fighter
accepts defeat 聽/ 聽refuses defeat 聽/ 聽begs for mercy
compliments their opponent / 聽insults their opponent
uses unnecessary movements 聽/ 聽moves efficiently 聽/ barely moves
prefers to dodge / 聽prefers to block
defends their blindside 聽/ 聽has no blindside 聽/ leaves blindsides vulnerable
uses all available advantages / 聽strictly uses one main method
plays around 聽/ holds back 聽/ 聽fights ruthlessly 聽/ 聽shows mercy
waits for an opponent to be ready 聽/ 聽strikes when opponent isn鈥檛 ready
fears death 聽/ 聽fears pain 聽/ 聽fears killing
has ptsd 聽/ avoids fighting
has lost a fight 聽/ 聽has won a fight
has killed 聽/ 聽refuses to kill / enjoys killing
wants to die standing 聽/ 聽would succumb slowly
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ofthescatteredstars 7 months
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Found an old character dev meme template, so here's a good overview of my characters' parental issues /j
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