#Khaled Cid
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Agression raciste à #Besançon : l'auteur est un militant identitaire
Agression raciste à #Besançon : l’auteur est un militant identitaire
OUI, Le racisme est un délit ! Et son passage à l’acte, une abomination dont la fachosphère porte l’entière responsabilité, en raison de la propagation systémique de son discours de haine raciste et xénophobe, islamophobe et antisémite. En ce moment, toutes les personnalités du Rassemblement national et de leurs satellites ne se privent jamais de la moindre occasion d’instrumentaliser le moindre…
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#agression raciste Besançon#Bregille#C9M#front comtois#Khaled Cid#Le Bunker#néo-nazisme#Philippe Tribout#racisme#Werwolf Sequania
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#CID Files Money Laundering Case against Casino Khaled#bd news#bangla news#bangla online news#Shampratik Deshkal#cid#casino khaled
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Lezioni di Danze Orientali Internazionale e danza del ventre تابع دروس للرقص و المسرح Prenota la tua iscrizione Anno accademico 2019/2020 Metodologia L'Insegnamento della maestra Sabah Benziadi e basato sulla tecnica dei movimenti autentici della danza orientale (danza del ventre) la sinuosità del corpo
Come impostare la prima lezione Dopo lo stretching metodologia della Docente Sabah Benziadi si continua con la spiegazione della postura corretta è importante indicare l’importanza del Tempo della musica da seguire con i passi giusti.
- ACCADEMIA é riconosciuta dal Ministero Beni ed Attività culturali MIBACT - ACCADEMIA è Riconosciuta dal ministero della cultura Algeria, Emirati, Iraq, Marocco. - ACCADEMIA É riconosciuta dall’ ITI Institute Theatre International UNESCO Accademia danze orientali internazionale ASD Via De Saliba, 30 90145 Palermo (Piazzale Giotto) info: +393392190606 - Corso di alta formazione per insegnanti di danze orientali FIDS
- Ad ogni allievo/a verrà rilasciato attestato di frequenza. su #Web #Skype #instagram #facebook #periscop #snapshat saperne di più Percorso 2018 Direttore Artistico del Festival del cinema MigrArti Film Fest Caltabellotta Vincitore del Bando MIBACT Ministero dei beni culturali MigrArti sezione cinema.
2017 Vincitore del Bando MIBACT MigrArti con lo spettacolo Il viaggio di Ibn Battuta (in Italia) Regia di Sabah Benziadi
Giurata alla 71° Mostra del Cinema di Venezia sezione Orizzonte C I C A E
Regista, Coreografa presidente dell'Accademia danze orientali internazionale
Presidente della giuria al Festival international de Zagora Marocco 2017
Giudice di gara di danza internazionale FIDS/CONI
Riconoscimento internazionale delle danze teatro dal CID UNESCO ITI
Presidente dell’associazione culturale SABAH Event Management
Sabah Benziadi, coreografa nata ad Algeri, da anni svolge un’intensa attività di ricerca e di sperimentazione sui movimenti del corpo nelle danze del mondo arabo, berbero e Teatro danze sperimentali, con l’ambizioso intento di valicare le tradizionali frontiere espressive e comunicative di questo genere artistico. Conosciuta come ambasciatrice delle danze arabe nel mondo, ha partecipato a diversi festival internazionali teatro, danza, concerti culturale in generale .
Ha participato come danzatrice e coreografa nei vari programmi televisivi internazionali, in particolare nel bacino Mediterraneo, e collaborato con artisti italiani e stranieri di fama internazionale come il cantautore Franco Battiato e Cheb Khaled.
Ha formato il gruppo di ballo El Kahina e con esso ha registrato successi in tutto il mondo. Particolarmente apprezzata per le figure e coreografie delle sue danze, che non evocano sensazioni lascive, ma stupore per la grazia delle movenze, suggestione di atmosfere magiche e gioia di vivere. saperne di più
#danza#spettacolo danza del ventre#danzante#dancevideo#spettacolo danza del ventre a palermo#bellydance#belly dancer#danza orientale#palermo#danza palermo
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Tamer Hosny FT Cheb Khaled 2020 Wa enta Maayia ( Remix) Abdelfattah Grini FT Balti, Écouter gratuitement la nouvelle chanson Wa enta Maayia 2020, de les chanteus arabe, Tamer Hosny FT Cheb Khaled Abdelfattah Grini FT Balti MP3.
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Khaled Drareni became famous for his coverage of the protests which shook Algeria for most of last year, forcing President Abdelaziz Bouteflika to resign.
from NBC News World News https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/algeria-arrests-leading-journalist-press-freedom-group-says-n1171076?cid=public-rss_20200330 via IFTTT
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Al Badie Group Claims To Fame By Carving A Place For herself In The Online Business Directory
Abu Dhabi, Dubai (September 06, 2018) – “Oil Gas News” is a renowned business publication connecting clients with their other businesses worldwide. Al Badie Group has found itself on the pages of this publication, which is considered an achievement.
This will benefit Al Badie in numerous ways. As a part of an esteemed publication in the field of oil and gas business, the group will receive larger exposure to the worldwide clients and will have more appeal to international investors.
Now, ABG will have access to larger markets with greater interactions with international vendors, suppliers, and manufacturers which will help the group to realize their mission of performing to deliver excellence together with maintaining the historical symbol of integrity and transparency.
Mr. Khaled Al Badie, the CEO and Vice President of the group, has a vision of diversifying the business into different sectors which he has fulfilled to a great extent but is eager to do more. This incident can be another leap towards that direction.
About Al Badie Group: Al Badie Group is a family-run UAE based company with a focus on oil and gas business and operations in many other sectors like property development, water and electricity, IT, marine and so on. It is a group with 1000-plus employees.
For more information please visit http://oil-fielddirectory.com/client_detail.aspx?mid=3&cid=82122
Contact Information: Al Badie Group Hamdan Street, Al Badie Tower, Ground Level P.O. Box 229, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Tel: +971-2-6322344 Fax: +971-2-6345284 E-mail: [email protected] Website: https://www.albadiegroup.com/ ###
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from eminem: Google Noticias
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Une conférence de presse a été organisée par la Représentation diplomatique du Rojava en France le 19 février à la mairie du Xème arrondissement de Paris. Ouverte à toutes et à tous, elle a été l’occasion de faire un point sur l’agression turque à Afrin. Représentant du Rojava en France, Khaled Issa a commenté cette actualité, accompagné notamment de Patrice Franceschi, écrivain, et Gérard Chaliand, spécialiste en géopolitique.
Pour Khaled Issa, l’agression turque à Afrin ne concerne pas seulement les populations à majorité kurde de la région, « c’est une violation du droit international et des frontières de la Syrie. Nous faisons partie de l’Etat syrien et nous n’avons jamais eu la prétention de remettre en cause ses frontières. Bien sûr, nous avons un programme politique clair mais il s’inscrit dans le cadre de la Syrie. Nous sommes conscients que le régime actuel à Damas n’est pas démocratique, que la contestation initiale du peuple syrien en 2011 a été détournée de son but par l’intervention de pays étrangers. Ces ingérences ont contribué au retour du confessionalisme et du terrorisme. C’est pour cela que nous avons opté pour une troisième voie, un projet qui s’inscrive à l’intérieur de la Syrie où nous prévoyons un système fédéral et démocratique. Nous pensons qu’une société multiethnique et multiconfessionnelle ne peut pas être bâtie sur la légitimité d’une seule nation ou d’une seule religion. Cette conception dérange Damas mais aussi la Turquie, que monsieur Erdogan dirige à travers un nationalisme et un islamisme forcené sous état d’urgence ».
Malgré l’intensité des combats qui ont gagné en intensité ces derniers jours, les populations civiles n’ont pas quitté massivement la région. Les objectifs non-militaires pris pour cible par l’aviation et l’artillerie turque n’ont pas eu raison de leur volonté de rester sur place. « La population n’a pas fui Afrin, elle s’organise et se défend. Elle est attachée à son territoire et luttera jusqu’au bout », constate Khaled Issa. « Elle a vu des renforts arriver d’autres régions de la Syrie pour mener la résistance (…). La stabilité dans la région est aujourd’hui menacée par le gouvernement AKP de la Turquie qui ne supporte pas de voir le vivre-ensemble des différentes communautés dans le nord de la Syrie. Les agissements actuels de la Turquie ne sont pas seulement grave pour les Kurdes ou le peuple syrien mais pour l’ensemble de la communauté internationale ».
Une position délicate pour la France
Après un mois de guerre à Afrin, les réponses apportées par les puissances internationales sont toujours insuffisantes. Si l’ouverture d’un corridor humanitaire est à l’étude au Conseil de Sécurité de l’ONU sous l’impulsion de la France et de la coalition internationale, les mesures effectives pour venir en aide à Afrin sont pour l’instant inexistantes. « Evidemment, on souhaiterait que les réactions vis-à-vis de la Turquie soient plus nettes, plus dures comme le mériterait l’agressivité d’Erdogan », souligne Patrice Franceschi. « Nos diplomates pensent qu’il faut y aller plus doucement, plus progressivement… La présence de la Turquie au sein de l’OTAN pose aujourd’hui un réel problème. Comme nous l’ont révélé des décideurs français lors d’une récente réunion à l’Elysée, il est inenvisageable pour la France de tirer sur des chars ou des avions faisant partie des forces de l’OTAN (…). Tant que la Turquie en fera partie, elle bénéficiera d’une certaine protection et elle le sait. Pire, elle est aujourd’hui un cheval de Troie pour les groupes djihadistes dans l’OTAN ».
Pour l’écrivain, il est urgent de reconsidérer les relations de la France avec la Turquie d’Erdogan : « ce qui était vrai il y a dix ou vingt ans avec la Turquie ne l’est plus forcément aujourd’hui. Mais l’on préfère faire preuve de paresse intellectuelle, c’est tellement plus facile de maintenir le statu quo dans ses relations avec la Turquie que de les redéfinir. Cela dit, la France n’abandonne pas les Forces démocratiques syriennes (FDS). Elle est le fer de lance des négociations avec les autres puissances impliquées en Syrie et pèse de tout son poids pour que les FDS tiennent sur le terrain ».
La retenue des pays occidentaux est compréhensible pour le représentant du Rojava en France. Néanmoins, il déplore que la Turquie « semble faire ce que bon lui semble. Tant qu’il n’y a pas de réaction sérieuse à la hauteur de la gravité de la situation parmi les puissances occidentales, le régime turc continuera à agir selon son bon vouloir. Il ne faut plus céder devant le chantage migratoire d’Erdogan (…). En tant que membre du Conseil de sécurité, je pense que la France peut faire beaucoup plus que ce qu’elle n’a fait jusqu’à présent. Je n’oublie pas qu’en 2014, c’est elle qui a fait la différence lors de la bataille de Kobanê ».
La Turquie ne cache plus son vrai visage…
A l’époque l’ennemi était religieux et il l’est toujours aujourd’hui. L’extrémisme islamiste a troqué le drapeau noir de Daesh contre un patch de l’Armée syrienne libre (ASL) dans l’ombre bienveillante de l’étendard turc. Pour le spécialiste des conflits armés Gérard Chaliand, « monsieur Erdogan a décidé de se débarrasser de la césarienne culturelle opérée par Mustapha Kemal, le caractère séculier de l’Etat turc. Il souhaite un retour au sunnisme le plus strict et ne rejoint Kemal que sur un nationalisme ombrageux dont les Kurdes ont fait les frais depuis 1924 (…). Il n’y a pas d’état de droit en Turquie, tout simplement. Ces quinze derniers jours, plus de 600 personnes ont été emprisonnées pour avoir remis en cause ou exprimer son opposition à l’offensive turque à Afrin (…). Le projet de monsieur Erdogan à Afrin est d’une simplicité qui l’honore : se débarrasser des combattant.e.s kurdes, expulser la population kurde de ses territoires ancestraux pour les “rendre” à ceux qu’il considère comme ses habitants originaux, c’est-à-dire les Syriens de l’ASL, sobriquet derrière lequel s’abritent de nombreux djihadistes, soutenus par la Turquie ».
Malgré toute sa bonne volonté guerrière, la Turquie d’Erdogan n’aurait pu se permettre d’attaquer les FDS et les populations civiles à Afrin sans l’accord de la Russie, maitresse du ciel syrien. Si elles ont en majorité évacué la région d’Afrin, une partie des unités russes sont toujours stationnées au sud-ouest, dans le district de Tell Rifaat.
… et la Russie ses intérêts
L’attitude conciliante de la Russie à l’égard de la Turquie n’est motivée que par un seul objectif majeur selon Gérard Chaliand : « le maintien d’un pouvoir allié en Syrie, le dernier qui lui soit favorable dans le monde arabe (…). Pour avoir obtenu le feu vert d’une opération militaire sur Afrin de la part de la Russie, la Turquie semble avoir consenti à ne pas remettre en cause le régime de Damas. Et comme celui-ci garanti à Moscou la préservation de ses intérêts… Plus on se rapproche de ce qui semble être un dénouement de la crise syrienne, plus les intérêts vitaux des différents acteurs étatiques impliqués en Syrie vont s’étaler au grand jour. Difficile dans ces conditions de prédire l’avenir à Afrin et en Syrie. Les jours et semaines à venir nous en diront plus ». Le seul port militaire russe en Méditerranée dans la province de Lattaquié, les contrats liés à la reconstruction de la Syrie et sa position stratégique au Moyen-Orient valent bien l’abandon des FDS à majorité kurde et la violation de la souveraineté de son allié syrien. Celui-ci, tout comme l’Iran, s’oppose fermement à la progression des forces armées turques et de ses affiliés sur son territoire.
Commentant les rumeurs faisant état d’un accord entre le PYD et le régime de Damas, Khaled Issa a réaffirmé que « les territoires d’Afrin et ceux à l’est de l’Euphrate font partie de la Syrie. Nous n’avons jamais eu de volonté séparatiste. Nous faisons partie de l’Etat syrien et respectons son intégrité territoriale. Dans ce sens, il y a eu une déclaration de l’administration autonome d’Afrin soulignant que si le régime de Damas se considère toujours comme le dirigeant de la Syrie, alors l’armée syrienne doit assumer ses responsabilités pour en défendre les frontières. Un accord est en cours de négociation avec le régime mais rien n’est signé pour l’instant. Une fois conclu, un communiqué sera publié. Tant qu’il n’y a pas de communiqué officiel, il n’y a pas d’accord ».
L’officialisation de l’accord est intervenue ce mardi 20 février, quelques heures après l’intervention de Khaled Issa. Le déploiement dans la région d’Afrin d’unités militaires fidèles au régime de Bashar al-Assad, les Forces de défense nationale, marque un tournant dans le conflit en Syrie. Il met pour la première fois aux prises deux acteurs étatiques avec leurs armées conventionnelles et leurs supplétifs. Cette évolution du conflit syrien consacre l’inertie des pays occidentaux, tout en démontrant la prise de conscience par les autorités de Damas et d’Afrin de la gravité de l’attaque turque. Outre la complexification et le pourrissement de la guerre en Syrie, l’emploi de milices djihadistes par la Turquie fait de nouveau déjà planer sur la Syrie, le Moyen-Orient et l’Europe le spectre du terrorisme islamiste.
« La Turquie se comporte comme un ennemi de la France »
Ce que ne manque pas de souligner Patrice Franceschi pour qui la situation actuelle dans le nord-ouest de la Syrie « nous concerne toujours autant. Ne pas s’en rendre compte est une faute morale et politique. Si nous pensons que la menace djihadiste est derrière nous, nous nous trompons lourdement. Il ne faut pas se tromper d’ennemi et aujourd’hui, il est au côté de l’armée turque. Les zones contrôlées par les FDS sont les plus dynamiques en Syrie dans la lutte contre le terrorisme. La Turquie mène contre elles une vraie guerre pendant que nous détournons le regard (…). Il est important de définir qui sont les amis de la France et qui ne le sont pas en Syrie et en la matière, force est de constater que la Turquie se comporte comme un ennemi. Cela fait plus de cinq ans que je me rends en Syrie et cela fait autant de temps que je vois la Turquie soutenir par tous les moyens possibles les groupes djihadistes. Hier Daesh, aujourd’hui l’ASL. La Turquie cherche à tirer profit du manque de ténacité sur le long terme de la France ou des Etats-Unis dans la lutte contre le terrorisme afin de remettre en selle ceux qui ont déjà été vaincus ».
Un avis partagé par Khaled Issa pour qui le caractère religieux de l’agression turque se double d’un périlleux jeu géopolitique : « Cette attaque est aussi un moyen de soulager Daesh, en difficulté dans la région de Deir ez-Zor où les terroristes ne tiennent plus que deux enclaves. Bien sûr elle vise les Kurdes et leurs alliées en Syrie mais c’est également une façon de maintenir une capacité de nuisance suffisante à l’égard de l’Europe afin de négocier au mieux avec elle. Ankara menace l’Europe d’un afflux migratoire important sur son sol qui ferait craindre une arrivée massive de terroristes. Avec le recul territorial de Daesh en Syrie, la Turquie a perdu son levier d’influence sur l’Europe et cherche aujourd’hui à le retrouver. De nombreux mercenaires et dirigeants de Daesh ont été recyclés par monsieur Erdogan dans l’ASL. Nous en détenons les preuves, noms et photos à l’appui ».
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Khaled Issa: « Il n’y a pas de réaction à la hauteur de la gravité de la situation à Afrin » Une conférence de presse a été organisée par la Représentation diplomatique du Rojava en France le 19 février à la mairie du Xème arrondissement de Paris.
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Aimee Gates Life in Heaven Episode 12 Freestyle mini story by Stella Carrier
Aimee Gates Life In Heaven Episode 12 Freestyle mini Story by Stella Carrier December 21, 2017December 21, 2017Start time after gathering resources 1153 pmCompletion time 1159pmAimee Gates here with a spirit guide in training named Jordan Strong who transitioned to celestial life less than a year ago in earth lifetime and travels between the celestial replicas of Virginia, Washington D.C., and Maryland. Together we are currently awaiting a stage presentation of two spirit guides who have helped thousands of earth based people write stories both on building homes in heaven and of buying ones in earth, in addition to their helping many earth based spirits with stories pertaining to authors who reside on earth and those authors who reside in various heaven realms. The stage presentation is about to being within 5 minutes and thousands of exhibits are set that are shaped after theme parks, hybrid cruise ships with floating concerts on them. Basically the theme is around the essence of fun and how to transmit the ideas of having fun to millions of men, women, and children still residing on earth. The presentation is going to be hosted by over 75 celestial based spirits and 7000 celestial assistants as information is also going to be shared on tailoring the fun to the earth based person’s budget. The celestial setting for this is near a blue gold and purple 3 mile tall and 5 mile wide celestial mountain filled with over 1000 beautiful celestial mansionsResourcesSummer Jam 2003 The Underdog ProjectBlue Jeans by Lana Del ReyDelirious by Steve Aoki Kid Ink Tujamo Chris LakeHideaway by KieszaSecrets of Love by DJ BoboGlow by Ella HendersonOld Dominion University Norfolk Virginiahttps://online.odu.edu/info/get-started?utm_source=Quantcast&utm_medium=Banner_ad&utm_campaign=Enrollment_FY_1617&utm_content=General_2+2&utm_term=bold_bDisney Parks Bento Magic – Porg from Star Wars: The Last Jediby Thomas Smith, Editorial Content Director, Disney Parks https://disneyparks.disney.go.com/blog/2017/12/disney-parks-bento-magic-porg-from-star-wars-the-last-jedi/?CMP=SOC-DPFY17Q1wo122120170011GBest Burgers at the BeachCulinary • Resort Life http://thedailylifevb.visitvirginiabeach.com/post/best-burgers-beach?utm_campaign=fy18-vblt-lifestyles&utm_source=trade-desk&utm_content=fy18_468&utm_medium=mediaDFB Video: Hidden Gem Dining Spots in DisneylandBy Traci Curth 1 Comment http://www.disneyfoodblog.com/2017/12/18/dfb-video-hidden-gem-dining-spots-in-disneyland/Old Navy Gaphttp://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/division.do?cid=5360&mlink=5360,13518818,Top_nav_W&clink=13518818Disney World's Secret Burger Proves It Really Is The Most Magical Place On EarthBy Lindsay Funstonhttps://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/restaurantsandnews/disney-worlds-secret-burger-proves-it-really-is-the-most-magical-place-on-earth/ar-BBH7J3ABob’s Discount Furniturehttps://www.mybobs.com/living-room-furniturehaving fun on a budgetHaving Fun on a Budget https://www.aroundmyfamilytable.com/having-fun-on-a-budget/ https://tinybuddha.com/blog/50-creative-cheap-ways-to-have-fun/waterpark fun31 Ridiculously Cool Water Parks To Visit With Your KidsOr without them. Waterslides are fun.Posted on May 22, 2015, at 12:46 p.m.Morgan ShanahanBuzzFeed Staff https://www.buzzfeed.com/morganshanahan/31-ridiculously-cool-water-parks-to-visit-with-your-kids?utm_term=.mieGwNkng#.cmeLqm287Top US Water Parks http://www.travelchannel.com/interests/amusement-parks/photos/top-us-water-parkspeople having fun at theme parksTHINGS YOU HAVE TO EXPLAIN TO PEOPLE WHO'VE NEVER WORKED IN A THEME PARK By MATT MELTZER https://www.thrillist.com/travel/nation/amusement-park-secrets-known-only-to-those-who-work-in-theme-parksThe 9 Types Of People You See At A Theme ParkThorpe Park, Alton Towers, Blackpool Pleasure Beach: they'll be there.Posted on October 18, 2013, at 6:34 a.m.Tabatha Leggett https://www.buzzfeed.com/tabathaleggett/the-types-of-people-you-see-at-a-theme-park?utm_term=.orbWZYd5Q#.eklmXM2oQThe 9 Most Baffling Theme Parks From Around the World· Jeff Steinbrunner·· February 26, 2008· ·· 761,815 views http://www.cracked.com/article_15955_the-9-most-baffling-theme-parks-from-around-world.htmlPhotos show theme parks before and after smartphonesBarry Neild, CNN • Updated 27th September 2017 http://www.cnn.com/travel/article/theme-parks-smartphones/index.htmlHow Nostalgia Shapes Theme Park VisitsPosted by Elizabeth Alton on Thursday, August 4th, 2016 http://entertainmentdesigner.com/news/theme-park-design-news/how-nostalgia-shapes-theme-park-visits/Top 10 Amusement ParksYour favorite theme parks, amusement parks and water parks. http://www.travelchannel.com/interests/amusement-parks/articles/top-10-amusement-parksTop 10 Free US MuseumsWhether you're looking for ancient artifacts or colorful paintings, the best things in life certainly are free at these museums.By: Jennifer Plum Auvilhttp://www.travelchannel.com/interests/arts-and-culture/articles/top-10-free-us-museums10 Best Campgrounds for FamiliesHere are 10 fantastic camping options for families looking for a little fun in the great outdoors.By: Erin Giffordhttp://www.travelchannel.com/interests/outdoors-and-adventure/articles/10-best-campgrounds-for-familiespeople having fun traveling13 Tips for Fun and Active TravelTake a break from lounging by the pool and try these fun, calorie-burning activities on your next vacation.BY BRENDA SCHMERL https://www.rd.com/health/wellness/13-tips-for-fun-and-active-travel/ I Stella Carrier intend to live a life filled with joy, creativity, love, passion, excitement, spiritual connection, fun, energy, health, learning growing happiness and abundance in all areas of my life both present and future. I Stella Carrier intend to create a life of unlimited abundance in which money, opportunities, ideas, connections, and all forms of wealth come to me effortlessly with harm to none in all areas of my life both present and future.I Stella Carrier intend to double my after tax monthly income within 2 years or sooner both present and future.I Stella Carrier intend to create heaven on earth and for those who surround me in all areas of my life both present and future.I Stella Carrier intend to channel the energies of unlimited intuition power, unlimited genius powers, and unlimited imagination powers in all areas of my life both present and future.I Stella Carrier intend to more powerfully connect with my heaven higher self and my heaven spirit ally team of the heaven worlds of divine love and divine happiness in all areas of my life both present and future. AffirmationsI Stella Carrier mark a new beginning in the book of my life and wisely use the free time I have been giving to rest and tune even deeper into various aspects of my life-spiritual, athletic goals such as walking more, balancing my writing time with some online courses I have enrolled in etc.I Stella Carrier am well provided for. I live in an abundant universe.http://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/stage-names.php#.WTqvpOvyucw http://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/dimension-names.php#.WXs6PVWGOcw Amazon storytelling music playlist shuffle modeCandyman by Christina AguileraYour Man by Josh TurnerStyle Taylor SwiftYou Drive Me Crazy Britney SpearsThat’s What I Like Bruno MarsLove In An Elevator AerosmithAll I Do is Win Dj Khaled T-Pain Snoop Dogg Ludacris Rick RossShe and I AlabamaSlow Hands Niall HoranWhatta Man Salt N Pepa feat. En VogueGet it On Bang A Gong Power StationAnything Goes Florida Georgia LineGods and Monsters Lana Del ReyInvisible Touch GenesisLet’s Dance David BowieShoop Salt N PepaYour Man Josh TurnerLet Me Love You Justin Timberlake DJ SnakeWanted Hunter HayesMonster Lady Gaga
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Stella Carrier Law of Attraction Script 75
Stella Carrier Law of Attraction Script 75
December 10, 2017
Stella Carrier Law of Attraction Script 75I Stella Carrier Humbly Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future. I also welcome any and all forms of spiritual assistance and divine intervention in all areas of my life both present and future.Affirmations
I am creating heaven on earth.
I am learning to be in the right place at the right time at all times.
I am learning to live all areas of my life in alignment with my divine life purpose for both the present and future
My psychic/intuitive abilities, creativity/imaginative abilities, and my ability to tap into my wisdom are expanding each and every day.
I am in the process of manifesting and ensuring a bright future for myself
I see through various situations with great wisdom and clarity with discernment as to what information to go by
I am in the process of simultaneously sharpening both my logic decision making and the imagination helpful to think outside the box for solutions in various areas of my life.
I love and honor everything I create.
My life is full of miracles.
I am free to do those things that bring me joy.
My soul guides me on my path.
I ask for and receive a seed of inspiration to bring me answers and solutions. I now know what to do.
Once I make a decision, all the forces in the universe are mobilized to bring about my highest good.
I ask my higher self and soul to show me answers and solutions.
My sixth chakra is awakening. I see through the eyes of my soul.
My mind is tuned to the higher planes of reality.
I have wonderful, supportive friends.
By December 19, 2017 or SoonerI Stella Carrier and my amazing husband Rusty Ridler both have a happy and affectionate marriage that only gets better each day and we both experience the essence of love and happiness in all areas of our lives. My husband Rusty Ridler experiences success and professional growth from his job at the University of Maryland College Park campus with the outcome of satisfying many of his customers, workers and leaders both present and future. I Stella Carrier also experience an unlimited abundance of professional success, professional growth, expanded wisdom, and spiritual evolution through my food services job at University of Maryland College Park both present and future. I Stella Carrier feel blessed to report that many of my customers, coworkers, and leaders both within and outside my University of Maryland College Park food services job are blissfully satisfied with my intense commitment to customer service and self-confident job performance both present and future. I Stella Carrier become a woman of unlimited wisdom, unlimited intuition powers, unlimited genius powers, and unlimited imagination powers in all areas of my life both present and future. I Stella Carrier powerfully connect to my heaven higher self and my heaven spirit ally team of the heaven worlds of divine love and divine happiness in all areas of my life both present and future. I Stella Carrier wisely and successfully create heaven on earth and for my afterlife both for myself and other people/spirits who interact with me in all areas of my life both present and future.By June 1, 2019 or SoonerI Stella Carrier successfully have over 9980 Dollars or more After Taxes in my Bank of America and Sun Trust Savings Accounts. I Stella Carrier am now in a strong position financially to give my amazing husband Rusty Ridler at least 150 dollars or more each month after taxes to my husband and give better gifts for both my husband Rusty Ridler and my mother in law this month. I Stella Carrier am also in a stronger position financially to save towards my own paid for mazda3 car. I Stella Carrier currently have over at least 3300 dollars or more after taxes saved towards my own paid for car in addition to the 9980 dollars or more after taxes savied in my Bank of America and Sun Trust Accounts. Additionally, I Stella Carrier am now blessed with a year round job that enables me to save at least 700 dollars or more after taxes even during the summer months of June, July, and August every year for both present and future.
ResourcesSources I prefer to keep secret of these songs; Wild Thoughts by DJ Khaled Rihanna Bryson Tiller, There’s Nothin Holdin Me Back by Shawn Mendes, Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift, Love On The Brain by Rihanna, Let Me Love You by Justin Bieber and DJ Snake, Side to Side by Ariana Grande feat. Nicki Minaj, Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down, Break the Ice by Britney Spears, Second Chance by Shinedown
In Madonna’s defense, she does have an extensive catalog of brilliant songs. Additionally many of these songs came out during a timeframe when even many of the fans who got into her music as teenagers would now be in their late 20s, 30s, 40s, and older (such as myself where I was 14 years old when I started to listen to Madonna more frequently and I am now in my 30s).Madonna, Current Soccer Mom, Plans To Return to Music Next Year
Madonna, Current Soccer Mom, Plans To Return to Music Next Year
I hope Anna Chambers goes on to experience much happiness and healing in her life despite the men referenced who raped her. Obviously Chambers was raped by men who she was supposed to be able to normally trust as they were NYPD detectives. It does not condone their behavior as even I know that rape is more of an act of violence and to control. However, I saw a picture and article of Chambers that showed how beautiful she is on both the outside and as well as inside (personality wise) and this made me speculate that maybe the detectives that raped Anna Chambers thought that they would be able to get away with raping Anna Chambers because she seems like both a sweet (personality wise)and beautiful person. Nonetheless I wish only the best for Anna Chambers and I hope that she gets the justice that she well deserves as she was aggressively raped/sexually violated by two men that she should have been able to trust.
Woman claims NYPD detectives discussed ‘taking turns’ raping her
By New York Post
Woman claims NYPD detectives discussed ‘taking turns’ raping her
Tina Moore
December 8, 2017 | 11:37pm
I know from personal experience that intermittent fasting is very much worth it as I have been successfully losing weight with intermittent fasting even with eating some indulgent foods.I Did Intermittent Fasting For 1 Month and This Is What Happened
Jenny Sugar
Pop Sugar UK Fitness
March 28, 2017
I can attest to the fact that Intermittent Fasting is both effective and saves both time and money. I just wish that I would have known to try intermittent fasting much sooner that I started seriously doing so as it is one of the diet plans that is working powerfully for me.
Is Intermittent Fasting Worth It?
Laurie Woolever
Food & Wine
January 19, 2017
I can attest to the fact that intermittent fasting is so powerful that I have even lost some weight yesterday even when I did not do my usual walking routine and I even ate indulgently as my husband makes some delicious what he calls burrito dogs (yesterday they were Oscar meyer cheese hot dogs with cheddar cheese chili and refried beans). Anyhow I unexpectedly lost some weight even with cheating by eating some cookies later in the day and some chips. I am currently at 169 pounds and I intend to get to 155 pounds of thinner by February 14 2018 or sooner. What I like about the intermittent fasting plan is that you can still indulge in your favorite foods while saving both grocery money and time. The catch/caveat to this plan is that I notice that I obviously lose the weight quicker when I intuitively monitor/moderate how much food to eat especially when eating some of my favorite foods. However, it is very freeing to be able to eat what I want as long as I intuitively and logically monitor how much food I eat. I just wish that I would have known to do this by December 2016. However, better late than never and I am confident that I am going to weigh in the 150s or thinner by March 2018 or sooner.
This Is the Popular Diet That Helped Nika Lose 70+ Pounds
December 4, 2017
Old Navy Websitehttp://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/division.do?cid=5360&mlink=5475,13518818,Top_nav_W&clink=13518818
Old Dominion University Online Norfolk Virginia
Harry and David website linkhttps://www.harryanddavid.com/h/gift-baskets-tower-boxes?deptref=baskets
Getting Ready for WorkFedex website
Online Virginia Network
Dick’s Sporting Goods Website
"Servants quarters" will soon be history in Virginia Beach·
By Mechelle Hankerson The Virginian-Pilot
Mac ‘n’ Cheese With Smoked Gouda Crunch4
3 ratings
This is one of the best mac 'n' cheese recipes you will ever taste!Dec 7, 2017 | 2:53 pmBy
Natalie Lobel
Why you should never drink and fry: Intoxicated chefs share the VERY creative meals they've concocted after a big night out (including eggs fried on an IRON)·
Cooks have shared photos of their worst drunken food fails online
Some look bizarrely delicious, such as a hot dog topped with baked beans
But others are very unappetising and would only be tasty under the influence
Imogen Blake For Mailonline
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9 Outstanding Bakeries That Ship Their Delicious Desserts Around the Country
When you’re short on time this holiday season, let the experts at Magnolia, Milk Bar, or others do the baking.
ON DECEMBER 8, 2017·
http://robbreport.com/food-drink/dining/slideshow/cake-deliver-bakery-magnolia-milk-bar1 hr 17 mins, 21 songsCurated by Amazon's Music Experts
I can easily imagine having a cool desk and office for my husband and I similar to the one of the photos pictured in this Bob Vila article.
The 9 Best Lighting Picks for Your Bedroomhttps://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/the-9-best-lighting-picks-for-your-bedroom-48392?utm_source=PostUp&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Sun%20%20Dec%2010%20Special%20~%20Bedroom%20Lighting#.Wi1tZ1WnGcw
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Dj Khaled-100% Rai Live Vol.10 2019, Écouter gratuitement les chansons de l'album-100% Rai Live Vol.10 2019, de le Dj algérien de musique rai, Dj Khaled en format MP3, Vous pouvez également télécharger gratuitement album- Dj Khaled-100% Rai Live Vol.10 2019, 128 kbps en format zip.
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Khaled Drareni became famous for his coverage of the protests which shook Algeria for most of last year, forcing President Abdelaziz Bouteflika to resign.
from NBC News World News https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/algeria-arrests-leading-journalist-press-freedom-group-says-n1171076?cid=public-rss_20200328 via IFTTT
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Al Badie Group of Companies Show Excellence in Oil Production
Abu Dhabi, Dubai (December 22, 2017) – The Al Badie Group belongs to the most popular Al Badie Family, The group established in 1967 the formation of the UAE. Now, the group with its Vice President and CEO Khaled Al Badie’s efforts is making a mark in many industries. They are one of the most important companies in the oil production domain in Dubai.
As most of us know, oil production is an important business in UAE and even the country exports oils to other countries. The Al Badie Group of Companies forms an important part of the oil sector in Abu Dhabi and Dubai. The company long believes that excellence is possible only through effective teamwork. Further, the company also believes in shared approach and a transparent co-operation on the basis of utmost profit and lesser risk.
On behalf of the group its VP and CEO Mr. Khaled Al Badie says “We are determined to strengthen relationships with carefully selected international firms”. So, businesses in any part of the world looking for an association with an established oil company in Dubai can consider Al Badie Group.
About Al Badie Group: In addition to oil and gas, this established group has their presence in tens of other domains in the United Arab Emirates. This has become possible only because of the efficient management team and also co-operative workforce.
For more information, please visit http://oil-fielddirectory.com/client_detail.aspx?mid=3&cid=82122
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Al Badie Group Offers Expert Advice and Consultation Services for Oil & Gas-Related Projects
Abu Dhabi, Dubai (September 27, 2017) – The Oil & Gas Division of the Al Badie Group operates as a General Trading Company. The group under the leadership of its Vice President Mr. Khaled Al Badie also acts as the contractor and supplier of oil and gas.
The good thing about this group is that she presently represents a large number of prestigious multinational companies. The companies represented by the Al Badie group are specialized in cost-effective and hi-tech products pertaining to oil and gas services, petrochemical plants and drilling among others.
These projects in which the Al Badie Group is engaged are in conjunction with the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company and also its subsidiaries. This division offers expert consultation and advisory service. These services are offered for the projects related to oil and gas. This is done right from the business development stage through the contract awarding and also completion.
In affiliation with Egypt gas, who is a forerunner in the Middle East, Al Badie Group is specialized in the commissioning, construction, and design of district natural gas systems. The company with the efforts of the management team has partnered with Union Gas and has turned out to be one of the leading gas companies in the United Arab Emirates.
This association has helped Al Badie Group to become a leading player in the construction field for extending gas networks to nearly millions of consumers so far.
About Khaled Al Badie: Mr. Khaled is not just the Vice President of the most prominent Al Badie Group, he is also the son of the President of the group.
For more information, please visit http://oil-fielddirectory.com/client_detail.aspx?mid=3&cid=82122
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from eminem: Google Noticias
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