#Kevin Köhler
tabooiart · 19 days
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Favorite Actor(s): GARY CORDICE my all time fav Rusty forever and ever. Also huge shout outs to: Ray Shell, Greg Mowry, and Kevin Köhler <333
Favorite Song/Scenes: The scene right before the final race lives in my head forever. Also OLC Call Me Rusty and also the love ballad ! Actually I love every single scene Rusty is in he always rules
Favorite Costume(s): Firm believer that 80's Bochum Rusty was PEAK in terms of his costume that right there was perfect.
Favorite Ships/Friendships: I am SUCH a prusty shipper they're SO SO SO important. To the point where I don't personally ship Rusty with anyone else oops. As far as friendships go Rusty's relationship with Dustin is so good and so overlooked they are. besties!!!!!
Headcanons: He's a chronic pain/stiffness/fatigue king due to his rust and state of disrepair. I do think that post canon he starts working to combat his issues and get repairs!!!
Unpopular Opinion: Rusty should exclusively be played by baritones or baritenors get these little white tenors OUT OF HERE!!!!!
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wonderful-magician · 18 days
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StEx appreciation month!! Day 1 !! Rusty!
( keeping my template a bit more personal and messy, because I'm not very consistent!! )
Favorite performers ( not ordered )
- Kevin Köhler
- Bobby Collins
- Greg Ellis
- Steven Michael skeels
Favorite song/ moment
Probably engine of love! But for currently used songs, I guess probably Crazy ( Bochum style )
I think rusty should look like a wet pathetic little dog but also be a little bitch. He should be a JERK I think it's so funny. Bobby collins is obviously my favorite! But I also want a honorable mention to the 2024 London Rusty! My favorite singer is Greg Ellis though I think.
My art of them
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tabooi · 2 months
watching kevin köhler's stex vlogs again just to feel something
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isaterriblebore · 1 year
Starlight Express Cast 2023 - 2024 (part 2)
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Coco: Molly Scott (cover Dinah, Belle, Carrie)
Espresso: Nathan Daly (cover Rusty)
Ruhrgold: Owen Broughton (cover Greaseball, Dustin, Flat Top)
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Manga: Vladimir Hub (cover Rockies)
Brexit: Kevin Köhler (cover Rusty, Caboose)
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Trax 1: Nils Rinas
Trax 2: Jeremy Suarez
Trax 3: David Prajz (I don't have a headshot for him </3)
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Jake Bishop - (cover Rusty, Caboose, Flat Top, Dustin, Rocky 1+2, Killerwatt, Engines)
Josh Crowther - (cover Rocky 1+2, Wrench, Killerwatt)
Sheri Lineham - (cover Belle, Carrie, Coco, Joule, Wrench, Rocky 3)
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Dieuwke Tönissen - (cover Dinah, Pearl, Momma, Belle, Carrie)
Jessie Angell - (cover Belle, Brexit , Carrie, Rocky 3, Coco, Components)
Kai Cameron-Jay - (cover Caboose, Rocky 1, 2, 3, Wrench, Killerwatt, Volta, Engines)
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Farah Liss - (cover Belle, Carrie, Rocky 3, Wrench, Joule, Coco)
Jay Le Marrec - (cover Dustin, Rockies, Engines, Killerwatt)
Alex Abad - (cover Flat Top, Rocky 2+3, Wrench, Volta, Killerwatt, Engines)
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Jamie Landmann - (cover Caboose, Dustin, Flat Top, Killerwatt, Engines)
Tom Nihill - (cover Electra, Caboose, Dustin, Rockies, Engines, Components)
Michael Eborall - (cover Flat Top, Components, National Engines, Rocky 1 & 2)
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Brad Corben - Assistant Skate Coach & Assistant Dance Captain - (cover Dustin, Rocky 1, 2, 3, Engines, Components)
Mark Fries - (cover Flat Top, Killerwatt, Volta, Engines)
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Demy Janssen - (cover Pearl, Dinah, Carrie, Joule, Wrench, Volta, Rocky 3, Coco)
Jessica Lapp - (cover Belle, Carrie, Coco, Rocky 3, Brexit, Components)
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finleyforevermore · 1 year
2023's StEx Appreciation Month!
Day 26: Brexit the British Engine (Nationals 3/3)
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Anthony Cragg in the first picture, Kevin Köhler in the second picture, and Melanie Dull in the third picture.
Favorite Actor: Anthony Cragg (2018-2019) and Kevin Köhler (2020-2024)
Face Claim/Voice Claim: Anthony Cragg (face) and Kevin Köhler (voice)
Favorite Song(s)/Scene(s): His intro in Entry of Nationals.
Favorite Costume: The one he has isn't bad!
Favorite Ship(s): I don't think I ship him with anyone!
Headcanon: He can be non-binary. As a treat!
Unpopular Opinion: I like him!
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marastriker · 1 year
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Favorite Actors
I adore Max Rizzo, Dan Ellison, Delano Wilemsen, Max Luca Maus, Adrian Hansel, Jeffrey Socia, and Michael Pickering!
Favorite Costumes
The update costume is PEAK and I'm finally happy with his design. His previous ones just weren't quite right for me, but this current one SLAPS <3
Favorite Ships
Prusty, Steam Press (Rusty x BV), and Rustgold are all awesome! <3
Favorite Songs/Scenes
I love him being confident in any opening number he has, whether it be Call Me Rusty, Engine of Love, or Crazy. The Starlight Sequence is SO GOOD and SO emotional. But there's a specific scene that always tugs at my heartstrings, and that's after he's beat up by Greaseball's gang and Flat Top tells him to just give up.... and he's just left there, while you hear an eerie acapella reprise of Crazy and it changes the meaning of what that song means and AHHHHH I nearly sob, it's so emotional and impactful (another addition to the update that I LOVE)
He wears his heart on his sleeve and despite him maybe not wanting to bother others with his problems, you can genuinely tell when he's upset/ bothered.
Unpopular Opinion
Uhm I think Kevin Köhler as a Rusty actor is kinda overrated, he's not any more talented than the plethora of others who have played him, and I've enjoyed others' performances more.
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nekotato · 10 months
Do you have any favorite TDV boots? What ones would you recommend to someone watching it for the first time?
The Kevin Köhler 2013 boot is my favorite not only for the stellar cast, most of it being my favorites for each role, but also the story of how I got my grabby little hands on it a week after someone said "Ive been looking for it for 7 years, good luck trying to find it" and then I DID. God bless.
I have two versions of tdv subtitled, both the kevin one and the 2005 proshot, both are solid and well made for a newcomer. The proshot shows everything important and is able to focus on things a bootleg isnt, but the cast is a bit more lacking i feel like but at least its available on the youtube. Theres also a really high quality 2019 bootleg, but I dont think I got around to subtitling it yet...but it should also be up on youtube still!
Otherwise you can always ask me for links :]
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suppenzeit · 2 years
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catofstarlightart · 2 years
My two newest works! Gary Sheridan as Caboose and Kevin Köhler as Brexit
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satrelight-aexprez · 3 years
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boho-days · 4 years
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derrestistschweigen · 6 years
I hate the feeling I get when driving home after seeing a musical. The pain that something so beautiful is over and you just don't have another show to look forward to...
I saw der glöckner von notre Dame 3 times this week and I am endlessly happy that I had the chance to see it and yet , now on my way back I feel like crying...
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isaterriblebore · 2 years
My Rusty rankings from the current cast because last week I officially had seen all of them!
1. All of them
You expect me to choose a favourite Rusty? Impossible! They were all so amazing <3
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Top left: Daniel Ellison
Top Right: Kevin Köhler
Bottom Left: Delano Willemsen
Bottom Right: Max Rizzo
I do hope on reviewing their performances soon! They’re all honestly so good and I just want to talk about how much I love them 😭
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finleyforevermore · 1 year
2023's StEx Appreciation Month!
Day 1: Rusty the Steam Engine
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Steven M. Skeels in the first picture, Bobby Collins in the second picture, Adrian Hansel in the third picture, Max Luca Maus in the fourth picture, and Delano Willemsem in the fifth picture.
So, so glad that my favorite little guy gets to be first this time around <333
Favorite Actor(s): Ray Shell (Original London cast, 1984-1986), Greg Mowry (Original Broadway cast, 1987-1989), Greg Ellis (Original New Starlight cast, 1992-1994), Ricardo Santo (Mexico, 1997-1998), Adrian Hansel (New Starlight cast, 1999-2001), Rommel Singson (Bochum, 2000-2002), Marcel Branueis (Bochum, 2011-2014), Kevin Köhler (Bochum, 2014-2016), Michael Pickering (Bochum, 2017-2018), George Ure (2017 Off-West End Workshop), Delano Willemsem (Bochum update, 2020-2022, understudy), and Max Luca Maus (Bochum update, 2023-2024).
Face Claim/Voice Claim (pre-2018, post-2018): Adrian Hansel (face), Delano Willemsem (face and voice) (I'm not sure who my pre-2018 voice claim is yet-)
Favorite Song(s)/Scene(s): Starlight Express and The Starlight Sequence
Favorite Costume(s): His Broadway and onwards costume and post-2018 costume.
Favorite Ship(s): Prusty (Pearl x Rusty) and Ropal (Rusty x Opal/post-2018 Pearl)
He snorts when he laughs.
He softly whistles in his sleep.
He's demiromantic asexual.
Unpopular Opinion: As fun and charming as "Engine of Love" is as Rusty's intro song (and as much as I ADORE the song after it, "This is Gonna Be The Day"), it feels a bit too confident, I guess? Not to say Rusty isn't confident, of course, but he has to grow that confidence over the course of the show. He's confident at the start, but not as confident as he is by the end. I think "Engine of Love" is more fitting for post-show Rusty. Maybe that's just me.
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marastriker · 8 months
Newly updated list of actors I've seen live in Starlight Express:
Seen Max Rizzo, Kevin Köhler, Delano Wilemsen, Dan Ellison, Jake Bishop
Favorite: Dan Ellison
Seen Emilie du Leslay, Gemma Archer, Dieuwke Tönissen
Favorite: Gemma Archer
Reva Rice
Seen David Brown, Cole Dunn, Rory McCollum
Favorite: Cole Dunn and Rory McCollum
Seen Rose Ouellette, Molly McGuire, and Dieuwke Tönissen, Rosalia Morales, Demy Janssen
Favorite: Rosalia Morales
Seen Lloyd Davies, Tom Nihill, Irra Cenina, Lashane Williams, Semme Prins
Favorite: Semme Prins
Seen Dan Ellison, Gary Sheridan, Terence Uphoff, Kai Cameron Jay, Jake Bishop, Jamie Landmann
Favorite: Terence Uphoff and Gary Sheridan
Seen Dieuwke Tönissen, Lucy Glover, Jessica Lapp, Jessie Angel, Molly McGuire, Melanie Dull
Favorite: Jessie Angell
Seen Sadie Levett, Sydnie Christmas, Alexandra Regan, Lucy Glover, Ida Swann, Farah Liss, Demy Janssen
Favorite: Farah Liss
Rocky 1
Lashane Williams, Jay le Marrec
Favorite: Lashane Williams
Rocky 2
Jordan Rose, Jay le Marrec, Joshua de la Garde
Favorite: Jay le Marrec
Rocky 3
Seen Cassie Rogers, Jessie Angell, Jessica Lapp
Favorite: Jessie Angell
Seen Ben Lancaster, Jamie Landmann, Brad Corben, Iwan James
Favorite: Ben Lancaster
Flat Top
Seen Delano Wilemsen, Luuk Hartog, Dennis Spee
Favorite: Dennis Spee
Seen Jessie Angell, Clare Maynard, Ida Swann, Jessica Lapp, Alexandra Regan, Brad Corben, Melanie Dull, Farah Liss
Favorite: Melanie Dull
Seen Cole Dunn, Sam Gallacher, Luuk Hartog, Brad Corben, Owen Broughton, Josh Crowther
Favorite: Brad Corben
Seen Kevin Köhler, Luuk Hartog, Ida Swann, Jessica Lapp, Josh Crowther, Terence Uphoff
Favorite: Kevin Köhler
Seen Gary Sheridan, Kyle Anthony, Kristian Jacobs, Ryan James, Kai Cameron Jay, Luuk Hartog, Tom Nihill
Favorite: Tom Nihill
Seen Jay Le Marrec, Kristian Jacobs, Kai Cameron Jay, Ryan James, Luuk Hartog, Benjamin van Eelen, Mikey Eborall
Favorite: Benjamin van Eelen
Seen Vladimir Hub, Owen Broughton, Mikey Eborall
Favorite: Mikey Eborall
Seen Jay Le Marrec, Benjamin van Eelen, Gary Sheridan, Ben Whitnall, Kai Cameron Jay
Favorite: Kai Cameron Jay
Seen Jayred Lempriere, Alexandra Regan, Semme Prins, Brad Corben, Kai Cameron Jay
Favorite: Semme Prins
Seen Luuk Hartog, Lucy Glover, Jessie Angell, Ida Swann, Priscilla Osegie, Bethany Perry
Favorite: Luuk Hartog
Seen Ida Swann, Jessie Angell, Jessica Lapp, Melanie Dull
Favorite: Ida Swann and Melanie Dull
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