#Kenyan passport
toppicksreviews · 5 days
US visa application Kenya
Kenyan citizens applying for a US visa must complete the online DS-160 form and schedule an interview at the US Embassy in Nairobi. The process involves paying the application fee, providing supporting documents such as passport, photograph, and evidence of ties to Kenya, and attending the visa interview. Applicants may need to demonstrate strong ties to their home country and intent to return after their US visit. Processing times can vary, so early application is recommended, especially for time-sensitive travel. More info: https://toppicksreviews.com
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workingclasshistory · 2 years
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On this day, 1 March 1968, the racist Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1968 came into force in the UK. In Britain's East African colonies after independence, like Uganda and Kenya, the new governments were pursuing various policies to Africanise, which threatened tens of thousands of South Asian settlers: mostly British passport-holders. So the Labour government passed the act to prevent them coming to Britain, despite the fact that the country had net emigration at that time. Labour claimed that the law wasn't racial, but secret papers released decades later showed that it purposely targeted "coloured immigrants," and cabinet was even advised that the bill would breach international law. A confidential memo to prime minister Harold Wilson said that they could argue "the Asian community in East Africa are not nationals of this country in any racial sense and that the obligations imposed, for example, by the European Convention on Human Rights do not therefore apply." Though most Conservative MPs voted for the law, even the conservative Times newspaper described it as "probably the most shameful measure that Labour members have ever been asked by their whips to support." Tory Lord Ian Gilmour, who opposed the bill, described its purpose very straightforwardly to journalist Mark Lattimer: “to keep the Blacks out." (At the time in the UK all people of colour were considered "Black.") In our podcast episodes 33-34 we talk about the experiences of Asian migrants in Britain and how they fought against racism: https://workingclasshistory.com/2019/09/18/e28-29-asian-youth-movements-in-bradford/ Pictured: Kenyan Asian refugees at this time https://www.facebook.com/workingclasshistory/photos/a.296224173896073/2220765034775301/?type=3
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georgefairbrother · 1 year
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On 18th September 1972, BBC News reported that the first 193 Ugandan refugees, fleeing persecution by the country’s military dictatorship, had arrived at Stansted Airport, Essex. Over half of the arrivals had British passports, and housing and immediate needs would be overseen by the Ugandan Resettlement Board.
Uganda’s Asian community, numbering around 55 000, many of whom ran family businesses and small enterprise, were ordered in August 1972 to leave the country within 90 days by President Idi Amin. Amin had publicly denounced Ugandan Asians as ‘bloodsuckers’, threatening that any who had not left by the arbitrary deadline of November 8th would be interned in military detention camps.
Many of the initial flight of refugees had endured frightening experiences prior to their departure from Uganda, at the hands of Amin’s troops. "On the way to the airport the coach was stopped by troops seven times, and we were all held at gun point," one refugee told reporters. Another stated that he had been robbed of personal valuables and Ugandan currency on the way to Entebbe airport.
News reports at the time cited some opposition within the UK over the acceptance of the Ugandan Asians. The Leicester local authority mounted a newspaper campaign urging refugees not to come to their region seeking jobs and housing. The BBC asserted that, in hindsight, the resettlement programme was seen as ‘a success story for British Immigration’.
The loss of the hardworking and successful Ugandan Asian community devastated Uganda’s agriculture, manufacturing and commerce. Idi Amin was deposed in 1979 and died in Jeddah in 2003, having been responsible for the deaths of as many as 300 000 Ugandan civilians during his reign of terror as President. In 1991, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni invited the expelled community to return home to help rebuild the economy.
The Wilson Labour government also had to grapple with a refugee crisis from a former African colony.
In February 1968, BBC news reported;
"…Another 96 Indians and Pakistanis from Kenya have arrived in Britain, the latest in a growing exodus of Kenyan Asians fleeing from laws which prevent them making a living…"
Many Asian people living in Kenya had not taken up Kenyan citizenship following the country’s independence from Britain in 1963, but possessed British passports. Under Kenya’s Africanisation policy, non-citizens required work permits, and were being removed from employment in favour of Kenyan nationals. There was growing public demand for laws to prevent non-citizens from owning businesses or even operating as street and market traders. As a result, British passport holders were leaving Kenya at the rate of 1000 per month, leaving a huge deficit in skills and experience within the business community and civil service.
Fearing a backlash over the large numbers of Asian immigrants, Home Secretary, and future Prime Minister, James Callaghan, rushed through the Commonwealth Immigration Act, which made it a requirement that prospective immigrants must have a 'close connection' with Britain.
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This led to disagreement in Cabinet, with Secretary of State for Commonwealth Affairs, George Thomson (1921-2008) arguing;
"…To pass such legislation would be wrong in principle, clearly discrimination on the grounds of colour, and contrary to everything we stand for…"
In 1971, the Heath government made further legislative changes that would mean that (some) immigrants from Commonwealth countries would be treated no more favourably than those from the rest of the world, and that tightened restrictions on those who stayed by linking work permits to a specific job and location, requiring registration with police, and reapplication to stay in Britain each 12 months.
The Patrial Right of Abode lifted all restrictions on those immigrants with a direct ancestral connection with Britain.
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Home Secretary Reginald Maudling (later famous for being smacked in the face by Irish MP Bernadette Devlin, and for having to resign over a corruption scandal linked with disgraced property developer John Poulson) denied that this was, in effect, a 'colour bar', telling the BBC;
"…Of course they are more likely to be white because we have on the whole more whites than coloureds in this country, but there is no colour bar involved…"
Unsurprisingly, not everyone was convinced.
Vishna Sharma, Executive Secretary of the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants, described the bill to BBC News as, "basically racially discriminatory, repressive and divisive," and added, "It will create divisions amongst the Commonwealth citizens already living in this country on patrial and non-patrial basis. It will create day-to-day bureaucracy and interference on people living in this country. It will create more hardship for people wanting to enter into this country."
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(Source; BBC reporting and history.com. Photo Credits; BBC News)
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bilbobagginshome · 1 year
A Deadbeat’s Journal 21
A Jotaro Kujo x Blackfemreader
6 April 20XX,
Nowadays, I only go to work for free catering and talking to Kate and Mary. We are practically besties to the point that the only thing I don’t know about them is whether they use pads or tampons. But as Jotaro is coming home two days from now I think I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m leaving. I want to see more and understand more about the world I live in. I have traveled many times before but I have only seen the beautiful and sometimes touristy side of the world. Sort of like the PR video of the world if we were to show aliens what life on earth is like. Moreover, I spent my entire life licking myself that I couldn’t notice how vast the world is. How a small change in environment can completely shift the perspective of anyone who is alive. 
I think discovering that would also mean discovering myself. Ms. Khadija agreed, or more so screeched in agreement. She gleefully explained how proud she was that I’m finally beginning to have a three-dimensional perspective of the world. I liked how she illustrated it. But I feel like I’m moving too fast. I don’t even know what I can do as a lawyer who studied in Kenya abroad. Where will I even get a job? I mean the check from Joestar Enterprises is quite sturdy but my contract was for three months and I will quite easily go broke afterward if I decide to move out with those savings. Also, mom is definitely not going to help me leave. Without seeing her face, I already know her frown would slightly etch. Though she may seem complete especially after promising to stop infantilizing me, I know she’ll barely lift a finger to help me even get my visa.
I even forgot about the visa issue. The Kenyan passport is almost as useful as a rock when it comes to visa applications. Unless I pull astronomically long strings, I may have to wait a year to even go to one place for a few months. It's madness really. Like why is our passport so useless at doing what it's expected to do? I can feel my patriotism washing away as I remember the queues to even get a chance to apply for a visa. I would give anything to have Jojo’s Japanese passport. He’s living in la vida loca with how easy it is for him to move around. God, don’t I hate the consequences of colonialism?
Maybe I can ask Patience. Their family is notoriously connected so I know visa applications are an easy breeze for them. Yeah, I will, I’ll promise them a date at Tamarind if they are successful. I know they have a taste for the finer things in life. 
What am I even thinking? What will I even tell Jotaro? I’ve suddenly decided to leave home. I know he’ll be sad, we created a home together for Christ's sake we even have a pet together. But maybe he may also want to move on. Either way, I need to leave before we grow comfortable with one another and we neglect the concept of growth and change before I decide to marry the guy, have two wonderful kids, and be a stay-at-home mom with a law degree who does pilates five times a week. Look it sounds wonderful already but I mean this is why I need to get out of here. I’m pondering a future with a man who has shown me the slightest interest. I haven't even kissed someone outside a truth-or-dare game….wow, I really am inexperienced.
Jotaro will understand. When we weren't close, he always emphasized my close-minded nature. Now though, that we have something in the vacuum, something despite remaining unnamed remains so tangible I can lick the sweetness, its going to be challenging to let it go, to only hope that absence will make the heart grow fonder and perhaps my airy castles of what could be of our relationship will become solid. 
Well enough pondering. I better call Patience or this will just turn to never-ending daydreams.
Third-Person Narration.
Y/n thought best to cook Jotaro something light as the road trip would leave him slightly weary, So a Japanese curry and rice would definitely be a soothing dinner. Just as she shuts the lid of the already-made dinner, Jotaro opens the door.
“Jojo, you’re already home !” She cheers as she gives him a welcoming hug which Jotaro warmly accepts.
“Seems you missed me a lot,” he responds with a slight smirk as he unwillingly lets go to lug his suitcase to his room.
“Definitely. But especially my little Samosa who I should be picking up tomorrow from her grandma’s” she shouted out as she prepared the table. Jotaro walked out of his room, his two being the only garment on him and y/n refused to look within his vicinity, suddenly intrigued with what cutlery to use to accompany the honestly simple meal.
After some scrolling, Jotaro came back, fully clothed in his blue cotton pajamas, and sat.
“ So how was Malindi? Any more hookups that you want to tell me ?” She questioned with a slight chuckle.
“Why jealous?” he responded a tinge of intrigue underneath layers of jeering.
“After that fiasco that was your first night in months, moreover in a dirty bathroom, yeah I’m very jealous of you Jotaro.” She mocks back and Jotaro chuckles in response.
“Yeah, I think that night single-handedly made me a celibate man. But aside from my sex escapades I finally did something that’s been on my bucket list for a while.”
“What’s that?’
“Boat riding.”
“How quintessentially trust fund baby of you,” she smirks afterward.
“Very funny , but yeah it's a bit weird that despite being a marine biologist, I never bothered with learning how to ride a boat until recently,” Jotaro responds in a faraway tone as he mouths his dish.
After a few heavy mouthfuls in silence, the only sound coming from y/n as she laughs at her screen, Jotaro says softly,
“The food there was absolutely wonderful, but its something about home cooking that will always have my heart. Thank you for dinner. I didn’t even think that you knew how to make Japanese curry .” 
“Oh, it's nothing, just a few youtube tutorials, and some personal touches.” She shyly responds with a beaming smile.”
“Really, like what?”
“I added royco for a more beefy flavour and used some meat stock rather than water. Added a tinge of coconut cream but the rest really is by the book.”
“It's wonderful, I guess no matter what happens the student can never beat the master,” he says whilst rising from his chair, plate almost as clean as it was before serving. Y/n simply scoffs at that, rising to wash the dishes but Jotaro declines and after a few minutes of nonsensical squawking, she allows Jotaro to wash the few dishes remaining.
She can sense that something unspoken is in the air as Jotaro washes mutely. I mean, she has a secret of her own but she is unwilling to divulge it to the open as much as his questionable secret is. Though she says nothing and decides that whatever must be hurting him to say is almost as heavy s her confession, and rather than blurt it out as her conscious usually dictates, she will simply spit it out when he is just as ready to.
Samosa barely acknowledges her parents when they eagerly greet her. Perhaps she knows that fun time is over and she will no longer have a companion who she has been menacingly teasing the entire week. She instead continues to jump on Tatu whilst attempting to bite the poodle’s tail which granny Rhoda only tuts at in mind disapproval and a smirk of amusement. After the usual five-minute greeting which involves a rehashing of the week’s events, they head into the dining room for supper.
“So, y/n what do you plan to do after the hotel’s opening? I know a guy who can get you a nice job in their property company .” her mom says whilst forking into her chicken.
“While that would be nice, my ambitions are a tad broader.” she slowly responds whilst looking down to pleading Samosa.
“How broad?” both her mom and Jotaro ask.
“That’s my little secret,” she responds with a closed-mouthed smile. Faith, remaining unamused almost responds before sealing her personal remarks by drawing her mouth in a line and instead opts to cut off a piece of her chicken to give to Samosa. Jotaro looks questioningly over to y/n which she ignores in favor of finishing off her pilau.
“Was boat driving fun Jotaro?” Granny Rhoda shifts the topic as she notices the tension still as thick as ever.
“It was granny, I’m even considering acquiring a yacht.”
“How nouveau riche,” Y/n mutters with a stiffened laugh which he silences with a slight glare.  
“Anyway as I was saying, I would like to get a yacht, I really enjoyed it and who knows, something great may come out of it,” he says while feeding his bone to Tatu who almost dexterously begins gnawing on it.
“You both are acting so closed off. Anyway, you are all grownups, nothing I can do about it now.” Faith responds with a resigned sigh.
After a successful manoeuvre in the topic by granny Rhoda they decide to head home, this time with Samosa who surprisingly agrees quickly. In the car, whilst Samosa is sleeping in the backseat, y/n thoughtfully states 
“I think we are at the brink of something.”
Jotaro stays silent for a moment, sharp eyes fixated on the road before he responds,
“I just hope it will be for the best .” 
Y/n replies with a slight nod.
* * *
“So you’re leaving Kenya?”Patience and Abdul question in unison.
“Yep, for a year though, I want to be somewhere I’ve never been, though as familiar as home.”Y/n punctuates with a sip from her cool strawberry lemonade.
“Come with us then, I got a job as an aid for the favelas in Brazil and Abdul is leaving for a job he got for some boring tech company.” Patience excitedly blurted.
“Why can’t I share the good news on my own, it and besides, its not ‘some tech company’ it's a creative startup that partners with emerging creatives, the jist of it is really cool.” he ends with a sweet smile.
“Oh my goodness congrats guys, though Abdul what made you change your mind? and Patience, what’s with the sudden philanthropic route?”
“Dad has been bugging me on not using my degree to its fullest but I felt that they thought I was pausing my life for them. I didn't want them worrying and I’ll visit every moment I can .” He ends in a hum and y/n nods in approval.
“And I heard the easiest way to get to the UN is through working for an NGO and despite babu’s connections, it's still going to be difficult to get in.” Patience nonchalantly adds whilst biting into her cinnamon roll.
“Your bluntness astounds me at times,” Abdul responds in slight disbelief.
“OK OK, I also care about the children and the women and whatever cause we’re advocating for or against .”
“You don’t even know what you’re fighting for?”Y/n shockingly questions.
“Babu got me the job, I’ll find out when I get there.” she shrugs and gulps her tea while admonishing Abdul for not making the tea spicier. This causes another minor altercation with Abdul annoyed that his tea-making skill is being questioned despite being the son of a cafe owner and Patience mockingly jabbing at his seemingly lackluster baking skills to spite him further.
As y/n looks at the passing cars and people, she contemplates. Brazil would be beautiful, crime rates are crazy there but in a good neighborhood, she can thrive.
“OK, I’ll ask someone if he can hook me up with a  job at one of his hotels there.”
“Huh?” Patience questions, now done with their tea.
“I’ll join you guys, in Brazil.”
“Oh really?? I’ll finally be able to live out my dorm dreams. This is so exciting. Now that you have decided, don't worry I’ll aid with the visa issues, Baba knows a guy.” Patience exclaims as they tightly hug me. 
“But what about Jotaro?” Y/n mutters. Abdul responds as Patience slowly lets go of me.
“Oh yeah, your boyfriend would be very sad .”
“Definitely, and you still haven't told us anything much about him, all I know of him is that his family is loaded and that’s all from surface-level internet stalking .”Patience adds
“First of all, he’s not my boyfriend…”
“Yet” Abdul unhelpfully adds.
“And secondly, I get the jist that he may like me, but I don't think he’ll wait for me if I ask him to.”
“ ‘May’? He lets you live at his house rent-free, cooks and cleans with AND for you, plus he could not stop making love eyes whenever you are within his vicinity. “Abdul retaliates.
“Moreover the bedroom eyes whenever you’d sway at the tunes during the festival, I wasn’t even been looked at and I was sweating buckets.”Patience delivers
“That did not happen.” Y/n meekly responds.
“Yes it did, fine boy was glaring at anyone who was sizing you up and looked ready to devour you. Kinda disappointed you didn’t satiate his hunger once y’all got home.”Patience calmly says
“That is obscene Patience.”y/n admonishes as she shyly looks away from both of their mischievous glances.
“But true,” Abdul responds with a Cheshire smile.
“I’ll know what to do .” Y/n determinedly states.
“I say hit it and leave him begging. Men like that.” Abdul states 
“You only like that cause you have a masoch-”
“TMI GUYS,” Y/n exclaims in horror and the perpetrators burst into laughter.
* * *
“Who would’ve thought you were into picnics?” Jotaro says in slight shock as he helps y/n pack a basket for an afternoon on the waterfront. 
“Car picnics have always been a thing in Mombasa, how can I not like them?”y/n questions back.
“True true. So, what's this about? You told me to be ready to go as soon as breakfast was done.” Jotaro once more inquires.
“What are you a detective? Stop interrogating me. You’ll see when you get there.”y/n with a slight annoyance, responds.
“Fine. But I want sugarcane juice, so let's stop by town” he responds amusedly at her snappy mood.
He notices the flair in y/n’s off-shoulder mid-thigh, summer dress, and how the peach pink complements her shade. How the gold anklet makes her purposeful walks around the kitchen even more graceful. How the acrylics make her rapid hand movements seem smoother. How her light makeup perfectly complements her features. How, just beside the kitchen window, she seems more otherworldly than earthly.
“Is your beauty often this spellbinding?”
“How many times have you used that line to pick up girls?” Y/n responds in amusement though her shy smile exposes the effect that the offhanded compliment had
“Rarely, I’m not used to seeing angels walking amongst us,” he responds with a smirk.
“Young man, pick up the basket and stop with the unnecessary flirting,” Y/n responds with a less composed tone as she picks up the sunscreen.
“If I do so, will you grace me with your smile so blinding  that all wars would cease?”Jotaro sweety questions.
“Have you been reading the butterfly’s burden?” Y/n inquires back.
“Can you let me serenade you?” Jotaro tiredly retorts
“No, because it's kind of embarrassing to me.” She responds as she calls out for Samosa to head out.
The car ride is filled with banter and catch-ups. Jotaro gives his latest scoop on Noriaki and Atieno, claiming that they are now an item which y/n refutes based on info Noriaki has been personally telling her. They talk about workplace drama and the new shows that have been hits.
By the time they arrive at the waterfront, the atmosphere is perfect. Not too crowded and comfortable enough to enjoy your personal space. They find a shade that overlooks the ocean and park the car there.
Assembling the picnic is simple and after laying it all down and y/n taking a picture for her WhatsApp Status, they comfortably sit. Samosa unwilling to sit on the Maasai blanket due to the dogs surrounding the area opts to stay in the car and y/n opens the car door to observe her.
After a few nibblings and a comfortable silence taking over as they bask in the ocean breeze, y/n says,
“I have to tell you something.”
“Actually, same here but please go first .”
Her stomach twists in an uncomfortable yet familiar way. She looks at him and states.
“I’ve been thinking of moving abroad. To Brazil. Actually, it's less of a thought and more of an action. My visa is almost done and grandpa Jotaro found me a well-paying job as a hotel manager.”
“I’m also planning on leaving. I got a boat license and plan on working online. I plan to tour the coastlines of Africa in my new research. Hopefully, it will be less mentally draining than this one has been ” he ends with a half-hearted laugh
They stare at the glimmer of the ocean. How it reflects the sun’s golden hue and makes the atmosphere almost dreamlike. But a swirling pit of sadness seems to have overtaken their hearts and their throats ache in swallowed grief.
“We should be happy for one another, but I’m still so sad.” y/n chocks out before giving in to tears. Jotaro tightly brings her into a hug and blinks away the eventual tears
Jotaro’s POV
Suddenly she looks up and says shakily, eyes glossing,
“Jotaro I-”
“Don't,  because if you do, I don't think we'll be willing to let each other go.”
The tears well in her soft eyes and mine break into sobs. It's a sorrowful sight though one without its own comedic turn. A giant hunched over a girl as he softly sobs.
Y/n hugs me tighter and the gasp she lets out breaks my heart. Its fragments spread all over my veins, covering every crevice like some poison and filling my brain with all-encompassing grief. I tug her to me and she hugs me softly. Why are we crying like grieving individuals? Why does the thought of letting each other go feel like death itself? And explain why my heart feels impaled whenever I hear her heaving breath.
After a few minutes of soft sobs, she composes herself and looks up at me. Her nose and cheeks have slightly reddened though her eyes and the slight crease of her eyes are a full indication of her sadness. She takes out a wet tissue and wipes off her ruined makeup.
“Guess I shouldn’t have worn makeup .” She heaves out.
“I know I stopped you, but I’ll admit it. I’m in love with you. Will always love you no matter the distance. So I’m willing to wait for you. It's only going to be a year. And then, we’ll get married.”
“Married, Isn’t that going too fast considering we won’t be dating during the year.” she side-eyes me, mouth agape.
“Okay tell me, what more do we need to know about each other ?” I mockingly questions
“What about testing our romantic compatibility?”She knowingly retorts back.
“We definitely are compatible. May I remind you that we live together and take care of another living being ?” I respond whilst gesturing to a drowsy Samosa.
“Or did you mean something more intimate?” I add with a slight eyebrow raise that would be sexy were it not for the cartoonish smile that y/n loudly laughs at.
“Get your mind out of the gutter. Okay fine but during the year, no sexual and emotional relations with anyone.” Y/n resolutely conditions.
“Of course.” I  respond with a tone that seems far too much reserved for only her. After a long silence, it comes onto me that I haven’t heard her say it.
“Do you love me?”
“I mean , I agreed to your outlandish idea so I would think so.”she says with a small smile. That’s not enough though. Call me hopelessly romantic but I eat up romantic settings like these ones and despite not showing it , I am expecting a doe , glossy eyed heart confession that leads to a potential kiss.
“Then say it” 
“OK, Jojo. I love you.”She says while looking straight at me.
“Would it kill you to be a bit more shy.” I hate being whiny but why is she so hard core.
“I’m sorry I’m not the hallmark type girl who is too shy to admit at face that she likes someone. Yeah , that’s right , I took a peak at your Netflix profile . Your obsession with romance K dramas should be seriously reviewed .”
Yeah I’ve heard enough , Maybe a kiss will shut up her needless critics .
Considering how she barely moved at first, i definitely caught her off-guard, But she never rejected me and despite  being slight uncomfortable we were able to move at a seamless pace. Oh dear Buddha , why is it that even when I’m describing the most refreshing kiss I’ve ever had I have to make it seem like I’m relating stock info. It felt like a cool drink after working under the humid Mombasa sun and were it not for breathing , I’d have drank her up to my fill.
“That, that was something.” Y/n says whilst attempting to catch her breath.
“You seemed a bit rusty , a bit of practice wold fix that up . Better yet , class is in session.”  and before I could grab her for another gulp , she quickly scoots away and says, a bit less breathless now.
“No, we could get fined for public indecency and you definitely have wandering hands so not now.” 
“Okay then, stop scooting away from me . And anyway how do you know this ? “ I respond whilst grabbing her waist and putting her beside me.
She proceeds to tell me how she bailed out Patience from doing the same thing except in the beach . Soon topics shift to the instances many of our friends have been almost jailed for absurd laws in Kenya.
As the tides of conversation ebbed from almost hysterical to almost jarring , it reminded me of our first time talking after she moved in . I would have never known the bounds of her personality were it not for that day . I believe in fate and I think our stars were aligned perfectly from then .
                                   prev masterlist next
This year has been kicking my butt left right and center . Apologies for the very late update . Almost scrapped this story ngl so to whoever is reading I hope you like this update 
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fahadventure · 2 years
My TEFL Journey In a nutshell
Alhamdulillah, by the grace of Almighty, in the 2nd last year (2021), I have passed the 198 hours Level 5 TEFL certification course (168 guided hours + Teaching English online 30 hours) from The TEFL Academy. For those, who might want to know, Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) involves teaching English abroad or online where English is not the primary language. TEFL educators can work for international and global schools, foreign companies, international organizations and associations, and internationally recognized universities, just to name a few. You can read more about my adventures in  Fahadventure.
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I have been thinking about doing this since 2018, just after my Graduation from the Institute of Business Administration, Dhaka University (IBA, DU), Bangladesh, but could not really focus much as I got involved in corporate culture, after joining an event management company, namely Asiatic Experiential Marketing Limited. Later on, in May,2019, I joined a locally reputed bank, BRAC Bank where I continued to work for two and a half years. In the meantime, the overall lockdown phases during 2020 and 2021 finally came as a blessing among all those office workloads, few trips and some personal hassles which motivated me once again to work from home and pursue my dreams. This certificate is just like a passport to travel the world while I'll start working on attaining the visa i.e jobs abroad once it reopens. For now, I am exploring the online possibilities to start with. Check out the vacancies for better exploration.
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Just after leaving the job of my previous organization, BRAC Bank, I got the opportunity to join a global platform within few months, named as "Native Camp" where my everyday work nowadays involves teaching and talking people online, mostly from China, Japan & Taiwan and I can't even explain how happy I am right now to have those sessions and exchange our thoughts with fun while doing so. I am also an avid learner and traveler with interest in knowing cultures and norms from all around the globe. I have worked for a very short time in this period with Lingua Roma, a global teaching company where I had to work with South Africans, Russians, French, Kenyans etc. Apart from that, while traveling in various parts of India and Thailand, I resided in the local hostels and houses to mingle with mixed races and know more about them. You can have a look at my teaching profile.
Being a TEFL tutor is a great way to build transferable skills, like communication, creativity, adaptability, critical thinking, problem solving, and leadership etc. It's been a tiring journey with lots of obstacles since I didn't know who to connect with for suggestions; specially anyone from my country. So, I had to look for international blogs, knock random people and gain idea on this. I would humbly request to expand my knowledge if anyone wants to know & explore this beautiful world together. I'll be writing other detailed posts about my journey and other tefl course online, tefl jobs in the coming days. For now, you can look the official website if it fits your budget. Please keep me in your prayers so that I can smoothly advance towards my dream journey, not just by sitting at a corner of the office. Thank you all. Soooo excited! 🤩
Read the full article again and know more about my adventures in  Fahadventure.
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duniyia · 2 days
Kenya Visa for Indians Comprehensive Guide
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Navigating the process of obtaining a Kenya visa is a crucial step for Indian travelers planning a visit to this vibrant East African nation. Kenya, known for its stunning landscapes, diverse wildlife, and rich cultural heritage, requires most visitors to secure a visa before entering the country. The visa application process varies depending on the purpose of the visit, such as tourism, business, or work. Understanding the different types of visas available and the requirements for each can help streamline the process and ensure a smooth travel experience. Indian nationals seeking to visit Kenya should familiarize themselves with the visa options and requirements to avoid any delays or complications. Whether opting for an e-visa or applying for a visa on arrival, having accurate and up-to-date information is essential. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the various visa types, their associated costs, and application procedures to assist Indian travelers in planning their journey to Kenya. Also Check About Careers
Kenya Visa on Arrival for Indian
The Kenya visa on arrival option was previously available to Indian citizens, allowing them to obtain a visa upon reaching Kenya. However, this facility has undergone changes, and travelers are now encouraged to apply for their visa in advance. While the visa on arrival option provided flexibility, it is advisable for Indian travelers to apply for a visa before departure to avoid potential delays at the border. To obtain a Kenya visa on arrival, travelers needed to present their passport, a completed application form, and proof of sufficient funds for their stay. Given the recent updates in visa policies, it is essential to verify the current requirements and procedures with the Kenyan embassy or consulate before planning travel to Kenya.
Kenya E-Visa for Indian
The Kenya e-visa system offers a convenient and efficient way for Indian travelers to obtain their visa before arriving in Kenya. The e-visa process is entirely online, allowing applicants to fill out their application, upload necessary documents, and make payments from the comfort of their homes. This streamlined process significantly reduces the hassle of traditional visa applications and expedites the approval process. Indian citizens can apply for a Kenya e-visa by visiting the official Kenyan e-visa portal. After completing the online application form and providing the required documents, applicants typically receive their visa approval within a few days. This electronic visa system simplifies travel planning and ensures that travelers have their visa in hand well before their trip. Learn about: How to Make Money in Stocks Book Pdf
Kenya Work Visa for Indian
A Kenya work visa is required for Indian nationals who intend to work in Kenya. This visa is specifically designed for individuals who have secured employment with a Kenyan company or organization and need to reside in the country for work purposes. The application process for a work visa involves several steps, including obtaining a work permit from the Kenyan Department of Immigration Services. To apply for a Kenya work visa, Indian applicants must provide documentation such as an employment contract, a letter from their employer, and proof of professional qualifications. The visa process ensures that all work-related stays comply with Kenyan immigration laws and that foreign workers meet the necessary requirements for employment in Kenya.
Kenya Visa Fee for Indian
The Kenya visa fee for Indian nationals varies depending on the type and duration of the visa. Different visa categories, including tourist, business, and work visas, each have distinct fee structures. The cost for a tourist visa, for instance, might differ from that of a work visa, reflecting the purpose and length of stay. Indian travelers should check the latest visa fee information on the official Kenyan embassy or consulate website to ensure they are aware of the current rates. Accurate payment of the visa fee is essential for the processing and approval of the visa application.
Kenya Tourist Visa for Indian
The Kenya tourist visa is designed for Indian citizens planning to visit Kenya for leisure or sightseeing purposes. This visa allows travelers to explore Kenya's beautiful landscapes, wildlife, and cultural attractions. The application process for a tourist visa involves submitting a completed application form, proof of travel arrangements, and evidence of sufficient funds for the duration of the stay. Indian nationals applying for a Kenya tourist visa should ensure that they meet all the requirements and provide accurate information to facilitate a smooth application process. Obtaining a tourist visa in advance helps to avoid any complications upon arrival and ensures that travelers can fully enjoy their visit to Kenya. Learn more about: Visa's
Kenya Visa Cost for Indian
The Kenya visa cost for Indian nationals varies depending on the type of visa and the duration of stay. Fees are typically higher for longer-term or multi-entry visas compared to short-term tourist visas. Understanding the cost associated with the specific type of visa being applied for is crucial for budget planning and ensuring a successful application. Travelers should consult the official Kenyan visa application website or contact the nearest Kenyan embassy or consulate for the most accurate and up-to-date information on visa costs. Proper payment of the visa fee is a key step in obtaining the necessary travel authorization.
Kenya E-Visa Fees for Indian Nationals
The Kenya e-visa fees for Indian nationals are part of the streamlined online application process. The cost of an e-visa is generally consistent with traditional visa fees, though the convenience of applying online often makes it a preferred choice for many travelers. The e-visa system allows for quick and secure payment of the visa fee through the official portal. Indian travelers should ensure they are aware of the current e-visa fees and payment methods before submitting their application. Accurate payment and completion of the online application form are essential for receiving the e-visa approval in a timely manner.
Securing a Kenya visa is a vital step for Indian nationals planning to visit Kenya, whether for tourism, business, or work purposes. The process has become more streamlined with the introduction of the e-visa system, making it easier for travelers to apply and receive their visa electronically. Understanding the various types of visas, their costs, and application procedures ensures a smooth and hassle-free travel experience. By staying informed about the latest visa requirements and fees, Indian travelers can confidently plan their visit to Kenya and enjoy all that this beautiful country has to offer.
1. Is Kenya visa-free for India? No, Kenya is not visa-free for Indian citizens. Indian travelers need to obtain a visa to enter Kenya, whether for tourism, business, or other purposes. The visa requirements include applying in advance and meeting specific criteria set by Kenyan immigration authorities. 2. Do I need a visa to visit Kenya? Yes, Indian nationals require a visa to visit Kenya. This applies to all types of visits, including tourism, business, and work. Travelers can apply for an e-visa or other visa types based on their visit's purpose and duration. 3. How much is a tourist visa for Kenya from India? The cost of a tourist visa for Kenya from India varies depending on the duration of stay and the visa type. Generally, the fee for a single-entry tourist visa is around $50. For the most current rates, checking the official Kenyan embassy website is recommended. 4. How much is the visa fee for Kenya? The visa fee for Kenya depends on the type of visa being applied for. For a standard single-entry tourist visa, the fee is approximately $50, while other visa types such as multiple-entry or long-term visas may cost more. It’s best to verify the latest fees on the official Kenyan visa application portal. Read the full article
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the-good-projxct · 1 month
June 19th, 2024
10:03 pm. Listening to run me dry by Bryson Tiller babbyy. I saw on IG that Aniza went to see Bryson Tiller in the Siggz. Baby gworl is living my East African in Americana dreams. Hehehehe. Wow, hello Gøod Blog. I can’t even remember what I wanted to call the readers? Was it Goodies? LMAO, kinda sounds like my coochie. Anyway, whatevz. I had such an interesting day. It took me a long while to fall asleep last night. I was mostly home chilling on tuesday, I literally left the house because I wanted McFry’s chicken and chips. After I got up today, I decided I wanted to do my hair and feel nice. Then Kendi and I walked to the Chief’s office in my neighborhood to try and sort out my ID. The walk was nice as it was a sunny day. Once we got to the chief's office, they told us to go to Langata. So we hopped on TWO matatus to get there, it didn’t take long. Once we got there, they heard us and the lady told me to come back tomorrow with all my paperwork printed. Sigh. At least there is some movement. I have been dealing with this ID situation for like three months and I am low key over it. I am glad I took it upon myself and Kendi came along. Sometimes waiting on people is so frustrating. So yeah, I am hoping tomorrow pans out bc after that I can apply for a passport and get my drivers license, get mpesa and just exist as a Kenyan. The adventure was fun. Moving around this city with KendiKane is always a vibe innit. Something about sorting this ID situation is giving me hope about my life in Kenya as a Kenyan. I still sometimes wonder what life would be like if I had chosen Barbados. Anyway, I needed to come here to sort my paperwork and I chose here because of my family. I still wonder what could have been. My wanderlust is kicking in. I was thinking of a summer in NYC with King Zoulien eating poke bowls on a fire exit as the sun sets on a blistering hot day. That just feels like LIFE. Or a coconut on a Bajan beach while listening to the waves crash around me and some Rihanna tunes on the speaker. Tbf, I hope the ID settles too so I can feel more stable here and not feel one foot out the door. I applied to go toa global peace and leadership conference. I applied as a volunteer bc mandem ain’t got no money to pay 150$. But it seems like a fitting sorta ting. The keynote speaker is Ruto. LOLOLOLOL. How you gonna speak on peace when you’re over taxing your people to the point of revolution? I applied though because I feel like it fits with my studies, interest and future plans. Also, some nice networking possibilities. Getting a DL, a job and ID are my goals over the next few months. I have some plans/schemes up my sleeve. But mostly I want to finish the Gøod manifesto. Y’all Christinito sent me the website while I was in a bar on Friday and OMG. WOW. OMG. Mandem really did THAT. It is perfect. Even the colour schemes, the planet placeholders, the stars, he linked the music. I am so grateful I went to him and that he saw the vision. Honestly, I was feeling meh about finishing this. I was feeling meh about it all. Turns out all I needed was some inspo. I am so inspired. I am now ready to finish the 20 single page essays and Love as its own 8 pager. I Love when inspo comes unexpectedly. I always say with my writing and drawing that I cannot really force it. It’s a feeling. And I can feel the end of this is here. I am so excited. I am so ready. And then Life in Kenya can truly begin. Life is Gøod. I am Gøod. Ase. Ase.
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kingscollect1on · 1 month
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Travel Backpack for Your Kenyan Adventure
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Kenya, a land of breathtaking landscapes and diverse wildlife, calls to adventurers from around the world. Whether you're planning to explore the vast savannas of the Masai Mara, trek through the lush forests of Mount Kenya, or immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of Nairobi, having the right travel backpack is essential. In this guide, we'll explore the key features to look for in the best travel backpack for your Kenyan journey.
Durability: Withstanding the Kenyan Elements
When venturing into Kenya's varied terrain, your backpack needs to be tough enough to handle anything nature throws at it. Look for backpacks made from high-quality, water-resistant materials like ripstop nylon or polyester. These fabrics offer excellent durability and protection against rain, dust, and rough handling.
Key features to consider:
Reinforced stitching at stress points
YKK zippers for reliable closure
Water-resistant or waterproof coating
Abrasion-resistant bottom panel
Remember, Kenya's climate can vary greatly depending on the region and season. A durable backpack will ensure your gear stays protected whether you're trekking through a sudden downpour in the highlands or navigating dusty trails in the national parks.
Capacity: Finding the Right Size for Your Kenyan Expedition
The ideal capacity for your travel backpack depends on the length of your trip and your travel style. For most travelers visiting Kenya, a backpack with a capacity between 40-65 liters offers a good balance of space and portability.
Consider these options:
40-50 liters: Perfect for minimalist packers or short trips
50-65 liters: Ideal for longer adventures or those carrying extra gear
65+ liters: Suitable for extended expeditions or trekking trips
Keep in mind that many airlines have strict carry-on size limits. If you plan to use your backpack as a carry-on, opt for a model that adheres to these restrictions, typically around 40-45 liters.
Comfort: Ensuring a Pleasant Journey Through Kenya's Diverse Landscapes
Comfort is crucial when you're exploring Kenya's varied terrain. A well-designed travel backpack should distribute weight evenly and provide ample support to prevent fatigue and discomfort during long days of travel.
Look for these comfort-enhancing features:
Padded, adjustable shoulder straps
Breathable back panel with ventilation channels
Padded hip belt to transfer weight to your hips
Sternum strap for added stability
Consider trying on several backpacks with weight inside to find the most comfortable fit for your body type. Remember, a comfortable backpack can make all the difference when you're hiking through Hell's Gate National Park or navigating the bustling streets of Mombasa.
Organization: Keeping Your Gear Accessible in the Kenyan Wilderness
Efficient organization can greatly enhance your travel experience in Kenya. Look for a backpack with multiple compartments and pockets to help you keep your gear organized and easily accessible.
Useful organizational features include:
Large main compartment for clothing and bulky items
Separate laptop sleeve or compartment
External pockets for water bottles and quick-access items
Internal mesh pockets for small accessories
Front-loading design for easy packing and unpacking
Some backpacks also offer modular packing systems or come with packing cubes, which can be especially helpful for keeping your belongings organized during longer trips through Kenya's diverse regions.
Security: Protecting Your Valuables While Exploring Kenya
While Kenya is generally a safe destination for travelers, it's always wise to take precautions to protect your belongings. Look for backpacks with built-in security features to give you peace of mind as you explore.
Valuable security features include:
Lockable zippers
Hidden pockets for passports and cash
Slash-proof material or wire mesh reinforcement
RFID-blocking pockets for electronic protection
Some backpacks also come with detachable daypacks, which can be useful for short excursions or as a carry-on bag for safaris and other guided tours in Kenya.
Choosing the Perfect Travel Backpack for Your Kenyan Adventure
Selecting the best travel backpack for your Kenyan journey is a personal decision that depends on your specific needs, travel style, and the nature of your adventure. Consider the durability, capacity, comfort, organization, and security features that will best serve you as you explore this beautiful country.
For travelers seeking the perfect balance of quality, functionality, and style in their travel gear, look no further than Kings Collection. Our range of premium travel backpacks is designed with the discerning adventurer in mind, offering all the features you need for a comfortable and memorable journey through Kenya. From rugged expedition packs to sleek urban daypacks, Kings Collection has the ideal backpack to complement your Kenyan adventure. Visit our website or stores to find your perfect travel companion and embark on your Kenyan odyssey with confidence and style.
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miaingram2541 · 2 months
How to apply for an eTA Kenya
🌍✨ Ready for your Kenyan adventure? Apply for your eTA Kenya easily and quickly! Just follow these simple steps: Visit the website, complete the online application form, upload your passport photo and travel details, and pay the fee. Within days, you'll receive your eTA via email. No more waiting in line at the airport! 🇰🇪✈️ Ensure your trip to Kenya is hassle-free and start exploring the stunning landscapes and vibrant culture. Apply now and get ready for an unforgettable journey! 🌟
visit - https://evisa-to-kenya.com/guide-for-application-form-filling-process/
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allafrica-news · 1 year
Zimbabwe: Uebert Angel, the man of God accused of money laundering
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Uebert Angel, President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s envoy and ambassador at large to Europe and the Americas, is portrayed as a central figure among powerful gold smugglers from Zimbabwe to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in Al Jazeera’s ‘Gold Mafia’ documentary.
Born Uebert Mudzanire, the 44-year-old British-Zimbabwean appears to be close to Mnangagwa’s wife Auxillia and his niece Henrietta Rushwaya who is also the president of the Zimbabwe Miners Federation.
Angel boasts of being close to Mnangagwa and his family to the extent of even calling him on a private and secure line.
Using his diplomatic passport, Angel says he can smuggle any amount of US dollars cash in and out of Zimbabwe in his bag which is protected and cannot be searched.
With the powers vested in him by Mnangagwa, Angel can sign deals with individuals and companies abroad on behalf of the Zimbabwean government without anyone from the cabinet or executive objecting.
“I am the second-largest diplomat in the country. Do you know I can carry him in a bag, and nobody is allowed to search? Right now, I can have a bag like this with $1.2bn. And put a red tape written diplomat. That’s it,” said Angel while speaking to undercover journalists in the documentary.
“Mr. Angel is one of the most cunning, greedy and controversial businessmen and televangelists of our time,” says Tapuwa O’bren Nhachi, a Zimbabwean social scientist.
“Remember his departure in Zimbabwe was mired in controversy so has been his lifestyle and prophetic industry,” he adds.
Mystery and controversy
His appointment as ambassador at large also raised eyebrows and his actions in the documentary summed up who he is, says Nhachi, who has worked with civil society groups in the extractive industry before.
“I can also safely say he is an opportunist whose end is to make himself wealthier than he is,” he says.
Angel asks businesspeople to pay thousands of dollars for his services of just facilitating a meeting with the President, who is referred to as the “king” in the documentary.
This confirms allegations that government officials and businesspeople close to Mnangagwa secure meetings for investors with the President for huge sums of money.
“We have done maybe for two hundred million or three hundred million [dollars]. But we have not done for one billion [dollars] per see,” said Angel while speaking to undercover journalists in the documentary on how he could help them smuggle cash into Zimbabwe.
There was a public outcry in Zimbabwe and abroad following the appointment of Angel as a Presidential envoy and Ambassador at large in March 2021.
‘Thieves and smugglers’
Angel’s whole life has been shrouded in mystery and controversies.
To many, the appointment was not a surprise given that Mnangagwa associates himself with controversial people like Ewan MacMillan and Kenyan-born businessman Kamlesh Pattni – both men feature widely in the documentary – who have opaque reputations.
Gold is smuggled from Zimbabwe with the help of Rushwaya, officials of Fidelity Printers and Refiners, the sole buyers of gold owned by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe and immigration officers at Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport, according to Al Jazeera‘s investigation.
The dirty money is cleaned through a system called Hawala – an informal way of moving money outside the formal banking channel without detection which will see the money declared as clean in both Harare and Dubai.
In Al Jazeera‘s documentary, Pattni’s couriers are accused of flying gold to Dubai and bring back US dollars to Zimbabwe.
In 2021, CNRG released a report titled ‘Zimbabwe’s Disappearing Gold: The Case of Mazowe and Penhalonga’ which exposed how politicians linked to President Mnangagwa are smuggling the country’s natural resources outside the country.
Illicit financial flows in the artisanal mining sector in Zimbabwe are responsible for leakages of an estimated 3trn of gold, valued at approximately $157m every month, according to the CNRG report.
Zimbabwe trades in $2bn worth of gold per annum.
Small-scale miners produce about 50% of the southern African nation’s gold but Mnangagwa’s cash-strapped government does not have enough money to buy it, thus the smugglers, with the help of Angel, buy it for the bank, per Al Jazeera‘s investigation.
In 2020, Rushwaya was arrested and charged with attempting to smuggle 6kg of gold from Zimbabwe to Dubai. In 2021, her former driver was exposed when he tried to smuggle to Dubai gold worth more than $670,000.
‘Thug masquerading as a man of God’
Angel was born and raised in a Christian family in Zimbabwe.
His journey to preaching goes back to 1996 when he established a small group that conducted its affairs at his home, which later grew into a church known as the Spirit Embassy in 2007. The self-styled prophet is not apologetic about his sermons, based on how his congregants can become rich.
He has authored several books on how to make money and he has a theology institution that charges for its services and he takes offerings, hosts conventions and sells different faith products online.
Today, based in the UK, Angel presents himself as a powerful ‘man of God’ who owns satellite-broadcasting channels, Miracle TV, GoodNews TV and Wow TV, which air his church services.
He once clashed with Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) Governor Gideon Gono who accused him of money laundering after he performed what’s known as ‘miracle money’, whereby he produces money and other valuables like diamonds and gold.
Angel lives a lavish life with luxury cars, private jets and expensive homes. He was accused of money laundering and fraud by a former member of his church in 2014.
His other scandals include sexual misconduct allegations from one of his female congregants.
Zimbabwean elite society is a complex web of high political, economic – both legal and illegal – interactions and mutual dependencies, says a professor of World Politics at the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), Stephen Chan.
“The foundation of multiple Christian churches that do not exactly preach Jesus’s message of poverty gives all of this a fig leaf of riches and power being a donation from God. Angel is simply one example of this syndrome of interaction where politics, economy and worship have all become corrupt,” he says. “Jesus did say that it is easier for a camel to enter a needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Rich angels too, no doubt.”
“Angel represents a breed of thugs that hide behind the church whilst making money through illegal means,” says Nhachi.
“If you look at the top 10 richest people in Africa, it is dominated by people in the church business. So you wonder whether such wealth is from congregants or there is an illegal side hustle as was shown by Angel and Pattini,” he adds.
‘Angel is untouchable’ In April, the government froze the financial assets and bank accounts of individuals implicated in the documentary including Angel, Pattni and Simon Rudland to pave the way for investigations.
By May, the government had reversed its move saying investigations had stopped as there was no wrongdoing.
Parliament Speaker Jacob Mudenda also blocked legislators from conducting their own independent investigations. After pressure from civil society groups in the UK, authorities in London opened an investigation.
Many well-connected people in Zimbabwe were implicated in the documentary and are close to Mnangagwa, Chan says. “To punish one without punishing all the others would be selective. To punish all would be to cause huge tensions in Zimbabwean high society,” he says.
“Angel does not represent the best of Zimbabwe, nor imbue a sense of trust,” says Piers Pigou, a Southern Africa Programme head at the Institute for Security Studies in South Africa.
“He and his sidekicks reinforce perceptions that criminal enterprise is thriving under [Mnangagwa’s administration],” he adds. That has been the case with Zimbabwe’s ruling party Zanu PF that those with serious criminal activities are not brought to book, Nhachi says.
“I feel Angel knows too much. His appointment was not beneficial to the country but to certain individuals,” he says, adding: “The fact that Angel is based in the UK makes him more dangerous if they try to bring him down.”
Speaking at a press conference in Harare in April, Angel’s lawyer Lovemore Madhuku denied the allegations.
“My client wants it to be put right across on record that he has never ever done anything on behalf of the President, no deal on behalf of the President, no activities on behalf of the President,” he said.
“My client wants to make it clear that he has no relationship whatsoever with members of the President’s family. He only has a relationship with the President. He actually has never met the First Lady.”
Madhuku added that Angel had never been involved in any criminal activities.
“More particularly, he would like it to be stated that he has not been involved in any form of gold dealing or gold smuggling nor has he ever engaged in money laundering. The insinuations in the Al Jazeera documentary are wholly baseless.”
Madhuku said after realising that the investors in the documentary were not real, Angel decided to play along.
“The actions in the documentary are consistent with a classified national intelligence operation which was meant to see how far they would go. […] In the documentary, there was no call which was made. There was no call to the First Lady for example. There was no call to Henrietta Rushwaya.
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emunenen · 4 months
Tracking Kenyan passport status via SMS uses the short code 2032 @ma3route
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thefrnews · 1 year
Uebert Angel, the man of God accused of money laundering
Uebert Angel, President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s envoy and ambassador at large to Europe and the Americas, is portrayed as a central figure among powerful gold smugglers from Zimbabwe to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in Al Jazeera’s ‘Gold Mafia’ documentary.
Born Uebert Mudzanire, the 44-year-old British-Zimbabwean appears to be close to Mnangagwa’s wife Auxillia and his niece Henrietta Rushwaya who is also the president of the Zimbabwe Miners Federation.
Angel boasts of being close to Mnangagwa and his family to the extent of even calling him on a private and secure line.
Using his diplomatic passport, Angel says he can smuggle any amount of US dollars cash in and out of Zimbabwe in his bag which is protected and cannot be searched.
With the powers vested in him by Mnangagwa, Angel can sign deals with individuals and companies abroad on behalf of the Zimbabwean government without anyone from the cabinet or executive objecting.
“I am the second-largest diplomat in the country. Do you know I can carry him in a bag, and nobody is allowed to search? Right now, I can have a bag like this with $1.2bn. And put a red tape written diplomat. That’s it,” said Angel while speaking to undercover journalists in the documentary.
“Mr. Angel is one of the most cunning, greedy and controversial businessmen and televangelists of our time,” says Tapuwa O’bren Nhachi, a Zimbabwean social scientist.
“Remember his departure in Zimbabwe was mired in controversy so has been his lifestyle and prophetic industry,” he adds.
Mystery and controversy
His appointment as ambassador at large also raised eyebrows and his actions in the documentary summed up who he is, says Nhachi, who has worked with civil society groups in the extractive industry before.
“I can also safely say he is an opportunist whose end is to make himself wealthier than he is,” he says.
Angel asks businesspeople to pay thousands of dollars for his services of just facilitating a meeting with the President, who is referred to as the “king” in the documentary.
This confirms allegations that government officials and businesspeople close to Mnangagwa secure meetings for investors with the President for huge sums of money.
“We have done maybe for two hundred million or three hundred million [dollars]. But we have not done for one billion [dollars] per see,” said Angel while speaking to undercover journalists in the documentary on how he could help them smuggle cash into Zimbabwe.
There was a public outcry in Zimbabwe and abroad following the appointment of Angel as a Presidential envoy and Ambassador at large in March 2021.
‘Thieves and smugglers’ Angel’s whole life has been shrouded in mystery and controversies.
To many, the appointment was not a surprise given that Mnangagwa associates himself with controversial people like Ewan MacMillan and Kenyan-born businessman Kamlesh Pattni – both men feature widely in the documentary – who have opaque reputations.
Gold is smuggled from Zimbabwe with the help of Rushwaya, officials of Fidelity Printers and Refiners, the sole buyers of gold owned by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe and immigration officers at Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport, according to Al Jazeera‘s investigation.
The dirty money is cleaned through a system called Hawala – an informal way of moving money outside the formal banking channel without detection which will see the money declared as clean in both Harare and Dubai.
In Al Jazeera‘s documentary, Pattni’s couriers are accused of flying gold to Dubai and bring back US dollars to Zimbabwe.
In 2021, CNRG released a report titled ‘Zimbabwe’s Disappearing Gold: The Case of Mazowe and Penhalonga’ which exposed how politicians linked to President Mnangagwa are smuggling the country’s natural resources outside the country.
Illicit financial flows in the artisanal mining sector in Zimbabwe are responsible for leakages of an estimated 3trn of gold, valued at approximately $157m every month, according to the CNRG report.
Zimbabwe trades in $2bn worth of gold per annum.
Small-scale miners produce about 50% of the southern African nation’s gold but Mnangagwa’s cash-strapped government does not have enough money to buy it, thus the smugglers, with the help of Angel, buy it for the bank, per Al Jazeera‘s investigation.
In 2020, Rushwaya was arrested and charged with attempting to smuggle 6kg of gold from Zimbabwe to Dubai. In 2021, her former driver was exposed when he tried to smuggle to Dubai gold worth more than $670,000.
‘Thug masquerading as a man of God’ Angel was born and raised in a Christian family in Zimbabwe.
His journey to preaching goes back to 1996 when he established a small group that conducted its affairs at his home, which later grew into a church known as the Spirit Embassy in 2007. The self-styled prophet is not apologetic about his sermons, based on how his congregants can become rich.
He has authored several books on how to make money and he has a theology institution that charges for its services and he takes offerings, hosts conventions and sells different faith products online.
Today, based in the UK, Angel presents himself as a powerful ‘man of God’ who owns satellite-broadcasting channels, Miracle TV, GoodNews TV and Wow TV, which air his church services.
He once clashed with Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) Governor Gideon Gono who accused him of money laundering after he performed what’s known as ‘miracle money’, whereby he produces money and other valuables like diamonds and gold.
Angel lives a lavish life with luxury cars, private jets and expensive homes. He was accused of money laundering and fraud by a former member of his church in 2014.
His other scandals include sexual misconduct allegations from one of his female congregants.
Zimbabwean elite society is a complex web of high political, economic – both legal and illegal – interactions and mutual dependencies, says a professor of World Politics at the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), Stephen Chan.
“The foundation of multiple Christian churches that do not exactly preach Jesus’s message of poverty gives all of this a fig leaf of riches and power being a donation from God. Angel is simply one example of this syndrome of interaction where politics, economy and worship have all become corrupt,” he says. “Jesus did say that it is easier for a camel to enter a needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Rich angels too, no doubt.”
“Angel represents a breed of thugs that hide behind the church whilst making money through illegal means,” says Nhachi.
“If you look at the top 10 richest people in Africa, it is dominated by people in the church business. So you wonder whether such wealth is from congregants or there is an illegal side hustle as was shown by Angel and Pattini,” he adds.
‘Angel is untouchable’ In April, the government froze the financial assets and bank accounts of individuals implicated in the documentary including Angel, Pattni and Simon Rudland to pave the way for investigations.
By May, the government had reversed its move saying investigations had stopped as there was no wrongdoing.
Parliament Speaker Jacob Mudenda also blocked legislators from conducting their own independent investigations. After pressure from civil society groups in the UK, authorities in London opened an investigation.
Many well-connected people in Zimbabwe were implicated in the documentary and are close to Mnangagwa, Chan says. “To punish one without punishing all the others would be selective. To punish all would be to cause huge tensions in Zimbabwean high society,” he says.
“Angel does not represent the best of Zimbabwe, nor imbue a sense of trust,” says Piers Pigou, a Southern Africa Programme head at the Institute for Security Studies in South Africa.
“He and his sidekicks reinforce perceptions that criminal enterprise is thriving under [Mnangagwa’s administration],” he adds. That has been the case with Zimbabwe’s ruling party Zanu PF that those with serious criminal activities are not brought to book, Nhachi says.
“I feel Angel knows too much. His appointment was not beneficial to the country but to certain individuals,” he says, adding: “The fact that Angel is based in the UK makes him more dangerous if they try to bring him down.”
Speaking at a press conference in Harare in April, Angel’s lawyer Lovemore Madhuku denied the allegations.
“My client wants it to be put right across on record that he has never ever done anything on behalf of the President, no deal on behalf of the President, no activities on behalf of the President,” he said.
“My client wants to make it clear that he has no relationship whatsoever with members of the President’s family. He only has a relationship with the President. He actually has never met the First Lady.”
Madhuku added that Angel had never been involved in any criminal activities.
“More particularly, he would like it to be stated that he has not been involved in any form of gold dealing or gold smuggling nor has he ever engaged in money laundering. The insinuations in the Al Jazeera documentary are wholly baseless.”
Madhuku said after realising that the investors in the documentary were not real, Angel decided to play along.
“The actions in the documentary are consistent with a classified national intelligence operation which was meant to see how far they would go. […] In the documentary, there was no call which was made. There was no call to the First Lady for example. There was no call to Henrietta Rushwaya.
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mahat-mabhangi · 5 months
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patricbensen · 5 months
How to Apply a Kenyan Passport Online using eCitizen
https://wp.me/pfjobt-td The Kenyan Passport has been always applied online through eCitizen for over 6 years. The Directorate of Immigration Services i.e. DIS allows applications online and requires them to upload the ...
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duniyia · 4 days
Kenya Visa for Indians Comprehensive Guide
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Navigating the process of obtaining a Kenya visa is a crucial step for Indian travelers planning a visit to this vibrant East African nation. Kenya, known for its stunning landscapes, diverse wildlife, and rich cultural heritage, requires most visitors to secure a visa before entering the country. The visa application process varies depending on the purpose of the visit, such as tourism, business, or work. Understanding the different types of visas available and the requirements for each can help streamline the process and ensure a smooth travel experience. Indian nationals seeking to visit Kenya should familiarize themselves with the visa options and requirements to avoid any delays or complications. Whether opting for an e-visa or applying for a visa on arrival, having accurate and up-to-date information is essential. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the various visa types, their associated costs, and application procedures to assist Indian travelers in planning their journey to Kenya. Also Check About Careers
Kenya Visa on Arrival for Indian
The Kenya visa on arrival option was previously available to Indian citizens, allowing them to obtain a visa upon reaching Kenya. However, this facility has undergone changes, and travelers are now encouraged to apply for their visa in advance. While the visa on arrival option provided flexibility, it is advisable for Indian travelers to apply for a visa before departure to avoid potential delays at the border. To obtain a Kenya visa on arrival, travelers needed to present their passport, a completed application form, and proof of sufficient funds for their stay. Given the recent updates in visa policies, it is essential to verify the current requirements and procedures with the Kenyan embassy or consulate before planning travel to Kenya.
Kenya E-Visa for Indian
The Kenya e-visa system offers a convenient and efficient way for Indian travelers to obtain their visa before arriving in Kenya. The e-visa process is entirely online, allowing applicants to fill out their application, upload necessary documents, and make payments from the comfort of their homes. This streamlined process significantly reduces the hassle of traditional visa applications and expedites the approval process. Indian citizens can apply for a Kenya e-visa by visiting the official Kenyan e-visa portal. After completing the online application form and providing the required documents, applicants typically receive their visa approval within a few days. This electronic visa system simplifies travel planning and ensures that travelers have their visa in hand well before their trip. Learn about: How to Make Money in Stocks Book Pdf
Kenya Work Visa for Indian
A Kenya work visa is required for Indian nationals who intend to work in Kenya. This visa is specifically designed for individuals who have secured employment with a Kenyan company or organization and need to reside in the country for work purposes. The application process for a work visa involves several steps, including obtaining a work permit from the Kenyan Department of Immigration Services. To apply for a Kenya work visa, Indian applicants must provide documentation such as an employment contract, a letter from their employer, and proof of professional qualifications. The visa process ensures that all work-related stays comply with Kenyan immigration laws and that foreign workers meet the necessary requirements for employment in Kenya.
Kenya Visa Fee for Indian
The Kenya visa fee for Indian nationals varies depending on the type and duration of the visa. Different visa categories, including tourist, business, and work visas, each have distinct fee structures. The cost for a tourist visa, for instance, might differ from that of a work visa, reflecting the purpose and length of stay. Indian travelers should check the latest visa fee information on the official Kenyan embassy or consulate website to ensure they are aware of the current rates. Accurate payment of the visa fee is essential for the processing and approval of the visa application.
Kenya Tourist Visa for Indian
The Kenya tourist visa is designed for Indian citizens planning to visit Kenya for leisure or sightseeing purposes. This visa allows travelers to explore Kenya's beautiful landscapes, wildlife, and cultural attractions. The application process for a tourist visa involves submitting a completed application form, proof of travel arrangements, and evidence of sufficient funds for the duration of the stay. Indian nationals applying for a Kenya tourist visa should ensure that they meet all the requirements and provide accurate information to facilitate a smooth application process. Obtaining a tourist visa in advance helps to avoid any complications upon arrival and ensures that travelers can fully enjoy their visit to Kenya. Learn more about: Visa's
Kenya Visa Cost for Indian
The Kenya visa cost for Indian nationals varies depending on the type of visa and the duration of stay. Fees are typically higher for longer-term or multi-entry visas compared to short-term tourist visas. Understanding the cost associated with the specific type of visa being applied for is crucial for budget planning and ensuring a successful application. Travelers should consult the official Kenyan visa application website or contact the nearest Kenyan embassy or consulate for the most accurate and up-to-date information on visa costs. Proper payment of the visa fee is a key step in obtaining the necessary travel authorization.
Kenya E-Visa Fees for Indian Nationals
The Kenya e-visa fees for Indian nationals are part of the streamlined online application process. The cost of an e-visa is generally consistent with traditional visa fees, though the convenience of applying online often makes it a preferred choice for many travelers. The e-visa system allows for quick and secure payment of the visa fee through the official portal. Indian travelers should ensure they are aware of the current e-visa fees and payment methods before submitting their application. Accurate payment and completion of the online application form are essential for receiving the e-visa approval in a timely manner.
Securing a Kenya visa is a vital step for Indian nationals planning to visit Kenya, whether for tourism, business, or work purposes. The process has become more streamlined with the introduction of the e-visa system, making it easier for travelers to apply and receive their visa electronically. Understanding the various types of visas, their costs, and application procedures ensures a smooth and hassle-free travel experience. By staying informed about the latest visa requirements and fees, Indian travelers can confidently plan their visit to Kenya and enjoy all that this beautiful country has to offer.
1. Is Kenya visa-free for India? No, Kenya is not visa-free for Indian citizens. Indian travelers need to obtain a visa to enter Kenya, whether for tourism, business, or other purposes. The visa requirements include applying in advance and meeting specific criteria set by Kenyan immigration authorities. 2. Do I need a visa to visit Kenya? Yes, Indian nationals require a visa to visit Kenya. This applies to all types of visits, including tourism, business, and work. Travelers can apply for an e-visa or other visa types based on their visit's purpose and duration. 3. How much is a tourist visa for Kenya from India? The cost of a tourist visa for Kenya from India varies depending on the duration of stay and the visa type. Generally, the fee for a single-entry tourist visa is around $50. For the most current rates, checking the official Kenyan embassy website is recommended. 4. How much is the visa fee for Kenya? The visa fee for Kenya depends on the type of visa being applied for. For a standard single-entry tourist visa, the fee is approximately $50, while other visa types such as multiple-entry or long-term visas may cost more. It’s best to verify the latest fees on the official Kenyan visa application portal. Read the full article
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Lithuania - A beauty to behold
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Visiting Lithuania on a Schengen Visa
Lithuania, one of the Baltic states, is something of an undiscovered gem in Europe. Despite its beautiful spa towns and seaside resorts, it’s not as frequently visited as some of the continent’s more famous countries. Lithuania is a member of the European Union and the Schengen Area - meaning it is a member of the borderless travel area in Europe that covers much of the EU as well as other states who have signed the Schengen Agreement. Their currency is also Euro.
Living In Lithuania
Lithuania is considered a high-income country globally by the World Bank. Its GNI per capita, total income claimed by residents divided by the population, is about $15,000 per year, making it one of the less wealthy countries in the EU. The country is also known for the high quality of education and teaching level. Lithuania consistently ranks high in quality of life as it boasts low pollution, excellent healthcare, and high standards of living at a lower cost than most Western European countries. When traveling to Lithuania for a visit lasting fewer than 90 days, you will need a Lithuania Schengen Visa, as it is part of the Schengen Area of European countries that have abolished border controls between each other.
Is Lithuania good place to live?
Not only is Lithuania an affordable and safe country, but it's also ranked extremely high when it comes to happy employees and work-life balance--something that's very appealing to expats and foreigners that are interested in moving and working abroad.
Regular travelers may be able to obtain a multiple entry visa that is valid for a longer period but only allows you to stay in the Schengen Area for up to 90 days in a rolling period of 180 days. This is known as the 90/180 days rule.
If you are planning to go on a visit, study, work or reside in Lithuania for a longer period, you will have to apply for a different Lithuania Schengen Visa.
THE BIG QUESTION: - Is it easy to get a visa to Lithuania?
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In general, Lithuania is the easiest country to obtain a Schengen Visa from, with officials granting 98.7 percent of applications. Kenyan citizens must obtain a visa before entry into Lithuania, hence it is not visa free.
More information on the Schengen Area of countries and visas.
The standard fee for processing your Schengen Visa application is €80 for adults and €40 for minors.
How do I apply for a Schengen Visa to Lithuania?
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You will need to fill in a Schengen Visa application form for Lithuania.
You will need to obtain supporting documents including - two recently taken passport-style photos, a passport or other travel documents that are less than 10 years old and valid for at least three months after your departure date from the Schengen Area.
You will also need travel and medical insurance covering you up to costs of €30,000
You need a cover letter stating your itinerary and the purpose of your visit, as well as a flight itinerary.
Proof of accommodation during your stay, proof of your civil status, like a marriage certificate, and proof you have means of subsistence during your stay.
When applying for Lithuania, you must show embassy staff you have at least €40 per day of your stay.
Those planning to work or study for longer periods will need additional documents.
Requirements for a work, business or student visa
If you’re applying for a work visa to Lithuania, you will need to provide the embassy/consulate with documents that prove you meet the Lithuania Schengen Visa requirements based on your employment status. A foreigner coming to Lithuania to work must have at least one year of work experience within the last two years in a field appropriate to their area of work, and documents proving this.
If employed, you need
An employment contract,
A current bank statement,
A no objection letter from your employer giving you leave to travel, and an income tax return. If self-employed, you will need 1. a copy of your business license 2. company bank statements, and income tax returns. 3. You will also need an invitation letter regardless of whether you are applying for a longer work visa or a short-stay Schengen Visa for business.
Student visas require proof of enrolment at a Lithuania institution, a no objection letter from your place of study in your homeland, and an invitation letter.
Where do I apply for a Lithuanian Visa?
You will need to apply to the Lithuanian embassy or consulate in your country of residence, or a visa application center acting on their behalf. The official visa partner of Lithuania is VFS Global - so they may act on Lithuania’s behalf in your country.
Travel Insurance / Cover
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Those traveling to the Schengen Area, including Lithuania, need travel cover. I recommend AXA’s Low Cost Travel Insurance only costs €22 ($24) per week of your trip and will meet your visa requirements, while the AXA Schengen Europe Travel Insurance offers extended coverage up to costs of €100,000. Those seeking a multiple-entry visa can purchase the Multi Trip insurance from €328 per year, which again covers you for expenses up to €100,000.
To find out about Lithuania visa application and process proper, CLICK HERE
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