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La Cristallizzazione del Marmo: Guarda il Video Tutorial
✨La Cristallizzazione del Marmo: Guarda il Video Tutorial 📹
Per le Imprese di Pulizia specializzarsi nei trattamenti per superfici è essenziale per distinguersi dalla concorrenza, nonché per ottenere quelle soddisfazioni lavorative importanti nell’incoraggiare a dare sempre il meglio di sé. Pertanto è fondamentale partecipare a corsi di formazione specifici del settore e rimanere costantemente aggiornati. Uno dei trattamenti da conoscere è sicuramente…
#Aspiratori#Cristallizzazione del Marmo#Formazione Professionale#Kemika#Monospazzole#Pulizia Professionale#sistemi di pulizia#Sutter
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Cardi B’s lawyers LOVE her! She keeps them thriving financially! Details on her latest lawsuit HERE!
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Har du någonsin undrat hur det skulle vara att återvända till ett fläckfritt rent hem utan att oroa dig för hälsoeffekterna av starka kemikalier? I Stockholm, en stad känd för sin orörda miljö och höga levnadsstandard, ökar efterfrågan på bostadsstädning och ekologiska lösningar.
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Faayidaa_Dhungoo (Benefits of Kissing)
Saayinsiin maal jedha? Dhungoon kemikaalootaafi hormoonoota madda gammachuu tahan maddisiisa. Isaan keessaa Dooppaamiinii (dopamine) tokkoofi hangafa.Kemikaalli kun kutaa sammuu keessaa kan maddu yoo tahu miirri gammachuu guddaan akka nutti dhaga’amu taasisa.Wal dhungachuu malees kemikaalli kun baaloota sammuu hadoochan fayyadamuufi nyaachuuniismadduu danda’a. Miira gammachuu kanarraa ka’uun…
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ZGB, August 2022 photo by @zagrebist
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#mmd#hatsune miku#vocaloid#i cant find the dl link but the model creators name is kemika !#animecore#webcore#tparent
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tongan and hawaiian names
Afeti Afolai Afulamana Afusia Ahame Ahelo Aholalo Ahoni Ahooka Ahuini Aihio Ainasia Akakia Akani Akano Akapu Akolena Akonite Akonohala Alaailala Alakio Alanohi Alanu Alaosimi Alauakeke Alavake Aleaua Alefonuki Aleinga Alotohi Amelehi Anakaina Anofea Anuele Anuitoa Apani Apuna Arani Asifi Auihu Auimale Aukulei Aulau Aumoi Auvailau Auwanga Awalia Awiwala Bokeakana Bokelia Ehuboys Elane Elani Elealei Elepeleau Emahau Emani Ematane Emiku Eohanga Eolana Ewalefone Faahokai Faila Fakahua Fakaitusi Fakalea Fakalo Fanoha Fatua Felaa Felia Fetiolio Fetuaili Filaikina Filanita Filia Filii Foloheaua Fonamau Fonoe Fonoke Fothea Fukai Fuluana Fulutu Fusia Hakalohia Hakeau Haleiki Hanga Havaiki Heakahou Healini Heanani Hoewaili Hokuala Holii Holohea Hookahea Hookupo Hoopeloha Hoopomu Hopoutu Houna Huahelani Huana Huinia Hulupuamu Ihalanesi Ihikiko Ikapani Ikapi Ikelisimi Ikila Ililea Ilina Imotua Iokalohau Iutaikaai Ivainalei Ivaka Iwiwia Iwiwo Kaamaka Kaami Kaaseikau Kaaunia Kahelia Kahili Kahoanau Kahoepili Kahopole Kahou Kaiami Kaiamoa Kailia Kaioana Kaisi Kaisimau Kaiwo Kakaaea Kalai Kalanake Kalanane Kalania Kalano Kaleimomi Kalesami Kalii Kalila Kalina Kaloa Kalohe Kalona Kaloni Kalopau Kalotukou Kalou Kamau Kamelu Kamoela Kamoriti Kamotui Kamotusi Kanahi Kanale Kanano Kanga Kangi Kaniaiki Kapale Kapaua Kapuai Kapulana Katiki Katioa Kaufakea Kaufuna Kauma Kaumahi Kauwanika Kavai Kavakoani Kawani Kawea Kaweawano Kawia Keakee Kealau Kealo Keama Keanala Keauwe Kefunu Kekaheala Kekei Kekeo Kekoni Kelai Keleine Kelepola Kelia Kemaha Kemakahi Kemika Keoke Ketekatoa Kiala Kikamena Kikani Kinaniki Kinga Kivaia Kivela Kivilia Koakiaki Koapaolu Koate Kofakai Kofoto Kololia Kongaholi Kongi Kotupoa Kuaili Kuakea Kuamatea Kuelena Kueli Kukupi Kulangalo Kulani Kumaha Kuoheala Lanealea Lanuki Lapua Lataupo Lavei Leakepo Lealemi Lealolani Leikani Leiki Leikonoha Leinihi Lelei Lenila Leokani Liamahua Likalakai Lililii Limaale Lisela Loane Lohalei Loheau Lotuamehu Lotuufulu Lukahi Maaioewa Maapua Maawai Maeauki Maeni Mafili Mahelehu Mahuihi Maieneau Maikali Maikona Maikuela Maini Maisesi Maiti Makahoo Makai Makaikeo Makalane Makapu Makeoni Makiai Makina Malaki Malangi Malaulala Malava Maleolo Malialomu Maloa Malutuani Manale Maniu Mapeau Marele Matanga Matei Matena Mauliselu Mausikina Melango Melealini Minui Miolia Moakoi Mokulii Molakalu Momikala Momimai Mooka Mookea Motoa Motomi Motui Nakamilau Nakio Nales Nalimoa Nameni Napumo Nasia Nofataufa Nohunahea Nokona Okolohele Okulo Olapau Olativaka Olionoaka Oliwiwo Olohi Omilikana Opeleli Opeliwai Openealia Openi Oseki Otoliika Otukelele Otuna Pakahale Pakinalu Palea Paleia Palia Palilipua Panaikila Patano Patoa Patokalu Pauakali Pawailii Pekelu Pelani Pelene Pelia Penae Penia Penoa Petotu Pilatupo Pileia Pileini Pilia Pohane Pohani Ponani Ponoa Pulaneta Pulei Pulua Pumali Puuohane Rosikaiau Rosiuaona Sakamale Sanga Sauani Sealokoa Seawalu Seina Seinakawe Seinoha Selanamu Siete Sikauve Sovala Tailani Tapulavi Tauhi Tauna Telane Tenalani Teoliwi Tevemei Tokahukoa Tokanana Tomipuu Tonani Topikihi Topua Torita Tuafinale Tuani Tuialehi Tuihapa Tukaaumoi Tulanani Tulavi Tuluna Tupona Uafilita Ualani Uhekoi Ulanai Ulekekala Ulelelau Uliposova Ulualo Ulukamio Umala Unaikala Unakeo Unameleia Vaielea Vaino Vaipouna Vakeaweha Vakosi Valani Valauna Valionga Vavai Vavakoa Veilila Veinana Vemea Vikalani Viliaka Wahuboys Walane Walohau Wiakeke
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Proti vetru part 1: besede vs dejanja
Leta nazaj je obstajala punca, ki je verjela, da zgodbe s srečnim koncem obstajajo, potem se ji je pa zgodilo življenje. Že dolgo si želim to zgodbo spraviti na papir, napisati knjigo, vendar, sem prišla do zaključka, da bom to zgodbo najlažje napisala na blog. Takšno, kot je polno slovničnih napak, prav tako, kot sem tudi jaz polna napak.
Veliko stvari skrivam in jih tiščim v sebi, ker se bojim, da me bodo zaradi tega obsojali, da sem drugačna. Predvsem pa vem da 99% ljudi določenih zadev ne razume. Ne morajo jih razumeti, ker takšnih izkušenj nimajo.
Vsak bije svoje bitke, moja pa gre približno tako, da so lahko en dan nebesa, drug dan pa pekel. Ker vem, kaj pomeni beseda hudo, s težkimi očmi gledam in vem, da je ljudem hudo.
Pomagala sem že velikemu številu ljudi, ob enem pa se zvečer spomnem, da obstajajo redki, ki mene zares poznajo in me razumejo. Težko je namreč razumeti nekoga, ki mu komunikacija ne gre od rok in pri besedah vedno pogorim. Zavedam pa se, da sem dobra v dejanjih in veliko večino pokažem z dejanji. S tega vidika tudi ocenjujem ljudi po dejanjih in ne po besedah. Besede so zame brezpredmetne. Vsak lahko vzame lepo barvo kemika in lep papir, ter uporabi lepe besede, ki jih spravi na ta papir. Uporabiti dejanja je težje.
Vedno sem veliko dajala in bolj malo dobila v zameno. V času bolezni sem se zelo razveselila že vprašanja, Nastja kako si? Ali ti lahko kako pomagam?
Zelo redko pa sem sama prosila za pomoč, ker sem bila vedno mnenja, da če jo nekdo ponudi iz srca, jo ponudi sam in tega ne rabiš prositi.
Bolezni in težav drugih se ljudje v velikem krogu izogibajo, zato sem večino časa kazala '' fejk nasmesek'', poleg tega pa sem se sramovala vsega, kar se mi je v resnici dogajalo, saj bi načeloma punca pri 30 letih mogla biti zdrava, hoditi v službo, že zdavnaj magistrirati. Ljudje ne marajo hoditi v službe, jaz pa ne moram dočakati dneva, ko bom spet lahko šla. Najtežje je zame nekomu določene stvari povedati iz oči v oči, lažje jih napišem. Zakaj? Ker sem polna strahov, kaj si bodo ljudje mislili, če povem, kaj je v resnici v moji glavi, ali me bodo obsojali, ali bodo preprosto odšli.
V preteklih dneh se nam je zgodil hud požar. Ko sem gledala kako naša domovina gori, se mi je še zadnjič zlomilo tudi srce. Kaj bo z vsemi živalmi? Živali namreč obožujem in se jih niti malo ne bojim. Žival ti ne bo škodila, škodil ti bo edino človek.
Velikokrat, so me ljudje prosili za usluge, ki sem jih z največjim veseljem, tudi naredila, če je bilo le to v moji moči. Koliko od teh ljudi mislite, da je v teh dneh sploh preverilo, kako smo v naši domovini?
Nikogar ne obsojam, ker vem, da določeni ljudje, ki niso šli, skozi zgodbo, kot sem šla jaz se na to niti spomnejo ne, niti pomislijo, da bi bilo mogoče to lepo in da bi meni to ogromno pomenilo, da veš, da so bila vsa tvoja dobra dela cenjena.
Obstaja socialno omrežje, kjer imam kar nekaj sledilcev, ki mi pišejo veliko lepih, pa tudi veliko grdih komentarjev. Vendar mi vsej tej komentarji v resnici ne pomenijo dosti. Ogromno pa mi pomenijo pristni osebni stiki. Ljudje na socialnem omrežju nismo tisto kar smo v živo. Prav tako ljudje v živo v roku dvournih kavic nismo tisto kar v resnici smo.
Se kdaj počutiš, kot da si le pred redkimi tisto, kar v resnici si? Včasih sem hvaležna, da nadnaravne moči ne obstajajo in da ljudje ne morajo prebrati vsega, kar se dogaja v moji glavi.
Žalostno je, da si ljudje včasih dajmo občutek, da se ne cenimo. Žal je tudi realnost takšna, da velika večina dobrih dejanj v tem svetu ni cenjena, ker so dejanja in vaša prisotnost samoumevna.
Zame je obljuba sveta. Pred kratkim, sem osebi, za katero zelo dobro vem in razumem kako hudo bitko bije obljubila, da bom za njo stala v prvi bojni vrsti in da gremo do konca. Veste kaj se je zgodilo? Čez nekaj dni bo za njeno zgodbo izvedela celotna Slovenija in celotna Slovenija bo vstala na noge. Za pravo osebo ❤️ In tukaj vem, da bodo moja dejanja več, kot cenjena in nikoli pozabljena.
Verjemite mi občutek, da si odveč in, da te ljudje zaradi dolgotrajnega bolovanja in težav z zdravjem ne prenašajo ni niti zdaleč lep. Bolezen vsekakor vpliva tudi na obnašanje človeka. '' Nastja ti imaš ogromno časa''... Izjava slisana že najmanj 1000x. Nastja vsak večer moli k Bogu, da bi lahko normalno nazaj zaživela in da tega časa ne bi bilo.
Psihične težave so v naši preljubi Sloveniji tudi tabu tema (sama se poleg dveh operacijah na hrbtenici, borim tudi z depresijo) in določeni bodo rekli, to je samo v tvoji glavi, ti si zmešana. Ne vejo pa, da ljudje z depresijo izgubijo veselje za vse, kar jih je prej veselilo, ne vejo, da se je vsak dan znova problem dvigniti iz postelje.
Da čas lažje mineva, se seveda zaposlis tudi z raznimi neumnostmi, ki pa niso vedno dobre. Nevrokirurg mi je namreč rekel, Nastja čim bolj zaposli misli in ne razmišljaj preveč o tem kaj bo. Pri meni je bil namreč vedno problem, da ko se mi je fizično zdravje poslabšalo, se je posledično tudi psihično.
Vendar ne glede na vse, vsak dan znova bijem mojo bitko. Vsak dan znova vstanem in predvsem vsak dan znova spet upam. Upam v to, da mi je Bog vse to naložil z razlogom.
Dobro srce in blazna občutljivost, na vsako besedo je prekletstvo. Jaz nisem občutljiva na besede, ki mi jih izrečejo ljudje, ki mi ne pomenijo nič. Občutljiva pa sem na besede in dejanja ljudi, ki so več od zgolj znancev. Včasih sem imela največjo željo, da bi mi bilo za vse vseeno. Danes pa vem, da brez vsega tega ne bi imela empatije. In svet brez empatije in čustev je, kot črno bela slika brez barv.
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Rin and Len models by Kemika, loli/shota blogs Do not interact.
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Viaggi e Sostenibilità: Riflessioni sull'Acqua e Soluzioni Innovative
🌍 Viaggiare ci apre la mente e ci porta a riflettere sulle sfide globali, come la scarsità d’acqua. Durante il mio viaggio sulla Costa del Sol ho visto...
A cosa servono i viaggi? Ad aprirci la mente, a farci conoscere cose nuove e quindi anche a riflettere. Viaggiando scopriamo nuove culture, possiamo confrontarci con altre persone, lingue, costumi, cibo… Viaggiare ci fa riflettere e, anche se per alcune “culture” riflettere troppo può essere pericoloso, sappiamo invece quanto sia importante. Con i mezzi che ci sono oggi, internet, treni, aerei,…
#Balcone d&039;Europa#Costa del Sol#Detergenti Concentrati#detergenti eco-compatibili#Fimap#innovazione#IPC#Kemika#Plastica riciclata#risparmio acqua#Siccità#Sostenibilità#Spagna#Tennant#Viaggi
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Wary Parents Are Target of New Appeals to Vaccinate Children 5-11
Wary Parents Are Target of New Appeals to Vaccinate Children 5-11
For weeks, the school principal had been imploring Kemika Cosey: Would she please allow her children, 7 and 11, to get Covid shots? Ms. Cosey remained firm. A hard no. But Mr. Kip — Brigham Kiplinger, the principal of Garrison Elementary School in Washington, D.C. — swatted away the “no’s.” Ever since the federal government authorized the coronavirus vaccine for children 5 through 11 nearly three…
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Jüri Eintalu, PhD
Püüan oma keemiaalaseid teadmisi värskendada. Keemia oli mul koolis "3", sest keemialaboris haises ja ma panin tundidest pausi.
— Litvinenko mürgitati litviiniumiga. — Skripalid mürgitati skripaaliumiga. — Navalnõi mürgitati navaaliumiga.
Koroonaviirus SARS-CoV-2 on pärit Wuhanist, sest Wuhani biolabor on seal lähedal.
Skripaalium ei ole pärit Inglismaalt, sest Porton Down militaarne biokeemia labor on Salisbury lähedal.
Geograafilise läheduse argument on kõlbulik ainult siis, kui see pole meile endile lähedal.
Skripalide mürgitamise ajal Salisburys viibis seal turistina kaks Venemaa kodanikku. Seega on nemad süüdi.
Epideemia puhkemise ajal Wuhanis viibis seal vähemalt 10 000 välismaalast, sest toimusid Wuhani militaarsed olümpiamängud. Neist mitte keegi pole süüdi. Seal viibis ka Eesti tipp-sportlasi. Ka neist mitte keegi pole isegi kahtlusalune, et ta võis nakatuda juba enne Hiinasse jõudmist.
Skripaaliumi ja navaaliumi proovid saadeti laborisse viivitusega üle 24h ja saatedokumentatsioon ei vastanud reeglitele. Seda näitab laborite avalik dokumentatsioon (näiteks OPCW dokumentatsioon ja Porton Down dokumentatsioon). Ei ole võimalik välistada, et enne laborisse jõudmist oli vereproove, mis polnud korralikult pitseeritud, töödeldud. Järelikult kohtus ei saaks neid proove asitõendeina kasutada. Aga sellest meie ajakirjandus kunagi ei räägi.
Iraagi sõda alustati ettekäändel, et seal olevat suured varud illegaalset keemiarelva. Iraak okupeeriti enne, kui rahvusvaheline keemiarelvade vastane organisatsioon OPCW jõudis Iraagis kohal kontrollimas käia. OPCW peadirektor Bustani, kes ei nõustunud asja kontrollimata vormistama ekspertiisi, et Iraagis on keemiarelvad, eemaldati USA nõudmisel oma ametikohalt.
Keemiarelvi Iraagist ei leitudki. Ühendkuningriigi luuraja, kes avalikustas, et luureraport Iraagi keemiarelvadest oli valitsuse tellimusel võltsitud, sooritas väidetavalt enesetapu tervisejooksu ajal. Tõsiselt ahistati ka teisi luurajaid, kes asja avalikustasid või selles avalikult kahtlesid. Nad kõik jäid töötuks ja mitmeid neist üritati erinevate süüdistustega vangi panna.
Keemiarelvi kasutatakse alati seal, kus on lääneriikidele vajalikku naftat. On ju suisa loogiline, et naftaga rikkaks saanud riigid kasutavad inimeste masstapmiseks kõige odavamaid vahendeid. Keemiarelva kasutamine annab ka teistele riikidele juriidilise õiguse sõjaliselt sekkuda. Või vähemalt näib andvat selleks moraalse aluse.
Siis kasutati keemiarelva Süürias, Doumas.
— Doumas kasutati doumooniumit.
Hiljem selgus, et tegemist sai olla vaid tavalise klouriiniumiga, mida kasutatakse igapäevases majapidamises. Sest rikkad naftariigid kasutavad massmõrvadeks alati kõige odavamaid vahendeid.
Klouriiniumi pommi tegemiseks piisab kergesti kättesaadavatest tehnilistest vahenditest ja garaažist. Üks keemik tuleb segada ühe inseneriga õiges vahekorras. Ja klouriiniumi pomm ongi onnis põlve otsas valmis meisterdatud.
Lääneriigid pommitasid Süüria pealinna Damaskust, õnneks mitte väga tõsiselt, veel enne kui OPCW inspektorid Doumasse kontrollima jõudsid. Damaskuse Ülikooli keemiahoone lasti õhku. Sest lääneriigid olid ka Iraagi okupeerinud veel enne kui OPCW inspektorid asja kontrollida olid jõudnud.
OPCW eksperdid ei suutnud keemiarelva kasutamist Doumas tõestada. Juhul, kui keemiarelva kasutati, olid jäljed juba hajunud. Tegemist oli tavalise fooniga, sest klouriinium on igapäevane majapidamise kemikaal.
OPCW peakorteris võltsiti Douma raportit nii, et see näitaks, et on tõestatud keemiarelva kasutamine Doumas. Ekspertide protestikirjadele ei reageeritud.
Lõpuks lekitasid nördinud eksperdid andmed ekspertiisi võltsimise ja protestide ignoreerimise kohta. Leke ilmus muuhulgas Wikileaksis. Lääne poliitikud ja peavoolumeedia vaikisid selle maha, et võltsing oli paljastatud.
Ometi jõudis skandaal ÜRO Julgeolekunõukogusse, kus asuti ametlikult arutama OPCW Douma-raporti võltsimist.
Nüüd kutsuti tunnistajapinki OPCW endine peadirektor Bustani, kes oli Iraagi sõja alustamise ajal poliitikuile jalgu jäänud, sest ta ei leidnud Iraagist keemiarelvi ega võltsinud raporteid.
Aga täpselt need lääneriigid, kes olid Damaskust rakettidega pommitanud, blokeerisid Bustani tunnistuse. Tal ei lastud sõnagi rääkida.
Kaasa lõi ka Eesti esindus ÜRO Julgeolekunõukogus, kes samuti hääletas selle poolt, et OPCW endine peadirektor Bustani ei saaks tunnistusi anda. Mitte ükski Eesti ajaleht ei kirjutanud sellest.
— Sest muidu oleks Eestis kasutatud estooniumit.
Järg on nüüdseks taas jõudnud Donbassi. Venemaa teatab ametlikult, et USA eestvedamisel kavatseb Ukraina korraldada Donbassis keemiarelva rünnaku, et ajada süü seejärel Venemaa kaela.
Kindel on aga ainult see, et Donbassis kas kasutatakse või ei kasutata keemiarelva ja kui kasutatakse, siis teevad seda ukrainlased ise või lääneriigid ise või venelased ise. Mitte miski muu ei ole kindel peale selle, et
— Donbassis kasutatakse donbooniumit.
Teie ajud on juba propagandast mürgitatud. Te ei suuda enam normaalselt mõtelda.
Võimalik, et teil oli mingeid eeldusi normaalseks mõtlemiseks lühikesel ajavahemikul teie sünnist kuni hetkeni, mil teid "õpetama" ja "kasvatama" hakati.
Vajaduse korral ei tunnista te enam isegi elementaarseid aritmeetika- ja loogikareegleid.
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Hatsune Miku (SD ver.) by Kemika
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(This little bit here tries to include every team leader I can, so if you’re in the tournament you’re probably here!)
“Everyone here,” Verrus stood aside with her team, viewing the bustling waiting room full of teams from various schools, “It is amazing, they all look so strong.”
“Everyone here,” Iccarus cracks his knuckles, giving off a smile as her surveys the teams, wondering which ones were their soon to be opponents, “Looks like they stand no chance against us.”
“Everyone here,” Alician is sitting on a lounge chair, her eyes surveying the room just as Iccarus’s are, for much different reasons, however, “One of them is bound to be attractive.”
Team VILT stands silent as they all stare at Alician, who continues to mumble to herself for a few moments before finally realizing they’re all staring, she quickly becomes embarrassed and jumps up from her seat.
“Iccarus!” “What,” Iccarus shouts back and cowers, raising his hands to block an oncoming strike, “Why just me!? Why do you go after JUST ME?!?!”
“Hi there!”
The new voice stops Alician’s fist in the middle of its path, Iccarus shudders his relief and sinks away. Verrus tilts her head to the newcomer as she easily pulls Iccarus up to his feet. Nekros stands motionless, her visible eye continuing to dart from team to team.
“Hello,” Verrus steps forward, her face amazed at seeing someone her own height, “Is there something you wish to speak about?” “That indeed,” the newcomer smiles brightly, “The name’s Paige Kingsland, of Team PAGE.” “Ah, yes, we witnessed your match on the tel...television,” Verrus struggled with the foreign word, “You fought well.” Bowing her head respectfully, she continues, “My name is Verrus Phorona Syyklah, the leader of Team VILT. How may I assist you, viin?” “Ehhh, viin,” Paige questions the strange word, but quickly moves on when she notices Alician and Iccarus shaking their heads behind their leader, “Ah, regardless. I was trying to get all the leaders together, thought it would be nice for all of us to speak.” “Speak,” Verrus begins to question herself but quickly halts as she notices a flicker in the other’s eyes, “Ah, yes I would find that interesting. I shall join you.” “Thanks,” Paige smiles and leans to the side, looking to the rest of VILT, “Just leaders, sorry.” “No harm done,” Iccarus shrugs, as does Alician. “When you are ready,” Verrus ushers Paige to continue, “I shall follow.”
“Hey everyone,” Paige smiles from atop a chair in a secluded part of the Team area, “My name is Paige Kingsland, I’m the leader of Team PAGE and this is my teammate, Adrian Brine.” “Yo,” Adrian gives an easy wave and a long yawn. “I’ve gathered you all to say something specific, but before we get into that I want to set up some rules!”
Paige smiles and waits for a moment until the leaders before her realize she’s waiting for an agreement, they give her one and she continues. “Okay, so there are a lot of us. That’s obvious, it’ll be too difficult to memorize faces and voices, so when you speak state your name and team, simple enough right?” The crowd before her agrees, and her eyes dart over to the other side of the waiting area where the non-leader students are amassing themselves, the smile drops from her face as she returns to the leaders. “We have a very, very dire problem.”
“Olive Char, Team OLVR,” A voice speaks up from the crowd of leaders, “What do you mean? You can’t just say that and leave it, and no warning for us beforehand? What if one of us causes a panic?” “Alani Sinoper, Team ACAI,” another voice steps up, “I recognize your way of speaking, Olive Char, Atlas born no? That alone should be enough to know what to do should panic begins.” “Kalinin Kesvena, Team KABM,” A girl with her arm in a sling jokingly calls out, snickering as she speaks, “What’s the matter with a little panic? A small bit a chaos keeps it balanced yeah?” “Satomi Sakurai, Team SLAM,” Paige narrows her eyes to the leader of the team that beat her own, “Please everyone allow her to continue. What is this problem?”
"Ahem,” Paige clears her throat and points to her teammate, “My teammate Adrian, his semblance is the ability to see one’s soul.”
“Marrow Azure here, Team MTAL,” a young gentlemen steps forward, “Soul? I’m sorry?” “Verrus Phorona Syyklah, Team VILT,” Verrus shifted as eyes darted towards her, “A...A soul?” “Guin Vert, Team GLAM,” A snarky voice comes up, “Yes, a soul, are you stupid or something?” Verrus looked down to the short source of the voice, her eyes narrowed, “You dare speak to me, you are as tall as a child.”
“EVERYONE,” Paige shouted to gather everyone’s attention, “Please, a soul is just...someone’s essence within their body, similar to aura. Regardless my teammate here can see them. Souls of hunters and huntresses burn bright, like suns, civilians are simple flickering lights, and grimm are empty voids.”
“Clio Kitrinos, Team CNRI,” The girl’s voice was exhausted, her body still bandaged from her match, “Hey that’s really cool and all but...what’s the point of telling us all this?”
“The doors, entry points into the waiting area,” Adrian spoke up from beside Paige, “Before your match, the guards doubled. That and before ours, two very strong souls met up with one from the Headmaster’s area and the announcer’s box.”
“Jess Kemika, Team JNGL,” a girl stepped forward, her brow burrowed in thought, “The only two from the Announcer’s box and Headmaster’s area I can assume meeting would be Headmistress Schnee and Professor Belladonna...but who is it they met with?” “Duran Raglan, Team DARK,” A grumpy looking boy steps forward, “Isn’t it obvious? They showed up, Professor Xiao Long and...and Ruby Rose.”
The crowd of leaders shuffles at the naming of the two suspected souls, the leaders began to chat among themselves. Paige struggles to gather back the attention of the group.
“Maggie Ntea, team MMRS,” the eyes turn towards the source of the voice, then fall down to look at her short stature, “So maybe the legendary Team RWBY got together for a bit, what of it?” “Rosalia Amora, Team RNBW,” the girl speaks with her hands rubbing her eyes, irritated with the chaotic surrounding, “Team MMRS girl is right, what does this mean exactly?”
“From what I know about Beacon,” Paige reminds the crowd of her status as an Atlas student, “Is that there are some mysterious things going on within its halls. Am I wrong?”
The Beacon students all cast each other nervous glances, shifting their weights uncomfortably.
“Exactly,” Paige looks over the crowd of leaders, glancing again to the teams settled away from their group, “And if the legendary Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao Long came to beacon, during the first Vytal tournament since the incident ten years ago,” Paige’s voice fell to a whisper, “If the guards outside those doors doubled, nearly tripled afterward, there’s obviously something happening.”
“Lukypher Blood, Teal LIEF,” The young man’s face was gripped tightly in a hand, his eyes running through the thoughts in his head, “You certainly have a point.” “Onyx Rose, Team OAKS,” A girl speaks up shyly, maintaining no eye contact with anyone, “If Ruby came to the school...there’s definitely something wrong.” “Iroh Dragon, Team ISPR,” another boy steps forward, “If that’s the case, then there might be another incident. We have to be ready, get our teams ready.” “Stella Azul, Team STDT,” with her introduction most students take a step away, realizing she’s the very same girl who morphed into a monstrous wolf, “That isn’t the worst of it, is it?”
“No,” Paige’s voice shook, beads of sweat forming on her forehead as she looks down to her teammate, he can only respond with a shudder, fear gripping his face, “I wanted to say that first, to make sure none of you would panic...but yes, there’s something worse.” Paige took two deep breaths and continued, “As I said, my teammate here sees the souls of Hunters as if they are suns, but that’s a bit of an exaggeration, Hunters and Huntresses on the level of the headmasters and professors are suns. Those like us are more similar to campfires, right Adrian?” “Aye,” Adrian agreed, but his eyes flicker around some students within both the group of leaders, as well as those on the other side of the wait area, “Though some brighter than others...and some...well, let’s forget about that. But yeah, looking at high level Hunters with my semblance for too long hurts my eyes just as if I were looking right at the sun itself.”
“Aiden O’Malley, Team APLE,” A disgruntled voice comes from the crowd, “Get to the point, for the second time.”
“The point is, I saw something I’ve never seen before,” Adrian clenches his fists, his eyes shaking, “I saw two souls, one a burning sun but it was tainted, it was...dirty. Disgusting. Like it was cursed or scared, I don’t know. But the soul next to it...this...abomination...it burned so bright yet it was as hollow as a grimm. It blazed and burned and...”
“Viola Gray, Team VILT uhh...a different team VILT,” A caring voice came from the crowd as a small tailed girl steps forward, looking up towards Adrian with gentle eyes, “Tell us, what happened?”
Adrian, who was usually boasting cheerfully with a rambunctious sense of humor seemed to shrink down under the pressure of all the eyes on him, his hands shakily came up and he stared at them for several moments before finally speaking, “This soul...knew I was looking at it, it looked BACK, it felt like I got hit by a truck...and trust me I’ve been hit by a truck before.” He lets out a pathetic excuse for a laugh at the joke, before gulping back down his fear, “I think...I think that soul could only belong to one person...if you can even call her that.”
“No,” A voice comes from the crowd, “You couldn’t mean...” “There’s no way,” Another worried voice pops up, “She can’t be alive.” “You’re right,” An angry voice came up, “They’re screwing with us, trying to put us off so they can win the tournament.” “They lost their match, you dick,” Another angry voice piped up, “So they have no reason to lie about thi-”
Paige’s voice was loud enough to collect even the attention from the students on the other side of the waiting area. “Adrian isn’t finished, so listen. Now.”
“It just makes sense, Ruby Rose returning, whose entire purpose for living is supposedly hunting her down. Guards being doubled around our area. This being the first Vytal tournament since the incident which she caused...everyone,” Adrian looks up, his face full of horror and pale as a ghost, his voice weak and shaky, “Cinder Fall is here...”
#vytal tournament#grimmfuture!au#grimmfuture au#grimmfuture#i'm like#not gonna tag all the teams rip#I think i used every single one!#I also tried my best to fit the leaders to their personalities!#nice!
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Global Disinfectants and Sanitizers Market Updates, News and Data 2020
A new market study, titled “Global Disinfectants and Sanitizers Market Research Report 2020” has been featured on WiseGuyReports.
The research report includes specific segments by region (country), by company, by Type and by Application. This study provides information about the sales and revenue during the historic and forecasted period of 2015 to 2026. Understanding the segments helps in identifying the importance of different factors that aid the market growth.
Segment by Type, the Disinfectants and Sanitizers market is segmented into Liquid Aerosol Others
ALSO READ: https://www.abnewswire.com/pressreleases/global-disinfectants-and-sanitizers-market-analysis-2020-dynamics-trends-revenue-regional-segmented-outlook-forecast-till-2026_503469.html
Segment by Application Medical Commercial Household Industrial Other
Global Disinfectants and Sanitizers Market: Regional Analysis The Disinfectants and Sanitizers market is analysed and market size information is provided by regions (countries). The report includes country-wise and region-wise market size for the period 2015-2026. It also includes market size and forecast by Type and by Application segment in terms of sales and revenue for the period 2015-2026. The key regions covered in the Disinfectants and Sanitizers market report are: North America U.S. Canada Europe Germany France U.K. Italy Russia Asia-Pacific China Japan South Korea India Australia Taiwan Indonesia Thailand Malaysia Philippines Vietnam Latin America Mexico Brazil Argentina Middle East & Africa Turkey Saudi Arabia UAE
Global Disinfectants and Sanitizers Market: Competitive Analysis This section of the report identifies various key manufacturers of the market. It helps the reader understand the strategies and collaborations that players are focusing on combat competition in the market. The comprehensive report provides a significant microscopic look at the market. The reader can identify the footprints of the manufacturers by knowing about the global revenue of manufacturers, the global price of manufacturers, and sales by manufacturers during the forecast period of 2015 to 2019.
The major players in global Disinfectants and Sanitizers market include: Unilever Reckitt Benckiser P&G Professional Clorox Ecolab Orapi Hygiene Kimberly-Clark 3M S.C. Johnson & Son Sanytol Amity International Alkapharm Orochemie GmbH Steris Corporation Zep Inc. Diversey Sanosil ACTO GmbH Spartan Chemical Oxy'Pharm Buckeye International QuestSpecialty Corporation Kemika Group
FOR MORE DETAILS – https://www.wiseguyreports.com/reports/5712104-global-disinfectants-and-sanitizers-market-research-report-2020
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Rin and Len models by Kemika, loli/shota blogs Do not interact.
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