#Keller & Kotler
rahmadali · 15 days
Pelatihan Digital Marketing: Panduan dan Perspektif dari Para Ahli
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Digital marketing telah menjadi elemen kunci dalam strategi bisnis modern. Untuk meraih keunggulan kompetitif dan beradaptasi dengan perkembangan teknologi, pelatihan digital marketing menjadi sangat penting. Artikel ini akan mengeksplorasi berbagai aspek pelatihan digital marketing berdasarkan pandangan para ahli, serta memberikan panduan komprehensif tentang cara memanfaatkan pelatihan ini untuk mencapai hasil optimal.
I. Pentingnya Pelatihan Digital Marketing
Digital marketing mencakup berbagai teknik dan strategi yang digunakan untuk mempromosikan produk atau layanan melalui saluran digital. Menurut Philip Kotler dan Kevin Lane Keller dalam Marketing Management, digital marketing memungkinkan perusahaan untuk menjangkau audiens yang lebih luas dan lebih tersegmentasi dengan biaya yang lebih efisien dibandingkan dengan pemasaran tradisional. Pelatihan dalam bidang ini penting karena membantu individu dan organisasi memahami dan menerapkan teknik-teknik digital marketing yang efektif.
II. Komponen Utama Pelatihan Digital Marketing
Pelatihan digital marketing umumnya mencakup beberapa komponen utama, yang masing-masing memiliki peran penting dalam membangun keterampilan dan pengetahuan di bidang ini. Berikut adalah komponen utama pelatihan digital marketing, berdasarkan pandangan para ahli:
1. Strategi dan Perencanaan Digital Marketing
Menurut David Chaffey dalam Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation, and Practice, pemahaman mendalam tentang strategi dan perencanaan adalah fondasi dari pelatihan digital marketing. Ini mencakup pembuatan rencana marketing digital yang terintegrasi, penetapan tujuan yang jelas, dan penilaian audiens target. Pelatihan ini membantu peserta untuk merancang strategi yang selaras dengan tujuan bisnis dan kebutuhan audiens.
2. Optimasi Mesin Pencari (SEO)
SEO adalah teknik yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan visibilitas situs web dalam hasil pencarian organik di mesin pencari. Rand Fishkin dalam The Art of SEO menekankan bahwa SEO mencakup penelitian kata kunci, optimasi on-page, dan off-page. Pelatihan SEO mencakup cara melakukan penelitian kata kunci, optimasi struktur situs, dan membangun tautan (link building) untuk meningkatkan peringkat di mesin pencari.
3. Pemasaran Konten (Content Marketing)
Pemasaran konten adalah strategi yang berfokus pada pembuatan dan distribusi konten yang relevan dan berharga untuk menarik dan mempertahankan audiens. Joe Pulizzi dalam Epic Content Marketing menekankan pentingnya konten yang berkualitas untuk membangun otoritas dan kepercayaan. Pelatihan ini mengajarkan peserta cara membuat konten yang menarik, merencanakan kalender konten, dan mengukur efektivitas konten.
4. Pemasaran Media Sosial (Social Media Marketing)
Pemasaran media sosial melibatkan penggunaan platform seperti Facebook, LinkedIn, dan Instagram untuk berinteraksi dengan audiens dan mempromosikan produk atau layanan. Kaplan dan Haenlein dalam Social Media: The New Hybrid Element of the Promotion Mix menggarisbawahi pentingnya media sosial dalam membangun hubungan dengan audiens dan meningkatkan keterlibatan. Pelatihan media sosial mencakup strategi pembuatan konten, manajemen kampanye, dan analisis performa di berbagai platform.
5. Email Marketing
Email marketing adalah metode yang efektif untuk berkomunikasi langsung dengan audiens melalui email. Dave Chaffey dalam Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation, and Practice menjelaskan bahwa email marketing memungkinkan pengiriman pesan yang dipersonalisasi dan tersegmentasi. Pelatihan ini mencakup cara merancang kampanye email yang efektif, segmentasi daftar email, dan analisis hasil kampanye.
6. Analitik dan Pengukuran (Analytics and Measurement)
Analitik web dan pengukuran kinerja adalah aspek penting dalam digital marketing. Kaushik dalam Web Analytics 2.0 menjelaskan bahwa analitik memungkinkan untuk mengukur dan mengevaluasi efektivitas kampanye marketing. Pelatihan ini mencakup penggunaan alat analitik seperti Google Analytics untuk melacak trafik situs web, konversi, dan metrik kinerja lainnya.
III. Metode Pelatihan Digital Marketing
Pelatihan digital marketing dapat disampaikan melalui berbagai metode, masing-masing memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan tergantung pada kebutuhan peserta dan tujuan pelatihan. Berikut adalah beberapa metode pelatihan yang umum digunakan:
1. Pelatihan Online
Pelatihan online menawarkan fleksibilitas tinggi dan dapat diakses dari mana saja. Kursus online sering kali mencakup modul yang dapat diakses secara mandiri, video pembelajaran, dan kuis interaktif. Platform seperti Coursera, Udemy, dan LinkedIn Learning menyediakan berbagai kursus dalam digital marketing. Kelebihan dari pelatihan online adalah kemampuan untuk belajar dengan kecepatan sendiri dan akses ke materi pembelajaran dari berbagai sumber.
2. Pelatihan Kelas Tatap Muka
Pelatihan tatap muka biasanya diselenggarakan dalam format workshop atau seminar di lokasi fisik. Menurut para ahli, pelatihan tatap muka memungkinkan interaksi langsung antara peserta dan instruktur, serta kesempatan untuk berkolaborasi dan bertukar ide. Kelebihannya termasuk kesempatan untuk mendapatkan umpan balik langsung dan jaringan dengan profesional lain di bidang yang sama.
3. Pelatihan Hybrid
Pelatihan hybrid menggabungkan elemen pelatihan online dan tatap muka. Metode ini menawarkan fleksibilitas pelatihan online dengan keuntungan tambahan dari sesi tatap muka untuk diskusi mendalam dan praktik langsung. Metode ini sering digunakan oleh institusi pendidikan dan perusahaan yang ingin memberikan pelatihan yang komprehensif dan terintegrasi.
4. Sertifikasi dan Program Akademis
Sertifikasi profesional dan program akademis adalah opsi bagi mereka yang ingin mendapatkan kualifikasi resmi dalam digital marketing. Program sertifikasi dari institusi seperti Google, HubSpot, dan Facebook menawarkan kredensial yang diakui di industri. Selain itu, beberapa universitas menawarkan gelar dan diploma dalam digital marketing, memberikan pemahaman yang mendalam dan terstruktur tentang bidang ini.
IV. Manfaat Pelatihan Digital Marketing
Pelatihan digital marketing menawarkan berbagai manfaat baik untuk individu maupun organisasi:
1. Peningkatan Keterampilan dan Pengetahuan
Pelatihan digital marketing membantu peserta untuk mengembangkan keterampilan teknis dan strategis yang diperlukan untuk merancang dan mengelola kampanye digital yang efektif. Ini termasuk keterampilan dalam SEO, pemasaran konten, media sosial, dan analitik.
2. Peningkatan Daya Saing
Dengan mengikuti pelatihan digital marketing, individu dapat meningkatkan daya saing mereka di pasar kerja. Kualifikasi dan keterampilan yang diperoleh dapat membantu dalam mendapatkan pekerjaan di bidang digital marketing atau memajukan karir mereka di perusahaan yang ada.
3. Optimalisasi Strategi Marketing
Organisasi yang mengikuti pelatihan digital marketing dapat mengoptimalkan strategi marketing mereka, meningkatkan efisiensi kampanye, dan memaksimalkan ROI. Dengan memahami teknik dan alat digital marketing, organisasi dapat membuat keputusan yang lebih informasi dan strategi yang lebih terarah.
4. Adaptasi Terhadap Perubahan Teknologi
Digital marketing adalah bidang yang berkembang pesat dengan teknologi yang terus berubah. Pelatihan memastikan bahwa peserta tetap terinformasi tentang tren terbaru dan teknologi terbaru, memungkinkan mereka untuk beradaptasi dengan perubahan dan menerapkan praktik terbaik.
V. Kesimpulan Pelatihan digital marketing merupakan investasi penting bagi individu dan organisasi yang ingin memanfaatkan potensi pemasaran digital secara maksimal. Dengan memahami komponen utama pelatihan seperti strategi, SEO, pemasaran konten, media sosial, email marketing, dan analitik web, peserta dapat mengembangkan keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk merancang dan mengelola kampanye digital yang sukses. Metode pelatihan yang beragam, termasuk online, tatap muka, dan hybrid, menawarkan fleksibilitas dan aksesibilitas yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan peserta. Melalui pelatihan yang efektif, individu dapat meningkatkan keterampilan mereka, sementara organisasi dapat mengoptimalkan strategi marketing mereka untuk mencapai hasil yang lebih baik di pasar digital yang kompetitif.
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pelatihsdmindonesia · 5 months
Pelatihan Marketing Ginanjar Budhiraharja, MM, CHt: Strategi Mencapai Target Penjualan
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Dalam dunia bisnis, mencapai target penjualan adalah hal yang sangat penting bagi kesuksesan perusahaan. Namun, seringkali mencapai target tersebut menjadi tantangan yang besar bagi tim penjualan. Oleh karena itu, penting bagi perusahaan untuk memiliki strategi yang efektif. Dalam artikel ini, kami akan membahas panduan langkah demi langkah untuk mencapai target penjualan dengan sukses.
Mengidentifikasi Target Penjualan
Langkah pertama dalam mencapai target penjualan adalah dengan mengidentifikasi target itu sendiri. Target penjualan haruslah spesifik, terukur, dapat dicapai, relevan, dan memiliki batas waktu (SMART). Misalnya, "Meningkatkan penjualan produk A sebesar 20% dalam 6 bulan ke depan."
Analisis Pasar dan Pesaing
Setelah mengidentifikasi target penjualan, langkah selanjutnya adalah melakukan analisis pasar dan pesaing. Ini meliputi memahami perilaku konsumen, tren pasar, kekuatan dan kelemahan pesaing, serta peluang dan ancaman yang ada. Dengan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang pasar dan pesaing, tim penjualan akan dapat mengembangkan strategi yang lebih efektif.
Referensi Literatur:
Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2016). Marketing Management. Pearson Education Limited.
Porter, M. E. (2008). Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. Simon and Schuster.
Pengembangan Strategi Penjualan
Setelah melakukan analisis pasar dan pesaing, langkah berikutnya adalah mengembangkan strategi penjualan yang tepat. Strategi penjualan haruslah disesuaikan dengan karakteristik pasar dan pesaing, serta mempertimbangkan kekuatan dan kelemahan produk yang ditawarkan.
Menentukan Segmentasi dan Target Pasar
Langkah pertama dalam pengembangan strategi penjualan adalah menentukan segmentasi pasar dan menetapkan target pasar yang tepat. Dengan memahami siapa target pasar kita, tim penjualan dapat menyusun pesan dan taktik penjualan yang lebih efektif.
Penggunaan Mix Pemasaran yang Tepat
Strategi penjualan juga harus mencakup penggunaan mix pemasaran yang tepat, termasuk produk, harga, distribusi, dan promosi. Setiap elemen dari mix pemasaran harus diatur sedemikian rupa sehingga mendukung pencapaian target penjualan.
Implementasi dan Pelaksanaan
Setelah strategi penjualan dikembangkan, langkah selanjutnya adalah mengimplementasikannya dan melaksanakan rencana penjualan dengan teliti. Ini meliputi pelatihan tim penjualan, penetapan target individu, dan pembuatan rencana tindakan yang terperinci.
Pengukuran dan Evaluasi
Tidak kalah pentingnya adalah pengukuran dan evaluasi terhadap kinerja penjualan. Perusahaan perlu melakukan pemantauan secara teratur terhadap pencapaian target penjualan dan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan atau kegagalan.
Mencapai target penjualan merupakan hal yang krusial bagi kesuksesan sebuah perusahaan. Dengan mengikuti panduan yang telah dibahas di atas, diharapkan perusahaan dapat mengembangkan strategi penjualan yang efektif dan mencapai target penjualan dengan sukses. Selalu ingat untuk terus melakukan analisis, pengembangan strategi, implementasi, dan evaluasi secara terus-menerus untuk meningkatkan kinerja penjualan.
Referensi Literatur Tambahan:
Tracy, B. (2000). The Psychology of Selling: Increase Your Sales Faster and Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible. Thomas Nelson.
Rackham, N. (2000). SPIN Selling. McGraw-Hill Education.
Dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah yang disajikan dalam panduan ini, diharapkan perusahaan dapat mencapai target penjualan mereka dengan lebih efektif dan efisien.
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master-wwweb · 7 months
Guía de Mercadeo -10
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Guía de Mercadeo-grado 10
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Significado de la palabra Marketing
La palabra marketing es derivada del latin “mercare”, que se refería al acto de comercializar en la Roma Antigua. Después, se volvió el símbolo de incrementar los esfuerzos para aumentar las ventas.
¿Quiénes fueron los primeros expertos en Marketing?
Para evolucionar y dejar de ser un puñado de prácticas para disuadir el público, los estudiosos pasaron a desarrollar y a probar métodos de marketing más eficientes, principalmente a partir de los años 40.
-Walter Scott realizaba un brillante estudio sobre el uso de la psicología en la propaganda, mostrando cómo el incentivo al comportamiento humano esperado llevaba al consumidor y cómo esa herramienta útil para las empresas.
-Bartels, Piolany y Peer Drucker pasan a estudiar la ciencia del mercado “pura” más a fondo, tornándolo una forma de pensamiento práctico, pero que para muchos era considerado subjetivo, casi un arte.
Bien, en cuanto a eso, poder tener algunas dudas, pero cuando Drucker lanzó su libro “La práctica de la administración”, los empresarios e inversores, pasaron a considerar el marketing como una inversión a ser considerada.
Actualmente, las líneas de pensamiento del marketing tradicional son lideradas por Kotler y Keller, a través del famoso “Administración de marketing”, con su primera edición de 1967.
Este trata la línea de pensamiento como algo dirigido al consumidor, donde las empresas no deben pensar solo en vender y lucrarse, sino en conocer al público y crear campañas que conversen con él.
¿Cuáles son los objetivos del Marketing?
Los objetivos de marketing son:
1.           vender más;
2.           fidelizar clientes;
3.           aumentar la visibilidad de marcas, productos y servicios;
4.           administrar una marca;
5.           construir buenas relaciones con los consumidores y asociados;
6.           educar el mercado;
7.           enganchar a los colaboradores.
Filosofía del Marketing
Los diferentes intereses envueltos en la organización, los clientes y la sociedad, trajeron 5 orientaciones básicas que direccionaban los objetivos de marketing de la empresa.
Estas son conocidas como filosofías de administración de marketing y están divididas en 5 tipos de orientaciones:
•             a la producción,
•             orientación al producto,
•             a las ventas,
•             orientación al marketing,
•             y orientación al marketing holístico.
Ciclo de vida del Marketing
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cuisine-digitale · 7 months
Techniques de marketing : Guide complet pour les débutants et les experts
Le marketing est l'ensemble des techniques et des actions mises en œuvre par une entreprise pour promouvoir ses produits ou services et atteindre ses objectifs commerciaux. Il existe une multitude de techniques marketing, chacune ayant ses propres avantages et inconvénients.
Les techniques marketing les plus courantes
Le marketing produit: Il se concentre sur les caractéristiques et les avantages du produit pour le mettre en valeur auprès des clients potentiels.
Le marketing prix: Il consiste à fixer le prix du produit en fonction de la concurrence, des coûts de production et de la valeur perçue par les clients.
Le marketing distribution: Il s'agit de choisir les canaux de distribution les plus adaptés pour atteindre les clients potentiels.
Le marketing communication: Il vise à faire connaître le produit ou service aux clients potentiels et à les inciter à l'acheter.
Autres techniques marketing
Le marketing digital: Il utilise les outils numériques tels que les réseaux sociaux, les emails et les sites web pour atteindre les clients potentiels.
Le marketing relationnel: Il vise à créer des relations durables avec les clients afin de les fidéliser.
Le marketing de contenu: Il consiste à créer et à diffuser du contenu de qualité pour attirer et fidéliser les clients potentiels.
Le marketing d'influence: Il consiste à collaborer avec des influenceurs pour promouvoir le produit ou service auprès de leurs audiences.
Choisir la bonne technique marketing
Le choix de la technique marketing la plus appropriée dépend de plusieurs facteurs, tels que:
Le type de produit ou service
Le budget marketing
Les objectifs marketing
La cible marketing
Conseils pour réussir vos campagnes marketing
Définissez clairement vos objectifs marketing.
Identifiez votre cible marketing.
Choisissez les bonnes techniques marketing.
Créez des messages pertinents et engageants.
Mesurez et analysez les résultats de vos campagnes.
Le marketing est un domaine complexe et en constante évolution. Il est important de se tenir au courant des dernières tendances et d'adapter ses techniques marketing en conséquence. En utilisant les bonnes techniques marketing et en suivant les conseils ci-dessus, vous pouvez augmenter vos chances de succès et atteindre vos objectifs commerciaux.
Ressources supplémentaires
Site web de l'Académie du Marketing: [URL non valide supprimée]
Blog Marketing Mania: [URL non valide supprimée]
Livre "Marketing Management" de Philip Kotler et Kevin Lane Keller
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“Marketing Management” by Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller Audiobook- Audicate
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"मार्केटिंग मैनेजमेंट" जिनके लेखक हैं फिलिप कोटलर और केविन लेन केलर, मार्केटिंग के क्षेत्र में महत्त्वपूर्ण है, जो मार्केटिंग की रणनीतियों और सिद्धांतों में व्यापक दर्शन प्रदान करती है। यह प्रभावशाली प��स्तक छात्रों और पेशेवरों के लिए एक मार्केटिंग के मूल सिद्धांतों को समावेश करती है।
पुस्तक का अवलोकन: यह पुस्तक मार्केटिंग के विभिन्न पहलुओं को व्यापक रूप से शामिल करती है, जैसे कि उपभोक्ता व्यवहार, बाजार विभाजन, ब्रांड प्रबंधन, उत्पाद विकास, मूल्य निर्धारण रणनीतियाँ, और प्रचारन तकनीकें। कोटलर और केलर डिजिटल युग में मार्केटिंग के बदलते दृश्य को स्पष्ट करते हैं, वास्तविक उदाहरणों, केस स्टडीज, और अद्यतित ढांचाओं को शामिल करते हैं। यह पढ़ने वालों को प्रभावी मार्केटिंग रणनीतियों को सम��ने और लागू करने में मदद करती है।
पुस्तक की मुख्य विशेषताएँ:
व्यापक ध्यान: यह मार्केटिंग को उसके मूल सिद्धांतों से लेकर समकालीन रणनीतियों तक खोजती है, जो नौसिखियों से अनुभवी मार्केटर्स के लिए महत्त्वपूर्ण है।
व्यावसायिक अनुप्रयोग: वास्तविक जीवन के उदाहरण और केस स्टडीज मार्केटिंग के सिद्धांतों को व्यावसायिक तरीके से लागू करने में मदद करते हैं।
समायोजन: पुस्तक मार्केटिंग के स्थायी मानकों के साथ बदलते दृश्य को ध्यान में रखते हुए नवीनतम ट्रेंड्स और तकनीकों को शामिल करती है।
प्रामाणिक स्रोत: क्षेत्र में प्रसिद्ध विशेषज्ञों द्वारा लिखी गई, यह मार्केटिंग ज्ञान के लिए एक विश्वसनीय संदर्भ है।
Audicate पर उपलब्धता: सुनने वालों के लिए, "मार्केटिंग मैनेजमेंट" कोटलर और केलर द्वारा Audicate ऐप पर
एक ऑडियोबुक्स के रूप में प्रदान किया गया है। यह ऑडियोबुक्स स्वरूप प्राप्त शिक्षा की सुविधा प्रदान करता है, जो चलती जीवनशैली वाले लोगों के लिए उपयुक्त है या जो श्रवण शैली की शिक्षा को पसंद करते हैं। सफ़र कर रहे लोग, फिटनेस एंथूज़ियास्ट्स, या कोई भी वैकल्पिक शिक्षा की तलाश में होने वाले व्यक्ति को ऑडियोबुक्स का आकर्षक तरीके से मार्केटिंग के दुनिया को समझने में मदद मिल सकती है।
संक्षेप में, "मार्केटिंग मैनेजमेंट" मार्केटिंग रणनीतियों को मास्टर करने में रुचि रखने वाले लोगों के लिए एक महत्त्वपूर्ण संसाधन है। Audicate पर उपलब्ध ऑडियोबुक्स इसे और भी पहुंचने योग्य बनाते हैं, जो मार्केटिंग के यह क्षेत्र के बदलते दृश्य को समझने के लिए एक आकर्षक तरीके से माध्यम प्रदान करते हैं। चाहे आप एक छात्र हों जो मार्केटिंग में उत्साहित हैं, या एक अनुभवी पेशेवर हों, यह पुस्तक प्रभावी मार्केटिंग प्रथाओं के मूल्यवान ज्ञान को प्रदान करती है।
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instantebookmart · 1 year
Framework for Marketing Management 6th Global Edition by Philip Kotler, ISBN-13: 978-1292093147 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 345 Pages Publisher: Pearson; 6th edition (2015) Language: English ISBN-10: 1292093145 ISBN-13: 978-1292093147 For graduate and undergraduate courses in marketing management. A Succinct Guide to 21st Century Marketing Management Framework for Marketing Management is a concise, streamlined version of Kotler and Keller’s fifteenth edition of Marketing Management , a comprehensive look at marketing strategy. The book’s efficient coverage of current marketing management practices makes for a short yet thorough text that provides the perfect supplement for incorporated simulations, projects, and cases. The Sixth Edition approaches the topic of marketing from a current standpoint, focusing its information and strategy on the realities of 21st century marketing. Individuals, groups, and companies alike can modernize their marketing strategies to comply with 21st century standards by engaging in this succinct yet comprehensive text. About the Author Philip Kotler is one of the world’s leading authorities on marketing. He is the S. C. Johnson & Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. He received his master’s degree at the University of Chicago and his Ph.D. at MIT, both in economics. He did postdoctoral work in mathematics at Harvard University and in behavioral science at the University of Chicago. Dr. Kotler is the coauthor of Principles of Marketing and Marketing: An Introduction. His Strategic Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations, now in its seventh edition, is the best seller in that specialized area. Dr. Kotler’s other books include Marketing Models; The New Competition; Marketing Professional Services; Strategic Marketing for Educational Institutions; Marketing for Health Care Organizations; Marketing Congregations; High Visibility; Social Marketing; Marketing Places; The Marketing of Nations; Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism; Standing Room Only—Strategies for Marketing the Performing Arts; Museum Strategy and Marketing; Marketing Moves; Kotler on Marketing; Lateral Marketing; Winning at Innovation; Ten Deadly Marketing Sins; Chaotics; Marketing Your Way to Growth; Winning Global Markets; and Corporate Social Responsibility. In addition, he has drafted more than 150 articles in leading journals, including the Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, Business Horizons, California Management Review, the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Marketing Research, Management Science, the Journal of Business Strategy, and Futurist. He is the only three-time winner of the coveted Alpha Kappa Psi award for the best annual article drafted in the Journal of Marketing. Professor Kotler was the first recipient of the American Marketing Association’s (AMA) Distinguished Marketing Educator Award (1985). The European Association of Marketing Consultants and Sales Trainers awarded him their Prize for Marketing Excellence. He was chosen as the Leader in Marketing Thought by the Academic Members of the AMA in a 1975 survey. He also received the 1978 Paul Converse Award of the AMA, honoring his original contribution to marketing. In 1995, the Sales and Marketing Executives International (SMEI) named him Marketer of the Year. In 2002, Professor Kotler received the Distinguished Educator Award from the Academy of Marketing Science. In 2013, he received the William L. Wilkie “Marketing for a Better World” Award and subsequently received the Sheth Foundation Medal for Exceptional Contribution to Marketing Scholarship and Practice. In 2014, he was inducted in the Marketing Hall of Fame. He has received honorary doctoral degrees from Stockholm University, the University of Zurich, Athens University of Economics and Business, DePaul University, the Cracow School of Business and Economics, Groupe H.E.C. in Paris, the Budapest School of Economic Science and Public Administration, the University of Economics and Business Administration in Vienna, and Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics. Professor Kotler has been a consultant to many major U.S. and foreign companies, including IBM, General Electric, AT&T, Honeywell, Bank of America, Merck, SAS Airlines, Michelin, and others in the areas of marketing strategy and planning, marketing organization, and international marketing. He has been Chairman of the College of Marketing of the Institute of Management Sciences, a Director of the American Marketing Association, a Trustee of the Marketing Science Institute, a Director of the MAC Group, a member of the Yankelovich Advisory Board, and a member of the Copernicus Advisory Board. He was a member of the Board of Governors of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and a member of the Advisory Board of the Drucker Foundation. He has traveled extensively throughout Europe, Asia, and South America, advising and lecturing to many companies about global marketing opportunities. Kevin Lane Keller is the E. B. Osborn Professor of Marketing at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College. Professor Keller has degrees from Cornell, Carnegie-Mellon, and Duke universities. At Dartmouth, he teaches MBA courses on marketing management and strategic brand management and lectures in executive programs on those topics. Previously, Professor Keller was on the faculty at Stanford University, where he also served as the head of the marketing group. Additionally, he has been on the faculty at the University of California at Berkeley and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, has been a visiting professor at Duke University and the Australian Graduate School of Management, and has two years of industry experience as Marketing Consultant for Bank of America. Professor Keller’s general area of expertise lies in marketing strategy and planning and branding. His specific research interest is in how understanding theories and concepts related to consumer behavior can improve marketing strategies. His research has been drafted in three of the major marketing journals: the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Marketing Research, and the Journal of Consumer Research. He also has served on the Editorial Review Boards of those journals. With more than 90 drafted papers, his research has been widely cited and has received numerous awards. Actively involved with industry, he has worked on a host of different types of marketing projects. He has served as a long-term consultant and advisor to marketers for some of the world’s most successful brands, including Accenture, American Express, Disney, Ford, Intel, Levi Strauss, Procter & Gamble, and Samsung. Additional brand consulting activities have been with other top companies such as Allstate, Beiersdorf (Nivea), BlueCross BlueShield, Campbell, Colgate, Eli Lilly, ExxonMobil, General Mills, GfK, Goodyear, Hasbro, Intuit, Johnson & Johnson, Kodak, L.L.Bean, Mayo Clinic, MTV, Nordstrom, Ocean Spray, Red Hat, SAB Miller, Shell Oil, Starbucks, Unilever, and Young & Rubicam. He has also served as an academic trustee for the Marketing Science Institute and served as their Executive Director from July 1, 2013, to July 1, 2015. A popular and highly sought-after speaker, he has made speeches and conducted marketing seminars to top executives in a variety of forums. Some of his senior management and marketing training clients have included include such diverse business organizations as Cisco, Coca-Cola, Deutsche Telekom, ExxonMobil, GE, Google, IBM, Macy’s, Microsoft, Nestle, Novartis, Pepsico, SC Johnson and Wyeth. He has lectured all over the world, from Seoul to Johannesburg, from Sydney to Stockholm, and from Sao Paulo to Mumbai. He has served as keynote speaker at conferences with hundreds to thousands of participants. Professor Keller is currently conducting a variety of studies that address strategies to build, measure, and manage brand equity. His textbook on those subjects, Strategic Brand Management, in its fourth edition, has been adopted at top business schools and leading firms around the world and has been heralded as the “bible of branding.” An avid sports, music, and film enthusiast, in his so-called spare time, he has helped to manage and market, as well as serve as executive producer for, one of Australia’s great rock-and-roll treasures, The Church, as well as American power-pop legends Tommy Keene and Dwight Twilley. He also serves on the Board of Directors for The Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism, the Lebanon Opera House, and the Montshire Museum of Science. Professor Keller lives in Etna, NH, with his wife, Punam (also a Tuck marketing professor), and his two daughters, Carolyn and Allison. What makes us different? • Instant Download • Always Competitive Pricing • 100% Privacy • FREE Sample Available • 24-7 LIVE Customer Support
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tradedmiami · 1 year
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SALE IMAGE: Jon Kotler & Mendel Fellig DATE: 08/27/2023 ADDRESS: 9701 Collins Avenue #2302 MARKET: Bal Harbour ASSET TYPE: Condo BUYER'S REP: Jon Kotler (@Jon.K) - Keller Williams SELLER'S REP: Mendel Fellig (@Mendelfelliggroup) - Compass (@Compass) (@CompassFl) SALE PRICE: $7,500,000 SF: 3,505 ~ PPSF: $2,140 #Miami #RealEstate #tradedmia #MIA #TradedPartner #BalHarbour #Condo #JonKotler #KellerWilliams #MendelFellig #Compass
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Framework for Marketing Management 6th Global Edition by Philip Kotler, ISBN-13: 978-1292093147 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 345 Pages Publisher: Pearson; 6th edition (2015) Language: English ISBN-10: 1292093145 ISBN-13: 978-1292093147 For graduate and undergraduate courses in marketing management. A Succinct Guide to 21st Century Marketing Management Framework for Marketing Management is a concise, streamlined version of Kotler and Keller’s fifteenth edition of Marketing Management , a comprehensive look at marketing strategy. The book’s efficient coverage of current marketing management practices makes for a short yet thorough text that provides the perfect supplement for incorporated simulations, projects, and cases. The Sixth Edition approaches the topic of marketing from a current standpoint, focusing its information and strategy on the realities of 21st century marketing. Individuals, groups, and companies alike can modernize their marketing strategies to comply with 21st century standards by engaging in this succinct yet comprehensive text. About the Author Philip Kotler is one of the world’s leading authorities on marketing. He is the S. C. Johnson & Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. He received his master’s degree at the University of Chicago and his Ph.D. at MIT, both in economics. He did postdoctoral work in mathematics at Harvard University and in behavioral science at the University of Chicago. Dr. Kotler is the coauthor of Principles of Marketing and Marketing: An Introduction. His Strategic Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations, now in its seventh edition, is the best seller in that specialized area. Dr. Kotler’s other books include Marketing Models; The New Competition; Marketing Professional Services; Strategic Marketing for Educational Institutions; Marketing for Health Care Organizations; Marketing Congregations; High Visibility; Social Marketing; Marketing Places; The Marketing of Nations; Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism; Standing Room Only—Strategies for Marketing the Performing Arts; Museum Strategy and Marketing; Marketing Moves; Kotler on Marketing; Lateral Marketing; Winning at Innovation; Ten Deadly Marketing Sins; Chaotics; Marketing Your Way to Growth; Winning Global Markets; and Corporate Social Responsibility. In addition, he has published more than 150 articles in leading journals, including the Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, Business Horizons, California Management Review, the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Marketing Research, Management Science, the Journal of Business Strategy, and Futurist. He is the only three-time winner of the coveted Alpha Kappa Psi award for the best annual article published in the Journal of Marketing. Professor Kotler was the first recipient of the American Marketing Association’s (AMA) Distinguished Marketing Educator Award (1985). The European Association of Marketing Consultants and Sales Trainers awarded him their Prize for Marketing Excellence. He was chosen as the Leader in Marketing Thought by the Academic Members of the AMA in a 1975 survey. He also received the 1978 Paul Converse Award of the AMA, honoring his original contribution to marketing. In 1995, the Sales and Marketing Executives International (SMEI) named him Marketer of the Year. In 2002, Professor Kotler received the Distinguished Educator Award from the Academy of Marketing Science. In 2013, he received the William L. Wilkie “Marketing for a Better World” Award and subsequently received the Sheth Foundation Medal for Exceptional Contribution to Marketing Scholarship and Practice. In 2014, he was inducted in the Marketing Hall of Fame. He has received honorary doctoral degrees from Stockholm University, the University of Zurich, Athens University of Economics and Business, DePaul University, the Cracow School of Business and Economics, Groupe H.E.C. in Paris, the Budapest School of Economic Science and Public Administration, the University of Economics and Business Administration in Vienna, and Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics. Professor Kotler has been a consultant to many major U.S. and foreign companies, including IBM, General Electric, AT&T, Honeywell, Bank of America, Merck, SAS Airlines, Michelin, and others in the areas of marketing strategy and planning, marketing organization, and international marketing. He has been Chairman of the College of Marketing of the Institute of Management Sciences, a Director of the American Marketing Association, a Trustee of the Marketing Science Institute, a Director of the MAC Group, a member of the Yankelovich Advisory Board, and a member of the Copernicus Advisory Board. He was a member of the Board of Governors of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and a member of the Advisory Board of the Drucker Foundation. He has traveled extensively throughout Europe, Asia, and South America, advising and lecturing to many companies about global marketing opportunities. Kevin Lane Keller is the E. B. Osborn Professor of Marketing at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College. Professor Keller has degrees from Cornell, Carnegie-Mellon, and Duke universities. At Dartmouth, he teaches MBA courses on marketing management and strategic brand management and lectures in executive programs on those topics. Previously, Professor Keller was on the faculty at Stanford University, where he also served as the head of the marketing group. Additionally, he has been on the faculty at the University of California at Berkeley and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, has been a visiting professor at Duke University and the Australian Graduate School of Management, and has two years of industry experience as Marketing Consultant for Bank of America. Professor Keller’s general area of expertise lies in marketing strategy and planning and branding. His specific research interest is in how understanding theories and concepts related to consumer behavior can improve marketing strategies. His research has been published in three of the major marketing journals: the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Marketing Research, and the Journal of Consumer Research. He also has served on the Editorial Review Boards of those journals. With more than 90 published papers, his research has been widely cited and has received numerous awards. Actively involved with industry, he has worked on a host of different types of marketing projects. He has served as a long-term consultant and advisor to marketers for some of the world’s most successful brands, including Accenture, American Express, Disney, Ford, Intel, Levi Strauss, Procter & Gamble, and Samsung. Additional brand consulting activities have been with other top companies such as Allstate, Beiersdorf (Nivea), BlueCross BlueShield, Campbell, Colgate, Eli Lilly, ExxonMobil, General Mills, GfK, Goodyear, Hasbro, Intuit, Johnson & Johnson, Kodak, L.L.Bean, Mayo Clinic, MTV, Nordstrom, Ocean Spray, Red Hat, SAB Miller, Shell Oil, Starbucks, Unilever, and Young & Rubicam. He has also served as an academic trustee for the Marketing Science Institute and served as their Executive Director from July 1, 2013, to July 1, 2015. A popular and highly sought-after speaker, he has made speeches and conducted marketing seminars to top executives in a variety of forums. Some of his senior management and marketing training clients have included include such diverse business organizations as Cisco, Coca-Cola, Deutsche Telekom, ExxonMobil, GE, Google, IBM, Macy’s, Microsoft, Nestle, Novartis, Pepsico, SC Johnson and Wyeth. He has lectured all over the world, from Seoul to Johannesburg, from Sydney to Stockholm, and from Sao Paulo to Mumbai. He has served as keynote speaker at conferences with hundreds to thousands of participants. Professor Keller is currently conducting a variety of studies that address strategies to build, measure, and manage brand equity. His textbook on those subjects, Strategic Brand Management, in its fourth edition, has been adopted at top business schools and leading firms around the world and has been heralded as the “bible of branding.” An avid sports, music, and film enthusiast, in his so-called spare time, he has helped to manage and market, as well as serve as executive producer for, one of Australia’s great rock-and-roll treasures, The Church, as well as American power-pop legends Tommy Keene and Dwight Twilley. He also serves on the Board of Directors for The Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism, the Lebanon Opera House, and the Montshire Museum of Science. Professor Keller lives in Etna, NH, with his wife, Punam (also a Tuck marketing professor), and his two daughters, Carolyn and Allison. What makes us different? • Instant Download • Always Competitive Pricing • 100% Privacy • FREE Sample Available • 24-7 LIVE Customer Support
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lucinom7 · 1 year
blog post 11
Primitive Skateboarding employs a distribution strategy that combines elements of intensive distribution and selective distribution. While specific details regarding the brand's distribution partners and channels are not readily available, I can provide a general assessment based on industry practices.
1. Intensive Distribution: Primitive Skateboarding likely utilizes intensive distribution to ensure broad market coverage and availability of its products. This involves making its products available through a wide range of retailers and channels, such as skate shops, specialty stores, and online platforms. Intensive distribution helps reach a larger customer base and increases brand visibility.
2. Selective Distribution: The brand may also employ selective distribution by carefully choosing specific retail partners that align with its target market and brand image. This approach ensures that the products are available in reputable and appropriate outlets that cater to the skateboarding community.
3. Retail Strategy: Primitive Skateboarding may adopt a multi-channel retail strategy, leveraging both its own stores and third-party retailers to distribute its products. The brand might operate its own flagship stores or online store to provide a direct purchasing experience for customers, showcasing the full range of products and maintaining control over the brand experience.
4. Specialty Retailers: Primitive Skateboarding likely partners with specialty retailers such as skate shops that have expertise in the skateboarding industry and cater to the specific needs and preferences of skateboarders. These retailers can provide knowledgeable staff, a dedicated customer base, and an immersive shopping experience.
5. Online Platforms: The brand may utilize e-commerce platforms and its own website to sell products directly to customers. This allows for wider reach, convenience, and accessibility, catering to customers who prefer online shopping.
APA Style Citations:
1. Solomon, M. R., Dahl, D. W., White, K., & Zaichkowsky, J. L. (2014). Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being (10th ed.). Pearson Education.
2. Kotler, P., Keller, K. L., Ang, S. H., Leong, S. M., & Tan, C. T. (2019). Marketing Management: An Asian Perspective (7th ed.). Pearson
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fcpeuro · 1 year
FCP Euro 12:
Reviewing the social media presence for FCP Euro, the company utilizes various tools to engage with its audience and promote its products. Let's assess its use of a website, social media tools, advertising efforts, sales promotions, and the potential use of personal selling.
Website: FCP Euro has a well-developed website that serves as a hub for information, product browsing, and online purchasing. The website employs e-commerce functionalities, allowing customers to easily search for car parts, access detailed product descriptions, view customer reviews, and make purchases. The website enhances customer experience and facilitates efficient transactions (FCP Euro, n.d.).
Social media tools: FCP Euro actively utilizes social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, to connect with its audience, share product information, provide tutorials, and engage in conversations. These tools enable FCP Euro to reach a broader audience, foster brand loyalty, and showcase its expertise in the European car parts market (FCP Euro, n.d.).
Advertising efforts: FCP Euro employs various advertising tools to promote its brand and products. While specific details about their advertising mix are not readily available, it is likely that FCP Euro utilizes digital advertising channels such as search engine marketing (SEM), display ads, and social media advertising to target their niche audience effectively. These digital advertising tools allow precise targeting, measurable results, and the potential for personalized messaging (Kotler et al., 2021).
Sales promotions: The presence of sales promotions for FCP Euro's products can vary over time. It is common for online retailers to offer periodic promotions, discounts, or special deals to incentivize purchases. The specific sales promotions would need to be verified from current sources. The effectiveness of sales promotions can be assessed based on factors such as increased website traffic, higher conversion rates, and customer feedback (Kotler et al., 2021).
Personal selling: FCP Euro primarily operates as an online retailer, and personal selling may not be a significant component of its current distribution strategy. Personal selling typically involves direct interaction between sales representatives and customers, which may not be as necessary for an e-commerce business. However, incorporating personal selling in certain contexts, such as B2B sales or providing expert advice, could potentially enhance the customer experience and build stronger relationships (Kotler et al., 2021).
FCP Euro. (n.d.). About Us. Retrieved from https://www.fcpeuro.com/page/about-us
Kotler, P., Keller, K. L., Koshy, A., & Jha, M. (2021). Marketing Management (15th Global ed.). Pearson.
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i-love-search · 1 year
I. 介紹網路行銷的概念與重要性 A. 定義網路行銷 B. 為什麼網路行銷對現代企業至關重要
II. 網路行銷的策略與工具 A. 社交媒體行銷 B. 搜尋引擎行銷 C. 電子郵件行銷 D. 網站與內容行銷 E. 行動應用程式行銷
III. 網路行銷的關鍵成功因素 A. 客群定位與分析 B. 訊息傳遞的效果 C. 訊息傳遞的頻率 D. 競爭優勢的建立 E. 行銷成效的追蹤與評估
IV. 網路行銷的挑戰與解決方案 A. 資料隱私與安全 B. 資訊過度負荷 C. 數位落差 D. 競爭激烈的市場環境 E. 解決方案與建議
V. 結語:未來網路行銷的展望與趨勢
I. 介紹網路行銷的概念與重要性
A. 定義網路行銷 網路行銷是指透過網際網路上的各種媒體和工具,來促進產品或服務的銷售和品牌建立的行為。網路行銷包括多種形式,例如社交媒體行銷、搜尋引擎行銷、電子郵件行銷、網站與內容行銷、行動應用程式行銷等。
B. 為什麼網路行銷對現代企業至關重要 隨著科技的不斷進步和網際網路的普及,網路
II. 網路行銷的策略與工具
A. 社交媒體行銷 社交媒體是現代人日常生活中不可或缺的一部分,也是企業進行網路行銷的重要平台之一。企業可以在社交媒體上建立品牌形象,透過精心設計的內容和活動來吸引潛在客戶的注意力,增加品牌知名度和關注度。
B. 搜尋引擎行銷 搜尋引擎行銷是指通過優化網站內容和關鍵字,使企業在搜尋引擎上的排名更高,從而吸引更多的訪問量和潛在客戶。除了自然搜尋排名外,企業還可以透過搜尋引擎廣告來進行付費廣告宣傳,提高品牌曝光率和銷售量。
C. 電子郵件行銷 電子郵件行銷是指通過發送電子郵件來推廣產品或服務。企業可以透過電子郵件與客戶保持聯繫,向他們發送促銷信息、新產品介紹、最新消息等,提高客戶忠誠度和促進銷
D. 數據分析和追蹤工具 數據分析和追蹤工具可以幫助企業瞭解客戶的行為和喜好,進而更好地定位目標客戶和進行精準的行銷活動。例如,Google Analytics 可以分析網站訪問量和訪問者行為,Facebook Pixel 可以追蹤 Facebook 平台上的客戶行為和廣告效果。
III. 網路行銷的挑戰與未來
A. 競爭激烈 隨著網路行銷的普及和發展,越來越多的企業進入這個領域,競爭日益激烈。如何在眾多競爭對手中脫穎而出,成為企業需要面對的重要挑戰。
B. 平台變化和新技術 網路行銷的平台和技術不斷變化和更新,例如,社交媒體的流行度和使用習慣不斷變化,Google 和 Facebook 的演算法也不斷調整和優化。企業需要不斷學習和掌握最新的技術和趨勢,才能更好地進行網路行銷。
C. 資料隱私和安全問題 隨著網路行銷的發展,資料隱私和安全問題也日益受到關注。企業需要注意客戶資料的保護和安全,遵守相關法規和標準,才能贏得客戶的信任和忠誠度。
D. 未來趨勢 隨著人工智能、大數據和物聯網等技術的發展,網路行銷將朝著更加智能化、個性化和全面化的方向發展。未來的網路行銷將更加注重客戶體驗和價值創造,進一步提高客戶忠誠度和滿意度。
IV. 結論
Chaffey, D., & Smith, P. R. (2017). Digital marketing excellence: planning, optimizing and integrating online marketing. Taylor & Francis.
Ryan, D., & Jones, C. (2016). Understanding digital marketing: marketing strategies for engaging the digital generation. Kogan Page Publishers.
Strauss, J., & Frost, R. (2014). E-marketing. Routledge.
Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2015). Marketing management. Pearson Education.
Li, C., & Bernoff, J. (2011). Groundswell: winning in a world transformed by social technologies. Harvard Business Press.
Google Analytics. https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/
Facebook Pixel. https://www.facebook.com/business/help/952192354843755
Porter, M. E. (2008). The five competitive forces that shape strategy. Harvard Business Review, 86(1), 78-93.
Deighton, J., & Kornfeld, L. (2009). Interactivity's unanticipated consequences for marketers and marketing. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 23(1), 4-10.
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thehealingspot1 · 1 year
Post #5 target market
The target market for the Healing Spot is individuals aged 18-35 who are looking for a way to take care of their mental health.
This demographic is characterized by their high levels of technology usage, their desire for convenience and flexibility, and their willingness to invest in their mental health.
Demographically, this target market is characterized by their age (18-35), their gender (predominantly female), their income level (middle to upper class), their education level (college educated), and their location (urban and suburban areas).
The psychographic descriptors for this target market include their openness to new experiences, their interest in self-care, their commitment to personal growth, and their need for connection and support.
The target market for the Healing Spot is largely driven by the current trend of self-care and mental health awareness, which has been gaining traction in recent years. According to a study conducted by the American Psychological Association, “the number of adults who report feeling stressed has increased significantly since 2007” (APA, 2018). This trend has been especially prominent among young adults, who are increasingly turning to technology and digital solutions to manage their mental health. As such, the Healing Spot is well-positioned to meet the needs of this target market.
 References American Psychological Association. (2018). Stress in America™: Stress and Technology. Retrieved from
Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2016). Marketing Management (15th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
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jatisampurna · 2 years
Taktik Peningkatan Merek dan Merek dalam Perusahaan
Sebuah produk ialah suatu hal yang prospektif dipandang oleh pasar target berdasar keuntungan atau kepuasan yang ada, yang mencakup object, jasa,organisasi, tempat, orang dan idea.
Ketrampilan ciri khas beberapa pemasar professional ialah kekuatan mereka membuat, memiara, membuat perlindungan, dan tingkatkan merk produk dan jasa mereka. Merk ialah satu nama, kata, pertanda, lambang, https://patendo.com/jasa-pendaftaran-merek-patendo/ atau design, atau gabungan dari semua yang mengenali pembikin atau penjual produk dan jasa tertentu. Customer menyaksikan merk sebagai sisi produk yang perlu dan merk bisa menambahkan nilai produk.
Mungkin keterampilan pemasar professional yang paling mencolok ialah kekuatan untuk membuat, jaga, membuat perlindungan dan meningkatkan citra merk. Federasi Marketing Amerika (the American Pemasaran Association) mendeskripsikan merk atau merek sebagai nama, istilah, pertanda, lambang, design, atau kombinasinya, yang diperuntukkan agar mengenal barang atau jasa dari 1 atau satu kelompok penjual dan membandingkannya dari produk dan jasa beberapa kompetitor.
Berdasar ketentuan perundang undangan merk dagang, penjual itu diberi hak terbatas untuk memakai nama brand-nya selama-lamanya. Merk berlainan dengan asset yang lain seperti hak paten atau hak cipta yang mempunyai tanggal kedaluwarsa. (Kotler, 2004).
Beragam taktik pemberian merek (Cravens1996) yakni :
Tanpa identitas merek: Perusahaan kecil dan lagi banyak yang tidak mempunyai identitas merek yang mapan meskipun nama perusahaan tercantum dalam paket atau barangnya. Ini karena kebatasan sumber daya keuangan dan kekuatan marketing menyebabkan perusahaan susah nenbangun citra citra mereknya. Mereka memercayakan beberapa grosir dan retail untuk mempromokan produknya. Pemberian merek sendiri: Retail bernama merek yang telah mapan bisa melangsungkan pernjanjian dengan produsen untuk tempatkan merk-merk retail pada beberapa produk yang dibikin. Pemberian merek ini kerap disebutkan private branding sebagai contoh kapas bermerk Alfa. Ini mertujuan untuk membuat kesetiaan toko. Untuk produsen kurangi ongkos marketing. Pemberian merek perusahaan: Taktik ini membanggun identitas merek dengan memakai nama korparasi untuk analisis semua produk yang dijajakan. Kelebihannya memakai satu advertensi dan program promo pemasaran untuk memberikan dukungan semua produk perusahaan. Kekurangannya ialah minimnya konsentrasi pada produk tertentu dan dampak bikin rugi pada semua portofolio produk bila perusahaan hadapi publikasi negatif.
Pemberian merek baris produk: Taktik ini tempatkan nama produk di suatu baris produk yang terkait.pemberian merek baris produk memberi semakin banyak perhatian daripada merek korporasi dan akanlebih efisien jika mempromokan semua produk daripada satu-satu. Pemberian merek khusus: Taktik pemberian merek di suatu produk tertentu yang kerap dibeli customer. Nama merek pada suatu produk memberi satu identitas khusus beberapa barang itu di pasar. Satu merek yang sukses akan membuat kesetiaan customer yang kuat selama hidup. Gabungan: Perusahaan memakai gabungan taktik pemberian merek di atas. Merek memang berkekuatan. Dengan merek nilai keseluruhan produk semakin tinggi dari nilai produk secara obyektif. Aaker (1997) mengatakan ekuitas merk ialah "Seperangkatan asset dan liabilitas merk yang terkait dengan satu merk dan nama yang menambahkan atau kurangi nilai yang diberi sebuah produk atau jasa ke perusahaan atau beberapa konsumen setia perusahaan".
Opini yang lain Keller (1993) dalam Kim, dkk (2006) mengatakan jika ekuitas merk bisa dilihat sebagai nilai lebih pada sesuatu produk.
Langkah awal pada suatu proses pembelian ialah menyortir merk yang dikenali pada suatu barisan untuk diperhitungkan dan ditetapkan merk mana akan dibeli. Merk dengan hebat mind yang tinggi memiliki nilai pemikiran yang tinggi, bila satu merk tidak disimpan dalam daya ingat, merk itu tidak diperhitungkan, dalam pikiran customer.
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univpdf · 2 years
Marketing Management (15th Edition) – Global – eBook
Marketing Management (15th Edition) By Kevin Lane Keller, Philip Kotler – Global – eBook PDF: Author(s) Kevin Lane Keller Professor Kevin Lane Keller is the E. B. Osborn Professor of Marketing at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College. Professor Keller has degrees from Cornell, Carnegie-Mellon, and Duke universities. At Dartmouth, he teaches MBA courses on marketing management and…
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etextbooky · 2 years
Marketing Management (15th Edition) – Kotler Keller – eBook
Marketing Management (15th Edition) – Kotler Keller – eBook
Marketing Management (15th Edition) – Kotler Keller – eBook PDF: Author(s) Kevin Lane Keller Professor Kevin Lane Keller is the E. B. Osborn Professor of Marketing at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College. Professor Keller has degrees from Cornell, Carnegie-Mellon, and Duke universities. At Dartmouth, he teaches MBA courses on marketing management and strategic brand management and…
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“Marketing Management” by Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller Audiobook- Audicate
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"Marketing Management" by Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller is a cornerstone in the field of marketing, offering comprehensive insights into marketing strategies and principles. This influential book serves as a guide for both students and professionals, encompassing the core concepts of marketing.
Overview of the Book: The book extensively covers various aspects of marketing, including consumer behavior, market segmentation, brand management, product development, pricing strategies, and promotional techniques. Kotler and Keller elucidate the evolving landscape of marketing in the digital age, incorporating real-world examples, case studies, and updated frameworks. It's structured to aid readers in understanding and implementing effective marketing strategies.
Key Features of the Book:
Comprehensive Scope: It explores marketing from its fundamental principles to contemporary strategies, making it relevant for novices and experienced marketers.
Practical Application: Real-life examples and case studies illustrate how marketing concepts can be applied to solve business challenges.
Adaptability: The book evolves with the marketing landscape, addressing the impact of technological advancements and changing consumer behaviors.
Authoritative Source: Authored by renowned experts in the field, it’s a trusted reference for marketing knowledge.
Availability on Audicate: For auditory learners, "Marketing Management" by Kotler and Keller is available as an audiobook on the Audicate app. This audiobook format allows for convenient learning, perfect for individuals on the move or those who prefer auditory education. Commuters, fitness enthusiasts, or anyone seeking an alternative learning method can benefit from the audiobook's engaging approach to understand the dynamics of marketing.
In conclusion, "Marketing Management" is a pivotal resource for anyone interested in mastering marketing strategies. The availability of its audiobook version on Audicate makes it even more accessible, offering an engaging way to explore the ever-evolving world of marketing. Whether you're a student aspiring to delve into marketing or a seasoned professional seeking to enhance your skills, this book provides valuable insights into effective marketing practices.
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