#Keith is a burned out disaster
atimeofyourlife · 10 months
Breakfast in bed
written for @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt: free space/ domestic fluff | rated: g | wc: 615 | tags: established relationship, fluff Eddie attempts to make breakfast in bed for Steve after a long week.
Eddie didn't know what had possessed him to try and make Steve breakfast in bed. Well, he did. Steve had been working so hard over the previous week, having to pull multiple doubles because Keith had screwed up the scheduling and allowed too many people to take vacation at the same time, and then Robin had called out sick for the entire week because she'd come down with pneumonia. It was Steve's first day off in over a week, and he deserved to sleep in, and then do as little as possible. So Eddie was making breakfast.
The problem was that he wasn't a great cook. He wasn't a disaster in the kitchen, he was generally safe with everything and wasn't so bad that he could burn water. But the extent of his culinary expertise was mostly stuff that was boxed or canned. Anything that took minimal preparation and came with clear instructions on the packet. Which had meant that they'd been surviving off tv dinners, and box mac and cheese, and other easy packet meals, for the week, because Eddie wasn't going to let Steve cook after the long days he was having at work. It just wouldn't have been fair.
But he wanted to give Steve something better on his day off. Making breakfast was an adventure. The eggs were fairly easy, he'd decided on making scrambled eggs as he could never get fried eggs the way Steve liked them. He somehow always managed to overcook them to the point he was almost certain they would bounce if he dropped one, either that or they were practically raw. He just found scrambled eggs easier. He even made sure to add the handful of shredded cheese and the dash of hot sauce to get them right. The bacon didn't go quite right, coming out slightly burnt, but luckily Steve liked his bacon so crispy it was almost cremated, so it wasn't unsalvageable. He wasn't even going to attempt to make anything like waffles or pancakes or french toast, but there were frozen pancakes that he could toast. He also found some hash browns when he was looking in the freezer, so he threw some into a pan to add them to Steve's breakfast as well. While he was making coffee, those did overcook, leaving about half too burnt to serve. But once everything was plated, he felt it was a half decent breakfast.
When Eddie got upstairs with the breakfast, he realized there was one thing he hadn't quite thought through. How to open the bedroom door with his hands full. He was looking for somewhere to put the tray down, when Steve opened the door and started to walk out.
"Eds? What's going on?" Steve asked, looking Eddie over.
"I. I made you breakfast? I was bringing it up to you so you could have breakfast in bed." Eddie replied, shuffling a little on the spot, unsure what to do now as he couldn't surprise Steve in bed with it.
"I thought I could smell something burning." Steve replied with a grin.
"Hey!" Eddie couldn't be offended, because he knew Steve was right. "Now, mister, you are going to get back in bed and enjoy this breakfast that I painstakingly made for you. And for the rest of the day, all you have to worry about is relaxing."
"Thank you." Steve went and climbed back into bed, Eddie following him and handed him the tray once he was settled. "This looks good, Eddie. I love you."
"I love you too, sweetheart. You deserve the best." Eddie sat on his side of the bed, leaning over to kiss Steve before he could start eating.
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vcepsis · 4 days
17 and 50 with hurt Keith and Shiro (some broken bones pls?)
Hi so I received this ask in JULY. OF 2019. Dear anon, I am so, so sorry. If you're still out there, I hope you see this. I actually had this saved for a long time, but, well. Here it is.
This was a dialogue prompt. 17 and 50 were: “I’m going to take care of you, okay?” “Here, let me help you.”
Beta'd once again by @feverflushed who is perfect in every way <3
“That absolutely sucked,” Lance complained loudly, stretching an arm over his head. “Did anyone else feel like that sucked? Like, a lot more than normal?”
Keith could only roll his eyes at Lance’s dramatic complaining; they’d barely been back on the Castle for thirty seconds before Lance had started this up. Now, standing in the hangar, they were all taking a few minutes to have a quick debrief of that disaster of a battle.
Only it seemed quick was just a dream at this point. 
“Yeah, it really did,” Hunk chimed in. “I know we won and stuff, but didn’t it seem like a lucky fluke?”
Pidge took her helmet off, running an agitated hand through her hair. “I’m with you on this one. That solar flare hitting the Robeast was the only thing that kept us from getting our asses completely kicked.” She huffed in frustration. “So much for ‘strongest weapon in the universe’…”
Keith crossed his arms across his chest, only to drop them almost immediately as the pain spiked anew. He rubbed a hand across his chestplate, trying to subtly determine if it was broken anywhere. As far as he could tell, the armor was intact, despite the awful crack he’d heard when he’d slammed into the control panel in Red. 
Really, they all looked a little worse for wear. Hunk’s helmet was cracked across the top, Pidge’s undersuit was ripped along her side, exposing the skin there to a (thankfully mild) burn, and Lance kept stretching out the same arm, like it hurt.
“It was a tough battle,” came a voice next to Keith. Looking over, he saw Shiro take his helmet off gingerly, the visor almost completely shattered. Part of his white bangs were stained pink, sticking to a cut just above his eyebrow. “The important thing is we’re alright, more or less.”
Everyone nodded solemnly at that. The battle had been long and unforgiving, but they were all alive in the end.
“You should all get checked out by Coran before getting some rest,” Shiro continued. There was some more grumbling at this, but eventually the others turned in the direction of the med bay.
Keith sighed softly, but even that small movement made him wince. It was like embers in his chest, the fire licking up to burn his lungs. It came and went as he breathed, but never abated completely. He knew the impact he'd taken in Red would be a hell of a bruise, but it hurt like a bitch. Definitely one of the worst bruises he'd had.
A hand touched his shoulder, and even though it was gentle, it made Keith jolt in surprise. This time, he couldn’t hold back his sharp hiss of pain, and he felt the hand let go almost immediately. Looking over, he saw Shiro, brows furrowed in concern.
“Are you alright, Keith?” he asked softly. 
Something inside Keith melted at Shiro’s tone, and he turned. Thankfully, Shiro seemed fine, other than the cut on his forehead that was still leaking blood. 
“What about you?” Keith said, trying to ignore how talking made the pain spike anew. “Are you gonna get checked out by Coran too?”
“I’m fine,” Shiro said easily, like he was parroting the words rather than actually being sincere. 
“But what about—” Keith reached up to Shiro’s head, intending to inspect the wound there, when a flash of pain worse than all the others combined stopped him. A choked noise escaped him, and he stumbled forward as it threw him off balance.
“Whoa!” Strong hands gripped his shoulders, keeping him upright. Keith couldn’t help but groan; it felt like his chest was cracking open now. “Keith? What’s wrong?”
Keith blinked back tears, raising his arm again to try to find the source of the pain, only to be nearly blinded by it again. He let his arm fall to his side, but even that small movement felt like torture.
“Alright, you’re alright.” Shiro murmured soothing words as he gently guided Keith to sit on the floor. Keith went willingly, hoping that sitting down would somehow ease the pain that seemed to be coming from everywhere. 
Kneeling in front of him, Shiro cupped Keith’s cheeks softly, taking care not to apply too much pressure. Then he swept his bangs aside, turning Keith’s head this way and that. “I don’t see any head injuries,” he said, and Keith couldn’t help but snort at the irony as the gash on Shiro’s forehead continued to ooze blood. “Where does it hurt?”
Swallowing back the urge to cry, Keith again tried to raise a shaking arm, but barely made it past his stomach this time. “C-chest,” he managed to choke out.
Though he was barely able to focus, he saw how Shiro’s eyes immediately flicked down. “Let’s get that armor off, then.”
Keith could only offer a jerky nod, and he instinctively reached up to pull the chest plate over his head, but Shiro managed to stop him before he got too far. It was a good thing, too, as the burning hot embers inside him quickly turned into a raging fire in his lungs.
“That looks like it hurts,” Shiro said, clearly trying to sound calm for Keith’s benefit. “Here, let me help you.”
Shiro reached around Keith’s back, fumbling a bit before finding the latch that allowed the armor to pop open rather than having to pull it over his head. Shiro tugged it off, taking care not to jostle Keith too badly. Keith could hear how his own breathing had gone rough and ragged, but he couldn’t seem to stop.
“Do you want to lie down?” Shiro asked, starting to tear the top of Keith’s undersuit in quick, steady movements. “Or would that make it worse?”
There was a long pause while Keith tried to process what Shiro was saying, to the point where Shiro raised his eyebrows. Eventually, the signals managed to fire properly in Keith’s brain for him to answer with a weak “W-worse”.
Letting out a breath, Shiro nodded, tearing the undersuit as gently as he could around Keith’s chest. Unfortunately, he managed to brush the epicenter of the pain, and Keith couldn’t contain his cry.
Shiro cursed, but didn’t stop. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he said desperately, before finally ripping away the last of the material. Keith didn’t have the energy to be embarrassed, even though it was Shiro and he was looking at Keith half naked and vulnerable weak disgusting worthless---
“Keith,” Shiro exclaimed, and though it was more of a breath than a word, it managed to break Keith out of his downward spiral. “You should have said something.”
Finally looking down, Keith saw.
The skin all around his upper body was bruised, as he expected, but he was unprepared for the red, swollen skin that wrapped around his chest. If he looked carefully, he imagined he could see the outline of Red’s control panel, though that didn’t make any sense at all.
“M’sorry,” Keith mumbled, trying to suppress the urge to cover himself. Lifting his arms hurt, and for some reason he kept forgetting. But he couldn’t help the awful feeling stirring again in his stomach, the awful mix of anger and bitter disappointment at letting Shiro down. Again. Tears gathered in his eyes again, and even though he knew it was irrational, he couldn’t make it stop.
“No, Keith, don’t be sorry,” Shiro said, and he sounded sad this time. Keith looked up, meeting Shiro’s eyes, and only saw tender concern there. “We need to get you to a pod, though, ok? This is…” He reached out a tentative hand, not quite making contact. “This is serious. I think you might have broken something.”
Oh. That made more sense than just a bruise, if the pain was any indication.
Shiro quickly scrambled to his feet, only to bend down again. “Can you stand? We need to get you to a pod right away.”
Keith nodded without actually believing it, but Shiro was right: this wasn’t something that would be fixing itself anytime soon. Putting a hand on the floor, he tried to use it to push himself up, only to have the pain spike through his chest again, this time so bad that he nearly blacked out.
Just then, there were arms behind his back and under his legs, slowly lifting him up. Keith knocked his head against something hard, turning a bit to see Shiro’s white and black chest plate.
“I’m going to take care of you, okay?” Shiro said softly, keeping his hold gentle, but still secure. 
Keith let his eyes flutter closed as Shiro began to move, and Keith could feel how Shiro tried to keep Keith as steady as possible.
At that moment, it didn’t matter how bad the pain might have been. In Shiro’s arms, Keith would always feel safe.
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lldolphin · 3 months
the second chapter of a jtk x reader saga series...
a/n; not every chapter will have these little author's notes, but I just wanted to say that my requests are VASTLY open. My inbox is a VOID of nothingness. Send me some interesting requests! I also have to say that this chapter will contain the burn scene and is THANKFULLY proofread. Im adding little recaps to the starts of the chapter's aswell!
RECAP ~ in a frivolous game of hide and seek with the young children at the party keith, troy, and randy found jeff hiding in the closet. a childish game turns into a disaster.
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"Definitely not even," Keith grumbled. You heard the sound of fabric being pulled. Behind your closed eyes, you thought they had pushed back the hoodies covering you. But when your eyes opened, looking through the cracks of the hung jackets, you see the three boys dragging Jeff down the stairs, where he was thrashing.
This wasn't your business. You shake your head and let out a hitched gasp, running out of the closet and around the other exit, looking back at the scene before deciding if you really wanted to just leave.
But you were naïve, driven by pure emotion rather than logic in this young juvenile stage of your life. Albeit, you prided yourself on being so much more witty and clever than the others in your age group, all teenagers react the same.
It didn't help that the rowdy part of you was attracted to this long, raven grudge-haired male. He had a stalky and scary presence to him. Something forbidden, something that shouldn't be worth your time. You wondered why you hadn't gone for his brother, the normal one. The one who could promise you a sealed future. The type of guy you could bring home to your mother and leave with a good impression.
"Fuckin' asshole!" An almost scream from Jeff snapped you out of your trance. Children broke into wails and commotion occurred downstairs while you sat in the closet swooning over the boy being tormented downstairs.
You get up on your feet, your socks sweeping briefly against the bungy carpeted floor as you dash down the stairs. The wood under the plush carpet creaks at your fast movements. You swing around on the railing and sprint out the open patio door, your hands reaching to cover your mouth the second you see Jeff beating Troy bloody to the floor.
Liu was held back by groups of parents you saw tears streaming down his usually calm and collected face as he reached out for his brother. Why was nobody stopping anything? Why weren't you doing anything? Your body couldn't move...stuck in place like you were glued down. Your heart ran cold when a white bottle of lighter fluid fills your feild of vision.
"Fuck it, little bitch...New kid thinkin' he can just say whatever the fuck he wants. Hold him down for fucks sake!" Keith yelled to his other friends, like soldiers they clicked into gear and did what they were told. Jeff was silent, his blues wide and his breath quickened. For once he wasn't so sure what to do. No witty comebacks, no smartass remarks. Keith shittily poured it over him and lit a match. It all happened in such a quick moment to get away with it infront of almost everyone.
"Keith stop!" Yelled various parents, his mother running out and ripping him apart from the scene. The force caused the lighter to fall from his grubby hands. Troy and Randy flinched back once Jeff was set ablaze. All you did was watch while hos screams filled your head.
You squeaked, falling as your behind hit the floor when multiple parents ran forward, pushing you out of the way to get to Jeff. Swarms of adults surrounded him, putting out the fire almost as soon as it was lit. There was no way he would leave unscared, though. You turned, locking eyes with Liu, you two being the only ones behind the large crowd.
Jeff was still screaming, hissing. The pain must've been the worst imaginable, you couldn't bear to hear his screams in your ears. Tears left their ducts and poured down your cheekbone.
You stumble up with scraped knees, hissing and holding the center of your back, your tailbone ached with a stunging pain. It couldn't have ever been worse than being burned. Stumbling over to Liu, your voice croaks;
"I think he'll be okay.."
"I'm...I'm sure physically. I'm not so sure mentally." He followed with, both of you staring out somberly to the crowd as sirens wail in the background.
to be continued...
another quick a/n! i dont remember if ive mentioned this before, but i made liu not in jail in this because the "beat up scene" in my rewrite happened at school and he only got iss to make it a bit more realistic. also, i made the burns so very breif because the way i canonically imagine jeff, he only jas burns on his hands and up his legs, some on his lower torso aswell. im planning on drawing the creepypastas how i imagine them in my writings and posting them on my masterlist which is in PROGRESS. sorry this was short! hope you enjoyed loves<3
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artydonsgf · 4 months
pleeaassee need your thoughts on their individual cooking skills. i think art is good at it and very methodical (househusband) but he's also relied on protein slop for his career so who knows. arttashi have prolly had personal chefs/nutritionists for a long time so i can't gauge them much. patrick... conflicted bc he doesn't rely on others but he also doesn't have a kitchen to do shit in 😭 i think he can't cook but knows the BEST local restaurants/food trucks in every town. lmk what u think!!!
omg hiii! i’m so used to starting these off with “hey anon!” but it’s nice to not have to! i thought i’d just respond rather than make it a post because im too eager to ramble.
i think that art had to make a conscious effort to learn how to cook. as a teenager/young adult he was an absolute disaster in the kitchen and as he grew older he kinda thought to himself “i want to cook without nearly burning the house down”. so he gets himself a little apron, a cookbook, and buys every cooking/baking gadget possible. he is the nara smith of his time essentially. and YESSS art donaldson house husband is REAL! he knows how to clean (when he’s with patrick, he kinda just forgets) but cooking took him actual effort. he’s really proud of his dishes and he’s always trying something new.
tashi knows how to cook too. she didn’t come from money so she didn’t have cooks growing up. she has the basic skills down and i bet she’s really good at baking. the thing is, she cannot cook if someone else is in the kitchen. the minute either of the boys try to hover she’s tweaking. she’s telling them to move before she loses her mind😭 she also can’t teach people for shit, she tried to teach patrick but his complete lack of abilities was irking her real bad. “no patrick, use a teaspoon of that…. WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU USED A FUCKING TABLESPOON GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE”. even when he calls her asking for advice she asks him to use google or she’ll get annoyed all over again.
patrick has never met a dish he can cook😭 bro is an absolute DISASTER in the kitchen. it’s not from a lack of trying either, every time he goes over to art’s and tries something he made, he goes back home determined to learn properly. his body is just not doing what needs to be done. tashi refused to after he set pasta on fire (didn’t use enough water???) and art has tried so many times but patrick is just not getting it and he’s tired. patrick has resorted to become the foodie of the group. you can say “im craving a very obscure dish found in the most obscure country in the world” and he will have a place for you to go. he is a serial reviewer, people have begun to recognize him. he’s basically keith lee. he’s a harsh critic for a mf who can’t cook too.
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starlightvld · 1 year
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The Fire Between Falling Stars
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Explicit Relationships: Sheith (Shiro/Keith) Chapters: 4/? * Words: 19,701 * Status: IN PROGRESS
Lion Knight Keith Kogane is not all he seems. And neither is the prophecy that guides him. For seven years, he has quietly served and protected King Takashi Shirogane of Stellan from afar, keeping to the shadows to ensure the safety of the regent he's been tasked to protect. But when Keith's best friend Matt and his father Sam Holt disappear, Keith is forced out of the shadows.
In the midst of betrayals and unexpected alliances, a deeper danger gathers on the horizon, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. As Keith's investigations lead him toward the truth - and the disaster to come - he will be forced to decide: Protect his secrets. Or protect his king.
King Shirogane stood and adjusted the ceremonial cape over Keith's shoulder. "You need to relax. You look like you're headed to an execution instead of a ceremony in your honor." "Yes, Your Majesty." "Shiro." "What?" Keith stared at King Shirogane, his mouth gaping in shock. The king didn't meet his stare but instead stepped back to study his work, his gaze traveling slowly up Keith's body. When his eyes reached Keith's chest, he stepped in again to adjust a couple of buckles at his shoulder. Keith's chest burned hotter as Shirogane's voice caressed his ear. "You are now part of the Eight, which earns you the right to call me by my preferred name when we are in private situations."
Read on AO3
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Speaking of Keith Thompson's Apollonian Wight picture, he also did a sequel of sorts:
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The accident on the Apollo 21 Lab Station couldn't be contained. Rescue missions sent to the station disaster hurriedly collected the lab's most recent studies of the sun's relations to a quantum vacuum. Unexpectedly the teams broke all protocol and transmitted this data openly and unencrypted. The data was a garbled mess of obscure information and bizarrely outdated language. What could be gleaned from it though were very clear specifications for angles and spectral configurations for viewing specific parts of the sun. Attempts of following these directions using remote viewing from earth through space telescopes ruined the orbital equipment. All other manned orbital stations that attempted it immediately cut off their contact with the earth.
After a prolonged silence the medley of military presences in orbit unleashed themselves unilaterally unto the earth. Orbital kinetic bombardment weapons carved strange symbols across the earth's surface. The attacks on heavily populated areas however were primarily carried out by manned reentry drop-frames: armed suits intended for quick reaction force insertion. Millions of these orbital drop frames blazed through the atmosphere, unfurling into their squat insectoid shapes upon landing. The were covered in hastily painted glyphs. Downed drop frames always proved to have dead pilots hanging limply within.
Their only communications were being piped back and forth between the millions of drop frames: an endless loop of a synthesized voice saying
"Burn a path to earth. Prepare them for the Sun's arrival."
Seriously, does he write these? Every pilot mysteriously dead? Carving eldritch symbols from orbit? Sweet as fuck.
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shadesofnavy · 1 year
So any cooking attempts that aren't meat or pancakes are a disaster for Keith, right? May we hear about some of his more memorable disasters?
Well there's a few... long post ahead so beware. We'll start with the one of the sandwich. You'd think they're the easiest to make, right? Meat, cheese, some ketchup, mustard, lettuce, tomato, olives maybe if desired. That's exactly what Keith did. But you know how the ham packages always have the image of a sandwich with an absurd amount of meat in it? Well, when Cherry came home early one afternoon from an early day shift, Keith wanted to make her something to eat. Just a simple sandwich she asked for. Then about five minutes later he comes up to her with this huge sandwich that has about four inches of ham in it with a shitton of cheese between each strip. He used about half the package of ham for only one sandwich (it was a MEGA pack btw). Oh and he used one of those half foot Italian sub rolls too. He said he wanted to make it look like the package. Cherry winced in physical pain at his loving and disastrous gesture. They ended up splitting it in half because she couldn't eat it all by herself. Then he tried to make sunny side up eggs one morning besides some pancakes and sausage (they were the only edible parts of the meal, how is this guy only good at those two things). The top of the eggs ended up cooking completely and the bottom burnt and stuck to the pan. Pico did not have fun cleaning that one up. Another one is he tried to make a beef stew with biscuits over them, and it was all going good... until he poured the batter and it started pouring out of the pot in the oven midway to cooking. Less batter or bake them aside next time buddy. You slept on the couch for that one. Last but not least the disaster that had him prohibited from baking when he was 17: It was 1:45am on a weekday of his mother's birthday. Man was up at that hour baking a Betty Crocker chocolate cake. Why so late you ask? He was on the phone with Cherry all evening and left his homework due the next day for later that night, ended up speed doing it, and realized that he forgot to bake his mom's birthday cake shortly after his parents went to bed at 10pm. So what our beloved idiot does is start making the batter at that hour, all going well, until he puts it in the oven and turns it up higher than the instruction box says so because he needs it to "bake quicker." He ends up burning the cake entirely somehow, calling Cherry in a panic, setting off the fire detector and happy early morning birthday Mrs. Burlington! (He was grounded for a week and wasn't allowed to call Cherry past 8pm)
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nevvaraven · 2 years
omg you watched oth ? I love that, please tell me all your favourite characters, plots, anything - I miss it 😭
Anon you sweet sweet beautiful soul thank you so much for asking I am about to become unbearable,
Top 5 Favourite characters:
Brooke Penelope Davis - The light of my life, my first true love, the woman I have aspired to be my entire life, she is my joker. Her entire storyline from the whole peyton/Lucas/Brooke triangle I was always and forever on her side, she was a class act, she always knew her worth and in being happy for her best friend and ex boyfriend she remains the classiest and most humble woman in TV history and no one deserves the happy ending she got with Julian and the twins, more than she does, and she invented girl bossing, she was a millionaire business owner before she was even 25 and she did it all herself. Female excellence.
Haley James Scott - the first mother to ever mother, she can honestly do no wrong in my eyes, tutor girl should’ve ruled the world (the only reason she’s not number 1 is because of the disaster that was season 2/Chris Keller debacle but we don’t like to talk about that) but yes Haley James Scott the woman that you are 🧎‍♀️
Quentin Fields - to this day I have never gotten over him, he had such a short time on the show and he made the biggest impact, his relationship with Jamie and the way things ended omg I’m tearing up even writing this but I miss him sm his character was one of the greats 
Mouth McFadden - he is my sweetheart, i would burn the entire world for him, he is just the most wholesome character I’ve ever known and he just means everything to me
Skills - he was a ride or die kind of person and there isn’t a single scene he didn’t own, I love his character 
(Special mention to Chris Keller cause his character in the later seasons was just 👏🏼👏🏼 he was hilarious and I miss him) 
Favourite plot lines
Okay so I love the intense story lines sm and I enjoy the angst more than what is considered healthy so: 
Dan and Keith - I’m such a sucker for siblings and this storyline, I still think it’s one of the greatest and devastating moments in TV History, the relationships with Karen and Lucas and the way Dan changed after season 9 and how he repented about what he’d done, and Keith 😭 I have never cried as hard as I did that day (you know what day I’m talking about anon babe you know.) The intensity and angst of this storyline and the way it ended, yeah it’s always going to be my favourite
Nannie Carrie - omg 9 year old me was terrified of this woman, the whole kidnapping plot, the chase scene, Haley kicking her ass every time it was immaculate - 
Clay and Logan - I never saw it coming is the thing, I always just thought the relationship was so adorable at the start and then what it was revealed who he actually was 😧 it was a moment, and the relationship between Logan, Clay and Quinn afterwards 😭😭 it was so sweet I could die honestly.
Dan’s entire redemption ark - I have never hated and loved a character the way I did with him. The first half of the show I would’ve happily shot him myself but by the end ? No one has since done a redemption the way Dan Scott did. I loved him at the end and 9 year old me would’ve been appalled at how much I cried at his ending. 
Nathan’s kidnapping - this storyline. Omg this storyline, I went through every emotion going, the Naley feels, the genuine fear I had over my TV husband being in danger, the way it set up the Dan Scott Redemption, that scene where Haley has to go identify a body and then the scene where they reunite in the hospital, 🤚I sobbed, I still sob, I can’t listen to the Florence and the machine without getting emotional to this day. 
Honestly Anon my sweets I very rarely find other OTH enthusiasts so this was a great moment and I could babble about this show forever, seriously this was like the top of the iceberg, it will always be my favourite, forehead kissing you rn because I just had a lot of fun writing that all out and now I need to go re watch it all ! 
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love-bokumono-fics · 2 years
Fresh Crops! December 5 - December 11, 2022
This week's newest fics and chapter updates for Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons on AO3!
Friends of Marmora Town: Budding Beginnings - by TheCrystallineLion; WIP, 1/?, 1.3k
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender, Friends of Mineral Town Relationships: Keith/Shiro, Allura/Lance/Lotor, Hunk/Shay, Ina Leifsdottir/Pidge | Katie Holt, Matt Holt/Romelle, Kolivan/Krolia, Colleen Holt/Sam Holt, and more - Relationship; Characters: Keith, Shiro, Allura, Lance, Hunk, Pidge | Katie Holt, Coran, Matt Holt, Romelle, Lotor, Shay, Krolia, Kolivan, and more Additional Tags: Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Childhood Friends, Estrangement, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, friends to strangers, Reconciliation, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Farmer Shiro, Jack Of All Trades Keith, Eventual Romance, Budding Love, Angst and Feels, Slice of Life, Eventual Smut, Gay Disaster Shiro, Gay Disaster Keith, Intersex Keith Summary: After inheriting his Grandfather's farm, Takashi Shirogane moves out to the humble rural area of Marmora Town. Not knowing what to expect, Takashi is uncertain about it all, due to the fact he grew up in the suburbs for the majority of his life and knows little about it. With an unclear future ahead, Takashi is worried that he won't make a life worthwhile here and worse yet, he will end up running his beloved Grandfather's farm into the ground. He will have to rely on what little knowledge of farming he picked up over the years of his childhood, during the times he came to visit his Grandfather's farm in the summertime. Due to a misfortune that is no fault of his own, Takashi can never return home- and thus he has no choice but to pull himself up by his farmer's overalls and do his best to cultivate a life worth living in Marmora Town. As he struggles through his first year of farming, Takashi begins to believe that his efforts will bear no fruit- and just as he's about to lose all hope, it arrives in a place that he least expects. In the form of an estranged childhood friend that he thought he'd never see again. The jack of all trades within the town. His former best friend, Keith Kogane.
Chamomile Tea - by Crven; Complete, 1/1, 2k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M Language: Bahasa Indonesia Fandoms: Pioneers of Olive Town, Story of Seasons (2014) Relationships: Farmer/Raeger, Annie/Raeger, Minori/Raeger, Yuka/Raeger; Characters: Annie, Minori, Raeger, Iris, Fritz, Klaus, Yuka, Female Farmer Additional Tags: Angst, Fluff and Angst, Heavy Angst, Angst and Tragedy, Romance, Mentions of Other Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons Games, Based On Original Harvest Moon Games, One Shot Summary: Secangkir teh hangat, semangkuk sashimi. Kau harus ingat, bahwa aku kerap merasa sepi. Tapi kurasa, aku dapat menampik emosi ini dengan bermain di tengah lautan ombak yang sepi.
Cozy And Warm - A Winter-Themed Prompt Collection - by durotos; WIP, 3/?, 5.2k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: Multi Fandoms: Rune Factory, Rune Factory 4, Rune Factory 5, Friends of Mineral Town Relationships: Frey/Vishnal, Alice/Reinhard, Claire the Farmer/Cliff Additional Tags: multifandom - Freeform, Prompt Fic Summary: A collection of fics I have written via a tumblr Winter Themed Prompt List courtesy of TheBeckster. Multi fandom. Bundle up for some winter fun!
50 First Dates - by Onelinewonder; WIP, 32/?, 168k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Story of Seasons (2014) Relationships: Minori|Annie/Nadi, Minori|Annie/Fritz (One Sided); Characters: Minori | Annie, Fritz, Raeger, Elise, Nadi, Eda Additional Tags: Romance, Humor, Tragedy, Unrequited Love, Friendship, Platonic Relationships, Family Drama, some drinking, Some Cursing, some violence, Suicide mention Summary: After an accident leaves Minori unable to retain her short term memory, adjusting to life on the farm becomes even harder than before. Life must go on, but every day she starts with a blank slate. Relationships will be impossible to hold, but her friends will continue to help her get back on her feet. There will always be hope for the future, even during the darkest of times.
Living in Color - by rockyroadster95; WIP, 7/?, 15k
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Categories: F/M, Gen Fandom: A Wonderful Life Summary: At her father's funeral, Aya was given an offer that would take her far from her stale and directionless life to a place she hoped would give her something to live for.
Harvest Moon Fanimation | He and She - by DreamingHearts; WIP, 13/?
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Categories: F/M, M/M Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town Relationships: Claire the Farmer/Gray, Kai/Popuri, Claire/Gray, Doctor | Trent/Mary the Librarian | Marie, Harris/Elli, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran/Cliff; Characters: Claire, Gray, Cliff, Kai, Popuri, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran, Mary the Librarian | Marie, Doctor | Trent, Kappa, Harvest Goddess, Rick, Carter the Pastor Additional Tags: Fanimation, Fanfiction, Originally Posted on Youtube, YouTube, Originally Posted on deviantART, Embedded Video, Video, Drama & Romance, Falling In Love, Mild Language, Elmrada, adopted fanfiction, Music, Drama, Heartbreak, Family, Fluff, Suspense, Rejection Summary: The story of how opposites can sometimes be just what you need.
Sugar and Spice - by Chibimiie; WIP, 49/?, 125k
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Animal Parade Relationships: Chase/Molly the Farmer, Angela/Luke; Characters: Molly | Hikari, Angela the Farmer, Chase, Luke, Kasey the Farmer Additional Tags: Slow Burn, oh god how do you tag fics, mentions of eating disorders, alternating povs, Friends to Lovers, Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net, bumped up the rating because i honestly should have a little bit ago, burn so slow it's honestly a simmer Summary: Wanting to get away from past hurts of the city, sisters Molly and Angela decide to respond to a flyer advertising an abandoned farm on the faraway island of Castanet. Leaving behind their closest friends and brother Kasey, the two take a chance and move to the tiny island hoping for a new chance at life.
A Christmas Visit - by Writingnerd291; WIP, 6/15, 8.8k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M Fandoms: A New Beginning Relationships: Neil/Rachel | Rio, Rachel & Henry; Characters: Neil, Rachel | Rio, Felicity, Hana, Henry the Farmer | Haruto Additional Tags: Romance, It's just a Hallmark movie in fic form, no beta we die like men, 2am brain-mode writing, if a trope seems cute while I'm writing it's gonna make its way in here, how do you tag again???, Winter, found home fic, Regular-ish updates throughout January, Rachel and Neil are human disasters, Henry is trying his best, Hana just really wants grandkids Summary: When Rachel visits her brother Henry on his farm in Echo Village, she falls in love with more than just the vibrant town. The grumpy blond animal dealer has absolutely nothing to do with it at all, of course.
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xtruss · 2 months
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Professional Storm Chasers Monitor a Tornado in Kansas, where tornadoes are common. The new movie Twisters features storm chasers like these who often take adventurous weather tourists along for the ride. Photograph By Jim Reed, National Geographic Image Collection
'Twisters' Put Storm Chasing On The Map—But Here's What It's Really Like
A Reboot of The Classic Disaster Film Has Caused A Surge In Amateur Storm Chasing. So What Is It Really Like To Chase Tornadoes?
— By Gregory Wakeman | July 18, 2024
Twisters’ trailer shows its cast of characters driving full pelt towards tornadoes, launching fireworks into them, and hatching a plan to defeat Mother Nature.
While these dangerous antics are very much the creation of Hollywood, storm chasing has been a major tourist attraction in the central U.S for decades. Over a dozen tour operators in the area—with names like Extreme Chase Tour, Extreme Tornado Tours, and F5! Tornado Safaris—promise to get their high-paying customers as close to the tornadoes, clouds, rain, winds, and hailstorms as is safely possible.
Unlike the action-packed movies, storm chasing often involves driving hundreds of miles for hours at a time before they come face-to-face with anything. Sometimes they even have to patiently wait in place until the storm starts.
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A "Mesocyclone"—A type of Miles-Wide Vortex found inside storms—forms in a massive supercell near Elk City, Oklahoma. Storm chasers rarely venture closer than a couple miles near an active tornado. Photograph By Keith Ladzinski, National Geographic Image Collection
“It’s a lot of driving and a little bit of action,” says Erik Burns, the owner and tour director of Tornadic Expeditions. “But the action you do see is amazing and you instantly forget about the miles and hours it took to get there.”
Who Was The First Storm Chaser?
David Hoadley is credited as the first storm chaser. In June 1956, the recent high school graduate spent the day after a fierce downpour driving around his hometown of Bismarck, North Dakota, taking 8mm movies of razed trees and torn down power-lines.
“I was soon hooked on the power and fascination of Mother Nature,” Hoadley told Storm Track, the magazine he founded and edited, back in 1987.
Twisters’ release is likely to see interest in the expeditions soar, just like they did after its 1996 predecessor Twister put storm chasing on the map. Ronald Stenz, a meteorology professor at the College of DuPage in Illinois, who leads educational storm chasing trips each spring and summer, struggles to see how demand can grow any further.
“I imagine it will make storm chasing even more popular, if that is possible,” Stenz said in an email.
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A truck outfitted for storm chasing waits for a tornado to form in the southwestern U.S. "Tornado Alley" is not a scientifically defined region, but the region generally refers to everywhere from Texas to South Dakota. Photograph By Carsten Peter, National Geographic Image Collection
Kim George, guest relations manager for Tempest Tours, believes that they’re already seeing the impact of Twisters. Their 2025 storm chasing season, which lasts from the middle of April until the end of June, has already sold out. There’s even a waiting list for the 2026 tours.
“At the start of May we opened our season for 2025, and it just went zonkers,” she declares over the phone. “By the end of June it had completely sold out and we have a long waitlist. We were like, ‘This is unusual. It must be because the movie is coming out.’ I’ve been with the company for 11 years and I’ve never had the season sell out so quickly.”
What Is It Like To Chase Tornadoes?
In 2023, there were 1,423 tornadoes across the U.S., according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration The majority unfolded in Tornado Alley. Originally coined to describe extreme weather around Texas and Oklahoma, Tornado Alley doesn’t “have any officially agreed upon boundaries,” says Stenz.
For George, it starts on the south coast of Texas and goes all the way up beyond the Canadian border. Tempest Tours have also conducted tours in Kansas, New Mexico, eastern Colorado, Nebraska, Iowa, North and South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, and Minnesota. While the eastern Dakotas’ road networks and terrain provide the best chasing conditions, Nebraska has produced the most photogenic tornadoes, says Stenz.
The storms differentiate depending on the month and location of the tour. Spring storms usually move much faster than the ones later in the season. Although the spring storms in the High Plains don’t move as quickly, according to George. In May, storm formations start to slow down.
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A radar image shows storm chasers their location inside the calm eye of 2012's Hurricane Isaac as it passed over southern Louisiana. It's common for hurricanes to spin off tornadoes. Photograph By Mark Theiss, National Geographic Image Collection
“The lighter storms move pretty fast, depending on how they form and how much wind shear they have,” says George. “We’re in and out of the van really quickly so we can keep up with them. We often have a longer time to view storms later in the season. Especially up in Montana. You can watch them form for an hour. You don’t have to rush as much, but they’re still very intense.”
Tornadoes are usually visible from two or three miles away, but storm chasers will sometimes get within a mile and a half for better visibility. Once they register thunder and lightning strikes, they know they’re too close and they’ll use their already planned escape routes if necessary.
Has Climate Change Made An Impact?
Deciding exactly where to look for storms has started to become more complicated.
Though Twisters declined to include climate change in its plot, shifting climate conditions are reshaping what we know about how storms form and where.
Evidence suggests the “number of tornadoes in areas more favorable for storm chasing has decreased slightly over time,” says Stenz. Research shows that tornadoes are moving eastwards towards the more wooded Mississippi Valley and away from the flatter and less populated High Plains.
It is yet to be determined whether this is the direct result of climate change. Stenz notes that it “could simply be some kind of natural variability.” He’s also skeptical that climate change has impacted the amount of tornadoes per year.
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A tornado touches down in the grasslands of Laramie, Wyoming. One major question scientists have about tornadoes is how they will change on a warming planet. The exact changes remain unclear. Photograph By Keith Ladzinski, National Geographic Image Collection
“It is unlikely that climate change has had any major impact on my storm chasing,” he insists. “Tornado counts have large variability year to year, but over the long-term there do not appear to be any large trends in tornadoes per year.”
While the effect of climate change on tornado activity remains uncertain, research is actively underway. Any impact is likely to result in fewer tornadoes, thinks Burns.
What he has observed is that the transitional years between the El Niño and La Niña climate patterns in the Pacific Ocean, which occurred this summer, are creating more volatile weather conditions.
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Storm chasers stop near a tornado formed under a supercell thunderstorm. While scientists have a clear understanding of how climate change will influence disasters like floods and fires, the influence it has on tornadoes is under investigation. Photograph By Mark Theiss, National Geographic Image Collection
“This has been a particularly violent year,” says Burns, highlighting April’s Nebraska and May’s Iowa tornado attacks
Not that any of this will keep the storm chasers away. Whatever the weather, they’ll be there to hunt, document, and educate. Sometimes they might even inspire, too.
“People will go on a tour several times so that they can learn how to chase on their own,” says Burns. “To see people who really love science, ask thousands of questions in the week, then go out and chase on their own, and live out their dreams of seeing tornadoes. It’s an amazing feeling.”
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This tornado touched down a few miles east of Rozel, Kansas. Photograph By Colt Forney, National Geographic Your Shot
But while anyone can technically go storm chasing, Stenz recommends taking part in the National Weather Service’s free training in storm spotting and a meteorology class, as well as “chasing first with experienced storm chasers before venturing out on your own.
“So many people want to tick storm chasing off their bucket list,” insists George. “But it’s about keeping yourself safe while chasing. That’s most important of all.”
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ao3feedsheith · 1 year
The Fire Between Falling Stars
The Fire Between Falling Stars https://archiveofourown.org/works/47268040 by Starlight_VLD Lion Knight Keith Kogane is not all he seems. And neither is the prophecy that guides him. For seven years, he has quietly served and protected King Takashi Shirogane of Stellan from afar, keeping to the shadows to ensure the safety of the regent he's been tasked to protect. But when Keith's best friend Matt and his father Sam Holt disappear, Keith is forced out of the shadows, taking Matt's place at King Shirogane's side while also searching for clues to where his friends are, who could have taken them, and why. As he reveals more of his true self to his king, trust and something more builds between them, a frightening link that puts Keith's secrets and his very life at risk. In the midst of betrayals and unexpected alliances, a deeper danger gathers on the horizon, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. As Keith's investigations lead him toward the truth - and the disaster to come - he will be forced to decide: Protect his secrets. Or protect his king. Words: 4315, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Colleen Holt, Lotor (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Acxa (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Romelle (Voltron), Voltron - Character Relationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron) Additional Tags: king and knight au, Mutual Pining, Magic, Dragons, Eventual Romance, Eventual Smut, Keith (Voltron) is Bad at Feelings, shiro is a good king, keith is a super bad ass in this fic, So is Shiro, Demisexual Keith (Voltron), Feelings Realization, Keith loves matt but not like that, keith has a lot of secrets, Rescue Missions, Mystery, Kidnapping, Pining Keith (Voltron), Pining Shiro (Voltron), Slow Burn, because of course it is, Angst with a Happy Ending, Other Additional Tags to Be Added via AO3 works tagged 'Keith/Shiro (Voltron)' https://archiveofourown.org May 18, 2023 at 07:09PM
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klancepinefest · 5 years
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Title: The Sound of Blue
Author: @msbluebell
Artist: @blackrosemii
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: None
Keith is a synesthesic artist, burning himself out painting the backgrounds for the theater's production of Cinderella. Lance is the actor playing Prince Charming who can't stop putting his foot in his mouth. Together, they make the most average and tired love story the audience is probably glad they'll never see.
Link to Fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18775810
Link to Art: https://sta.sh/015wiit8t94a & https://sta.sh/01cfo06wyz8
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rosiesramblings · 2 years
Scribbles on a Canvas
Fandom: Stranger Things
Characters: Robin, Steve and Eddie
WC: 1.5k
A/N: It's not explicitly stated but anytime I write Robin know that I'm writing her as neurodivergent :) I took a lot of inspiration from my friends who let me draw on them lol. Ticklish palms don't get talked about enough imo. I feel like this doesn't flow super well but I'm never going to make it better so i figured i should just post it. Hope you enjoy!
One of things Steve first noticed about Robin was that she was in near constant motion. It wasn’t always obvious, but she was always tapping, wiggling, rocking, or fluttering around their little ice cream shop.
After the disaster that was the Starcourt “Mall Fire” and once the two of them had so firmly solidified their friendship that in everyone’s minds they were no longer two separate entities, but RobinandSteve, Robin snagged them jobs at Family Video. Steve thought it was a lot like working at Scoops, but with the added bonus of stale candy and Keith as a manager (that was sarcasm, he told Robin). It was nice, though, because Family Video was almost dead in a way that Scoops Ahoy never was. Really, Steve figured, they only had more than two customers at a time for a few hours each day. 
He honestly wasn’t sure how Family Video was still in business.
The first time Robin used Steve to fidget, she didn’t even realize she was doing it. She was rambling about a new film that she was going to bring over for their next movie night, when she caught sight of the black nail polish that now coated Steve’s nails. Without pausing for breath, Robin reached out and took his left hand, sliding her own fingers over his and staring intently at the way the lights reflected off the inky black.
“-and of course I’m not going to spoil it but there’s this <em>huge</em> twist, and you’re gonna love it, Steve, I swear - oh my god, I’m so sorry!” Robin snatched her hands back as if she were burned.
Steve tilted his head in confusion, “What?”
“Steve, man, you gotta tell me when I cross a boundary, I don’t always notice, despite the constant voice of my mother that seems to have taken residence in the back of my brain. Shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable I’ll try to be more self-aware and - “
“Robs,” Steve said gently. “Breathe.”
She took a big breath. “Right.”
Steve held his hand back out. “You didn’t make me uncomfortable. I really don’t mind.”
Robin regarded him critically. “Are you just being nice because you feel like you’re supposed to? Like it or not, Steve, you are a born people-pleaser and I know you don’t always feel like you can tell people ‘no’ - “
“Robin,” Steve laughed. “I promise, I don’t mind. It’s kind of relaxing, honestly.”
Robin broke out into a toothy grin, grabbing Steve’s hand back and running her fingers over his nails again. “Thanks, Steve,” she said, uncharacteristically soft.
From then on, the moments where the two of them <em>weren’t </em>touching became nearly nonexistent. Robin was always fiddling with his fingers, running her fingers over the material of his polo, and, most recently, doodling on him.
Usually, it was his arms and the backs of his hands that received the doodle treatment. “C’mere, Steve, I’m going to give you a sick sleeve,” she would cackle at the rhyme. Steve would roll his eyes but hold out his arm obediently.
Today, Robin had already covered half his arm with her scribbles. She didn’t even look up when the door opened, promising a customer. Steve did though, and relaxed when he recognized the owner of the familiar shag haircut.
Eddie strode up to the counter with a half-smile, taking in the familiar scene amusedly. “Harrington, if video peddling isn’t your calling, you could always pursue a career as a human canvas.”
“Hey, Munson,” Steve grinned. “That would be a pretty sweet gig, I think. Maybe I should start charging Robin for my services.”
“No, I’m eligible for a 100% friends and family discount,” Robin said, still not looking up from Steve’s arm.
“It’s not a discount if it’s fucking free, Robin,” Steve said good-naturedly. “Anyway, what brings you to our humble storefront, Munson?”
Eddie fell dramatically forward onto the counter. “I have been given the arduous task of choosing a movie for the brats to watch this weekend. Why me, you ask? In the words of Dustin Henderson, ‘if you don’t get us an R rated movie, I’ll tell Steve he’s my favorite,’ can you believe? The audacity of this child.” Eddie looked up with a grin. “So, I’m here to maintain my title of Dustin’s favorite parent and secure them an R rated movie.”
Steve gasped, offended. “Bullshit, I’m Dustin’s favorite by a fucking mile. Also, why do they want an R rated movie? Their whole childhood was a goddamn R rated movie.”
Robin snorted in agreement.
“Ah, the complexities of youth,” Eddie said. “Anyway, Stevie, what would you recommend? Nothing too crazy, cause I’m not about to deal with their nightmares for the next month.”
Steve smiled. “Eddie, these are R rated movies. All of them are going to be a little - ah!” Steve tried to cover his yelp with a cough. Robin had finally run out of room on his arm, but instead of moving to the other one, she simply flipped his left arm over on the counter. The pen dancing over the crook of his elbow vaguely reminded Steve of giving blood. And, unfortunately, it tickled like hell.
“You good, Stevie-boy?” Eddie asked, chuckling confusedly.
“Yep! Yes, all good here just - just swallowed down the wrong pipe, I thihink,” Steve cursed as a giggle slipped out. He bit down on his growing smile, face burning.
Eddie saw through him instantly, an evil smirk rising to his face. “Mmm, poor thing. I hate when I have a <em>tickle </em>in my throat.”
The pen inched further and further down his arm, light and oh-so-tortuous. Steve, best friend that he was, didn’t want to keep Robin from fidgeting, so he shot Eddie a glare, trying to tell him to shut his mouth with only his eyes.
“So, anyway, I was thinking that - that R rated movies mihight not be the behest,” Steve bit down on his tongue when a particular scribble of the pen on his forearm made his whole face scrunch up. “The best idea for our paharticular group of children.”
Eddie’s shoulders shook from repressed laughter at Steve’s plight. “You don’t think so?” He grinned. “Please, enlighten me. Why not? And don’t skimp on the details, Harrington. I want to hear <em>everything</em> you have to say.
<em>Fuck you,</em> Steve mouthed at Eddie, smile bright on his face despite his words. “I just think - given the cihihircumstances -” Steve fisted his right hand through his hair, desperate, “it would be irrespohohonsible - and reheheckless to - oh my god, Robin plehehehehehease!” Steve finally broke when the pen glided over his wrist.
Robin jumped back, startled by Steve’s outburst, but before Steve could pull his arm away, Eddie’s hand shot across the counter and pinned Steve’s arm down. “Where do you think you’re going, Stevie?”
“Goddamn you, Munson,” Steve tugged at his arm uselessly.
Robin watched the exchange with confusion, until it dawned on her. She quickly resumed her doodling. “Seriously, Steve? Here?”
“Shuhuhut up, Rohohobin,” Steve snickered. “Cahahan’t help ihihit.”
“You’ve been doing so good, Stevie boy, surely you won’t have a problem if Robin continues,” Eddie said, fluttering his eyelashes innocently.
Steve hid his red face behind his one free hand, too flustered for words. Until, that is, Eddie took his fingers in free hand and spread them out so that Robin could scribble that fucking pen along his palm.
“SHIhihihihihit!” Steve was fully laughing now. “It’s sohohoho bahahad, plehehease.”
“What’s the matter Steve? Too ticklish?” Robin teased, switching between tracing the lines of his hand and drawing tiny tickly circles.
“I swear to god, I’ve never met anybody with ticklish palms,” Eddie laughed.
Steve frantically shook his head back and forth at their words, “Guhuhuhuys, plehehehease!” The longer Robin drew on him, the more ticklish he felt. Their teasing certainly didn’t help, either.
Robin drew a few long swoops from his palm to his elbow and back, and Steve’s laughter got louder the closer she got to his palm. Steve didn’t bother begging anymore, he just sagged against the counter.
Finally, finally, with one last devastating scribble, Robin dropped the pen. Eddie followed suit and released Steve’s arm.
“Fuhuhuck, guys,” Steve said, firmly rubbing his arm to get rid of the ghost tickles. He looked at Eddie reproachfully. “Thahahat was mean.”
“Me? All I did was hold you still!” Eddie protested.
“Yeah, but Robin didn’t know what she was doing at first,” Steve said. “You knew the whole time and gave a concentrated effort to make it worse.”
“I appreciate it, Steve,” Robin said. “If I promise not to tickle, can I have your hand back please?”
Steve squinted his eyes at her suspiciously, unsure if she was serious. However, one quick look at her puppy dog eyes and (against his better judgment) he thrust his hand out to Robin yet again.
True to her word, she didn’t make any effort to tickle him again, just fiddling with his fingers like she usually did. After the ordeal he just went through, Steve suddenly felt his eyes get heavy.
“Stevie,” Eddie said, and Steve jerked his head up.
“I have to take back what I said earlier,” Eddie said seriously.
“You are way too ticklish to be a human canvas.”
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viatagrinner · 2 years
Keith Howell
The Custody of Lust*
Keith: I am so sorry, MC. I didn't mean for this to happen...
MC: Um, don't worry about it. This is the kind of trouble no one expects.
MC: I am sure the butler must have noticed that Keith-sama is missing and is looking for him. Let's wait and see.
Keith: Yeah, that's right. Thank you.
(But as Keith-sama says, I can't believe this is going to happen...)
Me and Keith-sama are now locked in a storeroom at Rhodolite Castle.
It all started with a cute cat lounging on the floor.
???: Wait!
I heard a voice behind me and turned to see Keith-sama chasing a cat.
The cat puts something in its mouth and I immediately understand the situation.
(Keith-sama's personal belongings, he took them!)
I'll open my hands to catch you...
Cat: Meow!
MC: Ah, wait!...
The cat took off lightly, and I, along with Keith-sama, ran through the castle and came running...
Keith: Thanks MC-san! You've been a big help.
Finally, I was able to catch him in a storeroom.
The bookmark of the engraving that the cat wanted was recovered safely, and the case was settled, but...
MC: That .... door won't open?!
Keith: Huh?!
The door didn't even budge under Keith-sama's power, and we ended up waiting quietly for someone to come in.
(I've been locked up with Keith-sama before**....)
Keith-sama was calm that day, but now he is plainly upset and guilty, and his face shows it.
(Phew... But still, it's still cold at this time of the day)
The cold air touched my skin and I rubbed my hands together as if to warm them, and Keith-sama, who was next to me, lifted the hem of his own cloak.
Keith: MC-san. If you like, use my cloak.
MC: Huh?
Keith: It's not a warm cloak like Silvio-san's, but I think it will keep the cold out a bit.
MC: Well, wait a minute!
I stretched my arms out in front of me to stop Keith-sama's attempts to remove his cloak.
MС: Thank you for your concern.
MС: But that would give Keith-sama a cold, so I'll just take your kindness.
Keith:... I see
Keith-sama lowers his eyebrows so that it's easy to understand, but he immediately brightens his expression and walks up to me.
Keith: This way we both won't get cold. What do you think?
Then, without removing the cloak, he gently draped it over my shoulders.
MC: ...Thank you very much. It's warm.
(But this is very close!)
I felt as if I was in Keith-sama's arms, and my body was burning with nervousness and shame.
He looked down at me with the same gentle smile, not seeming to be bothered by it.
(If this continues until the door opens, I'm more likely to collapse from the heat than the cold.)
I will prevent the gaze to distract.
What caught my eye was the engraved bookmark in Keith-sama's hand.
MC: That bookmark has a rose engraved on the tip.
Keith: Uh, yeah. I bought this bookmark when I was a kid, the first day I came to Rhodolite, in town.
(So.. it's a rose)
Keith-sama laughed a little, as if he remembered something.
Keith: Then the cat took the bookmark, too, and I rushed after her and eventually got lost in the city.
MC: Well, that would be a disaster. ...Did you get hurt?
Keith: People in the city helped me, nothing happened.
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Keith: The butler was mad at me, but I've been able to experience the kindness of the people who live at Rhodolite.
Keith:...It was an important memory for me.
The eyes gazing at the rose bookmark were gentle and nostalgic for that day, and my heart seemed to be slowly enveloped in warmth.
(I am genuinely touched that Keith-sama has created such precious memories with Rhodolite).
(I like this country where I grew up more.)
Keith: That's right. At that time...
Suddenly Keith-sama became tense--
Cat: Meow!
МС: Whaa..!
A cat's loud meow, a voice, was suddenly heard at my feet.
(Maybe I stepped on her tail?!)
I'm trying to leave the place.
----It didn't work.
Keith: MC-san.....?!
I forgot that the cloak was on my shoulder and indirectly pulled Keith-sama ...
As it was, the two fell to the floor.
My heart skipped a beat.
The closeness of the two was so close that even Keith-sama's cheeks turned red.
MС: Sorry about that... I pulled it.
Keith: Don't worry about it.... I'd be surprised if there was a cat at your feet.
Keith: More importantly, MC-san, are you hurt?
MC: Yes, I'm fine.
(Rather, this posture is too emergency, not injury)
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(?...Keith-sama, what's wrong..)
For some reason, Keith-sama, who I thought would leave soon, never made a move and stared down at me.
Keith: MC-san, you're bright red. In addition...
MC:.. Well, that's it...
As if to make sure, a large hand touched my cheek.
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Keith: I knew it, it's so hot... Are you embarrassed?
I forget to breathe for a moment as I look into the eyes that have a hint of a somewhat sensual color.
My brain finally understood Keith-sama's words and my heart began to beat wildly.
MC: Hmm.. Keith-sama's cheeks are red, too.
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Keith: What, really? So we're both blushing.
Keith: No, it's not like that, it's more like you need to move off the top quickly. Sorry, it's really.....!
Lifting himself up, Keith-sama gently pulls me up, helping me to my feet.
And he brushed off the dirt bloom on my clothes, not caring that his white gloves would get dirty.
MC: Thank you.
Keith: You're welcome... Ah!
MC: What's wrong?
Keith: Um, I might get in trouble again for saying this to you, but ....
Keith: I just thought that the two of us falling together made you feel less cold.
MC: Oh, it's true... I can't believe how cold you were just now.
(It's even rather hot.)
Keith: I guess thanks to the cat for this one.
MC: Yes, it might be.
(But... I guess the reason I forgot the cold the most is not the cat, Keith-sama.)
I remember the warmth of Master Keith's big hands and my body temperature rises again.
(I bet he did it unknowingly.)
I am sure I will not feel the cold until the door opens.
The more I assured myself of this, the more my mind now seemed to be drawn to Keith-sama.
* Current event in the Japanese version of the app.
** This happened in the event "The beast wants to take the rabbit" (Leon vs Keith).
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scotianostra · 3 years
In a shabby underhand deal Scotland's Parliament sold out our Independence on 16th January 1707.
What you have to ask yourself is how the fuck they got away with it……
Robert Burns’ claim that the Union of England and Scotland (and hence the dissolution of the Scottish Parliament) was brought about by the Scots members being “bought and sold for English gold” was largely accurate – bribery and parliamentary division combined with wider economic imperatives, partly arising from the disaster of the Darien Scheme, enabling the Crown to incorporate a Union with England in the Acts of Union 1707 which brought into existence the Parliament of Great Britain. Forty-five Scots were added to the 513 members of the House of Commons and 16 Scots to the 190 members of the House of Lords.
The following men are listed as being paid for their vote by the English, note, not all voted for the Union and some votes are unknown.  The money in todays worth may be a wee bit out of date as this is from a post I made here from 2012.
1 ~ Lord Anstruther, Sir William Anstruther was paid 300 pounds to vote “yes” on The Act of Union 1707. He voted yes. The 300 pounds received is today worth around 42,000 pounds. 2 ~ The Duke of Athol, James Murry was allegedly paid 1,000 pounds to vote yes for The Act of Union in 1707, but today’s listings show he voted “No”. 3 ~ Earl of Balcarres – Cohn Lindsay is said to have been paid 500 pounds for his vote “yes” in 1707, vote on The Act of Union. This would be worth about 70,000 pounds in today’s money. He did vote yes. 4 ~ Lord Banff – George Ogilvy was paid to vote yes on The Act of the Union. He did vote yes. 5 ~ Mr. John Campbell was paid 200 pounds to vote yes. This amount today is worth about 30,000 pounds. He voted yes. 6 ~ Patrick Coultrain Provost of Wigton was paid 25 pounds. Roughly 4,000 pounds today to vote yes. Not sure of his vote. 7 ~ Lord Cesnock now Polwarth received 50 pounds, today this would be about 7,000 pounds. Not sure of his vote. 8 ~ The Earl of Cromarty – Sir George MacKenzie is said to have been paid 300 pounds for his “yes” vote on The Act of Union. He voted “yes”. The 300 pounds would be worth roughly 42,000 pounds today. 9 ~ Major Cunningham of Eckatt allegedly received 100 pounds, today worth around 14,000 pounds for his “yes” vote. Not sure of his vote, yes or no. 10 ~ The Earl of Dunmoor, William Murray is said to have been paid 200 pounds for his “yes” vote on The Act of Union. He did vote “yes”. 200 pounds today is worth about 28,000 pounds. 11 ~ The Earl of Eglington, Alexander Seton Montgomerie is reputed to have been paid 200 pounds for his “yes” vote. He did vote yes. 12 ~ The Lord Elibank, Alexander Murray is said to have been paid 50 pounds for his “yes” vote on The Act of Union. He did vote yes. To that 50 pounds would be worth about 7500 pounds. 13 ~ The Earl of Findlator, James Ogilvy was supposed to have been paid 100 pounds or about 14,000 pounds in today’s money to vote yes on The Act of Union. He voted yes. 14 ~ Lord Forbes, William Forbes is reputed to have been paid 50 pounds for his “yes” vote. He did vote yes. 15 ~ The Earl of Forfar, Archibald Douglas said to have been paid 100 pounds for his “yes” vote. He did vote yes. 16 ~ Lord Fraser, Charles Fraser said to have been paid 100 pounds for his “yes” vote on The Act of Union. He did vote yes. That 100 pounds would be worth about 14,000 pounds today. 17 ~ The Earl of Glencaird, William Cunningham is said to have been paid 100 pounds for his “yes” vote on The Act of Union, but it is shown he voted NO. 18 ~ Lord Preston Hall, reputedly paid 200 pounds for his “yes” vote to The Act of Union. Not sure of his vote, but the 200 pounds would be worth about 28,000 pounds today. 19 ~ The Earl of Kintore, Sir John Keith was allegedly paid 200 pounds for his “yes” vote on The Act of Union. He did vote yes. 20 ~ The Earl of Marchmont, Patrick Hume is said to have been paid 1,104 pounds for his “yes” vote. Today this would be around 154,000 pounds. He did vote yes to the union. 21 ~ Sir Kenneth Mackenzie, said to have been paid 100 pounds for his “yes” vote. He did vote yes for The Act of Union. 22 ~ The Duke of Montrose, James Graham, reputedly paid 200 pounds to vote yes on The Act of Union. He did vote yes. 23 ~ John Muir, Provost of Ayr, was to receive 100 pounds for his “yes” vote on The Act of Union. He did vote yes. 24 ~` Lord Ormiston, John Cockburn, reputedly paid 200 pounds for his “yes” vote. He did vote yes. 25 ~ The Duke of Roxburgh, John Ker was said to have been paid 500 pounds for his “yes” vote on The Act of Union. This would be worth around 70,000 pounds today. He did vote yes. 26 ~ The Earl of Seafield, James Ogilvy, said to have been paid 490 pounds for his “yes” vote. He voted yes. 27 ~ Sir William Sharp, reportedly paid 300 pounds for a “yes” vote on The Act of Union. This would be worth about 42,000 pounds today. Not sure how he voted, but a John Sharp of Hoddam voted NO. 28 ~ Mr. Stewart of Castle Stewart, this was William Stewart, was to be paid 300 pounds for his “yes” vote. He did vote yes to the union. The 300 pounds is worth about 42,000 pounds in today’s money. 29 ~ Marquis of Tweedale, John Hay, reputedly paid 1,000 pounds for his “yes” vote to the Union. He did vote yes to The Act of Union. The 1,000 pounds would be worth about 140,000 pounds today. 30 ~ Mr. Alexander Wedderburn was to receive 75 pounds for his “yes” votes. Not sure if he voted yes or no. 75 pounds today would be worth around 11,000 pounds. 31 ~ The Duke of Queensberry, James Douglas, reportedly was to receive 12, 325 pounds. This would be worth about 2,000,000 pounds today..
When the draft Treaty of Union was made public in October 1706, there were riots on the streets of Scottish towns and cities. In Edinburgh a 'villanous and outragious mobb' threatened and insulted judges and Members of the Scottish Parliament.
In the end much of the money wasn’t paid
Under terms of the Union of the Parliaments the English Parliament sent what is know as “The Equivalent” up to Edinburgh, the lump sum was £398,085 10s to be paid in instalments, this too turned out to be a falsehood. It arrived in Edinburgh on August 5th 1707.
Counting their families and dependants, the Equivalent was being dangled under the noses of perhaps 15 per cent of Scotland’s population of one million, the ones with the titles and land. Scotland was not going bankrupt, as the history books would have you believe, 15% of the country may have been, and the middle classes were reaping the benefits of this, the landed gentry saw them buying up properties and land as they themselves needed money, the English coming along offering to solve their problems was a godsend for them.
As the anti-Union politician George Lockhart of Carnwath remarked, the Equivalent was…
‘the cleanliest Way of bribing a Nation, to undo themselves; and alas! It had the design’d Effect.’
Daniel Defoe, working in Edinburgh as an English spy, noticed how easily the Equivalent anaesthetised patriot consciences:
‘Nor among the most Malecontent persons could I ever find any, that when the Money upon the … Stock came to be paid, would think the Species Unhallowed enough to refuse their share of it.’
following excerpt from the history books reveals…….
The year 1706, before the assembling of the last Parliament, in the old hall, was peculiarly favourable to any attempt for the then exiled House of Stuart to regain the throne; for the proposed union with England had inflamed to a perilous degree the passions and the patriotism of the nation. [On 5th] August the equivalent money sent to Scotland as a blind to the people for their full participation in the taxes and old national debt of England, was pompously brought to Edinburgh in twelve great waggons, and conveyed to the Castle, escorted by a regiment of Scottish cavalry, as Defoe tells us, amid the railing, the reproaches, and the deep curses of the people, who then thought of nothing but war, and viewed the so-called equivalent as the price of their Scottish fame, liberty, and honour.
In their anathemas, we are told that they spared not the very horses which drew the waggons, and on the return of the latter from the fortress their fury could no longer be restrained, and, unopposed by the sympathising troops, they dashed the vehicles to pieces, and assailed the drivers with volleys of stones, by which many of them were severely injured.
“It was soon discovered, after all,” says Dr. Chambers, “that only £100,000 of the money was specie, the rest being in Exchequer bills, which the Bank of England had ignorantly supposed to be welcome in all parts of Her Majesty’s dominions. This gave rise to new clamours. It was said the English had tricked them by sending paper instead of money. Bills, payable 400 miles off, and which if lost or burned would be irrecoverable, were a pretty price for the obligation Scotland had come under to pay English taxes.”
So instead of the promised gold the Scots were basically sent I.O.U’s.
By 1713, the Union was so unpopular in Scotland that a motion was put forward in Westminster to bring it to an end. The question was debated in Parliament and was defeated by only four votes.
Here’s my own recital of the burns verse I recorded in 2013.
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levicanpunchme · 3 years
Eren X Y/N
Genre: Angst/Fluff/Romance
TW: Violence/Murder/Mentions of suicide-Manga spoilers.
Summary: After the attack on Marley, your injured self desperately runs to Eren for answers and his response clarifies your doubts. You realise the end will never change and decide to free Eren-while in the process revealing your real identity.
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Your mind was numb. The pouring rain felt like rubber bullets piercing your skin and dropping to the ground in retribution. While your body was deadly nonreactive, your heart was so alive, bursting with vigour as it drummed against your chest. You wished the silence of the night would swallow you whole. You wished you were able to foresee that nothing would change; the tragedy would always recur.
Eren Jeager, the only hope left for humanity, bound to save this world from eradication-right?
The shrilling silence of the world weakened your limbs and you fell to the ground as sobs wracked your frame. Your hair was a wet disaster, clinging to your neckline, just the way Eren hated it. He liked it combed back into a neat ponytail. You instinctively grabbed your sticky strands, clutching them together and then you stopped. Your body shook with painful laughter. You were still thinking of him. Your body was still reacting to his likes and dislikes-even after you were confronted with the truth. Pathetic. How pathetic.
You dropped your hand and threw your head into your knees, the aggressive pain weighting down your chest. His laughs, his smiles, his sobs, his cries, his pain, his despair, his excitement, his liveliness playing before your eyes, clawing at your chest. You wanted to touch him. You wanted to shake him. What was he doing? You thought you were changing it. So, the bitter end to this sage was never going to change?
You realised that his bottling pain was going to unleash upon humanity and take everything down with it.
“She’s going to die this way!” You heard a familiar sharp voice cry in the distance. You pretended to ignore it because right now, your conscience didn’t want to hear answers your heart knew.
“Mikasa-bring her inside! This storm will take her away!” Despite your attempts, you identified Jean’s gruff voice and cowered into your lap further. The deafening thunder struck again and your pale body tucked itself deeper, hoping the earth could crush you easily.
A warm embrace cradling your body caused you to stir which made the dull pain in your knee worse as the numbness subsided. You hesitantly opened your eyes and were met with dead ones of Mikasa’s. She locked her arms under your knees and lunged you up, into her arms easily. You stared at the terrorising sky with sobs reaching the horizon.
When Mikasa had brought you into the safety of the farmhouse, all the soldiers circled around you as she placed your wet frame on the ground. You were curled into your body and your knee was bleeding profusely; it only occurred to you now that a bullet had hit you in the Battle against Marley. Your eyes wandered to your comrades who were staring at you, sympathetically, sadly. Someone was examining your wound and shouting for medical equipments.
“Hey Mikasa-” you don’t know why but you called out for her in a small frail voice. She was right beside you as she responded. “Eren. Where is he?” Your weak tone grew aggressive and everyone stared speechless.
“Dungeon,” the low tone of her response made your fury worse. You pushed away the hands attending to your injury and tried to stand up, but embarrassingly fell back.
“Hey-Y/n, now’s not the time! Stay still!” Connie yelled, his narrow eyes wider than usual. You shook your head and your body moved on its own accord, desperately crawling to the stairs. “Stop it! Stop being so stubborn-” Jean’s shouting went through one ear, out the other. Your palms were inflamed from before. As you pushed towards the stairway, you could feel the loose skin tearing from friction; however, there was a greater pain in your chest. You had to get to Eren before the pain burned you alive.
“She won’t stop until she meets him,” this time Captain Levi was the one to speak up and then you felt your body hoisted up onto his shoulder. You fought him for a minute by punching his back but halted when you realised he was actually carrying you downstairs, to the dungeons, to your Eren.
Your eyes narrowed, unaccustomed to the sudden darkness but impatiently opened them, desperate to see Eren. Captain Levi dropped you to the ground and announced casually. “Your lover’s here,” he monotonously said.
“I said no visitors.” Even before you could see him, you heard his threateningly low voice and your soul shook in fear of the reality.
“Shut up,” was the last thing Captain said and then he left.
You turned to the light, which was shining from the fire lamp inside the jail cell and your breathing ceased. Your heart almost lurched out your throat as your gaze met his. The green orbs once bustling with passion were dead-so bleak they made your heart throb. Dead was the once alive forest, dulled into eternity. Every question inside your mind was answered with that one glance. Someone had once told you that the eyes are a gateway to one’s soul which means... Eren was soulless.
“Why’re you here?” He whispered with a bothersome irk in his tone. He ran fingers through his black hair and glanced over at your small frame.
You then saw an emotion ignite in his orbs. He, who was standing five feet away from the cell’s door was suddenly right against it. His towering frame lowered and his orbs shook.
“Y-you got shot?” His voice cracked, his warm hand suddenly touching your face. He stared at your dislocated knee, his chest rose and fell harder and his hand touching you trembled. “Y-you, why’re you injured?” He rasped, his frown deepening as his cold demeanour melted. “I didn’t see this-I didn’t see you injured.” Did he imply that he didn’t see you hurt in the airship or in the future? Your head didn’t function.
Finally, you moved. You slid your hand into the cell’s bar and smacked his cheek hard, imprinting angry red inflammation on his face. He was visibly astounded, his pained eyes widening and then he stared at your hand and grabbed it. “Your palm—” his lip trembled as his gaze traced the skinned palm, red hot flesh brutally exposed to the air.
His lips softly grazed your palm and your toes curled out of love.
“Eren- why?” Your sob pierced through him and yet he didn’t so much so as move. He kept inspecting the wounds, pretending he didn’t hear your screaming.
“Get it checked. Right now,” his command was now monotonous, his eyes threateningly dark. He impatiently gazed back at you and you slapped him again, hard. The sound of your flesh hitting against his resounded within the confinement of the dungeon. This time, he didn’t even flinch.
He again turned his head to look at you. “Y/n, your knee is fucked up. Leave.” You stared at him like he were a crazed man. Your body shook as a cold wave struck your wet frame. You tried to not tuck yourself into your clothes as you daringly kept your gaze at him.
“Eren, you haven’t changed your mind yet?” You heard your voice tremble as your nose burned, tears clogging your vision. This seemed to catch Eren’s attention and his ears perked up, his eyes colder than ever, tracing every inch of you. He waited for you to continue your words but you stayed silent and his aggravation mounted.
“What?” He gruffly muttered. “I had to turn or else they’d never back down-”
“You didn’t have to turn when so many of innocent people were present! Why did you do this.” A guttering groan left his mouth as he watched you breakdown. “Weren’t we innocent? Weren’t our children innocent when they sent titans to invade the walls-?” His harsh tone grew horrid, his gaze unexpectedly dark.
“Do you think if our fucking walls were still intact, we’d be happier?” He rasped, standing up, away from you. You grabbed onto the cold bars and followed, painfully rising up on your feet. Your knee injury was so painful, you had to grit your teeth to avoid screaming.
“Leave. I don’t want you to understand. I don’t want anyone to fucking understand.”
Your head was pounding, your blood turning cold. This was what you had feared all along. You felt your throat closing up, your breathing staggering as your mind started to convulse the new plan.
“Eren— have you ever wondered why you never saw me?” Eren turned to you, his gaze reflecting his confusion. “Why you never saw me in the past, present or future?”
Eren’s body grew cold.
He stared.
His pupils shook.
In a moment, Eren was against you, his pale face growing horrified as he stared into the soles of your eyes. His chest was heaving, his body shaking.
“H-how do you know?” His breathy whisper cascaded down your forehead and your lips trembled again, a cry leaving your mouth.
“I’m not a part of your world.” You said it simpler than it ever was-to be fair, it was true. You were never supposed to exist in this universe. You were never a part of this story. God knows what happened-when you were suddenly sucked up into this world of titans. Your transmigration left you speechless-dumb and confused. You were so horrified to even breathe when the world you had once seen on your television became a reality.
At first, you thought it was a dream but each passing day mocked your insolent thinking. This world was as real as the normal world: the world of attack of Titan.
Initially, your plan of action was to stay out of main character grounds and disconnect yourself from the plot line- so you tried to fail your training as a cadet. Like a slap to your face, each time you attempted to intentionally fail-your day restarted. After trying again and again, you had bared enough of Keith Shadis’s painful yelling and decided to properly train. As you progressed, you realised, you had to be part of the main plot line or else you’d never get to leave this world.
And soon- you were part of the survey corps. In the first few days of training, you kept your eyes glued to Eren. He was the main protagonist of the show and would end up destroying humanity for Paradis. The realisation that only you knew how the future would unfold gave you a feeling of superiority and power over everyone and you let the overconfidence get to your head. You questioned your role in this- were you supposed to stop the tragedy from unfolding? You decided against it-you didn’t care anyway. You just wanted to live till the end until you could leave.
When the female Titan (Annie) hunted for Eren, you sat back and watched. You remembered soon about the brutal deaths of the Levi squad. Despite knowing the tragic end, you stayed unfazed. And it happened— Eren trusted the Levi squad and didn’t turn until the very end- and they were massacred as if they were destined for it.
Their deaths didn’t hurt you because your mind was so busy thinking of everyone as just ‘characters of a show’ that it didn’t occur to you how awfully human everyone actually was. After that day, one night, you found Eren sitting outside on the patio, staring at the blank sky.
You joined his side since you didn’t feel like sleeping.
“Eren, why’re you here so late in the night?” You wondered, staring at the pale man before you. He didn’t look at you or answer you.
“Eren?” You muttered softly. He was faraway, you could tell.
“When this ends, I’ll never be able to live.”
Your eyes widened as you watched his lips twist into an agonising smile. “Why did I live to be the one?” His voice cracked and he stared at you.
“I don’t want this. I never wanted to do it, y/n.”
“I wish- I wish someone killed me before I could get hold of the founding. Every death I cause... every death I will cause... I won’t be able to atone it.”
“I don’t want to be that heinous monster.”
“Y/n, can you free me?” The longing in those orbs left your heart palpitating. Sadness and regret ceased your mind. Without thinking, you slammed your lips into his. You didn’t know where the emotion emerged from, but it overwhelmed you so much, you wanted to drink away every ounce of pain from Eren’s troubled mind. To your surprise, he kissed back desperately as if for a moment- he was not Eren Jaeger, the owner of the attack Titan, not the humanity’s hero-not a destructive weapon against the world, just Eren.
When the kiss ended, reality kicked in. Eren stared at you confusedly, doubtfully and then used his powers to eradicate the memories of what he had said to you and what you had done to him.
Little did Eren know, you were immune to his power.
And then you embarked on a journey with a new objective: you had to change the future or the end would be the same.
Your first mission was to expose Reiner and Berthrold before they could cause more trouble but it caused a malfunction-everything glitched and restarted. Your attempts went in vain. You tried and struggled but later realised that you could not change anything.
You tried time and time again to save Eren. At the airship, your desperation to save Sasha blinded you. You attempted to shut the door of the airship, but in the end, Gabbi still stalked her way inside. You attempted to shield Sasha but in the end, two bullets were fired, one at your knee and the other at Sasha.
There was nothing you could do.
In the end... you will lose Eren as a monster to this world.
“Eren— you told me to free you. You told me you wanted to be normal boy-away from war. You dreamt of a family. A family of your own.”
Eren’s heart was pounding, your words dull in his eardrum as the only sound he could hear was his heart. Everything he had said to you... while staring at the blue sky-every honest word he had told you- you remember. You remember it crystal clear.
All this time, he felt alone. He had so much to say- so much to tell his friends and yet he could only pathetically take away those memories. It destroyed him. To repeat the things again and again and wipe them away like he was messing around on a whiteboard. The turmoil raging inside his heart wanted to break free and destroy everyone. He was terrified.
And yet you remembered. You stuck to him every time he felt alone as he would empty his chest off its litter. He told you his selfish desires which he never even shared with his friends and you never struck him with shock. Your gaze remained honest and pure while looking at only him. You listened. You silently understood.
Then he would repeat the same cycle and erase those times.
How did the memories never leave you?
“Eren, I love you.”
It was the last thing you said to him as you stared into his watering eyes. Your sobs transgressed the earth, shattering pieces of your heart. With trembling hands, you pulled out the black rifle. Standing before him, your quivering hands held the gun at your lover’s forehead.
He stared at you. His lips curled up into a genuine smile which you’ll forever commit to memory, his eyes brimming with tears but never leaving your soul. He held your hand, caressing the skin. Without blinking, breathing, he kissed your callous skin one last time.
“Thank you.”
You pulled the trigger.
Screams ripped out your chest.
Someone yelled in the distance.
Someone held you down.
The last thing you saw was the splitting image of a green-eyed boy who once dreamt of freedom laying soulless on the red ground.
A/N: Please note that I never claim my writing is a solution to AOT. It’s not smart and may have plot holes. I just wanted Eren to leave the AOT world like a normal person-friend-lover and not a genocidal criminal. I really wanted to express this version of Eren Yeager.
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